5 Land Use Planning - Government of Botswana

In the building of a compassionate, just and caring society Batswana realise the need ‘to
provide income earning opportunities for those who are not sharing in the national
prosperity...’ In this connection the ‘importance of building up the small and medium sized
enterprise sector of the Botswana economy’ as highlighted in Vision 2016, for purposes of
creating employment and thereby enhancing income distribution cannot be overemphasised.
In Ghanzi district the delay in allocation of industrial and commercial land, especially in
Ghanzi Township is one the main factors that have contributed to the stagnation of this
sector. Some Financial Assistance Policy (FAP), Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises
(SMME) and even Citizen Entrepreneurial Development Agency (CEDA) assisted projects
have failed to take off as people have no plots. Servicing and allocation of plots for small and
medium commercial and industrial enterprises therefore becomes a priority for the District
Development Plan Six (DDP6).
Vision 2016 also recognises that housing and shelter have a fundamental bearing on
productivity of the public and as such the allocation of plots will include those for residential
developments. The Ghanzi District Council has already made a special dispensation to secure
and allocate plots for SHHA developments in Ghanzi Township to curb the unfolding
squatter problem therein.
Land being a basic factor of production has come under a lot of pressure resulting from
population growth and human related activities. The results of these pressures range from
decline in socio-economic activities and environmental degradation, hence, poverty and
decline in household incomes. Ghanzi District therefore intends to improve land use planning
so that returns from different land uses such as wildlife management area projects,
commercial ranching and communal grazing and other uses can be optimised. Specifically
the district intends to undertake preparation of an Integrated Land Use Plan, preparation of
village layout plans, and possibly preparation of a District Settlement Strategy to mention
major proposals.
5.1.1 The Institutional Framework
The institutional framework comprises the integrated land Use Planning Unit, coordinated by
the District Officer (Lands) from central government. Other stakeholders are the Land Use
Officer from Agriculture, responsible for agricultural land use, the Agricultural Resources
Board responsible for Natural Resources Conservation and the Land Boards responsible for
tribal land allocation and management as well as physical planners from council who are
responsible for village physical development plans, the layout plans.
5.1.2 Strategic Plans for Respective Ministries on Land Use Planning
Ministry of Lands and Housing
The Ministry of Lands and Housing is responsible for the management of land and related
functions, facilitation of housing delivery and promotion of environmental management.
Land management responsibilities for the ministry entail the following activities:
National physical planning, which involves determination of optimal
utilisation and proper organisation of land space;
Land administration in the urban and rural areas; and
Provision of services and information on surveying, mapping and remote
sensing that lay the foundation for physical planning and land administration.
The ministry’s strategic goals include;
Timeous allocation of land to its customers in order to enhance investment and
production. The district will therefore strive to speed up land/plot allocation
for all necessary uses as mentioned above;
Facilitation of equitable distribution of land through appropriate policies and
legislation. It is anticipated that the preparation/completion of a Ghanzi
Integrated Land Use Plan will take the district a long way in this endeavour.
Reclamation of wasteland. In this regard the intension of the district is to
identify and assess potential rehabilitation and/or reuse of borrow pits and
dumpsites within major villages.
Ministry of Wildlife, Tourism and Environment
Strategic goals of the ministry include the minimisation of conflict between human needs and
wildlife conservation and to strike a balance between wildlife needs and other economic
demands. Some of the strategies of the Ministry will be to create conservation awareness that
will increase sensitivity to wildlife conservation, and also to provide input in land use
planning activities of different districts.
The Land Use Plan that is to be prepared for Ghanzi District should be unambiguous in
detailing the different uses for particular zones as it will source input from all stakeholders.
Special land uses like the Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM)
programmes which are compatible with Wildlife Management Area (WMA) management
will be encouraged.
5.1.3 Land Use Planning Consultation Priorities:
The land use planning priorities are the protection of natural resources, which are normally
threatened by physical developments. These resources include the mineral resources, water
resources, woodland resources, sand and gravel resources, wildlife resources grazing and
arable farming resources. The conservation and sustainable utilisation of these resources is
the ultimate objective of any land use planning process.
