WrightCV2014Short - Department of Geology

University of Georgia, Athens GA
PHONE (706) 542-4394; e-mail: jwright@gly.uga.edu
B.S., Geology, Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina
M.S., Geology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia
Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara (1980)
Research Associate, 1977-1979, U.C. Santa Barbara
Assistant Professor, 1980-1983, U.C. Berkeley
Research Associate, 1983-1988, Stanford University
Associate Professor, 1989-1999, Rice University
Professor,1999-2000, Rice University
Professor, 2000-present, University of Georgia
Member of National Science Foundation Tectonics and Active Tectonics Panel:1996-1999
1996-Tectonics/Active Tectonics Panel
1997- Tectonics Panel
1998- Tectonics Panel
1999-Tectonics/Active Tectonics Panel
Cox / Blaustein Visiting Scholar Stanford University; Fall Semester 2005
Lothar Tresp Distinguished Honors Professor, UGA 2013
Nominated to present TEDxuga talk (2014)
GRANTS : Noted if CO-PI otherwise PI
$34,718, U.S. Geological Survey, "Tectonics and magmatism in southern Arizona and the
Mojave Desert", 3/80-2/81.
$28,624, U.S. Geological Survey, Continuation of previous grant, 3/81-2/82.
$30,000, Lawerence Berkeley Laboratory, "Tectonics and magmatism in the Basin and Range
Province", 1/81-9/81.
$58,000, National Science Foundation, "Tectonic significance of a serpentinite matrix melange,
Klamath Mountains, northern California", 6/81-5/83.
$34,000, U.S. Geological Survey, "Tectonics and magmatism in southern Arizona and the
Mojave Desert", 8/82-9/83.
$116,606, National Science Foundation, "Jurassic magmatism and deformation in the U.S.
Cordillera: Constraints from the Klamath Mountains and the Northern Great Basin",
$115,000, National Science Foundation, "Detailed geologic mapping, geochronology, and
geothermobarometry as a guide to the development of a crustal cross-section for the eastern
Great Basin; Collaboration with Art Snoke, University of Wyoming”. Art Snoke, Principal
Investigator. 6/87-5/89.
$131,466, National Science Foundation, "Cretaceous magmatism and orogenesis in the northern
Great Basin". Grant to Elizabeth Miller, and J.E. Wright. 6/88-5/90.
$181,700, National Science Foundation, " Request for a multiple-collector thermal ionization
mass spectrometer"; matching funds for the purchase of a mass spectrometer. Granted by
NSF on Nov. 1, 1989.
$101,339, National Science Foundation, "Interrelation of magmatism, metamorphism and
deformation, Kigluaik Mountains, Seward Peninsula, Alaska”, 1992-1994.
$98,052 , National Science Foundation, “Nature, timing and controls of Jurassic orogenesis in
the western U.S. Cordillera” 1/93-12/94.
$32,534, National Science Foundation, “Geochronological and geological characteristics of
terranes in the central Georgia Piedmont”, 1992-1994.
$77,384, National Science Foundation, "Petrologic, isotopic and structural evolution of low
pressure metamorphism in an accretionary complex, eastern Chugach Mountains, Alaska",
Co-PI with V.B. Sisson, Rice University, 1991-1993.
$88,000, National Science Foundation, "Basaltic volcanism associated with Basin and Range
extension, central Nevada - geochemical variation in space and time", Co-PI with W.P.
Leeman, Rice University, 1991-1993.
$105,000, National Science Foundation, "Late Mesozoic history of the western LuningFencemaker belt and the Pine Nut fault, west-central Nevada", Co-PI with J.S. Oldow, Rice
University, 1992-1994.
$133,040, National Science Foundation, “Tectonic consequences of ridge subduction and plate
reorganization; the Chugach metamorphic complex, Alaska”, CO-PI with V.B. Sisson, Rice
University, 9/93-8/96. $20,000 seed money, National Institute for Global Environmental
Change, “High resolution reconstruction of eastern Pacific climate during the past 1000
years: 234U/230Th, Sr/Ca, and 180/160 ratios in Hermatypic corals”, Co-PI with R. Dunbar,
and B. Linsley, Rice University.
