P Kaur - ROYAN International Research Award Official Website

CV Pritinder Kaur
Pritinder KAUR
Date of birth:
14 January 1960
Epithelial Stem Cell Biology Laboratory
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
St Andrew’s Place
East Melbourne
Victoria 3002
61-3-9656-3714 (Office)
0408 308 271 (Mobile)
Current Appointment
Senior Research Fellow, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Group Leader/Lab Head – Epithelial Stem Cell Biology Lab, Cancer Biology Program, Peter
MacCallum Cancer Centre
Senior Fellow, Dept of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Melbourne University
Senior Research Fellow, Level A, National Health & Medical Research Council of Australia
Life Fellow of the UICC
Current Research Interests
Molecular & cellular characterisation of human epithelial stem cells of the skin and
Molecular & cellular characterisation of the microenvironment of human epithelial stem
Role of pericytes in wound healing, tumour microenvironment and tumour progression.
Role of skin pericytes in epithelial stem cell and tissue renewal.
Role of epithelial stem cells and their progeny in the development of ovarian carcinomas.
CV Pritinder Kaur
Academic Qualifications
B.Sc.Honours 1978-1981:
Awarded by University of London; Queen Elizabeth College
United Kingdom.
Majoring in Cell Biology.
Ph.D. 1981-1985:
Awarded by University of Manchester
Paterson Institute, Christie Hospital & Holt Radium Institute,
Manchester, UK. Affiliated with University of Manchester.
Thesis title: “Mechanisms of cell migration and differentiation in organised tissue." Defining control
epithelial cell migration that accompanies homeostatic cell renewal and differentiation in the small
intestine. Supervisor : Prof Christopher S Potten
Postdoctoral Training
March 1985 – Aug 1988: Postdoctoral Fellow in Prof James K McDougall’s laboratory, Tumor
Biology Lab, Basic Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle,
Washington, USA.
Aug 1988 – July 1989:
Staff Scientist Prof James K McDougall’s laboratory, Tumor Biology
Lab, Basic Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Aug 1989 - October 1990: Staff Scientist Dr William G Carter’s laboratory, Basic Sciences
Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Appointments Held
October 1990- Dec 1994:
Florey Fellow, Division of Human Immunology, Hanson Centre for
Cancer Research, Adelaide, Australia.
January 1995- Nov 1999:
NHMRC Senior Research Officer/Associate Member, Division of
Haematology, Hanson Centre for Cancer Research, Adelaide, Australia.
Sabbatical fellowship - 1
August-December 2004:
Visiting Scientist, Public Health Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson
Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA. Lab of Prof Denise A Galloway. Funded by UICC,
Switzerland; CASS Foundation, Melbourne; & Australian Stem Cell Centre, Melbourne.
Sabbatical fellowship - 2
August-October 2010:
Visiting Scientist, Albert Bonniot Institute, Universite Joseph
Fourier, Grenoble, France. Lab of Prof Danielle Dhouailly. Funded by UICC, Switzerland.
PhD scholarship, Cancer Research Campaign, UK
Florey Fellowship, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia
UICC ICRETT Fellowship
UICC Yamagiwa-Yoshida International Cancer Study Grant
CV Pritinder Kaur
Travel Awards
1996, 1997
1998, 1999
EMBO Workshop travel award
Anti-Cancer Council of South Australia Travel Award
Medical Specialist Staff Fund Travel Award, Royal Adelaide Hospital
CASS Foundation Travel Award
Australian Stem Cell Centre Training Award
Equipment infrastructural grants
Jack Brockhoff Foundation
Cryostat for frozen tissue sectioning
Investigators : P Kaur, S Nilsson, P Simmons
Wellcome Trust , UK
Flow cytometry facility for cancer research
Investigators :P Simmons, P Kaur, M Smyth, RW Johnstone, LE Purton
Research Grants Awarded
a. Past support
Anti-Cancer Foundation (SA) Project Grant
Project title : "The role of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in the differentiation and invasive
capacity of transformed epidermal cells"
Investigators : P Kaur
Duration : 1992, 1993
Funds: $35,000 pa
NHMRC Project Grant
Principal Investigators : J Gamble (CIA) & P Kaur (CIB)
Duration : 1992 - 1994.
Project title : "Cell surface antigens involved in angiogenesis"
Funds : $65,000 pa
NHMRC Project Grant #951210
Investigators : P Kaur
Duration : 1995-1997
Project Title : "Cell surface alterations during neoplastic conversion in human keratinocytes”
Funds : $55,597 (supported my salary at SRO level plus consumables)
NHMRC Project Grant #981881
Investigators : P Kaur (CIA), JA Rothnagel (CIB)
Duration : 1998-2000
Project Title : “Characterization of human keratinocyte stem cells”
Funds : $73,526 pa (supported my salary at SRO level plus consumables)
NHMRC Project Grant #145654
Investigator : P Kaur (CIA), I Bertoncello (CIB)
Duration : 2001-2003
Project Title : “Developmental potential of murine keratinocyte stem cells”
Funds : $70,000 pa
CV Pritinder Kaur
Sponsored Research Agreement with Organogenesis Inc., Boston, USA
Investigator : P Kaur
Duration : 1998, 1999
Project Title : “Characterisation of human keratinocyte stem cells to reconstitute epithelial tissue in
vitro and in vivo.”
Funds: US$130,000 pa
NHMRC Project Grant #251535
Investigators : P Kaur
Duration : 2003-2005
Project Title : “Microenvironmental regulation of tissue regenerative capacity of keratinocyte stem
cells and their progeny”
Funds : $124,000 pa
Investigators : P Simmons, P Kaur, I Bertoncello, G Begley
Duration : Sept 2001-2005
Project Title : “Haemopoietic potential of the epidermis”
Funds : US$175,000pa
Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney Adult Stem Cell Grant
Investigator : P Kaur
Duration : 2006 – 2007
Project Title : Improving adult skin regeneration for therapeutic purposes – the role of stem cells
and the extracellular matrix protein laminin-10/11.
Funds : AU$50,000pa
NIH RO1 AR050013-01A2 Project Grant
Investigator: P Kaur
Duration : 2005-2009
Project Title: “Tissue regenerative capacity of epidermal progenitors”
Funds : US$175,000 pa
NHMRC Project Grant #400100
Investigators : Phillips WA, P Kaur, R Thomas
Duration : 2006-2008
Project Title : Understanding Barrett’s oesophagus
Funds : $92,500pa
NHMRC Project Grant #455929
Investigators : Saunders NA, P Kaur
Duration: 2007-2009
Project Title : Identification of clinically significant subtypes of head and neck cancer cells.
Funds: $150,458 pa
CASS Foundation
Project Title: Can pericytes act as cancer-associated fibroblasts?
Investigators : Pritinder Kaur
Duration : 2009
Funds : $50,000
NHMRC #519748
Project Title : Patched gene family control of epidermal development and cancer.
Duration : 2008-2010
Investigators: B Wainwright, P Kaur (CIB)
CV Pritinder Kaur
Funds : $167,000pa
ARC Project Grant : DP0878823
Project Title : The role of palmitoylation in hair follicle and stem cell biology.