Another issue of major concern in Ghanzi District is the ‘artificial’ shortage of land,
particularly in Ghanzi Township that is created by the delay in completion of the township’s
physical development plan and subsequent demarcation and surveying of plots for allocation.
This shortage include plots for residential, commercial, industrial and other developments,
that has culminated in other serious problems like squatting and failure to establish small
industries and commercial businesses through government assistance schemes like FAP,
SMME and even the current CEDA.
The community of Ghanzi Township sees this as a problem of unwarranted delay in
allocation of plots by the Ghanzi Land Board. It is therefore the aim of the district to remove
the evident bottleneck in the supply of serviced land in Ghanzi Township.
Other issues are land use conflicts resulting from lack of proper plans, and degradation due to
unsustainable uses like overstocking of livestock and excessive harvesting of natural
resources. This plan document will therefore highlight the urgency of preparation and
gazettement of an Integrated District Land Use Plan to guide the utilisation of the land
5.2.1 National Settlement Policy (1998):
The main thrust of this policy is to guide physical planning and to set up a framework to
guide equitable distribution of scarce resources across the country. Its objectives are to
provide guidelines and long term strategic planning for the development of human
settlements. To this end, the establishment of the District Land Use Plans and adherence to
them will form the basis for management and protection of such land for optimal and
sustainable use. The National settlement Policy maintains a three-tier hierarchy of primary,
secondary and tertiary centres with regard to the different roles played by each category. This
enhances sustainability of individual settlements within the overall economic structure of
each planning region.
A primary centre is classified as a centre characterised by a high development potential with
diversified economies such as processing of raw materials for manufacturing services and a
population of at least 20,000. There is no single primary centre in Ghanzi District.
A secondary centre should have a population ranging from 10,000 to 19 999 or that centre
although with less population and weak economic base, plays a key role as a district or subdistrict headquarters. It also provides similar services as a primary centre, but of lower order.
Ghanzi Township and Charleshill fall in this category as they are District Headquarters and
Sub-district Headquarters respectively. Ghanzi Township’s role is however more of that of a
secondary centre since it (township) exhibits a high potential for growth, especially in the
retail and tourism sectors.
5.2.2 District Settlement Plans:
In line with the National Settlement Policy standards, the District Settlement Plans recognise
a village as a gazetted settlement with a minimum population of 500 people and more than
15km away from the periphery of the main or parent village. It should have a tribal authority,
permanent water source, capable of supporting a small commercial/industrial business on a
sustainable basis. It should be outside national parks and game reserves, reserved fertile
arable lands, forest reserves and environmentally sensitive areas.
In the District Settlement Plan the tertiary centre tier is further divided into four levels from
tertiary I centre to tertiary VI centre. The tertiary VI centre level is for Remote Area Dwellers
Settlements (RADS). This classification has been adopted and will be used for the
preparation of the District Development Plan 6, as was the case with the previous plan.
Most of the villages do not have proper layout plans. All the RAD settlements – Bere,
Grootlaagte, Chobokwane, New Xanagas, Kacgae, East Hanahae, West Hanahai and
Kgoesakeni – have layout plans except Qabo. The layout plans are intended to guide
allocation of activities in the settlements and villages. Delays in coming up with development
plans and layout plans for villages like Ncojane, Kole, Makunda and Karakubis has been
mainly due to unavailability of base maps. However, in 2001 an aerial survey of the whole
district was undertaken with the assistance of the Department of Surveys and Mapping to
speed up the production of base maps and ultimately layout plans.
Currently Ghanzi district is in the process of preparing village development plans for larger
centres like Charleshill and Ghanzi township to create a conducive atmosphere of
development of these centres.
Other Settlements:
There are also other settlements with a population of less than 500 but have been provided
with basic services. According to the National Settlements Strategy, settlements below
tertiary III should be regrouped or join larger ones in their vicinity. Those that already have
services will be allowed to grow in order to utilise the existing services as long as they follow
the guidelines for establishing settlements. Those with a population of 150 to 249 shall be
provided with potable water and primary education.