$159,719 , National Science Foundation, “Crustal Evolution of the Bering Shelf-Chukchi Sea
Region”, 1/94-12/96.
$34,000, National Science Foundation, “Sourcing A-Type granites in ancient rifts”, Collaborative
research: 1/94-12/96
$118,584, NIGEC, “Documenting changes in eastern Pacific climate using corals: Base-line data
for validation of climate models”, CO-PI with R. B. Dunbar and B. Linsley, Rice
University, 6/94-5/95.
$164,996, NSF, “Timing of deformation in the early Mesozoic back-arc basin of the western U.S.
Cordillera: Luning-Fencemaker fold and thrust belt”; Co-PI with Wyld, 1/96-12/98.
$137,934, NSF, "Collaborative Research: Cretaceous age crustal discontinuity in the Black Rock
Desert region of northwest Nevada: Kinematic link between the Mojave-Snow Lake Fault
and the Salmon River-Idaho Suture/"; 1/99-12/01.
*Note remaining funds ($116,700) transferred to UGA.
$3,500,000 NSF, “Collaborative Research: Crust-mantle interactions during continental growth
and high-pressure rock exhumation at an oblique arc-continent collision zone: the SE
Caribbean margin” 4 year grant ongoing. Multi-university grant. $226,757 UGA share
$219.520, National Science Foundation, "Tracking the late Mesozoic strike-slip system of the
western U.S. Cordillera" 1/02-12-04; CO-PI with S. Wyld. ongoing
$800,000, National Science foundation, "Renewal proposal; Collaborative Research: Crustmantle interactions during continental growth and high-pressure rock exhumation at an
oblique arc-continent collision zone: the SE Caribbean margin” funded, May 2006;
Multi university grant. $99,000 UGA share
$180,000 National Science Foundation, "Collaborative Research: The Cretaceous Sierra Nevada
Batholith in the northwestern Basin and Range: Intrusive history and erosional
exhumation ". funded 2008; $57,349 UGA share
$335,498 National Science Foundation, “Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Tectonism, Orogenesis, and
Basin Formation in Nevada: An Integrated Test of Models for Growth of the U.S.
Cordillera”. Funded 2009; CO-PI with Sandra Wyld (UGA)
PAPERS All Refereed
Wright, J.E., Sinha, A.K., and Glover, L., 1975, Age of zircons from the Petersburg
Granite, Virginia: with comments on belts of plutons in the Piedmont: American Journal
of Science, v. 275, p. 848-856.
Church, S.E., Tilton,G.R., Wright, J.E., and Lee-Hu, C.N., 1976, Volatile element depletion
and 39K/41K fractionation in lunar soils: Seventh Lunar Science Conference, v. 1, p. 423439.
Cloud, P., Wright, J.E., and Glover, L., 1976, Traces of animal life from 620-million-year
old rocks in North Carolina: American Scientist, v. 64, no. 4, p. 396-406.
Seiders, Victor M., and Wright, J.E., 1977, Geology and U-Pb Geochronology of the
Carolina volcanic slate belt in the Asheboro, North Carolina area: Geological Society of
America Field Trip Guidebook (Southeastern Section Meeting).
Wright, J.E., and Seiders, V.M., 1980, Age of zircon from volcanic rocks of the central
North Carolina Piedmont and tectonic implications for the Carolina volcanic slate belt:
Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 91, p. 287-294.
Haxel, G.B., May, D.J., Wright, J.E., and Tosdal, R.M., 1980, Reconnaissance geologic
map of the Baboquivari Peak quadrangle, Arizona: U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Field
Studies Map MF-1251, Scale 1:62,500.
Haxel, G.B., Wright, J.E., May, D.J., and Tosdal, R.M., 1980, Reconnaissance geology of
the Mesozoic and Lower Cenozoic rocks of the southern Papago Indian Reservation,
Arizona--A progress report: Arizona Geol. Soc. Digest, v. xii, p. 17-29.