Duration : 2008-2010
Investigators : I Smyth, P Kaur, I J Jackson
Funds : $81,000 pa
Cancer Council of Victoria #807184
Project Title : Biological characterisation of pericytes in cancer and as mesenchymal stem cells.
Duration : 2009; 2010
Investigators : P Kaur
Funds : $ 100,000 pa
b. Current Research Grant Support
NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship
Salary Support for Pritinder Kaur
Duration : 2008-2012
Funds : $107,500 pa
Alfred Burns Unit Collaborative Research Agreement
Project Title : Improving adult keratinocyte growth for clinical use in burns patients
Duration : 2009/10, 2010/11
Investigators : P Kaur
Funds : $99,092pa
Sponsored Research Agreement with L’Oreal, Paris, France
Project Title : The role of pericytes in keratinocyte aging
Duration : 2011-2013
Investigators : P Kaur
Funds : $160,000 pa
NHMRC #1025874
Project Title : The microenvironmental niche in cancer progression
Duration : 2012-2014
Investigators : P Kaur & H Schlueter
Funds : $181,000 pa
CV Pritinder Kaur
Refereed Journal articles
(JIF=Journal Impact Factors from 2009): Citations updated December 2010.
*denotes ten most significant publications
Refereed Journal articles
(JIF=Journal Impact Factors from 2009): Citations updated December 2010.
*denotes ten most significant publications
Kaur P and Potten CS. Circadian variation in migration velocity in small intestinal epithelium.
Cell Tissue Kinet. 19:591-599, 1986a. (30 citations; JIF 4.492)
Kaur P and Potten CS. Cell migration velocities in the crypts of the small intestine after
cytotoxic insult are not dependent on mitotic activity. Cell Tissue Kinet. 19:601-610, 1986b.
(56 citations; JIF 4.492)
Kaur P and Potten CS. Effects of puromycin, cycloheximide and noradrenaline on cell
migration within the crypts and on the villi of the small intestine. Cell Tissue Kinet. 19:611-625,
1986c. (19 citations; JIF 4.492)
Loeffler M, Stein R, Wichmann HE, Potten CS, Kaur P, and Chwalinski S. Intestinal cell
proliferation. I. A comprehensive model of steady state proliferation in the crypt. Cell Tissue
Kinet. 19:627-645, 1986. (56 citations; JIF 4.492)
*Kaur P and McDougall JK. Characterisation of primary human keratinocytes transformed by
human papillomavirus type 18. J Virology 62:1917-1924, 1988. (190 citations; JIF 5.150)
Kaur P, McDougall JK and Cone R. Immortalisation of primary human epithelial cells by
cloned cervical carcinoma DNA containing human papillomavirus 16 E6/E7 ORFs. J Gen Virol
70:1261-1266, 1989. (89 citations; JIF 3.260)
Kaur P and McDougall JK. HPV-18 immortalisation of human keratinocytes.
173:302-310, 1989. (80 citations; JIF 3.042)
Smith PP, Bryant EM, Kaur P and McDougall JK. Cytogenetic analysis of eight human
papillomavirus immortalized human keratinocyte cell lines. Int J Cancer 44:1124-1131, 1989.
(48 citations ; JIF 4.722)
*Carter WG, Wayner EA, Bouchard TS and Kaur P. The role of integrins 21 and 1 in
cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesion of human epidermal cells. J Cell Biol 110:1387-1404, 1990.
(576 citations; JIF 9.575)
*Carter WG, Kaur P, Gil SG, Gahr PJ and Wayner EA. Distinct functions for integrins 31 in
focal adhesions and 64/Bullous Pemphigoid antigen in a new stable anchoring contact (SAC)
of keratinocytes: Relation to hemidesmosomes. J Cell Biol 111:3141-3154, 1990. (397
citations; JIF 9.575)
*Hurlin PJ, Kaur P, Smith PP, Perez-Reyes N, Blanton RA and McDougall JK. Progression of
human papillomavirus type 18-immortalized human keratinocytes to a malignant phenotype.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 88:570-574, 1991. (168 citations; JIF 9.432)
CV Pritinder Kaur
*Kaur P and Carter WG. Integrin expression and differentiation in transformed human
epidermal cells is regulated by fibroblasts. Journal Cell Science 103:755-763, 1992. (25
citations; JIF 6.144)
Gamble JR, Matthias LJ, Meyer G, Kaur P, Russ G, Faull R, Berndt M and Vadas MA.
Regulation of in vitro capillary tube formation by anti-integrin antibodies. J Cell Biol 121:931934, 1993. (155 citations; JIF 9.575)
Kaur P, Pascoe R, Halbert CL, Smith W and Vadas MA. Establishment of a human umbilical
vein endothelial cell line with novel functional capabilities. Endothelium 2: 113-125, 1994.
(N/A; JIF 1.649)
Kaur P, Paton S, Furze J, Wrin J, Olsen S, Danks J and Scurry J. Identification of a cell surface
protein with a role in stimulating human keratinocyte proliferation, expressed during
development and carcinogenesis. J. Invest. Dermatol. 109 : 194-9, 1997. (7 citations ; JIF
*Li A, Simmons PJ & Kaur P. Identification and isolation of candidate human keratinocyte
stem cells based on cell surface phenotype. PNAS-USA 95 : 3902-3907, 1998. (240 citations;
JIF 9.432)
Kaur P & Li A. Characterisation of the adhesive properties of human keratinocytes : an analysis
of stem, transit amplifying and post-mitotic differentiating cells. Journal of Investigative
Dermatology, 114:413-20, 2000. (88 citations; JIF 5.543)
Dicker AJ, Dahler AL, Khanna KK, Kaur P, Li A, Strutton G, Frazer IH and Saunders NA.
Functional characterisation of cultured cells derived from an intraepidermal carcinoma of the
skin (IEC-1). Exp. Cell Res., 258:352-360, 2000. (13 citations; JIF 3.589)
*Tani H, Morris RJ & Kaur P. Enrichment for murine keratinocyte stem cells based on cell
surface phenotype. PNAS-USA, 97 10960-10965, 2000. (199 citations; JIF 9.432)
Pouliot N, Saunders NA and Kaur P. 2002. Laminin-10/11:an alternative adhesive ligand for
epidermal keratinocytes with a functional role in promoting proliferation and migration. Exp.
Dermatol. 11: 387-397. (31 citations; JIF 3.239)
*Li A, Pouliot N, Redvers R and Kaur P. 2004. Extensive tissue regenerative capacity of
neonatal human keratinocyte stem cells and their progeny. J. Clin.Invest. 113:390-400.
(83citations; JIF 15.387)
Gugasyan R, Voss A, Varigos G, Thomas T, Grumont RJ, Kaur P, Grigoriadis G, Gerondakis S.
2004. The Transcription Factors c-rel and RelA Control Epidermal Development and
Homeostasis in Embryonic and Adult Skin via Distinct Mechanisms. Mol Cell Biol. 24:5733-45.
