Temperature Conversion Problems

Name _____________________________________________________________ Date ___________ Per ___
Temperature Conversions, Dew Points & Relative Humidity
Solve for Fahrenheit or Celsius
What is 212 0F in 0C?
(212 – 32) = 180
180 x 5 = 900
900 / 9 = 100
Solution: 212 0F = 1000C
F = (90C) + 32
C = 5(F-32)
What is 20 C in F?
9 x 20 = 180
180 / 5 = 36
36+32 = 68
Solution: 20 0C = 68 0F
1. 68 0F = _____________
2. 80 0F = ______________
3. 40 0F = ______________
4. 37 0C = ______________
5. 90 0C = ______________
Find the Relative Humidity:
If capacity is 22 g/Kg
Specific Humidity x 100 = Relative Humidity
Amount of Water
Vapor Air Can Hold
1. The specific humidity is 5.5g
Relative Humidity
2. The specific humidity is 11g
3. The specific humidity is 22g
Answer the following:
1. If the air temperature was 4.5 0C, but dropped to 3.3 0C, & the dew point is 3.3 0C, what
will form on a plant leaf if water is present? ________________
2. If the air temperature was 1.7 0C, but dropped to 0 0C, & the dew point is .9 0C, what will
form on a plant leaf if water is present? ________________
Reading Temperature
____________________ - lines drawn on maps that connect places with the same temperature.
1. Which point on the map (A, B, or C) has the lowest temperature? ______
2. What is the approximate temperature of the point in Question 1? _______
3. Which point (A, B, or C) has the highest temperature? _______________
4. What is the approximate temperature of the point in Question 3? _______
5. Which is colder at the same latitude, the continent or the ocean?
6. What season could the map represent? _______________________
7. Who invented the thermometer? ____________________________
8. Two types of thermometers: _________________________________________