1 NETWORK SECURITY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY NETWORK SECURITY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY ABSTRACT: This is not world shattering problem, some times outlined of the pages of press, nor does other suggest it the nonexistent ‘urban myth’. But, the threat is real: the problem is “network security”. Like other problems facing IT professionals, this threat should also be assessed realistically. It is important to identify those areas, which are causing insecurity to the computer, and which are the likely sources of the threat. The appropriate security tools should be selected, designed to provide a layered defense of the system. It is important that to look at the way data is handled within the organization; and to take the routine precaution to minimize the risk Any computer that is connected to the network can never be completely secured. The threat from virus is always ready to attack. This report provides the information that enables to identify the virus threat and certain anti-virus tools to be encountered. These days everybody is more security conscious as they browse and conduct business on the Internet. As with any type of security, be it personnel or domestic, the likelihood of an internet security breach depends on one’s degree of preparedness and use of proper prevention tools. This report mainly focuses on creating an effective “internet security policy” and some recent development in this field. Different security issues related to the Information technology are provided. The report provides certain practices that can be implemented by any organization, if it wants to protects the confidentially, availability and integrity of its system data when it contracts with outside parties to install, configure, manage or update any of its Information technology. Finally the report highlights some current issues as such as cryptography Network security and 2 Network security INTRODUCTION: Providing network security means controlling system to prevent any accidental and / or intentional data loss. There are two types of the security 1. Physical security 2. Logical security Where physical security includes all the hardware units of a network against unauthorized access against any natural disaster. The logical security deals with protecting your data from authorized access from nature disaster. Problems: Data destruction or modification Interface and interruption of network traffic. Theft of viewing and private information Execution of authorized transaction Installation or transfer of malicious application or virus These thread in a network fall into general categories as follow: Destruction: Data and hardware can be destroyed accidentally entry or intentionally. Corruption: Data that has been corrupted is often wormless. Interruption: If the network goes down, you cannot use resource’s you need and this is downloading. Thus, downtime means unavailability of data, which indirectly loss of money. Disclosure: Any confidential data can be encrypted. This whole task of network security is divided into two basic types: Internal network security External network security 1. Internal Network Security: It is nothing but preventing users on the same LAN from accessing files and other resources. They are not authorized for that data. General consideration and methods of managing internal security: Create acceptable use policies for all users of the network Required complex passwords for their respective account. Design a hierarchy of group permission Carefully implement your files and folder share. Understand the security methods of your network operating system. Some topics related to internal security: Account security Files and directory permission Practice and user education 3 Account Security: A network operating system uses ‘logon’ process so that no access to information is given without accountability. Window NT use concept of user account to security and accountability for information contain on the server. In this step it required the authenticable user and password. Authenticable can access network recourses. Basic security model used by window are: User level security Share level security User level security model is based on individual account create for each user, where administrator will be set different permission to access recourses by this account. In share level each user can set his password and can protect his data on his computer only. To manage account security following point should be followed: Remove the guest account or carefully limit it Remove default name. Remove access to important criteria network resources To maintain password security Restrict login time Limit access to network resources Use software that employee encryption Use the data redundancy on the server Set account lock out policies Lets see how to maintain password security and set account lock out policies. 1. Maintain Password Security: In fact user account property specify users password, password change and specify the whether the user has permission to change his/her password. Following are the group policies that maintain password security. Get user to change their network password are regularly. Set reused policies or enforce password history. Enforce password complexity Control password encryption Minimum password length The password must meet complexity requirement. The password that supply for their account must meet following criteria: Password must contain at least size character account Password cannot contain any part of user name Password must contain three of following four characteristics: Uppercase, Lowercase letters, numeric & symbols. 