SAM Teachers Guide Spectroscopy Overview Spectroscopy is a powerful tool for identifying atoms. An atom’s spectrum is like its fingerprint—unique to that particular kind of atom. Students explore the relationship between an atom’s energy levels and its photon emissions. They explore the different ways an atom might be excited. Finally, students compare patterns of spectral emissions in order to identify the atomic constituents of matter. Learning Objectives Students will be able to: Determine that the frequency of a photon is determined by the difference of energy levels between the states of an excited electron. Add energy and excite atoms. Analyze photon emissions and identify atoms that emit them. Determine that atoms can absorb photons of specific frequencies. Explore emissions spectra, and identify atoms by their spectrum. Possible Student Pre/Misconceptions Light exists only where it can be seen. Different colors of light are different types of waves. Light is a mixture of particles and waves. There is no interaction between light and matter. The addition of all colors of light yields black. Models to Highlight and Possible Discussion Questions NOTE: Many concepts discussed in Spectroscopy are introduced in the Excited States and Photons activity. If your students have not done that activity, we highly recommend you review the activity prior to running Spectroscopy and discuss the model and concepts with your students. Models to Highlight: • Page 1 – Frequency and color o Highlight how the model represents invisible photons such as infrared and ultraviolet as black while visible photons are shown in the colors that correspond to their frequencies. • o Link to other SAM activities: Excited States and Photons. The activity introduces the relationship between atomic structure, energy levels, and excitation of atoms. Page 2 – Exciting an atom o Demonstrate for your students how to excite an atom by dragging the white circle from the ground state energy level to an excited state on the energy level diagram. o Highlight the relationship between the location of the circle on the energy level and the photons that are emitted. o Link to other SAM activities: Atomic Structure. Review the structure of an atom and how it changes when an electron jumps to an excited state. Page 4 – Which atom emitted which photon? o Remind students that each atom has a unique emission of photons based on the atom’s energy levels. Page 5 – Absorbing a photon o Have students describe their solutions to the challenge. Reinforce that for atoms to absorb photons, at least one pair of excited states must have the same energy difference as the photon. Page 6 – Emission spectrometer o Highlight the connection between the photons and the color lines that appear in the spectrometer below the model. Possible Discussion Questions: For a photon to be absorbed what must be true about its energy? What best describes the relationship between frequency and energy of light? A yellow laser is shown to pass through gaseous atoms without being absorbed. What could be done to test if photon absorption might occur at a higher energy? How does the model represent an emission spectrum? How might adding more atoms affect the emission spectrum? How might more energy levels affect the emission spectrum? Demonstration/Laboratory Ideas: o Have students use a prism and a diffraction grating to view a variety of light sources, including incandescent and fluorescent bulbs and spectrum tubes for different elements. Connections to Other SAM Activities In Spectroscopy students explore how atoms give off different patterns of light energies and wavelengths of light, called photons. Excited States and Photons supports Spectroscopy because students are introduced to photons and how excited atoms produce photons. Atomic Structure is a prerequisite as it gives students a fundamental understanding of how an atom’s structure changes when an electron moves into an excited state and, thus, into a different orbital. Although orbitals are not addressed directly in Spectroscopy, if students are familiar with them, they will help explain what is going on in our more abstract representations of excited atoms. Spectroscopy supports two activities, Chemical Reactions and Energy and Harvesting light for photosynthesis. One section of Chemical Reactions and Energy is focused on photochemistry in which light can break bonds or light can be given off as bonds form. Harvesting light for photosynthesis explores the way light interacts with matter in biological systems. For example, molecules such as chlorophyll will absorb only certain frequencies or photons. Spectroscopy helps students understand why different atoms and molecules can absorb and emit different wavelengths of light. Activity Answer Guide Page 1: 1. What color light has the highest frequency? (d) 3. Take a snapshot of the energy level diagram just before the atom emits a blue photon and insert it below. 2. Which photon has the lowest amount of energy? (a) Page 2: *Sample Snapshots: Other snapshots may answer the questions. 1. Take a snapshot of the model just before the atom emits a blue photon and insert it below. Energy levels before blue photon was emitted. 4. Take a snapshot of the energy level diagram just after the atom emits a blue photon and insert it below. This snapshot shows an excited atom right before the photon is emitted. 2. Take a snapshot of the model just after the atom emits a blue photon and insert it below. Energy levels after blue photon was emitted. 5. Which energy levels (refer to them as the top, middle and bottom one) were involved in making the blue photon? In other words, what state was the atom in before it emitted the photon and where did it end up? The electron went from the middle energy level to the ground state (bottom) energy level when the photon was emitted. This snapshot shows the blue photon. Page 3: 1. Heat the model until several atoms are excited. Then let it run. Describe what happens to the atoms. The heat excites the atoms. The excited atoms emit photons. Some collisions also excite atoms. The atoms cool down until they no longer have enough energy during collisions to excite an atom in the system. After that the atoms do not emit photons so they don't lose energy. 