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advertisement Gizmo List (n = 165; Note:
version)Gizmo…one )
3D Eclipse
Observe the motions of the Earth, Moon and Sun in three dimensions to
investigate the causes and frequency of eclipses. Observe Earth?s
shadow crossing the Moon during a lunar eclipse, and the path of the
Moon?s shadow during a solar eclipse. The angle of the Moon?s orbit
can be adjusted, as well as the distance of the Moon from the Earth.
Greenhouse Effect
Within this simulated region of land, daytime's rising temperature and the
falling temperature at night can be measured, along with heat flow in and greenhouse, effect, global, warming,
out of the system. The amount of greenhouse gases present in the
carbon, dioxide, smog, pollution, air,
atmosphere can be adjusted over time, and the long term effects can be quality, heat, flow, biology, life, earth,
Earthquake Determination of
Earthquake - Recording
Apply ratios and proportions to find the weight of a person on the moon
(or on another planet). Weigh an object on Earth and on the moon and
weigh the person on Earth. Then set up and solve the proportion of the
Earth weights to the moon weights.
A game where you try to get small masses to hit a target. This is
challenging since several "black holes" exert a gravitational force on the game, gravity, gravitational, attraction,
moving objects.
physics, physical
Gravitational Force
Coastal Winds and
eclipse, lunar, solar, moon, earth, sun,
shadow, orbit, orbital, annular, partial,
umbra, penumbra, corona, astronomy,
space, three, dimension, dimensional,
ratios, proportions, weights, Earth,
moon, cross-multiply, real-world,
applications, masses, gravity, planets,
solar-systems, fractions, arithmetic,
Learn about atmospheric conditions near a coast using basic
observables: wind and temperature. Measure daily temperatures over
both land and water near a coastline, along with the wind speed and
direction. The conditions can be recorded at a variety of altitudes.
Using multiple earthquake recording stations, determine the epicenter of
an earthquake by analyzing the arrival of the primary and secondary
waves at each recording station. Real-time charts are generated,
providing data that allows for the triangulation of the epicenter.
Using an earthquake recording station, learn how to determine the
distance between the station and an earthquake based on the time
difference between the arrival of the primary and secondary waves. A
real-time recording chart is generated, and the times between the waves
can be measured.
Drag two objects around and observe the gravitational force between
them as the positions change. The mass of each object can be adjusted,
and the gravitational force is displayed both vectorially and numerically
as the distance between the objects is altered.
2D Eclipse
Black Hole
Manipulate the relative positions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon to discover eclipse, lunar, solar, moon, earth, sun,
how eclipses happen. Observe the Moon and Sun from Earth during a shadow, orbit, orbital, annular, partial,
lunar and solar eclipse, and understand the relationship between partial umbra, penumbra, corona, astronomy,
and total eclipses. The sizes of the three bodies and the Earth-Moon
space, dimension, dimensional, 2D,
distance can be adjusted.
phase, system
Beam to Moon (Ratios
and Proportions)
There are 2 versions of the Physical Array Gizmo, one being the classic.)
clouds, wind, balloons, coastal, drift,
thunderstorms, temperature, gradient,
atmosphere, earth, physical
earthquake, seismic, activity, wave,
primary, secondary, recording, station,
chart, epicenter, earth, physical,
earthquake, seismic, activity, wave,
primary, secondary, recording, station,
chart, epicenter, geology, earth,
gravity, gravitational, force, inverse,
square, masses, pull, physics, physical
Herschel Experiment
Explore the energy used by many household appliances, such as
television sets, hair dryers, lights, computers, etc. Make estimates for
how long each item is used on a daily basis to get an estimate for the
power, electricity, environmental,
total power consumed during a day, a week, a month, and a year, and impact, consumption, costs, household,
Household Energy Usage how that relates to consumer costs and environmental impact.
earth, physical
A collection of stars visible from Earth can be arranged based on many
observables including color, luminosity, temperature, name and size.
This can be done using one or two-dimensional plots, and a plot of
luminosity vs. temperature can be created in an effort to learn about the hertzsprung, russell, stars, diagram,
H-R Diagram
Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.
stellar, evolution, physics, physical
Gain an understanding of the phases of the Moon by observing the
relative positions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun, along with a view of the
Moon from the Earth. Learn about the face of the Moon viewed from
moon, phase, full, new, sun, earth, orbit,
Moon Phases
Earth by studying the revolution and rotation of the Earth and the Moon. period, rotation, earth, physical
Gain an understanding of the Moonrise and Moonset times by observing
the relative positions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun, along with a view of
the Moon from the Earth. A line showing the horizon for a person
standing on the Earth is displayed so the rise and set times can be easily moon, phases, full, new, sun, earth,
Moonrise, Moonset, and recorded. Also, learn about the face of the Moon viewed from Earth by orbit, period, rotation, moonrise,
studying the revolution and rotation of the Earth and the Moon.
moonset, earth, physical
Use a sonar on a boat to remotely measure the depth of an ocean at
various locations. Gain an understanding on how topographical maps
ocean, mapping, measurement, depth,
and 3D models are created after data collection, even when complete
boat, water, technique, surveying,
Ocean Mapping
information is not provided (data can be limited).
sonar, earth, physical
Orbit Simulator
Shine sunlight through a prism and measure the temperature in different
regions of the spectrum using a thermometer wrapped in black tape. The
thermometer can be dragged throughout the entire spectral area and
herschel, temperature, thermometer,
even beyond the visible light. This real-world technique (developed by
sunlight, radiation, infrared, ultraviolet,
Friedrich Herschel in the 1700's) was used to investigate infrared light
cardboard, box, prism, spectrum,
and, more recently, the spectrum of stars in our galaxy.
physics, physical
Orbital Motion - Kepler's
Planets orbit around the sun and moons orbit around planets due to
gravitational forces acting on the objects. Manipulate the mass, position, orbital, motion, gravitational, force,
and initial velocity for a range of "planets" in an effort to build a stable
gravity, astronomy, Kepler, kepler,
solar system.
earth, physical
Kepler's, Kepler, planetary, orbit, planet,
sun, star, gravity, gravitation, force,
centrifugal, solar, system, heliocentric,
geocentric, eccentricity, space, ellipse,
focus, period, semimajor, axis, conics,
semi-major, period, distance, Newton,
Learn Kepler's three laws of planetary motion by examining the orbit of a Galileo, Copernicus, astronomy,
planet around a star. The initial position, velocity, and mass of the planet revolution, Earth, science, physics,
can be varied as well as the mass of the star.
Penumbra Effect
Plate Tectonics
Rotation/Revolution of
Venus and Earth
Try to classify a dozen different rock samples using just the appearance.
Common characteristics of each major rock classification is provided to
help in the classification. One can also attempt to classify the rocks by
the location where they are commonly found in nature.
Play the role of a piece of rock moving through the rock cycle. Select a
starting location and follow many possible paths throughout the cycle.
Facts about each location will be presented, along with images of
particular types of rocks.
Observe the motion of people standing on Venus and the Earth as the
planets move around the sun. With the rotation and revolution of the
planets (and the Earth's moon), the length of days and years on different
planets can be measured, as well as the retrograde motion of Venus.
Seasons Around the
earth, moon, sun, seasons, time,
latitude, axis, orbit, revolution, rotation,
sunrise, sunset, altitude, shadow,
horizon, dimension, dimensional, 3D,
hemisphere, northern, southern,
equinox, solstice, north, pole, arctic,
Use a three dimensional view of the Earth, Moon and Sun to explore
south, tropic, capricorn, equator,
seasonal changes at a variety of locations. Strengthen your knowledge seasonality, climate, weather,
of global climate patterns by comparing solar energy input at the Poles temperature, solar, energy, summer,
to the Equator. Manipulate Earth?s axis to increase or diminish seasonal fall, autumn, winter, spring, day, month,
Rock Classification
Rock Cycle
light, optics, optical, ray, eclipse, lunar,
solar, moon, earth, sun, shadow, orbit,
partial, umbra, penumbra, corona,
Observe how partial shadows are cast by multiple light sources. The
astronomy, physics, space, three,
number of light sources ranges from one to five, and lights can be turned dimension, dimensional, 3D,
on or off. The distance and diameter of the shadow-casting object can
electromagnetism, wave,
be varied, and the light intensity can be seen on a detector.
electromagnetic, ray
Move the Earth at various locations to observe the effects of the motion
of the techtonic plates, including volcanic eruptions. Information about
earthquake, seismic, volcano, divergent,
each of the major types of plate collisions is shown, along with the
boundaries, convergent, collisional,
typical location on the Earth.
transform, crust, earth, physical
Pour water on a variety of sediment samples to find how much water can
be absorbed by the sample (porosity) and how easily water flows
porous, porosity, dirt, sand, flow, rate,
through the sample (permeability).
