Dialectical Journal rubric: Breadth and Quantity: Do you have the proper number of entries? Coverage of all essential parts of passage? BREADTH & ACCURACY OF COVERAGE 1-0 insufficient number of entries/coverage; info may be inaccurate 2 entries/coverage somewhat limited or partially inaccurate 3 correct info and adequate number of entries; span of coverage sufficient 4 fully accurate, excellent coverage of novel/passage Depth and Quality: Does the commentary ANALYZE rather than summarize or paraphrase? Does the analysis go BEYOND the obvious and delve DEEPLY while remaining text-based? 1-0 Analysis lacking; “discussion” may consist of paraphrase only DEPTH & QUALITY OF ANALYSIS 2 Analysis may be somewhat limited, superficial, faulty, or not well explained. 3 Analysis is correct but may be somewhat superficial or predictable 4 Analysis is insightful and well-explained Connections Have you included all the literary and rhetorical devices you can find in the passage? 4 Makes strong connections utilizing a variety of the following language: diction, imagery, figures of speech, details, and syntax CONNECTIONS 3 Makes good connections utilizing a variety of the following language: diction, imagery, figures of speech, details, and syntax 2 Makes some connections utilizing a variety of the following language: diction, imagery, figures of speech, details, and syntax 1-0 Makes limited connections utilizing a variety of the following language: diction, imagery, figures of speech, details, and syntax Dialectical Journal rubric: Breadth and Quantity: Do you have the proper number of entries? Coverage of all essential parts of passage? BREADTH & ACCURACY OF COVERAGE 1-0 insufficient number of entries/coverage; info may be inaccurate 2 entries/coverage somewhat limited or partially inaccurate 3 correct info and adequate number of entries; span of coverage sufficient 4 fully accurate, excellent coverage of novel/passage Depth and Quality: Does the commentary ANALYZE rather than summarize or paraphrase? Does the analysis go BEYOND the obvious and delve DEEPLY while remaining text-based? DEPTH & QUALITY OF ANALYSIS 1-0 Analysis lacking; “discussion” may consist of paraphrase only 2 Analysis may be somewhat limited, superficial, faulty, or not well explained. 3 Analysis is correct but may be somewhat superficial or predictable 4 Analysis is insightful and well-explained Connections Have you included all the literary and rhetorical devices you can find in the passage? CONNECTIONS 4 Makes strong connections utilizing a variety of the following language: diction, imagery, figures of speech, details, and syntax 3 Makes good connections utilizing a variety of the following language: diction, imagery, figures of speech, details, and syntax 2 Makes some connections utilizing a variety of the following language: diction, imagery, figures of speech, details, and syntax 1-0 Makes limited connections utilizing a variety of the following language: diction, imagery, figures of speech, details, and syntax