Department of Science and Humanities

Science and Humanities Department is a Research Center
Recognized by Anna University Chennai.
Anna University/ Bharathiar University Research Guide: Dr. S.Palaniammal
Research Activities
No. of faculty completed
No. of faculty submitted
No. of faculty pursuing Ph.D
In our Research
Other Colleges
Books Published
Publications in National/ International Journals/Conferences: 123
Name of the Faculty
Mrs.R.Vakitha Begam
Mrs. N.Nalini
Mrs. V.Parimala
No. of papers
published in
No. of
in National
No. of papers
published in
No. of papers
published in
Journal and Conference Publications
Total Number of National/ International Journals/Conferences: 123
1. Erlangian Bulk Service Queuing model with severs single vacation, International journal of
Management and Systems, Vol.22.No.2, May-August 2006
2. Steady state Solution of a single server bulk service Queue with controlled and delayed
vacation, International journal of Management and Systems, Vol.23.No.2, September –
December 2006
3. Model Analysis and waiting time Distribution of a constant retrial queue with
heterogeneous servers, International Journal of Mathematical Science, Vol.6, No.3-4, JulyDecember 2007
4. Unreliable M (x)/ M/1-N policy with single vacation and start up time, International journal
of computer, Mathematical sciences and application vol.2, No.3, pp 213-221, September
5. Performance Modeling in Comparison of Switch Network and Bluetooth Technology by
Using Markov Algorithm and Queuing Petri nets With the Security of Steganography Far
East Journal of Experimental and Theoretical artificial intelligence. Volume 4, Number 1,
2009, page 33-43, March 2009.
6. Application of client server networking in wireless technologies by using Markov
algorithm and queuing Petri nets with the security of steganography, CIIT International
Journal of Wireless Communication, Vol 1, No. 1, P.No. 52-56, April 2009.
7. Lingering Bandwidth Estimation to Optimize the resource utilization for mobile Ad Hoc
Networks., CiiT International Journal of networking and Communication Engineering. Vol
1, No. 6, September 2009.
8. Measuring the Reliability of K-Mediods with obstacles, Facilitators constraints and Edge
Detection on Spatial Clustering, CiiT International Journal of Data Mining Knowledge
Engineering, October 2009.
9. Effective and Efficient Constraint Based Clustering Algorithms on Spatial Data,
International Journal of Computer, Systems, Signals, Volume1 No.10, pages 40-52, 2009
10. New Threshold Technique to potentially malignant cells Recognition in Epithelial Tissues
using Image Enhancement and Image Segmentation, International Journal of Engineering
and Information Technology, Volume 1 Number 2, October 2009
11. Comparison of M/M/1 and M/M (1,b)/1 using Mat lab to find Performance in wired and
wireless Technology in client server applications applying cryptography and
Steganography, International Journal Network and Computing, Pub: CIIT, Coimbatore,
September 2010.