rock, silt, water, earth, physical
rock, classify, classification,
appearance, description, descriptive,
igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic,
earth, physical, geology
rock, cycle, magma, volcano, lava, dirt,
sand, igneous, sedimentary,
metamorphic, earth, physical, geology
revolution, rotation, planet, orbit, solar,
system, astronomy, astronomical, earth,
moon, retrograde, earth, physical
Seasons: Why do we
have them?
earth, moon, sun, summer, fall, autumn,
winter, spring, day, month, year,
seasons, time, latitude, axis, orbit,
revolution, rotation, sunrise, sunset,
altitude, azimuth, shadow, horizon,
dimension, dimensional, 3D,
hemisphere, northern, southern,
equinox, solstice, north, pole, arctic,
Gain an understanding of the causes of seasons by observing the Earth south, tropic, capricorn, equator,
as it orbits the Sun in three dimensions. Create graphs of solar intensity seasonality, climate, weather,
and day length, and use collected data to describe and explain seasonal temperature, solar, energy, march, june,
september, december
earth, moon, sun, seasons, time,
latitude, axis, orbit, revolution, rotation,
Observe the motions of the Earth, Moon and Sun in three dimensions to sunrise, sunset, altitude, azimuth,
explain Sunrise and Sunset, and to see how we define a day, a month, shadow, horizon, dimensions,
and a year. Compare times of Sunrise and Sunset for different dates and dimensional, 3D, hemisphere, northern,
locations. Relate shadows to the position of the Sun in the sky, and
southern, month, year, day, compass,
relate shadows to compass directions.
Learn why the temperature in the summertime is higher than it is in the
winter by studying the amount of light striking the Earth. Experiment with
a plate detector to measure the amount of light striking the plate as the
angle of the plate is adjusted (and then use a group of plates placed at
different locations on the Earth) and measure the incoming radiation on sunlight, seasons, winter, summer,
each plate.
temperature, reflection, earth, physical
Solar System Explorer
Step through the solar system, observing the length of a year and the
orbital path of each object. The positions of the eight official planets are
displayed, as well as one dwarf planet, Pluto. Learn about Kepler's
Laws, when planets will align, and why space probes are often launched
at certain times.
Seasons in 3D
Seasons: Earth, Moon,
and Sun
Star Spectra
solar, system, planets, earth, orbits,
periods, years, ellipse, circular, kepler,
radius, physical, earth, astronomy,
Star, spectrum, spectra, astronomy,
earth, science, light, color, wave,
wavelength, nebula, galaxy, planet, red,
shift, Hubble, telescope, binary, bang,
Analyze the spectra of a variety of stars. Determine the elements that
giant, dwarf, nova, supernova,
are represented in each spectrum, and use this information to infer the sequence, Hertzsprung, Russell,
temperature and classification of the star. Look for unusual features such electromagnetic, helium, hydrogen,
as red-shifted stars, nebulas, and stars with large planets.
prism, ionic, sodium, flame
tides, moon, sun, spring, neap, tidal,
Gain an understanding of high, low, spring, and neap tides on Earth by gravitational, gravity, centripetal,
observing the tidal heights and the position of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. centrifugal, force, height, pier, dock,
Tidal bulges can be observed from space, and water depths can be
sinusoidal, trigonometry, sine, pulling,
recorded from a dock by the ocean.
oceans, earth, physical
Water Cycle
Water Pollution
Building DNA
Cell Division
Cell Energy Cycle
Cell Structure
Chicken Genetics
pollution, cycle, mountains, city,
waterfall, evaporation, rivers, cities,
circulation, water, environment,
chemistry, physical, life, earth, biology,
resources, phase, change, energy,
Control the path of a drop of water as it travels through the water cycle. wastewater, ice, snow, river, aquifer,
Many alternatives are presented at each stage. Determine how the water reservoir, ocean, atmosphere,
moves from one location to another, and learn how water resources are precipitation, condensation, runoff,
distributed in these locations.
Get to know the four main types of pollution present in the environment, water, pollution, society, earth,
and then look at a variety of real–world examples as you try to guess
environmental, concerns, toxic,
what type of pollution is represented by each situation. All of the real–
sediment, nutrient, bacterial, physical,
world situations can be viewed every day in different parts of the world. life
DNA, dna, RNA, rna, enzyme,
duplication, replication, rail, ladder,
helix, chemistry, physical, biology, life,
Watson, Crick, Franklin, genetics, code,
Construct a DNA molecule, examine its double helix structure, and then heredity, codon, nucleoside, nucleotide,
go through the DNA replication process. Learn how each component fits nitrogen, nucleic, nucleus, reproduction,
into a DNA molecule, and see how a unique, self-replicating code can be adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine,
deoxyribose, phosphate
cell, division, interphase, prophase,
metaphase, anaphase, telophase,
Begin with a single cell and watch as mitosis and cell division occurs.
cytokinesis, mitosis, biology, life,
The cells will go through the steps of interphase, prophase, metaphase, cellular, asexual, reproduction, nucleus,
anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis. The length of the cell cycle can chromosomes, chromatin, spindle,
be controlled, and data related to the number of cells present and their membrane, centriole, organelle,
current phase can be recorded.
reproduce, copy, centromere
Explore the processes of photosynthesis and respiration that occur
within plant cells. The cyclical nature of the two processes can be
photosynthesis, cells, energy, cellular,
constructed visually, and the photosynthesis and respiration equations plants, sunlight, sugar, respiration,
can be balanced in a descriptive and numerical format.
carbon, dioxide, chemicals, physical
Select sample cells from a plant or animal and place the cells on a
microscope to look inside the cells. Information about their common
cells, plants, animals, structure, parts,
structures is provided (and the structures are highlighted), but you will
vocabulary, microscope, slide, hand,
need to move your microscope slide to find all the different structures.
skin, life, biology
Breed "pure" chickens with known genotypes that exhibit specific feather
colors, and learn how traits are passed on via codominant genes.
chicken, house, breed, pure, feathers,
Chickens can be stored in cages for future breeding, and the statistics of genetics, codominance, codominant,
feather color are reported every time the chickens breed. Punnet
probability, statistics, genes, alleles,
squares can be used to predict results.
traits, punnet, life, biology
Observe the spread of disease through a group of people. The methods
of transmission can be chosen and include person to person, airborne,
and foodborne as well as any combination thereof. The probability of
each form of transmission and number of people in the group can also
Disease Spread
be adjusted.
Perform DNA scans on frogs to learn how differences and similarities in
the scans can be used to identify physical characteristics of the frogs.
This technique of scanning is what provides the "DNA fingerprint," which
is becoming more commonplace in today's society. The DNA of twin
DNA Fingerprint Analysis frogs can also be studied to see how the scans compare.
Drug Dosage
Dye Elimination
disease, germ, people, spread, sick,
pathogen, healthy, outbreak, biology,
life, exponential, bacteria, virus, viral,
sickness, illness, sneeze, cough,
legionnaires, food, poisoning, flu
DNA, analysis, fingerprint, frogs, scan,
biology, life
drug, dose, dosage, elimination,
A drug prescription must be carefully planned to maximize benefit while milligram, health, life, human, overdose,
avoiding an overdose. In this Gizmo, you can give a patient one or more aspirin, pain, injury, medicine,
pills, and monitor the levels of medication in the body through time.
medication, overmedicate, medicate,
Based on the reaction of the patient, determine the ideal levels of
hospital, intravenous, hear, blood,
medication. Create a dosage schedule so these levels are maintained
organ, system, homeostasis, urinate,
through time. Four types of pills, each with a different release pattern
urination, urine, excretion, excretory,
and target organ, are available for use. Elimination of the drug provides liver, react, body, kidney, tissue, intake,
a good example of exponential decay.
absorption, release
beaker, dye, bowl, water, solution,
diffusion, diffuse, drug, dose, dosage,
When a foreign substance such as a drug is ingested, it often remains in elimination, milligram, health, life,
the bloodstream for a long time. This Gizmo models the elimination of
human, overdose, aspirin, pain, injury,
substances from the bloodstream using water and dye. Add dye to a
medicine, medication, overmedicate,
container of water, and then add beakers of pure water while removing medicate, hospital, intravenous, hear,
beakers of dyed water. The amount of dye remaining is recorded after
blood, organ, system, homeostasis,
each cycle. The volumes of all containers can be adjusted, as well as the urinate, urination, urine, excretion,
amount of dye used. This provides a good example of exponential
excretory, liver, react, body, kidney,
Using the scientific method, control the environmental conditions for an
unknown species in order to learn how the species responds to changes aliens, flying, saucer, environment,
Effect of Environment on in conditions. Sunlight, water, and temperature can be controlled as the variables, conditions, response, biology,
New Life Form
average thickness of the aliens torso is measured.
