The Non-Local Mind - Radiant Energies Balance

Some advances in theory, research and measurement of
"subtle energy/information system" of the body
2006 April checked links
Phillip W. Warren, B.A., Ph.C., Professor Emeritus, Zetetic Scholar,
Bibliography and sources with some content articles
Over a hundred years ago William James noted, "Our normal waking but one
special type of consciousness, whilst all about it, parted from it by the filmiest of screens, there
lie potential forms of consciousness entirely different. We may go through life without suspecting
their existence; but apply the requisite stimulus, and at a touch they are all there in all their
completeness." (The Varieties of Religious Experience. Modern Library,1902/1929, p. 378) The
field of mainstream canonical psychology has yet to take up this insight in its research and
theory; indeed, it is phobic about the subject of spirit.
Most of the modern (20-21st century) theory and research is being done by physicists and
biophysicists! See a physicist's book: Swanson, Claude (2003) The Synchronized Universe: New
Science of the Paranormal, Poseidia Press. Information available at:
The Non-Local Mind- 1
"You can recognize pioneers by the arrows in their backs!" Raymond Damadian,
inventor of the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machine on his experiences with
canonical scientists’ judgments of his ideas.
Many people have the hallucinatory image of scientists and academicians as noble and
courageous knights bravely riding white steeds of reason and wielding the weapons of
methodology and self correction to cut down superstition, error, fear and suppression so that
beautiful truth may shine forth to enlighten us. Should the reader have this image he need only
contact the following web sites and become enlightened on the practices (as opposed to the
ideals) of science:
1.Suppression, Censorship and Dogmatism in Science:
2. The Institute of Science in Society: (
3. Brian Josephson’s home page on the Mind-Matter Unification Project:
4. Archive Freedom: Addressing the Need for Freedom in Scientific Research. Archive
blacklisting is a serious social and legal issue.
5. Close Minded Science: Examining the negative aspects of the social dynamics of science:
6. The Skeptical Investigations website is organized by the Association for Skeptical
Investigation, the purpose of which is to promote genuine skepticism, the spirit of enquiry
and doubt, within science. This includes an open-minded investigation of unexplained
phenomena, a questioning of dogmatic assumptions, and a skeptical examination of the
claims of self-proclaimed skeptics. Skepticism is about enquiry and doubt, not about
It's time to awaken from CSICOP's* sleep (apologies to William Blake) and bring the
Weltansicht of mainstream (canonical) science, especially psychology, biology and
medicine into the 20th if not the 21st century! Unfortunately, too much of science is now
closer to absolutism and the religion of “scientism” in it’s worship of theory. Too many
modern universities are like their medieval counterparts in that they preserve the past
and support the current power systems (the
government/military/industrial/corporate/religious/education complex
to expand Eisenhower’s warning ) rather than provide a critique of them.
*CSICOP = Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims Of the Paranormal
which see themselves as the defenders of the faith and religion of Scientism.
Robert Anton Wilson [(1986/1991) The New Inquisition: Irrational Rationalism and the
Citadel of Science, New Falcon Pubs] says the acronym should more accurately
stand for Committee for Slander, Invective and Calumny of Open-minded People
“Science is conservative: burdened with personal and institutional self-interests, as was the
medieval Church; infiltrated and corrupted by massive government and commercial
funding.” Bauer, H.H. (2005) “Review essay of James P. Hogan’s Kicking the Sacred
The Non-Local Mind- 2
Cow: Questioning the Unquestionable and Thinking the Impermissible.” Journal of
Scientific Exploration, v. 19, #3, 419-435. p. 421
Two relatively recent accounts of canonical scientists (CSICOPian fanatics?) vicious attacks of
leading edge theory and research are available in:
Burr, Chandler (2004) The Emperor of Scent : A True Story of Perfume and Obsession, Random
Krivit, Steven B. and Nadine Winocur (2004) The Rebirth of Cold Fusion: Real Science, Real
Hope, Real Energy, Pacific Oaks Press
Cutting edge theory and research about the properties of mind and consciousness are melding
ancient wisdom (mainly from Asia) with contemporary quantum theory to provide a fascinating
and exciting blend of thought regarding mind and it's quantum holographic and non-local
properties. The human body is now considered to function as a quantum liquid crystal with
instantaneous intercommunication within the body and the potential to tap into the quantum
This melding of traditions provides a much more sophisticated approach to the mental abilities
that have been a mystery to mainstream psychology such as energy medicine and distance
healing, general parapsychological phenomena, savant syndrome, extraordinary human abilities
Starting with topics most immediate, our body, this paper then moves on to more “cosmic”
connections between us and “the all.”
1. The role of the cerebellum in cognition, thinking and learning p.6
2. The role of the heart in cognition, thinking and feeling (Neurocardiology) p.7
3. The role of the nose in regulating and balancing the Autonomic Nervous
System (ANS) p.10
4. The role of glia and schwann cells in information processing and healing. p.10
5. The new biology of the cell and genetics p.12
Doug Parks’ introduction to How your thoughts rewrite your Genes! Bruce Lipton and his
"Biology of Beliefs" p.12
Plant and cellular consciousness p.13
6. The “Neuro Theology” approach p.14
7. The body as a Quantum system p.17
Coherence in Biology, Biocommunication, Biophotonics p.18
Summary of the results of William Tiller’s Science Adventures with Real Magic research
program p.27
The Non-Local Mind- 3
1. Evolution of consciousness and the Integral approach of Ken Wilber and
The Main Concepts of the Integral Approach of Ken Wilber p.35
Indigo Children p.45
2. New concepts of matter: Wave Structure of Matter p.47
3. The Holographic, Undivided, Interconnected, Conscious, Spiritual, Reflexive,
Self-Aware, Informed, Creative, Intelligent Kosmos [Universe] (PanPsychism and Pan-Experientialism: “All the way up and all the way
down”) p.47
1, General Energy/Information Medicine p.54
The Three Eras in the Evolution of Medicine p.54
Psychic Healing and the Anisotropic Universe p.55
2. Energy/Information Psychology and Psychotherapy p.57
Some Online Sources:
1. The web site containing The Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions is set up
"as an open venture between scientists, scholars, meditators and all those who believe that
we are approaching a conceptual threshold in our understanding of how physics,
physiology and consciousness interact." at
2. Mind and Matter: An International Interdisciplinary Journal of Mind-Matter Research, (Imprint
Academic, PO Box 200, Exeter EX5 5YX, UK).”…is aimed at an educated
interdisciplinary readership interested in all aspects of mind-matter research from the
perspectives of the sciences and humanities. It is devoted to the publication of empirical,
theoretical, and conceptual research and the discussion of its results.”
3. The Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) explores the frontiers of consciousness to advance
individual, social, and global transformation. Their
magazine Shift: At the Frontiers of Consciousness “…communicates the Institute's
mission of exploring ways of knowing and being that open us to transformations in our
beliefs, values, and actions. Shift articles engage, challenge, and inspire both scientific
and lay readers to expand perceptions of what is real and what is possible.”
4. TASTE (The Archives of Scientists’ Transcendent Experiences) is an online journal, founded
by Charles T. Tart ( ), devoted to
transcendent experiences that scientists have reported. It lets scientists express these
experiences in a psychologically (and professionally) safe space.
The Non-Local Mind- 4
5. Integral Visioning on the net is a place for integrally aligned people to gather and collaborate
and a place for integral activists, artists, communicators and visionaries to present their
views and works.
6. Dynamical Psychology An International, Interdisciplinary Journal of Complex Mental
General Overviews of the issues addressed in this paper are available in:
Bockaris, John O’M. (2005) The New Paradigm, D&M Enterprises
Woodhouse, Mark (1996) Paradigm Wars: Worldviews for a New Age, Frog Ltd.
The limits of our conscious belief system to cope with the TOTALITY of reality is discussed in:
Norretranders, Tor (1991/1998) The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size,
Penguin. [The estimated information channel capacity in bits per second: Unconscious =
~ 50 million; Conscious = less than 50]
The importance of beliefs for good or ill are discussed in:
Dilts, Robert, Tim Hallbom and Suzi Smith (1990) Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Well-being,
Metamorphous Press
My personal koan: The
belief that “What I believe is true” is false
The areas of investigation for modern science are outlined in Maret, Karl (2005) “Seven key
challenges facing science,” Bridges, Magazine of the International Society for the Study
of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, v. 16, #1, Spring, pp. 4-9
The IONS magazine Shift: At the Frontiers of Consciousness, #5, THE SCIENCE OF FIELDS
2004 Dec to 2005 Feb.( ) contains
several articles written in layman’s language on some of the main the topics discussed below.
“Entangled Minds” by Dean Radin
“The Resonant Heart” by Rollin McCraty, Raymond Trevor Bradley, Dana Tomasino
“The Flame of Life” by Beverly Rubik
“The Unsolved Mystery of Healing” by Larry Dossey
“Fields of Form” by Rupert Sheldrake
“Sensing Fields” by Betsy MacGregor, Chris Bache, Robert Gass
Murphy, Michael (1992) The Future of the Body: Explorations Into the Further Evolution of
Human Nature, (Jermy P Tarcher/Perigee) provides MANY (785 pages!) examples of
what the human body can do. The many exceptions to normal functioning are where the
most fruitful research studies should be.
The Non-Local Mind- 5
1. The Role Of The Cerebellum In Cognition, Thinking And Learning
The Publishers description of the 1997 volume edited by Schumahmann, The Cerebellum and
Cognition, reads "Cerebellar function has traditionally been understood as being confined to the
control of voluntary movement. Recent research revises this narrow view and suggests that the
cerebellum is critically involved in a number of nonmotor behaviors and cognitive operations.
The Cerebellum and Cognition is a comprehensive work that defines this emerging field of
investigation into the nature and extent of the cerebellar involvement in nonmotor processing,
including thought, language, memory, and mood. Authoritative and in-depth discussions by a
pre-eminent group of authors who have helped shape this field of inquiry..."
See also the philosophy/theory/etc. background resource papers on my web site (see specifically , and )
*Educational Kinesiology’s slogan is “Movement is the doorway to learning.” Website:
*Freeman, Cecilia K. (1998) I Am the Child: Using Brain Gym With Children Who Have
Special Needs, Edu-Kinesthetics, Inc., Ventura CA
*Goddard, Sally (1996) A Teacher’s Window Into the Child’s Mind, Fern Ridge Press
*Hannaford, Carla (1995) Smart Moves: Why Learning Is Not All In Your Head, Great Ocean
*Hannaford, Carla (1997) The Dominance factor: How Knowing Your Dominant Eye, Ear,
Brain, Hand and Foot Can Improve Your Learning, Great Ocean Publishers
Leiner, H.C. and A.L. Leiner (1997a) "The treasure the bottom of the brain," (the cerebellum)
available at and the background resource paper
on my web site (see specifically and
Leiner, H.C. and A.L. Leiner (1997b) "How fibers subserve computing capabilities: The
similarities between brains and machines," in J.D. Schmahmann (ed.) The Cerebellum
and Cognition, vol. 41 of the International Review of Neurobiology, Academic Press
*Promislow, Sharon (1998) Making the Brain-Body Connection: A Playful Guide to Releasing
Mental, Physical and Emotional Blocks to Success, Kinetic Publishing Corp., West
Vancouver, BC Canada
Schumahmann, J.D. (ed) (1997) The Cerebellum and Cognition, v. 41 of the International
Review of Neurobiology, Academic Press
*Teplitz, Jerry V. with Norma Eckroate (1994) Switched-on Living: Easy Ways to Use the
Mind/Body Connection to Energize Your Life, Hampton Roads Publishing Co.
The Non-Local Mind- 6
2. The Role Of The Heart In Cognition, Thinking And Feeling
Joseph Chilton Pearce (2002) The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit
greatly reinforces my REB (Radiant Energies Balance Protocol) heart centered approach
as being the most powerful and effective one for therapy and transformation. When you
add the explicit activation of the Energy-Information system's Radiant Circuits, you have
a potentially very powerful protocol. Pearce discusses the great importance of the frontal
lobes connecting to the limbic system in Schore's "affect-regulation function" model.
Expanding on Paul MacLean's triune brain model (1. Reptilian brain's ritual, habit,
defensive reflexes and the roots of lying. 2. Old mammalian, limbic, or emotionalcognitive brain. 3. Neocortex, new mammalian, or verbal-intellectual brain), he adds that
the pre frontal lobes could be considered brain 4 and adds brain 5, "The triune heart:
Electromagnetic, neural, hormonal.” (see chap 3 and HeartMath theory and research) and interview
transcript “The Holographic Heart,” )
Armour, J.A. (2003) Neurocardiology: Anatomical and Functional Principles, Institute of
HeartMath, Boulder Creek, CA. available at
Bennett, Hal Zina and Susan Sparrow (1998) The thinking heart: Evidence from transplant
patients suggests that the heart has an intelligence all its own,” Intuition, October, #24,
pp. 16- 23, 48-51
Childre, Doc Lew and Howard Martin (2000) The HeartMath Solution: The Institute of
HeartMath's Revolutionary Program for Engaging the Power of the Heart's Intelligence,
Dardik, Irving I. (1997) “The origin of disease and health, Heart Waves: The single solution to
Heart Rate Variability and ischemic preconditioning,” Frontier Perspectives, v. 6, #2, pp.
Hillman, James (1995) The Thought of the Heart and the Soul of the World, Spring Publications
Lacey, J.I. and C. Lacey (1978) "Two-way communication between the heart and the brain:
Significance of time within the cardiac cycle," American Psychologist, (Feb) 99-113
Lacey, J.I. and C. Lacey (1987) “Conversations between heart and brain,” Bulletin of the Institute
of Mental Health, March
Lynch, James J. (1985) The Language of the Heart: The Body’s Response to Human Dialogue,
Basic Books
McArthur, David and Bruce McArthur (1997) The Intelligent Heart, A.R.E. Press
McCraty, R., M. (2003a) The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Interactions Within and
Between People, Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, CA. available at
McCraty, R., M. (2003b) The Appreciative Heart: The Psychophysiology of Positive Emotions
and Optimal Functioning, Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, CA. available at
The Non-Local Mind- 7
McCraty, R., M. (2003c) Heart-Brain Neurodynamics: The Making of Emotions, Institute of
HeartMath, Boulder Creek, CA. available at
McCraty, R., M. Atkinson and D. Tomasino (2001) Science of the Heart: Exploring the Role of
the Heart in Human Performance: An Overview of Research Conducted by the Institute of
HeartMath, Institute of HeartMath, Boulder Creek, CA. available at
McCraty, R., M. Atkinson and R.T. Bradley (2004a "Electrophysiological evidence of intuition:
Part 1: The surprising role of the heart," Journal of Alternative and Complementary
Medicine, v. 10, #1, 133-143 abstract available at
McCraty, R., M. Atkinson and R.T. Bradley (2004b) "Electrophysiological evidence of intuition:
Part 2: A system wide process?," Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, v.
10, #2, 325-336 abstract available at
McCraty, R., M. Atkinson, D. Tomasino, and others (1998) "The electricity of touch: Detection
and measurement of cardiac energy exchange between people," in K. Pribram (ed) Brain
and Values: Is a Biological Science of Values Possible?, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
359-379 Abstract available at at
Paddison, S. (1992) The Hidden Power of the Heart, Boulder Creek, CA, Planetary Publications
Pearce, Joseph Chilton (2004) The Biology of Transcendence : A Blueprint of the Human Spirit,
Park Street Press; 2 edition
Pearsall, P. (1998) The Heart's Code: Tapping the Wisdom and Power of Our Heart Energy: The
New Findings About Cellular Memories and their Role in the Mind/Body/Spirit
Connection, Broadway Books.
