de stoere houtman - Communities of Sustainable Europe (CoSE)

Eigenaren van woningen in De Houtmanstraat,
de Juinbolstraat en ‘onze’ Lange Wal
De Houtmanstr. 18, 6826PJ, NL,
Ontstaan: uit boosheid in 2000 vanwege aankoop-sloop-nieuwbouwplannen van gemeente.
Doel: samen met gemeente en Rijn IJssel College werken aan vernieuwing van onze woningen en woonomgeving, incl.
nieuwbouw op plek van de scholen, met subsidie van €500.000 van het VROM-Ministerie voor idee- en planvorming,
met hulp van adviseurs en vooral de inzet van bewoners (sluit je aan voor €12 per jaar op postgironr: 9033030)
Werken aan: speeltuin, ontmoetingscentrum, verbeterplannen, nieuwbouw, schone energie, enz. enz.
PATH2RES-Roadmap of De Stoere Houtman
The Owners’ Association ‘De Stoere Houtman’ in Arnhem, the Netherlands, was established in 2000 and
works to promote a more sustainable living environment in its neighborhood with 138 existing dwellings and
approximately 150 new apartments.
The Association has been awarded support by the Dutch national Ministry of Environment (VROM).
De Stoere Houtman also participates in the Intelligent Energy Europe project PATH-2-RES.
De Stoere Houtman has developed and adopted ‘the Stoere Houtman Statements for homes and local
environment’, which has been presented at the PATH-2-RES Meeting of this project in Arnhem on 29-31
March 2009:
From these Statements the following ‘PATH-2-RES-Roadmap’ has been developed, for the short term,
towards 2020 and towards 2050.
Statement I
We want to fulfill Europe’s 20-20-20-ambitions: 20% reduction in greenhouse gases, 20% saving with
sustainable sources of energy and 20% energy saving of energy by 2020. For this purpose, authorities,
companies and citizens have to take firm, ambitious steps now in order to be able to set off any future
Short term
1. With the subsidy of VROM and with support of the National Energy Agency Senter-Novem we have
enabled Susebeek Consultancy (and ‘De Straat Milieu Adviseurs’) to develop for De Stoere Houtman
neighborhood concepts for an energy-system, based on renewable sources, possibly making use of hydrogen
for energy storage, making use of the newest technologies and with less costs for the consumers than the
conventional system.
2. De Stoere Houtman looks for co-operation with local, regional and national authorities to implement such
system in its neighborhood, as an innovative energy pilot.
Towards 2020
3. De Stoere Houtman looks for an institution, that will help to monitor the experiences with the innovative
energy pilot and that will advise improvements and that will help to implement these improvements. The
objective of this operation is to become energy-neutral in 2020.
Towards 2050
4. De Stoere Houtman initiates a study for further improvements and will look for support to implement the
advises. The objective of this operation is to become clean-energy-delivering in 2050.
Statement II
We propose that rich countries like the Netherlands fulfil their own objectives and do not indemnify
by supporting energy projects in poorer (and cheaper) countries. Of course, as a goal in itself
supporting energy projects in poor countries (preferably integrated into wider programmes for
combating poverty) does remain extremely necessary.
Short term
5. Shortly before De Stoere Houtman was established some residents were organized in an Eco-Team to
teach themselves to sort more waste and save more energy. And with the ‘profit’ (because the municipality
had less waste to collect) a waste separation project in Arnhem’s South Africa twin city of Kimberley was
supported. De Stoere Houtman wishes to develop a new Eco-Team for more residents to continue this
education programme for further improvement of personal behavior.
Towards 2020
6. De Stoere Houtman co-operates with the British village Ashton Hayes to build together an European
Network of ‘Communities for a Sustainable Europe’. This network will exchange experiences and will
stimulate other communities (of villages and urban neighborhoods) to adopt similar programmes. This
network will lobby towards the authorities that they will intensify their clean energy policies. The network
will also look for partner-communities in poorer countries.
Towards 2050
7. De Stoere Houtman will together with the ‘Communities for a Sustainable Europe’ look for ways to
transfer economic support to - and build social-economic co-operation with communities in poorer
Statement III
Substantial savings will have to be made in new build and in the existing property supply as well. To
this end, authorities have to devise and make available to owner-occupants and landlords integral
stimulus packages, opportunities for subsidy and economic (re)development.
Short term
8. De Stoere Houtman co-operates with the City of Arnhem to intensify the renovation programmes for the
existing houses.
Towards 2020
9. De Stoere Houtman will look for experiences elsewhere, for CO2-reduction-premiums and other facilities
to be able to design a well exploitable energy system.
Towards 2050
10. De Stoere Houtman will look for experiences elsewhere, for CO2-reduction-premiums and other facilities
to be able to design a profit-making energy system.
Statement IV
De Stoere Houtman will stimulate in co-operation with the ‘Communities for a Sustainable Europe’,
that the governments will adopt the following rule: Properties will only be built or altered in energyneutral fashion, unless it can be demonstrated that this is not (entirely) achievable for a specific
construction or renovation plan.
Short term
11. De Stoere Houtman is continuing to look for support for an energy-neutral working method for an
innovative renovation project towards ‘passive houses’ or even better: ‘energy-active houses’.