3. Reset the model, and do not heat up the model. Adjust the energy levels to see if you can get any photon emitted. Write down what you need to do below. Answers may vary. I lowered the bottom energy level from –3.30 eV to about –3.80 eV. When this was done there was enough energy in the system to excite the atoms to the lowest excited state. Pictures will vary. The purple atom in the top right of the model is about to absorb the energy from the photon. 2. Fill in a snapshot image below to show the model after a photon is absorbed by a purple atom: Page 4: 1. The picture on the left shows an infrared photon. Run the model until you see a photon like this, then stop the model and run it back and forth frame by frame to figure out which type of atom emits this type of photon. Write your answer below. The green atom emits the infrared photon. 2. Run the model until you see a blue photon. Stop the model and run it back and forth. Which type of atom emitted the blue photon? The purple atom emits the blue photon. Page 5: 1. Fill in a snapshot image below to show the model before a photon is absorbed by a purple atom: Pictures will vary. The purple atom has absorbed the photon and is now in an excited state. 3. In the space below, explain in your own words what you had to do to make the blue atom emit photons that the purple atoms could absorb. Answers will vary. I moved the middle energy level so that it was at -4.00 eV. In this way it represented the same energy difference from the ground state to the first excited state as the purple atom does from the ground state to its first excited state. The difference was 1.00 eV. Page 6: 1. The picture above shows a spectrum with six lines in it, three of them visible, one infrared, and two ultraviolet. How many energy levels do you think the atom had that made this spectrum? Experiment with the model and see if you can make a spectrum with six lines. Check off below how many energy levels it took. (b) Page 7: 1. Paste a snapshot of Type-1 atoms' spectrum here. 2. Paste a snapshot of Type-2 atoms' spectrum here. Page 8: 1. A certain atom has two excited states. How many spectral lines can it produce at maximum? (c) 2. Is it possible for two different types of atom to have exactly the same spectra but not have exactly the same energy levels? (a) 3. A scientist measured the spectrum of a gas supposedly composed purely of Type-C atoms, but he found the spectrum revealed that the gas was contaminated. Can you identify which type of atoms could have possibly contaminated the gas? (The box in the above image shows the spectra of four types of atoms: A, B, C and D. The spectrum below the box shows the result he obtained.) (a) (c) 3. Paste a snapshot of Type-3 atoms' spectrum here. 4. Of the following transitions between the energy levels shown in the right graph, which results in photons with the lowest possible frequency? (d) 4. Paste a snapshot of Type-4 atoms' spectrum here. 5. Paste a snapshot of the unknown atoms' spectrum here. 6. Which type is most likely the unknown atom? (b) SAM HOMEWORK QUESTIONS Spectroscopy Directions: After completing the unit, answer the following questions to review. 1. Describe the relationship between energy, frequency and color of light. 2. To the left is a picture of one particular atom’s energy levels. How many spectral lines can it produce at maximum? Draw the transitions in energy levels and explain your answer. 3. In the following transitions between energy levels, which one would result in photons with the highest possible frequency? Why? Explain your answer. 4_______ 3_______ 2_______ 1_______ 4. In chemistry class, you learn that excited mercury atoms emit ultraviolet light, so you set out to build a new type of light bulb to take advantage of this phenomenon. You eventually develop a system that allows you to produce excited mercury atoms within a glass tube. The only problem is that the light produced is still ultraviolet. How might you convert your light bulb in order to convert your ultraviolet light into visible light? SAM HOMEWORK QUESTIONS Spectroscopy – With Suggested Answers for Teachers Directions: After completing the unit, answer the following questions to review. 1. Describe the relationship between energy, frequency and color of light. The color of light is determined by its frequency. Photons are particles of light that carry energy. The higher the frequency of light, the more energy the photon carries. 2. To the left is a picture of one particular atom’s energy levels. How many spectral lines can it produce at maximum? Draw the transitions in energy levels and explain your answer. There are six different transitions that can be made when moving from higher to lower energy levels. This includes transitions from the three excited states to the ground state and from exited states to lower energy excited states. Each transition has a corresponding frequency of light emitted (spectral line). 3. In the following transitions between energy levels, which one would result in photons with the highest possible frequency? Why? Explain your answer. 4_______ 3_______ 2_______ 1_______ The transition from 41 would result in photons with the highest frequency because the greatest amount of energy is released. The energy levels are farthest apart. 4. In chemistry class, you learn that excited mercury atoms emit ultraviolet light, so you set out to build a new type of light bulb to take advantage of this phenomenon. You eventually develop a system that allows you to produce excited mercury atoms within a glass tube. The only problem is that the light produced is still ultraviolet. How might you convert your light bulb in order to convert your ultraviolet light into visible light? You could coat the inside of the bulb with a substance that absorbs the high-energy UV photons and emits less energetic, visible photons and/or heat.