Research Associate: English Department

Name: Janine Elizabeth Hatter
Address: 211 Hall Road, hull, HU68AX
e-mail address:
telephone number: 07835891928
Degree level
Please list below any forthcoming or existing publications:
In Print: Peer-Reviewed Articles
Hatter, Janine, 2013. ‘Voicing the Self: Narration, Perspective and Identity in Mary
Elizabeth Braddon’s “Prince Ramji Rowdedow” (1874)’, Short Fiction in Theory and
Practice, (vol. 3: issue 1), pp.25-35.,id=196/
Hatter, Janine, 2013. ‘(Re)Visiting and (Re)Visioning the Self/Other Divide in Science
Fiction Transmutations of the Gothic’, Supernatural Studies, (vol. 1: issue 1), pp.39-52.
Hatter, Janine, 2013. ‘The Parade of Identity: M. E. Braddon, The Travelling Circus
Performer and the (Re)Construction of Self’, St. John’s Humanities Review, (vol. 10: issue
1), pp.26-38.
Accepted for Publication: Journal Special Issues
Hatter, Janine, 2016. ‘Lycanthropic Landscapes: An EcoGothic Reading of NineteenthCentury Werewolf Short Fiction’ in Werewolves and Other Shape Shifters, special issue
with Revenant, Janine Hatter (ed.) (vol. 2: issue 2).
(writing call for articles, article accepted and changes being made)
Crofts, Matthew and Janine Hatter, 2015. ‘The Great Aged and the Eternally Youthful:
Cosmology and Cosmetic Surgery in Neil Gaiman’s Stardust (1999) and Matthew
Vaughan’s Film Adaptation’, in The Great Age: Ageing in Feminist Science Fiction, special
issue with Femspec, Janine Hatter (ed.) (Vol. 15: issue 1) (now two issues: first issue being
collated, article accepted and changes being made)
Hatter, Janine, 2014. ‘Parasitic Parents: Consuming and Consumable Bodies in M. E.
Braddon’s ‘The Good Lady Ducayne’ and Stoker’s Dracula’ in Supernatural in the
Nineteenth Century, special issue with Supernatural Studies, Janine Hatter and Sara
Williams (eds.) (vol. 2: issue 2). (article accepted, changes
being made)
In Print: Book Reviews and Encyclopaedia Entries
Hatter, Janine, 2013. Julie O’Reilly, Bewitched Again: Supernaturally Powerful Women on
Television 1996-2011 (London: McFarland & Company, Inc., 2013), Feminist and Women’s
Studies Association, online. (Book Review)
Hatter, Janine, 2013. Ian Burney, Poison, Detection and the Victorian Imagination
(Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2006 [2012]), Victorian Periodicals Review,
(vol. 46: issue 2), pp.281-3. (Book Review)
Hatter, Janine, 2013. Peter Dendle, The Zombie Movie Encyclopedia, Volume 2: 2000-2010
(Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company, 2012), Supernatural Studies, pp.97-99. (Book
Hatter, Janine, 2011. ‘Author Chronology for Mary Elizabeth Braddon’, The Literary
Encyclopedia, [4th May 2011].
Accepted for Publication: Book Reviews
Hatter, Janine, 2015. Ruth Morris, Mary Elizabeth Braddon and Yorkshire: Place, Dialect
and Setting (Amsterdam: Academica Press, 2013), Mary Elizabeth Braddon Association.
(Book Review)
Hatter, Janine, 2014. Brent Stypczynski, The Modern Literary Werewolf: A Critical Study of
the Mutable Motif (London: McFarland & Company, Inc., 2013), Revenant, (1: 2). (Book
Conferences Attended
Please list below any conferences attended and papers given:
Conferences Organised:
‘Victorian Treasure and Trash’, Victorian Popular Fiction Association, 6th Annual
Conference, University of London, 8-10th July 2014.