Determine the gender of birds and geckos as they hatch in an incubation
chamber. Control the temperature of the chamber, and record data to
gender, sex, temperature, effect, hatch,
Effect of Temperature on determine if the temperature has an effect on the gender of either
egg, gecko, bird, incubation, incubate,
biology, life
samples, data, results, populations,
experiments, extrapolations,
Adjust the number of fish in a lake to be tagged and the number of fish to estimations, ratios, proportions,
Estimating Population
be recaptured. Use the number of tagged fish in the catch to estimate
predictions, probability, fish, tags,
the number of fish in the lake.
Evolution: Mutation and
Evolution: Natural and
Artificial Selection
Food Chain
Evolution, mutation, natural, selection,
variation, overproduction, Darwin,
theory, life, science, biology, Mendel,
genetics, chromosome, gene, allele,
Observe evolution in a fictional population of bugs. Set the background color, camouflage, insect, blend, rgb,
to any color, and see natural selection taking place. Inheritance of color survival, fittest, fitness, fit, competition,
occurs according to Mendel's laws and probability. Mutations occur at
predation, predator, prey, hunt, bird,
random, and probability of capture by predators is determined by the
insectivore, hide, genotype, phenotype,
insect's camouflage.
artificial, design, intelligent, creationism
evolution, mutation, natural, breeding,
variety, selection, variation,
overproduction, Darwin, theory, life,
science, biology, Mendel, genetics,
chromosome, gene, allele, color,
camouflage, insect, blend, rgb, cmyk,
survival, fittest, fitness, fit, competition,
Observe evolution in a fictional population of bugs. Set the background predation, predator, prey, hunt, bird,
to any color, and see natural selection taking place. Compare the
insectivore, hide, genotype, phenotype,
processes of natural and artificial selection. Manipulate the mutation
artificial, design, intelligent, creationism,
rate, and determine how mutation rate affects adaptation and evolution. adapt, adaptation
food, chain, animals, species, natural,
predator, ecosystem, biology, life,
In this ecosystem consisting of hawks, snakes, rabbits and grass, the
ecology, pyramid, energy, consumer,
population of each species can be studied as part of a food chain.
predation, prey, trophic, producer,
Disease can be introduced for any species, and the number of animals autotroph, heterotroph, feedback, cycle,
can be increased or decreased at any time, just like in the real world.
biology, genetics, allele, parrot,
incomplete, dominance, equilibrium,
stability, hardy, weinberg, population,
Set the initial percentages of three types of parrots in a population and gene, ecology, percent, mendelian,
track changes in genotype and allele frequency through several
codominance, evolution, natural,
generations. Analyze population data to develop an understanding of the selection, adaptation, adapt, dominant,
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. Determine how initial allele percentages
recessive, life, science, heterozygous,
will affect the equilibrium state of the population.
homozygous, genotype, phenotype
Human Evolution - Skull
Human Homeostasis
Human Karyotyping
Identifying Nutrients
Interdependence of
Plants and Animals
human, evolution, evolve, fossil, skull,
hominin, hominid, ape, chimpanzee,
monkey, pan, troglodytes, neanderthal,
homo, habilis, erectus, sapiens,
floresiensis, heidelbergensis, cro,
magnon, australopithecus,
australopithecenes, paranthropus,
zinjanthropus, africanus, bosei,
afarensis, olduvai, Darwin, Leakey,
Dart, Johanson, Lucy, Broom, Kimeu,
Turkana, Peking, man, Java,
Zhoukadian, Tattersall, Bouyssonie,
Morwood, Flores, paleontologist,
Compare the skulls of a variety of significant human ancestors, or
skeleton, paleontology, life, science,
hominids. Use available tools to measure lengths, areas, and angles of biology, natural, selection, cladogram,
important features. Each skull can be viewed from the front, side, or from tree, species, genus, genera,
below. Additional information regarding the age, location, and discoverer speciation, age, radiometric, geology,
of each skull can be displayed.
sediments, preservation, fossilization
homeostasis, perspiration, exercise,
endocrine, body, human, anatomy,
balance, regulation, regulate,
hypothermia, stroke, heat, sweat, gland,
shiver, shivering, temperature, internal,
Adjust the levels of clothing, perspiration, and exercise to maintain a
external, life, science, biology, organ,
stable internal temperature as the external temperature changes. Water systems, equilibrium, somatic,
and blood sugar levels need to be replenished regularly, and fatigue
autonomic, nervous, voluntary,
occurs with heavy exercise. Severe hypothermia, heat stroke, or
involuntary, conscious, unconscious,
dehydration can result if internal stability is not maintained.
dehydration, sugar, blood
Sort and pair the images of human chromosomes obtained in a scan.
human, chromosome, male, female,
Find differences in the scans of the various patients to find out specific disease, sort, karyotype, patient,
things that can cause disease, as well as the gender of the person.
subject, chemistry, physical, biology, life
Use a variety of real-world lab tests to analyze common food samples in nutrients, food, samples, test, tubes,
order to determine if the food is a carbohydrate, a protein, or a lipid.
carbohydrates, proteins, lipids,
Tests that can be performed include: benedict, lugol, biuret, and sudan benedict, lugol, biuret, sudan, life,
Biology, photosynthesis, respiration,
plant, animal, oxygen, carbon, dioxide,
CO2, O2, glucose, atmosphere,
atmospheric, cycle, balance,
dependence, interdependence,
producer, consumer, autotroph,
Discover how animals, plants, and sunlight interact to maintain a balance autotrophic, heterotroph, heterotrophic,
of gases in Earth?s atmosphere. Place aquatic plants and pond snails
elodea, anacharis, snail, brom, thymol,
into sealed test tubes and incubate in a light or dark room. Measure
bromthymol, bromothymol, ecosystem,
concentrations of dissolved carbon dioxide using the indicator brom
environment, global, greenhouse,
thymol blue, and use this information to infer oxygen levels as well.
concentration, indicator.
Mouse Genetics
Mouse Genetics (One
Mouse Genetics (Two
Natural Selection
Observe the effect of predators on a diverse population of parrots. The
initial percentages and fitness levels of each genotype can be set.
Determine how initial fitness levels affect genotype and allele
frequencies through several generations. Test predictions about what
initial conditions lead to equilibrium, and which lead to extinction.
An introduction to mouse genetics where the basics of probability and
statistics are presented before you choose which mice to breed for
multiple generations. Determine the genetics that control the fur and eye
color of the offspring.
Breed "pure" mice with known genotypes that exhibit specific fur colors,
and learn how traits are passed on via dominant and recessive genes.
Mice can be stored in cages for future breeding, and the statistics of fur
color are reported every time a pair of mice breed. Punnet squares can
be used to predict results.
biology, genetics, allele, parrot,
incomplete, dominance, equilibrium,
stability, hardy, weinberg, population,
gene, ecology, percent, mendelian,
codominance, evolution, natural,
selection, adaptation, adapt, dominant,
recessive, life, science, heterozygous,
homozygous, genotype, phenotype
mouse, mice, genetics, eye, fur, color,
statistics, probability, house, punnett,
squares, biology, life,
mouse, mice, genetics, fur, color,
statistics, probability, house, punnet,
squares, dominant, recessive, genes,
traits, life, biology
mouse, mice, genetics, eye, fur, color,
statistics, probability, house, punnet,
squares, dominant, recessive, genes,
Breed "pure" mice with known genotypes that exhibit specific fur and eye allele, Mendel, trait, character,
colors, and learn how traits are passed on via dominant and recessive chromosome, Punnett, biology, life,
genes. Mice can be stored in cages for future breeding, and the statistics independent-events, independent,
of fur and eye color are reported every time a pair of mice breed. Punnet genotype, phenotype, homozygous,
squares can be used to predict results.
heterozygous, purebred, pea
moth, adaptation, evolution, pollution,
environmental, impact, species, hunt,
peck, peppered, life, biology, earth,
You are a bird hunting moths (both dark and light) that live on trees. As physical, Darwin, selection, variety,
you capture the moths most easily visible against the tree surface, the
adapt, predator, competition, survival,
moth populations change, illustrating the effects of natural selection.
fittest, fitness, camouflage, life, science
Adjust the concentration of a solute on either side of a membrane in a
cell and observe the system as it adjusts to the conditions through
osmosis, concentration, cell, wall, blood,
osmosis. The initial concentration of the solute can be manipulated,
nucleus, size, explode, solution,
along with the volume of the cell.
equilibrium, biology, life, chemistry
paramecium, euglena, ameba, amoeba,
homeostasis, hypertonic, hypotonic,
concentration, regulation, water,
Observe how a paramecium maintains stable internal conditions in a
membrane, osmosis, diffusion, vacuole,
changing aquatic environment. Water moves into the organism by
contractile, unicellular, protist , protista,
osmosis, and is pumped out by the contractile vacuole. The
protozoa, microorganism, solute, runoff,
concentration of solutes in the water will determine the rate of
nutrient, salt, pond, life, biology, cell,
contractions in the paramecium.
transport, active
photosynthesis, light, wavelength,
Study photosynthesis in a variety of conditions. Oxygen production is
plants, oxygen, carbon, dioxide, green,
used to measure the rate of photosynthesis. Light intensity, carbon
biology, life, chlorophyll, chloroplast,
dioxide levels, temperature, and wavelength of light can all be varied.
dark, reaction, glucose, water,
Determine which conditions are ideal for photosynthesis, and understand temperature, wavelength, color, sun,
Photosynthesis Lab
how limiting factors affect oxygen production.