Tilton, G.R., Hopson, C.A., and Wright, J.E. , 1981, Uranium-lead isotopic ages of the
Semail Ophiolite, Oman, with applications to Tethyan ocean ridge tectonics: Journal of
Geophysical Research, v. 86, no. B4, p. 2763-2775.
Wright, J.E., and Haxel, G.B., 1982, A garnet-two-mica granite, Coyote Mountains
southern Arizona: Geologic setting, uranium-lead isotopic systematic of zircons, and the
nature of the granite source region: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 93, p. 11761188.
Wright, J.E., 1982, Permo-Triassic accretionary subduction complex, southwestern
Klamath Mountains, northwestern California: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 87, no.
B5, p. 3805-3818.
Snoke, A.W., Sharp, W.D., Wright, J.E., and Saleeby, J.B., 1982, Significance of
mid-Mesozoic peridotitic to dioritic intrusive complexes, Klamath Mountains--western
Sierra Nevada, California: Geology, v. 10, p. 160-166.
Haxel, G., Tosdal, R.M., May, D.J., and Wright, J.E., 1984, Latest Cretaceous and early
Tertiary orogenesis in south-central Arizona: thrust faulting, regional metamorphism , and
granitic plutonism. Geological Society of America Bulletin, vol. 95, p.631-653.
Harper, G.D., and Wright, J.E., 1984, Middle to Late Jurassic tectonic evolution of the
Klamath Mountains, California--Oregon: Tectonics, v. 3, no. 7, p. 759-772.
Stewart, J.H., Anderson, T.H., Haxel, G.B., Silver, L.T., and Wright, J.E.,1986, Late
Triassic paleogeography of the southern Cordillera: The problem of a source for
voluminous volcanic detritus in the Chinle Formation of the Colorado Plateau region:
Geology,v. 14, p. 567-570.
Dallmeyer, R.D., Wright, J.E., Secor, D.T., and Snoke, A.W., 1986, Character of the
Alleghanian Orogeny in the southern Appalachians: Part II. Geochronological constraints
on the tectonothermal evolution of the eastern Piedmont in South Carolina: Geological
Society America Bulletin, v. 97, p. 1329-1344.
Wright, J.E., and Wyld, S.J., 1986, Significance of xenocrystic Precambrian zircon
contained within the southern continuation of the Josephine ophiolite: Devils Elbow
ophiolite remnant, Klamath Mountains, northern California: Geology, v. 14, p. 671-674 .
Miller, M.M., and Wright, J.E., 1987, Geologic constraints on the Permian distribution of
Tethyan fauna, from the Klamath Mountains, California: Implications for Permian
paleogeography: Geology, v. 15, p. 266-269.
Miller, E.L., Gans, P.B., Wright, J.E., and Sutter, J.F., 1988, Metamorphic history of the
east-central Basin and Range province: Tectonic setting and relationship to magmatism, in
Ernst, W. G., ed., Metamorphism and crustal evolution, western coterminous United States,
Rubey Vol. 7: Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, p. 649-682.
Wyld, S.J., and Wright, J.E., 1988, The Devils Elbow ophiolite remnant and overlying
Galice Formation: New constraints on the Middle to Late Jurassic evolution of the
Klamath Mountains, California: Geological Society America Bulletin, v. 100, p. 29-44.
Wright, J.E., and Fahan, M.R.,1988, An expanded view of Jurassic orogenesis in the
western U.S. Cordillera: Middle Jurassic (pre-Nevadan) regional metamorphism and thrust
faulting within an active arc environment, Klamath Mountains, California: Geological
Society of America Bulletin, v. 100, p. 859-876.
Lush, A., McGrew, A., Snoke, A.W., and Wright, J. E., 1988, Allochthonous Archaen
basement in the northern East Humboldt Range, Nevada: Geology, V. 16, p. 349-353.
Dilles, J.H., and Wright, J.E., 1988, The chronology of early Mesozoic arc magmatism in
the Yerington District of west-central Nevada, and its regional implications: Geological
Society of America Bulletin, v. 100, p. 644-652.
Tosdal, R. M., Haxel, G. B., and Wright, J. E., 1989, Jurassic geology of the Sonoran
Desert region, southern Arizona, southeast California, and northernmost Sonora, in Jenney,
J.P., and Reynolds, S. J., eds., Geologic evolution of Arizona: Tucson, Arizona Geological
Society Digest, v. 178, p. 397-434.
