references - TESOL International Research Foundation


The International Research Foundation for English Language Education


(last updated 10 August 2012)

Atkinson, P., & Silverman, D. (1997). Kundera’s Immortality : The interview society and the invention of self. Qualitative Inquiry, 3 , 304-325.

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The International Research Foundation for English Language Education

Frey, J. H., & Fontana, A. (1991). The group interview in social research. Social Science

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Friedman, D. A. (2010). Becoming national: Classroom language socialization and political identities in the age of globalization. Annual Review of Applied

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The International Research Foundation for English Language Education

Singer, E., Frankel, M., & Glassman, M. B. (1983). The effect of interviewer characteristics and expectations on response. Public Opinion Quarterly, 47 , 68-


Silverman, D. (2001). Interpreting qualitative data . Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

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Talmy, S. (2010). The interview as collaborative achievement: Interaction, identity, and ideology in a speech event. Applied Linguistics, 31 .

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