Student Services Strategic Planning Sub-Committee Thursday, May 28, 2009 11:00 a.m. – Heritage Minutes Present: Lorraine Anderson Mike Barnes Ellen Brown-Drinkwater Ed Bush Eileen Colapinto Cindy Conley Monica Delgadillo-Flores Renee Kimberling Tara McCarthy Paula McCroskey Cindy Taylor Absent: Michael Carrillo, Paula Farish, Doug Graham, Denise Hernandez, Marilyn Martinez-Flores, Barry Meier, Meshay Brown, Eugenia Vincent, Don Wilcoxson, Kristi Woods Approval of Minutes: Cindy Conley MSC Brown-Drinkwater/Kimberling (Committee unanimous) to approve the minutes of April 30, 2009. Carried. Subcommittee Evaluation: Ellen Drinkwater Our committee’s information was sent to the larger group for review. They decided to use our model to base all assessments on. Budget Update: Ed Bush/Cindy Taylor The California state deficit is growing and lobby efforts have begun. Riverside City campus is taking a five million dollar hit to our campus alone. They are expecting a 4855% cut to categorical programs. This also brings a unique opportunity to be more efficient, streamline services and pull together. There is talk of raising fees, which will impact our middle class students and a possible reduction to Cal Grants that will impact low income students. We will be cutting close to 80 sections for fall. Summer will remain flat with no increase. There has been talk of cutting personnel, but it’s too early to tell. Cindy advised that the Financial Resource Committee met and presented their list of recommendations as did Dr. Buysse. The committee will be meeting again and will wait to hear from district. There are still essential services that have to take place in order to function. Strategic Planning Retreat Overview: Cindy Conley Overall it was a very productive day. Each subcommittee presented their initiatives and reports of other committees and they were given breakout sessions in the afternoon for discussion. She would like to incorporate program review into our list as well. Committee Reports: Ellen Brown-Drinkwater Minutes recorded by Jillian Oliveras Commencement Committee: The committee is pulling together last minutes details. At this time, they are trying to get disabled student seating worked out and may possibly use a cover on the track. The script is in the final process. Justice John Gabbert will be honored and he’s turning 100 years old. Homecoming Committee: Homecoming will be held October 10th Matriculation Advisory Committee: The committee met 2 weeks ago and Dan Martinez gave a presentation on data collection reports. Transfer Advisory Council: The Transfer Advisory Council luncheon went very well, they had 50 students attend. They will try to have the fair and advisory committee on the same day. Reps were asked to sponsor food for the events. Student Success Committee: The Vision/Mission statements are in the process of being developed/finalized. This committee gives the opportunity to get student services and faculty at the same table to discuss and communicate issues. Veteran’s Services Committee: The Memorial Day event was very nice. Mike and Lorraine met regarding veteran’s checks. They are in the process of setting up a meeting with Chaffey. Paula passed flyers for vets with disabilities. Orientation Committee: Mike advised that the committee is in phase 1 of the process. They are looking at other schools online orientations. The plan is to have online orientations available to students with voice PowerPoint overlay. They are still in the process of working on one semester ed plans. At this time there are only eight full time counselors. Ellen is trying to incorporate a test quiz to verify that they completed the orientation which will show in Datatel. Behavior Intervention Resource Team: The B.I.R.T committee met yesterday. They will be provide a flex-training for faculty and staff on verbal judo. High Profile Student Services Space: The committee has been discussing the location of the “Welcome Center”. Lorraine visited Santa Monica College and shared her report on their services. They will be moving forward with meeting with an architect. Priority Registration Committee: Each campus has a committee to set their own process. The Riverside Committee will meet again in April of 2010 to evaluate requests and review appeals. Report out of Strategic Initiatives/Planning Agendas: Cindy Conley Updates were given on agenda items and will be reflected on the handout. Meeting adjourned at 12:02 p.m. Minutes recorded by Jillian Oliveras