Paediatric Allergy Consultant - NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

REF: 39116D
The Women & Children’s Directorate (An Acute Operating Division of Greater Glasgow
& Clyde, NHS Board) is a world leader in child and maternal health services. Recently
colocated on the New South Glasgow Hospitals campus, adjacent to the newly built
Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, the new, state of the art, Royal Hospital for
Children hosts many national and regional specialist services. The Directorate also
supports an extensive array of community child health services.
This is an exciting opportunity to belong to a dynamic team including 3 consultants
within the department of infectious diseases, immunology and allergy. The major
remit of this full time post is to lead the allergy component of the service, maintain
excellence in Paediatric Allergy and further to develop the managed clinical network in
paediatric allergy within the West of Scotland. The post holder will also contribute to
provision of general paediatric services to the children of Glasgow.
This is an exciting opportunity to belong to a dynamic team including 3 consultants
within the department of infectious diseases, immunology and allergy.. The major
remit of this full time post is to lead the allergy component of the service, maintain
excellence in Paediatric Allergy and further to develop the managed clinical network in
paediatric allergy within the West of Scotland. The post holder will also contribute to
provision of general paediatric services to the children of Glasgow.
Applicants must have full registration with the General Medical Council, a licence to
practise and be eligible for inclusion in the GMC Specialist Register. Those trained in
the UK should have evidence of higher Specialist Training leading to a CCT in General
Paediatrics or eligibility for specialist registration (CESR) or be within six months of
confirmed entry at the date of interview. Candidates should ideally have spent at least
2 years in approved posts/programmes in paediatric allergy. However, candidates
trained in general paediatrics with some allergy experience are invited to apply. Non
UK applicants must demonstrate equivalent training.
For informal enquiries and further details please contact:
Dr Rosie Hague, Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Royal
Hospital for Children 07855107094
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Women and Children’s Directorate
Information Pack
for the post of
Consultant in Paediatric Allergy with general paediatrics
Royal Hospital for Children, Glasgow
REF: 39116D
REF: 39116D
This post is a replacement post to maintain excellence in Paediatric Allergy aims to
develop further the managed clinical network in paediatric allergy within the West of
Scotland (WoS).
Candidates should be trained in general paediatrics and ideally will have spent at least
a year in approved posts/programmes in paediatric allergy. However, candidates
trained in general paediatrics with some allergy experience are invited to apply.
Applicants should possess, or be within six months of receiving CCST/CCT in general
Any Consultant who is unable for personal reasons to work full-time will be eligible to
be considered for the post; if such a person is appointed, modification of the job
content will be discussed on a personal basis with the directorate in consultation with
consultant colleagues.
Section 1
Children’s Services across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
The post is based at the New Royal Hospital for Children, South Glasgow (RHC).The
hospital was founded in 1883 and the new building opened in June 2015. The hospital
forms part of the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Women and Children’s Directorate,
Acute Division. The RHC is one of the largest children’s’ hospitals in the United
Kingdom and the largest in Scotland. The Division provides secondary health care to a
local population of 900,000, but tertiary paediatric services to the entire West of
Scotland, population 3 million. Several national services are provided, including Renal
Transplantation, Paediatric Cardiac Surgery, Complex Airway, Bone Marrow
Transplant, Erbs Palsy and ECMO (Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation).
All paediatric medical and surgical subspecialties are represented, including general
medical paediatrics, cardiology, neonatology, neurology, nephrology, respiratory,
endocrinology, gastroenterology, immunology and infectious diseases, dermatology,
haematology/oncology, rheumatology, metabolic medicine, audiology, ophthalmology,
ENT surgery, orthopaedics and general paediatric, neonatal surgery and neurosurgery.
A selection of child and adolescent psychiatry facilities are located within the campus
along with a recently opened Child Protection Unit. There is an Emergency Department
at RHC which sees 45,000 new patients annually. There is also a 24 bed Paediatric
Intensive Care Unit. . It comprises eleven operating theatres, a dedicated endoscopy
room and a dental suite. The complex also includes a spacious Day Surgery Unit.