Miller, C.F., Wooden J.L., Bennett, Victoria, Wright, James E., Solomon, G. Cleve, and
Hurst, Richard, 1990, Petrogenesis of the composite peraluminous-metaluminous Old
Woman-Piute batholith, Southeastern California: Isotopic Constraints: in Anderson, J. L.,
ed., The Nature and Origin of Cordilleran Magmatism, Geological Society of America
Memoir 174, p. 99-109.
Tosdal, R.M., Haxel, G.B., Anderson, T.H., Connors, C.D., May, D.J., and Wright, J.E.,
1990, Highlights of Jurassic, Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary, and Middle Tertiary
Tectonics, South-Central Arizona and North-Central Sonora, in Gehrels, George, ed.,
Fieldtrip guidebook for 1990 Geological Society of American Cordilleran Section Meeting:
Arizona Geological Survey Special Paper.
Saleeby, Jason B., Busby-Spera, Cathy, Oldow, J.S., Dunne, G.C., Wright, J.E., Cowan,
D.S., Walker, N.W., and Allmendinger, R.W., 1991, Early Mesozoic tectonic evolution of
the western U.S. Cordillera, in Burchfiel, B.C., Lipman, P.W., and Zoback, M.L., eds., The
Cordilleran Orogen; Coterminous United States: Boulder, CO, Geological Society of
America, The Geology of North America, v. G3, p. 107-168.
Wright, J.E., and Wooden, J.L., 1991, New Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic data from plutons in the
northern Great Basin, U.S.A.: Implications for crustal structure and granite petrogenesis in
the hinterland of the Sevier thrust belt: Geology, v. 19, p. 457-460.
Romer, R.L., and Wright, J.E.,1992, U-Pb dating of columbite: A geochronologic tool to
date magmatism and ore deposits: Geochemica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 56, p. 21372142.
Miller, E.L., Miller, M.M., Stevens, C.H., Wright, J.E., and Madrid, R., 1992, Late
Paleozoic paleogeographic and tectonic evolution of the western U.S. Cordillera, in
Burchfiel, B.C., Lipman, P.W., and Zoback, M.L., eds., The Cordilleran Orogen;
Coterminous United States: Boulder, CO, Geological Society of America, The Geology of
North America, v. G3, pp. 57-106.
Wright, J.E., and Snoke, A.W., 1993, Tertiary magmatism and mylonitization in the RubyEast Humboldt metamorphic core complex, northeastern Nevada: U-Pb geochronology and
Sr, Nd, Pb isotope geochemistry: Geological Society of America Bulletin,v. 105, p. 935952.
Romer, R.L., and Wright, J.E., 1993, Lead mobilization during tectonic reactivation of the
western Baltic Shield: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 57, p. 2555-2570.
Wyld, S.J., and Wright, J.E., 1993, Mesozoic stratigraphy and structural history of the Pine
Nut Range, west-central Nevada: in Dunne, G., and McDougall, K., eds, Mesozoic
Paleogeography of the Western United States-II, Pacific Section SEPM, Book 71, p. 289306.
Smith, David L., Wyld, Sandra J., Miller, E.L., and Wright, James E., 1993, Progression
and timing of Mesozoic crustal shortening in the northern Great Basin, western U.S.A.: in
Dunne, G., and McDougall, K., eds, Mesozoic Paleogeography of the Western United
States-II, Pacific Section SEPM, Book 71, p. 389-406
Wright, James, E., and Wyld, S.J.,1994, The Rattlesnake Creek Terrane, Klamath
Mountains, California: An early Mesozoic arc constructed on a basement of tectonically
disrupted oceanic crust: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v.106, p. 1033-1056.
Amato, Jeffrey, M., Wright, James. E., Gans, P.B., and Miller, E.L., 1995, Mafic to silicic
synkinematic magmatism on Seward Peninsula: Implications for gneiss dome genesis and
the Cretaceous history of northern Alaska: Tectonics, v. 13, p. 515-527.