12. A Novel Hybrid Spatial Association Rule Mining Algorithm for Neuro Imaging,
International Journal of Computer Applications 8(9):32-37, October 2010
13. Performance Modeling of Client Server with Mobile-Fi Application Using Queuing Petri
nets by Markov Algorithm with Security of Cryptography, International Journal Network
and Computer Engineering ISSN 0975-6485 Volume 1, Number 1(2010), pp. 1-9, 2010
14. A Hybrid model in comparing the performance of wired and wireless Technologies by
using the Markov algorithm and Queuing Petri nets, International Journal of Computer
Applications.No:4 Article -1, Pub: Foundation of computer science, 2010
15. Performance Modeling in Client Server Network Comparison of Hub, Switch and
Bluetooth Technology Using Markov Algorithm and Queuing Petri Nets with the Security
Of Steganography Int. J. Of Advanced Networking and Applications Volume: 01, Issue:
05, Pages: 331-336, March-April 2010
16. Evaluation of subspace clustering of high dimensional Data, International Journal of
Computer Science and Application, ISSN 0974-767, April 2011
17. A Single Server M/G/1 Queue with service Interruption under Bernoulli Schedule,
International Mathematical Forum, Vol 6 2011,NO 35 1697-1712, 2011
18. Novel Mechanism control Algorithm for wired network, Journal of Computer Science 7
(9): 1426-1431, 2011. ISSN 1549-3636, June 2011
19. Study of Performance Analysis in Wired and Wireless Network, American Journal Of
Applied Sciences 8 (8), 826-832, 2011
20. Distributed data transaction of an apache web server using bulk service rule, International
journal of computer applications, Volume 24-No.8, June 2011
21. A Well-organized Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm for MANET, International
Journal of Computer Applications, ISBN: 978-93-80864-92-4, September 2011
22. A Detailed Study on Energy Efficient Techniques for Mobile Adhoc Networks,
International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol.8, Issue 5,No 1, September 2011
23. Study of performance analysis in wired and wireless networks, American journal of
Applied Science, Vol.8, Issue.8, PP 826 - 832, 2011
24. An Improved Medical Diagnosing Technique using Spatial Association, European Journal
of Scientific Research (EJSR), Vol.61 No.1, pp. 49-59, November 2011
25. EFB Grid based Structure for Discovering Quality Clusters in Density based Clustering,
International Journal of Computer Applications(0975-8887), Volume 39-No.15, February
26. A Dynamic Approach to Optimize Energy Consumption in Mobile Adhoc Network,
European Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN 1450-216X Vol .85 No 2, pp.225-232,
September 2012.
27. Enhanced Core Stateless Fair Queuing with Multiple Queue Priority Scheduler, The
International Arab, Journal of Information Technology, Online Publication, December 18,
28. Applications of Quantum Cryptography, International journal of Current Research, Vol.5,
Issue 01, pp.054-055, January 2013
29. Partitioning of Loop Free Sperner Hypergraphs into Transversals, International journal of
Pure and Applied Mathematics,Vol .88 No 4,pp.469-474 , October.2013
30. M/M(a,b)/ Multiple Efficient Path Transmission Queueing Model using Energy Discover
Path Transmission Routing (EDPTR) ,International Journal of Mathematics and computer
research,Volume1, Issue 11, pp-277-282, ISSN-2320-7167,Dec 2013.
31. A Study on Two-Phase Service Queueing System with server Vacations, International
Journal of Engineering Research and Applications Vol .2 Issue-2(Version-3) pp-65-72
February 2014
32. A New Approach for Subspace Clustering of High Dimensional Data, International
Journal of Computer Science and Applications (IJCSA), Vol 3, Issue 2, May 2014
33. Bulk service queuing models with server single and delayed vacation International Journal
of Advances in Science and Technology, Vol 2. Issue 2 June 2014, ISSN 2348-5426
34. An effective density conscious subspace clustering method using Top down and Bottom up
strategies. International journal of computer science and information technologies, Vol 5,
Issue 3, June 2014, P.No: 3839-3842, ISSN: 0975-9646
35. Jose measure based high dimensional data clustering for real world conditions Journal of
theoretical and applied information Technology, Vol 67, No: 2 P.No. 361-368, ISSN: 19928645
36. Efficient path solution and data transmission using Queue in open shortest path first.
International Journal of Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 3, Issue 4, July 2014,
P.No. 139-144, ISSN: 2324-7134
37. M/M (a,b)/ (2,1) queuing system with servers repeated and delayed vacation AsianEuropean Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 7, Issue 2, June 2014.