Russek, Linda G. and Gary E. Schwartz (1994, actually, 1996) "Interpersonal heart-brain
registration and the perception of parental love: A 42 year follow-up of the harvard
mastery of stress study," Subtle Energies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Energetic and
Informational Interactions, v. 5, #3, 195-208
Russek, Linda G. and Gary E. Schwartz (1996) "Energy cardiology: A dynaical energy systes
approach for integrataing conventional and alternative medicine," Advances: The Journal
of Mind-Body Health, Fall, v. 12, no.4, 4-24, Coments by Claire Cassidy, Robert Duggan,
Ary Goldberger, Julie Motz, Hal Putthoff; Response by Russek and Schwartz, 25-45
Russek, Linda G. and Gary E. Schwartz (1996b) "Narrative descriptions of parental love and
caring predict health status in midlife: A 35-year follow-up of the Harvard Mastery of
Stress study," Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, v. 2, #6, 55-62
Schore, Allen N. (2002) "Dysregulation of the right brain: A fundamental mechanism of
traumatic attachment and the psycho pathogenesis of post traumatic stress disorder,"
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, v. 36, 9-30, Available at
Song, Linda Z.Y.K., Gary E.R. Schwartz and Linda G.S. Russek (1998)"Heart-focused attention
and heart-brain synchronization: Energetic and physiological mechanisms," Alternative
Therapies in Health and Medicine, V. 4, #5, 44-62
The Non-Local Mind- 8
Sylvia, Claire with William Novak (1997) A Change of Heart: A Memoir (A Woman, a
transplant…and the soul of a young man who in death gave her life), Warner Books
Tiller, W.A., R. McCraty and M. Atkinson (1996) "Cardiac coherence: A new, non-invasive
measure of autonomic nervous system order," Alternative Therapies in Health and
Medicine, Jan., v. 2, # 1, 52-65
3. The Role Of The Nose In Regulating And Balancing The Autonomic
Nervous System (ANS)
"We are reviving an ancient technology of the mind [using specific patterns of breathing]... The
implication of this technology is that we are not helpless victims of a given emotional
state... The nose is an instrument for altering cortical activity... [A]lternating cycles of
sympathetic and parasympathetic activity are tightly coupled with the nasal cycle... The
nasal mucosa is one of the most abundant tissues...innervated by both the sympathetic and
parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system." [Shannahoff-Khalsa, D. S.
(1983) "Breathing cycle linked to hemispheric dominance," Brain/Mind Bulletin,]
"Zajonic, of the University of Michigan, has found... that breathing through the nose cools the
hypothalamus, which affects brain chemicals that influence mood. Changing the
temperature of the hypothalamus may affect the release and synthesis of a variety of
neurotransmitters... [T]emperature changes are known to affect all biochemical
processes... The hypothalamus is involved in regulating the temperature of the brain and
in controlling aggression, eating and sex, all of which have large emotional components...
'Anything that allows you to change hypothalamic temperature will have subjective
effects... [Breathing] 'cold air puts people in a much better mood than warm air.'" (Alder,
1990) (see also Ingber, 1981)
There are two tiny clusters of neurons in the front part of the hypothalamus (the suprachiasmatic
nuclei) which are connected by a neural hotline (straight with out any synaptic
connections) from the eyes. Apparently “...there are two pathways from the eyes to the
brain: one for conscious vision and the other for circadian entrainment." (Strogatz, p. 100)
This area of the hypothalamus is the master clock/circadian pacemaker for alertness and
body temperature cycles. The body temperature cycle is a reliable marker of its actions.
Alertness, sleep duration and the presence of REM (Rapid Eye Movement sleep) is
regulated by this nerve center. "The propensity for REM is synchronized to the body
temperature cycle, not to sleep itself... [O]ur rhythms of short-term memory, the secretion
of the brain hormone melatonin, and several other cognitive and physiological functions
also run at the same period and maintain constant phase relationships to the temperature
cycle and to one another." (Strogatz, p. 87)
This provides a possible mechanism for the calming effect of breathing through the nose to cool
the hypothalamus: when the master circadian and body temperature control center is
cooled down it might send a message to the other body temperature regulators to warm
up, thereby producing in turn less alertness and sleepiness. Alertness goes hand in hand
The Non-Local Mind- 9
with body temperature: low body temperature goes with low alertness (sleepiness) and
high body temperature goes with high alertness.
See also the philosophy/theory/etc. background resource papers on my web site (see specifically , and
Alder, T. (1990) "Breathing through nose may affect brain, mood," American Psychological
Association Monitor, October
Ingber, D. (1981) "Brain breathing," Science Digest, June, 72, 74-75, 110-111
Shannahoff-Khalsa, D. S. (1983) "Breathing cycle linked to hemispheric dominance" and
"Breath: A technology of mind?" Brain/Mind Bulletin, v. 8, # 3, Jan. 3
Shannahoff-Khalsa, D.S. (1991) "Stress technology medicine: A new paradigm for stress and
considerations for self-regulation," in M. Brown, G. Koob and C. River, eds., Stress:
Neurobiology and Neuroendocrinology, Marcell Dekker, inc.
Shannahoff-Khalsa, D.S. (1997) "Yogic techniques are effective in the treatment of obsessive
compulsive disorders," in E. Hollander and D. Stein, eds., Obsessive-Compulsive
Disorders: Diagnosis, Etiology and Treatment, Marcell Dekker inc.
Shannahoff-Khalsa, D.S. (2001/actual publication date 2002) "Unilateral Forced Nostril
Breathing: Basic science, clinical trials, and selected advanced techniques," Subtle
Energies and Energy Medicine, v. 12, #2, 79-106
Shannahoff-Khalsa, D.S., and L.R. Beckett (1996) "Clinical; case report: Efficacy of yogic
techniques in the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorders," International Journal of
Neuroscience, v. 85, 1-17
Shannahoff-Khalsa, D.S., M.R. Boyle and M.E. Buebel (1991) "The effects of unilateral forced
nostril breathing on cognitive performance," International Journal of Neuroscience, v. 57,
Shannahoff-Khalsa, D.S. and B. Kennedy (1993) "The effects of unilateral forced nostril
breathing on the heart," International Journal of Neuroscience, v. 73, 47-60
Strogatz, S. (2003) SYNC: The Emerging Science of Spontaneous Order, Hyperion
Werntz, D.A., R.G. Bickford, E.F. Bloom and D.S. Shannahoff-Khalsa, (1983) "Alternating
cerebral hemispheric activity and the lateralization of autonomic nervous function,"
Human Neurobiology, v. 2, 39-43
4. The role of glia and schwann cells in information processing
and healing
The Krebs, Hüttmann and Steinhauser article, quoted below, comments on the neglected
functions of glial cells. It’s interesting that mainstream bio-science typically
underestimates the sophistication of organisms (see the work of M-W. Ho, C.W. Smith,
R.O. Becker, J.L Oschman, K. Korotkov and R. Gerber for examples of bio-scientists
who are researching this incredible sophistication.) The work of R.O. Becker has been,
The Non-Local Mind- 10
and still is, unacknowledged. The article makes absolutely no mention or
acknowledgement of Becker’s pioneering work begun in the 1950s!! The fact that, after a
gap of over 30 years, mainstream bio-science is “discovering” these various functions of
the glial cells illustrates how the politics of science (scientism and the plague of the
CSICOPian mentality) inhibits the progress of science.
“After disregarding them for decades, neuroscientists now say glial cells may be nearly as
important to thinking as neurons are. The brain consists mainly of neurons, right: Wrong.
there are nine times as many glial cells in our gray matter as there are neurons. For 50
years, neuroscientists have maintained that glia merely provide support services to
neurons: warding off pathogens, maintaining a healthy ion balance around the neurons
and insulating them front electrical interference. But recent work indicates that glia are
intimately involved in all aspects of our brain's information processing. Not only do glia
talk with neurons, they communicate among them selves, aiding and abetting how our
brains react, learn and remember. Understanding more about how glia function may
greatly alter our model of how the brain and mind work.” (Krebs, Hüttmann and
Steinhauser, p.41)
See also the philosophy/theory/etc. background resource papers on my web site (see specifically , and
Neuron Glia Biology journal:
Becker, R.O. (1990) "The machine brain and properties of the mind," Subtle Energies: An
Interdisciplinary Journal of Energetic and Informational Interactions v. 1, # 2, .79-87
Becker, Robert O. (1991a) Cross Currents: The Promise of Electromedicine, the Perils of
Electropollution, Jeremy P. Tarcher; Reprint edition
Becker, R.O. (1991b) "Evidence for a primitive DC electrical analog system controlling brain
function," Subtle Energies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Energetic and Informational
Interactions v.2, # 1, 71-88
Becker, R.O. (1992) "Modern bioelectromagnetics and functions of the central nervous system,"
Subtle Energies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Energetic and Informational Interactions
v.3, # 1, 53-72
Becker, R.O. (2004) "Exploring new horizons in electromedicine," The Journal of Alternative
and Complementary Medicine, v. 10, #1, pp. 17-18
Becker, Robert and G. Selden (1998) The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation
of Life, Harper
Fields, Douglas (2004) “The other half of the brain,” Scientific American, v. 290, #4, April, pp.
Hatton, G.I. and V. Parpura (eds.) (2004) Glial-Neuronal Signaling, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Kettenmann, Helmut (2004) Neuroglia, Oxford University Press
Krebs, Claudia, Kerstin Hüttmann and Christian Steinhauser (2004) “The forgotten brain
emerges,“ Scientific American - Mind, v. 14, #5, pp. 40-43
The Non-Local Mind- 11
5. The New Biology Of The Cell And Genetics
The work of Bruce Lipton The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness,
Matter and Miracles, helps explain, in a very understandable way, how the interplay
between body and mind operates. (for papers by Lipton see )
See also the philosophy/theory/etc. background resource papers on my web site (see specifically , and
Doug Parks’ introduction to How your thoughts rewrite your Genes!
Bruce Lipton and his "Biology of Beliefs"
“From the cutting edge of science comes the most encouraging news of the last 50 years. I hope
you can hear me. Your Beliefs and Perceptions control your Genes. This is not
conjecture. This is not a metaphor. This is the truth uncovered in the science laboratories
of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine, later expanded upon at Stanford
University, and today validated regularly by the newest gene research around the world.”
“What are the implications? Read on! First of all, contrary to the current medical model, genes
cannot control your health. Genes cannot turn themselves on and off. They are activated
by a signal from the environment and most of those signals are controlled or influenced
by your beliefs and perceptions. What you believe about sickness and healing is much
more important than we ever realized. Next, understand that your genes are constantly
being rewritten to adapt to your changing environment. The major contributor to those
changes is your perception of your world, whether that perception is right or wrong. We
create stress through misperception, we age early because of misbeliefs, and we interfere
with healing trying to apply our misunderstanding. Our health crisis is simply due to lack
of understanding. Did you know that the state of fear turns off the immune system and
leaves you vulnerable to disease, and the world is telling you every day, Be Afraid!
Chronic fear is disastrous to your health, and adding drugs can actually make the problem
“The world is waking up to a new understanding, an empowering understanding that will change
your beliefs about your health and quality of life … Read today to understand the science
behind the greatest health understanding of our time. If you are involved in the global
shift to a mind - body - spirit approach to health, you must empower yourself with the
facts. The power to change lies in accurate understanding.” Spirit Crossing, April 2003 v.
3, # 8
The Non-Local Mind- 12
Plant And Cellular Consciousness
1. I was soundly whacked on the Psychotherapy NetWorker discussion group by an Energy Psych
apostate (who, by the way, fulfilled both the denotative - dictionary - and connotative emotional - definitions of this label) when I referred people to one of the topics on
cellular level consciousness which the apostate considered nonsense; the apostate
provided this response: "Cleve Backster and plants? He's (that's me, Phil Warren) got to
be kidding. This is on a par with L. Ron Hubbard hooking plants up to his e-meter." Well
here is some fascinating information on the new field of Plant neuropsychology/biology
which was first discovered by Backster (and ignored by mainstream scientists):
Cleve Backster's pioneering work Primary Perception: Biocommunication with Plants, Living
foods and Human Cells, available at:; UK site as of
2005 Nov. was: Briefly, he discovered that plants
(and other living material) are sensitive and respond to spontaneous traumatic events
from other plants (and living material). This discovery was and still is, of course,
ridiculed by the mainstream, but when they couldn't fault his very sophisticated research,
they just ignored it. These experiments and discoveries began in 1966.
2. Jonsson, Patrik (2005 Mar 03) "New research opens a window on the minds of plants,"
Christian Science Monitor
3. "Can Plants Feel?" 2004 Apr 22
4. The First Symposium on Plant Neurobiology:
Book title from convention: Communication in Plants: Neuronal Aspects of Plant Life
5. "Plant neurobiology: glutamate signalling in plant development" project at a UK university.
Backster, Cleve (2003) Primary Perception: Biocommunication with Plants, Living Foods, and
Human Cells, White Rose Millennium press
Bose, Jagadis C. (1926) The Nervous Mechanisms of Plants, Longmans, Green and Co.
Bose, Jagadis C. (1972) “Awareness in plants,” in Musès, Charles and Arthur M. Young (eds.)
(1972) Consciousness and Reality: The Human Pivot Point, Outerbridge and Lazard, inc.,
pp. 142-150
Braden, Gregg (2004) The God Code, Hay House. He correlates the DNA chemical code with the
name of God as used in the Hebrew alphabet/number codes.
Braden, Gregg (2001) The Isaiah Effect : Decoding the Lost Science of Prayer and Prophecy,
Three Rivers Press
Buhner, Stephen Harrod Foundation for Gaian Studies web site
Buhner, Stephen Harrod (2000) The Lost Language of Plants: The Ecological Importance of
Plant Medicines to Life on Earth, Chelsea Green
Buhner, Stephen Harrod (2004) The Secret Teachings of Plants : The Intelligence of the Heart in
the Direct Perception of Nature, Bear & Company
Emoto, Masaru (2004) The Hidden Messages in Water, Beyond Words Publishing, website: See also my web site
The Non-Local Mind- 13 (see specifically “Papers on the fascinating facts of water for health:
section 2” at
Hamer, Dean H. (2004) The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired into our Genes, Random House
Lipton, B.H. (1998a) Fractal Biology: The Science of Innate Intelligence. Santa Cruz, Calif.: N.P
Lipton, B.H. (1998b) "Nature, nurture, and the power of love," Journal of Prenatal arid Perinatal
Psychology and Health, v.13, no. 1, 3-10
Lipton, B.H. (2001a) "Insight into cellular 'consciousness'," Bridges, Magazine of the
International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, v. 12, #1,
Spring, 1, 4-6. Available at
Lipton, B.H. (2001b) "Biomagnetism and energy-medicine," Available at
Lipton, B.H. (2001-2005) “The new biology,” Available at
Lipton, B.H. (2003 March) "An interview with Bruce Lipton by Christina Zohs,"
Lipton, Bruce H. (2005) The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter
and Miracles, Mountain of Love
Pearce, Joseph Chilton (2004) The Biology of Transcendence : A Blueprint of the Human Spirit,
Park Street Press
Pert, Candace B. (1999) Molecules Of Emotion: The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine,
Pert, Candace (2004) Your Body is Your Subconscious Mind (Audio CD), Sounds True
6. The “Neuro Theology” Approach
The field of "neuro-spirituality" is really taking off. This approach studies how Ken Wilber's (see
below in part C) upper left and right quadrants are related. There is still debate between
two philosophical camps: one says the biology creates the psychology/spiritual
experience (i.e. they are epiphenomena of the physical) vs. the other which says biology
serves as a squish/wetware basis for us to tap into the mental/spiritual realms and the
more sophisticated our squish/wetware the more we can tap into and be aware of (analogy
of a TV set and how many channels it can access, color or black and white, whether it's
mono, stereo or surround sound, 3D, High Definition etc).
The Non-Local Mind- 14
1. James Newman (1997a) “Putting the Puzzle Together: Part I: Towards a General Theory of the
Neural Correlates of Consciousness,” JCS (Journal of Consciousness Studies), v. 4 # 1,
pp. 47-66
Abstract: “Despite the whirl of controversy surrounding consciousness studies, there is real
progress being made in cognitive science towards establishing an empirically rigorous
theory of mind, in both its conscious and non-conscious manifestations. In this two-part
article, beginning with a broad overview of clinical and experimental findings bearing on
the neural correlates of conscious processes, the author traces the development of several
related models that appear to converge upon a central ‘conscious system'. This extended
reticular-thalamic activating system (ERTAS) has been increasingly implicated in a
variety of functions associated with consciousness, including: orienting to salient events
in the outer world; dream (REM) sleep; the polymodal integration of sensory processes in
the cortex (binding); selective attention and volition. It is argued that the increasing
convergence of models from clinical and experimental neuroscience is leading towards a
general theory of consciousness which is both non-dualist and non- reductionist.”
2. James Newman (1997b) “Putting the puzzle together, part II: Towards a general theory of the
neural correlates of consciousness,” JCS (Journal of Consciousness Studies), v. 4 #2, pp.