Dennis, Allen J., and Wright, James E., 1995, Mississippian (ca 326-326 Ma) U-Pb
crystallization ages for two granitoids in Spartanburg and Union Counties, South Carolina:
South Carolina Geology, v. 38, p. 23-28.
Harris, N.R., Sisson, V.B., Wright, J.E. and Pavlis, T.L. , 1996, Evidence for Eocene mafic
underplating during forearc intrusive activity, eastern Chugach mountains, Alaska:
Geology, v. 24, p. 263-266.
38. Wyld, S.J., Quinn, M.J., and Wright, J. E., 1996, Anomalous(?) Early Jurassic deformation
in the western U.S. Cordillera: Geology, v. 24, p. 1037-1040.
39. Quinn, Michael J., Wright, James E., and Wyld, Sandra J., 1997, The Happy Creek Igneous
Complex and tectonic evolution of the early Mesozoic arc in theJackson Mountains,
northwest Nevada: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 109, p.461-482.
Amato, Jeffrey, and Wright, J.E., 1997, Potassic mafic magmatism in the Kigluaik gneiss
dome, northern Alaska: A geochemical study of arc magmatism in an extensional tectonic
setting: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 102, No. B4, p. 8065-8084.
MacCready, Tyler, Snoke, Arthur W., Wright, James E., and Howard, Keith, 1997, Midcrustal flow during Tertiary extension in the Ruby Mountains core complex, Nevada:
Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 109, p. 1576-1594.
Dennis, Allen J., and Wright, James E. , 1997, The Carolina Terrane in northwestern South
Carolina, USA: Late Precambrian-Cambrian deformation and metamorphism in a periGondwanan oceanic arc: Tectonics, v. 16, p. 460-473.
Bering Strait Geologic Field Party, 1997, Koolen metamorphic complex, NE Russia:
Implications for the tectonic evolution of the Bering Strait region: Tectonics, v.16 p. 713729.
Wyld, S.J., and Wright, J.E., 1997, Triassic-Jurassic tectonism and magmatism in the
Mesozoic continental arc of Nevada: Classic relations and new developments: in Link,
Paul Karl, and Kowallis, Bart J., eds., Geological Society of America Field Trip Guide
Book, Proterozoic to recent stratigraphy, tectonics, and volcanology, Utah, Nevada,
southern Idaho and central Mexico, Brigham Young University Geology Studies Vol. 42,
Part 1, p. 197-224.
Amato, Jeffrey M., and Wright, James E., 1997, Geochronologic investigations of
magmatism and metamorphism within the Kigluaik Mountains gneiss dome, Seward
Peninsula, Alaska, in short notes on Alaska Geology 1997, Clough, James G., and Larson,
Frand, eds., Professional Report 118, Recent research on Alaska geology, p. 1-21.
Snoke, Arthur W., Howard, Keith A., McGrew, Allen J., Burton, Bradford R., Barnes,
Calvin G., Peters, Mark T., and Wright, J.E., 1997, The grand tour of the Ruby-East
Humboldt metamorphic core Comples, northeastern Nevada: Part 1-Introduction and Road
Log: in Link, Paul Karl, and Kowallis, Bart J., eds., Geological Society of America Field
Trip Guide Book, Proterozoic to recent stratigraphy, tectonics, and volcanology, Utah,
Nevada, southern Idaho and central Mexico, Brigham Young University Geology Studies
Vol. 42, Part 1, p.225-269.
Burton, Bradford R., Barnes, Calvin G., Burling, Trina, and Wright, James E., 1997, The
grand tour of the Ruby-East Humboldt metamorphic core Comples, northeastern Nevada:
Part 4- Geology and geochemistry of the Harrison Pass pluton, central Ruby Mountains,
Nevada: in Link, Paul Karl, and Kowallis, Bart J., eds., Geological Society of America
Field Trip Guide Book, Proterozoic to recent stratigraphy, tectonics, and volcanology, Utah,
Nevada, southern Idaho and central Mexico, Brigham Young University Geology Studies
Vol. 42, Part 1, p.283-296.