 Co-organiser (one of three academics)
 Established international and interdisciplinary three day conference on popular
fiction and culture
 My role: writing CFP, marketing, inviting keynote speakers, hire venue, treasurer
‘Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series’, University of Hull, Oct 2012March 2013
 Co-organiser (one of two English Literature postgraduates)
 Six panels with 12 speakers (2 x 20 minute papers)
 Cross-disciplinary speakers from English, Politics, Nursing, Business School,
Computer Science, Social Care, Philosophy and History
 My role: marketing, collate abstracts into panels, hire conference room, provide
refreshments, chair panels, present paper
‘“Viewer, I Married Him”: Reading (Re)productions of the Long Nineteenth Century in
Period Drama’, University of Hull, 29th June 2012
 Co-organiser (one of four English Literature postgraduates)
 One day international and interdisciplinary conference
 My role: treasurer (£825 in, £732 out = £93 profit), organise panels, chair panel,
produce programme, collate conference packs and general running on the day
‘Ph.D. Experience Conference’, University of Hull, 8-10th Feb 2011
 Co-organiser (one of five postgraduates in steering group)
 Three day in house conference with 12 workshops
 My role: arranging key note speakers’ travel and accommodation, chairing a
workshop and general organisation over the three days
‘Great Expectations: Researchers in Progress’, University of Hull, 8th May 2009
 Co-organiser (one of a group of MA students)
 One day Research Methods MA conference
 My role: organised papers into panels, chair panel and present paper
Conference Papers Given:
16th July 2014: The Rise and Fall of Victorian Biography, University of Hull
Paper: ‘Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Unfinished Autobiography’
9th July 2014: Victorian Popular Fiction Association 6th annual conference – ‘Victorian
treasure and Trash’, University of London
Paper: ‘Reinterpreting Faust: Reading M. E. Braddon’s Gerard through its
Intertexual links with Goethe and Balzac’
12th May 2014: Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series, Joint Panel –
‘Don’t Panic: Panic Attacks in Literature and Science’
Paper: ‘The Science and Literature of Nineteenth-Century Panic Attacks’
13th July 2013: Research Society for Victorian Periodicals annual conference – ‘Tradition
and the New’, University of Salford
Paper: Victorian Short Fiction: Debunking the Periodical Short Story’s Literary and
Economic Traditions
10th July 2013: Victorian Popular Fiction Association annual conference – ‘Bodies and
Victorian Popular Culture’, University of London
Paper: Parasitic Parents: Consuming and Consumable Bodies in Mary Elizabeth
Braddon’s ‘The Good Lady Ducayne’ (1896)
24th October 2012: Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Research Seminar Series, Joint Panel –
‘Outer Space: The Dilemma of Star Wars’, University of Hull
Paper: ‘Satellite Weapons: The Fear of the Death Star in Star Wars: A New Hope’
30th August 2012: BAVS – ‘Victorian Value: Ethics, Economics, Aesthetics’, University of
Paper: ‘Christmas in Possession’: Economic and Emotional Value in Braddon’s
Domestic Short Fiction’
12th July 2012: VPFA – ‘Hard Cash: Money, Property, Economics and the Marketplace in
Victorian Popular Culture’, University of London
Paper: ‘Short, Sharp and Successful: The Economic and Literary Value of the
Victorian Short Story’
13th April 2012: ‘Bram Stoker Centenary Conference: Bram Stoker and Gothic
Transformations’, University of Hull
Paper: ‘(Re)Visiting and (Re)Visioning the Self in Contemporary Science Fiction
Transmutations of the Gothic’
18th July 2011: VPFA – ‘Sex, Courtship and Marriage in Victorian Popular Culture’,
University of London
Paper: ‘The Composition of Courtship: Visual Representations of Mary Braddon and
John Maxwell’s Relationship in the Periodical Press and Personal Photographs’
15th July 2011: ‘Travel in the Nineteenth Century: Narratives, Histories and Collections’,
University of Lincoln
Paper: ‘The Parade of Identity: The Travelling Circus Performer’s Construction of
10th June 2011: ‘The Singer not the Song: Narration in the Short Story’, Sheffield Hallam
Paper: ‘Acting versus Narrative Voice: The Deception of Perspective and the
Subversion of Expectations in Mary Braddon’s ‘Prince Ramji Rowdedow’ (1874)’
8th May 2009: ‘Great Expectations: Researchers in Progress’, University of Hull
Paper: ‘“Unconventional Heroines”: Aurora Floyd – Villainess or Heroine?’
Personal Statement
Please provide a statement of your reasons for wanting to become an Honorary
Research Associate:
As a dedicated Early Career Researcher who has spent the last year publishing, organising a
three day international conference in London, establishing the ‘Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Association’ and curating an up-coming exhibition at Hull History Centre, I am re-applying
for the post of Honorary Research Associate because I understand and value the support that
the well-established English department at Hull continue to offer me in the difficult post-doc
stage. With the job climate so competitive, an Honorary Research Associate position will
provide me vital access to the University’s library so I can continue my research and further
my publications – an essential requirement for my personal aspirations of gaining a position
as a lecturer or tutor. My goals for this next year are to complete my special issue for
Supernatural Studies, and develop my monograph application, for which I would appreciate
the continuing advice and guidance of my supervisor and other friendly and engaging
members of staff who will also keep me motivated and stimulated. Having the University’s
affiliation will thus stand me in good stead for my continuing position as an early career
researcher because it will keep me engaged with the academic environment (attending guest
lectures and seminars) and motivated in my chosen career.
Signature: Janine Hatter
Date: 30/10/14
This form should now be submitted to Pru Wells in the English Department Office