PhD COURSES 2010 - 2012 FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY Department of Agro-food Science and Techniques Coordinator: Prof. Marco Esti e-mail This PhD Course on Food Biotechnology is designed for students who want to take-up the challenge of operating in the food biotechnology field at innovative centers, innovative food companies or government agencies and finding innovative methods and technology to preserve or transform food products, as well as to produce and recovery microbial-produced food ingredients, so as to improve or guarantee food safety, functionality and/or quality. Places available prior examinations (E.U. and no European citizens): Duration 3 years Total places 4 with grant 2 without grant 2 Places reserved to no European citizens on curriculum base (*): Duration Total places with grant without grant 3 years 2 0 2 (*) A Board of evaluators will assess the applications within 30 January 2010 PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY Department of Agro-biology and Agro-chemistry Coordinator: Prof. Stefania Masci e-mail Partner Institutions: Università “Sapienza” di Roma Université Paul Cézanne – Aix Marseille (F) Université de Nantes (F) The future Ph.D. should be able to set up and accomplish a research project in the field of plant biotechnology in every aspect. To this aim, their training includes a series of activities in cooperation with tutors, mostly based on the development of a specific research project. Moreover, a common basic training is foreseen, based on seminars or on attending official University courses indicated by the tutors. Ph.D. students will be strongly supported in order to realize possible collaborations with national and international research institutions. The specific research projects that will be dealt with, and that will be object of the written exam, include: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Manipulation of starch composition for qualitative improvement of durum and bread wheat Differential expression in response to biotic and abiotic stresses in wheat Molecular and proteomic characterization of allergens present in the protein fraction of wheat kernel Vegetable biocatalysis Enzyme immobilization Biotransformation Genetic and molecular bases of the response to biotic and abiotic stresses in plants Study of genetic and biochemical mechanisms regulating fruit development in tomato Genetic and molecular characterization of male-sterile mutants in tomato Linkage analysis for tomato fruit characteristics 11 12 13 14 15 16 Structural and functional characterization of gene present of chromosome 5A of wheat Development of genetic and physical maps in different Triticeae species for the identification of molecular markers to be used in plant breeding Genetic and physical organization of cereal genomes by means of molecular approaches Genetic, molecular and functional analysis of genes transferred in wheat from related species Study of molecular mechanisms at the basis of plant-pathogen interaction Study of the role of plant cell wall in development and defence mechanisms The oral exam will concern in a discussion of the written exam and of the specific scientific experience of the candidate. The language exam (English) will take place during the oral exam and will consist in the reading and translation of part of a scientific paper. Places available prior examinations (E.U. and no European citizens): Duration 3 years Total places 4 with grant 4 without grant 0 Places reserved to no European citizens on curriculum base (*): Duration Total places with grant without grant 3 years 4 1 3 (*) A Board of evaluators will assess the applications within 30 January 2010 PUBLIC AND PRIVATE CONTRACT LAW Department of Law Coordinator: Prof. Nicola Corbo e-mail This PhD course is designed for students who want to take-up the challenge of operating in the expanding field of public procurement. The aim of the course is to train young scholars and future lawyers or civil servants, providing them with high-level capacity of legal analysis and implementing abilities in public and private law. The course focuses both on European and national regulation concerning public procurement and the general discipline of private autonomy. The most recent developments will be analyzed, with specific regard to e-public procurement, contracting-out, the rise of private law in the public sphere, the gradual blurring of the publicprivate traditional divide, the legal proliferation of new typologies of contracts, the discipline of private obligations and responsibility. Places available prior examinations (E.U. and no European citizens): Duration 3 years Total places 4 with grant 2 without grant 2 Places reserved to no European citizens on curriculum base (*): Duration Total places with grant without grant 3 years 1 0 1 (*) A Board of evaluators will assess the applications within 30 January 2010 ECOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Department of Ecology and Sustainable Development Coordinator: Prof. Roberta Cimmaruta e-mail Partner Institutions: Università “Sapienza” di Roma The PhD in Ecology and Management of Biological