48. Barker, Chris A., Secor, Donald T., Pray, John R., and Wright, James E., 1998,
and deformation of the Longtown Metagranite, South Carolina Piedmont: A possible
constraint on the origin of the Carolina terrane: Journal of Geology, v. 106, p.713-725.
Apt, J.E., Akinin V.V., and Wright, J.E., 1998. Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes
in Neogene melanephelinites and deep seated xenoliths from the North
East of Russia, Geochemistry International, N 1, PP. 28-37.
Natal'in, B.A., J. M. Amato, J. Toro, and Wright, J. E., 1999, Paleozoic rocks of the
Chegitun River valley, northern Chukotka Peninsula: Insights into the tectonic evolution
of the eastern Arctic, Tectonics, 18, 977-1003, 1999.
McGrew, Allen, Peters, Mark, and Wright, James. E ,2000, Thermobarometric constraints
on the tectonothermal evolution of the East Humboldt Range Metamorphic Core Complex,
Nevada: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 112, p. 45-60.
52. Wyld, S. J., and Wright, J. E., 2001, New evidence for Cretaceous strike-slip faulting in the
U.S. Cordillera; and implications for terrane displacement, deformation patterns and
plutonism: American Journal of Science,301, p. 150-181.
53. Barnes, Calvin G., Burling, Trina C., Burton, Bradford R., Wright, James E., and Karlsson,
Haraldur R., 2001, The Harrison Pass pluton: Petrology and geochemistry of a Tertiary
synextentional pluton, northeastern Nevada: submitted to Journal of Petrology, v.42. p.
54. Wyld, S. J., Rogers, J. W., and Wright, J. E., 2001, Structural evolution within the LuningFencemaker fold-thrust belt, Nevada: Progression from back-arc basin collapse to intra-arc
shortening: Journal of Structural Geology, v. 23, no. 12, 1971-1995.
55. Amato, J.M., Miller, E.L., Toro,J., and Wright, J.E., 2003, Cretaceous Magmatism on St.
Lawrence Island Alaska, and Cape Dezhneev, Northeast Rusa: Geochemistry ,
40Ar/39Ar ages, and implications for the tectonic evolution of the bering strait region, in
Short Notes on Alaska Geology, Clautice, K., ed., State of Alaska division of Geological
and Geophysical Surveys Professional Report.
56. Amato, J. M., Miller, E. L., Wright, J. E., and McIntosh, W. C., 2003, Diabase dike swarms
on Seward Peninsula: Implications for the Cretaceous tectonic evolution of the Bering
Strait region, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.
57. King, E. M., Valley, J.W., Stockli, D.F., and Wright, J.E., 2004, Oxygen isotope trends of
granitic magmatism in the Great Basin: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 116, p.
58. Haxel, G. B., Wright, J.E., Riggs, N.R., Tosdal, R. M., and May D. J., 2005, Middle
Jurassic Topawa Group, Baboquivari Mountians, South-Central Zrizona: volcanic and
sedimentary record of deep basins within the Jurassic magmatic arc: Geological Society of
America Special paper 393, p. 329-358. (INVITED PAPER)
59. Sisson, V.B., Ave Lallemant, H.G., Ostos, M, Blythe, A.E., Snee, L.W., Copeland, P.,
Wright, J.E., Donelick, R., and Guth, L.R., 2005, Overview of radiometric ages in three
allochtonous belts of northern Venezuela: Old ones, new ones, and their impact on
regional geology: Geological Society of America Special Paper 394, p. 91-118. (INVITED
60. Wright, J. E., and Wyld, S.J.,2006, Gondwanan, Iapetan, Cordilleran interactions: A
geodynamic model for the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the North American Cordillera,
in Haggart, J.E., Enkin, R.J., and Monger, J.W.H., eds., Paleogeography of the North
American Cordillera: Evidence For and Against Large-Scale Displacements: Geological
Association of Canada, Special Paper 46, p. 377-408. (INVITED PAPER)
61. Wyld, S.J., Umhoefer, P., and Wright, J. E.,2006, Reconstructing northern Cordilleran
terranes along known Cretaceous and Cenozoic strike-slip faults: Implications for the Baja
BC hypothesis and other models, in Haggart, J.E., Enkin, R.J., and Monger, J.W.H., eds.,
Paleogeography of the North American Cordillera: Evidence For and Against Large-Scale
Displacements: Geological Association of Canada, Special Paper 46 (INVITED PAPER)
62. Wright, J.E., and Wyld, S.J., 2007, Alternative tectonic model for Late Jurassic through
Early Cretaceous evolution of the Great Valley Group, California, in Cloos, M., Carlson,
W.D., Gilbert, M.C., Liou, J.G., and Sorensen, S.S., eds., Convergent Margin Terranes and
Associated Regions: A Tribute to W. G. Ernst: Geological Society of America Special
Paper 419, p. 81-95.