Abstract: “In Part 1of this two-part paper (Newman, 1997) provided a broad overview of clinical
and experimental findings bearing on the neural correlates of conscious processes. It was
argued that several neurocognitive models related to: orienting to the outer world, dream
(REM) sleep, and the integration of sensory-motor representations, converge upon a core
‘conscious system', dubbed the extended reticular-thalamic activating system (ERTAS).
The functions of the ERTAS, which shares extensive projections with the cerebral cortex,
are mostly ‘implicit', in contrast to the explicit representation of conscious content within
the neocortex. Part II expands this ERTAS model to encompass: the generation of
coherent patterns of EEG activation, the integration of distributed cortical processes into a
stream of unified percepts (binding), and selective attention, as well as links between the
ERTAS and systems providing the neural substrates for episodic memory and volition.”
3. A well researched source written for the lay person is contained in Newberg, A, E. D'Aquili,
and V. Rause (2001) Why God Won't Go Away: Brain Science and the Biology of Belief,
Ballantine Books. See. James Miller They especially focus on four association brain
Visual Association Area which allows meaningful interpretation of perception, placing them in
context of all other relevant input (other senses, memory, emotional loading etc.)
OAA = the Orientation Association Area (defining the self), located at the posterior section of the
parietal lobe, creates a three-dimensional sense of "body" and orients that body in space.
"The left orientation area is responsible for creating the mental sensation of a limited,
The Non-Local Mind- 15
physically defined body, while the right orientation area is associated with generating the
sense of spatial coordinates that provides the matrix in which the body can be
oriented...[T]he left orientation area creates the brain's spatial sense of self, while the
right side creates the physical space in which that self can exist." (p. 28)
AAA = the Attention Association Area (the seat of the will), the prefrontal cortex heavily
involved in intentional behaviour. "[T]he frontal lobes are involved in the processing and
control of emotion in association with the limbic system, with which it has multiple
interconnections." (p. 30)
Verbal Conceptual Association Area (naming and cataloguing the world), "...located at the
junction of the temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes, is primarily responsible for
generating abstract concepts and for relating those concepts to words." (p. 21)
The book takes a "double language, epiphenomenal" approach to the "Mind-brain problem" (a
typical Western philosophical pseudo problem in my view; certainly not part of Eastern
thought.) "...mind needs brain, brain creates mind, and ...the two are essentially the same
entity, seen from different points of view. The inexplicable unity of the biological brain
and its ethereal phenomenon of mind is the first aspect of ...the mind's mystical potential.
The second characteristics the ability of the mind to interpret spiritual experience as
real. This ability, based on the mind's capacity to enter altered states of consciousness,
and to adjust its assessment of reality neurologically, is a fundamental link between
biology and religion." (p. 34)
4. A fascinating field related to Neuro Theology is contained in Zohar, and Marshall (1991)
Quantum Self: Human Nature and Consciousness Defined by the New Physics, Zohar, and
Marshall (1999) SQ: Spiritual Intelligence , the Ultimate Intelligence; and Zohar, and
Marshall (2000) SQ : Connecting With Our Spiritual Intelligence
They emphasize the 40 Hz whole brain wave as the integrative brain mechanism that allows us to
see the big picture etc. (what Wilber calls "Vision Logic:) (see book review by Ian
Bullock at!spiritualintelligence.html and Suzanne Davidson
(2002) “Cultivating spiritual intelligence to heal diseases of meaning: A conference
report,” Contemporary Nurse, v. 12, #2, April available at: . For a test of your SQ (Spiritual
Intelligence) see Cynthia Davis’ Spiritual Intelligence Coaching
5. For technical papers on the 40 Hz and brain electromagnetic field theory as it relates to
consciousness (Cemi field = Conscious EM Information Field) see the McFadden papers.
Alper, Matthew (2001) The "God" Part of the Brain, Rogue Press
The Non-Local Mind- 16
D’Aquili, Eugene G. and Andrew B. Newberg (1999) The Mystical Mind: Probing the Biology of
Religious Experience, Augsburg Fortress Publishers
Davidson, Suzanne (2002) “Cultivating spiritual intelligence to heal diseases of meaning: A
conference report,” Contemporary Nurse, v. 12, #2, April available at:
Joseph, Rhawn (2000) The Transmitter to God : The Limbic System, the Soul, and Spirituality,
University Press California
Joseph, Rhawn (ed.) (2003) NeuroTheology: Brain, Science, Spirituality, Religious Experience,
University Press, 2nd edition
Krishna, Gopi, with an extensive introduction by Carl Friedrich Frieher von Weizsäcker
(1971/1972) The Biological Basis of Religion and Genius, Vol. 22 in the Religious
Perspectives series, Harper and Row
McFadden, J. (2002a) "Synchronous firing and its influence on the brains electromagnetic field:
Evidence for an electromagnetic field theory of consciousness," Journal of Consciousness
Studies, v. 9, # 4, 23-50 Available at
McFadden, J. (2002b) "The Conscious ElectroMagnetic Information (Cemi) field theory: The
hard problem made easy?" Journal of Consciousness Studies, v. 9, # 8, 45-60 Available at
McKinney, Laurence O. (1994) Neurotheology: Virtual Religion in the 21st Century, American
Institute for Mindfulness
Newberg, Andrew, Eugene G. D’Aquili and Vince Rause (2002) Why God Won't Go Away :
Brain Science and the Biology of Belief, Ballantine Books
Tart, Charles T. (1975) States of Consciousness, E.P. Dutton and Co.
Tart, Charles T. (1969/1972) (ed) Altered States of Consciousness, Doubleday Anchor
Tart, Charles T. (1975) (ed) Transpersonal Psychologies, Harper Colophon
Zohar, Danah and Ian Marshall (1991) Quantum Self: Human Nature and Consciousness Defined
by the New Physics, Perennial reprint edition
Zohar, Danah and Ian Marshall (1999) SQ - Spiritual Intelligence: The Ultimate Intelligence,
Bloomsbury Publishing
Zohar, Danah and Ian Marshall (2000) SQ: Connecting With Our Spiritual Intelligence,
Bloomsbury Publishing
7. The Body As A Quantum System
On a technical level, there is the very sophisticated work of Mae-Wan Ho (1998) The Rainbow
and the Worm: The Physics of Organisms,. ( and the Institute of Science in Society ( See also the philosophy/theory/etc. background resource paper on
my web site (see specifically and
More understandable is the work of Oschman, J.L., (2000) Energy Medicine: The Scientific
Basis, and (2003) Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance, and (2005)
The Non-Local Mind- 17
"The intelligent body," Bridges Quarterly Magazine of the International Society for the
Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine.
Zhang (2003) provides a holonomic model of the structure and operation of the acupuncture
system. He “…found an electromagnetic field composed of interference patterns of
standing waves in the resonance cavity of the human body, supported by the energy flow
of the organism. The field of interference patterns appears to be holographic, in that
changes in the conductivity of the measurement current (which is proportional to the field
inside the body) appear simultaneously not only on all acu-points but, to a lesser extent,
on every point of the skin. Electrical resistance changes occur as soon as the organism
undergoes a pathological, physiological, or even psychological change…[A]n invisible
electromagnetic field within the body offers not only a new understanding of the
background of acupuncture and other forms of holistic medicine, but also quantitative
evaluation of the degree of coherence of the body-mind system.” (Laszlo, 2003, p46)
Coherence in Biology, Biocommunication, Biophotonics
International Institute of Biophysics, Station Hombroich. Kapellener Strasse, D-41472 Neuss,
Biophotons internet publications available at
What are biophotons? William F, Hamilton
“Biophotons, or ultra weak photon emissions of biological systems, are weak electromagnetic
waves in the optical range of the spectrum - in other words: light. All living cells of plants,
animals and human beings emit biophotons which cannot be seen by the naked eye but can be
measured by special equipment developed by German researchers.
“This light emission is an expression of the functional state of the living organism and its
measurement therefore can be used to assess this state. Cancer cells and healthy cells of the same
type, for instance, can be discriminated by typical differences in biophoton emission. After an
initial decade and a half of basic research on this discovery, biophysicists of various European
and Asian countries are now exploring the many interesting applications which range across such
diverse fields as cancer research, non-invasive early medical diagnosis, food and water quality
testing, chemical and electromagnetic contamination testing, cell communication, and various
applications in biotechnology.
“According to the biophoton theory developed on the base of these discoveries the biophoton
light is stored in the cells of the organism - more precisely, in the DNA molecules of their nuclei
- and a dynamic web of light constantly released and absorbed by the DNA may connect cell
organelles, cells, tissues, and organs within the body and serve as the organism's main
communication network and as the principal regulating instance for all life processes. The
processes of morphogenesis, growth, differentiation and regeneration are also explained by the
The Non-Local Mind- 18
structuring and regulating activity of the coherent biophoton field. The holographic biophoton
field of the brain and the nervous system, and maybe even that of the whole organism, may also
be basis of memory and other phenomena of consciousness, as postulated by neurophysiologist
Karl Pribram and others. The consciousness-like coherence properties of the biophoton field are
closely related to its base in the properties of the physical vacuum and indicate its possible role as
an interface to the non-physical realms of mind, psyche and consciousness.”
New Approach of the International Institute of Biophysics: “Despite… the remarkable
progress that has been made on the biochemical and biophysical description of living
systems at [a] microscopic level, the innumerable paradoxes that seem connected to living
systems are very far from being understood. We will try to describe [these] systems from
a physical point of view, privileging the search of holistic quantities connected to the
intrinsic coherence and the stability of such systems. We want to focus our attention on
the role that the electromagnetic fields play within the living systems and on the
communication through a biophysical way between various systems. Our challenge is to
promote [these] extraordinary ventures to understand the mystery of life and … excel in
developing and completing inspiring, high-return, affordable research in this field. We
must also be able to respond effectively to the applied research needs from society and
contribute to education and scientific literature.”
Cohen, S and F A Popp (2003 ) “Biophoton emission of human body” Indian Journal of
Experimental Biology, Symposium on Biophotons v.1 #5, May. Abstract available at Abstract “For the first time
systematic measurements of the "ultraweak" photon emission of the human body
(biophotons) have been performed by means of a photon detector device set up in
darkness. About 200 persons have been investigated. In a particular case one person has
been examined daily over several months. It turned out that this biophoton emission
reflects, (i) the left-right symmetry of the human body; (ii) biological rhythms such as 14
days, 1 month, 3 months and 9 months; (iii) disease in terms of broken symmetry
between left and right side; and (iv) light channels in the body, which regulate energy and
information transfer between different parts. The results show that besides a deeper
understanding of health, disease and body field, this method provides a new powerful tool
of non-invasive medical diagnosis in terms of basic regulatory functions of the body.”
See also the philosophy/theory/etc. background resource papers on my web site (see specifically , and
Ai-Hui Li, Jun-Ming Zhang, Yi-Kuan Xie (2004) "Human acupuncture points mapped in rats are
associated with excitable muscle/skin-nerve complexes with enriched nerve endings."
Brain Research. Jun v.1012 #1-2:154-9
Becker, Robert O. (1991a) Cross Currents: The Promise of Electromedicine, the Perils of
Electropollution, Jeremy P. Tarcher; Reprint edition
The Non-Local Mind- 19
Becker, R.O. (1991b) "Evidence for a primitive DC electrical analog system controlling brain
function," Subtle Energies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Energetic and Informational
Interactions v.2, # 1, 71-88
Becker, R.O. (1992) "Modern bioelectromagnetics and functions of the central nervous system,"
Subtle Energies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Energetic and Informational Interactions
v.3, # 1, 53-72
Becker, R.O. (2004) "Exploring new horizons in electromedicine," The Journal of Alternative
and Complementary Medicine, v. 10, #1, pp. 17-18
Becker, Robert and G. Selden (1998) The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation
of Life, Harper
Benford, M. Sue (1999) "'Spin doctors': A new paradigm theorizing the mechanism of bioenergy
healing," Journal of Theoretics, June-July, v. 1, #2,? Available at
Benford, M. Sue (2000-2001) "Empirical evidence supporting macro-scale quantum holography
in non-local effects," Journal of Theoretics, Dec-Jan, v. 2, #5, Available at
Benford, M. Sue (2000 Dec) "Quantum holography and acupuncture research," Journal of
Nonlocality, Available at
Biophotons internet publications available at
Cohen, Sophie, and Fritz-Albert Popp (1997) “Biophoton emission of the human body,” Journal
of Photochemistry and Photobiology B 40, 187-189.
Cohen, Sophie, Fritz-Albert Popp and Yu Yan (2003) “Nonlocal effects of biophoton emission
from the human body,” available at
Cohen, S and F A Popp (2003 ) “Biophoton emission of human body” Indian Journal of
Experimental Biology, Symposium on Biophotons v.1 #5, May. Abstract available at
Furman, Mark Evan and Fred P. Gallo (2000) The Neurophysics of Human Behavior:
Explorations at the Interface of Brain, Mind, Behavior, and Information, CRC Press
Goldberg, Larry (2005) “The possible mediating role of quantum mechanical phenomena in
mind-body interactions,” Bridges Quarterly Magazine of the International Society for the
Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, Spring, v. 16, #1, pp. 15-20
( )
Hameroff, Stewart R. publications
Hameroff, Stewart R. (1996?) “Consciousness, The Brain and Spacetime Geometry,” From The
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences special issue on Cajal and consciousness
73-104 Available from
Hameroff, Stewart R. (1998b) “Can quantum mechanics explain free will?” Available at
Hameroff, Stewart R. (1998c) "More neural than thou (A reply to Patricia Churchland’s
‘brainshy’)," in Hameroff, S.R., Kaszniak, A.W. and Scott, A.C., (eds) Toward a Science
of Consciousness II: The 1996 Tucson Discussions and Debates, Cambridge, MA: MIT
Press, pp. 197-213. Available at
The Non-Local Mind- 20
Hameroff, Stewart R. (2003a) “Time, Consciousness and Quantum Events in Fundamental
Spacetime Geometry” In: The Nature of Time: Physics, Geometry and Perception Proceedings of a NATO Advanced Research Workshop, ed R Buccheri and M Saniga
Hameroff, Stewart R. (2003b) “Whitehead and Quantum Computation in the Brain:
Panprotopsychism Meets the Physics of Fundamental Spacetime Geometry,” in
Whitehead Process Network Compendium, ed M Weber Available at
Ho, Mae-Wan (1999) The Rainbow and the Worm: The Physics of Organisms, World Scientific
Publishing Company; 2nd edition
Ho, M.W. (1999) "Coherent energy, liquid crystallinity and acupuncture: Talk presented to
British Acupuncture Society, October 2," available at
Ho, M.W., Julian Haffegee, Richard Newton, Yu-ming Zhou, John S. Bolton and Stephen Ross
(1996) "Organisms as Polyphasic Liquid Crystals," Bioelectrochemistry and
Bioenergetics, v. 41, 81-91, 1996. available at
Hui, K.K.S., J. Liu, N. Makris, R.L. Gollub, A.J.W. Chen, C.I. Moore, D.N. Kennedy, B.R.
Rosen, and K.K. Kwong (2000) "Acupuncture Modulates the Limbic System and
Subcortical Gray Structures of the Human Brain: Evidence from fMRI studies in normal
subjects," Human Brain Mapping, v.9; 13-25
Hunt, Valerie V. (1989) Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness,
Malibu Publishing Co.
Kober, A, Scheck, T., Greher, M, Lieba, F., Fleischhackl, R., Fleischhackl, S., Randunsky, F., &
Hoerauf, K. (2002) "Pre-hospital Analgesia with Acupressure in Victims of Minor
Trauma: A Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blinded Trial." Anesthesia & Analgesia.
v.95, 723-727.
McTaggart, Lynne (2003) The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, Quill
Oschman, James L. (2000) Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis of Bioenergy Therapies,
Churchill Livingstone [Hall, Harriet (2005) “Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis Book
Review,” Skeptic Magazine, (Altadema, CA), January, v. 11, #3 Page 89 (5pp)]
Oschman, James L. (2003) Energy Medicine in Therapeutics and Human Performance,
Oschman, James L. (2005) "The intelligent body," Bridges Quarterly Magazine of the
International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, Spring, v.