The diagnostic imaging facilities available on-site include MRI, CT, ultrasound and
nuclear medicine, and a fluoroscopic digital screening room. A Scotland-wide PACS for
transmission of digital diagnostic imaging has been rolled out. Virtually all the hospitals
in Glasgow, are filmless. Laboratory provision includes a Department of Paediatric
Pathology and the regional Department of Medical Genetics. There is on site clinical
audit and research and development support to assist with departmental research
The Royal Hospital for Children is a major centre for research and education. The
hospital provides the major Undergraduate Paediatric Teaching facility for the
University of Glasgow and accommodates the University Departments of Child Health,
Child and Family Psychiatry, Medical Genetics, Human Nutrition, Paediatric Pathology,
Paediatric Biochemistry and Paediatric Surgery. There are also links with both
Caledonian and Strathclyde Universities. The Research and Development Department
and the Department of Clinical Audit provide assistance with research projects. A
Scottish Medicines for Children Network (SMCN) supports research projects adopted
through Clinical Studies Groups of UK based Medicines for Children Research
Other Paediatric Services in Glasgow and Clyde
Maternity services are delivered at the Southern General Hospital, the Princess Royal
Maternity Hospital and Royal Alexandra Hospital, Paisley, all with neonatal facilities.
There is also a Paediatric Ward in the Royal Alexandra Hospital.
Paediatric Radiotherapy (under general anaesthetic) is completed at the Beatson
Oncology Centre (located at the Gartnavel campus).
There is an extensive range of specialist community based children’s services across
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Managed within Community Health and Social Care
partnerships, these services are integrated with Primary Care and Social Care Services.
Well established clinical links across combined Acute and Community settings within
the NHS Board are in place.
Section 2
Paediatric Services
Clinical Leadership
The paediatric allergy service is a key component of integrated hospital paediatric
services within the Women and Children’s Directorate (of Acute Operating Division,
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde)
Dr. Phil Davies is the clinical director for specialist medical services. Dr Christine
Gallacher is clinical director for general paediatrics.
They are supported by a number of link clinicians.
For paediatric allergy this is:
 Dr Rosie Hague (Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology)
Link clinicians support general and paediatric sub-speciality services.
The structure of clinical leadership is mirrored within surgical services.
National Service Contracts
The Royal Hospital for Children hosts a number of paediatric national services. These
national services are listed in box 1 below:
Box 1 / Paediatric National Services
Paediatric Cardiac Surgery
Neonatal Cardiology
Transport of Critically Ill Child
Cleft Lip/Palate Surgery
Brachial Plexus Surgery
Renal Transplantation
Renal and Urology Network
Scottish Genital Anomaly Network
Paediatric Interventional Cardiology
Extra Corporeal Life Support (ECLS)
Bone Marrow Transplantation
Complex Airway Management
Intensive Care (from 2007/2008)
In-patient Psychiatry Network
Epilepsy Network
Future Service Developments
Section 3
The Work of the Paediatric Allergy Service
The Royal Hospital for Children, provides secondary paediatric services for the children
of Greater Glasgow, and specialist services for the West of Scotland, together with
some national services. The current model of provision for allergy reflects this pattern
of care.
The specialist allergy service was established with the appointment of a consultant in
infectious diseases and immunology in 1994. Initially, because of the lack of provision
of allergy services generally, referrals were accepted from throughout the West of
Scotland and beyond. More recently, however, links have been made with local
paediatricians to ensure good quality of secondary allergy care within district general
services. Currently, therefore referrals are accepted from primary care for children
residing in Greater Glasgow, and from general paediatricians throughout Scotland –
but chiefly the West.
Not all children with atopic disease are seen within the specialist allergy service.