38. Rule Based Similarity Measure for subspace Clustering of High Dimensional Data set
Using Deapthness Estimation Technique. International Journal of Applied Engineering
Research ISSN 0973-4562 number 22 (2014) pp 13437-13447
39. Performance Modeling of client-server network in wired and wireless technologies by
using stable algorithms, Indian research Review Vol:2 Issue:1, November 2010-January
40. Effective Processing of Constraints based Spatial Joining R-Tree, Journal of Applied
Sciences, Vol.8 No.12, pp. 1404-1412, October 2011
41. A Survey of priority queueing(PQ) algorithms in communication networks, Advances in
computer science and Engineering, Volume 7, Number 2, Pages 119-125, 2011
42. Stateless aggregate fair marking scheduled for differentiated service networks, Journal of
Computer Science, Volume 9,Issue 1, Pages 63-73, 2013
43. Comparing Simple Hyper graphs, Indian Journal of Research, Volume:2 , Issue:4, ISSN2250-1991, April 2013
44. A Single Server M/G/1 Queue with Preemptive Repeat Priority Service with Server
Vacation, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 7, 2013, no. 94, October.2013
45. M/M(a,b)/(2,1) Queuing Systems with severs Repeated and delayed Vacation (Accepted
for Publications) , Mathematical Problems in Engineering
46. Client Server Modelling in Job Scheduling with Queueing Petri Net and Bulk Service
model using Novel Security, Journal of Nano Science and Nano Technology, Vol 2,Issue
6,Pages-693-698, ISSN 2279-0381,February 2014.
47. Comparing Simple Hypergraphs ,Paripex-Indian Journal Of ResearchVolume : 2 | Issue : 4
| April 2013 ISSN - 2250-1991
48. Improved Fuzzy Clustering Method Based On Intuitionistic Fuzzy Particle Swarm
Optimization, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology,Vol 62, April
49. Performance Modeling of Client Server with Wibree application Using Queuing Petri nets,
International conference on Managing Next Generation Software Applications, December
5-6 2008
50. Performance Modeling of Client Server with Mobile Fi application Using Queuing Petri
nets by Markov Algorithm, Proceedings of the International conference on Intelligent
system and control , February 6-7, 2009
51. Performance Modeling of Client Server with Wibree application Using Queuing Petri nets
and Markov Algorithm, Proceedings of the International conference on Information
Management and Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3-5 April 2009.
52. Effective and Efficient constraint based Clustering Algorithm on Spatial data, International
Conference on Information Technology and Business Intelligence, Nagpur, 6-8 November
53. A Novel Spatial clustering with obstacle and facilitator constraints based on Edge
Detection and k-Mediods, International Conference on Computer Technology and
Development, Malaysia on November 13-15, 2009 A single server queue with service
interruption under Bernoulli schedule and a general vacation time, 75th Annual Conference
of the IMS, 27-30 December 2009
54. An Integrated Framework for Clustering high Dimensional Categorical data, Proceedings
of the International conference on Computing, Communication and information technology
Applications. ISBN 978-81-909789-0-3, CCITA, January 21-23, 2010.
55. Analysis of High Dimensional Data Clustering An Efficient Approach, Proceedings of the
International conference on Computing, Communication and information technology
Applications. ISBN 978-81-909789-0-3, CCITA, January 21-23, 2010
56. Queuing Petri Nets in client server network for performance modeling of wired and
wireless technologies using Markov Model and cryptography, International Conference on
Data mining and ware housing, 30th January 2010
57. A Hybrid Approach for Rule Extraction From High-Dimensional Data Space, International
Conference on Intelligent Design and Analysis of Engineering Products, Systems and
Computation, 9-10 July 2010.
58. Mining Subspace Clusters Using Improved Bottom-Up Method, International Conference
on Intelligent Design and Analysis of Engineering Products, Systems and Computation 910 July 2010.
59. Queuing Petri Nets in client server network for performance modeling of wired and
wireless technologies using Markov Model and cryptography, International Conference on
Intelligent Design and Analysis of Engineering Products, Systems and Computation, 9-10
July 2010.
60. Performance modeling in client server comparison of hub,switch, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi
technology by using markov algorithm and queuing petrinets with the security of
steganography, International conference on computing communication and information
technology application, 2010.
61. Performance Modeling of Hub, Switch Bluetooth and Wi-Fi Technology in client Server
applications to find inter arrival and inter service time Using Markov Algorithm by
applying cryptography and Steganography, Proceedings of the International conference on
Computing, Communication and information technology Applications. ISBN 978-81909890-0-8, CCITA, 3, September 2010.
