Comparing Habitats - Harry R. Hamilton Elementary School

Comparing Habitats
Rain Forest
Green plants
Lots of different kinds of plants
Big plants (like trees)
Lots of rain- 300cm/year
Warm year round- 28 degrees
The warm, wet weather is ideal for
Birds have claws for grasping tree
branches- most birds live in the
Monkey has tail and arms to move
from tree to tree easily
Polar Ice
Mostly ice
Floating ice around continent
During winter more sea ice
Cold year round
o -56 degrees in winter
Summer- Sun up 24/7
Winter- dark 24/7
Lots of winter storms
Most life lives around the water
Animals have ways to keep warmantifreeze in blood, blubber, warm
fur etc.
Yellow plants
Mostly grass
Small plants
Not much rain 71cm/year
Warm in summer and cold in
Birds live in grass on the groundwell camouflaged and feet for
walking not grasping branches.
Coyote sheds some fur in summer
and grows it back in winter.
Salt Water Marshes
Very wet during rainy season, dry
during dry season
Area floods every year
Warm year round
Water evaporates during dry season
o Animals crowd around little
water that is left.
o Lots of mud around water
o Animals have adapted to
move on top of mud
Plants and animals have adapted to
surviving months with lots of water
and months with very little water.