Services are also provided by various system speciality services (eg dermatology,
respiratory, GI, ENT) , as described below.
The specialist allergy service
The major remit of this service is assessment and management of children who may
be at risk of anaphylaxis. Referral criteria are therefore: children up to the age of 16 ;
symptoms compatible with type 1 immediate hypersensitivity reactions following
exposure to a potential allergen, which in the majority of cases is food. Referrals of
children with histories suggestive of other forms of food intolerance are directed to
general paediatrics and dieticians. Children with suspected allergic asthma or allergic
rhinitis are managed by the appropriate general paediatrician or organ-based
specialist.. Children with severe or complex multiple allergy are seen, as are children
who may be candidates for immunotherapy, such as those with severe aero-allergen
induced symptoms. A service for the investigation and management of drug allergy
has been developed, and we offer sub-cutaneous immunotherapy according to the
criteria set down by the Scottish Medicines Consortium. There is no SMC approved
sub-lingual immunotherapy in Scotland.
In addition to general medical and nurse-led allergy clinics which cater for the majority
of patients, there is a multi-disciplinary complex allergy clinic, and a specific teenage
allergy clinic is due to commence shortly.
Current personnel
2 full time consultants in paediatric infectious diseases and immunology providing 1-2
clinics/month each
1 full time consultant in general paediatrics with an interest in allergy (advertised post)
1 consultant general paediatrician who provides secondary allergy services in Clyde
and 1 clinic/month average in RHC.
1 consultant general paediatrician from Dumfries and Galloway who provides monthly
1 middle grade trainee providing supervised clinic sessions in association with
consultant led clinic
2 nurse practitioners sharing 1 nurse led clinic per week
1 specialist nurse practitioner in allergy providing 2 clinics per week, support for the
nurse led allergy diagnostic service and mmunotherapy and drug allergy service.
Services involved
Nurse led allergy diagnostic service (see below)
Out patient phlebotomy
Community liaison: health visitor/ school nurse + administration
Allergic eczema service
Atopic children commonly present initially with their infantile eczema to the
dermatology service. Over the last few years close links have been developed between
the dermatology and specialist allergy service, aiming to ensure a common approach
to care, with agreed guidelines and well defined pathways between the 2 services. All
paediatric dermatologists see children with allergic eczema, and when appropriate,
children are investigated within this service for specific allergen triggers to their
eczema. If potential food allergens are identified, their diets may be restricted, with
input from the dietician. Some of these children also have type 1 immediate
hypersensitivity reactions to the same foods. While such children may be referred to
the allergy service at any point, many of these children continue to be managed by the
dermatologists, who address this aspect of their care, and ensure that a management
plan is in place. As their eczema improves, to the point when they no longer need
specialist dermatology input, those who remain on restricted diets are assessed to
establish whether they are at ongoing risk of type 1 reactions. If this is the case, they
are referred to the allergy service.
Contact dermatitis and its potential triggers is investigated by the dermatology service,
which provides patch testing when required. The dermatology service also sees
children presenting with unexplained urticaria if they meet the criteria outlined by a
published urticaria management pathway
Nurse led allergy diagnostic service
This is based on the ambulatory unit, ward 1C, and involves all the nursing staff on
the unit. It is led by the ambulatory care nurse practitioners, and the allergy nurse
practitioner. Referrals are accepted from general and specialist services in Yorkhill. It
also supports allergy services elsewhere in the West of Scotland by arranging
investigations, which are not available locally. It currently provides:
Skin prick testing
Oral challenge sessions.
Support and advice for all other hospital departments in aspects of allergy
Antibiotic and other drug sensitivity testing
The ward based staff involved in this service have many other roles in provision of
ambulatory care, in addition to their responsibilities for allergy.
The allergy nurse practitioner has a major ongoing role in the development of the drug
allergy service and immunotherapy.
Skin prick testing for the allergy clinics is provided by outpatient nursing staff,
supported by the nurse led service.
