INTRODUCTION OPERATIONS MANUAL The following pages represent the policies and procedures of HP Hotels , herein known as HPH, to be followed in the sound operation of our Hotel assets. These policies and procedures are intended to be minimum guidelines to affect the most cost efficient standardized method of operation within the hospitality industry for the benefit of guests, investors, shareholders and associates. In all cases, sound business practice, good judgment and the Mission Statement of HP Hotels LLC will be controlling principle adding further input to this Operations Manual. It is not our purpose to cover all instances, factors, or circumstances regarding the operation of a superior quality Hotel property. It is our intention to standardize the guidelines under which we operate to provide for our sustained and profitable growth in this and future years. MISSION STATEMENT →To develop, acquire, operate and sell – for a profit – limited facility hotels in the southeastern United States. →To add value to our shareholders’ and partners’ investments by achieving above – market R.O.I. →To operate all our hotels at a quality level that benefits our guests and our shareholders. →To make money and have some fun! LEGAL DISCLAIMER Terms of Use Unless otherwise indicated, this Manual and its contents are the property of HP Hotels, Inc and and/or its subsidiaries, affiliates, or assigns (collectively "HP"), and are protected, without limitations, pursuant to U.S. and foreign copyright and trademark laws. By utilizing this Manual, you agree to the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree, you have the absolute right to submit your resignation, and you should do so. The works made available in this Manual are protected by United States copyright laws and are provided solely for the use of HP Hotels Management personnel in context of the safe and profitable operation of our hotel assets. Dissemination or sale of any of these policies, as a whole or in parts (including on the World Wide Web), destroys the integrity of such works and is not permitted. The materials should never be made available to those not authorized and/or bound by their use. All users are expected to abide by these restrictions and to honor the intended purposes and the needs of those on these materials. No intellectual property or other rights in and to this Manual or its contents, other than the limited right to use set forth above, are transferred to you. You may not modify, copy, distribute, republish, commercially exploit, or upload any of the material on the World Wide Web without the express written consent of the HP Hotels Group Managing Members. General Terms HP Hotels MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THIS MANUAL OR ITS CONTENTS, WHICH ARE PROVIDED FOR USE "AS IS." HP Hotels DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, HP Hotels and its employees, agents, suppliers, and contractors shall in no event be liable for any claims, charges, and contractors damages, liabilities, losses, and expenses of whatever nature and howsoever arising, including, without limitation any compensatory, incidental, direct, indirect, special, punitive, or consequential damages, loss of use, loss of data, loss caused by a computer or electronic virus, loss of income or profit, loss of or damage to property, claims of third parties, or other losses of any kind of character, even if HP Hotels has been advised of the possibility of such damages or losses, arising out of or in connection with the use of this Manual. RECEIPT/ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF OPERATIONS MANUAL I ____________________________, have received the HP Hotels Printed Name of Manager/Associate Operations Manual. I understand that this manual remains the property of HP Hotels and must be returned upon request. I further understand that it is my responsibility to update the Operations Manual as policies, forms and information are provided in the appropriate format. BY: __________________________________ Signature of Manager/Associate DATE:________________________________ HP Hotels OPERATIONS POLICY MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS ACCOUNTING S.O.P. Section I I – 1 Petty