62. Utility Based Approach for an Optimized Bandwidth Allocation in MANET, IEEE
International Conferences on Trents in Information sciences and Computing, Sathiya Bama
University December 17-19, 2010.
63. Distributed data Transactions Network in client server Applications using of M/M(1,b)/1
Markovian Models, Proceedings of the International conference on Communication and
Computational intelligence, pp: 118-122, December 2010
64. Novel Encryption Control Mechanism Algorithm for Wimax network, The International
Conference on Communication Technology and system Design, Amrita Vishwa
Vidhyapeetham University, Coimbatore.112, December 2011.
65. An Efficient Density-based Improved PAM Clustering Algorithm, The International
Conference on Mathematics and its Applications-A New Wave(ICMANW-2011),
Avinashilingam university, Coimbatore, December 21-22, 2011.
66. Empirical Evaluation of Subspace Clustering of high dimensional data, The International
Conference on Mathematics and its Applications-A New Wave(ICMANW-2011),
Avinashilingam university, Coimbatore, December 21-22, 2011.
67. An Optimized Approach for power consumption in MANET, The International Conference
on Mathematics and its Applications-A New Wave(ICMANW-2011), Avinashilingam
university, Coimbatore, December 21-22, 2011.
68. Study of wired and wireless network using novel security mechanism, The International
Conference on Mathematics and its Applications-A New Wave(ICMANW-2011),
Avinashilingam university, Coimbatore, December 21-22, 2011.
69. Evaluation of Subspace Clustering of High-dimensional Data, The International
Conference on Mathematics and its Applications-A New Wave(ICMANW-2011),
Avinashilingam university, Coimbatore, December 21-22, 2011.
70. performance analysis of various spatial join and spatial query techniques, The International
Conference on Mathematics and its Applications-A New Wave(ICMANW-2011),
Avinashilingam university, Coimbatore, December 21-22, 2011.
71. Study of Bluetooth network using security of novel mechanism, The International
Conference on Mathematics and its Applications-A New Wave(ICMANW-2011),
Avinashilingam university, Coimbatore, December 21-22, 2011
72. An Optimized Energy Consumption Algorithm for MANET, International Conference on
Modelling, Optimisation and Computing(ICMOC – 2012), Published in Procedia
Engineering - vol 38, April 10-11, 2012.
73. An Enhanced Approach on Handling Missing Values Using Bagging k-NN Imputation,
International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics(ICCCI-2013),
January 04-06, 2013.
74. An Outline of Vavation Model of Two-Phase Queueing System Vol:3,Issue:7,ISSN-2249555x,July 2013
75. Magneto Hydrodynamic flow through tubes of varying cross section in the presence of an
axial magnetic field, Proceedings of the National Conference on Mathematical and
computational Models, December 27-28, 2001
76. Reliability Estimation for a software system with multiple types of faults, National
Conference on PSG Technology, 2003.
77. M/M (a,b) /(2,1) Queuing Model with servers repeated vacation, , National Conference on
PSG Technology, 2004.
78. M/M (A, B) / (2, 1) Queuing model with servers repeated vacation, National conference,
Gandhigram rural university, Dindigul, pp: 232-238, 2006.
79. Need of Markov Algorithm and Queuing Petri Nets in the performance modeling of client
server Application in wibree, wimax and Mobile -Fi Technologies, National Seminar on
Advances in Applied mathematics, 23 March, 2009
80. A Survey of optimal resource allocation in mobile adhoc networks, Innovation in computer
techniques-09, 9th April 2009
81. A single server queue with service interruption under Bernoulli schedule and a general
vacation time, 75th Annual Conference of the IMS, 27-30 December 2009
82. Queuing Petri Nets in client server network for performance modeling of wired
technologies using Markov Model and Steganography, National Conference on Data
mining and ware housing .ISBN:2978-81-908264-4-0, Pub: Baba Publisher.57-61, 2010
83. Performance Modeling in Client Server Comparison of Single and multi server using Hub,
Bluetooth Technology By Using Markov Algorithm and Queuing Petri nets With the
Security of Steganography, National Conference on Advance in computing and IT, Nehru
College.ISBN: 39788190826457, Page: 123, 2010
84. Performance Modeling in Client Server Network comparison of Hub, Switch Bluetooth
technology by Using Markov Algorithm and Queuing Petri nets With the Security of
advance encryption standard, National Conference on emerging trends in computational
science and its applications UGC sponsored, Page:17, 2010.
