VILLAGE OF EMPRESS REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING August 21, 2014 The Regular Meeting of the Council of the Village of Empress was held in the Empress Village Office on Thursday August 21, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Mayor – Chad Van Dam Councillor – Beverley Farnden Deputy Mayor – Arlen Johnston Administrative Assistant – Kristy Chudleigh CAO/ Recording Secretary – Debbie Ross CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Van Dam at 6:30 p.m. ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA C105 21-08-2014 RESOLUTION by Councillor Farnden that the Council of the Village of Empress adopt the agenda for the Regular Council Meeting of August 21, 2014 as amended. Additions: 5a) Delegation: Maureen Helfrich 9)d) Muscular Dystrophy Proclamation 9)e) FGTF approval 9) f) Atco Electric Franchise CARRIED ADOPTION OF MINUTES C106 21-08-2014 RESOLUTION by Mayor Van Dam that the Council of the Village of Empress adopt the minutes for the Regular Council Meeting of July 24, 2014 as presented. CARRIED MAUREEN HELFRICH Council heard a presentation from Maureen Helfrich with regards to the Cemetery, Cemetery letters and Cemetery Bylaw. Request for consideration of: 1) Cemetery Committee 2) Access to cemetery records 3) Consideration of portable grave covers 4) Unmarked grave project – development permit fee consideration 5) Placed on September Agenda under delegations FINANCIAL REPORT Council reviewed the financial reports provided by CAO Ross. CAO REPORT CAO Ross provided a verbal update and reviewed the Action list with Council. PUBLIC WORKS REPORT C107 21-08-2014 Council reviewed Public Works report provided by Jim Campbell. RESOLUTION by Mayor Van Dam to accept the written and verbal reports of Council and staff for information as presented. CARRIED __________________________ Mayor __________________________ Chief Administrative Officer Village of Empress Regular Council Meeting 1 August 21, 2014 CEMETERY BY-LAW AMENDMENT C108 21-08-2014 RESOLUTION by Mayor Van Dam to give Bylaw #7-2014, being an amendment to Bylaw #5-2014 the Cemetery Bylaw, first reading. CARRIED C109 21-08-2014 RESOLUTION by Deputy Mayor Johnston to give Bylaw #7-2014, being an amendment to Bylaw #5-2014 the Cemetery Bylaw, second reading. CARRIED C110 21-08-2014 RESOLUTION by Councilor Farnden to present Bylaw #7-2014, being an amendment to Bylaw #5-2014 the Cemetery Bylaw, for final reading. CARRIED C111 21-08-2014 RESOLUTION by Mayor Van Dam to give Bylaw #7-2014, being an amendment to Bylaw #5-2014 the Cemetery Bylaw, third and final reading. DRAFT BYLAW 8-2014 DOG BYLAW C112 21-08-2014 RESOLUTION by Mayor Van Dam to give Bylaw #8-2014, being a Dog Bylaw first reading. CARRIED CORRESPONDENCE C113 21-08-2014 RESOLUTION by Deputy Mayor Johnston that council receives for information the correspondence presented at the August 21, 2014 Regular Council Meeting. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT Mayor Van Dam adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. __________________________ Mayor __________________________ Chief Administrative Officer . Village of Empress Regular Council Meeting 2 August 21, 2014 __________________________ Mayor __________________________ Chief Administrative Officer Village of Empress Regular Council Meeting 3 August 21, 2014 __________________________ Mayor __________________________ Chief Administrative Officer Village of Empress Regular Council Meeting 4 August 21, 2014 Village of Empress Regular Council Meeting 5 August 21, 2014 Village of Empress Regular Council Meeting 6 August 21, 2014