MINUTES OF NEIGHBOURHOODS AND CULTURE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING – 2ND MARCH 2006 Present: Councillor Fowler (in the Chair) Councillors Bamborough Mrs Benson Bradley-Wilcox Evans Cresswell Mrs Greenhalgh Mrs Radcliffe In attendance: Mr J. Blackledge, Assistant Director Leisure Services. Mr J. Shaw, Head of Technical Services. Mr K. Garritty, Head of Environmental Services. Mr P. Taylor, Head of Street Scene. Mr D. Rothwell, Tourism and Regeneration Directorate. Ms C. Bracegirdle and Mr S. Sienkiewicz, Business Services Directorate. Also Present: Councillor F. Jackson, Cabinet Member for Urban Environment. Councillor D. Owen, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure. Councillor Mrs S. Taylor, Cabinet Assistant for Culture and Leisure. Councillor Mrs K. Rowson, Cabinet Assistant for Urban Environment. 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor Evans declared a personal interest in agenda item 10 ‘Taxi Quality - an effective partnership’, the nature of the interest being that he personally knew two hackney carriage drivers who were present at the meeting. 2. MINUTES, 19th JANUARY 2006 Resolved: That the minutes of the meeting held on 19th January 2006 be signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to the following amendment; Page 3 - Councillor Mrs Rowson’s title be correctly recorded as Cabinet Assistant for Urban Environment. 3. DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE EXECUTIVE AND CABINET MEMBERS Councillor Jackson, Cabinet Member for Urban Environment answered questions from the Committee on Decision No. EX/9/2006 Town Green Application and PH/11/2006 Amended Concessionary Fare Arrangements for Bus and Tram Travel. He stated that the Executive was still considering the Town Green Application, and the Concessionary Fares Scheme was expected to become operational on 1st April 2006. Resolved: To note the decisions taken. 1 MINUTES OF NEIGHBOURHOODS AND CULTURE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING – 2ND MARCH 2006 Background Papers: None. 4. FORWARD PLAN The Committee considered the Executive Forward Plan, Summary of Key Decisions for March - June 2006 that appertained to the Urban Environment Portfolio. It was noted that there were no items on the Forward Plan that related to the Culture and Leisure Portfolio. Resolved: To note the Forward Plan items. Background Papers: None. 5. THREE STREAM WASTE MANAGEMENT Mr P. Taylor, Head of Street Scene, presented a report on the Three Stream Waste Scheme. He explained that the Council was approaching the end of the first year of the new contract with Onyx (now renamed Veolia) for the collection of domestic waste. The recycling initiative had been very successful and the Council was on target to achieve a 40% figure of waste recycling during 2006. The Committee was informed that the first year of wheeled waste bins in the town had been a success and the scheme was due to be extended to hard to reach properties (i.e. those with limited space to store the bins) in the near future. Mr Taylor responded to questions from the Committee on the subject of when residents in the Talbot area would be consulted on the provision of wheeled wastebins, and on the subject of the sale of recycled items. He stated that the consultation process would commence in April 2006, and that the sale of re-cycled items resulted in revenue income that only covered the cost of transporting the recycled waste, although that particular contract was due to be re-negotiated in the near future. Resolved: To note the report. Background Papers: None. 6. BRISTOL AVENUE HOUSEHOLD WASTE RECYCLING UNIT Mr Taylor presented a report on the Household Waste and Recycling Centre at Bristol Avenue. He explained that the Centre had recently been refurbished and a much greater re-cycling capability was now in operation. As a result of that, the Centre was now able to accept bulkier items. It was explained to the Committee that the Council was now working in partnership with Tarmac Recycling Limited and that a pilot scheme to recycle building waste would be commenced in the near future. Resolved: To note the report. 2 MINUTES OF NEIGHBOURHOODS AND CULTURE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING – 2ND MARCH 2006 Background Papers: None. 7. SCHOOL CROSSING PATROLS SCRUTINY Ms C. Bracegirdle, Travel and Road Safety Manager, presented a report on the progress of recommendations from the scrutiny of the school crossing patrol service. It was explained that 43 crossing patrol positions in the town were now staffed and there was no longer any vacant positions. This compared with 39 positions and one vacancy prior to the scrutiny. The situation that related to the provision of relief cover had also been improved. The Committee was informed that since March 2005, all crossing patrol staff had been subjected to enhanced Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) clearance, and the procedure would be repeated every two years for all post holders in order to maintain an accurate, thorough, and up to date recording system. Ms Bracegirdle went on to explain that the Council was working closely with the police to educate, and where necessary improve driver behaviour in the vicinity of school crossing patrols. Ms Bracegirdle answered questions from the Committee on the subject of anti-social behaviour from both pupils and car drivers towards crossing patrol staff. She gave assurances that a great deal of