GROWTH – DEDICATED CALL – 10/00 TOPIC IV.11 Assessing long term durability of bonded automotive metallic structures. 1. CONFORMITY WITH THE WORK PROGRAMME This topic falls under the Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme, generic activity Measurement and Testing. Specifically, it is related to Objective GROW-20006.2.1 Methodologies to Support Standardisation and Community Policies for which expressions of interest have been called. This topic is also related to Generic Activity Materials, specifically related to objective 1.1.3-5.1 Cross-cutting generic materials technologies and objective 1.1.3-5.4 Expanding the limits and durability of structural materials. In addition, this topic relates to Key Action 3 Land transport and marine technologies under objective 1.1.3-3.1.1 Efficient, clean, and intelligent road and rail transport vehicle technologies and 1.1.3-3.1.2 Innovative and safe road and rail transport vehicle concepts. 2. KEYWORDS Lightweight vehicles - weld bonded structures - adhesive bond durability assessment integrated corrosion cycle and fatigue testing - reliability and safety. 3. SUMMARY OF OBJECTIVES AND JUSTIFICATION Industrialised countries agreed in Kyoto in 1997 to reduce CO2 emissions. Passenger cars are a significant source of CO2 emissions and the EU is fully committed to meet its targets by reducing emissions from new cars. This has moved the European car industry into looking at novel manufacturing techniques to reduce vehicle weight. In July 1997 the European Commission presented a proposal for a European Directive on End-of-Life Vehicles (ELVs) with a view to limiting the environmental impact of vehicles at the end of their life. The proposal suggested introducing targets for the reuse and recovery of such vehicles, measures to ensure environmentally friendly treatment, and, in particular, the objective to work towards better prevention of waste from vehicles. An increase in the use of aluminium alloys would enable these targets to be met. Adhesive bonding is viewed as a key enabling technology in the development of lightweight vehicles. Adhesive bonding can be used to stiffen designs in spot welded steel designs and remains a principal construction method for aluminium designs. DC 10/00/Topic IV.11/ Pg 2 Unlike spot welded structures, design analysis methodologies are not yet available for bonded structures. Currently there is a lack of confidence in long term durability testing leading to slow uptake of a key enabling technology. For the opportunities of adhesive bonding to be taken in automotive structures a standard accelerated laboratory test methods for assessing long term durability of bonded automotive metallic structures should be developed. Work in this area has begun, as described below, but it is now required to take this technology further, to conduct pre-normative research to increase the reliability of this approach leading to standardisation. A standard method that is accepted and used would give the automotive companies, their suppliers and the consumer confidence in the use of lightweight vehicles. 4. BACKGROUND Under an agreement between the European Commission and the European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA) the average of new cars sold in the EU by European manufacturers in the year 2008 will emit about 25% less CO2 than in 1995 (1). Programme areas that have been developed to meet these targets include R&D towards Mass Reduction using aluminium and other materials and R&D in Joining and Assembly Technology. The use of adhesive bonding would allow "lightening and modularity improvement for car body by high strength steel and aluminium sheets"1. The European Aluminium Association is active in developing a new range of lightweight products for the transportation sector. The use of aluminium in automotive applications is expected to double in the next decade (2). Extensive use of aluminium can result in up to 300 kg weight reduction in a medium size vehicle (1400kg). For every 100 kg reduction in the automotive sector, there is a cut of 0.6 litres per 100 km in fuel consumption leading to 20% lower exhaust gas emissions and proportional running costs. Aluminium can be repeatedly recycled without quality loss. Its high scrap value ensures reclamation and recycling: 95% of aluminium in cars is currently collected and recycled and accounts for over 50% of the material value of a vehicle at the end of its life Existing standard methods for fatigue and durability assessment of bonded joints for thin gauge metals are inadequate for automotive applications. Fatigue tests based on standard lap joints allow comparison of different adhesives but do not provide data for design analysis because they are geometry dependent. Durability tests using lap joints (3), peel joints (4) or wedge tests (5) generally involve static loading which is not relevant for automotive structures that are primarily fatigue loaded. Durability tests do not include the influence of fatigue loads while testing under the environment (6). A consortium of car companies and their suppliers have been investigating the use of fracture mechanics to develop an integrated environmental and fatigue assessment method. This method focused around a new test method called the Reinforced Double Cantilever Beam (RDCB) and a novel multi-station durability testing machine developed as a prototype (7). These tests have the advantage of being used for both durability assessment and for design purposes. These developments have shown promise and now require further prenormative research leading to a common European standard ensuring repeatability and reproducibility. Further work is required to ensure the corrosion durability cycle is relevant to the applications and in making the test DC 10/00/Topic IV.11/ Pg 3 method more robust. Once achieved this would result in making the methodology available for wider use within the industry and its suppliers. Involvement of the relevant CEN/ISO committee at an early stage in this project would help dissemination to other can companies and suppliers. (1) R&D Work programme on Automotive CO2 Emission Reduction 1998-2004, ACEA, CLEPA, EUCAR. (2) (3) ISO 4587 - Determination of tensile lap-shear strength of rigid-to-rigid bonded assemblies. (4) ISO 4578 - Determination of peel resistance of high strength adhesive bonds Floating- roller method. (5) ISO 10354 - Characterisation of durability of structural- adhesive bonded assemblies - Wedge rupture test. (6) ISO 14615 - Durability of structural adhesive joints - Exposure to humidity and temperature under load. (7) Opportunities for Adhesive Bonding in Lightweight Vehicle Structures, 32nd ISATA, 14-18 June 1999, Vienna - Materials for Energy Efficient Vehicles. 5. ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL BENEFITS Markets Automotive manufacturers Steel and aluminium suppliers Adhesive suppliers Component manufacturers and assemblers (Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers) Other industries using spot welding or aluminium in structures that could adhesively bonded - e.g. the railway industry. Economical consequences Improved fuel consumption from lighter vehicles (savings for all drivers). Reduction in use of fossil fuels by improved fuel efficiency - consequentially reducing fuel imports. Secure European jobs in the automobile industry supply chain and material suppliers by increasing competitiveness of European manufactured cars. Wider dissemination of adhesive bonding technology through Round Robin and activity within CEN/ISO committees. Increased life cycle of automobiles by further utilisation of aluminium alloys thus helping meet EC Reduction in Waste Directives. Support the use of a lighter materials (aluminium) in structural automobile applications allowing alternative fuels to be considered. Supporting the use of aluminium helping European aluminium suppliers find new markets. Reduced development time and time to market from presence of a standard method to assess durability. DC 10/00/Topic IV.11/ Pg 4 Social benefits Lighter vehicles will aid towards the reduction of emissions and help meeting EC emission reduction targets. Give the European car industry a competitive technological lead. Increase safety through reliable design and better understanding of adhesively bonded joints in automotive applications, thus, reducing unexpected failure. Develop CEN/ISO draft standard for subsequent progression through the standards committees to ensure repeatability. Aid recycling targets of automobiles. 6. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNOLOGICAL OBJECTIVES 6.1 Technical objectives The scientific and technological objectives of this work should aim to: 6.2 Develop accelerated test methods to determine durability of adhesive bonds. To prove the robustness of the fracture mechanics method of assessing the durability of bonded and weld bonded structures. To prove the repeatability and reproducibility of the method via a Round Robin exercise. To publish a draft standard for submission to CEN/ISO committee to allow the method to be adopted more widely. To facilitate the progression of prototype technology into the main stream use of automobile manufacture. To increase the confidence in design and manufacturing of automobile bonding by using standard methods. To introduce technology to reduce weight of vehicles by stiffer design (Weld bonding). Work programme Review, definition and set-up - Identify adhesive systems and test parameters of interest (substrates, adhesives, surface preparation, test conditions, etc.). Including generic systems for public dissemination and systems confidential to the partners. Manufacture specimens. Pre-standards research - Conduct test matrix to investigate effect of parameters including: bond-line thickness, R-ratio, fillet preparation, curing schedule, environment, protective coating, … Development & installation of test equipment - Modifications to prototype durability test equipment. Fabricated and installed at the partners. CE certification. In-house installation and staff training. Test method preparation - Based on results of Pre-standards research prepare draft test methods. Round robin stage 1 - Conduct stage 1 round robin to test the robustness of the round robin using partners only. The public results will be disseminated through EUCAR and ESIS (European Structural Integrity Society). DC 10/00/Topic IV.11/ Pg 5 Round robin stage 2 - Solicit members from ESIS and EUCAR to participate in a final round robin to broaden the knowledge base of the test method and to develop precision statements on accuracy. Implementation - The resulting test method will be written up as an EUCAR published standard. This will allow it to be implemented immediately by the EUCAR participants. The method will also be submitted to ISO/CEN and supported at an early stage to the relevance committee. Further funding will be solicited for supporting the test methods through the balloting procedure. 7. TIME SCALE Although no rigid timescale requirements apply to this project, based on the described objectives, it is anticipated that this project will have a three-year duration. The support of the draft standard through the balloting procedures to a published standard is outside the scope of this project. 8. IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The proposal must demonstrate that: (a) (b) (c) (d) The method is applicable to the thin gauge metals used in the automotive industry without the need for altering the surface preparation of the metals. The method addresses the varied operating conditions of automobiles. There will be participation from members of the supply chain and that the method can be implemented into the manufacturing processes of the automobile manufacturers. This work should be carried out in cooperation with the relevant CEN/ISO committee to ensure full dissemination of the work.