SEM risk assessment - Health and Safety

Standard operating procedure for access to the SEM (Scanning Electron room) room R027,
within the School of Sciences specialist equipment facility (R024) ground floor, Science
Centre, Leek Road
This standard operating procedure (SOP) is a mandatory instruction of Staffordshire
University on all staff, visitors, contractors and student who use or enter the SEM room R027,
all of whom must comply with the requirements of this document, and the specific risk
assessment compiled for this area (Appendix 1).
It is the duty of SEM staff (Technical and Academic) to provide adequate warning and to
ensure all procedures and protocols are followed.
The SEM – JEOL JSM 6610V variable pressure scanning electron microscope with Oxford
Mmax50 X-ray EDS system, produces a magnified image by using electrons instead of light
to form an image.
A beam of electrons is produced at the top of the microscope by an eletrogun, (tungsten
filament). The electron beam follows a vertical path through the microscope, which is held
under vacuum. The beam travels through electromagnetic fields and lenses, which focus the
beam onto the sample. Once the beam hits the sample, electrons and X-rays are ejected
from the sample. Detectors collect these x-rays, backscattered electrons and secondary
electrons and convert them into a signal that is sent to the visualising screens.
Safety concerns relate to the electrons, backscattered electrons and X-rays produced in the
process. The JEOL JSM 6610V SEM is extremely well shielded and does not produce
exposure rates greater then background.
It must always be ensured that the setup of the SEM corresponds to specification and that the
safety system is always in operation.
Additional safety instruction for SEM contractors
Work on the SEM must only be carried out by specialist maintenance contractors from JEOL,
or by properly trained competent persons who are able to prove their competence to the
satisfaction of the Faculty Health and Safety advisor (Audra Jones Science Centre ext 4283)
Maintenance, installation and servicing must be carried out in accordance with written
instruction or maintenance/operators manuals.
External contractors must hold an appropriate amount of liability insurance.
Dean - Faculty of Computing, Engineering and Sciences
Professor Hastings McKenzie
 Ensure that operational procedures are in place for the safe use of the SEM facility,
including preparation of risk assessments for the facility
Technical skills specialist/Faculty health and Safety Advisor
Pete Martin (Technical skills specialist)
Liz Deakin (Technical skills specialist)
Sue Avery (Technical skills specialist)
Alison Davidson (Technical officer)
Audra Jones (Technical team leader/Faculty health and Safety advisor)
Ensure that suitable and sufficient risk assessments are in place, along with any
necessary instruction resulting from the finds of the risk assessments
Ensure that safety instruction and operational procedures are complied with for all
Ensure contractors (general and specialist) understand and comply with this
operating procedure (SOP)
Appendix 1 –SEM risk assessment
PRA form: JEOL JSM – 6610LV Scanning
Electron Microscope
No: SEM 1
Risk assessment, safety guidelines and information for users of the XRD equipment R026
Science Centre Leek Road
All persons working in the SEM room must be inducted and receive training from specialist
technical staff – Pete Martin, Liz Deakin and Sue Avery or academic supervisors prior to
staring work. This applies to all users, however, training will be tailored to suit previous
experience and records kept by the Technical team leader, Audra Jones room R104
(Appendix 2 SEM safety training acknowledgement of the standard operating procedure for
the SEM room), Copies to be kept with user at all times, and will be asked to produce it on
Undergraduate students will at all times be supervised by above named persons
Risks are minimised by limiting access to the SEM to trained user. Other persons entering
the room must be escorted by technical skills specialist or experienced users.
Technical services personnel will have access to the room by arrangement. General estates
staff must inform Audra Jones ext 4283 or Pete Martin ext 4575 prior to commencing any
work within the room, ensuring that the equipment is not in operation.
Hazards inherent in the work/room
Ionising radiation exposure
Unauthorised maintenance/servicing
Electrical hazards
Vacuum system
Working outside normal working hours
Ergonomic issues
The SEM design and shielding prevents any
exposure rates higher then background readings.
