Student Name ______________________________ Date Assigned____________________________ Assignment Title ____________________________________________ Narrative Rubric Excelling Writing Trait Ideas/Content Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions (Grammar and Mechanics) Achieving Developing Beginning 4 (95-100) * Well developed characters, setting, plot * Sustained focus * Shows connections and insights 3 (85-94) * Developed characters , setting, plot * Somewhat sustained focus * Content clear but reader still left with questions 2 (76-84) *Somewhat developed characters, setting, plot * Somewhat focused * Lacks specific information * Includes vague details 1 (70-75) * Characters, setting, plot lack development * Lacking details * Extraneous information * Introduction and conclusion add depth and meaning. * Effective sequencing and pacing * Thoughtful transitions * Introduction and conclusion add some depth and meaning. * Mostly logical sequencing and pacing * Predictable connections * Basic beginning, middle, ending * Introduction and conclusion superficial * Sequencing and pacing confusing * Connections awkward * Sketchy beginning, middle, ending * Introduction or conclusion missing * Sequencing and pacing not present. * Connections are confusing or not present. * Hard to follow * Sustained engagement * Authentic and original * Reader has strong connection to narrative * Mostly sustained engagement * Authentic * Reader has connection to narrative some of the time * Engaging moments * Limited authenticity * Reader occasionally has connection to narrative * Non-engaging * No authenticity * Reader has no connection to narrative * Powerful and engaging words * Wording accurate/specific/precise * Artful use of figurative language * Words (language) create meaningful pictures. * Easy flow and rhythm * Strong and varied sentence structure * Invites expressive reading * Overall sentence structure enhances meaning. * Spelling correct even on more difficult words * Accurate punctuation and capitalization * Grammar and usage contribute to clarity. * Paragraphing enhances style. * Some active verbs and precise nouns * Moments of sparkle here and there * Effective use of figurative language * Words (language) enhance the meaning. * Sentences more mechanical than fluid * Sentences usually hang together. * Can be read aloud easily * Sentences begin differently. * Generally correct words; no spice * Language is functional. * Attempt at figurative language * Words convey general meaning. * Phrasing affects readability. * Sentence structure impairs understanding. * Portions can be read aloud easily. * Too many sentences begin the same way. * Spelling correct on common words * End punctuation and easy capitalization mostly correct * Grammar errors not serious * Paragraphing irregular * Vocabulary is limited. * No figurative language * Words do not convey meaning. Score ______ Comments: * Spelling generally correct * Punctuation and capitalization usually correct * Grammar and usage are correct. * Paragraphing correct * Choppy, rambling, or incomplete * No “sentence sense” * Oral reading difficult. * Repetitive beginnings * Spelling errors impede readability * Incorrect punctuation and capitalization * Many usage and grammar errors *Lack of paragraphing Writing Trait Score (1-4) Student Name ______________________________ Date Assigned _________________________ Assignment Title ____________________________________________ Descriptive Rubric Excelling Writing Trait Ideas/Content Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions (Grammar and Mechanics) Achieving 4 (95-100) * Well developed details add interest * Sustained focus * Shows connections/insights * Excellent use of 5 senses (imagery) 3 (85-94) *Developed details add interest * Somewhat sustained focus * Content clear but reader still left with questions * Good use of some of the 5 senses (imagery) * Introduction and conclusion add depth and meaning. * Effective sequencing and pacing * Thoughtful transitions * Introduction and conclusion add some depth and meaning. * Mostly logical sequencing and pacing * Predictable connections * Basic beginning, middle, ending * Sustained engagement * Authentic and original * Descriptive language is powerful. * Powerful and engaging words * Wording accurate/specific/precise * Artful use of figurative language * Words (language) create meaningful pictures. * Easy flow and rhythm * Strong and varied sentence structure * Invites expressive reading * Overall sentence structure enhances meaning. * Spelling correct even on more difficult