85. A hybrid model in comparing the performance of wired and wireless network by using
M/M(a,b)/1 Markov algorithm and Queuing Petri nets, National Conference on Advance
computing ISSN: 0975-0295, Page:6-10, 2010.
86. An Erlangian Queueing System With Server's Multiple Vacations, National Conference on
Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics, Pg.Nos:57-74, 29-30 June 2011.
87. M/M(a,b)/(2,1) queueing model with batch service following exponential distribution with
servers repeated vacation, National Conference on Scientific Computing and Applied
Mathematics, Pg.Nos:51-56, 29-30 June 2011.
88. Performance Modeling of an Apache Web Server Using M/M (1, B)/1 Queuing Model,
National Conference on Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics Pg.Nos:28-33, 2930 June 2011.
89. Preemptive and Non Preemptive Priority Queueing Models in Hospital Emergency
Problem, National Conference on Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics,
Pg.Nos:42-45, 29-30 June 2011
90. Effective Processing of Constraints based Spatial Join using R-trees, National Conference
on Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics, Pg.Nos:107-117, 29-30 June 2011.
91. A Novel Subspace Clustering for High-Dimensional Data, National Conference on
Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics, Pg.Nos:118-121, 29-30 June 2011.
92. A Grid Based Structure for Density Based Clustering, National Conference on Scientific
Computing and Applied Mathematics, Pg.Nos:134-138, 29-30 June 2011.
93. Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation in Mobile Adhoc Networks, National Conference on
Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics, Pg.Nos:139-145, 29-30 June 2011
94. Class-Based Weighted Fair Queueing in Cisco Networks, National Conference
Scientific Computing and Applied Mathematics, Pg.Nos:46-50, 29-30 June 2011.
95. M/M/2 Queue with Heterogeneous Server Vacation Proceedings of the National
Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Computing-NCRTMC’13 ,2013
1. Viscoelastic MHD Flow and Heat Transfer over an impermeable stretching Sheet under the
effects of Dissipation, Thermal Radiation and Elastic deformation, International Journal of
Fluid Mechanics , Vol 4, Issue :1 , pp :1-15, June 2012.
Dr. K.R.Kanimozhi:
1. Study of MICHELIA Champaca- an eco friendlily inhibitor on the corrosion of Mild Steel
in Acid Mediam, Proceedings of ENVIRO 2001, Control of Industrial pollution and
Environmental Degradation, PSG Tech
2. Inhibiting Effect of Acid extract of Solanum Verbascifilum on corrosion of Mild Steel in
Acid Mediam, National Seminar on recent trends in Biological Science, 2002
3. Investigation of a Green Compound as a Corrosion inhibitor Mild Steel in Acid Mediam,
Workshop on environment awareness and pollution control, KSR College of Arts and
Science, 2005.
4. Investigation of Corrosion Inhibition Efficiency of Artabotrys Odoratissimus extract,
Regional Symposium on current research trend in chemistry Kongunadu Arts and Science
College, 2005
5. Corrosion Mitigation of Mild Steel using Green Inhibiters, National Seminar on current
development in Chemistry,2008
6. Effect of Sodium Chloride Concentration on the Corrosion of Carbon Steels and Stainless
Steels in CO2 Environment Atmospheric Pressure under Turbulent Flow Condition,
Proceedings of NACE International,2014
7. Effect of Monoethanolamine (MEA) on the Corrosion Rates of Carbon steels and Stainless
steels in CO2 Saturated NaCL solutions, Proceedings of NACE International,2014
Mr.D.Santhosh Shanthakumar
1. Spectral and Thermal Studies on New Hydrazinium Metal Sulfid Dihydrades, International
Journal of Thermal Analysis Calorimetry, ISSN:2, Vol:89, pp:521-524, 2007
2. Synthesis, Spectral, thermal and X-ray diffraction studies on bis-hydrazine metal and mixed
metal o-nitrobenzoates, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research,5(12):10171023,2013
3. Bis-Hyzine Metal and Mixed Metal M-Nitro Benzoates. Synthesis, Spectral, Themal and Xray Diffraction Studies, Asian Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 26, No. 18 (2014), 6106-6110
4. Synthesis, Spectral, Thermal and X-ray Powder Diffraction Studies on Hydrazine Bridged
Metal and Mixed Metal Para Nitrobenzoate Complexes, The International Journal Of
Science & Technoledge, Vol 2 Issue 11, October, 2014. (ISSN 2321 – 919X).