Although it is not the position of government to have new settlements mushrooming, there
has been a new settlement established in New Xade. This of course was a correctional
measurer to ensure that land is used as planned.
5.2.3 National Policy on Agricultural Development (1991)
The fencing component of this policy directed that farmers be allowed ‘where feasible’, to
fence livestock farming land either as individuals, groups or communities to improve
productivity of the livestock sub sector and ensure sustainable use of resources. The specific
objectives are outlined in the policy document, however, of paramount importance is the
granting of exclusive rights to farmers and improving both range and livestock management.
In Ghanzi district three (3) communal areas were identified for fencing purposes. These areas
have been phased to enable the district to adequately address issues relating to each one of
them. These include;
Phase 1 – Matlho-a-Phuduhudu Communal Area which has already been allocated.
Phase 2 – Hanahai Second Development Area (TGLP), to be advertised.
Phase 3 – Okwa/Gwana Communal Area, to be studied with a view to establish feasibility.
5.2.4 Wildlife Management Area Plans:
There is one Community Based Natural Resources Management Area in the
Matlhoaphuduhudu, Okwa, Grootlaagte and Central Kalahari Game Reserve. Other ongoing
plans are those for East and West Hanahai wildlife management areas. The plans are
supposed to spell out exactly how the areas should be utilised.
Map 5.1
Land Use
5.3.1 District Land Use Zones
There are three types of land tenure in Ghanzi district. These are communal or tribal land tenure
system, freehold and state land tenure systems. The total district covers an area of 117010 square
kilometers of which communal land accounts for 20034 square kilometers or (17%). Within the
communal land tenure system, the wildlife management area accounts for 26342 square
kilometers or 22%, commercial area (leasehold farms) 17720 square kilometers (15%), TGLP
ranches 1368 (1%), CKGR covers 52313 square kilometers (45%) and Ghanzi township 133
square kilometers (0.1%).
The Ghanzi Land Use Zoning Plan was accepted by the Ghanzi Land Board on 21 June 1988, and
endorsed by the Ghanzi District Council on 22 June 1988. The plan divides the district into
manageable land use zones like Communal Areas, Commercial Areas, Wildlife Management
Areas, and the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. Although there is need for an Integrated Land
Use Plan for the district, the current zoning plan assists in guiding the land use controls.
The Ghanzi Land Use Zoning Plan is divided into a Communal Area, Commercial Areas, three
Wildlife Management Areas, and Central Kalahari Game Reserve (see table 5.1).
Table 5.1
Land Use Zones In Ghanzi District
TGLP farms FDA near Makunda
TGLP farms SDA near Hanahai
Xanagas Farms
Extension Farms
Ncojane Farms
Kuke Leasehold Farms (Quarantine Camp)
Former Ghanzi AI Camp
Ghanzi Freehold Farm Block
Communal Area
Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs)
Groot Laagte
Sub-Total WMAs
Central Kalahari Game Reserve
Ghanzi Township
Commercial Area on Tribal Land
Commercial Area on Tribal Land
Commercial Area on State Land
Sub-Total Commercial Area on State Land
Commercial Area on Freehold Land
Total Ghanzi District
Source: Ghanzi District 2002.
i. Communal Area
The Communal Area is Tribal Land and therefore the Ghanzi Land Board administers its use.
There are five traditional villages (Ncojane, Kole, Charles Hill, Karakubis, and Kalkfontein) and
three RAD settlements (New Xanagas, Chobokwane, and West Hanahai) situated in the
Communal Area.
