West London Mental Health Trust Service User Involvement Forum Minutes of the Meeting held on 2nd November 2009 (approved) Held in the Conference Room, Regional Secure Unit, Ealing Site Present: Mr Ian Kent JT Ms Sue Cumming Ms Anne Chapman Ms Wendy Myerson Mr Paul Summerton AD AM Ms Tara Ferguson-Jones Mr Mike Loosley Ms Maria Harrington RS PO PD Mr Allen Howe JC Ms Carol Scott Ms Alison Hoble Ms Sue Godsell Mr Mark Ballentine Ms Serina Jura Mr Palmer Ms Anne Aiyegbusi Ms Sharon Morton Mr Thomas Devane Ms Margaret Rioga Mr Vushe Hove Apologies: Mr Peter Cubbon Ms Laura Hurley Ms Barbara Byrne Ms Gemma Stanion Mr Mike Humphrey Mr Neil Ragoobar Ms Linda Dyson Ms Gillian Tuck Ms Flippa Watkeys Deputy Chief Executive / Chair Ealing Service User Head of Patient and Public Involvement / Minutes Non Executive Director Ealing LINKs Hounslow LINKs Service User Ealing Older People’s Service Ealing Service User Acting Director of Communications Ealing User Involvement Project Associate Director of Clinical Governance Service User High Secure Services Service User West London Forensic Services Service User, The Orchard Associate Director, Estates and Facilities Service User, Hounslow Older People’s Service Acting Director of Nursing Day Services Co-ordinator Hounslow Associate Director, Estates and Facilities Hammersmith and Fulham MIND Escort User High Secure Services Escort User High Secure Services Head of Nursing – West London Forensic Services Ealing CAMHS Hounslow User Involvement Project Service User and Carer Co-ordinator West London Forensic Services Service User and Carer Co-ordinator West London Forensic Services Chief Executive H&F MIND Director of Finance Head of Allied Health Professionals Director of Security Acting Service Manager Deputy Director of Human Resources Acting Consultant Nurse Associate Head of Allied Health Professionals Item Minutes 1. The meeting was opened and chaired by Mr Kent. 2. Action Minutes for the previous meeting held on 6th October 2009 There was one correction noted by AD. Item 6. Page 4. ‘AD commented that the questions focus on doctors...’ doctors should read ‘psychiatrists’ 1 3. 3.1 Matters Arising Access to Information Technology (I.T) for service users Mr Kent fed back that each non Forensic Service Delivery Unit (SDU) by Christmas will identify a pilot ward with supervised access to the computer word processing package ‘Windows 7’ and the internet. By March 2010 all Local Services wards will have access to Windows 7 and the internet and by June 2010 this will include wi-fi access. Questions: There was a question about safety which Mr Kent had been considered and that an agreement would be signed by the user. JT asked why this had taken so long to progress. Mr Kent apologised for the delay. 3.2 Payment Policy Ms Cumming confirmed that this has been agreed. The policy needs to be put into the new format and then will be circulated for information 3.3 Catering at The Orchard Mr Howe reported that he has met with service users from The Orchard and ISS who supply the catering. ISS have been tasked with improving the food supplied and Mr Howe will be monitoring this. 3.4 Laptop computer issue in High Secure Ms Harrington has emailed the Service Manager responsible and is awaiting feedback. 3.5 Christmas Card Competition This is being judged on Friday and JT is involved. There have been over 80 entries. 3.6 Staffing Levels High Secure: Ms Scott said that she has spoken with Mr Jimmy Noak who is the Head of Nursing in High Secure Services with regards to the new rota system for nurses that has been implemented as described at the last Forum. Mr Noak confirmed that initially there was a reduction of nurses when the rota was implemented. However the issue now is due to the number of staff vacancies. The shortage of staff is being addressed. All Services: There are nurse vacancies across the Trust from 9% to 22%. High Secure Services and West London Forensic Services (in particular Women’s Services) at Grades 5 and Health Care Assistant grade being the most difficult to recruit to. In Ealing community nurse posts are difficult to recruit to. Actions: 1. High Secure Services have held Open Days in the last two months with media campaigns. This has resulted in the recruitment of 100 nurses who are being processed in the recruitment system. 