Attached are some documents you might find useful to monitor the

Here is a quick outline that, together with the attached forms, might serve as a guide for you:
1) Keep a log of the papers you receive. From time to time input is requested from the Associate and
Guest Editors concerning statistics on article submission. Specifically, information as to how many
articles you currently have in review, their dates of submission, status, and the geographical location of
the lead author.
2) Common courtesy goes a long way:
- Acknowledge receipt of manuscripts.
- Thank reviewers.
3) We strongly encourage you to request written response to the reviewers' comments from the
authors along with their revised papers. -- You shouldn't have to spend your time figuring out how
the authors responded to the points made.
4) We suggest a manuscript review form be requested *in addition to* the anonymous written
review of the paper provided to the authors. At the least, the reviewers should be asked to provide a
recommendation to the editor on whether or not to publish the paper, along with their written review.
5) Please apprise your reviewers of which type of article they are reviewing, especially if it is a peer
reviewed Technical Communication (our most misunderstood category). In these instances sending
them descriptions of the types of articles might be useful.
NOTE: As an editor, you may recommend that a given article be reassigned into one category or
another should you feel it's warranted.
6) Let the authors know clearly what’s expected of them at each stage:
- Reply detailing how he or she replied to each one of the reviewers’ comments (when submitting
- At least two hard copies of their manuscript to send to IEEE (mandatory for final package)
- Signed copyright form (mandatory for final package):
- Electronic copy of the manuscript w/figures on a separate disk (for final package)
o Text should be in MS Word or LaTex
o Electronic copies of figures are acceptable only in eps, ps, or tiff format
(Separate disks required because graphics are processed separately from the text.)
- Author biographies and photos (for final package)
Detailed "Information for authors" may be found on the IEEE website at:
- Most useful is the link to the PDF version of the IEEE “Information for Authors” kit:
- LaTex and Word style sheets may also be found there.
8) The Editor-in-Chief needs a record of what you've done. When you've finished with a paper, you
should send him a manuscript Review File which contains:
- Manuscript and reviewer information (i.e., tracking form)
- Manuscript review forms filled out by reviewers (if used)
- Copy of correspondence and reviews
- Copy of *both* original and revised manuscripts, including author's responses to reviewers'
9) The file you send to IEEE must be complete and should include:
- Cover letter with:
- name of Special Issue (if applicable)
- nature of submission (article, communication, letter)
- manuscript received date & acceptance date
- author contact information
- signed IEEE copyright form for the paper
- 2 hard copies of the manuscript
- electronic copy of the manuscript w/figures on a separate disk
- Electronic copies of figures are acceptable only in eps, ps, or tiff formats
(Separate disks required because graphics are processed separately from the text)
- author biographies and photos
- The Staff Editor at IEEE is:
Stephanie Weidel
Associate Editor
IEEE Transactions/Journals Dept.
445 Hoes Lane
Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331
Telephone: (732) 562-6860
10) The peer-review process is a confidential, privileged process. The manuscript review files are kept
for a period of two years. The editor maintains these files to verify and substantiate the integrity of the
review process. These confidential files are not made public and it is the IEEE's position that they are
protected files. Confidentiality protects both the author and the reviewer.
11) The Editor’s office has a small, but reasonable budget from the OES to cover most routine
postage and handling expenses you incur. Please contact us for details.