Compare sample distributions drawn from population distributions.
frequency, histogram, population,
Predict characteristics of a population distribution based on a sample
distribution, statistics, stats, math,
distribution and examine how well a small sample represents a given
mean, sampling, stats, confidence,
Populations and Samples population.
rabbits, seasons, fence, population,
winter, summer, fall, grass, yard,
Observe the population of rabbits in an environment over many years.
weather, human, sprawl, urban,
The land available to the rabbits can be adjusted, as well as the weather farmland, biology, life, carrying,
Rabbit Population by
conditions, in order to compare the effects of urban sprawl and unusual capacity, ecosystem, habitat,
weather on wildlife populations.
overpopulation, equilibrium, cycle
Rainfall and Bird Beaks
RNA and Protein
rainfall, bird, beak, change, response,
extinct, thickness, evolution, adaptation,
biology, life, Darwin, adapt, finch,
Galapagos, island, speciation, species,
habitat, drought
RNA, DNA, protein, synthesis, nucleus,
enzyme, strand, mrna, transcription,
translation, chemistry, physical, biology,
life, Watson, Crick, amino, mutation
seeds, plant, grow, sprouts,
germination, germinate, biology, life
sight, sound, reflexes, response, time,
life, reaction, response, stimulus,
stimuli, nerve, neuron, nervous, human,
behavior, conditioning, learn, learning,
somatic, voluntary, involuntary, motor,
Measure your reaction time by clicking your mouse as quickly as
sense, sensory, hear, ear, see, eye,
possible when visual or auditory stimuli are presented. The individual
eyesight, organ, test, science, biology,
response times are recorded, as well as the average and standard
statistics, standard, deviation, spread,
deviation for each test. A histogram of data shows overall trends in sight variance, mean, average, scientific,
and sound response times. The type of test as well as the symbols and method, histogram, normal, curve,
Sight vs. Sound Reflexes sounds used are chosen by the user.
experiment, fair, project
Seed Germination
Study the thickness of birds' beaks over a five year period as you control
the yearly rainfall on an isolated island. As the environmental conditions
change, the species must adapt (a real-world consequence) to avoid
Go through the process of synthesizing proteins through RNA
transcription and translation. Learn about the many steps involved in
protein synthesis including: unzipping of DNA, formation of mRNA,
attaching of mRNA to the ribosome, and linking of amino acids to form a
Perform experiments with several seed types to see what conditions
yield the highest germination (sprouting) rate. Three different types of
seeds can be studied, and the temperature, water and light in the
germination chamber can be controlled. No two trials will have the same
result, so repeated trials and data analysis can be used.
Virus Life Cycle (Lytic)
Triple Beam Balance
2D Collisions
Additive Color v2
Additive Colors
Advanced Circuits
Air Track
Atwood Machine
Balancing Chemical
Release a lytic virus in a group of cells and observe how cells are
infected over time and eventually destroyed. Data related to the number
of healthy cells, infected cells, and viruses can be recorded over time to
determine the time required for the virus to mature within a cell.
Learn how to determine the mass of an object using a triple beam
balance. The mass of a variety of objects can be determined using this
simulated version of a common real-world laboratory tool for
virus, virii, viruses, disease, hiv,
infected, cells, life, biology, exponential
balance, weight, scale, triple, beam,
mass, measurement, device chemistry,
physical, physics
collisions, elastic, pucks, frictionless,
momentum, conservation, kinetic,
energy, vectors, physics, momenta,
friction, two, dimensions, vector,
physical, component, collide, center,
mass, speed, velocity
Investigate elastic collisions in two dimensions using two frictionless
pucks. The mass, velocity, and initial position of each puck can be
modified to create a broad array of scenarios.
Control red, green, and blue spotlights (primary colors or RGB). Observe
the additive colors as the spotlights overlap. The intensity of the red,
green, and blue lights can be adjusted, and the RGB value of the overlap color, addition, additive, RGB, spotlight,
region can be measured.
rgb, physics, physical
Control red, green, and blue spotlights (primary colors or RGB). Observe color, addition, additive, RGB, rgb,
the additive colors as the spotlights overlap.
spotlight, physics, physical,
physics, electricity, electrical, electric,
circuit, ohm, ohmmeter, ampere, amp,
ammeter, resistor, resistance, current,
Build compound circuits with series and parallel elements. Calculate
electron, volt, voltmeter, voltage,
voltages, resistance, and current across each component using Ohm's potential, energy, light, bulb, wire, fuse,
law and the equivalent resistance equation. Check your answers using a switch, battery, meter, board, parallel,
voltmeter, ammeter, and ohmmeter. Learn the function of fuses as a
series, faraday, volta, Edison, power,
safety device.
watt, wattage, breaker, short
air, track, momentum, energy,
Adjust the mass and velocity of two gliders on a frictionless air track.
conservation, restitution, collision,
Measure the velocity, momentum, and kinetic energy of each glider as elastic, elasticity, glider, friction, motion,
they approach each other and collide. Collisions can be elastic or
velocity, mass, physics, physical,
atwood, machine, pulley, mass, force,
Measure the height and velocity of two objects connected by a massless motion, Newton, acceleration, velocity,
rope over a pulley. Observe the forces acting on each mass throughout height, energy, friction, physics,
the simulation. Calculate the acceleration of the objects, and relate these physical, vector, kilogram, gravity,
calculations to Newton?s Laws of Motion. The mass of each object can gravitation, kinetic, kinetics, potential,
be manipulated, as well as the mass and radius of the pulley.
resistance, inertia, torque, rotation
Attempt to balance specific types of chemical reactions: combination,
chemistry, equations, balance, reaction,
decomposition, single replacement, and double replacement. While
combination, decomposition,
balancing the reactions, the number of atoms on each side is presented replacement, single, double, chemical,
as visual, histogram, and numerical data.
Explore Snell's Law by shining white light, or light of a specific
frequency, through a prism. The angle of incidence and refraction can be Snell, snell, prism, angle, incidence,
Basic Prism (Classic)
refraction, optics, physics, physical
chemistry, physics, atom, atomic,
electron, energy, level, orbital, bohr,
einstein, heisenberg, rutherford,
thomson, configuration, absorb,
absorption, emit, emission, photon,
Shoot a stream of photons through a container of hydrogen gas.
quantum, quanta, laser, spectrum,
Observe how photons of certain energies are absorbed, causing
spectra, light, radiation, prism,
changes in the orbits of electrons. Build the spectrum of hydrogen based photoelectric, planck, lewis, periodic,
Bohr Model of Hydrogen on photons that are absorbed and emitted.
bond, chemical
chemistry, physics, atom, atomic,
Fire photons to determine the spectrum of a gas. Observe how an
electron, energy, level, orbital, Bohr,
absorbed photon changes the orbit of an electron, and how a photon is Einstein, Heisenberg, Rutherford,
emitted from an excited electron. Calculate the energies of absorbed and configuration, absorb, absorption, emit,
emitted photons based on energy level diagrams. The light energy
emission, photon, quantum, quanta,
produced by the laser can be modulated, and a lamp can be used to
laser, spectrum, spectra, light, radiation,
Bohr Model: Introduction view the entire absorption spectrum at once.
prism, physical, gas
Investigate the properties of an ideal gas by performing experiments in
which the temperature is held constant (Boyle's Law), and others in
which the pressure remains fixed (Charles' Law). The pressure is
Boyle, Charles, gas, law, pressure,
Boyle's Law and Charles' controlled through the placement of masses on the lid of the container, volume, temperature, ideal, chemistry,
and temperature is controlled with an adjustable heat source.