Towards 2020
12. De Stoere Houtman will stimulate in co-operation with the ‘Communities for a Sustainable Europe’, that
authorities in Europe will adopt the following rule: Homes will only be built or renovated with the label
Towards 2050
13. De Stoere Houtman will stimulate in co-operation with the ‘Communities for a Sustainable Europe’, that
authorities in Europe will adopt the following rule: Homes will only be built or renovated with the label
‘clean energy producing’.
Statement V
As long as there are no energy-saving systems that stand out head and shoulders above the
rest in terms of yield, efficiency and ratio of price to quality, we propose that trial projects in
neighbourhood and villages be tested in practice. This relates to sustainable sources of energy
such as sun, wind, differences in temperature, tides and water streams and biomass, a well as
enery storage such as hydrogen, batteries, cold and hot water storage and selling power to the
Short term
14. De Stoere Houtman co-operates with the City of Arnhem to reconstruct ten existing houses into so-called
‘hydrogen-houses’, as described in ‘the Arnhem Climate Programme 2008-2011’
Towards 2020
15. De Stoere Houtman is working on the new apartments with maximum energy saving and maximum
sustainable energy production, possibly making use of hydrogen for storage of energy for peak times.
Existing structures will be linked with this system.
Towards 2050
16. De Stoere Houtman will replace its existing 138 houses by new build houses and apartments, that will
adopt the than most innovative system of sustainable energy production, possibly making use of hydrogen
for storage of energy for peak times.
Statement VI
We propose that authorities see to it that supplying to the energy grid produces more return than the
cost of buying.
Short term
17. De Stoere Houtman looks for an energy company that is willing to create, in co-operation with
authorities, such pilot for De Stoere Houtman.
Towards 2020
18. De Stoere Houtman is marketing the experiences of this pilot to national level, with the objective that the
pilot is translated into national policy.
Towards 2050
19. De Stoere Houtman and the Communities for a Sustainable Europe are marketing its experiences and the
national policy towards Europe, with the objective that this policy is translated into a Europe-wide policy.
Statement VII
We propose that villages and neighbourhoods get one unit of their own for energy from biomass. Using
this, human, animal and plant organic waste flows be converted into energy locally.
Short term
20. De Stoere Houtman would like to help design an exemplary project for local energy from local biomass.
Towards 2020
21. De Stoere Houtman stimulates a national wide programme for local projects for local energy from local
Towards 2050
22. De Stoere Houtman and the Communities for a Sustainable Europe stimulate an Europe-wide programme
for local projects for local energy from local biomass.
Statement VIII
We propose that authorities stimulate residents not to buy surplus packaging and packaging that
pollutes the environment. This can also be done by banning this packaging material at the source. This
can moreover be stimulated by education programmes for behavioural change and by offering more
separation units.
Short term
23. De Stoere Houtman wants to integrate in its new buildings an ‘environmental shop’, where residents can
come for advice, for support of eco-projects and for collection of separable and reusable materials.
24. De Stoere Houtman wishes to co-operate with authorities to develop and support education and training
programmes for behavioural change.
25. De Stoere Houtman wishes to co-operate with authorities to create a pilot, in which neighbourhoods and
villages are rewarded for their savings resulting from separation of waste.
Towards 2020
26. De Stoere Houtman supports the development of such programmes nation wide.
Towards 2050
27. De Stoere Houtman and the Communities for a Sustainable Europe support the development of such
programmes Europe-wide.
Statement IX
We propose that, for each neighbourhood and village, a system be introduced for collective car
ownership and use. In this way residents can fight excessive ownership of cars (second car, but
possibly also the first car). Authorities must dedicate themselves firmly to this. Additionally,
neighbourhoods and villages will make their own Green Plans to neutralize environmental pollution
(including CO2 emissions) as much as possible.
Short term
28. In co-operation with the City Region De Stoere Houtman is inviting an operator of shared cars to enter
into partnership for a neighbourhood car sharing project.
29. In co-operation with the City Region De Stoere Houtman is setting to work on a Green Plan for our
streets, gardens and roofs.
Towards 2020
30. De Stoere Houtman has the ambition to have all shared cars to be driven by clean electricity.
31. De Stoere Houtman wishes to stimulate that also other neighbourhoods and villages nation-wide adopt
such shared cars systems
Towards 2050
32. De Stoere Houtman has the ambition to replace all its private cars by a clean electrical car sharing
33. De Stoere Houtman and the Communities for a Sustainable Europe wish to stimulate that all
neighbourhoods and villages Europe-wide adopt such shared cars systems.
Statement X
One of the most important mainstays for a sustainable world is that people see their own responsibility
for their properties and environment being appreciate. Authorities encourage residents themselves to
be as responsible as possible (and just joined owners) of their own properties and environment.
Short term
34. De Stoere Houtman wants to be an example of this.
Towards 2020
35. De Stoere Houtman wishes all neighbourhoods and villages nation-wide to be self-responsible and that
they are rewarded for that.
Towards 2050
36. De Stoere Houtman and the Communities for a Sustainable Europe wish all neighbourhoods and villages
Europe-wide to be self-responsible and that they are rewarded for that.
Responsible for PATH2RES-roadmap,
Arnhem, the Netherlands, 21 April, 2009,
Jaap Huurman