The Cathedral Parish of Our Lady, Saint Peter of Alcantara & Saint

The Cathedral Parish of Our Lady, Saint Peter of Alcantara & Saint Winefride
Incorporating the communities of The Cathedral, Our Lady of Pity, Harlescott and Saint Winefride, Monkmoor.
Cathedral House, 11 Belmont, Shrewsbury, SY1 1TE.
Tel: 01743 362366
Information Line: 01743 364256
Fax: 01743 341326
Very Reverend Canon Jonathan Mitchell & Reverend Father Edmund Montgomery; Revv Mr Fred Beddow, Mr Ron Ball,
Mr Ben Tomnay; Associated Priest: Reverend Father David Mawson (Priest of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham)
Sunday 14th June 2015
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sat 13
Sun 14
Eleventh Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Mon 15
Tue 16
Wed 17
Thu 18
Fri 19
Sat 20
Sun 21
Twelfth Sunday
In Ordinary Time
Our Lady of Pity
St Winefride’s
St Winefride’s
Our Lady of Pity
St Winefride’s
St Winefride’s
Our Lady of Pity
St Winefride’s
Our Lady of Pity
St Winefride’s
St Winefride’s
After Mass
The Cathedral ~Town Walls, Shrewsbury SY1 1TE
Saint Winefride’s ~ Crowmere Road, Monkmoor SY2 5RA
Sacrament of Reconciliation
St Winefride’s
Our Lady of Pity
Sheila Bethelat
Morning Prayer
George Taylor (RIP)
William Smith (RIP 3rd Anniversary)
Prayer During the Day
Intentions of the Smith Family
Mass in the Extraordinary Form
Holy Hour, Vespers and Benediction
Nellie Ahern (RIP)
Mary Coveney (RIP)
Fr Don Glover MM (45th Anniversary of Ordination)
Holy Hour for Peace in the Middle East
Esther Moffett (Birthday)
Fr Ged McGuiness (Ordination Anniversary)
Funeral Service of Norma McVittie
80th Birthday (Anniversary)
Late John Bond (RIP Anniversary)
Private Intention
Canon Francis Pullen (10th RIP Anniversary)
Holy Hour for Priests and Vocations
Patrick Coveney (RIP)
David Murdoch (RIP 6 months Anniversary)
Marian Devotions
Morning Prayer
George Taylor (RIP)
Pat Caswell (RIP)
Prayer During the Day
Sisters of Mercy
Mass in the Extraordinary Form
Holy Hour, Vespers and Benediction
Mary Elizabeth S-Weissmann (Birthday)
Our Lady of Pity ~ Meadow Farm Drive, Harlescott SY1 4JY
The Cathedral Primary School ~ New Park Road SY1 2SP
10am – 11am
6.15pm – 6.45pm
5.15pm – 5.45pm
From the Dean’s desk…
“Pray as though everything depended on God.
Work as though everything depended on you.”
- St. Augustine
In our Gospel today, Jesus uses parables to lead his listeners to understand the coming and growth of God’s
Kingdom. In parables Jesus uses images from common experience whose truth is evident in order to give some
insight into a reality whose truth is not evident.
Jesus in the two parables about seeds addresses that human tendency to believe that human fulfilment comes
mostly through our own plans and efforts. As a result, when things do not turn out as we have planned and worked
to achieve, we become discouraged and lose hope. Jesus reminds us that the coming and growth of God's reign is
the work of God's love. Its complete realisation will be evident only when the Son of Man comes in glory.
Our response to this truth about the reign of God is to pray for its coming on earth as it is in heaven as Jesus taught
his disciples to do in the ‘Our Father’. However we are also to do our utmost to prepare for the coming of the
Kingdom in the particular circumstances of our lives.
It seems hard to keep that balance between praying for growth and coming of Kingdom of God, preparing the soil
of our lives, and proclaiming the coming of the Kingdom to others. But evangelisation is about sharing the gospel
with others and through sharing the gospel we ourselves are more deeply converted and are re-evangelised.