Investigate how calorimetry can be used to find relative specific heat
calorimetry, chemistry, physical,
values when different substances are mixed with water. Modify initial
specific, heat, temperature, calorimeter,
mass and temperature values to see effects on the system. One or any energy, mixing, change, transfer,
combination of the substances can be mixed with water. A dynamic
substance, mass, thermochemistry,
graph (temperature vs. time) shows temperatures of the individual
thermodynamics, unknown, algebra,
Calorimetry Lab
substances after mixing.
thermo, calorie
center, mass, barycenter, centroid,
median, physics, rotation, moment,
Drag blocks onto a two-dimensional surface and observe the effects on inertia, torque, torsion, rotate, gravity,
the center of mass. Use a grid to calculate the coordinates of the center sun, earth, moon, Pluto, solar, Calder,
of mass. Investigate predefined shapes or your own arrangements of
mobile, sculpture, physics, block,
Center of Mass
physical, science
Chemical Equation
chemistry, chemical, element, mass,
atom, atomic, conservation, equation,
balance, balancing, formula, reaction,
reactant, product, mole, molar, molarity,
Practice balancing chemical equations by changing the coefficients of
molecule, compound, polyatomic,
reactants and products. As the equation is manipulated, the amount of coefficient, subscript, acid, salt, ionic,
each element is shown as individual atoms, histograms, or numerically. covalent, diatomic, bond, synthesis,
Molar masses of reactants and products can also be calculated and
combination, replacement,
balanced to demonstrate conservation of mass.
decomposition, combustion, periodic
Colligative Properties
Collision Theory
Coulomb Force
Coulomb Force (Static)
Covalent Bonds
Build electrical circuits using batteries, light bulbs, resistors, fuses, wires,
and a switch. An ammeter, a voltmeter and an ohmmeter are available electricity, circuits, resistors, parallel,
for measuring current, voltage and resistance throughout the circuit. The series, amperes, ohms, light, bulbs,
voltage of the battery and the precision of the meters can be adjusted. batteries, battery, ammeter, voltmeter,
Multiple circuits can be built for comparison.
current, voltage, physics, physical
Determine how the physical properties of a solvent are dependent on the colligative, property, properties,
number of solute particles present. Different solutes can be chosen and dissociation, chemistry, physical,
the concentration of the solute can be manipulated to determine the
molality, molarity, osmotic, vapor,
boiling point, freezing point, osmotic pressure and vapor pressure of
pressure, boiling, freezing, melting,
pure water as well as various solutions.
solute, solvent, temperature
Collision, theory, kinetic, chemical,
reaction, molecule, catalyst, enzyme,
atom, element, chemistry, surface, area,
temperature, Celsius, Kelvin, reactant,
product, equilibrium, constant, rate,
Observe a chemical reaction with and without a catalyst. Determine the activation, energy, active, site, heat,
effect of concentration, temperature, surface area, and catalysts on
lock, key, substrate, mole, molarity,
reaction rate. Reactant and product concentrations through time are
molecular, concentration, half, life,
recorded, and the speed of the simulation is controlled by the user.
Arrhenius, orientation
Place fixed charges on a two-dimensional grid before firing a moving
charge (velocity can be adjusted). The velocity of the charge will be
Coulomb, charge, force, repulsion,
acted on and altered by the Coulomb forces.
attraction, physics, physical
Coulomb, physics, physical, charge,
force, equilibrium, change, unknown,
algebra, particle, interaction, magnitude,
Drag two charged particles around and observe the Coulomb force
vector, direction, component, attraction,
between them as their positions change. The charge of each object can repulsion, attract, repel, electrostatics,
be adjusted, and the force is displayed both vectorally and numerically neutral, static, electricity, field, positive,
as the distance between the objects is altered.
ammonia, atom, atomic, bohr, bond,
carbon, chemistry, chlorine, cloud,
compound, configuration, covalent, d,
dalton, diagram, diatomic, dioxide, dot,
double, electron, element, emission,
energy, f, fluorescence, fluorine,
hydrogen, joint, jump, level, lewis,
methane, model, molecule, neutron,
nitrogen, nucleus, orbit, orbital, oxygen,
p, pair, particle, proton, quanta,
quantum, radii, radius, represent,
Choose a substance and move electrons between atoms to build
representation, s, share, silica,
covalent bonds and molecules. Observe the orbits of shared electrons in spontaneous, stability, stable,
single, double, and triple covalent bonds. Compare the completed
substance, theory, triple, unstable,
molecules to the corresponding Lewis diagrams.
valence, water
Dehydration Synthesis
Drop a chunk of material in a beaker of water and observe whether it
sinks or floats. Cut the chunk into smaller pieces of any size, and
observe what happens as they are dropped in the beaker. The mass and slice, dice, cut, density, float, sink,
Density Experiment: Slice volume of each chunk can be measured as a clear understanding of
water, materials, buoyancy, chemistry,
and Dice
density, buoyancy, and floatation is investigated.
Density Lab
Density Laboratory
mass, volume, density, float, sink,
properties, matter, pail, bucket, liquid,
physics, physical, chemistry,
mass, volume, density, float, sink,
properties, matter, pail, bucket, liquid,
chemistry, physical, physics, bouyancy,
Archimedes, Eureka, gold
Determining Density via
Water Displacement
Explore the motion of particles as they bounce around from one side of a
room to the other through an adjustable gap or partition. The mass of the
particles can be adjusted, as well as the temperature of the room and
the initial number of particles. In a real-world context, this can be used to diffusion, equilibrium, particles, flow,
learn about how odors travel, fluids move through gaps, the
rooms, statistics, statistical, probability,
thermodynamics of gases, and statistical probability.
thermodynamics, physics, physical
Determining a Spring
With a scale to measure mass, a graduated cylinder to measure volume,
and a large beaker of liquid to observe floatation, the relationship
between mass, volume, density, and floatation can be investigated. The
density of the liquid in the beaker can be adjusted, and many different
objects can be studied during the investigation.
With a scale to measure mass, a graduated cylinder to measure volume,
and a large beaker of liquid to observe floatation, the relationship
between mass, volume, density, and floatation can be investigated. The
density of the liquid in the beaker can be adjusted, and a variety of
objects can be studied during the investigation.
Using four beakers of different liquids with a known density, try to
determine the density of a variety of unknown objects. Compare the
buoyancy of each object in each beaker to determine an approximate
value of density without knowing the mass or volume of the objects.
Place a pan on the end of a hanging spring, and continue to add
additional objects with mass to the pan. As the string stretches the
length of the spring can be measured. Using the data points, a best?fit
line can be used to find the spring constant.
Drop objects in a beaker that is filled with water and measure the water
that flows over the edge. Using Archimedes principle, the amount of
water displaced by the floating objects and the water displaced when
you force the object under water, will allow you to determine the density
of the objects.
Density via Comparison
dehydration, synthesis, hydrolysis,
chemistry, biochemistry, water,
carbohydrate, protein, energy, glucose,
maltose, amylose, monosaccharide,
disaccharide, polysaccharide, molecule,
molecular, structure, valence,
biochemistry, organic, chemical,
Build a glucose molecule, atom-by-atom, to learn about chemical bonds structure, chemical, formula, carbon,
and the structure of glucose. Explore the processes of dehydration
hydrogen, oxygen, balance, balancing,
synthesis and hydrolysis in carbohydrate molecules.
equation, reactant, product
buoyancy, floatation, sinking, shelf,
beakers, chemistry, physical
spring, constant, stretch, mass, pan,
pull, physics, physical, linear, directvariation
density, displacement, water, floatation,
beaker, sink, archimedes, principle,
physical, chemistry, eureka
Create a graph of a runner's position versus time and watch the runner
run a 40-meter dash based on the graph you made. Notice the
connection between the slope of the line and the velocity of the runner.
Add a second runner (a second graph) and connect real-world meaning
to the intersection of two graphs. Also experiment with a graph of
Distance-Time and
velocity versus time for the runners, and also distance traveled versus
Velocity-Time Graphs
Create a graph of a runner's position versus time and watch the runner
run a 40-meter dash based on the graph you made. Notice the
connection between the slope of the line and the speed of the runner.
What will the runner do if the slope of the line is zero? What if the slope
is negative? Add a second runner (a second graph) and connect realDistance-Time Graphs
world meaning to the intersection of two graphs.
Visually observe sound waves produced by a moving source. Gain an
understanding of the Doppler shift and recognize why the pitch of a train
whistle changes as it passes and why a sonic boom occurs as planes
Doppler Effect (1 source) travel at high speeds.
rates, speeds, slopes, ratios, linearfunctions, distance-time, rate-of-change,
graphs, graphing, algebra, velocity,
rates, speeds, slopes, ratios, linearfunctions, distance-time, rate-of-change,
graphs, graphing, algebra
doppler, shift, effect, sound, wave,
sonic, boom, train, whistle, physics,
doppler, shift, effect, sound, wave,
Control the velocity of two sound sources in which the wave crests are sonic, boom, train, whistle, interference,
visually represented. As the sound sources move, interference patterns pattern, physics, physical,
Doppler Effect (2 sources) and evidence of the Doppler effect can be observed and measured.