16, #1, pp. 3, 10-14 ( )
Popp, Fritz-Albert (2002) “Basic theory of cancer development and defense,” 11th. International
Conference "Biological Cancer Defense" in Heidelberg, May 3-5 Available at
Popp, Fritz-Albert (2003) “Consciousness as Evolutionary Process based on Coherent States,”
available at originally
published in German as (2002) “Bewußtsein als Eigenschaft kohärenter Zustände,"
Grengebiete der Wissenschaft v. 51 #3, 195-217 Website for Popp et al.:
Popp, Fritz-Albert (no date, probably 2004) “Biophysical aspects of the psychic situation,”
Available at (in five pages)
The Non-Local Mind- 21
International Anti-Stress Center, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
Conducts cutting edge research of Rakic, Rakovic and many others
Rakic, L., G. Kostopoulos, D. Rakovic, and D. Koruga (eds.) (1997) Proceedings of the First
Annual ECOPD International Symposium on Scientific Bases of Consciousness, Sep 2426, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Pub. European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD) of
the United Nations University for Peace, Belgrade, Terazjic 41, Yugoslavia
Rakovic, Dejan (1997) "On brain's neural networks and brainwaves modeling: Contextual
learning and psychotherapeutic implications," in Rakic, L., G. Kostopoulos, D. Rakovic,
and D. Koruga (eds) (1997) Proceedings of the First Annual ECOPD International
Workshop on Scientific Bases of Consciousness, Sep 24-26, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Pub.
European Center for Peace and Development (ECPD) of the United Nations University
for Peace, Belgrade, Terazjic 41, Yugoslavia, 189-204. Available at
Rakovic, Dejan (2000) Transitional states of consciousness as a biophysical basis of
transpersonal transcendental phenomena," International Journal of Applied Science and
Computations, v.7, #3, 174-187. also presented at International Conference on
Consciousness in Science and Philosophy., 1998. Available at
Rakovic, Dejan (2001) "On brain's neural networks and brainwaves modeling: Contextual
learning and psychotherapeutic implications," Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of
IEEE/EMDS (Vic) Biomedical Research, Melbourne, AU, Feb. Available at
Rakovic, Dejan and Miroljub Dugic (2000) "A critical note on the role of the quantum
mechanical 'collapse' in quantum modeling of consciousness," Informatica, in press,
Available at
Rakovic, Dejan and Z. Jovanovic-Ignjatic (1998) "Microwave resonance therapy and
acupuncture: New prospects for traditional medicine," Acupuncture & ElectroTherapeutics Research, v. 23, # 3/4, p. 271. Abstract available at
Rubik, Beverly (1996) Life at the Edge of Science: An Anthology of Papers by Beverly Rubik,
The Institute for Frontier Science, Philadelphia, PA
Satinover, Jeffrey (2002) The Quantum Brain: The Search for Freedom and the Next Generation
of Man, Wiley
Wolf, Fred Alan (1986) The Body Quantum: The New Physics of Body, Mind, and Health,
Wu MT, Sheen JM, Chuang KH, Yang P, Chin SL, Tsai CY, Chen CJ, Liao JR, Lai PH, Chu
KA, Pan HB, Yang CF. (2002) "Neuronal specificity of acupuncture response: a fMRI
study with electroacupuncture." Neuroimage. Aug ;v.16, #4:1028-37.
The Non-Local Mind- 22
Zhang, C-L, (2003, actual publication 2005) “Skin resistance vs. body conductivity: On the
background of electronic measurement on skin,” Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine:
An Interdisciplinary Journal of Energetic and Informational Interactions, v. 14, # 2, 151174. Abstract available at: Also published in
(2002) Frontier Perspectives, v. 11, #2, Fall, 15-25.
1. R. G. Jahn and B. J. Dunne have one of the most robust programs of research on the mind
influencing the physical world on a quantum level with the PEAR (Princeton Engineering
Anomalies Research) center studies. Their classic (1988) Margins of Reality : The Role
of Consciousness in the Physical World, provides a good overview. Many other articles
are available at:
“…[W]hile there have been many attempts to interpret consciousness-related anomalous
phenomena in terms of some physical form of information transmission, virtually all of
these have explicitly or implicitly presumed a space/time reference matrix. The
demonstration of negligible attenuation of the empirical effects with distance, along with
their precognitive and retrocognitive capacities, should seem to call this presumption into
question, and specifically to preclude their attribution to any known form of field
radiation, be it electromagnetic, geophysical, or even subtler physical vectors. Rather,
some more radical proposition seems unavoidable.” (Dunne and Jahn 1992, p 331. italics
“The literature … abounds with attempts to transpose various physical formalisms [to account for
these effects]: electromagnetic models, thermodynamic models, mechanical models,
statistical mechanical models, hyperspace models, quantum mechanical models, and
others … Although these comprise an interesting body of effort, none of them seems fully
competent. … Indeed, it appears that no simple application of existing physical theory is
likely to prevail. In order to encompass the observed effects, a substantially more
fundamental level of theoretical model will need to be deployed, one which more
explicitly acknowledges the role of consciousness in the definition of physical reality.”
(Jahn, Dunne and Nelson, 1987, p.47. italics added)“Neither … environment nor … consciousness can productively be presented in isolation; only in
interaction – in the exchange of information between the two – are palpable effects
constituted … It is essential … that the common concepts of established physical
theories, such as mass, momentum, and energy; electric charge and magnetic field;
frequency and wavelength; the quantum and the wave function; and even distance and
time, be regarded as no more than useful information-organizing categories that
consciousness has developed for ordering the chaos of stimuli bombarding it from its
environment, or passing from it to its environment. More precisely, they reflect the
characteristics of consciousness interacting with its environment.” (Jahn and Dunne,
1987, 204-205)
The Non-Local Mind- 23
2. I’m VERY impressed how Beck and Colli [see abstracts below] clearly present some very
technical materials from a number of different disciplines in an understandable fashion.
Many papers dealing with this approach assume way too much technical knowledge
(Tiller, Ho, Hamerhoff, Popp, Penrose, etc.) and so the "intelligent lay person" becomes
lost. Beck, Thomas E. & Colli, Janet E. (2003, actual pub date 2005) "Unity
Consciousness: A Quantum Bio-Mechanical Foundation" and (2003) “A Quantum BioMechanical Basis for Near-Death Life Reviews” Abstracts available at:
“Unity Consciousness: A Quantum Bio-Mechanical Foundation”
Abstract: Citing research in consciousness, quantum physics, biophysics and cosmology, we
propose the collective amplification of quantum effects as the basis for scientifically
describing Kundalini awakening, and the higher-order, emergent phenomenon of Unity
consciousness. Such alterations of consciousness have their origin in quantum-scale
processes, such as self-induced transparency, superradiance, superpositions, quantum
tunneling, and Bose-Einstein condensation. Microtubules are considered to be key
components in non-local, quantum processes critical to human consciousness. We
postulate that bundles of fibers (neural cells), each containing numerous microtubule
“lasers” acting in unison, collectively result in a massive surge of light energy to the
brain. The sudden onset and radically altered nature of such states are consistent with a
model based on the activation of a laser. The liquid crystalline nature of the human body
likely provides a foundation for the non-local aspect of Unity consciousness. The
unifying paradigm of the “quantum hologram” is introduced to apply quantum properties
to macroscopic events.
“A Quantum Bio-Mechanical Basis for Near-Death Life Reviews”
Abstract: Near-death life reviews pose a challenge to current memory research in terms of the
sheer amount of instantaneous and empathetic information recall. Advances in quantum
physics, bio-mechanics, holographic information theory, and consciousness studies
support for the first time a fully realizable quantum bio-mechanical basis for near-death
life reviews. We introduce the unifying paradigm of the quantum hologram as a non-local
carrier of information. We further investigate the interrelated phenomena of non-local
communications, and the electromagnetic zero-point field (ZPF). Recent confirmation of
the ZPF lends credibility to vast memory storage capabilities outside the physical body.
Microtubules are considered to be key components in non-local, quantum processes
critical to human consciousness. Discovery of the liquid crystalline nature of the human
body provides further support for our model. Microtubules, DNA and the entire brain are
described as communicating non-locally with virtually unlimited memory storage
The Non-Local Mind- 24
The physicist Goswami (2001) seeks to integrate the information in The Tibetan Book of Living
and Dying with quantum physics concepts.
In a section titled “The soul and the quantum” Goswami states the main aspects of the model as
follows (pp.12-16):
1. “…[M]atter is wave-like and thereby it can be at more than one place at once… [W]ave
functions … are at two (or more) places at once only in possibility, only as the
superposition of the two ( or more) possibilities.” [see section C.2 below]
2. “Quantum objects exist as a superposition of possibilities until our observation brings
about actuality from potentiality, one actual, localized event from the many potential
events. If a particular possibility has a great probability to actualize, upon observation, the
possibility wave is correspondingly strong.”
3. “Quantum mechanics is a probability calculus that enables us to calculate the probability
of each possibility that is allowed in every dynamical situation. Probability begets
4. “Before quantum physics was properly understood, a materialist metaphysics prevailed in
science … [whose] theory of causation is … the theory of upward causation: cause moves
up from the micro … to the macro … [U]ward causation is only capable of producing
material waves of possibility for (nonmaterial) consciousness to choose from, and
consciousness has the ultimate power, called downward causation, to create manifest
reality by freely choosing among the possibilities offered.”
5. “Quantum objects can take a discontinuous leap … called a quantum leap … In the same
vein, downward causation is discontinuous in every which way: causally (we cannot
assign a precise cause for it), mechanically (we cannot make a mechanical model for it),
algorithmically (there is not mathematics for it), and logically (its logic is circular: the
observer is essential for collapse to occur, but the observer is only a possibility before
collapse has taken place.)” [italics added]
6. “Quantum objects, when suitably correlated … influence one another nonlocally, that is,
without signals through space and without taking a finite time. Thus, correlated quantum
objects must be interconnected in a domain that transcends space and time. Nonlocality
implies transcendence. It follows that all quantum waves of possibility reside in a domain
that transcends space and time; … the domain of transcendent potentiality …What is
potential may be more real than what is manifest because potential exists in a timeless
domain whereas any actuality is merely ephemeral: it exists in time.”
“Does the quantum ‘magic’ – being in two places at once, downward causation, quantum leaps,
and nonlocal connections -- …extend to the macroworld [of] our [brain?] … [O]ur brain
involves quantum processing in every case of observation which is a quantum
measurement. The brain responds to a stimulus by presenting a pool of macroscopically
distinguishable quantum possibilities (a possibility wave), one of which precipitates as
the experienced event when consciousness so chooses.”
His metaphor for the quantum physics of the soul and its survival: “While the physical body,
when alive, represents possibilities which always must manifest as a localized structure
that has a finite beginning and an finite end, the soul represents possibilities, potential
The Non-Local Mind- 25
without localized structures in manifestation. As transcendent potential without the
fixation of local manifestation in time and space, it transmigrates (that is, is nonlocally
experienced) from one incarnation in one locality and time to another in a different point
of space and time.” (pp. 12-16)
In a section titled “Physics of the Soul and the Meaning of Life” (pp. 142-144) he writes: “The
dualism problem is solved in quantum physics by realizing that both the nonmaterial soul
and the material body are mere possibilities within consciousness and consciousness
mediates their interaction and maintains their parallel functioning … Our soul sets the
contexts in which meaning enters our lives. This contextualizing aspect of the soul is the
supramental intellect or the theme body. Meaning is processed by the mind and expresses
itself through a body whose plan is unfolded via the making of the representations of the
morphogenetic fields of our vital body. Quantum physics, by making the concept of the
nonmaterial soul a viable scientific concept, also revives meaning as a scientific pursuit
of our lives. But I call the soul a quantum monad, an individualized unit. How does the
soul become individualized? The answer is: through the individualization of the mind and
the vital body … [I]ndividualization takes place through what I call quantum memory. …
Memory that you are familiar with [classical memory] takes place because of the
modification of the structure of something physical. Large macrobodies take a long time
to regenerate from any such modifications of structure; hence the modifications are
retained as … classical memory … In contrast, quantum memory takes place via the
modification of probabilities of accessing the various quantum possibilities that we
collapse as actualities in our experience.” [italics added]
“The complete model of reincarnation, the one that aggress with all the reincarnational data, can
now be stated: Our various incarnation sin many different paces and times are correlated
beings, correlated by our intentions; information can transfer between these incarnations
by virtue of the quantum nonlocal correlation. Behind the discreteness of the physical
body and lived history of these incarnations, there exists a continuum … of the unfolding
of meaning. Formally, the continuum is represented by the quantum monad, a
conglomerate of unchanging themes and changeable and evolving vital and mental
propensities, or karmas.” (pp. 142-144)
The Non-Local Mind- 26
Summary of the results of William Tiller’s Science Adventures with Real Magic
research program
Other papers are available at:
See also the philosophy/theory/etc. background resource papers on my web site (see specifically , and
The main conclusions from Tiller’s program in layman’s language:
Researchers in the realms of mind-matter interactions will have to be very aware of the
impact of their consciousness on research and ideally be at least at a post rational
(Wilber’s “Vision Logic”) level of consciousness development in order to do valid
studies in this area of mind-matter interactions.
Certain individuals who have mastered meditation and other “inner self management”
disciplines, at least to a psychic level (Wilber), can imprint into machines (IIED =
Intention Imprinted Electrical Devices) selected performance commands that the machine
will subsequently carry out on the experimental targets.
These conditioned machines (IIEDs), when left to “run” in neutral spaces (laboratories)
will eventually raise that space to a higher level of physical reality [from U(1) to U(2)
gage symmetry] where the original observed anomalies continued to be observed.
The following is mainly taken from Tiller, William A, Walter E. Dibble Jr., and J. Gregory
Fandel (2005) Some Science Adventures with Real Magic
Glossary of technical terms and abbreviations
Deltrons = a postulated coupling substance from the domain of emotion (outside of physical
reality) which has the quality of being able to travel at velocities both above and below
the speed of light and to interact with substances from both levels of physical reality [D +
R space]. The means by which human intention can influence physical (D) space.
Deltron coupling coefficient, , = the measure of magnitude of deltron activation which
determines the degree of D-space object/substance interaction with R-space
object/substance. With an increase in the coefficient, the degree of connectivity between
any two D-space objects increases regardless of distance.
D space = Direct (D) physical space with 4 dimensions, space-time. This is the typical universe
as postulated by mainstream science],
R space = the magnetic monopole substance layer, conjugate Reciprocal (R ) physical inverse
space-time, 4 dimensions.
Biconformal/duplex Reference Frame (D+R space) = a proposed new view to allow a more
internally self-consistent description of nature that includes all conventional science
phenomena plus the main aspects of all psychoenergetic phenomena.
EM = ElectroMagnetic
EM gage symmetry state = the inner symmetry condition of a space relative to its electromagnetic
The Non-Local Mind- 27
Gage Theory = the synthesis of quantum mechanics and symmetry where gauge invariance is the
physical principle governing the fundamental forces between all elementary particles.
Invariance indicates something that does not change under a set of transformations.
IIED = Intention Imprinted Electrical Device. The effective host for a specific intention. It can be
transported from its original imprinting location and, when turned on in that distant space,
lifts the EM gage symmetry state of that space and tunes the space so as to experimentally
manifest the specific intention.
 H+ = the new discovery of the magneto-electro-chemical potential energy for a proton, the
energy change associated with increasing the EM gauge symmetry (inner symmetry) state
of a space above the usual U(1) gage symmetry level.
U(1) gage symmetry space = our usual EM gauge symmetry space-time universe. Magnetic
monopoles are not detectable. Typically, in our usual universe, magnets are dipole.
U(2) gage symmetry space = higher EM gauge symmetry (inner symmetry) with a higher
thermodynamic free energy per unit volume. Magnetic monopoles (Direct Current
magnetic field polarity) are detectable. Both electric charges (+ and ) and single magnetic
monopoles (N and S) naturally coexist.
p<0.00l = the probability of an observation occurring by chance is less than 1 in 1000.
 = the difference () in measurement of some quantity.
Summary of general theoretical assumptions and conclusions (p. 137)
1. [William A. Tiller’s] working hypothesis is that we are all spirits having a physical experience
as we ride “the river of life” together. Our spiritual parents dressed us in our biobodysuits
and put us in this playpen, which we call a universe, in order to grow in coherence, in
order to develop our gifts of intentionality and in order to ultimately become what we
were meant to become -- effective co-creators with our spiritual parents. Each biobodysuit
has four main layers:
a. the outer layer is the electric monopole substance layer [physical direct, D space, 4
dimensions, space plus time. This is the typical universe as postulated by
mainstream science],
b. the first inner layer is the magnetic monopole substance layer [conjugate reciprocal
physical, R space, 4 dimensions. These two D + R add up to 8 dimensions of
Tiller’s model of the total physical universe],
c. the second inner layer is the emotion domain [9th dimension] substance layer and
d. the third inner layer is the mind [mental] domain [10th dimension] substance layer -and inside that is a portion of our spirit self [11th dimension] that drives the
vehicle. So think of this multilayered suit as a kind of “diving bell” or apparatus
that our spirit self uses to sense and experience this peculiar earth environment.