We are all called to share our Faith, to be evangelists in our own place and time. This seems too difficult a task for
many of us (being British) to be evangelists – but often we most effectively preach the gospel by the way we live.
It was St Francis who reportedly said to some of his brother friars "Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words only
when necessary”. May we be effective sowers of Gospel through our words and in our lives.
Money Matters:
Offertory Collections:
Our Lady of Pity:
23rd May
Thank you for your consistent generosity.
St Winefride’s:
Please keep in your prayers Norma McVittie & Mary Bromley who have recently died. Eternal rest grant unto
them, O Lord. And let the perpetual light shine upon them. And may the souls of all the faithful departed, through
the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Norma’s funeral service will be at St Winefride’s church on Tuesday 16 th at
2.15pm, followed by committal at Shrewsbury Crematorium.
The Holy Father’s Mission Intentions for June 2015. That the personal encounter with Jesus may give rise to the
desire in many young people to offer their lives in the priesthood or the consecrated life.
TODAY: YOUTH MASS and MUSIC: Our next Youth Mass will be held TODAY at 6pm in the Cathedral. We need
more volunteers! If you can help with music (playing an instrument or singing in our small choir), or with reading or
taking the collection, please email or text on 07815 714518. Thanks.
Celebration Mass There will be a Mass in the Cathedral Primary School on Wednesday 1st July at 9.30am to mark
the feast of St Peter and St Paul and to congratulate those children who received their First Holy Communion the
previous Saturday. Family and parishioners are more than welcome to join with the school community!
The Girls and Youth Choir of Jeløy Church, Moss, Norway will be performing at the Cathedral on Monday 22nd
June after the 12.15pm Mass. Conductor: Trond Egil Oftung. The choir has travelled and performed in concerts in
different European countries, such as Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Italy, The Czech Republic,
Hungary and Austria. In Easter 2012 the Youth Choir visited Chicago, Minneapolis and La Crosse in USA.
The Catholic Children’s Society Collection for 6th June amounted to £300.36. Thanks to everyone who contributed.
The Catholic Clothing Guild’s Meeting has been arranged for Thursday 18th June at 2.30pm at St Winefride’s Parish
Centre. Everyone welcome.
For parents of First Holy Communion children A reminder about the Parent Evening at 8pm on Wednesday
17th June, concerning the rehearsal and First Holy Communion Day. It is important that everyone attends as the
information given is required before these ceremonies in order for the children to have a smooth-running,
problem-free day. We look forward to seeing you. Best wishes. The First Holy Communion Team.
Sister Emmanuel has a lovely range of rosaries, cards and gifts suitable for First Holy Communion children in the
Repository at the Convent, College Hill. Suitable hours to visit are – before 11.50am on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, or after 4pm on weekdays and Saturdays, when she will be delighted to serve you.
Some of these gifts will be available at the Parent evening, and there are similar ones on the piety stall.
Fair Trade – Forward Together At 7.30pm, on 17th June 2015, in the Lecture Hall of Shrewsbury United Reformed
Church (by the English Bridge) there is to be a really important meeting for everyone interested in Fairtrade: How
can the work of the ”Fair Trade Shrewsbury” shop in St John’s Hill be carried on? If you are a supporter of
Fairtrade, and are keen to see continuing support for Fairtrade in Shrewsbury, we would urge you to attend. If the
date is inconvenient, then register your interest with Ken and Meriel Chippindale Tel: 365591 e-mail:
Volunteers needed to help with tidying the gardens and car park area of St Winefride's R.C. church, Monkmoor.
If you are able to give up an hour (or two) of your time to tidy the grounds of St Winefride's, please contact
Mr Joe Ferdinand on 01743 358591 who will be happy to co-ordinate the tasks which need to be done. All offers
of help will be welcomed. Thank you!
St Winefride’s red APF mission boxes are due to be opened in June. Please empty your box and put the money in
an envelope marked APF for Jean Johnson and place in the LARGE red box at the back of St Winefride’s church.