Observe sound waves emitted from a moving vehicle. Measure the
doppler, shift, effect, sound, wave,
frequency of sound waves in front of and behind the vehicle as it moves, sonic, boom, train, whistle, physics,
illustrating the Doppler effect. The frequency of sound waves, speed of physical, red, blue, Hubble, frequency,
the source, and the speed of sound can all be manipulated. Motion of
pitch, note, supersonic, SST,
Doppler Shift
the vehicle can be linear, oscillating, or circular.
wavelength, motion, velocity
Doppler, effect, shift, sound, frequency,
Derive an equation to calculate the frequency of an oncoming sound
pitch, hertz, wave, wavelength, tone,
source and a receding sound source. Also, calculate the Doppler shift
hearing, velocity, motion, measurement,
that results from a moving observer and a stationary sound source. The radar, sonic, boom, jet, mach, physical,
source velocity, sound velocity, observer velocity and sound frequency physics, science, quantitative, equation,
Doppler Shift Advanced can all be manipulated.
derive, algebra
A traditional lab where a sinusoidal driving force can be applied to a
system consisting of a mass between two springs. Many variables can frequency, spring, constant, driven,
Driven Harmonic Motion be adjusted, including oscillation frequency, the drag coefficient, and
harmonic, resonant, sinusoidal, physics,
(1 mass)
each spring constant, in an effort to find resonant frequencies.
A traditional lab where a sinusoidal driving force can be applied to a
system consisting of two masses between three springs. Many variables frequency, spring, constant, driven,
Driven Harmonic Motion can be adjusted, including oscillation frequency, the drag coefficient, and harmonic, resonant, sinusoidal, physics,
(2 masses)
each spring constant, in an effort to find resonant frequencies.
Electron Configuration
Energy Conversion in a
Use protons, neutrons, and electrons to build elements. As the number
of protons, neutrons, and electrons changes, information such as the
name and symbol of the element, the Z, N, and A numbers, the electron
dot diagram, and the group and period from the periodic table are
periodic, table, elements, protons,
shown. The state of the element at room temperature is provided, along neutrons, electrons, shell, solid, liquid,
with the metallicity of the element.
gas, chemistry, physical
Allow a falling object to stir a beaker of water using a pulley system. The
mass and height of the object, and the quantity of water can be adjusted. energy, conversion, heat, pulley,
The temperature of the water is measured as energy is being converted dropping, temperature, water, swirl,
from one form to another.
system, physics, physical, chemistry
Energy of a Pendulum
Perform experiments with a pendulum to gain an understanding of
energy conservation in simple harmonic motion. The gravity, length and
mass of the pendulum can be adjusted, as well as the initial starting
angle of the pendulum. Data (tables, bar chart, and graphs) of the
potential and kinetic energies are shown as the pendulum oscillates.
Element Builder
Exponential Growth and
Decay - Activity A
Fan Cart Physics
Fermat's Principle
Create the electron configuration of any element by filling electron
orbitals. Determine the relationship between electron configuration and
atomic radius. Discover trends in atomic radii across periods and down
families/groups of the Periodic Table.
Aufbau, Pauli, exclusion, hund, electron,
proton, neutron, nucleus, configuration,
atomic, atom, radii, radius, number,
Bohr, Heisenberg, model, principle,
energy, level, valence, subatomic,
particle, proton, atom, periodic, table,
family, group, period, element, trend,
sublevel, orbital, shell, subshell,
quantum, quanta, chemistry, physics
Force on a Wing
pendulum, period, oscillation, oscillate,
harmonic, potential, kinetic, energy,
conserve, conservation, physics,
exponentials, nonlinear, non-linear,
system, exponents, exponentialfunctions, bases, coefficients, xintercepts, y-intercepts, graphs,
graphing, growth, decay, interest,
Explore the graph of the exponential growth or decay function. Vary the principles, initial-amounts, rates, times,
initial amount and the rate of growth or decay and investigate the
logarithms, logarithmic, intersections,
changes to the graph.
Gain an understanding of Newton's Laws by experimenting with a cart
(on which up to three fans are placed) on a linear track. The cart has a
mass, as does each fan. The fans exert a constant force when switched newton, Newton, laws, cart, fan, push,
on, and the direction of the fans can be altered as the position, velocity, force, velocity, acceleration, physics,
and acceleration of the cart are measured.
physical, position, velocity, acceleration
A "person" travels across the screen from one side to the other. The
maximum velocity can be adjusted in each half of the screen, and the
direction of motion can be controlled as the person walk or runs. Explore Fermat, straight, line, minimize, time,
Fermat's principle in this real-world application as a person tries to
quickest, fastest, trip, fermat, physics,
minimize the time required for a trip.
Using an airplane wing placed in a wind tunnel, observe the magnitude
of both the lift and drag forces acting on the wing as the angle of attack drag, lift, airplane, wing, forces, thrust,
is adjusted.
physics, physical
Freezing Point of Salt
Investigate the motion of a ball, including terminal velocity, as it is
dropped to the ground. The mass, radius, and initial height of the ball
can be changed (along with the air density and vertical wind speed) as
the position, velocity, and acceleration are measured.
Investigate the motion of an object as it falls to the ground. A variety of
objects can be compared, and their motion can be observed in a
vacuum, in normal air, and in denser air. The position, velocity, and
acceleration are measured through time, and the forces on the object
can be displayed. Using the manual settings, the mass, radius, height,
and initial velocity of the object can be adjusted, as well as the air
density and wind.
Control the temperature of a beaker of water. As the temperature drops
below the freezing point, a transformation of state will occur which can
be viewed on a molecular level. Salt can be added to the water to see its
effect on the freezing point of water.
Golf Range!
Try to get a hole in one by adjusting the velocity and launch angle of a
golf ball. Explore the physics of projectile motion in a frictional or ideal
setting. Horizontal and vertical velocity vectors can be displayed, as well
as the path of the ball. The height of the golfer and the force of gravity
are also adjustable.
Investigate the decay of a radioactive substance. The half-life and the
number of radioactive atoms can be adjusted, and theoretical or random
decay can be observed. Data can be interpreted visually using a
dynamic graph, a bar chart, and a table. Determine the half-lives of two
sample isotopes as well as samples with randomly generated half-lives.
Hearing: Frequency and
Test your hearing range by listening to low-, medium-, and highfrequency sounds. Compare the relative loudness of sounds at each
frequency to create an equal-loudness curve. In a quiet room, measure
your threshold of audibility for each frequency, and compare your results
to others. The volume of each sound can be adjusted.
Freefall Lab - Terminal
Freefall Laboratory
freefall, drag, air, resistance, bounce,
terminal, velocity, acceleration, gravity,
physics, physical, freefall
free, fall, drop, plummet, accelerate,
acceleration, gravity, gravitation, height,
time, drag, buoyancy, resistance,
terminal, velocity, parachute, force,
universal, law, Aristotle, Galileo,
Newton, physics, physical, shuttlecock,
badminton, tennis, rock, cotton
freezing, freeze, states, change, solid,
liquid, salt, ice, water, molecular,
chemistry, earth, physical
Keywords: Golf, range, velocity,
acceleration, gravity, force,
gravitational, gravitation, air, resistance,
projectile, trajectory, motion, launch,
cannon, cannonball, missile, artillery,
shoot, shot, angle, vector, physics,
physical, Newton, newtonian, Galileo,
parabola, freefall
Half, life, half-life, radioactive,
radioactivity, radiometric, element,
isotope, daughter, unstable, stable,
decay, neutron, proton, nucleus,
nuclear, energy, gamma, atom, atomic,
emission, uranium, carbon, dating,
carbon dating, fossil, age, time,
absolute, date, science, physical,
hear, hearing, decibel, frequency, hertz,
sound, wave, level, sine, curve, graph,
physics, physical, wavelength,
threshold, music, pitch, tone, harmonic,
ear, eardrum, deafness, deaf, tinnitus,
tuning, range, listen, nerve, nervous,
system, auditory, audio, oscilloscope,
headphone, acoustics, db, phon, sone,
amplitude, human
Heat Transfer by
Inclined Plane - Rolling
Inclined Plane - Simple
Inclined Plane - Sliding
Interference Patterns
Intro to E & M
Intro to Plasma
Ionic Bonds
An insulated beaker of hot water is connected to a beaker of cold water
with a conducting bar, and over time the temperature of the beakers
becomes equal as heat flows through the conducting bar. The material
of the conducting bar can be changed, and the temperature of each
beaker is dynamically shown in various formats.