(38 citations; JIF 6.057)
Adolphe C, Narang M, Ellis T, Wicking C, Kaur P and Wainwright B. 2004. An in vivo
comparative study of sonic, desert and Indian hedgehog reveals that hedgehog pathway activity
regulates epidermal stem cell homeostasis. Development, 131: 5009-5017. (52 citations; JIF
Webb A, Li A and Kaur P. 2004. Location and phenotype of adult keratinocyte stem cells of the
skin. Differentiation. 72: 387-95. (77 citations; JIF 3.311)
CV Pritinder Kaur
Edmondson SR, Thumiger SP, Kaur P, Loh B, Koelmeyer R, Li A, Silha JV, Murphy LJ,
Wraight CJ, Werther GA. 2005. Insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3) localizes
to and modulates proliferative epidermal keratinocytes in vivo. Br J Dermatol. 152: 225-230. (18
citations; JIF 4.260)
Pouliot N, Redvers RP, Ellis S, Saunders NA and Kaur P. 2005. Optimisation of a transplant
model to assess skin reconstitution from stem cell-enriched primary human keratinocyte
populations. Exptl Dermatol, 14: 60-69. (14citations; JIF 3.239)
Ting SB, Caddy J, Hislop N, Wilanowski T, Auden A, Zhao LL, Ellis S, Kaur P, Uchida Y,
Holleran WM, Elias PM, Cunningham JM, Jane SM. 2005. A homolog of Drosophila grainy
head is essential for epidermal integrity in mice. Science. 308:411-413. (66 citations; JIF
*Redvers RP, Li A, Kaur P. 2006. The side population in adult murine epidermis exhibits
phenotypic and functional characteristics of keratinocyte stem cells. PNAS-USA,
103(35):13168-73 (35 citations; JIF 9.432)
Croagh D, Phillips WA, Redvers R, Thomas RJ, Kaur P. 2007. Identification of candidate
murine esophageal stem cells using a combination of cell kinetic studies and cell surface
markers. Stem Cells 25 (2): 313-318 (19 citations; JIF 7.747).
Gangatirkar P, Paquet-Fifield S, Li A, Rossi R, Kaur P. 2007. Isolation of primary keratinocytes
from neonatal foreskin and organotypic culture. Nature Protocols. 2(1):178-86 (JIF 6.335)
Croagh, D, Tikoo A, Cheng S, Nandurkar S, Thomas RJ, Kaur P & Phillips WA. 2008.
Reconstitution of stratified murine and human oesophageal epithelia in an in vivo transplant
culture system. Scan J Gastroenterol. 43(10):1158-68. (4 citations; JIF 2.084).
Endo-Munoz L, Dahler A, Teakle N, Rickwood D, Hazar-Rethinam M, Abdul-Jabbar I,
Sommerville S, Dickinson I, Kaur P, Paquet-Fifield S, Saunders NA. 2009. E2F7 can regulate
proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis in human keratinocytes: implications for cutaneous
squamous cell carcinoma formation. Cancer Res., 69: 1800-1808. (6 citations; JIF 7.543).
Paquet-Fifield S, Schlüter H, Li A, Aitken T, Gangatirkar P, Blashki D, Koelmeyer R, Pouliot N,
Palatsides M, Ellis S, Brouard N, Zannettino A, Saunders N, Thompson N, Li J and Kaur P.
2009. A role for pericytes as microenvironmental regulators of human skin tissue regeneration. J
Clin Invest. 119 (9):2795-806. (23 citations; JIF 15.387).
Schlüter H, Paquet-Fifield S, Gangatirkar P and Kaur P. 2011. Functional characterisation of
quiescent keratinocyte stem cells and their progeny reveals a hierarchical organisation in human
skin epidermis. Stem Cells. 29(8):1256-68. Accepted online 14 Jun 2011 DOI:10.1002/stem.675.
(JIF 7.871).
Book Chapters/Methods
McDougall JK, Beckmann AM, Kaur P, and Galloway DA. DNA viruses in anogenital cancer.
Medical Virology VI pp.261-283. Eds. LM de la Maza and EM Peterson. Elsevier, 1987.
Carter WG, Symington BE and Kaur P. Cell adhesion and the basement membrane in early
epidermal morphogenesis. In: 'Epithelial Organization in Development'. Ed. T.P. Fleming,
Chapman & Hall (London), 1992, pp. 299-327.
CV Pritinder Kaur
Kaur P. Immortalization of human keratinocytes with human papilloma virus. Cell & Tissue
Culture: Lab Procedures 261:1-7, 1994.
Kaur P . and Halbert CL. Immortalization of human keratinocytes with human papilloma virus
DNA. Methods in Cell Science 17: 117-123, 1995.
Upjohn E, Varigos G & Kaur P. 2004. Burns and leg ulcers. In "Handbook of Embryonic Stem
Cells". Edited by Doug Melton, James Thomson, John Gearhart, Brigid Hogan, Ron McKay,
Roger Pedersen, Mike West and Robert Lanza. Academic Press, pp731-736.
Li A & Kaur P. 2005. "FACS enrichment of keratinocyte stem cells" In “Epidermal Protocols”.
p87-96. Edited by Kursad Turksen. Humana Press.
Redvers RP & Kaur P. 2005. "A simple protocol for propagating adult murine keratinocytes in
culture" In “Epidermal Protocols”. pp15-22. Edited by Kursad Turksen. Humana Press.
Upjohn E, Varigos G & Kaur P. 2006. “Leg ulcers and Burns” in “Essentials of Stem Cell
Biology”, p419-424. Edited by Robert Lanza, Elsevier Inc.
Redvers R and Kaur P. 2006. “Stem cell populations of the skin” in “Tissue Stem Cells :
Biology & Applications” Edited by CS Potten, R Clarke, A Renehan and J Wilson, Dekker. pp
Paquet-Fifield S, Redvers RP, Pouliot N and Kaur P. 2009. A transplant model for human
epidermal skin regeneration. In Methods in Molecular Biology series. In press; and Springer's
Protocols On-Line [http://www.springerprotocols.com/].
Upjohn E, Varigos G & Kaur P. 2009. Burns and leg ulcers. In "Essentials of Stem Cell
Biology" 2nd Edition. Edited by Robert Lanza, John Gearhart, Brigid Hogan, Douglas Melton,
Roger Pedersen, E.Donnall Thomas, James Thomson, and Ian Wilmut. Academic Press, pp523542.
Schluter H, Upjohn E, Varigos G & Kaur P. Burns and leg ulcers. In "Essentials of Stem Cell
Biology". Edited by Robert Lanza, John Gearhart, Brigid Hogan, Douglas Melton, Roger
Pedersen, E.Donnall Thomas, James Thomson, and Ian Wilmut. Academic Press. Submitted
June 2011.
Invited Commentaries/Reviews
Cotsarelis G, Kaur P, Dhouailly D, Hengge U & Bickenbach J. Epithelial stem cells in the skin :
definition, markers, functions, and localization. Experimental Dermatology, 8:80-8, 1999. (97
citations; JIF 3.239)
Hengge UR, Taichman LB, Kaur P, Rogers G, Jensen TG, Goldsmith LA, Rees JL & Christiano
AM. How realistic is cutaneous gene therapy? Experimental Dermatology, 8:419-431, 1999. (13
citations; JIF 3.239)
Kaur, P & Wood, F. 2005. Stem cells of the skin. Australian Biochemist 36: 15-18 .