Allergy provision in other services
The respiratory service may initiate investigations for allergy, particularly to inhaled
allergens, as part of the holistic assessment of asthma. Skin prick testing requests
generated are managed by the outpatient department and nurse led service. Children
identified with food allergies will be referred to the specialist allergy service.
The ENT service sees the majority of children referred with allergic rhinitis, supported
in SPT by the outpatient staff and the nurse led allergy service. While for the majority,
treatment is symptomatic, or occasionally surgical, with the evolution of
immunotherapy, it is anticipated that this service may generate an increasing number
of requests for consideration of this treatment.
The GI service sees some children in whom non-IgE mediated allergy or food
intolerance may be included in the differential diagnosis.
At present, most questions regarding possible non-IgE mediated food intolerances are
addressed by general paediatricians. General paediatricians may also identify children
with other forms of allergy, and either manage with input from the specialist service,
or refer.
Relationship with regional and national service
Informal links with the general paediatric services providing local care for children
attending their local district general hospitals with allergy are already well-established.
The breadth of service provided locally is still variable, with some sites not being able
to provide the full range of diagnostic services.
Nationally, the service supports the Children and Young People’s Allergy Network
(CYANS) created as part of the National Delivery Plan for Specialist Children’s Services.
It is anticipated that the post-holder will have a major role in the function of this
Medical Staff:
Dr Rosie Hague, Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology (link
Dr Conor Doherty, Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology
Members of Multi-disciplinary Team
Sister Maureen Lilley, Ambulatory Paediatric Ward
Sister Allison Ambulatory Paediatric Ward
Sister Elizabeth Morton, Paediatric Allergy Nurse Practitioner
Paediatric dieticians support this service
Non Consultant Career Grades & Trainees
In general there is one designated middle grade trainee in the paediatric allergy,
infectious diseases and immunology service. Glasgow is not currently accredited by
CSAC for tertiary training in paediatric allergy, nor in infectious diseases and
immunology. All trainees participate in the general medical on call rota and when on
call are not available for subspeciality work.
Consultant Staff in Allied Departments
Dr Paula Beattie
Dr Catherine Jury
Transition arrangements
Young people requiring ongoing specialist input are referred to the West of Scotland
anaphylaxis service, based in Gartnavel General Hospital. It is hoped the teenage clinic
will be a base to form closer links with this service.
Support Facilities (Offices/Secretary):
Shared office accommodation, secretarial and IT support will be available. HISS,
Clinical Portal and PACS provides an automatic download facility of chemical
pathology, haematology, radiology and histopathology results.
The consultant will take responsibility for the majority of the allergy
workload, with some input from the 2 ID/Immunologyconsultants. . The
existing consultants will, give support to the allergy service, at a level
appropriate to the experience of the successful candidate.
The post holder’s responsibilities will include outpatient clinics, provision
of a consultation service for children admitted acutely with allergic
disease, and advice to other departments within RHC, telephone advice
for other clinicians in the West of Scotland and occasional emergency
referrals. The postholder will be expected to work closely with the nurse
practitioners in allergy and ambulatory care as part of a
multidisciplinary team who provide the diagnostic service, supervise
food challenges, and drug allergy testing. They will be expected to lead
the immunotherapy service, andthe drug allergy service. The post
holder will be expected to develop and implement appropriate evidence
based policies, pathways, protocols and guidelines to support allergy
practice and to support both general paediatric and specialist services
patients with allergy.
In addition to the requirement to participate in the general paediatric
on call rota (see below), sessions may be available to maintain skills in
general paediatrics, or in infectious diseases and immunodeficiency. It
is not envisaged that these would exceed 2PAs per week, and would be
dependent on negotiation of a job plan which satisfied the primary goal
of allergy service provision.
