Tectonics through GPS 05. 09. - 12. 09. 2007 Exercise 6 Reminder to use tcsh 1. Copy the directory ~plattner/GPS-course/Exercise6/TOPODEF to your homedirectory. The program topodef.f computes the deformation resulting from a volume change of a defined source within a halfspace. There are 4(5) different models that describe the deformation from such a source. We will look at the differences and compare the model results. The input file for the program is called paramin.NAME.dat, choose the name for your model and run the program as RUN.com NAME The program creates to plots, stored in the directory results: NAME.profile.ps shows you the horizontal (blue) and vertical (red) displacement at the specified cross-section. NAME.V.ps will show you the vertical deformation at the surface and the vector displacement field. The inputfile is specified in the following way: Line Parameter 19 Title 35 nsrc 35 35 35 101 112 129 130 ff 273 284 342 342 347 393 411 428 448 ndval naval nset inod nlout npln nind fc1 – fc9 Pois, rmu isrc par Meaning Specify your model NAME Nr of sources creating the deformation (e.g. 1 Magma chamber, 1 Magma chamber plus 1 pipe) Nr of parameter values for the horizontal profile (1-47) Nr of parameter values for the vertical profile (1-47) Nr of profiles you want to solve for Specify the parameters for the horizontal profile Specify the parameters for the vertical profile Nr of nodes in x and y direction specifying your model area Nodes along profile(s) (x,y) Parameters controlling frequency Poisson ration and shear modulus Choose model (1-4, see lines 296-337) Specify the parameters of the chosen model (see lines 296– 337 on what you need to set) Specify your mesh (nodes) Specify projection of axes Scaling information Units Indices 1.1 Calculate the deformation from a magma chamber of a radius of 4000 m and a pressure 107 Pa. The magma chamber should be located at a depth of 8000 m. a) Use the Mogi-source model and calculate the source strength for the 1st parameter. b) Use the spherical model for the same settings 1 Tectonics through GPS 05. 09. - 12. 09. 2007 c) Adjust the gmt-script compare.gmt with your model NAMES for the input files and run it to onbtain a comparison of the vertical deformation resulting from these two models. c) Do a similar comparison of the results of a Mogi source and a spherical source model for a depth of 15000 m. Can you explain why the differences vanish? 1.2 Using the Ellipsoidal source model for a magma chamber with a pressure of 107 Pa and a volume of 268.083 * 109 m³. The Euler angles should be set in a way so that the angle between the z-axis and c-axis (ellipse minor axis) is 5 degrees, but the orientation of the ellipse major-axis should be set to 0.0 for both. The depth should again be 8000m. Compare the model results for different source geometries (draw sketches of these sources: a) Ratio of b-axis to axis = 1, ratio of c-axis to a-axis = 1. Compare your results to the ones obtained from the Mogi source and the spherical model, using the compare.gmt script. b) Ratio of b-axis to axis = 0.5, ratio of c-axis to a-axis = 0.5 c) Ratio of b-axis to axis = 0.1, ratio of c-axis to a-axis = 0.1 d) Adjust the compare.gmt script to compare the 3 models. 1.3 The ellipsoidal model with a ratio of 1/0.1 can be rotated to simulate a pipe (vertical orientation of a ellipse with a small and equal ratio of a/b and a/c………………………… 1.4. Model a tension crack having a 2 m displacement at a depth of 300 m, and a horizontal dimension of 500 m and a along-dip dimension of 100 m. The dip should be orientated 89.9 degrees w.r.t. the horizontal, and the strike 90 degrees ccw from east. 2