Livestock grazing is the most common land use in the Communal Area. Arable agriculture is
only practised in small fields around villages and some cattle posts. With 53 000 cattle the full
potential of livestock production in the Communal Area has still not been reached. According to
the Ground Water Potential Survey, approximately 80% of the Communal Area has a good to fair
ground water potential. With an average carrying capacity of 20 hectare per LSU, the herd in the
Communal Area could be increased to a total of approximately 80 000 cattle. A management plan
for Ghanzi communal area has since been completed, although it seems that recommendations
are suggestive to doing away with communal areas. This is particularly when more commercial
fencing is recommended.
ii. Commercial Area
In the commercial farming areas, groups and individuals have been given exclusive land rights in
order to make grazing control, better range management, and increased productivity possible. In
the Ghanzi district, the commercial area can be divided into the following blocks:
Makunda First Development Area TGLP (Tribal Land)
This area south of Makunda consists of six ranches of approximately 7 400 hectares each. The
ranches have been fully allocated (by the Ghanzi Land Board). Ranches 2 and 5, however, are not
in use because boreholes have a low yield and contain saline water. The Ground Water Potential
Survey, which was done in 1995, revealed that this farm block is situated in an area with
generally poor and extremely variable water potential. Monitoring of developments and
management of the farms is the responsibility of the Ghanzi Land Board and the Ministry of
Hanahai Second Development Area TGLP (Tribal Land)
The Hanahai Second Development Area TGLP is situated south and south east of the Ghanzi
Extension Farms 174 NK, 175 NK, 177 NL, and 181 NL. The area includes 11 ranches of
approximately 8 400 hectares each. The allocation of the ranches was awaiting the outcome of
the Ground Water Potential Survey which was eventually fianlised in 1995. Allocation was due
to take place in 1996, but this was not done due to land conflicts between the Ghanzi Land Board
and the Department of Wildlife and National Parks. Administration of the farms is the
responsibility of the Ghanzi Land Board. Another study on fencing feasibility has been
completed and the Land Board should be in a position to allocate the farms during 2003.
Ghanzi Freehold Farms (Freehold Land)
The Ghanzi Freehold Farms situated in the northern part of the district consists of 172 farms with
the average size of approximately 6 340 hectares.
Xanagas Leasehold Farms (Stateland)
The Xanagas Farms, situated in the northwestern part of the district and surveyed in 1968, consist
of 31 farms with an average size of approximately 4 345 hectares under leasehold title.
Administration of the farms is done by the Department of Lands.
Ghanzi Extension Farms (Stateland)
The 43 Ghanzi Leasehold Extension Farms with an average size of approximately 8 800 hectares
are located north and south of the Ghanzi Freehold Farm Block. The Department of Lands
allocated most Extension Farms in 1977. As the farms are on State Land, the Department of
Lands administers their use.
Ncojane Leasehold Farms (Stateland)
The Ncojane Farms are situated in the southwestern part of the district. They were initiated under
the Livestock Development Project I and acquired by the state from the Ghanzi Land Board in
1978 by direct grant of 50 years under section 32 of the Tribal Land Act. The 25 farms have an
average of approximately, 6 400 hectares. Monitoring farm development is the responsibility of
the Ministry of Agriculture. The Department of Lands does administration of the farms.
Former Ghanzi Artificial Insemination (AI) Camp
The former Ghanzi AI Camp (15kms.sq.) is situated in the southwestern part of the Ghanzi
Township Planning Area. The stateland farm is administered by the Department of Lands, which
has leased the farm to a private tenant.
Mathoaphuduhudu Farms
The area was assessed and found feasible for fencing. This was done with the view of
implementing the National Policy on Agricultural Development (1991) fencing component. The
farms were demarcated in 2002 and 22 ranches have already been allocated by the Ghanzi Land
Board. These were allocated for both cattle and game farming.
iii. Wildlife Management Areas
 Okwa Wildlife Management Area
The Okwa WMA is situated west of the Central Kalahari Game Reserve bordering on the east
with the Ghanzi-Lobatse road and the Ghanzi Freehold Farms. East-Hanahai and Kacgae
settlement are situated in the eastern part of the WMA. An alternative settlement for residents of
the Central Kalahari Game Reserve will be established in the Okwa WMA in DDP 5. The WMA
is on Tribal Land and therefore falls under the jurisdiction of the Ghanzi Land Board.