2. There is a generic recruitment campaign in the press for example an advertisement may have two posts of different grades described. This is 2 supported by two recruitment panels. 3. National nursing specific press is used to advertise alongside the local press and NHS Jobs Website. 4. Looking at a rotation system for junior staff to give them the opportunity of working for 6 months in acute, forensic services and the community. This will be attractive to staff. 5. Transfer system for Trust staff who wish to move from one job to another internally is being reviewed to make this easier. 6. Bank and Agency staff use has been reduced in the last six weeks. Questions / Comments: AM highlighted the impact that staff vacancies has on patients. As discussed at previous Forums. AM asked if staff and patient ratios are assessed with regards to risk. Ms Scott said that there are agreed basic staffing levels on the wards and that these levels are always in place. JC asked if women at Broadmoor Hospital are cared for by same gender nurses. RS confirmed that there are no longer women within Broadmoor Hospital. Ms Scott said that women’s forensic services are now on the Ealing site and that for gender sensitivity if there is a specific request this is adhered to. The staff gender mix is split 50/50 within forensic services. JT commented that the workload on one ward can be very different to another and is this considered in staffing level assignment. Ms Scott said that the dependence level of patients is considered with regards to staffing levels. It will be important for the ward manager to prioritise issues and activities each day. PD stated that she has noted many times when the person running the shift on the ward is good at managing but they cannot manage given the number of staff. RS said that this is the same within High Secure Services. Ms Scott agreed to take this back to senior nurses. Ms Scott Ms Myerson asked about Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks discussed previously. Ms Scott confirmed that CRB processing does cause the greatest delay to getting staff in place. Retrospective CRBs have been done on all Trust staff with Agency staff CRBs being completed by the agency. AM asked if there is any risk of staffing being reduced. Mr Kent and Ms Scott said that there had been no reduction of ward establishments. Mr Kent added that there is a Recruitment and Retention Forum plus a specific Nurse Recruitment Forum. Additionally the monthly workforce data goes to the Board. Mr Kent offered to bring the minutes of that meeting to this Forum. This was agreed. Mr Kent AM asked about the levels of morale of staff. Ms Scott answered that if morale is low then staffing levels are affected. JT commented that there are staffing level issues in Ealing in-patient services too. The fresh air policy is not being fully implemented due to staffing levels. JT said that it is easier to get off of the ward to smoke than for fresh air. Ms Scott 3 agreed to take this issue back to the Head of Nursing for Ealing. Ms Scott PD asked if it was understood how important this issue is – that Bank and Agency staff cannot do the same things with patients as regular staff and also the opportunity to engage with staff is limited if they are not regular staff. Ms Scott said that she and the Head of Nursing for West London Forensic Services (Ms Aiyegbusi) will be meeting to discuss this issue and action plan. JC asked if patients can make complaints. Ms Scott said that there is a complaints system for patients. 4. Feedback from the November 2009 Service User Meeting Mr Loosley fed back the highlights. Minutes were circulated for information. 5. Care Quality Commission Report Update Mr Kent said that the Board has signed off the action plan last week and that this has been approved by NHS London. The action plan is on the Trust website and is updated regularly. Local presentations have been done in Hounslow, Ealing and Hammersmith and Fulham. Ms Ferguson-Jones said that there are long and short versions of the action plan Ms available at the Forum today and additionally the plan will be attached to the FergusonForum minutes. Jones / Ms Cumming AM said that key will be the involvement of the Service User Involvement projects in monitoring the action plan. AM felt that a 98 page action plan was very long and that staff morale has dipped. Mr Kent agreed that confidence needs to be rebuilt. Mr Ballentine asked if staff are able to access the mandatory training