Webb A & Kaur P. 2006. “Epidermal Stem Cells” Frontiers in Bioscience 11:1031-1041. (3
citations; JIF 3.736)
CV Pritinder Kaur
*Kaur P. 2006. Interfollicular Epidermal Stem Cells : Identification, Challenges, Potential. J
Invest Dermatol 126(7):1450-8. (47 citations; JIF 5.543)
Kaur P. 2004. Women in Cell Science : An interview with Fiona Watt. J Cell Sci. 117: 28692870. (JIF 6.144)
Daniel Croagh D, Robert J.S. Thomas RJS, Phillips WA & Kaur P. 2008. Esophageal stem cells
– a review of their identification and characterization. Stem Cell Reviews. 4:261-8. Published
online Aug 5 2008. DOI 10.1007/s12015-008-9031-3. (JIF 5.083)
Schlueter H & Kaur P. 2009. Making skin from human embryonic stem cells. Lancet 374
(9703) : 1725-6. (1 citation; JIF 30.758)
Kaur P & Potten CS. 2011. Biology of interfollicular keratinocytes : sensationalism versus
reality check. Exp Derm. 20(9):697-702. Accepted online 25 Jun 2011 DOI: 10.1111/j.16000625.2011.01338.x (JIF 4.159)
Clemons N, Phillips W and Kaur P. Oesophageal stem cells : a review. Central European
Journal of Biology Mini Review. Submitted June 2011.
Schlueter H & Kaur P. Distinguishing human interfollicular epidermal stem cells from
committed progenitors using a limit dilution transplant assay. Edited by Kursad Turksen.
Submitted Dec 2011.
Invited Commentaries/Reviews
Cotsarelis G, Kaur P, Dhouailly D, Hengge U & Bickenbach J. Epithelial stem cells in the skin :
definition, markers, functions, and localization. Experimental Dermatology, 8:80-8, 1999. (97
citations; JIF 3.239)
Hengge UR, Taichman LB, Kaur P, Rogers G, Jensen TG, Goldsmith LA, Rees JL & Christiano
AM. How realistic is cutaneous gene therapy? Experimental Dermatology, 8:419-431, 1999. (13
citations; JIF 3.239)
Kaur, P & Wood, F. 2005. Stem cells of the skin. Australian Biochemist 36: 15-18 .
Webb A & Kaur P. 2006. “Epidermal Stem Cells” Frontiers in Bioscience 11:1031-1041. (3
citations; JIF 3.736)
*Kaur P. 2006. Interfollicular Epidermal Stem Cells : Identification, Challenges, Potential. J
Invest Dermatol 126(7):1450-8. (47 citations; JIF 5.543)
Kaur P. 2004. Women in Cell Science : An interview with Fiona Watt. J Cell Sci. 117: 28692870. (JIF 6.144)
Daniel Croagh D, Robert J.S. Thomas RJS, Phillips WA & Kaur P. 2008. Esophageal stem cells
– a review of their identification and characterization. Stem Cell Reviews. 4:261-8. Published
online Aug 5 2008. DOI 10.1007/s12015-008-9031-3. (JIF 5.083)
Schlueter H & Kaur P. 2009. Making skin from human embryonic stem cells. Lancet 374
(9703) : 1725-6. (1 citation; JIF 30.758)
CV Pritinder Kaur
Kaur P & Potten CS. 2011. Biology of interfollicular keratinocytes : sensationalism versus
reality check. Exp Derm. 20(9):697-702. Accepted online 25 Jun 2011 DOI: 10.1111/j.16000625.2011.01338.x (JIF 4.159)
Clemons N, Phillips W and Kaur P. Oesophageal stem cells : a review. Central European
Journal of Biology Mini Review. Submitted June 2011.
Schlueter H & Kaur P. Distinguishing human interfollicular epidermal stem cells from
committed progenitors using a limit dilution transplant assay. Edited by Kursad Turksen.
Submitted Dec 2011.
Conference Papers
Kaur P and McDougall JK. Transformation of mouse cells by HPV6b DNA and HPV-18
DNA. Cancer Cells 5:249-252. Eds. BM Steinberg, JL Brandsma and LB Taichman. Cold
Spring Harbor Laboratory. CSF, NY, 1987.
Kaur P, Li A, Redvers R and Bertoncello I. 2004. Keratinocyte stem cell assays : an evolving
science. J Invest Dermatol. Symposium Proceedings 9: 238-247.
Kaur P & Simmons PJ. 2000. Isolation of human keratinocyte stem cells. Patent #0022845.
Awarded in the USA, UK and Australia.
Conference Presentations : Selected Speaker
October 1984. Cell & Tissue Kinetics Conference, Munich, West Germany. "Mechanisms
of intestinal epithelial migration".
November 1984. International Radiation Biology Conference, Dublin, Ireland. "The effects
of radiation on intestinal epithelial migration in mice".
June 1987. Sixth International Papillomavirus Workshop, Georgetown University,
Washington DC, USA. "Immortalization of human keratinocytes with HPV-18".
August 1987. Gordon Conference 'Epithelial Keratinization & Differentiation', Tilton, NH,
USA. "Transformation studies with cloned human papillomavirus DNA in primary human
epithelial cells".
May 1988. Seventh International Papillomavirus Workshop, Sophia Antipolis, France.
"Transformation of human epithelial cells by HPV-18".
May 1991. Australian Medical research Society Meeting, Adelaide, Australia. “Integrin
expression in HPV transformed human keratinocytes is regulated by their mesenchymal
February 1992. Fourth Lorne Cancer Conference, Lorne, Australia. "Fibroblast mediated
regulation of integrin expression and differentiation in transformed human epidermal cells".
February, 1994. Sixth Lorne Cancer Conference, Lorne, Australia. "Alterations in human
epidermal cell surface molecules associated with progression in carcinogenesis".
November 1996. Fifth Hanson Symposium, Adelaide, Australia. “Identification of a cell
surface protein expressed during development and carcinogenesis, with a functional role in
stimulating proliferation in human keratinocytes.”
December 1996. “Isolation of human keratinocyte stem cells.” 15th International
Papillomavirus Workshop, Gold Coast, Australia.
July 1997. Gordon Conference on Epithelial Differentiation and Keratinization, Tilton,
USA. “Identification of candidate human keratinocyte stem cells.”
May 1998. Satellite Symposium on Keratinisation and its Disorders - a molecular
perspective, Kloster-Walberberg, Germany. “Adhesive properties of basal epidermal human
CV Pritinder Kaur
keratinocytes : An analysis of the stem, transit amplifying and post-mitotic differentiated
July 1999. Gordon Conference on “Epithelial Keratinisation and Differentiation”, Tilton.,
USA. “Enrichment for murine epidermal label-retaining cells based on cell surface markers
using a fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) approach.”
October 1999. EMBO Workshop “Stem Cells, Growth Factors & Cancer”, Torino, Italy.
“Enrichment for murine epidermal label-retaining cells based on cell surface markers using
a fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) approach.”
July 2000. 18th International Papillomavirus Conference, Barcelona, Spain. “Biological
characterization of human keratinocyte stem cells”.
