MINUTES OF NEIGHBOURHOODS AND CULTURE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING - 9TH NOVEMBER 2006 Present: Councillor Fowler (in the Chair) Councillors Mrs Benson Cresswell Bradley-Wilcox Evans Mrs Greenhalgh Mrs Radcliffe In attendance: Mr J Kearsley, Strategic Director of Business Services. Mr J Blackledge, Assistant Director, Leisure Services. Mr M Towers, Mr P Taylor, Mr T Rhodes and Miss G Atkinson, Business Services Directorate. Mrs S Young and Mr M Cooney, Tourism and Regeneration Directorate. Mr M Scrivens, Leisure, Culture and Community Learning Directorate. Also Present: Councillor Jackson, Cabinet Member for Urban Environment Councillor Mrs Rowson, Cabinet Assistant for Urban Environment Mr D Humphries, Transport and General Workers Union Mr T Boaler, Blackpool Licensed Taxi Operators Association Mr B Lewtas, Blackpool Licensed Taxi Operators Association Ms A Metcalfe, Blackpool Landaus Owners Association Ms F Pickerdike, Blackpool Gazette 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest on this occasion. 2. MINUTES 21st September 2006 Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 21st September 2006 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record. 3. DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE EXECUTIVE AND CABINET MEMBERS The Commitee considered the decisions taken since the last meeting of the Neighbourhoods and Culture Overview and Scrutiny Committee by the Executive and Cabinet Members for Urban Environment and Culture and Leisure. Resolved: That the decisions taken by the Cabinet Members and Executive be noted. 4. FORWARD PLAN MINUTES OF NEIGHBOURHOODS AND CULTURE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING - 9TH NOVEMBER 2006 The Committee considered the Executive Forward Plan, Summary of Key Decisions, for the Urban Environment and Culture and Leisure Portfolios. Resolved: That the Forward Plan be noted. 5. INTEGRATED NEIGHBOURHOOD INITIATIVE Mrs S Young, Assistant Director for Neighbourhood Improvement, outlined the Integrated Neighbourhood Initiative (INI) update report that had been distributed prior to the meeting. It was reported that the Neighbourhood Improvement Division, that had been established in April 2006, provided strategic leadership to neighbourhood improvement and management for the most deprived areas of Blackpool. A more innovative approach to service management had been established, and three Neighbourhood Service Delivery Managers (NSDM) had been appointed with responsibility for the Central, South and Grange Park areas. Each of the three teams under the NSDMs included representatives from the Police Authority, Blackpool Primary Care Trust (PCT), Fire Service and Groundworks, as well as Council officers from the Housing Enforcement, Public Protection, Street Cleansing and Community Engagement sections. Members were advised that as the Reassurance Plus project was only in its early stages, achievements had been generated through a reactive approach to neighbourhood issues. Future proposals focused on a more long-term proactive approach which would be developed over the coming months. In response to concerns raised regarding the level of involvement and support currently provided by the Police Authority, the Committee was informed that this should improve with the newly appointed NSDMs who held responsibility for engaging the community and outside bodies. It was reported that in response to the Local Area Agreement, the Reassurance Plus project focused on the more deprived areas of Blackpool. However, it provided a framework which could be utilised for neighbourhood management issues across the remaining areas of Blackpool. Members of the Committee agreed that a Working Group be appointed to undertake a scrutiny review of the Integrated Neighbourhood Initiative. Councillors Cresswell, Mrs Greenhalgh and Mrs Radcliffe volunteered to participate in the review. Resolved: 1) That the update report be noted. 2) That a Working Group be appointed to undertake a review of the Integrated Neighbourhood Management Initiative. Background Papers: None. 6. OPEN SPACES AND HORTICULTURE SCRUTINY MINUTES OF NEIGHBOURHOODS AND CULTURE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING - 9TH NOVEMBER 2006 Mr M Scrivens, Head of Parks and Green Environment, updated the Committee on the Open Spaces and Horticulture scrutiny action plan that had been distributed prior to the meeting. With regard to the Hollyoak Country Walk, Members were informed that information signage had now been erected to advise residents and visitors of future proposals for the walk. The Committee thanked the officers from the Parks and Green Environment section for their work and support in implementing the recommendations included in the scrutiny action plan. Resolved: That the update report be noted. Background Papers: None. 7. PARKS AND LEISURE FACILITIES