Lourdes Group Severn Bridges Wheelchair Push: Sister Dorothy and Greg Martial will be hoping they don't fall in
the water as they get pushed in wheelchairs across the seven bridges which span the River Severn, today, 14th
June. Clad in fancy dress and onesies, the group will be starting from The Chapter House at 12noon and returning,
about 2 hours later, for some well-earned refreshments. Why not join us for a relaxing stroll, along the river, with
your family and/or dog, whilst sporting your onesie? (Adults £2, Family £5 & Dogs £1). Sign-up and sponsor forms
are available at each church so please sign up to come or to sponsor the group. Alternatively, why not take a
sponsorship form for you or even your dog? For more information please contact Marie-France or Greg on or 01743 – 245083.
CAFOD 20-week draw Week 19 £10 prize No.67 J. Morris
Fourth of July Concert for Hope House. 7.30pm at the Cathedral. Midlands Chorale returns for the first time since
their sell-out concert in 2013, to sing a beautiful program of English and American music. Fuller info in flyers at the
back of church. Hope House at Morda needs to raise funds of £2 million each year to enable them to look after lifelimited children, and provide respite and support for their families. Just 3 weeks to get your Tickets £10 (£5
Concessions) from Dave Hewetson 07972 254010 or Theatre Severn Box Office 01743 281281.
The Cathedral Lamps: The Cathedral Marian Lamp burns this week for The Intentions of Christine & Stew and the
Cathedral Saint Winefride’s Lamp burns For a Deeper Understanding Between Christians and Others. If you would
like either of the lamps to burn for a particular intention, please contact The Cathedral Office. A £5 donation is
Cathedral Coffee: Cathedral coffee will be served in the Chapter House after 10.45am Mass this week by the SVP,
and next week by the Choir. All are welcome.
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B)
First Reading:
The Prophet Ezekiel (17:22-24) I make low trees grow.
Second Reading:
Second Letter of St Paul to
the Corinthians (5:6-10)
It is good to give you thanks, O Lord.
Whether we are living in the body or exiled from it, we
are intent on pleasing the Lord.
Alleluia, alleluia! I call you friends, says the Lord,
because I have made known to you everything I have
learnt from my Father. Alleluia!
The Gospel according to
Mark (4:26-34)
It is the smallest of all the seeds; yet it grows into the
biggest shrub of them all.
What’s On and coming soon
Sun 14
Wed 17
Thu 18
Severn Bridges Wheelchair Push
Youth Mass in the Cathedral at 6pm
Parent evening, First Holy Communion children
Fair Trade meeting – see n/letter item
Catholic Clothing Guild meeting, 2.30pm, St Winefride’s Parish Centre
...... and What’s On every week
Meditation Group meets 10.45am, Convent, College Hill. Term-time only. Tel: 240401
Rosary Group meets at 2.30pm at St Winefride’s Parish Centre
SVP meeting, Chapter House, 8 – 9pm
Shrewsbury Half Marathon, next Sunday, 21st June There will be considerable disruption to traffic next
Sunday morning because of road closures to allow a traffic free route for runners through the town centre.
Road closures, including the English Bridge, will be implemented from about 8.30am until approximately
11.30am: vehicle access to and egress from the Cathedral for the two morning Masses may be difficult or
impossible. Pedestrian access will be available at all times, however care should be taken crossing over any
part of the circuit when runners are present: copies of the map of the route are available at the back of
church. Anyone with mobility problems who needs further details should contact the Events & Contingencies
Manager in the Highways & Transport department of the County Council.
Volunteers wanted! Volunteers are still needed to man a water stall for runners in the Shrewsbury HalfMarathon, outside the Cathedral on the morning of June 21st. If you can spare an hour or so to help “give
water to the thirsty” please contact Suzanne on 01743 874087 or email:
“God gave Himself to you: give yourself to God.”
Blessed Robert Southwell (1561-1595 Priest & Martyr)
Have you picked up Wednesday Word?
The Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity, Number 234025
Please remember Shrewsbury Cathedral in your will.