Feb 2001.
Lorne Cancer Conference, Lorne, Australia. “In vitro tissue regenerative
capacity of keratinocyte stem cells and their progeny is determined by their mesenchymal
May 2002. Society of Investigative Dermatology, Los Angeles, USA. “Laminin-10/11
restores the intrinsically poor regenerative capacity of differentiating keratinocytes”.
May 2005. Gordon Research Conference on “Epithelial Keratinization and Differentiation”,
Barga, Italy.
Feb 2007. 19th Lorne Cancer Conference. “Regulation of skin tissue renewal via epidermal
stem cells and their microenvironment.” Lorne, Australia.
March 2007. Hunter Cell Biology Meeting, Pokolbin, New South Wales, Australia.
May 2007. 4th Australasian Society of Dermatological Research Scientific Meeting
Conference Presentations : Invited Speaker
September 1998. Australian and New Zealand Developmental Biology Society Meeting,
Adelaide, Australia.“Characterisation of human keratinocyte stem cells.”
September 2001. Japanese Society of Investigative Dermatology Stem Cell Workshop,
Matsuyama, Japan. “Human keratinocyte stem cells: identification, isolation and biological
July 2002. “Workshop on Skin Stem Cells”, World Congress of Dermatology, Paris.
“Micro environmental regulation of the regenerative potential of keratinocyte stem cells and
their progeny”.
November 2002. Queensland University of Technology, Bioscience for the Real World,
2002: Frontiers in Tissue Engineering, Brisbane, Australia. “Microenvironmental regulation
of the tissue regenerative capacity of keratinocyte stem cells and their progeny”.
November 2002. “International conference On Radiation damage and its modification”,
Delhi, India. (Invitation Declined).
November 2002. Australian Hair and Wool Research Society Meeting, Melbourne,
Australia. “Microenvironmental regulation of the tissue regenerative capacity of
keratinocyte stem cells and their progeny”.
June 2003. 52nd Montagna Symposium “Stem Cells in Skin”, Snowmass Village, USA.
“Establishment of a transplant model to assess keratinocyte stem cell potency”.
July 2003. Workshop on “Stem Cells and stem cell plasticity”, Gordon Conference on
Epithelial Keratinization and Differentiation, Tilton, USA. “Stem cell activity as a function
of microenvironment”.
October 2003. First National Stem Cell Centre Conference “Stem cells and Tissue Repair”
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. “Tissue regeneration from skin stem cells and their progeny”
Plenary Speaker.
October 2003. International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research Annual meeting.
Cairns, Queensland, Australia. “Tissue regeneration of keratinocyte stem cells and their
January 2004. Summer Conference on “Molecular Mechanisms of Development” Perth,
Western Australia, Australia.
CV Pritinder Kaur
February 2004. Tissue regenerative capacity is not restricted to keratinocyte stem cells.
Lorne Cancer Conference, Lorne, Australia.
May 2004. Inaugural Meeting of the Australian Society for Dermatological Research,
Sydney, Australia. Plenary Speaker.
Sept 2004. Australia & New Zealand Matrix Biology Society meeting, Rottnest Island,
Western Australia. Sponsored by Clinical Cell Culture (Fiona Wood), Perth.
Feb 2005. Timberline Symposium on “Keratinocyte Stem cells : tissue regeneration, wound
healing and environmental responses”, Mt Hood, Oregon, USA. Keynote opening address.
March 2005. Walter Cottman Mini-Symposium on “Telomeres, Cancer & Stem Cells”.
Monash University at Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, Australia.
Dec 2005. Indian Academy of Science Symposium on “Stem Cell Research: Technical,
Ethical and Social Issues” Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India.
June 2006. 13th International Congress on Oral Pathology and Medicine, Brisbane,
Australia. Plenary Speaker.
Oct 2006. XVII Annual Meeting of the Indian Society of Organ Transplantation, Ahmedabad,
Oct 2006. L’Oréal International Symposium on “The Science and Technology of Skin.”
Shanghaï, China. Meeting cancelled.
Nov 2006. Australian Health and Medical Research Congress. Cancer Stem Cells Session.
Melbourne, Australia.
19th July 2007. Keynote speaker : Sydney XII STEAM (Sydney Tissue Engineering and
Matrix Group) meeting. 19th July 2007. Sponsored by Becton Dickinson.
Oct 2007. 21st World Congress of Dermatology. Stem Cell Session. Buenos Aires,
Feb 2008. Timberline Symposium on Epithelial Cell Biology “3D Tissue Biology: Human
Stem Cells, Cancer & the Microenvironment”, Mount Hood, Oregon, USA. 9th-12th
February 2008. Sponsored by Invitrogen.
Feb 2008. “Model Organisms and Stem Cell in Development, Regeneration and Disease”
National Centre for Biological Sciences, TIFR, Bangalore, India. 23rd-25th February 2008.
Sponsored by NCBS.
Nov 2008. Australian Health and Medical Research Congress. “Stem Cells Session”
Brisbane, Australia.
March 2009. Wellcome Trust Conference and retreat on “Perspectives in Stem Cell
Proteomics”, Wellcome Trust Conference Centre, Cambridge, UK.
December 2009. 34th Japanese Society for Investigative Dermatology Annual Scientific
Meeting, Oceania Stem Cell Forum, Fukuoka, Japan.
March 2010. 10th Anniversary Hunter Cellular Biology Meeting, Hunter Valley, New South
March 2010. 2nd Australasian Wound and Tissue Repair Society Meeting: Crossing the
Boundaries. Perth, Western Australia.
June 2010. Keynote speaker. 7th Australasian Society of Dermatological Research
Scientific Meeting, Cairns, Australia.
June 2010. Keynote speaker. “Cell-based regenerative medicine from human skinderived progenitors” Conference, Luebeck, Germany.
Sept 2011. Invited Speaker. Stem Cell Workshop, Institute for Stem Cell Biology &
Regenerative Medicine, Bangalore, India.
June 2011. Invited Speaker. 2nd Luebeck Regenerative Medicine Symposium. Frontiers
in Skin Wound Healing, Luebeck, Germany.
Invited Discussant
May 1998. Round table Discussion on “New therapeutical concepts for the treatment of
disorders of cornification” at Satellite Symposium on Keratinisation and its Disorders - a
molecular perspective, Kloster-Walberberg, Germany.
CV Pritinder Kaur
Dec 2005. Panel Discussion on “Ethical Issues in Stem Cell Research”, Indian Academy of
Science Symposium on “Stem Cell Research: Technical, Ethical and Social Issues” Centre
for Cellular & Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India.
July 2007. Gordon Conference on “Epithelial Differentiation & Keratinization”. Discussion
Leader on “Skin Stem Cells”, Bryant University, Rhode Island, USA.
Session chair
November 2001. Chair : “Stem Cell” Sessions at the 4th Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute
Symposium on “Molecular & Cell Biology of Cancer”, Melbourne, Australia.
July 2003. Co-chair of the “Stem Cells and Plasticity” Workshop at Gordon Conference on
“Epithelial Keratinization and Differentiation” Tilton, New Hampshire, USA.
