CHALLENGING BEHAVIOUR PSYCHOLOGY SERVICE A service for children and young people who have a global learning disability and/or an autistic spectrum disorder who present with significant challenging behaviour in the home environment REFERRAL FORM PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM IN FULL IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE REFERRAL CRITERIA. INCOMPLETE REFERRALS WILL BE RETURNED RESULTING IN A DELAY TO THE REFERRAL PROCESS Name of Child: _________________ Gender: __________________________ Date of Birth: __________________ N.H.S No: _________________________ Address: ______________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Tel: ______________________________ GP (name, address & telephone no): ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ School (name, address & telephone no): __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Mobile: ___________________________ Names of those who hold Parental Responsibility? ____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Please provide parental contact details if different from the child/young person: Referred by: Date of Referral: ___________________ (Please state your name and job title) _______________________________ _______________________________ Signature: _________________________ Address: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Tel: ______________________________ Consent to Referral Have you discussed this referral with the family/young person? Is the family/young person willing to attend the CBPS? Does the family/young person consent to the CBPS contacting the professionals involved prior to meeting us if appropriate? CBPS Referral Form Version 4, January 2012 Yes No 1 Please detail your involvement with the child/young person and in what capacity you will continue to be involved. If you are a CAMHS referrer please indicate if you are requesting joint assessment work or CAMHS are discharging. Please provide current evidence of whether the child/young person has a global learning disability and/or an autistic spectrum disorder (as defined by the CBPS eligibility criteria). Please describe the child/young person’s challenging behaviour and include details regarding the intensity, frequency, duration and impact of the behaviour. Please consider how the behaviour presents at home, school and other settings. Please describe how the behaviour is managed in the above settings: Please describe the factors that influence the behaviour: What is the child/young person’s view of the situation: Please describe any recent life events the child/young person has experienced: CBPS Referral Form Version 4, January 2012 2 Please provide any further details you believe to be pertinent to the referral: Professionals previously involved Please provide details of the community interventions that have previously been undertaken in relation to the behaviour (e.g. Autism Advisory Service, Behaviour Support Team, ADD-vance, parenting course) and the dates of this input: Professionals currently involved (Please add names and telephone numbers) CAMHS ________________________ Community Paediatrician ________________________ Occupational Therapist ________________________ Speech & Language Therapist ________________________ Physiotherapist ________________________ Health Visitor ________________________ SENCO ________________________ Educational Psychologist _______________________ School Nurse _______________________ BST worker _______________________ Harper House _______________________ Social Worker _______________________ Autism Advisory Service _______________________ Other _______________________ Please specify any Child Protection Issues: Please specify any risk concerns including information pertinent to the CBPS undertaking home visits: Please list any documentation you have attached to the referral: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ THANK YOU FOR COMPLETING THE FORM CBPS Referral Form Version 4, January 2012 3