Technical Paper Review Form

Technical Paper Review Form
Manuscript # ___________________________
Date Submitted ___________________________
Number of Pages Submitted _______6________
Number Estimated Final Pages: _____________
Author(s)____M. A. U. Khan _______________
Title____Design and Analysis of sigma Tree__
__based Trellis-coded Residual Vector _______
Review Due Date: ____________
Name of Associate: ___________
Associate Editor Contact Information:
The IEEE Signal Processing Letter, published by IEEE Signal Processing Society presents original,
comprehensive, in-depth technical papers for knowledgeable readers, including researchers and
practitioners. The papers are of long-range interest and are significant to signal processing and related
disciplines. All submitted papers undergo multiple, rigorous,”blind”peer review. The Transactions are:
IEEE Signal Processing Letters
As a participant in the peer review of this manuscript, you are required to complete this form and return
it, within (7) seven days of receipt of this manuscript, to Signal Processing Society Publications Office.
Your comments will assist the Associate Editor in determining the final disposition of the manuscript.
Your identity will be held in confidence from the author.
Please expand and give details in Section III.
Suitability of Topic
Is the topic appropriate for publication in the IEEE Signal Processing Letters?
X Yes
 Perhaps
 No
Is the topic important to colleagues working in the field?
X Yes
 Moderately so
 No (explain)
How would you rate the technical novelty of the paper?
_____ Novel
__X__ Somewhat Novel
_____ Not Novel
(Please see the other side)
How would you rate the English usage?
X Satisfactory
 Needs Improvement
 Poor
Rate the references?
X Satisfactory
 Unsatisfactory (explain)
 A Publish Unaltered
 AQ Publish with Minor, Required Changes (as noted in Section III)
X R Reject (Paper is seriously flawed and should not be resubmitted.)
III Comments:
The author describes a novel sigma tree based design of a TCRVQ. TCVRQs have been
exploited in literature with interesting result and this design is, to the best of my knowledge,
original. Unfortunately, the paper only reports of a series of experiments and the
results of these experiments are very poor. The only case in which this design
improves upon a TCVRQ is in the case of a 2 dimensional uniform source encoded at
2 bit/sample and, even in this case, the improvement is marginal (0.09dB).
No sufficient justification is given in the paper on why this method has some advantage
over more traditional designs and no theoretical analysis is present.
Confidential- This portion will not be sent to the Author
Do you know of others who would be competent to review this paper? If so, please
provide names and contact information (e-mail and fax preferred).
Signature of Reviewer
Review Completion Date
Reviewer Name: ________________________________________________________________
Reviewer Street Address: _________________________________________________________