October 2003. Chair “Tissue Engineering” session of the First National Stem Cell Centre
Conference “Stem cells and Tissue Repair” Melbourne, Australia
November 2003. Chair of “Skin Cancer and HPV” session of the 5th Peter MacCallum
Cancer Centre Symposium “Molecular & Cell Biology of Cancer” Melbourne, Australia.
May 2005. Chair of scientific session, 2nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian
Society of Dermatological Research, Perth, Australia.
November 2005. Chair Plenary Session 4 and Co-chair of Stem Cell Workshop 1, 6th Peter
MacCallum Cancer Symposium on “Molecular & Cell Biology of Cancer”, Melbourne,
May 2006. Chair “Polarity” Session, Australasian Society for Dermatological Research 3rd
Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne.
Sept 2006. Chair “Stem cells & Cancer” session of the 2nd Straddie Boden Conference on
Cutaneous Biology, North Stradbroke Island, Australia.
May 2007. Chair “Stem cells & Tissue Engineering” session of the 4th ASDR Annual
Scientific Meeting, Adelaide, Australia.
February 2008. Chair, “The Stem cell Niche” Session. Timberline Symposium on
Epithelial Cell Biology, Mount Hood, Oregon, USA.
May 2008. Chair “Skin Diseases” session ASDR 5th Annual Scientific Meeting, Sydney,
Oct 2008. Chair “Young Investigator” Session, 1st Peter MacCallum Wilson’s Prom
Workshop “Cancer Epigenetics”
Feb 2009. Co-Chair “Proteins & Stem Cells” Session, 34th Annual Lorne Conference on
Protein Structure and Function, Lorne, Australia.
June 2010. Chair, 6th World Congress of Hair Research Societies Meeting. “Stem Cell,
Stem Cell Niches and Cicatricial Alopecia" Session, Cairns, Australia.
May 2011. Chair, ASDR Annual Scientific Meeting, Perth, Australia.
October 2011. Co-Chair, Australasian Society for Stem Cell Research, 4th Annual Meeting, Leura,
Blue Mountains, NSW, Australia.
Invited Seminars (Institutes/Universities/Industry etc):
Dec 1985
Aug 1990
Oct 1993
Oct 1994
Nov 1994
Jul 1995
Feb 1996
Jul 1996
Apr 1997
May 1997
Jun 1997
University of Washington, Seattle, USA..0
University of Washington, Seattle USA
Biochemistry Dept, University of Adelaide.
Medical School, University of Adelaide.
Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane.
Systemix, Palo Alto, USA
CSIRO Division of Biomolecular Engineering, Sydney
Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, Melbourne.
Waite Institute, Adelaide
Dept of Genetics, University of Adelaide.
Princess Alexandra Hospital, Lions Immunology Unit, Brisbane
CV Pritinder Kaur
Jul 1997
Jul 1997
Aug 1997
Sep 1997
May 1998
Jun 1998
Jun 1998
Mar 1999
Apr 1999
Apr 1999
Apr 1999
Jul 1999
Aug 1999
Sep 1999
Jul 2000
Jul 2000
Apr 2001
Jun 2002
Aug 2002
Sep 2002
Mar 2003
Mar 2003
Sep 2003
Mar 2004
Oct 2004
Sep 2005
Dec 2005
Dec 2005
Aug 2006
Sep 2007
Oct 2007
Oct 2009
Dec 2009
Sep 2010
Sep 2010
Oct 2010
Oct 2010
Mar 2011
Sept 2011
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA.
Organogenesis Inc., Boston, USA.
Lab of Cellular Carcinogenesis, National Instititutes of Health, Bethesda,
German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany.
Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Stony Brook Health Sciences Center, NY, USA.
Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute, Melbourne.
Adelaide Developmental Biology Group, University of Adelaide.
Organogenesis Inc, Boston, USA.
Millenium Pharmaceuticals Inc., Boston, USA.
Lankenau Medical Research Center, Philadelphia, USA
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA.
Dept of Microbiology & Immunology, University of Adelaide.
Institute of Medical & Veterinary Science, Adelaide.
Baylor Medical College, Houston, USA.
Royal London Hospital, London, UK.
Columbia University, New York, USA.
Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne
Deakin University, Melbourne.
Children’s Health Research Institute, Adelaide.
Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne.
IMB, University of Queensland, Brisbane.
Bernard O’Brien Institute of Microsurgery
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Melbourne.
Cancer Biology Program, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Centre
Centre for Immunology & Cancer Res, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Br
Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India.
National Centre of Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India.
Children’s Medical Research Institute, Sydney.
Biopolis, Singapore 20th Sept 2007. Sponsored by Biopolis.
Queensland University of Technology, Institute of Health & Biomedical
Innovation, Brisbane.
Monash Immunology and Stem Cell Laboratories, Monash University,
Institut fur Biochemistry, Aachen University, Germany.
Albert Bonniot Institute, Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France.
University of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany.
German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany.
L’Oreal Life Sciences Research Laboratories, Paris, France.
Centre for Stem Cell Research, University of Adelaide, Adelaide.
Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Parkville, Melbourne.
Grant/Fellowship reviewer for :
National Health & Medical Research Council, Australia
Queensland Cancer Fund.
Leo & Jenny Leukemia & Cancer Foundation
Medical Research Council, UK
Australian Stem Cell Centre
Cancer Research UK
Swiss National Science Foundation
Research Grants Council of Hong Kong
CV Pritinder Kaur
Australian College of Dermatologists
Medical Research Council, UK.
National Medical Research Council of Singapore
Grant Review panel Member:
Australian Stem Cell Centre (2004-2006)
NIH RO3 Special Emphasis Review panel 2005, 2007, 2008 (declined)
NHMRC Grant Review Panel 2009 GrP1g Cell Biology
NHMRC Grant Review Panel 2010 (declined due to timing conflict with sabbatical leave)
NHMRC Grant Review Panel 2011 GRP2a Cell Biology & Regenerative Medicine
Australian College of Dermatology 2007-present.
Society Membership
2011-present :
European Society of Dermatological Research.
The American Society of Gene Therapy.
Society of Investigative Dermatology (USA).
Australian Society for Medical Research.
Australia & New Zealand Cell & Developmental Biology Society.
International Society for Stem Cell Research (USA)
Australian Society for Dermatological Research.
Australasian Wound and Tissue Repair Society
Australian Society for Stem Cell Research
Executive Positions
2004-present. Inaugural Board Member (and Treasurer 2004-2007), Australian Society
for Dermatological Research (ASDR). The ASDR formed in 2004 to promote the research
activities of all skin biologists with basic science and clinical disease.
2004-2006. Member of the Scientific Management Advisory Committee, Australian
Stem Cell Centre.
2004-present. Editorial Board Member for ‘Stem Cells”, The International Journal of Cell
Differentiation and Proliferation.
Oct 2006; Sept 2008. Member, Scientific Advisory Board. Scientific Review of Research
Programs at Children’s Health Research Institute, Adelaide. Reinvited to serve on SAC for
Sept 2010 – Declined due to timing of sabbatical leave in France.
Jan 2007-present. Member, Scientific Research Committee of the Australian College of
April 2007-2010. Board Member, Australasian Wound and Tissue Repair Society.