Hunting and gathering in the WMA is still an important source of income for Remote Area
Dwellers living in and around the WMA. About 4 100 people are estimated to be potential users
of natural resources from the Okwa WMA (1 000 people reside in and around the settlements of
East Hanahai, West Hanahai, and Kacgae, 500 living at seven trek route boreholes, 1 100 from
the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, 1 500 residents of cattle posts and freehold farm settlements
bordering the WMA).
The Okwa WMA forms an important migration route for wildlife. Together with the Matlho-aPhuduhudu and the Kgalagadi WMAs it provides the link between Gemsbok National Park and
the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. Especially, wildebeest and hartebeest migrate through the
WMAs seasonally.
Matlho-a-Phuduhudu Wildlife Management Area
The Matlho-a-Phuduhudu WMA is situated in the southern part of Ghanzi District, bordering
Kgalagadi district. Bere settlement is in the northeast of the WMA. The Matlho-a-Phuduhudu
WMA is on Tribal Land and is therefore administered by the Ghanzi Land Board.
Hunting and gathering in the Matlho-a-Phuduhudu WMA is still an important source of income
for Remote Area Dwellers from Metsemantsho, New Xanagas, West Hanahai, Chobokwane,
Bere and Matlho-a-Phuduhudu. The population of these settlements is around 1 600 people.
About 500 people who live in and around the Ncojane Farms use natural resources provided by
the Matlho-a-Phuduhudu WMA. In total the potential users are estimated to be 2 100.
The Matlho-a-Phuduhudu WMA is an important area as a wildlife migration route. The WMA is
a part of the Schwelle, which forms the core area for the wildebeest population in the wet season.
The Central Kalahari Game Reserve is linked via the Matlho-a-Phuduhudu, Okwa, and Kgalagadi
WMAs with the Gemsbok National Park, to allow wildlife their annual migrations.
Groot Laagte Wildlife Management Area
This Groot Laagte Wildlife Management Area is situated in the northwestern part of the district,
surrounded and fenced in by the Namibia border in the west, Kuke cordon fence in the north, and
the Ghanzi Extension Farms in the south and east.
The Groot Laagte WMA is on Tribal Land and is therefore administered by the Ghanzi Land
Board. Groot Laagte and Qabo settlement are situated in the Wildlife Management Area. The
resident population of Groot Laagte settlement is estimated to be 314. The population projection
for Qabo was 500 people in 2001.
It is estimated that around 500 people who live in and around the Ghanzi Freehold Farms depend
on natural resources provided by the Groot Laagte WMA. The potential users are estimated to be
1 300.
iv. Central Kalahari Game Reserve
The Central Kalahari Game Reserve (CKGR) is state land. It is the part of Ghanzi district east of
the longitude passing through Great Tsau Hill East. The Bechuanaland Protectorate Government
on 14 February 1961 gazetted the CKGR. General regulations are stipulated in the Wildlife
Conservation and National Parks Act. The CKGR measures 52 313 sq. km and is mostly
demarcated by cut lines.
5.3.2 Land Use Resource Assessment
The following land uses are found in the district apart from the settlements: livestock rearing,
wildlife utilisation, veld product collection, and a small amount of arable farming.
In evaluating the role of livestock, it is necessary to distinguish between the traditional and
commercial sectors. The commercial sector can be defined as livestock rearing on the Freehold
Farms and some of the Xanagas Leasehold Farms. The Ncojane, Makunda, and southern
Extension Farms are classified as Commercial Areas; however, regarding livestock management
they fall under the traditional sector. Estimates of cattle distribution are given in Table 5.2.
Table 5.2
Cattle Distribution in 2002
Number of Cattle
1 Ncojane farms
2 Makunda farms
3 Xanagas farms
4 Ghanzi farms
5 Extension farms
1 Ncojane
2 Kole
3 Makunda
4 Charles Hill
5 Karakubis
6 Kalkfontein
7 Okwa – Gwana
Sub - Total
Commercial Area
Communal Areas
(Sources: Department Animal Health & Production (2002), Ghanzi; Aerial Census of Animals in Botswana 2001,
Department of Wildlife and National Parks).