The successful candidate will be expected to organise their workload
and operate appointment systems in a manner that is consistent with
good practice as laid out in the Board Policy for Management of Waiting
Lists and Times. The candidate will be expected to work with
directorate management to make optimum use of Medical wards, clinics
and other resources to contribute towards providing a high quality
services for children and meeting Board targets.
The postholder is managerially responsible to the General Manager and
professionally accountable to the Clinical Director via the link clinician in
infectious diseases and immunology.
Clinical Audit, Data Management and Clinical Governance
The postholder must be aware of clinical governance and clinical risk
management and take an active part in their implementation, including
The Consultant will take an active part in the department audit
On-Call Commitment
The appointee will participate in the acute general paediatric rota,
which operates a “hot week” system, currently a 1 in 12. Other clinical
commitments will be cancelled during these weeks. At present, the “hot
week” consultant provides out of hours on call on alternate nights
during this week, and provides alternate nights on call on an additional
week with fewer day time commitment to general paediatrics. This
pattern of work is currently under review, and it is anticipated that
contributors to the general paediatric service may be asked to provide
evening sessions to give on-site support to the medical assessment unit
and paediatric wards.
For 1 WTE: 6 weeks and 10 days per year of statutory public holidays. In
addition, in accordance with the consultant contract, there are recognised extra
leave days related to the frequency of the on-call provision.
There is a no locum policy and consultants in the department participate in
cover for annual and study leave. Absence must be planned in advance by
discussion with consultant colleagues.
RHC has excellent research facilities in which the Consultant will be
invited to initiate and participate actively in research projects and to
supervise clinical research by trainees. The directorate encourages all
Consultants to contribute to research in their specialties, whether in
basic or clinical areas or in the evaluation of health care. Collaboration
with University clinical and pre-clinical departments is particularly
encouraged. The Acute Division has a Research and Development
Support Unit and the Directorates have appointed associate directors
and/or co-ordinators for research and development.
The appointee will be encouraged to negotiate sufficient SPA time to
take part in the active postgraduate education programmes. This
involves running education programmes for junior staff, (both for inservice training and post graduate examinations), local educational
programmes which contribute to CPD and involvement in interagency
education and training.
The appointee will be encouraged to take part in the teaching and
assessment of medical students, particularly during the third, fourth and
fifth years of their medical course. There will also be opportunities to
teach postgraduates and other professionals including nurses, health
visitors and professions allied to medicine.
Continuous professional development
Continuous professional development is supported according to the
guidance of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child health
The postholder will be a member of the Yorkhill Medical Staff Association and the
Medical Division.
The work programme attached to this job plan is detailed in Appendix A.
A split of 9:1 between direct clinical care PAs and supporting professional activities
is the advertised standard for all new consultant job plans in NHSGGC. The one
SPA minimum will reflect activity such as appraisal, personal audit and professional
development occurring outside study leave time. Once the candidate has been
appointed more SPA time may be agreed following a formal job plan review for
additional activities that are in the interests of the service such as undergraduate
and postgraduate teaching and training that takes place outwith direct clinical care,
as well as research and/or clinical management duties. These activities must be
specifically and clearly identified, agreed with the consultant and by the department
and subject to annual review thereafter.
Job Plan Review
A formal job plan will be agreed between the appointee and their link clinician with
the Clinical Director, on behalf of the respective medical management structures
within Greater Glasgow and Clyde NHS Board. The job plan will be based on the
provisional timetable shown in Appendix A. The Job Plan will then be reviewed
annually, following the Appraisal Meeting. The Job Plan will be a prospective
agreement that sets out a consultant’s duties, responsibilities and objectives for the
coming year. It should cover all aspects of a consultant’s professional practice
including clinical work, teaching, research, education and managerial
responsibilities. It should include personal objectives, including details of their link
to wider service objectives, and details of the support required by the consultant to
fulfil the job plan and the objectives. On appointment, or thereafter, more SPA
time can be negotiated with the successful candidate for specific, clearly identified
additional Supporting Professional Activities. These activities must be desired by
the Board and agreed by the Clinical Director.