Resources is aimed at the education of graduate students, introducing them to the advances of the ecological research with particular regard to the sustainable management of biological resources. The fundamental theories, methods and techniques of research, and models related to population, community and ecosystem ecology are the basic topics of study. Focus will be also on the theory and applications underlying monitoring and conservation of endangered genomes, species and ecosystems. The management and monitoring of water systems will be another topic of the course, considering both biological and geological approaches especially in freshwater habitats. Finally, attention will be deserved to the marine environment and to the development and application of innovative technologies for its study: researches on the oceanic processes at a macroscale using new technologies, set-up of control and monitoring techniques for the coastal environment based on simulation models, studies on the benthic and pelagic communities will be some of the topics. Places available prior examinations (E.U. and no European citizens): Duration 3 years Total places 10 with grant 5 without grant 5 FOREST ECOLOGY Department of Forestry and Forestry Resources Science Coordinator: Prof. Paolo De Angelis e-mail The objective of the PhD course is to provide the scientific formation necessary at highly qualified researcher on forest ecosystems dynamics and their functions, and to equip them with the most innovative methodology to study these processes. The pedagogic approach is learn making research in the context of international or national research projects. The PhD student will be part of a multidisciplinary scientific group, where he will contribute with original research approaches. The PhD student will follow intensive advanced courses and seminars, internal and external, to improve and enlarge his scientific background. The different topics of the course are related to the Ecology and Silviculture, in particular on: forest structure and functionality, biological diversity of species in relation to evolutionary and functional processes including genomics, mass and energy fluxes, ecophysiological processes from tree to stand level, stand dynamics and forest colonization, stand stability and productivity in relation to environmental factors (global changes) and silvicultural treatments, ecological restoration, agro-forestry and soil ecology, forest management and conservation of animal biodiversity, landscape ecology. Places available prior examinations (E.U. and no European citizens): Duration 3 years Total places 7 with grant 4 without grant 3 Places reserved to no European citizens on curriculum base (*): Duration Total places with grant without grant 3 years 1 0 1 (*) A Board of evaluators will assess the applications within 30 January 2010 ECONOMY AND TERRITORY Department of Agro-forestry and Rural Environment Economics Coordinator: Prof. Alessandro Sorrentino e-mail Partner Institutions: Università di Parma Università di Firenze The P.H..D. program is essentially oriented to provide theoretical and methodological tools for advanced analysis in local development economics with particular emphasis on the resource allocation in rural areas. The program provides for a formal training in Economics and Quantitative Methods. Students may target their training and carry out a research program in the following areas: agricultural and natural resources economics and policy; general economics; applied economics in the field of environment, innovation and quality management; quantitative methods for applied economics. Focus on the local and rural development economics will characterise the research programs carried out by students. Each student will be assigned to a tutor and each program will be monitored by the PhD Professor Board. Places available prior examinations (E.U. and no European citizens): Duration 3 years Total places 4 with grant 2 without grant 2 Places reserved to no European citizens on curriculum base (*): Duration Total places with grant without grant 3 years 1 0 1 (*) A Board of evaluators will assess the applications within 30 January 2010 BIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL EVOLUTION Department of Environmental Sciences Coordinator: Prof. Laura Zucconi e-mail The evolutionistic biology has two main goals: the reconstruction of the evolutive processes towards diverse possible approaches and the study of molecular mechanisms at the base of these processes. It is therefore important to know all the levels of the biological organization of Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, encompassing the biological molecules, the cell and multicellular organisms. The basic topics studied during the degree courses will be deepened in the course of Doctorate of “Biological and Biochemical Evolution”. The research students will be trained in methods of phylogeny, starting from the morphecological knowledge up to the most advanced microscopic, biochemical and DNA and RNA sequencing techniques, the study of development and embryological differentiation, the reproductive cycles and endocrine