1912: Irish Women before the Revolution Women’s History Association of Ireland -Annual Conference 25-26 May 2012 Hosted by the Department of Irish Studies, Mater Dei Institute of Education (a college of Dublin City University) Programme Friday 25 May Venue Theatre C1 5.30-6.00 Registration 6.00-7.00 Keynote Address: Dr Senia Paseta, St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford Suffrage, Citizenship and Nationality in the 1912 Home Rule Bill 7.00 Wine Reception and awarding of the MacCurtain/Cullen Prize AND Anna Parnell Travel Grant Saturday 26 May 9.00-9.30 Registration and Coffee 9.30-11.00 Session 1 – Theatre C1 Chelsea Jeffery (University of Toronto) Dr Mary Louise O’Donnell (UL) Dr Ian Miller (UCD) 11.00-11.30 Domestic Issues in the Public Sphere ‘Murder in the media’: reporting the trial of Mary Anne Feeney The Home life of Mary Brigid Pearse Undernourished Infants and ‘School-Day Starvation’: Women, Politics and Childhood Feeding, c.1900-1918 Coffee/Tea 1912: Irish Women before the Revolution 11.30-1.00 Session 2 – Theatre C1 Dr Rosemary Cullen Owens (UCD) Dr Leeann Lane (MDI, DCU) Dr William Murphy (MDI, DCU) 1.00-200 Varieties of Activism ‘Suffrage campaigners had a rough road to go and out chief opponents were the powerful Irish Party and its machine.......we were a pestilential red herring across the trail of Home Rule' ‘put them out’, ‘kick ‘em out’: responses to suffrage activism in Waterford in the context of the 1912 Home Rule Bill. 'On the Eve of Militancy?:Suffragists and the Census of Ireland in 1911.' Lunch 2.00-3.30 Session 3 Panel 1 – Theatre C1 Gerri O’Neill (MDI, DCU) Activist Individuals Elizabeth Bloxham – the Quiet Revolutionary Dr Jyoti Atwal (Jawaharlal Nehru University) Margaret Cousins: The Irish Feminist in Colonial India Alice Stopford Green: the making of an Irish nationalist public intellectual, c. 1877-1912. Conor Morrissey (TCD) Panel II – Theatre C2 Dr Margaret O hOgartaigh (Harvard) Gillian McCelland (QUB) Dr Clara Cullen (UCD) 3.30-3.45 Education The Noiseless Revolution in Women’s Education before the Noisy Political Revolution, 1878-1911 Victoria College Belfast and the creation of a Unionist identity for middle class women, 1874-1912 In pursuit of ‘sound scientific truth’: The Royal College of Science for Ireland (1867-1926) and the women who studied there. Coffee/Tea 1912: Irish Women before the Revolution 3.45-5.45 Session 4 Theatre C1 Catriona Crowe (NAI) Lived lives Ordinary Women’s Lives in 1911 as seen in the Census Dr Ríona Nic Congáil (SPD, DCU) Women, Children’s Culture and the Public Sphere Therese Moriarty (Museum of Labour History) The Rising of the Women, 1912 James Curry (TCD) ‘Apparently unimportant things’: The Irish Worker’s “Women Workers Column” and Delia Larkin’s gendered debate about Irish identity, 1911-12. 7.00pm Conference Dinner A conference dinner will be held in Wallaces Italian Restaurant, Russell Square, on the night of Saturday 26th May 2012(provided enough delegates attend to make this viable.) The cost of the dinner will be €22.50 For information on registration and on the conference dinner on Saturday 26th May, contact Dr Leeann Lane/Dr Mary McAuliffe at whai@materdei.dcu.ie or see the WHAI website at www.whai.ie