work was being done to combat anti-social behaviour via close working with both the schools and the police. On the topic of travelling expenses for relief staff, Ms Bracegirdle informed the Committee that staff were fully reimbursed for expenditure incurred. Ms Bracegirdle was thanked by the Committee and asked to pass on its gratitude to all crossing patrol and road safety staff for all the hard work performed. Resolved: To note the report. Background Papers: None. 8. CLEAN NEIGHBOURHOODS AND ENVIRONMENT ACT 2005 Mr D Rothwell, Public Protection Manager, presented a report on the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005. He explained the measures contained within the Act that covered a wide range of environmental and quality of life issues. Specific topics included crime and disorder, vehicles, litter and refuse, graffiti and other defacement, waste, dogs, noise and architecture and the built environment. Mr Rothwell explained the implications for the Council in implementing the new legislation. Measures included both a proactive education and public awareness exercise and a reactive approach that involved enforcement, mostly via the issuing of fixed penalty notices. He went on to answer questions from the Committee on a number of topics that included Waste Transfer; the walking of a ‘set number’ of dogs; the provision and number of dog wardens in the town and the designated areas within the town for dog fouling legislation. 3 MINUTES OF NEIGHBOURHOODS AND CULTURE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING – 2ND MARCH 2006 Resolved: To note the report. Background Papers: None. 9. STANLEY PARK UPDATE Mr J. Blackledge, Assistant Director Leisure Services, updated the Committee as to progress made in relation to the Stanley Park Restoration Project. He explained that a number of major projects had been commenced that included the Tree Management Plan and works around the Italian Gardens and Café Terrace. Mr Blackledge informed the Committee of the close partnership working that had been developed with Myerscough College. A success of that working would be the opening of a garden centre on the 4th March 2006 at the park greenhouses. The Committee was informed as to the success of the recently opened visitor centre at the Park, and the excellent results obtained in terms of crime reduction as a result of close partnership working with the police, the Friends of Stanley Park, and the presence of Police Community Support Officers in the park. A further development in the near future would include six close circuit television cameras (CCTV) linked to the sports centre. Mr Blackledge responded to questions from the Committee on the possibility of further expansion of the park CCTV scheme in the future. The Committee thanked Mr Blackledge and all the Leisure Services staff that had contributed to the work of the Stanley Park restoration project. Resolved: To note and approve the report. Background Papers: None. 10. TAXI QUALITY - AN EFFECTIVE PARTNERSHIP Mr K. Garritty, Head of Environmental Services, presented the Committee with a report on taxi quality within the Town and the current arrangements for partnership working between the taxi operators and the Council. It was explained that approximately five years ago, a Taxi Quality Partnership was established by the Council with representation from both the hackney carriage and private hire sectors of the trade. The aim of the Partnership was to drive up standards in areas that included fleet standards, drivers and physical infrastructure. Mr Garritty reported that in February 2003, the Department for Transport made it a prerequisite for a Taxi Quality Partnership to be established as part of the Local Transport Plan process. Subsequently, a Taxi Liaison Group took over the remit of the original Partnership and it was agreed that a further outline Quality Partnership would be established, although this did not come to fruition. The Committee was informed of a number of areas where successes had been achieved although there were major issues that still needed to be addressed that included both fleet quality and driver customer care, appearance and image. 4 MINUTES OF NEIGHBOURHOODS AND CULTURE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE MEETING – 2ND MARCH 2006 Mr Garritty responded to a number of questions raised by the Committee. He agreed to provide a comprehensive list of areas that still required specific attention, and also to provide full details of the recent operation targeted at licensed vehicles that had suspected problems and faults. Resolved: To note the report. Background Papers: None. 11. WORKPLAN 2006/07 The Committee considered its Workplan for the 2006/07 Municipal Year. Resolved: 1) To approve the Workplan. 2) To conduct a scrutiny review of taxi quality in Blackpool. The following Committee Members would form a Working Group; Councillors Fowler, Mrs Radcliffe, Evans, Bradley-Wilcox. 3) To conduct a scrutiny review of INI Neighbourhoods. The following Committee Members would form a Working Group; Councillors Mrs Greenhalgh, Cresswell, Mrs Benson. Background Papers: None. 12. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Resolved: To note the date of the next meeting as Thursday 6th April 2006 at 5.00pm. Chairman (The meeting ended at 6:15 pm) Any queries regarding these minutes, please contact: Steve Sienkiewicz, Democratic Services Team Leader Tel: (01253) 476103 E-mail: steve.sienkiewicz@blackpool.gov.uk 5