words * Accurate punctuation and capitalization * Grammar and usage contribute to clarity. * Paragraphing enhances style. Score ______ Comments: Developing Beginning 2 (76-84) * Some developed details add some interest * Somewhat focused * Lacks specific information/Includes vague details * Used some of the 5 senses (imagery) * Introduction and conclusion superficial * Sequencing and pacing confusing * Connections awkward * Sketchy beginning, middle, ending 1 (70-74) * Details lack development * Lacking details * Extraneous information * None of the five senses used (imagery) Ex. “it looked good.” * Mostly sustained engagement * Authentic * Descriptive language is credible. * Engaging moments * Limited authenticity * Descriptive language lacks credibility. * Non-engaging * No authenticity * Descriptive language not present. * Some active verbs and precise nouns * Moments of sparkle here and there * Effective use of figurative language * Words (language) enhance the meaning. * Sentences more mechanical than fluid * Sentences usually hang together. * Can be read aloud easily * Sentences begin differently. * Generally correct words; no spice * Language is functional. * Attempt at figurative language * Words convey general meaning. * Phrasing affects readability. * Sentence structure impairs understanding. * Portions can be read aloud easily. * Too many sentences begin the same way. * Spelling correct on common words * End punctuation and easy capitalization mostly correct * Grammar errors not serious * Paragraphing irregular * Vocabulary is limited. * No figurative language * Words do not convey meaning. * Spelling generally correct * Punctuation and capitalization usually correct * Grammar and usage are correct. * Paragraphing correct * Introduction or conclusion missing * Sequencing and pacing not present. * Connections are confusing or not present. * Hard to follow * Choppy, rambling, or incomplete * No “sentence sense” * Oral reading difficult. * Repetitive beginnings * Spelling errors impede readability * Incorrect punctuation and capitalization * Many usage and grammar errors *Lack of paragraphing Writing Trait Score (1-4) Student Name ______________________________ Date Assigned _________________________ Assignment Title ____________________________________________ Expository Rubric Excelling Achieving Developing Beginning 4 (95-100) 3 (85-94) 2 (76-84) 1 (70-75) * Accurate facts and details about topic * Sustained focus * Shows connections/insights * Some accurate facts and details about topic * Somewhat sustained focus * Content clear but reader still left with questions * Inaccurate facts about topic * Lacking details * Extraneous information Organization * Introduction and conclusion add depth and meaning. * Effective sequencing and pacing * Thoughtful transitions * Introduction and conclusion add some depth and meaning. * Mostly logical sequencing and pacing * Predictable connections * Basic beginning, middle, ending * Some accurate facts but few details about topic * Somewhat focused * Lacks specific information * Includes vague details * Introduction and conclusion superficial * Sequencing and pacing confusing * Connections awkward * Sketchy beginning, middle, ending Voice * Sustained engagement * Authentic and original * Purpose is powerful. * Mostly sustained engagement * Authentic * Purpose is credible. * Engaging moments * Limited authenticity * Purpose lacks credibility. * Non-engaging * No authenticity * Purpose not present. * Powerful and engaging words * Wording accurate/specific/precise * Artful use of figurative language * Words (language) create meaningful pictures. * Easy flow and rhythm * Strong and varied sentence structure * Invites expressive reading * Overall sentence structure enhances meaning. * Spelling correct even on more difficult words * Accurate punctuation and capitalization * Grammar and usage contribute to clarity. * Paragraphing enhances style. * Some active verbs and precise nouns * Moments of sparkle here and there * Effective use of figurative language * Words (language) enhance the meaning. * Sentences more mechanical than fluid * Sentences usually hang together. * Can be read aloud easily * Sentences begin differently. * Generally correct words; no spice * Language is functional. * Attempt at figurative language * Words convey general meaning. * Phrasing affects readability. * Sentence structure impairs understanding. * Portions can be read aloud easily. * Too many sentences begin the same way. * Spelling correct on common words * End punctuation and easy capitalization