5. Bis-hydrazine metal 3, 5-dinitro benzoates and 3, 5-dinitro salicylates: Synthesis, Spectral,
Thermal and X-ray powder diffraction studies, In press, Asian Journal of Research in
Chemistry;Vol:7No:12:December 2014.
1. Selection of one plan suspension systems with Special Type of Double Sampling through
Minimum Sum of Risks using Spread Sheets, IOSR Journal of Mathematics, Vol 5, ISSN2278-5728, Issue 5, PP-01-07, April -2013
2. Design of Special Type of Double Sampling using Spread Sheets, International Conference
on Mathematics and its Applications-A new wave, Dec 22&23, 2011, Avinashilingam
Deemed University.
1. Applications of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps in the Analysis of the Factors infusing Investment
Decision, Proceedings of National Conference on Scientific Computing and Applied
Mathematics, June 29 and 30, 2011
2. Application of Nutrosophic Cognitive maps in the Analysis of the Problems faced by the
girls students who got married during the period of study, International Journal of
Mathematical Science and Applications, ISSN:2230-9888, Vol:1, No:3, September 2011
3. Application of Super fuzzy Cognitive maps in the Analysis of Option about the
Employements in Information technology Sector, International Journal of Mathematical
Science and Applications, ISSN:2230-9888, Vol:1, No:2, May 2011
1. Selection of Three Stage Chain Sampling Plan of Type Chsp (0,1,2) Indexed Through
Minimum Angle Method, International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 5, Issue, 12,
pp.4029-4032,ISSN: 0975-833X , December 2013
1. Batch Arrival Feedback Queue with Additional Multi optional Service and Multiple
Vacation, International Journal of Scientific Research and Publications, Vol:3, Issue:3,
ISSN:2250-3153, March 2013
2. M/G/1 Feedback Queue with Additional Multi optional Service and Multiple Vacation,
Proceedings of International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications- A new way,
Avinashilingam University , Dec 2011
Mrs.R.Vakitha Begam:
1. g*-Compact Space, BEST-International Journal of Management , Information Technology
and Engineering, ISSN:2348-0513, Vol:2, pp-13-20, June-2014
2. g* - Connected Space, International Journal of Computer Applications, ISSN:2250-1797,
Vol:3, pp-124-132, June2014
3. Generalization of Urysohn’s Lemma and Tietze g*- closed sets, International Journal of
Computer Applications, ISSN: 2250-1797, Vol: 3, pp-140-145, June 2014.
Mrs. N.Nalini:
1. Synthesis, Characterization of Substituted Piperdin-4-ones with Dichloro (cyclooctadiene)
palladium (II), Chemical Science Transactions 2014, 3(2), 717-721
2. Synthesis Of Substituted Piperdin-4-Ones With Dichloro (Cyclooctadiene) Palladium (II)
and Antimicrobial Activity, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
2014,6 (1), 440-444. (ISSN- 0975-1491).
3. “Antibacterial studies and Synthesis of substituted 2,6-diphenylpiperdin-4-ones” on
International Conference on “Chemistry-Frontiers and Challenges” , 5th to 7th February
Mrs. V.Parimala:
1. A Second order Range Kutta Method to Solve Fuzzy Differential Equation with Fuzzy Initial
Condition, IJSR, ISSN: 2319-7064 , March 2014