There is a minimal change from the 1995 livestock figures, indicating a slight increase of cattle
population in commercial farms. The figures point to a sharp duality of the livestock industry
between the traditional and commercial sectors. Forty six percent of the cattle (75 500) are owned
and managed by 50 farmers in the Ghanzi freehold farms. The balance of the cattle (90 500) is
spread amongst the more than 800 cattle owners. Around 200 RAD families living in RAD
settlements own a total of 1000 cattle. This is envisaged to increase as council continues issuing
RADs more cattle. The increase in the number of cattle farmers is not necessarily indicative of
an increase in cattle population; it suggests cattle population redistribution within the district
especially in communal areas.
The pressure on the traditional grazing area, including the Ncojane, Makunda, Xanagas and
southern extension farms, over the last three decades, is reflected in the livestock population. In
1973 the traditional sector in Ghanzi district had 35 000 head of cattle; by 1987 it had 75 000
head of cattle. The total number in 1994 was estimated to be 90 000 head of cattle. The fairly
steady growth of the traditional herd over this period and the relatively small effect of the 1980s
drought were facilitated by the considerable number of boreholes drilled in this period.
Areas designated for wildlife use, like the Central Kalahari Game Reserve and the Wildlife
Management Areas, were and still are primarily used by the RADs for hunting and gathering.
However, these activities have become less important subsistence activities since the beginning
of the 1980s. Instead, livestock rearing and wage labour have become significant economic
activities as a result of competing land uses and more sedentary lifestyles in settlements.
After livestock, wildlife is potentially the most valuable productive resource in Ghanzi district.
Following the seventy five per cent declines in animal numbers during the 1980s, wildlife in
Ghanzi district is at a crossroad. This calls for the development of a wildlife management and
utilisation plan. Management Plans have been prepared for the Wildlife Management Areas with
the main objective to further develop the national wildlife industry and to secure, improve and
diversify the economic base of the resident human population.
About eighty per cent of the RAD households living in the settlements and on the farms collect
veld products. Besides the use of veld products for subsistence needs it is believed that there are
potential markets outside the District.
It is commonly said that the Western Region is unsuitable for crop production. The soils are
sandy and infertile and dry out rapidly after rain. The rainfall itself is sparse and unreliable, and
soil temperatures are high. Crop yields are low and unpredictable. However, in the north of
Ghanzi District, where the mean annual rainfall is around 350-400 mm, crop production is more
Despite the relatively unfavourable conditions, some households in the Communal Areas and in
RAD Settlements sow crops when the rainy season holds promise. Yields per unit area are low,
but not in terms of the labour and materials expended. When the risks of crop failure are high, it
makes no sense to commit too much effort at the beginning of the season.
The land use planning sector goals and objectives are the protection and management of land as a
natural resource. Land as a finite resource is competing with uses that are infinite. As a result, as
the uses increase, the land becomes even scarcer. The objective of land use planning here should
be to manage land in a sustainable manner, such that we do not destroy it.
Goal 1
To promote sustainable utilisation of the land resource.
To service land and allocate plots for different uses on a timely basis throughout
the plan period.
To have in place defined land use zones for sustainable resources utilisation.
To have in place guidelines for future equitable distribution of investment among
the district’s human settlements.
To prepare and implement spatial development plans to guide the development of
villages and settlements in relation to proper utilisation of land and natural/human
resources and to create a satisfactory level of services and economic opportunities.
To have made an assessment of existing (and unutilised) burrow pits and dumping
sites for possible reclamation by 2006
The idea is to efficiently address the demand for land in Ghanzi district which has been growing
over the years. Each qualifying applicant has to be allocated land for the use sought, so that
people have access to shelter irrespective of social group as indicated in our national vision.
5.5.1 Evaluation of Environmental Key Issues with Sector Goals and Objectives
Table 5.3
Evaluation of Environmental Key Issues with Sector Goals and Objectives
environmental impacts:
utilisation of the
land and other
related resources
To service land and allocate
plots for different uses on a
timely basis throughout the
plan period.