regulation, the genetic equilibrium of the populations from microorganisms to humans in relation to the natural selection. Innovative techniques (analysis of polymorphic loci by protein electrophoresis, amino acid and nucleotide sequencing, immunologic techniques, DNA-DNA hybridization) are today applied to study genetic variability and speciation mechanisms. New metagenomic molecular techniques enable to better understand the total microbial diversity, including the uncultivable microbial portion. Our aim is to train new highly prepared researchers able to organize their own research and apply advanced techniques to evaluate the genetic variability and the environmental adaptation, which are the first steps of the evolutive changes. The students’ training will be based on the development of an original research project under the supervision of one or more tutors. The students will be asked to attend seminars and will be encouraged to spend a period of research (non less than 6 months) in a scientifically outstanding foreign laboratory. The doctorate involves numerous competences of biology, systematic, morpho-functionality, biochemistry. For an efficient preparation of the research students, the members of the College have suggested three curricula according with the area of investigation: Organismic, Populationistic, Bio-molecular. Places available prior examinations (E.U. and no European citizens): Duration 3 years Total places 4 with grant 2 without grant 2 Places reserved to no European citizens on curriculum base (*): Duration Total places with grant without grant 3 years 1 0 1 (*) A Board of evaluators will assess the applications within 30 January 2010 GENETICS AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY Department of Agro-biology and Agro-chemistry Coordinator: Prof. Giorgio Prantera e-mail The research areas involved in the PhD course in Genetics and Cell Biology are the following: structural and functional organization of chromatin, with particular emphasis on epigenetic phenomena; genomics, proteomics and transcriptomics; structure and physiology of cells and of their organelles; regulation of cell proliferation; cell differentiation; molecular genomics of livestocks. The students’ training will be based on the development of an original research project under the supervision of a tutor. The students will be asked to attend seminar cycles and will be encouraged to spend a period of research in a scientifically outstanding foreign laboratory. After the course completion students will have acquired basic and innovative knowledge to be used in basic and applied research with particular regards to the biotechnologic applications. Places available prior examinations (E.U. and no European citizens): Duration 3 years Total places 10 with grant 5 without grant 5 Places reserved to no European citizens on curriculum base (*): Duration Total places with grant without grant 3 years 1 1 0 (*) A Board of evaluators will assess the applications within 30 January 2010 MEMORY AND MATTER OF ART WORKS THROUGH THEIR PROCESS OF PRODUCTION, HISTORICIZATION, CONSERVATION AND PRESERVATION Department of Studies for the Understanding and Valorisation of Historical and Artistic Heritage Coordinator: Prof. Maria C. Andaloro e-mail The Ph D Program aims at specify and activate research fields connected to the new needs of cultural policies about knowledge, preservation, management and development of historical and artistic heritage and resources. Moreover it prepares students for high quality original research in Italian and international institutions (atheneums); as consultants in concerning professional fields; for document, research, catalogue, archives and register (or records and file) at the Italian Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali Superintendeces, Italian and foreign museums, public and private institutions, research institutes. To devolop these abilities the Ph D program contains the following specific area of research : Territory as interaction between different places of cultural heritage in Italy and in the Mediterranean (Tuscia, central and southern Italy, Sicily, Turkey). - Strenght of images in palinsesto Roma. Diachronical approach to the monuments and the art of Rome, since the early antiquity to Medioeval, Modern and Contemporary ages. - Museum: past and present. Fruition, installation and preservation systems of artworks since Modern age; expositives, conservatives, museologics aspects of contemporary art in particolar on new media and ephimeras. - Multidisciplinary aspects of research and analysis methods. Humanistic (Classical) and technological issue: new methodological approach at research, knwoledge, development and preservation of artworks in their material consistence and in their monumental and enviromental settings. Places available prior examinations (E.U. and non European citizens): Duration 3 years Total places 4 with grant 2 without grant 2 Places reserved to no European citizens on curriculum base (*): Duration Total places with grant without grant 3 years 1 0 1 (*) A Board of evaluators will assess the applications within 30 January 2010 HORTICULTURE