You will be expected to work with local managers and professional colleagues in
the efficient running of services and will share with consultant colleagues in the
medical contribution to management. Subject to the provision of the Terms and
Conditions, you are expected to observe the Directorate’s agreed policies and
procedures, drawn up in consultation with the profession on clinical matters, and
to follow the standing orders and financial instruction of NHS Greater Glasgow and
Clyde. In particular, where you manage its employees, you will be expected to
follow the local and national employment and personnel policies and procedures.
You will be expected to make sure that there are adequate arrangements for
hospital staff involved in the care of your patients to be able to contact you when
All medical and dental staff employed by NHSGGC are expected to comply with all
Hospital Health and Safety Policies within the Board.
Candidates wishing to visit the hospital may do so and should make their
arrangements direct with:
Dr. Rosie Hague, Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases and
Immunology, Yorkhill Operating Division, Tel 0141 451 6565 email
Ms Mary Jane Mitchell, Secretary Tel 0141 451 6565 email
Within the Women and Children’s Directorate the following list of useful contact names
and addresses are available:
Mr Kevin Hill, Director, Women and Children’s Services, RHC, Tel Number 0141
451 6496
Dr Alan Mathers, Chief of Medicine, RHC,
Dr Christine Gallacher, Clinical Director, General Paediatrics
Dr Phil Daives, Clinical Director, Paediatric medical sup-specialities
Mr Jamie Redfern, General Manager, Women and Children’s Directorate, RHC
Appendix A
Proposed job plan based on 10 PA total (6 allergy, 3 general paediatrics, 1 SPA)
Weekly timetable
Urgent allergy
referral clinic
Immunotherapy General
clinic alternate
Ward referrals
Allergy clinic
Allergy clinic
General paediatric weeks
Reviews ,
Reviews ,
Reviews ,
Reviews ,
Reviews ,
PERSON SPECIFICATION - Paediatric Allergy Consultant
Qualifications and
MBBS or equivalent
MRCPCH or equivalent
Recognised higher sub
specialisation in Paediatric
Clinical Experience
Should have completed a recognised higher
specialised training programme (or
equivalent) in paediatrics i.e. must have a
CCST/CCT or be within 6 months of
attaining it.
Relevant higher degree
Wide experience in paediatrics within a
dedicated paediatric unit
Experience of managed
clinical networks
Knowledge & Interest in
developing Managed
Clinical Networks
Specific specialist interest/experience in
Competence in clinical audit
Training in management and audit at higher
specialist trainee or equivalent level
Able to initiate and carry out
medical research projects.
Authorship of research
Publications in peer
reviewed journals.
Ability to increase the
academic profile of
Experience in applications
to ethical committees and
grant applications
Experience in training undergraduate
medical students and postgraduate doctors
Specific training in
education and/or appraisal
Interest in teaching
Qualification in Teaching
Leadership skills
Experience of management
Knowledge of clinical governance
Evidence of experience and effectiveness in
Other qualities
Demonstrable evidence of leadership skills
Specific management
Evidence of effective team working
Evidence of good communication skills with
patients, colleagues, and all team members
Evidence of flexibility, diplomacy and
integrity. Willingness to undertake additional
professional responsibilities at local,
regional or national forum
Commitment to continuing professional
IT Skills
Other Requirements
GMC Registration and a licence to Practise
Right to work in UK
Ability to meet on call requirements &
Regional commitments
The conditions of service are those laid down and amended from time to time by the Hospital
and Medical & Dental Whitley Council.
£76,761.00 - £ 103,490.00 per annum (pro rata)
New Entrants to the NHS will normally commence on the minimum point of the
salary scale, (dependent on qualifications and experience). Salary is paid
monthly by Bank Credit Transfer.