Servicing of
- Plot allocation
Loss of habitat for
To have in place defined land
use zones for sustainable
resources utilisation.
- Preparation and
gazzettment of the
District Integrated
Land Use Plan
To have in place guidelines
distribution of investment
among the district’s human
- Preparation of
District Settlement
To prepare and implement
spatial development plans to
guide the development of
villages and settlements in
relation to proper utilisation
of land and natural/human
resources and to create a
satisfactory level of services
and economic opportunities.
- Preparation of
To have made an assessment
of existing (and unutilised)
barrow pits and dumping sites
for possible reclamation by
- production of an
assessment report
5.5.2 Evaluation of Sector Policies and Programmes
Table 5.4
Evaluation of Sector Policies and Programmes
Sector Policies and Programmes:
Environmental Issues:
- National Settlement Policy
- mismatch between number of people and amount of
natural resources in the secondary settlements
- high demand for serviced land and subsequent loss of
wildlife habitat
- encroachment of human settlement into agricultural and
wildlife areas
- District Settlement Plans
National Policies on Agricultural
- Overstocking and subsequent land degradation
Wildlife Management Area Plans
The following is a tabulation of the proposed projects/activities aimed at addressing the issues,
and therefore the goals and object discussed in the foregoing sections of this chapter. Envisaged
impacts of these projects/activities are also tabulated together with possible broad actions aimed
at countering the said impacts.
Table 5.5
Proposed Projects, Potential Impacts and Counter Measures
Proposed Projects/Activities:
Potential Impacts:
Mitigation Measures:
Preparation and gazettement of
the District Land Use Plan
Avoidance of land use conflicts
Ensuring proper land use planning
Not applicable
development/layout plans
Speedy and orderly land allocation
Not applicable
Land surveying and allocation
of plots for various uses
Elimination of backlog of plot
Not applicable
Designation of suitable sites
extraction of sand and gravel
Land degradation
(implementation of the National
Exclusion of other economic uses of
land (skewed land ownership)
Overgrazing and land degradation
Improved range management
Encourage establishment of
Community Based Natural
Resources Utilisation projects
Proper harvesting levels of natural
Increased harvesting and depletion of
natural resources
Not applicable
Not applicable
environmental audits
5.7.1 Issues and Strengths in Land Use Planning:
The fact that land use policies and programmes are already in place is in itself strength in land
use planning. However, sometimes the lack of personnel to monitor and enforce some land use
legislations such as the natural resources preservation acts under the Agricultural Resources
Board is an issue.
Given the current demand for land in the district, especially the Township and Charleshill, it is
clear that the question of land supply and management will be one of the key issues, if not the
central issue, in achieving the objectives of the plan. There must be measures that emphasize
efficient land management and ensure that future government interventions are on the scale
required for land delivery efficiency.
5.7.2 Performance Targets for DDP6:
Table 5.6
Performance Targets for DDP6:
Preparation and gazzettement of an Integrated
Land Use Plan to have defined land use zones
for sustainable natural resources utilisation
P1 800 000
Designated extraction areas for
resources such as sand and gravel
P16 500
Production of village Plans
P3 820 000
Establishment community based natural
resources utilisation projects to address the
problem of over harvesting and depletion of
these resources.
P46 000
District Settlement Strategy
P750 000.00
Table 5.7
Plan Monitoring Programme
Performance Targets
To have defined land use
natural resources utilization
Prepare and gazzette
an Integrated Land
Use Plan for the
Report ready by 2004
Present to DLUPU,
DDC, Land Board and
To guide the Land Boards
in their endeavour to
allocate land in a more
orderly fashion.
development plans
Plans for each village
ready in 2004
Present to villages,
Board and Council
To address the problem of
haphazard extraction and
over utilisation.
Designated sites and
control extraction of
natural resources
Sites identified
manned in 2004
Rehabilitation before
excavating new site
Performance Targets
To address the problem of
depletion of these resources.
utilisation projects
established and Trusts
formed in 2003