2.To set account lock out policies: A can make sufficient numbers of guesses and find out a password for any specific account. This is known as “Burst Force” method. Most of the operating system user an account lockout policies feature that prevents anyone from repeatedly trying to guesses a password to a given account. There are three policies: 4 Account lock out duration Account lock out threshold Reset account lock out counter. External Security: Outside of your private n/w there are potential hazards and these hazards come into a your network through Internet connection .The users outside your private n/w may attack your system and unauthorized access to your private data. To avoid these unauthorized access to prevent data of your n/w by user external to your private n/w Security system is provided is nothing by 'External security In short external security is process of securing the private n/w from external threats. Different threats are given as below Front door threats Back door threats Denial threats Front door threats: These threats arise when user from outside your n/w finds users password and log on to your network. It prints to issue of "password cracking" Here external attacker try to gain system access through another user's account i.e It is possible because selecting of weak password. Different solutions for the front door threat are as follows Separate network recourses access from outside the wan Control users accessing LAN from outside the LAN Setup the separate remote account for remote user Setup VPN services Maintain password security Change password regularity Back door threat: Any software or hardware bugs in network security. The common method for gaining access to a system by external users include: Password weakness Networking spoofing Social engineering Networking spoofing: In this a system presents itself to the network as it were a difficult system. Internet security: The most common security as to implement a firewall between you and internet. In the computer, connective, and security, a firewall prevent the spread of security breach. A firewall provide a common front against. With a firewall, the security feature of a network can be concentrate on the machine that the Internet can access. Three more common configuration of firewall1 The bastion host and proxy server. 2 Packet filtering 3 Password/encryption method 5 Virus It is destructive computer program that alter store file or system configuration and copies itself onto external disk other computer. Virus cause problem by altering file and configuration or by growing exponentially, which interrupt the data flow. In simple words a ‘Computer virus program piece of self replicating code attached to some other piece of code’. Some strategies to protect from virus: Teach network user about virus and how to prevent them. How virus cause? From where virus cause? Ask user to avoid downloading of untested program from Internet. Always boot server from same server. Clean DOS workstation, Master boot records using Floppy Disk. Perform regular back from server. Control entry point on workstation and server. Use your network Operating System security features to limit access to susceptible file. Malicious Software: Trojan Horse: It is a program that is design to disguise itself as something harmless, waiting for writes movement to do it’s dead. A Trojan horse can be a code hidden in program such as game or spreadsheet that look safe to run but has hidden side affect. When the program runs, it seems to function as the user aspect, but actually it is destroying, damaging, or altering the information in the background. It is a program on it’s own and does not required a host program in which to embed itself. Worms: Worm is another form of destructive or dangerous program. It can run by itself and can spawn a fully working version of itself to another machine Worm are so named because they move across the network without leaving detectable sign. The difference between virus and worm is same as between virus and Trojan Horse, as virus embedded itself inside another program or boot code, where as Trojan Horse and worm are self sufficient and can run by itself. The necessary characteristics of worm are: It is able to replicate. It is self-content and does not required host. It is activating by creating process. It needs a multitasking system. It is the network worm. It can replicate across communication line. 6 Disaster Recovery Plane: It is process that documents how a network recovers from a disaster that destroys its data or stops it’s functioning. This is a step for preparing for worst. A typical disaster recovery plane include following consideration: Disaster scenarios Communication Accessing need Offside storage Critical components 1. Accessing Need: It consider the following points: Plan for all possible happening Define counter measures for these possible happing. Calculate the overall time needed to resolve problem. Inform to top management about network risks. Plan with key business consideration 2. Disaster Scenarios: This step considers all possible situations that may lead to disaster. There can be many situation due to which disaster occur. Broadly disaster scenarios can be group into: Power failure Building failure. Flood Fire Main disaster scenarios related to computer network can be: Network server failure Network device failure 3. Communication: When disaster may occur and of course, what should be the point consider if disaster occur in particular scenarios. Now communication is the major step while planning for disaster recovery. If a disaster