Full Time 40.00
New entrants to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde who are aged sixteen but
under seventy five will be enrolled automatically into membership of the NHS
Pension Scheme. Should you choose to "opt out" arrangements can be made
to do this
Assistance with removal and associated expenses may be given and would be
discussed and agreed prior to appointment.
Candidates who are requested to attend an interview will be given assistance
with appropriate travelling expenses. Re-imbursement shall not normally be
made to employees who withdraw their application or refuse an offer of
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operate a No Smoking Policy in all premises
and grounds.
This post is considered to be in the category of “Regulated Work” and
therefore requires a Disclosure Scotland Protection of Vulnerable Groups
Scheme (PVG) Membership.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) has a legal obligation to ensure
that it’s employees, both EEA and non EEA nationals, are legally entitled to
work in the United Kingdom. Before any person can commence employment
within NHS GGC they will need to provide documentation to prove that they
are eligible to work in the UK. Non EEA nationals will be required to show
evidence that either Entry Clearance or Leave to Remain in the UK has been
granted for the work which they are applying to do. Where an individual is
subject to immigration control under no circumstances will they be allowed to
commence until the right to work in the UK has been verified. ALL applicants
regardless of nationality must complete and return the Confirmation of
Eligibility to Work in the UK Statement with their completed application form.
You will be required provide appropriate documentation prior to any
appointment being made.
The rehabilitation of Offenders act 1974 allows people who have been
convicted of certain criminal offences to regard their convictions as “spent”
after the lapse of a period of years. However, due to the nature of work for
which you are applying this post is exempt from the provisions of Section 4 of
the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 by virtue of the Rehabilitation of
Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions Orders 1975 and 1986). Therefore, applicants
are required to disclose information about convictions which for other purposes
are “spent” under the provision of the act in the event of employment, failure to
disclose such convictions could result in dismissal or disciplinary action by
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Any information given will be completely
A disability or health problems does not preclude full consideration for the job
and applications from people with disabilities are welcome. All information will
be treated as confidential. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde guarantees to
interview all applicants with disabilities who meet the minimum criteria for the
post. You will note on our application form that we ask for relevant information
with regard to your disability. This is simply to ensure that we can assist you,
if you are called for interview, to have every opportunity to present your
application in full. We may call you to discuss your needs in more detail if you
are selected for interview.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde operates flexible staffing arrangements
whereby all appointments are to a grade within a department. The duties of an
officer may be varied from an initial set of duties to any other set, which are
commensurate with the grade of the officer. The enhanced experience
resulting from this is considered to be in the best interest of both NHS Greater
Glasgow and Clyde and the individual.
The postholder will undertake their duties in strict accordance with NHS
Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Equal Opportunities Policy.
The employment is subject to three months’ notice on either side, subject to
appeal against dismissal.
In terms of NHS Circular 1989 (PCS) 32 dealing with Medical Negligence the
Health Board does not require you to subscribe to a Medical Defence
Health Board indemnity will cover only Health Board
responsibilities. It may, however, be in your interest to subscribe to a defence
organisation in order to ensure you are covered for any work, which does not
fall within the scope of the indemnity scheme.
For further information on NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, please visit our website
View all our vacanciesat:
Register for Job Alertsat:
Applicants wishing further information about the post are invited to contact Dr. Rosie
Hague, Consultant in Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunology, Yorkhill
Operating Division, Tel 0141 451 6565 email with
whom visiting arrangements can also be made.
To apply for these posts please include your CV and names and addresses of 3
Referees, along with the following documents; (click on the hyperlinks to open)
Medical and Dental Application and Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
Declaration Form Regarding Fitness to Practice
Immigration Questionnaire
Alternatively please visit and click on the “How to
Apply” tab to access application for and CV submission information.
Please return your application by email to or to the
recruitment address below;
Medical and Dental Recruitment Team
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Recruitment Services, 1st Floor
Modular Building, Gartnavel Royal Hospital
1055 Great Western Road
G12 0XH
The closing date will be 16th October 2015
The interview date will be 4th November 2015