[taken from William A. Tiller “A White Paper on The Law of Cause and Effect”
2. There are two important levels of physical reality, (1) the conventional atom, molecule and EM
(Electro Magnetic) photon level where everything travels at velocities (v) at or less than
the speed of EM light (c) (v  c) in the physical vacuum [characteristic of physical direct,
D space with 4 dimensions, space plus time] and (2) the information wave level in the
physical vacuum where everything travels at more than the speed of light (v > c).
[conjugate reciprocal physical, R space with 4 dimensions].
The Non-Local Mind- 28
3. A postulated coupling substance, called deltrons from the domain of emotion (outside of
physical reality), exists and has the quality of being able to travel at velocities both above
and below the speed of light and to interact with substances from both levels of physical
reality. [D + R space]
4. Deltrons also embody intelligence so that all aspects of human consciousness can interact with
deltrons and thus modulate the coupling coefficient,  ,between the two categories of
physical substance. [D + R space]
5. A reciprocal mirror principle for various qualities operates between these two, deltron-coupled
levels of physical reality so that a quality of one level times the quality of the other level
form a unity in the proposed duplex [D + R space] Reference Frame used to describe
nature's behavior in totality, thus including all known phenomena.
6. The human acupuncture meridian/chakra system is an intention modulated system in the
human body with coupling greater than zero ( > 0) so that (1) strong coupling can
develop between the two body-levels of physical reality [D and R space], (2) such
intention-directed coupling can enhance human performance and behavior by many
orders of magnitude relative to current levels and (3) humans matter; they can
dramatically and beneficially evolve themselves to significantly higher states of being.
Key findings for Conditioned Space experimental data (p. 93)
Tiller et. al. have been able to raise the thermodynamic free energy per unit volume of space so
that they retain influences introduced by their IIED (Intention Imprinted Electrical
Device). That is, once the intention is imprinted by humans into the devise, the devise,
when left in a physical space, will in turn, imprint the space at a higher EM gauge
symmetry level (thermodynamic free energy per unit volume ) after the devise is
1. For humans, and perhaps all vertebrates, bioelectromagnetism is quite different than
Maxwellian electromagnetism because the human acupuncture meridian system is
observed to be at a higher EM gauge symmetry level where magnetic monopole charge is
experimentally accessible.
2. A laboratory space and equipment, raised to a higher EM gauge symmetry state wherein
magnetic monopole currents are experimentally accessible, is found to be a very sensitive
detector of subtle energy emissions by humans (subtle energies are defined as all those
beyond the energy aspects of the accepted four fundamental forces in D space).
3. Large bursts of subtle energy emissions during healing steps in humans located in a
"conditioned" laboratory act analogously to earthquakes with reverberating aftershocks
for a long time. Thus, the detailed character of the laboratory's energy signature is
significantly altered for a long time (greater than three months).
Summary of Key Experimental Findings from Science and Human Transformation (p. 139)
1. A highly developed human biofield [spiritually advanced person] can alter the properties of
materials and the functioning of devices so as to reveal deeper levels of nature not
anticipated from our normal every-day observations. The radiations from such levels of
The Non-Local Mind- 29
nature pass through materials that are optically opaque to EM radiations in the visible
2. Non-EM emissions from the biofields of normal humans, when modulated by their attention
and directed intention, can enhance or not enhance electron microavalanches in a simple
gas discharge device depending upon the actual focus of the human's intention.
3. Some humans emit bursts of subtle energy from various body chakras and, via a subtle
energy/electrical energy conversion process involving the acupuncture meridian system,
large voltage pulses appear both on the body and at sites remote to the body.
4. When focusing on the heart with loving intent, the human EKG (Electro Cardio Gram)
becomes harmonic at the baroreflex frequency of 0.14 hertz, where the heart entrains the
brain and simultaneously all the other major electrophysiological systems of the body.
(baroreflex is the system in the body that regulates blood pressure) [see section A.2] In
this heart entrainment mode of functioning, body chemical production becomes healthier
and focused intent can psychokinetically influence molecular structures both inside and
outside of the body.
5. Most young children perceive both EM and subtle energies. Lens and prism experiments
indicate that the latter travel at velocities greater than the EM light velocity (v>c), and
speed up on entering denser matter.
6. Dowsing is a natural human body response mechanism, for those who give it meaning,
wherein the unconscious communicates valuable information to the conscious via
involuntary small muscle movements or the creation of localized heat patterns.
Summary of Key Experimental Findings from Conscious Acts of Creation (pp. 140-141)
1. Human consciousness in the form of a specific intention, can be imprinted into a simple, low
tech, electronic device from a deep meditative state by highly inner self managed humans.
Such a device, now called an IIED (Intention Imprinted Electrical Device), can act as an
effective surrogate to robustly influence a unique target experiment in physical reality.
2. The four unique target experiments studied involved (a) an inorganic material (water) with
property changes 100 times larger than measurement accuracy, (b) an organic, in vitro
material [the liver enzyme ALP, alkaline phosphatase] with property changes of ~20% at
p<0.00l and (c) a living, in vivo material [ATP – adenosine triphospate -- ADP -adenosine diphospate ratio in cells of developing fruit fly larvae] with property changes of
~20% at p < 0.00l, both of the latter having a built in control.
3. A unique intelligence was present in an IIED after imprinting so that the measured material
property changes where (a) always in the direction of the IIED's intention imprint and (b)
always specific to the particular IIED utilized.
4. An unshielded IIED in the electrically "off" state and physically separated by ~100 meters
from a UED [Un-imprinted Electronic Devise] in the electrically "off" state still has a
communication channel available to it for transferring the imprint statement to the UED
within a week. Thus, the carrier for such information exchange is not conventional
5. This new field, although not EM, can be dissipated through EM leakage pathways. Thus,
wrapping an IIED in aluminium foil and storing it in an electrically grounded Faraday
cage, prolongs its lifetime of effective use (~3 months before reimprinting is required).
The Non-Local Mind- 30
6. Placing a specific IIED in a room and turning it on "conditions" the room to a state wherein the
experimental targets of Item 2 above, naturally manifests. Without the presence of this
"conditioned" state in the room housing the target experiment equipment, these material
property changes do not occur.
7. One characteristic of a "conditioned" space is that a DC magnetic field polarity effect on the
pH of water occurs. Such an effect is thought to require the accessing of magnetic
monopoles, a property usually associated with a state of higher EM gauge symmetry
(inner symmetry) than our normal, everyday reality. Such a state of higher EM gauge
symmetry (inner symmetry) is also a higher thermodynamic free energy per unit volume.
8. Another characteristic of a "conditioned" space is the spontaneous appearance of material
property oscillations of very large amplitude (air and water temperature, pH, electrical
conductivity of water, etc.) that are (a) global throughout the room (b) all exhibit the same
Fourier spectral components and (c) all are in the frequency range ~ 1.0 -2 to 10 -3 hertz.
9. A third important characteristic of a "conditioned" space is that it is sensitive to the presence of
an active IIED at separation distances of at least -150 feet. Oscillations generated in the
locale of the IIED spontaneously appear (with a high correlation coefficient) in a
"conditioned" space but not in an unconditioned space.
10. If the degree of "conditioning" in a space is low and the IIED is removed from the space, the
"conditioning" decays slowly with a time constant of ~ 1 month. If the degree of
"conditioning" in a space is sufficiently high, the IIED can be completely removed from
the space and stored properly and the level of "conditioning" in the room does not appear
to change (at least for 1-2 years).
11. The cause of the air temperature oscillations in a "conditioned" space near an apparent source
is not dependent upon movements of the air molecules in the space but rather thought to
depend on changes at the vacuum level of physical reality.
12. Removal of the apparent air temperature oscillation source revealed that this vacuum level
"phantom" source had a very slow relaxation time (~ 1-2 months) back to zero amplitude.
13. While in the phantom temperature oscillation source mode of reality, abrupt changes in the
orientation of a large natural quartz crystal placed in the initial source region showed
abrupt changes in overall oscillation wave shape, wave amplitude and wave frequency.
Thus, a quartz appears to be a type of "tuner" for this vacuum source behavior.
14. In a "conditioned" space, spontaneous and abrupt shifts in computer monitoring behavior of a
random number generator (RNG) occurred from time to time for no known reason
15. Experimenter effect, specific materials effects and specific device effects appeared, on the
short term, to alter the "tuning" of the oscillations in a conditioned space.
The Non-Local Mind- 31
Summary of key experimental findings from the "Remote Sites Experiment" (pp. 141-142)
1. The original Minnesota water pH [acid-base level] results have been substantially replicated by
2. At all remote IIED-sites, the digitally recorded pH for purified water in equilibrium with air
increased exponentially with time with the change in pH (pH) increasing cycle by cycle
of water- change until it reached 1.0 pH units.
3. At all control sites, non-IIED sites, the same type of pH-behavior was observed via an
information entanglement process except that (1) for below-ground sites, pH achieved
~1.7 pH units and (2) for well above-ground sites, the change in pH (pH) achieved ~O.8
pH units.
4. This information entanglement process between IIED and non-IIED, control sites of the overall
experimental system occurred over distances from ~2 miles to ~6000 miles. The carrier
wave for this information transfer could not have been electromagnetic.
5. A litmus paper pH-detector only responded to the purely chemical level of the Hydrogen ion
(H+) content present in the water while digital pH-detectors responded to both this level
plus an information level associated with the Hydrogen ion (H+) content.
6. All sites, both IIED and non-IIED, exhibited substantial values of the magneto-electrochemical potential energy for the proton,( H+ ) after a short time, indicating a raised
thermodynamic free energy per unit volume for all sites.
7. The time required to reach the change in pH (pH) ~1.0 pH units appears to be less for belowground control sites than for above-ground control sites and also appears to be relatively
independent of distance.
8. Strong experimenter and equipment potentization effects were noted.
9. The optimum reimprinting time for an IIED presently appears to be ~ 3 months.
10. Mu-metal screening does not shield water from this new information entanglement field. Mumetal is a nickel-iron-molybdenum alloy used for shielding to protect things from stray
magnetic fields.
“…[I]n the English-language scientific literature alone, there are approximately 100 published
reports of experiments in which persons have been able to influence mentally and at a
distance, a variety of biological target system including bacteria, yeast colonies, fungus
colonies, motile algae, plants, protozoa, larvae, wood lice, ants, chicks, mice, rats, gerbils,
cats, and dogs, as well as cellular ‘target persons,’ eye movements, gross motor
movements, electrodermal activity, plethysmographic activity, respiration, and brain
rhythms have been influenced.” (Braud and Schlitz, 1991, p. 35)
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The Non-Local Mind- 32
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The Non-Local Mind- 33
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The Non-Local Mind- 34
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Point Press
1. The Evolution Of Consciousness And The Integral Approach Of
Ken Wilber And Others
Since 1978 I've been inspired by the grand theorist: Ken Wilber
( ) See also Frank Vissar's
I include a fair bit of Wilber in the philosophy/theory/etc. background resource paper on my web
site (see specifically
The Main Concepts Of The Integral Approach Of Ken Wilber
Taken from Frank Vissar's Integral World Website:
1. Holon
A Holon is a part of the universe which is complete and consistent in itself, but is also an
necessary integral part of a greater system which encompasses it.
E.g. Atoms are a holon. Atoms are complete in themselves. They have a consistent form that can
be relied to be the same no matter where they are found. Atoms however can join together to
form molecules. Molecules are made of atoms. Molecules encompass atoms. Molecules are more
complex than atoms. Molecules are holons because they are complete and consistent within
The Non-Local Mind- 35
themselves and because they can be organised into a basic living cell. Cells are holons which can
form a body organ. Body organs can form a complete being...etc
A core concept in Wilber's philosophy is the concept of the holon, which he borrowed from
Arthur Koestler. The idea is that everything is not only a whole, but also part of a larger whole,
so a "part/whole" or "hol-on".
That is true for atoms, molecules, organisms, human being, but also for letters in a word, words
in a sentence, sentences on a page, pages in a book, etc. -- as the familiar holistic sequence goes.
As Wilber has demonstrated in Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, human consciousness can be seen as a
holon, with four aspects or quadrants:
inner-individual: introspective consciousness
outer-individual: observable behavior
inner-collective: our cultural beliefs
outer-collective: the society we live in
But do all holons have four quadrants? Does a word in a book, for example, have a type of inner
life? And can we reasonably speak of individual and social holons? Or does that lead us into an
infinite regression (for what is the social aspect of the social holon?)
2. Four Quadrants
The UPPER LEFT quadrant covers the inner-individual aspects of human consciousness, as
studied by developmental psychology, in both it's conventional and contemplative forms.
The UPPER RIGHT quadrant covers the outer-individual aspects of human consciousness, as
studied by neurology and cognitive science.
The LOWER LEFT quadrant covers the inner-collective aspects of human consciousness, as
studied by the sciences of culture: cultural psychology and anthropology.
The LOWER RIGHT quadrant covers the outer-collective aspects of human consciousness, as
studied by sociology.
The Non-Local Mind- 36
Western culture tends to over-emphasize the Right Hand quadrants (brain science, sociology),
and neglect the Left Hand quadrants (introspection, human culture). The integral model of
consciousness redresses that imbalance by pointing out the importance of the Left Hand
One way to make sense of the Four Quadrants model is to see the UPPER LEFT quadrant as
primary, and the other three quadrants as the various ways individual human consciousness is
conditioned, by the material brain, cultural influences and social structures.
A more radical view is to see the Four Quadrants as the four ways in which Universal Spirit is
expressed simultaneously.
All of the quadrants mutually interact with each other. A given stage of individual development
(e.g. abstract mind) will be reflected in a stage of neurological development (e.g. the neocortex),
a stage of cultural development (e.g. rationalisation) and a stage of societal development (e.g.
Each quadrant consists of ten levels/stages. Combining quadrants with levels gives the "all
quadrants, all levels" [AQAL] approach of Integral Philosophy.
As we evolve and grow along the spectrum of consciousness, any distortion of the balance of the
quadrants will affect the system in a way that is consistent with the level of growth at which the
distortion occurred; e.g. in today's world we have denied the outer needs of our planet earth. We
pollute our planet. The result of this imbalance is the destruction of the outer form of our planet.
3. Levels of Consciousness
Life proceeds through a series of stages. Each stage is a holon which includes the level before it
and is included in the level after it. We must move from one level to the next. We cannot skip
levels. For example: In terms of inner development there are four basic steps.
Unity Consciousness: All that is seen as a whole. No boundary
Total Organism (centauric): A boundary is drawn between our selves and the
outside universe (self + outside = unity consciousness)
Ego Level: A boundary is drawn in ourselves between the ego and the body (ego +
body = self)
Persona Level: A boundary is drawn in our ego between persona and shadow
(persona + shadow = ego)
These four can be extended with subgroups to seven steps which align with our chakra system.
Using Wilber's spectrum, extended even more, so many of the systems describing levels of
consciousness can be included within a consistent whole.
The Non-Local Mind- 37
3.1. The ten levels
causal pathology
formless mysticism
subtle pathology
deity mysticism
Psychic disorders
nature mysticism
centauric / vision logic
existential pathology
existential therapy
formal reflexive (formop)
identity neuroses
rule/role (conop)
script pathology
script analysis
uncovering techniques
structure-building techniques
physiological/ pacification
undifferentiated or primary matrix
perinatal pathology
intense regressive therapies
4. The pre/trans fallacy
One of Wilber's most important theoretical contributions to our understanding of the psychology
of spirituality is called the "pre/trans fallacy".
In most popular and scientific views of spirituality, two main categories are postulated:
This view is common in the field of depth psychology. Human development is pictured as a
spiral process, in which as a child we start in an unconscious oneness with the Self, we develop
an ego structure by leaving the unity of the Self, and re-contact the Self in a more conscious
fashion during our second half of life.