programme set out by the Trust given staffing issues. Mr Kent said that money in the region of £330,000 has been set aside to allow staff to attend training. JT reported that in a recent Ealing Clinical Governance meeting, it was acknowledged that policies and procedures produced but not implemented or filtered down to staff. What has been done to address this? Mr Kent said that spending time in clinical areas is important to get feedback. AD said that there is a management structure issue and how this large organisation is run. RS said that it is difficult to get the messages down to staff ‘on the floor’. Ms Scott said that as a positive example there is a Nurse Governance meeting in each Service Delivery Unit and that every nurse has to sign off new policies. Ms Myerson said that she attended the September 2009 Hounslow Overview and Scrutiny meeting attended by Mr Kent in which it was acknowledged that a cultural change is needed. Ms Myerson asked how the Trust Board will reform itself? Mr Kent said that this is 4 addressed within the action plan. 6. The Manner in which Diagnosis is given to Service Users Ms Cumming said that she thought Dr Fellow-Smith was attending today. Mr Kent offered to contact Dr Fellow-Smith or Dr Tim Bullock to attend to discuss this Mr Kent issue. 7. Patient Experience Sub Group Ms Aiyegbusi feedback on the progress of the Group and context. The Group was first discussed at the Forum in June 2009 and that the Group is a sub group of a Trust meeting that looks at Quality Standards. The Group is tasked to co-ordinate the data from the experiences of service users and to make service improvements. There have been two meetings. The third did not happen due to attendance at Broadmoor Hospital meeting location being poor. The next meeting is on the 13th November 2009 where we will catch up. There have been few meetings since June 2009 as Ms Aiyegbusi was away for two months. There is currently one service user attending with an additional two planned. It was stated by Ms Aiyegbusi that there is a great volume of data from service users on their experience including PALS, complaints, advocacy reports, Clinical Improvement Group minutes, ward community meetings, suggestion boxes, surveys etc. We have sampled two SDUs in order to establish what happens to this feedback. We are aiming to develop a tool which Directorates can use to track whether they are using patient experience feedback to improve service delivery and if not, what to do. There is also discussion of how service users can record in their own case notes. Thinking too about the sensitive and complex issues of seclusion and observation. The Patient Experience Tracker tool has been purchased so allow real time feedback to managers on the experience of service users. At the next Forum an action plan will be available. Ms Aiyegbusi Mr Kent asked if there is representation from the SDUs. Ms Aiyegbusi said that Hammersmith and Fulham do not yet have someone in attendance and that a service user form Hounslow is needed. Also a carer representative. Mr Loosley said that there are problems in encouraging attendance by service users to Trust wide meetings and that it si better for people to attend local User Forums to get feedback. JT said that newsletters produced for service users locally should be sent across the Trust to different areas. 8. New Horizons Document JT reported that this document replaces the National Service Framework (of the last ten years) and affects all service users. Ealing adults service users did a lot of work around this and sent in a response. Hounslow and Ealing Primary Care Trust also responded. 5 Mr Loosley agreed to email the consultation response to Ms Cumming for circulation with these minutes. 10. Mr Loosley / Ms Cumming Any Other Business Mr Kent asked that at the January 2010 Service User Meeting (2-3pm meeting) that the agenda includes how there can be a more co-ordinated approach of Trust management working with service users. Ms Cumming Date of Next meeting Monday 18th January 2010 Time 12.15pm - 2pm Main Forum, 2 - 3pm Service User Meeting Venue: Conference room, Regional Secure Unit, Ealing site If you have anything for the agenda please let Ms Cumming know as soon as possible: Telephone: 020 8483 2073 Email: sue.cumming@wlmht.nhs.uk Address: Clinical Governance Department, Magnolia Way, Uxbridge Road, Southall, Middlesex UB1 3EU 6