occur you will take some action to recover data from that disaster or recover the situation and make it functioning normally. But before, this action you need to inform respective authorities and concern people about disaster, which is nothing but communication. Who will take action against disaster, administrator should inform to following authority of company: CEO or president Vice president Head of affected area Supervisor Employees of affected area 7 4. Offside storage: One of precaution for protecting your data and avoiding your data loss, you should have backup of your network. Once you have backup of your data and if you lost your original data in disaster, you can have that data back from its backup location that is you can restore your lost data from that data backup. So taking backup of data is quite important and routine step in your network. Now there are many considerations about taking backup as: What data should be backup? What should be backup mediator form? What should be backup policies? 5. Critical components for rebuilding: As we are saying that disaster recovery plan consider if any disaster occur what should be done to establish normal network environment and normal data processing and how to recover that lost data. Now if disaster, which can destroy all network instillation, equipment and networks data occur, one need to rebuild the whole network. When you are installing network for first time, you will consider what are the basic components or build block of network and you will consider cost of all components. In sum, you will consider what are the component in network that can be used to rebuild the network disaster occur. This step of disaster recovery plan mainly consider following point: Computer equipment Network connecting devices Any other hardware devices Software replacement Hardware replacement Cost estimate of replace equipment 8 ENCRYPTION AND DECRIPTION BASED ON CRYPTOLOGY As time is going on the dependency of the Computer is going on. Probably in this view Time Magazine auto “MAN OF THE YEAR 1982 IS NOT A MAN, BUT A MACHINE COMPUTER”. For the first few decades of their Existence, computer networks were primarily used by corporate employee for sharing Printers. Under these conditions security did Not get a lot of attention. But now as Millions of ordinary citizens are using Networks for banking shopping and filling Their fax return, network security is looming On the horizon as a potentially massive Problem. Security is a broad topic and covers Multitude sins, in its simplest form it is concerned with. Nosy people can modify messages intended for other recipients. With people trying to access remote service that they are not authorized to use. CRRPTOLOGY: It is the study of principles of secret Writing and of methods of breaking codes and Cipher CRYPTOGRAPHY: It deals with the methodologies for Encryption and decryption i.e. design of Cryptosystems. CRYPTANALYSIS: In this the strength of the algorithm are Studied with the ultimate aim of breaking the Cryptosystems. CODEWORD: A codeword is a word, which stands for an other word, which needs to be concealed. A group of words corresponding to another group of words which need to be concealed. CIPHER: A key or set of keys is used along an Algorithm to produced a cipherext from Plaintext the key set is secret whereas the Algorithm may be known. ENCRYPTION: The process of converting Plaintext into cipher text is called as encryption. DECRYPTION: The reverse process i.e. converting cipherext into Plaintext is called as Decryption. 9 ENCRYPTION METHODS: Encryption methods have historically being divided into two categories Substitutional ciphers Transpositional ciphers. 1.Substitutional ciphers: In a Substitutional ciphers, each letter or group of letters is replaced by another letters or group of letters to distinguish it. The four basic classes of substitution ciphers are: Caesar substitution Simple/Monoalphabetic substitution Polygram substitution Polyalphabetic substitution 1. CAESAR SUBSTITUTOIN: The oldest cipher known as the cease cipher. In this method, a becomes D, b becomes E, c becomes f… z becomes c For e.g. Attack-------DWWDEFN 2. SIMPLE/ MONOALPHABETIC SUBSTITUTION: It is similar to Caesar but here 26 letter map outs some other letter. For e.g. Plain text a b c d e f g h I j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Clip text q w e r t y u I o p a s d f g h j k l z x c v b n m This general system is called Monoalphabetic substitution, with the key being the 26-letter string corresponding to the full alphabet. For the key above attack become Q Z Z Q EA 3. POLYGRAMS: There are the most general cipher theypermit arbitrary substitutions for group of Plaintext character. In English most common two letter combinations or diagrams are th , in , er , re , and an and most common 3 letters combinations are ion , ing the & and trigrams . 4. POLUALPHABETIC: To make the job of cryptoanalyst more difficult, it is necessary to smooth out the frequency of the cipherext, so the letters representing e , t etc not stand out so clearly. One way to achieve this goal is to intrudes multiple cipher alphabets, the be used in rotation what is known as Polyalphabetic cipher. 