The Non-Local Mind- 38
According to Wilber, we should at least postulate three broad categories:
mythical religion
historical religion
mystical religion
This view is more in line with developmental psychology (when extended to mystical
development) and the esoteric traditions. Now, human development is pictured as a ladder like
process, in which we all start with the body, grow up as a rational adult, and (might) end up as an
enlightened individual.
Now this is the pre/trans fallacy: in the first view, the first, pre-personal category is left out. As a
result of this, it merges with the third category, giving us a pre-rational view of spirituality. Pre
and trans are confused; more specifically, the pre-rational is elevated to spiritual status. In the
second view, the pre-rational is acknowledged as a separate category, in sharp distinction to the
trans-rational realm of mysticism.
In the first view, the process of rationalisation and secularisation is understood as anti-spiritual,
as is done by the great majority of scientists of religion. Religion is on the decline because people
have learned to think for themselves. In the second view, this only applies to mythical religion;
mystical religion is still to be discovered by modern men and women, as a process that completes
their developmental potentials.
5. Hegel's Dialectic
Aristotle first developed the idea of thesis, antithesis and synthesis. Hegel later rephrased this as a
Dialectic. Whenever something new arises (thesis), such as when we arrive at a new level of
being, a shadow will also develop that seems to contradict it(antithesis). These two opposing
aspects must be understood from a more encompassing understanding that embraces the thesis
and the antithesis (synthesis). Wilber emphasizes that healthy development and evolution
involves the process of Transcend AND Include the prior levels.
This process describes how growth along the spectrum of consciousness happens. We begin on
something new; we struggle to understand it. Wilber calls this stage pre-conventional. As we do
come to understand it we become conventional. But, as we come to understand it, the antithesis
appears and we realise the thesis was not fully correct and we must move on to the postconventional when we go beyond the previous understanding - and the synthesis.
The Non-Local Mind- 39
Eg: When slavery first appeared in the pre-conventional stage it appeared to be a wonderful new
innovation. It enable structure like the pyramids to be built and was an integral part of the social
fabric of societies for several more millennia when it was accepted - when it was conventional.
Eventually we came to realise that slavery was not a good thing and it's use was abolished. We
then reached the post-conventional stage.
6. Flatland
Wilber uses the term flatland to describe what happens when one or more of the quadrants is
ignored or undervalued. Science describes our external world. Science is a world view that
measures our 'reality'. Whatever can't be measured in some way is deemed to be unreal or
valueless. Values, feelings and intuition have no part in the scientific world. Scientists have
created a flat land where the whole left side of the four quadrants have been flattened into the
right. the more science does this (thesis) the more there is a reaction from people not prepared to
live in such a polluted flatland (antithesis).
We can also create a flat land when we cut ourselves off from higher levels of development. A
tribal society generally makes a sharp distinction between those who are in the group and those
who are outside the group. They create a flatland by denying equal status to outsiders. There are
usually strict rules governing enforcing co-operation within the group such as a ban on violence
to members but an encouragement of violence towards outsiders, especially if they may be a
threat. They have created a flat land by ignoring the common humanity we share.
7. Where we went wrong in the West
Our scientific view of life has created a severe flatland. In science there is no 'I'. A scientist
doesn't say, "I ran an experiment" but rather," an experiment was run". The scientist has
disappeared. There is no room for thoughts and feelings only measurements of what is out there.
The left hand interior side of the quadrants has been denied and flatlanded into the right. The
material side of life is all important not the internal and spiritual. The inner world has been left
and we have lost the link to our unity in the world. Gaia has been lost and she is beginning to
8. Descending/Ascending
Life is the ebb and flow of two currents. Ascending energy is male dominated and seeks to reach
the heavens by denying the physical. Christianity is fundamentally an ascending religion.
Ascending energy avoids emotions. Descending energy is female dominated and seeks to bring
heaven down to earth. Goddess religions are descending religions. descending energy expresses
itself through emotions.
In life we need a balance of ascending and descending energy. We need to soar to new heights,
but keep our feet firmly on the earth. We can also flatland by denying one of the two currents of
The Non-Local Mind- 40
9. Involution and evolution
Wilber's writings are evolutionary from beginning to end. The metaphor that best fits his ideas is
the ladder model (although he has refined his views in recent years so much that he prefers the
metaphor of the river now).
According to Wilber, evolution has an inner component, that is not easily discovered by
conventional science. Science studies the outer forms of live, and concludes evolution basically is
a matter of material complexity. Esoteric philosophy adds an inner dimension: evolution is as
much a matter of increasing depth or quality. This can be illustrated graphically in the following
minerals plants animals humans mystics
Essentially all developmental principles Wilber writes about can be illustrated by this diagram of
the kingdoms of nature. Plants transcend minerals, as animals transcend plants, humans transcend
animals and mystics transcend humans. But plants also include minerals (they have a physical
body), as animals include plants ("vitality"), as humans include animals (have feelings), and
mystics include humans (are able to think).
There is nothing about this diagram that suggests the idea of oppression or devaluation, as those
opposed to the idea of hierarchical development often think, it is just the way Nature operates. In
fact, it is an inspiring view of unfolding life and mind. However, as mind CAN repress the
emotions, so humans can abuse animals and nature at large. This is an unfortunate complication,
that should be avoided at all costs, but no reason to abandon this overall picture of how things
A less well known doctrine in Wilber's philosophy is the idea of involution. In his view, higher
stages may occur AFTER the lower stages, but that does not mean they are fully CAUSED by
them. That would in effect be nothing other than materialism. The esoteric philosophy holds that
evolution is preceded by involution, the inverse movement from Spirit to matter. Without
involution, evolution is a baffling process of ever new "emergent" realities; with involution, it is a
comprehensible process of the grand movement of Life.
In the esoteric view, Spirit "involves" itself in matter, and takes on layer after layer of "material"
bodies -- this has been beautifully elaborated in Neoplatonism -- until it reaches the Nadir of
existence in the material plane. From that moment on, Spirit moves upwards again, transcending
The Non-Local Mind- 41
layer after layer, until it returns to it's point of departure in the Divine. This grand view
effectively counters the popular view that we lose Spirit somewhere in the early years of our life,
when we become rational adults. This romanticism is an example of the pre/trans fallacy.
10 Kosmos
Wilber's concept of "Kosmos" (with a capital "K") differs from the scientific view of the cosmos.
Where cosmos is by definition a physical reality (which pronounces physics as the perfect and
only real science), Kosmos refers to the traditional and pre-scientific worldview which
acknowledges not only matter, but also life, mind, soul and spirit.
In a real sense, the Kosmic worldview offers us a map of our own inner world -- the world that
can never be seen with the physical senses.
Huston Smith has argued all religions teach at least four levels of being, worlds or spheres:
Science only takes the lowest world to be real, but a wider view of science can handle all four of
them. The fact that science has found no proof for heaven should not worry us in the least. It is
exactly what we should expect! Science, basing itself on the physical senses, can only reveal a
physical world. But our inner senses reveal an inner world, or more to the point, worlds within
worlds, which are as real, or even more so, as the world that can be touched and seen outwardly.
Wilber's Kosmos-trilogy, of which only the first volume has been published until now (Sex,
Ecology, Spirituality, 1995) explores the implications of that ancient view of the Kosmos for our
modern understanding of science and reality.
11. Three types of science
Science is today's religion. If science has established something, it must be true. If science has
not established something, it cannot be true. That's how modern day philosophy has it.
But does science cover all of reality? Since science is based on what the physical senses (often
with the help of instruments) tell us, is it wise to rely totally on that source of knowledge? Who
has ever seen emotions or thoughts with the physical eye? Is that reason enough to deny them
existence? Or are we missing something?
"Absence of proof is not proof of absence", we might say. To believe that science covers ALL of
reality is not really scientific, because we have to deny other forms of human experience, even
our own deepest feelings of identify, any reality. This is properly called "scientism". Not science
proper has rejected the belief in the soul, in higher spheres, in transcendental realities, as many
The Non-Local Mind- 42
well educated people believe, but scientism. It is time to correct that extremely lopsided state of
Basically, reality covers at least three domains: that which we can see with our senses (“eye of
flesh”), that which we can see with our "inner eye" (“eye of reason”), and that which does the
seeing, both outer and inner: the Self (“eye of contemplation”). All three can be approached in a
scientific manner! Then what is the meaning of "scientific". Wilber contends science in no way
should automatically imply materialism. Science (as well as all valid knowledge systems)
involves the following elements:
We follow an instruction, an injunction or a paradigm: Training/education
We perceive a certain state of affairs: Ability/knowledge gained as a result of
We compare our findings to those of others: Social/consensual outcome
We seek to make sense of our findings: Interpretation and possible Logical
Category Errors. Hypothesis and theory building
All valid systems agree that these "strands" for the proof of an assertion are necessary (education,
ability/knowledge, consensus) and all are involved in interpretation (forming hypotheses and
theories) which mediates between the knowledge gained and the social consensus aspects.
These "strands" operate in science, as should be obvious: an astronomer (1) looks through a
telescope, (2) observes a certain part of the universe (3) discusses his findings with fellow
astronomers (and NOT with us mortals, a very important point) and (4). interprets or speculates
on their meaning.
Wilber argues for the existence of two other types of science, which follow the same formal
Mental or social science (what Europeans call Geisteswissenschaft) does not observe physical
objects, but mental meanings, as can be found in documents, stories, myths, reports and books.
The meaning of a text cannot be seen with the physical eye, but only with the "eye of reason".
Following the strands of science, mental science is perfectly scientific. (Of course, mental objects
are not as concrete as physical ones, so the conclusions of mental science can never match those
of physics. But so what?).
And there is a third type of science ("spiritual science"), according to Wilber. For does reality
comprise only of things and thoughts? What about the principle in us that sees and thinks? The
self which sees and thinks, cannot be seen and is not a thought. But it can be approached
experimentally in meditation/contemplation. Thus "spiritual science" is born. Meditation and
yoga count as "science" because they too follow the strands: (1) instruction -- we sit on a cushion
for hours, (2) observation -- we notice a state of mind, (3) confirmation -- we discuss our findings
with fellow meditators, and (4) interpretation -- we seek to interpret what the findings might
The Non-Local Mind- 43
To sum up: Wilber has argued for three types of science, since reality is composed of at least
three domains, and all three domains can be approached in an experimental, experiential and
therefore scientific way.
The research approach of NeruoTheology (see section A6 above) represents the correlation of
transcendent/internal experiences (Wilber's Upper Left quadrant) with brain/body
functioning (his Upper Right quadrant) of his four quadrant model of total reality (his
"Kosmos"). Check out his paper "An integral theory of consciousness" (see abstract
below). See also his (2000) Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology,
Therapy, Shambhala Publications
Wilber, K. (1997) “An Integral Theory of Consciousness,” JCS (Journal of Consciousness
Studies), v. 4 # 1, pp. 71-92
Abstract: “An extensive data search among various types of developmental and evolutionary
sequences yielded a `four quadrant' model of consciousness and its development (the four
quadrants being intentional, behavioural, cultural, and social). Each of these dimensions
was found to unfold in a sequence of at least a dozen major stages or levels. Combining
the four quadrants with the dozen or so major levels in each quadrant yields an integral
theory of consciousness that is quite comprehensive in its nature and scope. This model is
used to indicate how a general synthesis and integration of twelve of the most influential
schools of consciousness studies can be effected, and to highlight some of the most
significant areas of future research. The conclusion is that an `all-quadrant, all-level'
approach is the minimum degree of sophistication that we need into order to secure
anything resembling a genuinely integral theory of consciousness.”
see also Wilber’s: "Waves, Streams, States, and Self -- A Summary of My Psychological Model
(or, an Outline of an Integral Psychology)" available at,5071294/y
id,77570841 . See also "Wilber on line" at and
Wilber's website is at: and the Integral Institute he founded is at:
Integral Visioning on the net is a place for all integrally aligned people to gather and collaborate
and a place for integral activists, artists, communicators and visionaries to present their
views and works. It includes a broader range of thinkers than just those involved in the
Ken Wilber approach.
The Non-Local Mind- 44
In Up From Eden, Ken Wilber made the distinction of the select few on the growing tip of
consciousness evolution (such as shamans, sages and saints) and the rest of the
population. The phenomena of “Indigo Children” might be this growing tip of current
evolution of consciousness similar to the children in Arthur C. Clarke’s science fiction
novel Childhood’s End.
What is an indigo Child? From
“As a summary, here are the ten attributes that best describe this new kind of child, the Indigo
Child (named by those who predicted it).
1. They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)
2. They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share
3. Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents "who they are."
4. They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).
5. They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.
6. They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative
7. They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes
them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).
8. They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like
consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human
understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.
9. They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out
what you did").
10. They are not shy in letting you know what they need.”
Andresen, Jensine, Robert K.C. Forman and Ken Wilber (eds.) (2000) Cognitive Models and
Spiritual Maps : Interdisciplinary Explorations of Religious Experience (Journal of
Consciousness Studies, v.7, #s 11-12) Imprint Academic
Bohm, David (1990) “David Bohm on dialogue,” Integral Visioning, excerpt from an interview
with Phildea Fleming and James Brodsky. David Bohm Seminars, Box 1452, Ojai, CA
93023, excerpt available at
Boyer, Pascal (2002) Religion Explained: The Evolutionary Origins of Religious Thought, Basic
Books Reprint edition
Braud, William (2003) Distant Mental Influence: Its Contributions to Science, Healing, and
Human Interactions (Studies in Consciousness), Hamdon Roads Pubs.
Carroll, Lee and Jan Tober (1999) The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived, Hay House
De Montet, Charles (1972( “Evolution toward the essential,” in Musès, Charles and Arthur M.
Young (eds.) Consciousness and Reality: The Human Pivot Point, Outerbridge and
Lazard, inc., pp. 258-277
The Non-Local Mind- 45
De Quincey, Christian (2002) Radical Nature: Rediscovering the Soul of Matter, Invisible Cities
Friedman, Norman (1997) Bridging Science and Spirit: Common Elements in David Bohm's
Physics, the Perennial Philosophy and Seth, Woodbridge Group reissue edition
Germine, Thomas J. (1995) “The quantum metaphysics of David Bohm,” Dynamical Psychology,
available at
Hebert, Nick (1993) Elemental Mind: Human Consciousness and the New Physics, Dutton
Horgan, John (2003) Rational Mysticism: Dispatches from the Border Between Science and
Spirituality, Houghton Mifflin Co.
Humphrey, Nicholas (1999) A History of the Mind : Evolution and the Birth of Consciousness,
Springer [a sophisticated argument of how consciousness might evolve from nonconscious matter. Summarized and critiqued by de Quincy (2002) in the epilogue]
Indigo Children sources: and
Laszlo, Ervin, Stanislav Grof and Peter Russell (1999) The Consciousness Revolution: A
Transatlantic Dialogue : Two Days With Stanislav Grof, Ervin Laszlo, and Peter Russell,
Element Books Ltd
Reynolds, Brad (2004) Embracing Reality: The Integral Vision of Ken Wilber: A Historical
Survey and Chapter-by-Chapter Review of Wilber's Major Works, Jeremy P. Tarcher
Tart, Charles T. (ed.) (2002) Mind at Large: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Symposia on the Nature of Extrasensory Perception (Studies in Consciousness), Hampton
Roads Publishing Company
Wade, Jenny (1996) Changes of Mind: A Holonomic Theory of the Evolution of Consciousness,
State University of New York Press Series in the Philosophy of Psychology
Wilber, Ken (1980) The Atman Project: A Transpersonal View of Human Development, Quest
Wilber, Ken (1981) Up From Eden: A Transpersonal View of Human Evolution, Anchor
Wilber, Ken (1983) Eye to Eye: The Quest for the New Paradigm, Anchor Press/Doubleday
Wilber, Ken (1995) Sex, Ecology, Spirituality, Shambhala
Wilber, K. (1997) “An Integral Theory of Consciousness,” JCS (Journal of Consciousness
Studies), v. 4 # 1, pp. 71-92
Wilber, Ken (1998) The Marriage of Sense and Soul: Integrating Science and Religion,
Broadway Books
Wilber, Ken (2000a) Integral Psychology : Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy,
Wilber, Ken (2000b) A Theory of Everything: An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science ,
and Spirituality, Shambhala
Wilber, Ken (ed.) (1982) The Holographic Paradigm and Other paradoxes: Exploring the Leading
Edge of Science, Shambhala
Wilber, Ken (ed.) (1984) Quantum Questions: Mystical Writings of the World's Great Physicists,
The Non-Local Mind- 46
2. New Concepts Of Matter: Wave Structure Of Matter
“…[A]n electron is a continuous wave structure in space, not a material particle..[O]ur
observation of point particles and electromagnetic waves are merely
appearances….[Within this framework] the classic paradoxes, ‘renormalization,’ waveparticle duality, and Copenhagen uncertainty, no longer exist. Unity of the Universe: The
wave medium – the space around us – is the ONE source of matter and the natural laws.