Time delay in chamber venting coupled with the
rapid dissipation of radiation, prevents residual
hazardous radiation being present on opening
Could damage the SEM through incompetence
The SEM contains a number of devices operating
at mains or higher voltages and currents. No
exposed live electrics are present under normal
circumstances, so with standard operation of the
SEM, risks are similar to those encountered in the
use of other laboratory or computer equipment.
Tripping over hoses or leads behind the
The SEM comprises a fail safe vacuum system
with air cooled, oil free turbo pump. The vacuum
system features several fails safe mechanisms.
COSHH assessment to apply to SEM sampling
and use of chemicals
Normal working for the NMR room is 8.45am to
4.30pm Monday – Thursday and 8.45am to
4.00pm on Friday. Trained users permit operation
of the XRD instrument only, outside normal
working hours, and with adherence to the Faculty
lone working policy.
Visual fatigue
Prolonged sitting and use of keyboard and mouse
Actions needed to minimise risk
Ionising radiation exposure
As stated the design and shielding of the SEM prevents any exposure rates higher then
background. Time delay in chamber venting coupled with the rapid dissipation of radiation,
prevents residual hazardous radiation being present on opening. The restricted access policy
will police the area as stated. Only certified engineer or those directly supervised by them, are
allowed to modify/repair the microscope.
Electrical hazards
Room access restricted to users trained in the correct operation of the microscope, restricted
access to rear of equipment. Only instrument personnel and qualified service personnel are
allowed to access restricted zones and remove panels or modify the microscope.
Ergonomic issues
Eyestrain as a result of prolonged viewing of LCD screens; ensure sufficient breaks are taken
in line with DSE assessments. Prolonged sitting can result in awkward and uncomfortable
posture, if required ensure DSE assessment is completed and that chair has adjustable
mechanisms to accommodate comfortable seating. Continuous keyboard/mouse use without
rest breaks can produce strains on the shoulder, forearm and wrist.
Any special conditions specified as part of the permission to carry out the work/ procedure and actions
needed to minimise risk.
Ensure this assessment is read in conjunction with Standard operating procedure for use of the SEM
room and follow all mandatory requirements notably Appendix 2 - Training acknowledgement.
Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Lyme Vale Court, Lyme Drive, Parklands Business Park, Newcastle
Road, Trent Vale ST4 6NW have been informed, under the Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999, and a
letter of confirmation for location has been forwarded (February 2013)
SEM room and related staff:
Pete Martin (Technical skills specialist) Ext 4575
Liz Deakin (Technical skills specialist) Ext 4641
Sue Avery (Technical skills specialist) Ext 5737
Audra Jones (Technical team leader/ Faculty Health and Safety advisor) ext
4283 Mobile 07920 703839
What level of risk do you associate with this procedure?
If all procedures are
followed low risk is
applied to the use of
the SEM
Completed by Technical Team leader Audra Jones
Date 4th Feburary 2013
School H&S approval (if required)
Date of review
Signature: Audra Jones
February 2014
Date: 4.2.2014
You are reminded that work will not commence until a formal risk assessment has been carried
out and ethical permission granted if required.
Copies of completed forms will be sent to the Supervisor responsible who will then forward them
to Audra Jones for electronic storage.
Reviewed September 2013
Appendix 2 – SEM safety training acknowledgement
Staffordshire University, School of Sciences SEM facility is located within the
Science Centre, Leek Road, ground floor R027.
Alongside the standard operating procedure and risk assessment, which must
be read, this is acknowledgment that all information has been read and
understood before access to the SEM is allowed. When within the SEM room
you must keep a signed copy of this with you at all times, and will be asked to
produce it on request.
No one is to be allowed within the SEM room unless they have read and
signed this form AND is present with the knowledge and explicit approval of
SEM technical and Faculty academic staff.
No attempt is to be made to by pass safety protocols for the SEM equipment
Fully cognisant with the software for SEM use