Observe and compare objects of different shapes as they roll or slide
down an inclined plane. Compare the percentages of translational and
rotational kinetic energy for each object, and see how this affects how
quickly each object moves. The slope of each ramp can be adjusted,
and a variety of materials can be used for the objects and ramp.
transfer, heat, conduction, bar,
thermometer, beakers, physics,
physical, chemistry
roll, inclined, plane, rotational, kinetic,
energy, potential, conservation, angular,
moment, inertia, disk, sphere, ball, ring,
physics, translational, ramp, rotate
inclined, plane, simple, machine,
mechanical, advantage, work, friction,
decomposition, force, potential, kinetic,
Investigate how an inclined plane redirects and reduces the force pulling energy, applied, physics, efficiency,
a brick downward, with or without friction. A toy car can apply a variable ramp, free, body, diagram, weight,
upward force on the brick, and the mechanical advantage and efficiency height, gravity, vector, decompose,
of the plane can be determined. A graph of force versus distance
physical, science, Newton, Galileo,
illustrates the concept of work.
brick, block
Investigate the energy and motion of a block sliding down an inclined
plane, with or without friction. The ramp angle can be varied and a
variety of materials for the block and ramp can be used. Potential and
plane, inclined, friction, slide, sliding,
kinetic energy are reported as the block slides down the ramp. Two
mu, brick, potential, kinetic, energy,
experiments can be run simultaneously to compare results as factors are conservation, velocity, ramp, inclination,
physics, physical, science
The wave crests of two sound sources are visually represented by
concentric circles. The position of one sound source can be adjusted so interference, pattern, wave, crest,
that patterns of constructive and destructive interference can be
constructive, destructive, sound,
physics, physical
This introduction to the principles of electricity and magnetism provides
an overview of static and moving charges, magnetism, creating
electricity, magnetism, charge, static,
electricity with magnets, magnetic fields produced by electrical currents, moving, pole, circuit, lightning, physics,
and a brief introduction to circuits.
An introduction to plasma and the states of matter. Topics presented
plasma, matter, states, atoms,
include atoms, elements, molecules, states of matter, density, and units molecules, elements, density, units,
(conversion and scientific notation).
conversion, chemistry, physical, physics
Simulate ionic bonds between a variety of metals and nonmetals. Select
a metal and a nonmetal, and transfer electrons from one to the other.
chemistry, chemical, atom, element, ion,
Observe the effect of gaining and losing electrons on charge, and
ionic, bond, bonding, electron, charge,
rearrange the atoms to represent the molecular structure. Additional
attraction, repulsion, crystal, crystalline,
metal and nonmetal atoms can be added to the screen, and the resulting affinity, valence, formula, salt, molecule,
chemical formula can be displayed.
compound, metal, nonmetal
Laser Reflection
Limiting Reactants
Longitudinal Waves
Moment of Inertia
Point a laser at a mirror and record the incoming angle as well as the
angle after the reflection from the mirror. A protractor can be used to
measure the angles of incidence and reflection, and the angle of the
mirror can be adjusted. A beam splitter can be used to split the beam,
and non-ideal mirrors can be used.
Explore the concept of limiting reactants, non-limiting reactants, and
theoretical yield in a chemical reaction. Select from two different
reactions, choose the number of molecules for the reactants, and then
observe the products created and reactants left over.
light, reflection, angle, incidence,
reflected, protractor, laser, physics,
limiting, reactants, chemistry, chemical,
reaction, stoichiometry, molecule,
balance, equations, yield, products,
physical, reagents
wave, longitudinal, long, compression,
pressure, propagate, medium, sound,
molecule, amplitude, wavelength,
strength, pulse, displacement,
interference, reflect, reflection, slinky,
spring, rarefaction, rarefy, echo,
standing, sine, sinusoidal, air, seismic,
Observe the propagation of longitudinal (compression) waves in a closed p-wave, p, standing, resonate,
or open tube with evenly-spaced dividers. The strength and frequency of resonance, node, antinode, harmonic,
the waves can be manipulated, or waves can be observed as individual mechanical, tuning, fork, cork, tube,
pulses. Compare the movement of dividers to graphs of displacement, disk, divider, firecracker, fire, cracker,
velocity, acceleration and pressure.
dynamite, physics, physical, science
Wrap a string around a bike tire, run the string across a pulley, and place
some mass at the end of the string. You will learn about the moment of
inertia and rotational motion as the string pulls on the edge of the wheel,
causing it to spin. Varying masses can be placed on the spokes of the
moment, inertia, rotational, motion,
bike tire.
wheel, physics, physical
Perform multiple experiments using several common powders such as
corn starch, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and gelatin. The results of
the research on the known powders can the be used to analyze several mystery, powder, corn, starch, test,
unknowns using the scientific method. The unknowns can be a single
tube, unknown, baking, soda, salt,
Mystery Powder Analysis powder or a combination of the known powders.
gelatin, chemistry, physical
nuclear, decay, radiation, radioactivity,
radioactive, physics, physical,
chemistry, nucleus, nuclei, proton,
electron, neutron, positron, alpha, beta,
gamma, energy, weak, strong, quark,
Observe the five main types of nuclear decay: alpha decay, beta decay, subatomic, atom, element, atomic,
gamma decay, positron emission, and electron capture. Write nuclear
antimatter, uranium, radium, carbon,
equations by determining the mass number and atomic number of
polonium, Curie, isotope, unstable,
Nuclear Decay
daughter products and emitted particles.
transmutation, cancer
Perform experiments with a pendulum to gain an understanding of the
period during simple harmonic motion. The gravity, length and mass of
the pendulum can be adjusted, and data can be collected by measuring pendulum, period, oscillation, oscillate,
Period of a Pendulum
the time between swings of the pendulum.
harmonic, time, physics, physical
Period of Mass on a
Perform experiments with a pendulum to gain an understanding of the
period and the dependence on the angular range of the swing. The
gravity, the length and mass of the pendulum, along with the initial angle
(which can be very large) can be adjusted, and data can be collected by
measuring the time between pendulum swings.
Perform experiments with a mass on the end of a spring to gain an
understanding of the period during simple harmonic motion. The gravity,
spring constant, and mass hanging from the spring can be adjusted, and
data can be collected by measuring the time between oscillations of the
pH Analysis
Test the acidity of many common everyday substances using pH paper.
Materials including soap, lemon juice, milk, and oven cleaner can be
acids, bases, rain, soap, lemon, tests,
tested by comparing the color of the pH strips to the calibrated scale.
strips, acidity, chemistry, physical
Period of a Pendulum Large Angle
Phased Array (Classic)
Photoelectric Effect
spring, period, oscillation, oscillate,
harmonic, time, constant, physics,
Test the acidity of many common everyday substances using pH paper
(four color indicators). Materials including soap, lemon juice, milk, and
pH Analysis: Quad Color oven cleaner can be tested by comparing the color of the pH strips to the acids, bases, rain, soap, lemon, tests,
calibrated scale.
strips, acidity, chemistry, physical
Phase Changes
pendulum, period, oscillation, oscillate,
harmonic, time, angle, large, physics,
Pith Ball Lab
Phase, change, freeze, freezing, melt,
melting, boil, boiling, vapor,
vaporization, condensation, graph,
Explore the relationship between molecular motion, temperature, and
molecule, temperature, solid, liquid,
phase changes. Compare the molecular structure of solids, liquids, and gas, ice, water, steam, condensation,
gases. Graph temperature changes as ice is melted and water is boiled. kinetic, velocity, heat, energy,
Find the effect of altitude on phase changes. The starting temperature, thermodynamics, condense, chemistry,
ice volume, altitude, and rate of heating or cooling can be adjusted.
physics, physical
Using four closely spaced objects that produce waves, the spacing,
frequency, and phase shift of each wave source can be adjusted. Wave
crests from each source is visible, and with all four sources you can see
regions of constructive interference that move over time. This is known
as a phased array and has real?world applications such as radar and
phased, array, ultrasound, interference,
constructive, shift, physics, physical
physics, electron, photoelectric, photoelectric, light, wave, quanta, quantum,
Shoot a beam of light at a metal plate in a virtual lab and observe the
work function, frequency, wavelength,
effect on surface electrons. The type of metal as well as the frequency intensity, voltage, potential, kinetic,
and intensity of the light can be adjusted. An electric field can be created energy, emission, emit, Einstein,
to resist the electrons and measure their initial energies.
Planck, metal
Pith balls with positive, negative, or no electrical charge are suspended
from strings. The charge and mass of the pith balls can be adjusted,
along with the length of the string, which will cause the pith balls to
coulomb, pith, charges, repel, repulsion,
change position. Distances can be measured as variables are adjusted, attraction, forces, gravitational, gravity,
and the forces (Coulomb and gravitational) acting on the balls can be
static, electricity, electrical, physics,
Potential Energy on
Pulley Lab
See-Saw Torque
A see-saw lever is one type of a simple machine. Place up to four
masses on a see-saw at different locations and try to balance the lever
(equal torque on both sides of the fulcrum). The position of the fulcrum
can be shifted.
simple, machine, pulley, work, force,
joule, newton, weight, lift, block, tackle,
energy, conservation, wheel, rope,
system, efficiency, friction, physical,
science, physics
Roller Coaster Physics
Ray Tracing (Lenses)
Use a pulley system to lift a heavy weight to a certain height. Measure
the force required to lift the weight using up to three fixed and three
movable pulleys. The weight to be lifted and the efficiency of the pulley
system can be adjusted, and the height of the weight and the total input
distance are reported.