Since the waves of each particle are intermingled with the waves of other matter and all
contribute to the density of the medium, it follows that every charged particle is part of
the universe and the universe is part of each charged particle … [T]he dark side to the
development of science …helps understand why the science community has not sought
the Wave Structure of Matter [framework].” p.14 in Wolff, Milo and Geoff Haselhurst
“Einstein and the electron”
Wolff, Milo and Geoff Haselhurst (2004) “Einstein and the electron,” Frontier Perspectives, v.13,
#2, 6-15
3.The Holographic, Undivided, Interconnected, Conscious, Spiritual,
Reflexive, Self-Aware, Informed, Creative, Intelligent Kosmos
Pan-Psychism and Pan-Experientialism: “All The Way Up and All
The Way Down”)
“There is neither spirit nor matter in the world; the stuff of the universe is spirit-matter. No other
substance but this could produce the human molecule. I know very well that this idea of
spirit-matter is regarded as a hybrid monster, a verbal exorcism of a duality which
remains unresolved in its terms. But I remain convinced that the objections made to it
arise from the mere fact that few people can make up their minds to abandon an old point
of view and take the risk of a new idea... Biologists or philosophers cannot conceive a
biosphere or noosphere because they are unwilling to abandon a certain narrow
conception of individuality. Nevertheless, the step must be taken. For in fact, pure
spirituality is as unconceivable as pure materiality. Just as, in a sense, there is no
geometrical point, but as many structurally different points as there are methods of
deriving them from different figures, so every spirit derives its reality and nature from a
particular type of universal synthesis." Pierre Teilhard de Chardin “A Sketch of a
Personalistic Universe”
De Quincey (2002) states (p. 264-5) “The underlying premise of radical naturalism (and therefore
of panpsychism and panexperientialism) is the …assertion – that mind cannot emerge
from wholly insentient matter… [I]t is inconceivable that subjectivity could emerge from
pure objectivity. If the world began as wholly objective matter-energy, without even a
The Non-Local Mind- 47
minimal trace of subjectivity, then there is no conceivable way that first-person
experience could ever emerge in the cosmos. The universe would always and forever be
unexperienced and unknown. It would never contain a point of view… There would be no
point of view, period. You simply can’t get ‘here’ from ‘there.’…[Thus] I am compelled
to conclude that the universe could not ever have been purely objective. There must have
been, always, something of the nature of subjectivity inherent in the universe…[T]he raw
‘stuff’ of the universe, its primordial ‘matter’ must have always possessed an ‘interiority’
(Wilber), a ‘within’ (de Chardin), an ‘occasion of experience’ (Whitehead), a quantum of
consciousness (Young),…Matter…is and was always, intrinsically intentional,
significant, and meaningful.”
In addition, I found Laszlo's two recent books (2004) Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral
Theory of Everything, and (2003) Connectivity Hypothesis, The Foundations of an
Integral Science of Quantum, Cosmos, Life, and Consciousness, really excellent for the
big picture of how it all fits together. His “New Concepts of Matter, Life and Mind” is
available at
Laszlo (2004) says “The factor required to create a genuine TOE [Theory Of Everything] is …
information -- …as a real and effective feature of the universe … [I]nformation extends
far beyond the mind of an individual person or even all people put together … [I]t is an
inherent aspect of nature .. David Bohm called it ‘in-formation,’ meaning a message that
actually ‘forms’ the recipient [also called ‘active information’] .. [I]n-formation is
produced by the real world and is conveyed by a fundamental field that is present
throughout nature. When we recognize that … ‘in-formation’ is real and effective factor
in the universe, we discover a time honoured concept – the concept of a universe that is
… constituted in the embrace of continuous fields and forces that carry information as
well as energy. This concept – which is thousands of years old and has cropped up again
and again in the history of thought – merits being known. First, because the energy – and
information-imbued ‘informed universe’ is a meaningful universe … Second, because
understanding the essential contours of the informed universe does not call for having a
background in sciences; they are readily comprehendible by everyone. And last but not
least, because the informed universe is probably the most comprehensive concept of the
world ever to come from science; … a truly unified concept of cosmos, life and mind …
[T]he theory’s crucial feature [is that] at the roots of reality there is an interconnecting,
information-conserving and information-conveying cosmic field … [I]n the East they
called it the Akashic Field … [T]his field is being rediscovered. The effects … are not
limited to the physical world; the A-field … informs all living things – the entire web of
life. It also informs our consciousness.” (pp.2-3) “The primary reality is the quantum
vacuum, the energy- and information-filled plenum that underlies our universe, and all
universes in the Metaverse.” (p. 140, italics in original) “To some extent and in some
ways, all matter is conscious, and no consciousness is categorically immaterial. And if
so, there is no categorical divide between matter and mind.” (p. 146, italics in original)
Edgar Mitchell (transformed astronaut and founder of IONS – Institute Of Noetic Sciences) says
“In a higher state of consciousness … we can enter into deep communication with the
The Non-Local Mind- 48
universe. In these states the awareness of every cell of the body coherently resonates with
… ‘the holographically embedded information in the quantum zero-point energy field.’”
(p. 149)
“The Indian Vedic tradition … regards consciousness not as an emergent property that comes
into existence through material structures, … but as a vast field that constitutes the
primary reality of the universe. In itself, this field is unbounded and undivided by objects
and individual experiences, but it can be experienced in meditation when the gross layers
of the mind are stripped away … According to traditional cosmologies, the universe’s
undifferentiated, all-encompassing consciousness separates off from its primordial unity
and becomes localized in particular structures of matter [referred to as involution] …
[T]he proto-consciousness of the quantum vacuum becomes localized and articulated as
particles emerge from it and evolve into atoms and molecules. On life-bearing planets
they evolve further …” (pp. 155-156)
“[T]he ideas, images, and impressions entering our consciousness have their source in the
vacuum. The information carried in the vacuum’s A-field [plenum ] is active and
effective. Its range is vast; it embraces other humans as well as other forms of life, and all
things in the universe. In integrating with it, it is not our individual body and our
individual soul, but our individual experience that achieves immortality. We do not
disappear from the world without a trace; all that we experience becomes part of the
collective memory bank of humankind, to be read out again and again.” (p. 163, italics in
The popular book by the reporter Lynne McTaggart (2002) The Field: The Quest For The Secret
Force Of The Universe, introduces cutting edge research and thought that “canonical
science” has yet to grasp but which is important for understanding the field of
Energy/Information psychology/psychotherapy. Information available at:
Also, the Integral (AQAL = All Quadrant, All Lines) approach of Ken Wilber provides a very
sophisticated model of involution and evolution (see section C.1. above).
Bentov, Itzhak (1977) Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness, E.P.
Bentov, Itzhak (with Mirtala Bentov) (1982) A Cosmic Book: On the Mechanics of Creation, EP
Bohm, David (1980/1981) Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Routledge and Kegan Paul
Bohm, David and B.J. Hiley (1993) The Undivided Universe, Routledge /
Bohm, David and Lee Nichol (ed.) (2002) The Essential David Bohm, Routledge
Bohm, David and David F. Peat (1987) Science, Order and Creativity, Second Edition, Routledge
de Chardin, Teilhard web site:
Delfgaauw, Bernard (trans Bernard Towers) (1969) Evolution: The theory of Teilhard de
Chardin, Fontana Library
The Non-Local Mind- 49
De Quincey, Christian (2002) Radical Nature: Rediscovering the Soul of Matter, Invisible Cities
De Quincey, Christian (2005) Radical Knowing: Understanding Consciousness Through
Relationship, Park Street Press
Duffy, Kathleen (June 1, 2005) “Teilhard’s evolutionary spirituality,” Science and Theology
Duffy, Kathleen (May 14, 2005 ) ”The Spiritual Power of Matter: Evolution and Incarnation in
Teilhard’s The Divine Milieu,” a paper presented at Marist College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.,.
Goswami, Amit (1993) The Self-Aware Universe, Tarcher
Greene, Brian (2005) The Fabric of the Cosmos : Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality,
Halpern, Paul (2005) The Great Beyond : Higher Dimensions, Parallel Universes and the
Extraordinary Search for a Theory of Everything, Wiley new edition
Herbert, Nick (1993) Elemental Mind: Human Consciousness and the New Physics, Plume Book
Holbrook, Bruce (1981) The Stone Monkey: An Alternative, Chinese-Scientific, Reality, William
Morrow and Co.
Hoyle, Fred (1983) The Intelligent Universe, Michael Joseph
Kafatos, Menas and R. Nadeau (1990) The Conscious Universe: Part and Whole in Modern
Physical Theory, Springer Verlag
King , Ursla (1996) Spirit of Fire: The Life and Vision of Teilard de Chardin, Orbis Books
Krishnamurti, J. and David Bohm (1985) The Ending of Time, Harper & Row
Laughlin, Robert B. (2005) A Different Universe: Reinventing Physics from the Bottom Down,
Basic Books
Laszlo, Ervin (1993) The Creative Cosmos, Floris Books
Laszlo, Ervin (1995) The Interconnected Universe, World Scientific
Laszlo, Ervin (2003) The Connectivity Hypothesis: Foundations of an Integral Science of
Quantum, Cosmos, Life, and Consciousness, State University of New York Press
Laszlo, Ervin (2004) Science and the Akashic Field : An Integral Theory of Everything, Inner
Lederman, Leon M. and Christopher T. Hill (2004) Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe,
Prometheus Books
McTaggart, Lynne (2003) The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, Quill
Musès, Charles and Arthur M. Young (eds.) (1972) Consciousness and Reality: The Human Pivot
Point, Outerbridge and Lazard, inc.
Penrose, Roger (2005) The Road to Reality : A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe,
Radin, Dean I. (1997) The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena,
Reiser, Oliver L. (1966) Cosmic Humanism: A Theory of the Eight-Dimensional Cosmos Based
on Integrative Principles from Science, Religion, and Art, Schenkman Publishing Co.
Schumm, Robert A. (2004) Deep Down Things : The Breathtaking Beauty of Particle Physics,
The Johns Hopkins University Press
Schwartz, Gary E. and Linda G.S. Russek (2005) The Living Energy Universe: A Fundamental
Discovery that Transforms Science and Medicine, Hampton Roads Pub.
The Non-Local Mind- 50
Sheldrake Rupert web site. ”In an interview broadcast on BBC
television in 1994, John Maddox, the former editor of Nature, said: “Sheldrake is putting
forward magic instead of science, and that can be condemned in exactly the language
that the Pope used to condemn Galileo, and for the same reason. It is heresy.”
Sheldrake Rupert (1983) A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation,
Granada Publishing Ltd. After the publication of this book, a leading scientific journal
Nature called it “the best candidate for burning there has been for many years!!
Sheldrake, Rupert (1989) The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and the Habits of Nature,
Sheldrake, Rupert (1994) Seven Experiments that Could Change the World: A Do-It-Yourself
Guide to Revolutionary Science, London: Fourth Estate
Sheldrake, Rupert (1998) “Experimenter Effects in Scientific Research: How Widely Are They
Neglected?,” Journal of Scientific Exploration, v 12,#1, 73-78 Available at
Sheldrake, Rupert (2003) The Sense of Being Stared At, and Other Aspects of the Extended
Mind, Three Rivers Press
Wiseman, Richard and Marilyn Schlitz (1997). The two researchers used the same
protocols in the US and UK to replicate their studies. They “took turns” running
the experiments in both locations. Consistently the skeptic (RW) got no effect
while the believer (MS) got positive results. They couldn’t explain the differences
except as “experimenter effects.” See the comments on the general conclusions
from Tiller’s research above, p. 27.
Sheldrake, Rupert and his critics (2005) “The sense of being glared at.” A special edition of the
Journal of Consciousness Studies (JCS) v.12 #6
Sheldrake, Rupert, Terence McKenna and Ralph Abraham (2005) The Evolutionary Mind:
Conversations on Science, Imagination and Spirit, Monkfish Book Publishing
Stapp, Henry P. (1993) Mind, Matter, and Quantum Mechanics, Springer-Verlag
Talbot, Michael (1992) Holographic Universe, Harper Perennial reprint edition
Taylor, Alfred (1972) “Meaning and matter,” in Musès, Charles and Arthur M. Young (eds.)
Consciousness and Reality: The Human Pivot Point, Outerbridge and Lazard, inc., pp.
Wagner, Eugene P. (1972) “The place of consciousness in modern physics,” in Musès, Charles
and Arthur M. Young (eds.) Consciousness and Reality: The Human Pivot Point,
Outerbridge and Lazard, inc., pp. 132-141
Wallace, Alan (2004, actual publication 2005) “Scientific and Buddhist views of energy,” Subtle
Energies and Energy Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Energetic and
Informational Interactions, v. 15, # 1, 17-25
Whitehead, Alfred North (1978/1929) Process and Reality: An Essay in Cosmology, (corrected
edition eds. D.R. Griffin and D.W. Sherburne) The Free Press
Wiseman, Richard and Marilyn Schlitz (1997) “Experimenter effects and the remote detection of
staring,” Journal of Parapsychology, v. 12, 58-75
Wolf, Fred Alan webpage:
Wolf, Fred Alan (1999a) The Spiritual Universe: One Physicist’s Vision of Spirit, Soul, Matter,
and Self, Moment Point Press [originally published as (1996) The Spiritual Universe:
How Quantum Physics Proves the Existence of the Soul, Simon and Schuster]
The Non-Local Mind- 51
Wolf, Fred Alan (1999b) “The quantum physical communication between the self and the soul,”
Noetic Journal # 2 (April) 149-157 available at
Wolff, Milo and Geoff Haselhurst (2004) “Einstein and the electron,” Frontier Perspectives, v.13,
#2, 6-15
Young, Arthur M. (1972) “Consciousness and cosmology,” in Musès, Charles and Arthur M.
Young (eds.) Consciousness and Reality: The Human Pivot Point, Outerbridge and
Lazard, inc., pp. 151-164
Young, Arthur M. ( 1976) The Reflexive Universe: Evolution of Consciousness, Delacorte Press
The Non-Local Mind- 52
I (P.W.Warren) first learned of the work of Max Freedom Long regarding Huna in the late 1950’s
reading The Secret Science Behind Miracles and was completely “blown away.” I used it
(in the mid 1960’s) as part of a course on Para-psychology at a Catholic University and,
as a result, was “rejected” by both branches of fundamentalism (Scientific materialism of
the psychology department head and Religion by the dean of education). As a result, I
was “de-hired” and forced to seek employment elsewhere. I offer it as an example of
“paleo science and technology.” The movement is very much alive now at Huna
Research, Inc. For current information see Huna Research, Inc; 1760 Anna Street, Cape
Girardeau, MO 63701-4504 USA. 1-573-334-3478. web site : See also the paper: “A brief summary of Max
Freedom Long’s approach to Huna, the traditional Polynesian psycho-religious system”
available on my website at:
In my searches and readings I find that Eastern Europe and Baltic countries and their scientists
and scientific organizations are much ahead of North America and Western Europe in
exploring the interface of the paleo-sciences' technology and world view and modern
(20th and 21st century) science and technology.
More and more evidence is accumulating to validate the paleo-sciences. And the meridian/chakra
system is a paleo-science. For example from Russia: Konstantin G. Korotkov's Gas
Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique is a measurement technology for acessing the
body's energy system. GDV gives a very complete assessment of the status of the energy
system and monitors changes as a result of interventions.
This approach of using the GDV for a dependent variable gives a detailed assessment of the state
of the body's energy system but the equipment is expensive. The GDV measure is a
valuable objective dependent variable that could greatly advance the field. Of course the
GDV is not yet recognized much in North America but it will be eventually.