Jan 2008-present. Editorial Board Member for “Stem Cell Reviews”.
June 2010. President Elect of The Australian Society for Dermatological Research
Conference organisation
November 2001. Fourth Peter Mac Symposium “Molecular & Cell Biology of Cancer.”
Organising Committee Member and Chair : Stem Cell Biology Sessions I and II.
Role : Provide input to the scientific Program, invite and liase with overseas and national
speakers, and assist with advertising and promoting the Conference.
April 2002. First Boden Research Conference on “Developmental Cutaneous Biology”,
Stradbroke Island, Australia. This meeting was co-organised with Dr Joe Rothnagel,
University of Queensland. Role : Convenor and responsibilities included fund raising
(through grant applications and other avenues), inviting all overseas and national speakers,
CV Pritinder Kaur
selecting Abstracts for oral presentation, managing the Conference budget, preparing
Conference booklets, arranging local transportation and promoting the Conference.
June 2003. Program Committee Member 52nd Montagna Symposium “Stem Cells in
Skin”, Snowmass Village, USA. Duties: Providing input into developing the scientific
content of this meeting and inviting international speakers in the US and Europe.
July 2003. Moderator/Organiser, Workshop on “Stem Cells and stem cell plasticity”,
Gordon Conference on Epithelial Keratinization and Differentiation, Tilton, USA.
Duties : Screen all submitted Abstracts (150) for oral presentation at the Stem Cell
Workshop and promote discussion as co-chair of the workshop, highlighting current
keratinocyte stem cell work.
May 2006. Australasian Society for Dermatological Research Annual Scientific Meeting,
Melbourne. Local Chairperson/Scientific Program Committee Member.
September 2006. Second Boden Conference on “Epithelial Stem Cells & Cutaneous
Regeneration” Stradbroke Island, Australia. Meeting co-organiser.
June 2007. Poster judge for Australian Stem Cell Centre at the International Society for
Stem Cell Research Annual Meeting, Cairns, Australia.
Oct 2008 : Co-ordinator, Peter MacCallum Wilson’s Prom Workshop (to replace Peter
Mac Symposium). Role : Took up initiative for organising Gordon Conference - style
meeting; obtained internal and external funding to support international and national
scientists for inaugural meeting held 14th-16th October 2008 on “Cancer Epigenetics”;
Member, Scientific Program Committee.
March 2010. 2nd Australasian Wound and Tissue Repair Society Meeting: Crossing the
Boundaries. Perth, Western Australia. Judge for prizes awarded for best talks from
students and postdoctoral fellows.
May 2013. Joint ASDR/ASPCR scientific meeting. Co-organiser.
Teaching Activities
A. Undergraduate teaching:
May 1997: Guest Lecturer at University of Adelaide, Department of Genetics “Cancer Biology”
Lectures for undergraduates.
Mar - Sept 2000 Fiona Schneiders, University of Cologne, Germany. Fiona undertook a sixmonth internship (research training) in fulfilment of her undergraduate degree requirements. She
was the recipient of a scholarship from the German Government to fund her visit.
Dec - Jan 2003 Ellen Fox, BSc. Summer vacation scholarship funded by ACCV
CV Pritinder Kaur
Mar- Sep 2004 Holger Russ, University of Mannheim, Heidelberg, Germany. Holger is
undertaking a six-month internship (research training) in fulfilment of his undergraduate degree
requirements; and is the recipient of a scholarship from the German Government to fund his visit.
2012 : Guest Lecturer at University of Melbourne, Dept of Anatomy & Cell Biology.
B. Postgraduate teaching:
1995-1998 : Teaching Honours students through seminars to Honours students, and serving on
assessment panel to determine final Honours grades at The Hanson Center for Cancer Research,
Institute for Medical & Veterinary Science, Adelaide
Postgraduate students supervised in laboratory setting:
Oct – Nov 2005 Shin Sakata, MBBS Monash University. Summer vacation scholarship funded by
Sept 2010 : Lectured to Masters students at the University of Grenoble, Department of Biology,
Grenoble, France.
Oct 2010 : President of the PhD Thesis Jury and Thesis Examiner of Sebastien Cadau, at the
Albert Bonniot Institut, University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France. Sebastien was awarded his
PhD with outstanding merit described as “Tres Honorable avec Felicitation”.
July 2011 : Co-supervisor for Fidini Antoni B Med Sci student together with Dr Shiva Akbarzadeh
at the Alfred Burns Unit.
Honours students – Sole Supervisor
Amy Li - graduated with 1st class Honours, continued Ph.D. studies in my laboratory.
Rachel Earl - graduated with 2nd class Honours, currently studying Medicine at Flinders
University, Adelaide.
Hiroaki Tani - graduated with 1st class Honours; PhD obtained from Flinders University,
Adelaide. Currently a postdoc in Stanford, California.
Yuan Cao – graduated with 1st class Honours; awarded APA and is completing her PhD
studies in Cell Biology Program at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.
CV Pritinder Kaur
Ph.D. students – Primary Supervisor
Amy Li
Recipient of
 Australian Postgraduate Award (APA) 1997-2000 for PhD studies.
 Medical Staff Society Research Prize by the Royal Adelaide Hospital, in 1999.
 Medical and Biosciences Postgraduate Travelling Fellowship, University of Adelaide, for
conference travel and visiting laboratories of collaborators to learn techniques in the USA.
 Albert M. Kligman Fellowship from the Society for Investigative Dermatology (SID),
USA to attend and present her work (oral presentation) at the scientific meeting of the SID
in Chicago in 2000.
Richard Redvers
Recipient of
 APA and ACCV (Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria) postgraduate scholarship for PhD
studies (2001-2004).
 Farber fellowship to travel to the Montagna Symposium in Snowmass, Colorado, USA
(June 2003) to present his data at a Stem cell Meeting.
 accepted to attend and present data at the Gordon Conference on “Epithelial
Keratinization & Differentiation” in New Hampshire, USA (July 2003).
 National Stem Cell Centre Premier PhD Scholarship (March – Sept 2004)
 Awarded PhD degree February 2006.
Lynn Chong
PhD student
Student is currently writing her thesis.
Christian Orlowski PhD student
Recipient of
 APA PhD scholarship, University of Melbourne
Student elected to transfer to a different PhD project at the Baker Institute, Melbourne in 2010.
Devbarna Sinha
PhD student
Recipient of International postgraduate scholarship Australian National University jointly cosupervised with Prof Chris Parish.
C. Medical graduates
Dr Angela Webb MBBS
Angela Webb is a trained physician and plastic surgeon in training.
Recipient of
 the prestigious Melville Hughes scholarship (2004-2005) from The Royal Australasian
College of Surgeons to undertake an MSc thesis project in my laboratory (February 2004).
 Awarded Masters of Surgery degree May 2005.
Co-supervised PhD student with Dr Wayne Phillips
Dr Daniel Croagh MBBS
Daniel Croagh is a trained physician (gastroenterologist) whose PhD research project was cosupervised by me and Dr Wayne Phillips.