SCRUTINY Mr J Blackledge, Assistant Director, Leisure Services, outlined the updated Parks and Leisure Facilities scrutiny action plan. It was reported that the Play Strategy had been a significant success for the Council, and had been nationally recognised as a high standard document which was being used by the Big Lottery Fund as an example of good practice. In response to queries raised regarding Mereside Park, Members were advised that awarded funding had significantly transformed the park over the past two years, and that proposals for improved facilities, such as benches and landscaping, were currently being considered. The Committee thanked the officers from the Leisure Services division for their work and support in implementing the recommendations included in the scrutiny action plan. Resolved: That the update report be noted. Background Papers: None. 8. STREET CLEANSING AND DOG FOULING SCRUTINY Mr P Taylor, Head of Street Scene, presented Members with the updated Street Cleansing and Dog Fouling scrutiny action plan that had been distributed prior to the meeting. The Committee was advised that Recommendation 17 of the Action Plan was awaiting the implementation of Section 68 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, which would terminate police responsibility for stray dogs. Until that had been passed, the Recommendation would be incomplete and it was anticipated that the transfer would be completed in April 2007. Mr T Rhodes, Senior Licensing Officer, updated Recommendation 2 of the action plan, MINUTES OF NEIGHBOURHOODS AND CULTURE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING - 9TH NOVEMBER 2006 regarding the issue of horse waste on the promenade, caused primarily by the landau service. Members were advised that a device, fitted onto the shafts of a landau, caught over 90 per cent of droppings. The devices had been trialled successfully and an application was scheduled for the Public Protection Sub-Committee on 14th December 2006 to consider the use of the devices a licensable condition prior to the 2007 season. Tethering points with additional bins and cleaning facilities would be provided through the Street Scene section to allow waste disposal and the cleansing of devices during hours of operation. In addition, a dedicated collection scheme would be established, with all waste to be disposed of separately from normal procedures. The possibility of recycling the waste through the town's allotments would also be explored. Resolved: That the Committee note the update report. Background Papers: None. 9. TAXI QUALITY SCRUTINY With regard to the Taxi Quality scrutiny final report, Members were advised that Recommendations 24 and 26 included both legal and financial implications if implemented. With regard to Recommendation 24, the Council would need to gain accreditation and be regulated by the Financial Standards Agency, in order to provide financial assistance to taxi operators, which would hold both legal and administrative implications. Both Recommendations 24 and 26 would have a financial impact on the Council, and would result in an increase to the taxi license fee. Although the financial and legal implications were acknowledged, it was felt that it would be beneficial for the two Recommendations to remain in the report with the anticipation that the Council may wish to explore such possibilities in the future. The Committee thanked the officers and Members for their work and assistance on the scrutiny review. Resolved: 1) That the report be noted. 2) That the Taxi Quality scrutiny report be forwarded to the Policy, Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee for consideration and approval. Background Papers: None. 10. LANDAUS Mr T Rhodes, Senior Licensing Officer, advised Members that this item should be considered in conjunction with Agenda Item 8, 'Street Cleansing and Dog Fouling Scrutiny'. In relation to the Taxi Quality scrutiny, it was felt that as the landaus also provided a MINUTES OF NEIGHBOURHOODS AND CULTURE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING - 9TH NOVEMBER 2006 hackney carriage service, a review to establish a number of recommendations for improvements to the service should be undertaken. A Working Group consisting of Councillors Fowler, Evans, Bradley-Wilcox and Mrs Benson was appointed to undertake the review. Resolved: 1) That the report be noted. 2) That a Working Group be appointed to undertake a scrutiny review of the landau service. Background Papers: None. 11. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Resolved: That the date of the next meeting be noted at Thursday 14th December 2006 commencing at 5.00 p.m. in Committee Room B. Chairman (The meeting ended at 5:45 pm) Any queries regarding these minutes, please contact: Georgina Atkinson, Scrutiny Officer Tel: 01253 477016 E-mail: georgina.atkinson@blackpool.gov.uk