Sources for GDV
"Kirlian Technology: Gas Discharge Visualization: A New Concept of the Early Diagnosis of
"Experimental investigations of a human body Energy-and-Information activity after death" Was
available 2005 Nov. at
Bell, I.R. , DA. Lewis 2nd., A.J. Brooks, Lewis, S.E. and G.E. Schwartz (2003 ) "Gas discharge
visualization evaluation of ultramolecular doses of homeopathic medicines under blinded,
controlled conditions," Journal of Alternative and Complement Medicine, Feb; v. 9, #1,
pp 25-38. Abstract available at:
For pictures and
The Non-Local Mind- 53
For a view of equipment
Published literature on GDV
Some publications of Dr. Korotkov and co-workers
Tom J. Chalko resources and and and
Finally, my recent discoveries of the Russian researchers’ paleo-science and paleo-technology
from ancient Egypt has further validated my belief that these are fruitful areas for modern
(21st century) research which leap over the limitations and rigidity of canonical orthodox
North America and Western European science. I strongly recommend you check out the
information on the Wands of Horus published by Dr. Valery Uvarov, Head of the Russian
National Security Academy, Department of UFO Research, Paleosciences and
Paleotechnology. It was available (2005 Nov) at It
will provide you with an very rigorous and open minded view of frontier science
compared with North American and Western European science. As I wrote above, I find
that Eastern Europe and Baltic countries and their scientists and scientific organizations
are much ahead of North America and Western Europe. The fear and closed mindedness
apparently has not infected them.
Grof, Stanislav (1984) Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science, SUNY
Korotkov, Konstantin G. (1998) Light After Life: A Scientific Journey into the Spiritual World,
Backbone Publishing Co.
Korotkov, Konstantin G. (2002) Human Energy Field: Study with GDV Bioelectrography,
Backbone Publishing Co.
Long, Max Freedom (1945/1975) Introduction to Huna: The Workable Psycho-Religious System
of the Polynesians, Esoteric Publications, Sedona, AZ
Long, Max Freedom (1948) The Secret Science Behind Miracles: Unveiling the Huna Traditions
of the Ancient Polynesians, DeVorss and Co.
Long, Max Freedom (1953) The Secret Science at Work: New Light on Prayer, DeVorss and Co.
Long, Max Freedom (1965) The Huna Code in Religions, DeVorss and Co.
McKenna, Terence K (1991) The Archaic Revival: Speculations on Psychedelic Mushrooms, The
Amazon, Virtual Reality, UFOs, Evolution, Shamanism, the Rebirth of the Goddess, and
the End of History, HarperSanFrancisco
The Non-Local Mind- 54
Weiner, Donald E. (2004) Upgrading the Operating System of the Soul - A Manual of Quantum
Sufism, Xlibris Corporation
Wolf, Fred Alan (1991) The Eagle’s Quest: A physicist’s Search for Truth in the Heart of the
Shamanic World, Summit
Wolf, Fred Alan (1994/1995) The Dreaming Universe: A Mind-Expanding journey into the
Realm where Psychic and Physics Meet, Simon and Schuster/Touchstone
1, General Energy/Information Medicine
An overview of measurement and treatment equipment approaches in energy medicine is
provided by Karl Maret (2000) “Explorations at the Frontier of Energy Medicine”
Bridges Quarterly Magazine of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies
and Energy Medicine, v.11, #4, Winter, pp. 14-18 ( )
Article available at
The Three Eras in the Evolution of Medicine (Dossey, 2000, p. 19)
Each era transcends and includes the previous one.
Era one: Mechanical, material or physical medicine. Description: Causal, deterministic,
describable by classical concepts of space-time and matter-energy. Mind is not a factor;
Mind is a result of brain functioning. Examples: Any form of therapy focusing solely on
effects of things in the body; techniques such as acupuncture and homeopathy, the use of
herbs, etc. Almost all forms of “modern” medicine – drugs, surgery, irradiation, CPR, etc.
Era Two: Psychosomatic, Mind (brain functioning)-body medicine. Description: Mind is a major
factor in healing within the single person; mind has causal powers. Medicine is thus not
fully explainable by classical concepts in physics. It includes but goes beyond Era one.
Examples: any therapy emphasizing the effects of consciousness solely within the
individual body; psychoneuroimmunology, counselling, hypnosis, biofeedback,
relaxation therapies, and most of imagery-based “alternative” therapies.
Era Three: Nonlocal or Eternity Medicine. Description: Mind is a factor in healing both within
and between persons. Mind is not completely localized to points in space (brains or
bodies) or time (present moment or single lifetimes). Mind is unbounded in space and
time and thus is ultimately unitary or Divine. Healing at a distance is possible. Not
describable by classical concepts of space-time or matter-energy. Examples: Any therapy
in which effects of consciousness bridge between different persons; all forms of distant
healing, intercessory prayer, and transpersonal imagery.
The sophisticated and practical approach to subtle (psychic) healing by Russian physicist/healer
Nicolai Levashov is outlined in Koopman, and Blasband. The Term “anisotropic” refers
The Non-Local Mind- 55
to the non-uniform or non-homogeneous aspects of a system (both the universe and the
biological system).
Editorial: T. M. Srinivasan, “Non-Linearity, Anisotropy and Healing” Subtle Energies & Energy
Medicine .(2003, actual published in 2005) v.14 #2, pp. i-iv
”…The characteristic of space in the cardinal directions is given the name anisotropy. In other
words, if we consider the three spatial directions, the properties (for example, the velocity
of electromagnetic energy propagation) are not the same in the three directions. This may
seem trivial and of the theoretical interest only, especially if the difference in the
velocities is minute. However, it could imply that efficacy of the ‘healing wave’ to travel
to certain locations may be compensated! The efficacy of distance healing may depend on
factors such a magnetic lines of forces of the earth, longitude, latitude, lay lines
(acupuncture channels of the earth?), rivers (both below and above ground) and other
physical and environmental juxtapositions. Space is anisotropic; so also are the earth and
the sea. The human body is anisotropic too since we know that acupuncture signals, for
example, course through certain preferred paths only. The body tissues, bones, muscles,
nerves and major blood vessels all seem to obey an unwritten law of anisotropy. Perhaps
the subtle body is also anisotropic. Then, is the spirit also anisotropic? Does it have
preferences in expression and activity? Perhaps not. It is said … that at t = 0, when
evolution was about to start, all (without defining this ‘all’) was isotropic; the tension
between gunas (characteristics of intelligence, activity and inertia or, in our terms,
information, energy and matter) were all in equilibrium. The evolution starts when the
gunas get to be anisotropic. Thus both in philosophic and scientific outlook, we say
anisotropy is a characteristic of evolution – whether at the gross or the subtle level.”
“As seen above, nature is anisotropic and to understand her better, we need non-linear modeling.
The more we try to understand nature, the more we are drawn into complex mathematics
and move closer to a better prediction of clinical outcomes. In healing, even time seems
to be non-linear. It is difficult to predict at what time after a healing session the effects
could be observed. After a ‘gestation’ period, as it were, for cleansing and realigning of
the body, an effect could be seen. This is not helpful to a researcher if she or he wants to
study the changes during or just after a healing session. Perhaps, each type of healing
could have its own response time, making this time non-linearity unique, further
confounding the measurements.”
“We may say then, anisotropy is the characteristic of the universe that we need to deal with in
holism as much as in physical sciences. How profound this I effect could be in healing is
difficult to detect at this time. In the … paper, ‘Psychic Healing and the Anisotropic
Universe,’ Drs. Barbara G. Koopman and Richard A. Blasband examine the.. theory and
healing practice of Nicolai Levashov and report … cases of healing by that physicisthealer. In Levasho’s theory, the spatial anisotropy is applied to understand the evolution
of the universe as well as to conceptualize the underpinnings of non-local healing. Based
on his theory, Levashov conducts healing and teaches his method to others. The authors
say: ‘Healers . . . must do what nature does: choreograph -- at the healing site -- the
necessary materials and parameters for supporting their work.’ The actual work of healing
consists of mimicking nature in dissolution and creation; dissolve the sick cells and re-
The Non-Local Mind- 56
create healthy ones. How this is actually done is not discussed in this paper; however,
Levashov trains others to be effective healers based on his model….”
Psychic Healing and the Anisotropic Universe
Abstract: available at: “Drawing on his training in
advanced physics and quantum theory, together with an in-depth questioning of the
latters' known inconsistencies, physicist/psychic healer Nicolai Levashov has concluded
that the universe is anisotropic, i.e., non-uniform in spatial structure. This concept while
backed by serious support in the field of astrophysics, runs directly counter to the classic
view that the structure of space is uniform (isotropic) -- which holds that space has the
same qualities and properties in all directions and that matter, therefore, must manifest
similarly all directions of space.”
“However, Levashov, from his dual perspective of healer and physicist, believes that spatial
anisotropy plays a pivotal role in all creation, both macro- and microcosmic. This process
unfolds through the eternal interplay of subtle and physical matter in quantized space,
which, he concludes, is the cradle of all creation, and is governed by specific and
quantifiable parameters resulting from spatial anisotropy. Levashov has laid out the
mathematical formulation of this process.”
“A healer, trained by Levashov to access an advanced state of consciousness and elevated energy
potential, must draw on this understanding of the universe, in order to orchestrate the
creation or dissolution of matter for healing purposes, in accordance with natural law.”
“Levashov basic training of a healer is described, along with the attendant pitfalls and challenges.
The steps of the healing process itself, e.g., scanning, detoxification, cellular ablation and
regeneration, etc., are detailed in the light of Levashov's cosmological position; and two
fully documented cases are presented of children with classically incurable problems,
successfully treated by Levashov.”
Ballentine, Rudolph M. (1999) Radical Healing : Integrating the World's Great Therapeutic
Traditions to Create a New Transformative Medicine, Three Rivers Press
Benor, Daniel J. (2001) Spiritual Healing: Scientific Validation of a Healing Revolution, Volume
1 and Professional Supplement, Vision Publications
Benor, Daniel J. (2004) Consciousness, Bioenergy and Healing: Self-Healing and Energy
Medicine for the 21st Century (Healing Research, Vol. 2) (CD-ROM), Wholistic Healing
Collinge, William (1998) Subtle energy: Awakening to the Unseen Forces in Our Lives, Warner
Dacher, Elliott (2004, actual publication 2005) “Integral health: Health, consciousness and
human flourishing,” Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Journal
of Energetic and Informational Interactions, v. 15, # 1, 27-49
Dossey, Larry (1992) “But is it energy: Reflections on consciousness, healing, and the new
paradigm,” Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Journal of
Energetic and Informational Interactions, v. 3, # 3, 69-82
The Non-Local Mind- 57
Dossey, Larry (2000) Reinventing Medicine: Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing,
Dossey, Larry (2003) Healing Beyond the Body : Medicine and the Infinite Reach of the Mind,
Eden, Donna and David Feinstein (1998) Energy Medicine, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam
Gerber, Richard (1996) Vibrational Medicine: New Choices for Healing Ourselves, Bear and Co.
updated edition
The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2004, February, Vol. 10, #1. a Special
issue devoted to Energy Medicine. Abstracts and articles available at
Koopman, B. G. and R.A. Blasband (2003, actual published 2005) “Psychic healing and the
anisotropic universe,” Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Journal
of Energetic and Informational Interactions, v. 14, # 2, 103-133.
Krebs, Charles and Jenny Brown (1998) A Revolutionary Way of Thinking: From a Near Fatal
Accident to a New Science of Healing, Hill of Content Publishing Pty. Ltd
Schlitz, Marilyn, Tina Amorok and Marc Microzzi (eds.) (2004) Consciousness and Healing:
Integral Approaches to Mind-body Medicine, C.V. Mosby (book and DVD
Shannahoff-Khalsa, D.S. (1988) "A contemporary view of life force biology: The emerging of
Kundalini Yoga and the neurosciences," in T.M Srinivasan (ed) Energy Medicine Around
the World, pp. 89-110 Gabriel Press, Phoenix, AZ
Shealy, C. Norman and Caroline M. Myss (1988) The Creation of Health: Merging Traditional
Medicine with Intuitive Diagnosis, Stillpoint Pubs.
Srinivasan , T.M (ed) (1988) Energy Medicine Around the World, Gabriel Press, Phoenix, AZ
Targ, Russell and Jane Katra (1999) Miracles of Mind: Exploring Nonlocal Consciousness and
Spiritual Healing, New World Library
2. Energy/Information Psychology And Psychotherapy
Energy/Information psychology/psychotherapy works on a very subtle (quantum?) biological
level. Thus, the research paradigms and accompanying theory need to be focused on this
level, and from there tie it to the more gross level of neurology, chemistry etc. with the
eventual behavioural outcome of healing, stress release, and even transformation.
See my web site for much more information on this and other topics.
Definition of Energy Psychology provided by ACEP (Association of Comprehensive Energy
Psychology) ACEP Website: "Energy Psychology is a
family of novel mind/body interventions that have been consistently clinically observed
to help with a wide range of psychological concerns, through explicitly, directly and
methodically treating the human vibrational matrix. This matrix includes the biofield that
envelops the body, the energy centers (chakras), and the energy pathways (meridians and
related acupoints). Positioned on the shared frontier of Psychology, Biophysics and
Spirituality, these experimental treatments show promise in: 1) assisting stuck clients
(those who are unresponsive to usual treatments); 2) alleviating psychospiritual and mindbody distress (traumas, anxiety, phobias, stress, limiting beliefs, addictions, compulsions,
The Non-Local Mind- 58
allergies, personality disorders, etc.); and 3) promoting high-level psychospiritual/mindbody health and peak performance (physical, mental and creative)."
Research summaries and overviews available at: and and
Callahan, Roger J. with Richard Trubo (2001) Tapping the Healer Within: Using Thought Field
Therapy to Instantly Conquer Your Fears, Anxieties, and Emotional Distress,
Contemporary Books
Diepold, jr. John H., Victoria Britt and Sheila S. Bender (2004) Evolving Thought Field Therapy:
The Clinician’s Handbook of Diagnoses, Treatment, and Theory, W.W. Norton and Co.
Eden, D. and D. Feinstein (2002) "Radiant Circuits: The Energies of Joy," in F.P Gallo (ed)
Energy Psychology in Psychotherapy, pp. 340-359, New York:W. W. Norton
David Feinstein has provided an excellent “Overview of research in energy psychology”
available at:
Feinstein, D. (2003) "Subtle Energy: Psychology's missing link," IONS Review, Spring #64, pp.
18-23, 35 available at:
And also
Feinstein, David (2004) Energy Psychology Interactive: Rapid Interventions for Lasting Change
(Books and CDR), W.W. Norton and Co
Feinstein, David, Donna Eden and Gary Craig (2005) The Promise of Energy Psychology ,
Gallo, F.P. (ed.) (2002) Energy Psychology in Psychotherapy: A Comprehensive Source Book,
W. W. Norton and Co
Gallo, F.P. (2004) Energy Psychology: Explorations at The Interface of Energy, Cognition,
Behavior, and Health, 2nd edition, CRC Press;
Lambrou, Peter and George Pratt (2000) Instant Emotional Healing: Acupressure for the
Emotions, Broadway Books
Promislow, Sharon (1998) Making the Brain-Body Connection: A Playful Guide to Releasing
Mental, Physical and Emotional Blocks to Success, Kinetic Publishing Corp., West
Vancouver, BC Canada
Promislow, Sharon (2002) Putting Out the Fire of Fear: Extinguish the Burning Issues in Your
Life, Enhanced Learning and Integration
Swingle, Paul G. (2001) Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Theta Suppressing harmonic
Markedly Accelerates SMR Treatment of Seizure Disorders, Paper presented at
Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback meeting, Raliegh, NC
Swingle, Paul G., Lee Pulos and Mari K. Swingle (2004, actual publication 2005)
“Neurophysiological indicators of EFT treatment of post-traumatic stress,” Subtle
The Non-Local Mind- 59
Energies and Energy Medicine: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Energetic and
Informational Interactions, v. 15, # 1, 75-86.
Tart, Charles T. (1969/1972) (ed) Altered States of Consciousness, Doubleday Anchor
Tart, Charles T. (1975) (ed) Transpersonal Psychologies, Harper Colophon
Tart, Charles T.(1986) Waking Up: Overcoming the Obstacles to Human Potential,
Shambhala/New Science Library
Wells, S., K. Polglase, H.B. Andrews, P. Carrington, and A. H. Baker (2003) "Evaluation of a
meridian-based intervention, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), for reducing specific
phobias of small animals," Journal of Clinical Psychology, v. 59 #9, Sep., pp. 943-966
Available at
The Non-Local Mind- 60