Rays traced from an object to an image are shown as an object is
dragged around, and the height changed. The converging lens can be
moved to different locations and the focal length of the lens can be
converging, converge, lens, light, ray,
tracing, image, object, focal, focus,
length, earth, physical
lens, lenses, magnify, magnification,
focal, curvature, optics, ray, tracing,
rays, focus, convergence, apparent,
Experiment with a dynamic lens. Manipulate the position of an object
virtual, image, inverted, principal, axis,
and measure the distance and size of the image cast by a lens of
glasses, Galileo, telescope, microscope,
variable strength. Observe the focusing of various light rays emanating concave, convex, light, candle, refract,
from the object.
wave, front, wavelength, frequency,
peak, trough, normal, incidence,
Determine the angle of refraction for a light beam moving from one
refraction, reflection, medium,
medium to another. The angle of incidence and each index of refraction substance, velocity, speed, particle,
can be varied. Using the tools provided, the angle of refraction can be
light, sound, pressure, rarefaction,
measured, and the wavelength and frequency of the waves in each
compression, amplitude, length, angle,
substance can be compared as well.
ray, physical, science, physics
Adjust the hills on a toy-car roller coaster and watch what happens as
the car careens toward an egg (that can be broken) at the end of the
track. The height of three hills can be manipulated, along with the mass
of the car and the friction of the track. A graph of various variables of
motion can be viewed as the car travels, including potential, kinetic, and roller, coaster, friction, energy, potential,
total energies, and the x and y components of position, velocity, and
kinetic, crack, egg, break, hills, physics,
physical, position, velocity, acceleration
Ray Tracing
Compare the potential energy of several objects when you place them
on shelves of different heights. Learn that two objects at different heights
can have the same potential energy, while two objects at the same
potential, energy, shelf, shelves, mass,
height can have different potential energy.
paper, clip, physics, physical
torque, see-saw, seesaw, see saw,
lever, simple, machine, balance,
physics, physical
shoot, monkey, banana, hunter, blood,
spatter, cannon, fall, free, freefall, freefall, projectile, motion, velocity,
component, vector, magnitude,
Fire a banana cannon at a monkey in a tree. The monkey drops from the horizontal, vertical, acceleration, gravity,
tree at the moment the banana is fired from the cannon. Determine
launch, angle, initial, decompose,
where to aim the cannon so the monkey catches the banana. The
decomposition, project, throw, drop,
position of the cannon, launch angle and initial velocity of the banana
Galileo, Newton, trigonometry, trig, sine,
can be varied. Students can observe the velocity vectors and the paths cosine, tangent, sin, cos, tan, theta,
Shoot the Monkey!
of the monkey and banana.
physics, physical, science
pendulum, spring, period, oscillation,
Observe two different forms of simple harmonic motion: a pendulum and oscillate, harmonic, bounce, swing,
a spring supporting a mass. Use a stopwatch to measure the period of physics, physical, frequency, watch,
each as you adjust the gravity, spring constant, mass hanging from the clock, k, Hooke, Huygens, Galileo,
Simple Harmonic Motion spring, length of the pendulum, and mass of the pendulum.
Add varying amounts of a chemical to a beaker of water to create a
solution, observe that the chemical dissolves in the water at first, and
then measure the concentration of the solution at the saturation point.
solubility, dissolve, stir, saturation,
Solubility and
Either sodium chloride or potassium nitrate can be added to the water, beaker, temperature, chemistry,
and the temperature of the water can be adjusted.
Listen to sounds that have a similar frequency and you will hear pulses
(or beats) due to the interference of the sound waves. After listening to
beats caused by several known frequencies, you will use your
knowledge to determine the frequency of unknown sounds. The beats
sound, beats, frequency, tones,
are a common real-world application that is very useful when tuning
frequencies, interference, physics,
Sound Beats
musical instruments.
hear, hearing, decibel, frequency, hertz,
sound, wave, level, sine, curve, graph,
physics, physical, wavelength, music,
pitch, tone, harmonic, ear, eardrum,
deafness, deaf, tinnitus, tuning, range,
Listen to and see interference patterns produced by sound waves with listen, nerve, nervous, system, auditory,
similar frequencies. Test your ability to distinguish and match sounds as audio, oscilloscope, headphone,
musicians do when they tune their instruments. Calculate the number of acoustics, db, phon, sone, cosine, beat,
Sound Beats and Sine
"sound beats" you will hear based on the frequency of each sound.
interference, tartini, amplitude, human,
[Note: Headphones are recommended for this Gizmo.]
harmonics, string, standing, harmony
stoichiometry, chemistry, chemical,
equation, balance, mole, molar,
molecule, atom, particle, reaction,
molarity, molality, avogadro, compound,
Solve problems in chemistry using dimensional analysis. Select
substance, particle, composition,
appropriate tiles so that units in the question are converted into units of reactant, product, conservation,
the answer. Tiles can be flipped, and answers can be calculated once
dimensional, dimension, mass, volume,
the appropriate unit conversions have been applied.
gram, liter, units, conversion
Subtractive Colors
Move spots of yellow, cyan, and magenta paint on a white surface. As
the colors overlap, other colors can be seen due to color subtraction.
The color of most things you see, such as cars, leaves, paintings,
houses and clothes, are due to color subtraction. Observe what colors
appear as different paint colors overlap.
Subtractive Color v2
Move spots of yellow, cyan, and magenta paint on a white surface. As
the colors overlap, other colors can be seen due to color subtraction.
The color of most things you see, such as cars, leaves, paintings,
houses and clothes, are due to color subtraction. The intensity of the
color, subtraction, subtractive, paint,
cyan, magenta, and yellow can be adjusted, and the RGB values at any splotches, blobs, RGB, rgb, physics,
location can be measured.
Temperature, molecule, particle,
Maxwell, Boltzmann, distribution,
Observe the movement of particles of an ideal gas at a variety of
statistical, mechanics, Kelvin, absolute,
temperatures. A histogram showing the Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity
zero, Avogadro, velocity, kinetic,
distribution is shown, and the most probable velocity, mean velocity, and energy, heat, physics, chemistry,
Temperature and Particle root mean square velocity can be calculated. Molecules of different
collision, speed, mass, motion, Celsius,
gases can be compared.
gas, ideal
mass, newton, second, law, rotational,
rotate, mechanics, kinematics, angular,
momentum, moment, inertia, torque,
One of the simplest machines is a see-saw lever. Place up to eight
balance, superposition, center, gravity,
objects on the lever at different locations and try to balance it. Calculate centroid, sum, frequency, physics,
net torque and moment of inertia based on the positions of the objects physical, mechanics, vector, force,
Torque and Moment of
and the mass of the bar. The mass of each object can be changed, and seesaw, gravitational, weight, fulcrum,
the fulcrum position can be shifted as well.
Harmonic Motion
A puck on a flat table is placed between four springs in the x/y plane.
The mass, initial velocity, and position of the puck can be adjusted, as
well as the spring constants. Explore the conditions needed to have
linear, circular, or diagonal motion occur.
Ultrasound: How Does it
Learn about the real-world principles behind an ultrasound scan, such as
the phased array and reflection of waves. Perform a scan on a patient to ultrasound, medical, baby, image,
get a clear visualization of the images produced during the ultrasound. phased, array, doctor, physics, physical
Uniform Circular Motion
color, subtraction, subtractive, paint,
splotches, blobs, RGB, rgb, physics,
Vector Addition
Measure the position, velocity, and acceleration (both components and
magnitude) of an object undergoing circular motion. The radius and
velocity of the object can be controlled, along with the mass of the
object. The forces acting on the object can also be recorded.
Drag two vectors around to see the sum of the vectors. The magnitude
and direction of each vector can be manipulated. Components of all
vectors are shown in equation form.
harmonic, motion, spring, force,
vibration, vibrate, puck, physics,
uniform, circular, motion, centripetal,
centrifugal, spinning, physics, physical,
sine, cosine, sinusoidal, trigonometry
vector, notation, addition, components,
physics, physical
Manipulate the magnitude and direction of two vectors to generate a
sum and learn vector addition. The x and y components can be
displayed, along with the dot product of the two vectors.
X-ray Imaging
Use x-ray imaging to peer inside a mystery patient. X-ray images may be
taken from two different directions and, when working in pairs, one
xray, x-ray, x ray, imaging, image,
person can arrange and hide the objects inside the patient and have the medical, medicine, bones, physics,
other student try to determine the arrangement of objects.
vectors, dot, product, addition,
components, physics, physical