Department of Geology and Mechanical Engineering, Bioengineering and Hydraulics for the Territory Coordinator: Prof. Alberto Graifenberg e-mail Partner Institutions: Università di Pisa The purpose of the Ph.D. program is to provide an opportunity for advanced study and specialization in horticulture which particular emphasis on the quality improvement of horticultural products and sustainability of the production processes. During the Ph.D. program, students will acquire and develop new theoretical knowledge and laboratory skills in a series of areas of horticulture (vegetable crops, ornamental horticulture, floriculture, turfgrass, fruit crops) and horticultural disciplines including crop production/improvement/adaptation, environmental stress physiology, molecular biology, tissue culture, biotechnology, post-harvest, and plant growth regulators. Moreover, students will proficiency develop an independent scientific investigation in the laboratories and facilities. Places available prior examinations (E.U. and no European citizens): Duration 3 years Total places 8 with grant 4 without grant 4 Places reserved to no European citizens on curriculum base (*): Duration Total places with grant without grant 3 years 2 0 2 (*) A Board of evaluators will assess the applications within 30 January 2010 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Coordinator: Prof. Maurizio Petruccioli e-mail Partner Institutions: Università di Perugia The topics of the PhD Course on Environmental Sciences are as follows: - Extraction of natural organic compounds of industrial interest (for cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food applications) present in agro-industrial wastes by innovative chemical-physical methodologies. - Chemical valorization of natural organic compounds present in agro-industrial wastes: their utilization as starting materials in order to obtain fine chemicals by environmentally friendly chemical methodologies. - New synthethic routes to the pharmacologically bioactive compounds by ecofriendly catalytic and non catalytic procedures. - Definition and application of novel investigation methodologies for the analysis and assessment of quality and sustainable level of agroecosystems by means of holistic approaches and referred to hierarchical levels of territorial, firm and cultural studies. Study of the ecophysiological characteristics of plant deterrents aimed to set up cultural ecocompatible systems. - Microbial bioremediation of contaminated soils, wastes and wastewaters and consequent impact on pollutants’ biodegradation and reduction of ecotoxicity; study of the microbial populations, of the enzymes and of the degradation pathways involved in bioremediation processes. - Biotechnological valorization (with microorganisms and/or enzymes) of agriculture and agro-industrial residues, surplus, wastes and wastewaters (production of enzymes, biofuels, biomoleculs, etc.). - Study of spectroscopic, nanoscopies, image analysis, morphometric techniques and of , statistical (multivariate and neural network) and computer modelling for the detection of polluting agents in different media and for their effect on organisms and environment. Places available prior examinations (E.U. and no European citizens): Duration 3 years Total places 4 With grant 2 without grant 2 Places reserved to no European citizens on curriculum base (*): Duration Total places with grant without grant 3 years 1 0 1 (*) A Board of evaluators will assess the applications within 30 January 2010 SCIENCES AND MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE FOREST AND ENVIRONMENTAL Department of the Environment and Forestry Technologies, Engineering and Sciences Coordinator: Prof. Gianluca Piovesan e-mail Partner Institutions: Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria Università “Federico II” di Napoli Università di Firenze Università di Parma The doctoral program, intended for persons seeking careers in teaching, research, or technical leadership within land management enterprises, emphasizes strong research specialization while maintaining an understanding and appreciation of conservation biology, broader engineering and resource use management. Specialized areas for thesis research include dendrology, landscape planning, forest management and silviculture, harvest planning and analysis of forestry utilization, soil protection, bio-environmental monitoring, genetical analysis of forest biological diversity. Places available prior examinations (E.U. and no European citizens): Duration 3 years Total places 8 with grant 4 without grant 4 Places reserved to E.U. (no Italian citizens) and no European citizens on curriculum base (*): Duration Total places with grant without grant 3 years 3 1 2 (*) A Board of evaluators will assess the applications within 30 January 2010 EUROPE HISTORY: SOCIETY, POLITICS, INSTITUTIONS (19 th – 20th CENTURY) Department of History and Cultures of Texts and Documents Coordinator: Prof. Gabriella Ciampi e-mail The course aims to form PhD students who are aware of the interrelation among socioeconomic processes, the forms of politics and the institutional set-ups in the European