63. Grove, M.,Wright, J.E., Gehrels, G.E., Cotkin, S.J., and Zou, H.,2008, Non-Laurentian
cratonal provenance of Late Ordovician eastern Klamath blueschists and a link to the
Alexander Terrane, in Wright, J.E., and Shervais, J.W., eds., Ophiolites, Arcs, and
Batholiths: A tribute to Cliff Hopson: Geological Society of America Special Paper 438, p.
223-250, doi: 10.1130/2008.2438(08).
64. Wright, J.E., and Shervais, J.W., eds.,2008, Ophiolites, Arcs, and Batholiths: A tribute to
Cliff Hopson: Geological Society of America Special Paper 438, 572 p., doi:
65. Haxel, G.B., May, D.J., Anderson, T.H., Tosdal R.M., and Wright, J.E., in press, Geology
and Geochemistry of Jurassic Plutonic Rocks, Baboquivari Mountains, South-Central
66. Martin, A., Wyld, S.J., Wright, J.E., and Bradford, J.,2010, The Lower Cretaceous King
Lear Formation, northwest Nevada: Implications for Mesozoic orogenesis in the western
U.S. Cordillera: Geological Society America Bulletin, v. 122, p. 537-562.
67. Colgan, J.P., Wyld, S.J., and Wright, J.E., 2010, Geologic Map of the Vicksburg Canyon
7.5’ quadrangle, Humboldt County, Nevada: Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology
Map 169.
68. Noguera, M. I., Wright, J.E., Urbani, F., and Pindell, J., 2011, U-Pb Geochronology of
Detrital Zircons from the Venezuelan Passive Margin: Implications for an Early
Cretaceous Proto-Orinoco River System and Proto-Caribbean Ocean Basin
Paleogeography: Geologica Acta, v.9, p. 265-272.
69. Wright, J.E., and Wyld, S.J., 2011, Late Cretaceous subduction initiation on the eastern
margin of the Caribbean-Colombian Oceanic Plateau (CCOP): One Great Arc of the
Caribbean (?): Geosphere, v.7, no. 2, p 468-493.
70. Dumitru, T. A., Wakabayashi, J., Wright, J. E., Wooden, J. L.,2010, Early Cretaceous
(ca. 123 Ma) transition from nonaccretionary behavior to strongly accretionary behavior
within the Franciscan subduction complex: Tectonics, v. 29.
71. LaMaskin, T., Vervoort, J., Dorsey, R., and Wright, J.E., 2011, Early Mesozoic
paleogeography and tectonic evolution of the western United States: Insights from
detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology, Blue Mountains Province, northeastern Oregon:
Geological Society America Bulletin, v. 123, p. 1939-1965.
72. Dumitru, T., Ernst, G., Wright, J.E., Wooden, J.L., Wells, R.E., Farmer, L.P., Kent, A., and
Graham, S.A., 2012, Eocene extension in Idaho generated massive sediment floods into
the Franciscan trench, and into the Tyee, Great Valley, and Green River basins: Geology,
published online Nov. 6 2012
73. Sharman, G.R., Graham, S.A., Grove, M., Kimbrough, D.L., and Wright, J.E., inpress,
Detrital Zircon Provenance of the Late Cretaceous-Eocene California Forearc: Influence
Laramide Low-Angle Subduction on Sediment Dispersal and Paleogeography: to
Geological Society of America Bulletin.
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