Recipient of
CV Pritinder Kaur
Surgeon/Scientist PhD scholarship (2003-2006) from The Royal Australasian College of
NHMRC postgraduate scholarship (2004-2005).
PhD thesis in April 2006.
Awarded PhD degree June 2006.
Co-supervised PhD student with Dr Philippe Collas (University of Oslo, Norway)
Ingrid Andersen
 Recipient of Norwegian PhD scholarship
Ingrid Andersen was a visiting student in my lab for a year conducting a collaborative
project aimed at investigating epigenetic changes in keratinocyte stem cells and their
progeny. She is continuing her PhD in Dr Collas’ lab at present.
D. International Workshop on Skin Stem Cell Biology, InStem, India.
Taught 22 students stem cell isolation techniques and other skin biology methods during a week
long hands on teaching workshop in Bangalore, India. The students included PhD students, and
senior researchers including lab heads and industry-based scientists.
E. Education Committee at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Member of the Education Committee overseeing the needs of all student bodies at undergraduate
and postgraduate level. Involvement in strategic planning, implementation of policies for student
F. PhD student Confirmation & Review Committee Member at Peter MacCallum Cancer
2000-present : Member, Postgraduate Student Committee (Molecular & Cell Biology since 2005;
Stem Cell Biology 2001-2005). The Committee reviews the progress of all PhD students at Peter
Mac for confirmation into the PhD program after their first year. Subsequently, the Committee
reviews all PhD students twice a year at all stages through to completion.
G. PhD Student mentoring at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Informal and formal mentoring of PhD students at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.
H. PhD Thesis Reviews
2001 – University of Newcastle, NSW.
2002 - University of Western Australia, WA
2003 – University of Queensland, Qld
2010 – University of Grenoble, France, USA.
Supervision and mentoring of postdoctoral scientists and research staff
I have provided scientific leadership and training for students, postdocs and RAs since 1996. The
composition of my research team has changed from an initially Hons/PhD student and RA based
laboratory, to one made up of postdoctoral scientists and PhD students in the last 6-7 years. My
current team is made up one PhD student and two postdoctoral scientists; and a second laboratory at
The Alfred Hospital made up of two staff – a senior postdoctoral scientist and a Research Assistant.
CV Pritinder Kaur
Over the past 10 years I have attracted and trained several national and international postdoctoral
scientists, employing them to work on projects and grants awarded to me personally by the
NHMRC, Anti-Cancer Societies and NIH RO1 Project Grants, as well as a variety of philanthropic
and commercial bodies. I have trained them to execute internationally competitive stem cell biology
research of a high calibre providing both intellectual and technical guidance and mentoring for
future career development. I have trained and mentored 8 postdoctoral fellows over the past 11
years all of whom continue to work in science today. My role in directing the Tissue Research
Laboratory at The Alfred Hospital within the Burns Unit (in collaboration with the Head of the
Burns Unit, Dr Heather Cleland) is (a) to provide intellectual scientific guidance and mentoring for
grantsmanship and publications; and (b) to translate my research findings into clinical applications
for the better and faster treatment of burns patents. I have also employed and trained 3 technical
assistants and 5 Research Assistants over the past 13 years supported through external funding
awarded to me.
Past and Current Collaborations: The field of keratinocyte biology is rather underrepresented in
Australia and as such there is limited scope for collaboration with other investigators, although I
have freely provided my expertise in this area to interested investigators. However, I have had some
productive interactions with collaborators nationally and internationally that have led to (or will
lead to) publications over and above the sharing of reagents, that are listed below.
Dr Janine Danks, St Vincent’s Institute for Medical Research, Melbourne.
Dr Paul Simmons, Stem Cell Lab, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.
Dr Nick Saunders, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane.
Dr Rebecca Morris, Columbia University, New York.
Dr Steve Gerondakis, Walter & Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne.
Dr Brandon Wainwright, Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Brisbane.
Dr Stephanie Edmondson, Murdoch Institute, Melbourne.
Dr Stephen Jane, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne.
Dr Leigh Ackland, Deakin University, Melbourne.
Dr Wayne Phillips, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.
Dr Izhak Haviv, Cancer Biology Program, Peter Mac.
Dr Denise Galloway, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, USA
Prof Ralf Paus, Dept of Dermatology, University of Luebeck, Germany.
Prof David Bowtell, Cancer Genomics Program, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.
Prof George Cotsarelis, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA.
Dr Bruno Bernard and Dr Michelle Rathman-Josserand, Research & Development, L’Oreal, Paris,
Dr Edna Hardemann & Dr Stephen Palmer, University of New South Wales
Dr Heather Cleland & Dr Shiva Akbarzadeh, Alfred Burns Unit, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne.
Dr Ian Smyth, Monash University, Melbourne.
Dr Patrick Humbert, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne.
Manuscript reviewer for :
Nature Genetics : Ad hoc
PNAS : 1-2/year
Journal of Cell Biology: 1-2/year
Journal of Investigative Dermatology: 4-5/year
Experimental Dermatology: 1-2/year
Journal of Cell Science: 1-2/year
Stem Cells: 4-6/year
Int J Cancer: Ad hoc.
Biological Procedures Online : Ad hoc
CV Pritinder Kaur
Stem Cell Research
Administrative responsibilities:
Lab head duties:
Obtaining funding, directing research and managing my lab budget since 1995-1999 in Adelaide
and subsequently (1999-present) at Peter Mac.
Institutional duties:
Aug 2001- Sep 2002 : Served on the Grants sub-committee of the Research Division at Peter Mac
which prepares and co-ordinates grant applications to philanthropic societies. This Committee
provides important infrastructure support to the Research Division for ad hoc purchases such as
major pieces of equipment.
2007 : Member, Peter Mac Group Leader Review Panel. Reviewing scientific and career progress
of Senior Faculty.
Dec 1999-2005. Member/Lab Head, Stem Cell Biology Program at Peter Mac, contributing to the
overall running of the shared Stem Cell Lab (about 40 staff) providing input for scientific
excellence in research; maintenance of communal equipment and facilities; space allocation and
journal clubs together with 4 group leaders in this area. Acted as proxy for the Head of the Stem
Cell Biology Program at Research Management Committee Meetings as required.
2005-present: Member/Lab Head, Cancer Cell Biology Program at Peter Mac meeting regularly
with senior colleagues to discuss strategic planning for this group.
Dec 1999- present: As a member of the Group Leaders committee, I actively participate in research
strategy for the Research Division at monthly Senior Staff meetings and at scientific retreats.
Core User Facility Groups:
2001-2005: Member of the Flow Cytometry Core Advisory Committee.
2002-present: Member, Media Kitchen Core Advisory Committee.
2002- 2004: Member, Peter Mac Recruitment committee.
2000-present : Member, Animal Users Group.
Conference Organisation:
2001; 2005; 2008 : Member, Organising Committee for the 4th and 6th Peter Mac Symposium held
in Nov 2001 and 2005 respectively. Co-Convenor of Peter Mac Wilson’s Prom Workshop held in
Oct 2008.
Student Reviews and Awards:
2003, 2004 : Member, Review Panel for award of the Peter Mac Medal for PhD students.
2006: Member, Peter Mac Education Committee.