mostly correct * Grammar errors not serious * Paragraphing irregular * Vocabulary is limited. * No figurative language * Words do not convey meaning. Writing Trait Ideas/Content Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions (Grammar and Mechanics) * Spelling generally correct * Punctuation and capitalization usually correct * Grammar and usage are correct. * Paragraphing correct * Introduction or conclusion missing * Sequencing and pacing not present. * Connections are confusing or not present. * Hard to follow * Choppy, rambling, or incomplete * No “sentence sense” * Oral reading difficult. * Repetitive beginnings * Spelling errors impede readability * Incorrect punctuation and capitalization * Many usage and grammar errors *Lack of paragraphing Writing Trait Score (1-4) Score ______ Comments Student Name ______________________________ Date Assigned _________________________ Assignment Title ____________________________________________ Persuasive Rubric Writing Trait Ideas/Content Organization Voice Word Choice Sentence Fluency Conventions (Grammar and Mechanics) Excelling Achieving Developing 4 (95-100) * Several elaborated reasons and facts support writer’s opinion. * Introduction and conclusion add depth and meaning. * Effective sequencing and pacing * Thoughtful transitions * Opinion developed clearly. 3 (85-94) * Some elaborated reasons and facts support writer’s opinion. * Introduction and conclusion add some depth and meaning. * Mostly logical sequencing and pacing * Predictable connections * Basic beginning, middle, ending * Opinion stated clearly. 2 (76-84) * A few elaborated reasons and facts support writer’s opinion. * Introduction and conclusion superficial * Sequencing and pacing confusing * Connections awkward * Sketchy beginning, middle, ending * Opinion stated but not clear 1 (70-75) * Reasons and facts are missing to support writer’s opinion. * Introduction or conclusion missing * Sequencing and pacing not present. * Connections are confusing or not present. * Hard to follow * Opinion not stated * Sustained engagement * Authentic and original * Persuasive tone is powerful. * Mostly sustained engagement * Authentic * Persuasive tone is credible. * Engaging moments * Limited authenticity * Persuasive tone lacks credibility. * Non-engaging * No authenticity * Persuasive tone not present. * Powerful and engaging words * Wording accurate/specific/precise * Artful use of figurative language * Words (language) create meaningful pictures. * Easy flow and rhythm * Strong and varied sentence structure * Invites expressive reading * Overall sentence structure enhances meaning. * Spelling correct even on more difficult words * Accurate punctuation and capitalization * Grammar and usage contribute to clarity. * Paragraphing enhances style. * Some active verbs and precise nouns * Moments of sparkle here and there * Effective use of figurative language * Words (language) enhance the meaning. * Sentences more mechanical than fluid * Sentences usually hang together. * Can be read aloud easily * Sentences begin differently. * Generally correct words; no spice * Language is functional. * Attempt at figurative language * Words convey general meaning. * Phrasing affects readability. * Sentence structure impairs understanding. * Portions can be read aloud easily. * Too many sentences begin the same way. * Spelling correct on common words * End punctuation and easy capitalization mostly correct * Grammar errors not serious * Paragraphing irregular * Vocabulary is limited. * No figurative language * Words do not convey meaning. Score _______ Comments: * Spelling generally correct * Punctuation and capitalization usually correct * Grammar and usage are correct. * Paragraphing correct Beginning * Choppy, rambling, or incomplete * No “sentence sense” * Oral reading difficult. * Repetitive beginnings * Spelling errors impede readability * Incorrect punctuation and capitalization * Many usage and grammar errors *Lack of paragraphing Writing Trait Score (1-4) 3rd-6th Six Traits Grade Writing Rubrics Grading Guide This grading guide is designed for assessing all six traits of submitted process writing assignments using the writing rubrics (Narrative, Descriptive, Expository, Persuasive). Add the six trait scores in the last column of the rubric, and use this grading guide to determine the score to record for the process writing assignment. 24 = 100 23 = 99 / 98 22 = 97 / 96 21 = 95_____ 20 = 94 19 = 92 18 = 90_____ 17 = 89 / 88 16 = 87 15 = 85_____ 14 = 84 13 = 82 12 = 80_____ 11 = 79 10 = 78 9 = 76______ 8 = 75 7 = 73 6 = 70