contemporary history. They must have in their research interests both the centuries which give historical meaningfulness to the concept of “contemporary history” and be fullly conscious, also though the application of a comparative method, of the general processes where the various regional and national experiences are and of the specific differences, peculiar to each one of them. They have to be aware of the importance of the category of interdependence has in the historical development in recent times as basic ground of an institutional and political dimension beyond the nation State. They must know how to use the WEB in order to acquire elements and instruments useful for the historical research. The PhD student will be requested to give an evidence of his abilities as researcher and interpreter of the historical processes by writing a thesis on a relavent study case. The work will have to rely on a vast and original documentation. Places available prior examinations (E.U. and no European citizens): Duration 3 years Total places 4 with grant 2 Places reserved to no European citizens on curriculum base (*): without grant 2 Duration Total places with grant without grant 3 years 1 0 1 (*) A Board of evaluators will assess the applications within 30 January 2010 APPLICATIONS Application form to participate in the selection procedures must be compiled and sent by post or e-mail in PDF format ( or within 15 January 2010 No European citizens can enter the PhD course either (1) participating in the selection (written and oral exam) or (2) being admitted after evaluation of the academic curriculum. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION The entrance examination consists of a written test and an interview. They test the candidate’s knowledge, skills and aptitude to research. The Examiners, based on report results, assign a maximum score of 60 points in each part of the exam to each candidate. Admission to interview is subject to e minimum score of 42/60 in the written part of the exam. The interview is passed with a minimum score of 42/60. TIMETABLE OF ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS TO PhD COURSES Places available prior examinations (E.U. and no European citizens) PhD Courses FOOD BIOTECHNOLOGY PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY PUBLIC AND PRIVATE CONTRACT LAW ECOLOGY AND BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Scheduled assessment Place Written test 27 January 2010, 14.30 Interview 28 January 2010, 14.30 Facoltà di Agraria Dipartimento di Scienze e tecnologie agroalimentari Via S. Camillo De Lellis snc Viterbo Facoltà di Agraria Aula del Consiglio del Dipartimento di Agrobiologia e Agrochimica Via S. Camillo De Lellis snc Viterbo Rettorato Biblioteca Annesi Via S. Maria in Gradi n. 4 Viterbo Written test 27 January 2010, 9.00 Interview 28 January 2010, 9.00 Written test 18 January 2010, 10,00 Interview 25 January 2010, 10,00 Written test 26 January 2010, 9.00 Interview 27 January 2010, 9.00 Written test 18 January 2010, 14.30 FOREST ECOLOGY Interview 19 January 2010, 11.30 Facoltà di Scienze MMFFNN Aula Magna 2 - Blocco B Largo dell’Università snc Viterbo Facoltà di Scienze MMFFNN Aula 9 - Blocco B Largo dell’Università snc Viterbo Facoltà di Agraria Aula 12 Via S. Camillo De Lellis snc Viterbo Facoltà di Agraria Dipartimento di Scienze dell’ambiente forestale e delle sue risorse Via S. Camillo De Lellis snc Viterbo Written test 27 January 2010, ECONOMY AND TERRITORY BIOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL EVOLUTION GENETICS AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY MEMORY AND MATTER OF ART WORKS THROUGH THEIR PROCESS OF PRODUCTION, HISTORICIZATION, CONSERVATION AND PRESERVATION HORTICULTURE ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 9,30 Interview 28 January 2010, 10,00 Written test 21 January 2010, Interview 22 January 2010, Written test 26 January 2010, Interview 28 January 2010, 10,00 10,00 9,30 9,30 Facoltà di Agraria Aula 3 del Dipartimento di Economia agroforestale e dell’ambiente rurale Via S. Camillo De Lellis snc Viterbo Facoltà di Scienze MMFFNN Aula 10 - Blocco B Largo dell’Università snc Viterbo Facoltà di Scienze MMFFNN Aula 2 Largo dell’Università snc Viterbo Written test 19 January 2010, 9,30 Interview 28 January 2010, 9,30 Facoltà di Conservazione dei Beni Culturali Largo dell’Università snc Viterbo Written test 25 January 2010, Interview 28 January 2010, Written test 25 January 2010, Interview 26 January 2010, Facoltà di Agraria Aula 12 Via S. Camillo De Lellis snc Viterbo Facoltà di Agraria Aula del Consiglio del Dipartimento di Agrobiologia e Agrochimica Via S. Camillo De Lellis snc Viterbo Facoltà di Agraria Via S. Camillo De Lellis snc Viterbo 9,00 9,00 10,00 14,30 SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE FOREST AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Written test 20 January 2010, 10,00 Interview 22 January 2010, 9,00 EUROPE HISTORY: SOCIETY, POLITICS, INSTITUTIONS (19th – 20th CENTURY) Written test 25 January 2010, 9,30 Interview 26 January 2010, 10,00 Facoltà di Conservazione dei Beni Culturali Aula Magna Largo dell’Università snc Viterbo