10 “Mapping is one to one as in simple substitution, but can change within the single message.” TRANSPOSITION CIPHERS: Substitution ciphers and coded preserve the order of the Plaintext symbol but distinguish them. Transposition cipher, in contrast, recorder the letters but do not distinguish them. Simple (Reversing the message) MY NAME IS BHAVANA LOCA AREA NETWORK KAPEED SI EMAN YM KROTEN AREA LACOL Geometric pattern decoding : In this, the message is rearranged with the aid of some type of geometric figure, a typical example being a 2 dimensional array of matrix. First the Plaintext message is written with the figure according to a particular pattern .The cipherext is then created by taking the letters of the figure according to a different path. For eg. Suppose the Plaintext word ENGINEERING STUDENTS is written into a 4*5 matrix by rows as follows Col no. 1 2 3 4 5 Ciphertext E N G E E R G S T G S T E NT I N I N U D U D S ALGORITHMS SECRET ALGORITHM : Transposition and substitution can be implemented with simple circuits,(fig. 1.2) a shows a device, known as ‘Box used to effect a transposition on an 8-bit input. If 8 Bits are designated from top to bottom as 01234567, the output of His particular P’Box is 3607125. By appropriate internal wiring a P Box can be made to perform any transposition and do it particularly the speed of light. Substitution is performing by S Box. In this example a 3’Bit Plaintext is entered and a 3bit ciphertext is output. A 3bit input Selects one of the 8 lines existing from the first stage and sets it to 1 all the other lines are 0(zero). 2nd stage is P’Box, the 3rd Stage encodes the selected input line in binary sequences would be 24506713. The real power of this basic elements only becomes apparent when we cascade a whole series of boxes to form a Product chipper. In this example, 12 input lines are transposed by the 1st stage theoretically, it would be possible to have the 2nd Stage is an S Box that mapped a 12 bit no. On to another 12 bit numbers. However, such a device would need 212 =4096 Crossed wires in its middle stage. Instead, the input broken up in to 4 groups of 3 bits, each of which is substitute Independently of the others. 11 PUBLIC KEY ALGPRITHM: In 1976, Diffie and Hellman proposed a radicallynew kind of Cryptosystems, in which encryption and decryption keys are different and decryption key could not be derived from the encryption key. In their proposal , the (keyed = encryption algorithm E, and the (keyed) encryption algorithm E ,and the keyed decryption algorithm D , had to meet the following requirements => D(E(P)) = P It is exceedingly different to deduce D from E. E can’t be broken by a chosen Plaintext attack. The first requirement says that if we apply D to an encrypted message (P), we get the original Plaintext message, P, back. The second requirement specks for itself. The third requirement is needed because, as we shall see in a moment introducer may experiments with the algorithm to their hearts content. Under these conditions, Therese no reason that the encryption key cannot be made public. THE RSA ALGORITHM: This method is discovered by Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman. Their method is based on some principles from number theory. Here the summarized format 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose two larger , P and Q(Typical greater than 10 ) Compute n = P*Q and Z = (P-1)(Q-1) Choose a relatively primes to Z and call it d. Find e such that e*d = l mod z. Now with this methods to encrypt a message, P compute e =Pe(mod n). It can be proven that for all P in the specific range, the encryption and decryption function is inverses. To perform encryption need e and n.To perform decryption functions you need d and n.Therefore the public key consists of the pai (e,n) and private key consists of (d,n). Now an example of RSA algorithm is given in fig. 1.3 for this example we have chosen p = 3 and q=11, given n = 33 , z = 20.A suitable value for d is d = 7. Because 7 and 20 have no common factors. With these choice e can be found by solving the equation 7e =1(mod 20) , i.e e=3. The ciphertext ,c , for a Plaintext , p is given by c =cp3(mod 33). The fig. Shows the encryption of the plaintext “SUN” as an example Symbolic S U N C7 13492928512 1801088541 78125 Numeric 19 21 14 p3 6859 9261 2744 c7(mod 33) 19 21 14 p3(mod33) 28 21 5 symbolic s u n As the primes chosen for this example so small, p must be less than 3 so each Plaintext block can contain only a single character. If instead we had cosine P and q = 10100.We should have n = 10200, so each block could be up to 664 bits (2664 = 10200 or 83 8 bit 12 characters verses 8 characters for DES. Their communications. Today several factor have combined to simulate great interest in the commercial applications of Data encryption based on Cryptolgy. These are various application fields in which there is a great need of providing security of information from getting it open to the enemies some of these fields are IMPORTANCE: Until recently, Cryptology has been of interest primarily to military and Diplomat communities private individuals and even commercial it necessary to encrypt for protection of: HACKER – Using Encryption technique nobody could be able to steal their secret data. BUSINESSMAN – If a Business company uses Encryption techniques then it is cure that nobody could be able to discover their secret information or marketing plan. SPY - Fails to learn an enemy military strength because of encryption techniques of the data. Having so much advantages and top-most security these techniques are widely used in dayto-day life. Using ENCRYPTION AND DECRYPTION techniques can keep our information secret and can have complete privacy. 13 REFERENCE 1. INTRODUCING TO CRYPTOLOGY -BECKETT, BRIAN 2. CRYPTOLOGY – THE TECHNIQUE -DROTHY DERNING 3. COMPUTER NETWORKS -TANNENBAUM 4. NETWORKING: A BEGINEER GUIDE -BRUCE A. HALLBURGE. 5. THE COMPLETE REFERENCE OF NETWORKING -ZOKER 6. DATA COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING -GODBOLE