Cash/Debit Card I – 2 Bad Debt Write-Off I – 3 A/R/ Aging I – 4 Capital Expenditures I – 5 Trade Agreements I – 6 A/R Direct Billing I – 7 A/R Collection/Sample Letters I – 8 Internal Audit I – 8A Quarterly “Self-Audit” Survey I – 9 Advance Deposit – Sales I – 10 Baggage Service Charge I – 11 Pre-Opening Expense I - 12 Credit Approval I – 13 Purchase Orders I – 14 Chargebacks I – 15 Check Register/Log I – 16 Salvage Sales – Fixed Access I – 17 A/P Transmittal I – 18 System Back-Up ADMINISTRATION S.O.P. Section II II – 1 General II – 2 Donations II – 3 Associate Work Schedules II – 4 National Contracts II – 5 Lease Agreements/Contracts II – 6 Associate Appreciation II – 7 Forecast II – 8 Payroll Procedures II – 9 Uniform Nametags II – 10 Pre-Employment Procedures II – 11 Loss Incident Report II – 12 Comp Room Policy II – 13 Gifts/Conflict II – 14 Guest Comment/Survey ADMINISTRATION S.O.P. Section II II – 15 Hazard Communication Policy II – 16 Inspection Reports II – 17 Master Keys II – 18 Meetings II – 19 Memberships II – 20 MOD Program II – 21 Organizational Chart II – 22 Performance Appraisal II – 23 P&L Statement II – 24 Passwords/Combinations II – 25 Vendor Verification II – 26 Illegal Activity II – 27 Emergency Procedures II – 28 GM Checklist II – 29 Out of Service Rooms II – 30 Environmental Commitment II – 31 Travel Allowances II – 32 Mileage Reimbursement FOOD & BEVERAGE S.O.P. Section III III – 1 Special Promotions III – 2 Menus III – 3 Restaurant Operations III – 4 Lounge Entertainment III – 5 Inventories III – 6 Beverage Policy Statement III – 7 Banquet Operations III – 8 Beverage Prices/Happy Hour III – 9 Complimentary Food III – 10 Security F&B III – 11 Food Storage III – 12 Advance Deposit Policy III – 13 Payment of Service Charges III – 14 Accounting In-House Outlet Charges III – 15 ServSafe Certification FRONT DESK S.O.P. Section IV IV – 1 V.I.P. Procedures IV – 2 ADA/Mobility Guest IV – 3 Innkeepers Shelter/Check-In Age IV – 4 No – Show Policy IV – 5 Pet Policy IV – 6 Safety Deposit Box IV – 7 Check Cashing/Cash Advance IV – 8 PBX IV – 9 Credit Card/Telephone Fax Orders IV – 10 Group Rates IV – 11 Published Room Rates IV – 12 Guest Mail/Messages IV – 13 Registration Cards HOUSEKEEPING S.O.P. Section V V– 1 Amenity Program V – 2 Mattress Rotation/Pests V – 3 Laundry Requirements V – 4 Lost & Found V – 5 Linen Inventory V – 6 Deep Cleaning V – 7 Required Bed Card MAINTENANCE S.O.P. Section VI VI – 1 PM Program/Safety VI – 2 Elevator Testing VI – 3 In Room/Package A/C Units VI – 4 Housekeeping Equipment PM VI – 5 Utility Meter Reading VI – 6 Fire Drills VI – 7 Smoke Detectors/Emergency Lighting VI – 8 Maintenance Requests VI – 9 Associate Areas VI – 10 Key Control VI – 11 Pool Maintenance SALES S.O.P. Section VII VII – 1 Call Quota VII – 2 Market Analysis Share VII – 3 Advertising Print Media VII – 4 Service Marks VII – 5 Group Room Control VII – 6 Public Relations VII – 7 Group Conduct Letter VII – 8 Hotel/Meeting Website VII – 9 Group Rate Procedures HUMAN RESOURCES S.O.P. Section VIII VIII - 1 Grievance Procedures VIII - 2 Recruitment VIII - 3 Job Description VIII - 4 Labor Unions VIII - 5 4-Step Wage Plan VIII - 6 Orientation VIII - 7 References VIII - 8 Pre-Employment Screening VIII - 9 Associate Activity Log VIII - 10 Attendance Record VIII - 11 Diverse Workplace VIII - 12 EEO-1 Filing VIII - 13 OSHA Filing VIII - 14 Educational Sign off Sheet SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 1 ACCOUNTING PETTY CASH/DEBIT CARD Page 1 of 1 Petty cash funds are intended to be used for small necessary purchases. These items would include: postage due, freight bills, vending refunds, small items, hardware and supplies whose need was not anticipated. Debit Card funds are intended for use of larger purchases such as: gift/suite shop purchases, employee appreciation, office supplies and/or an emergency situation. Procedure for Petty Cash: 1. The General Manager is completely responsible for the petty cash fund. 2. Individual petty cash transactions should not exceed $50.00. (exception for F&B C.O.D. purchases). 3. Each disbursement should be properly supported by a petty cash voucher. 4. Each petty cash voucher shall be properly completed as follows: a. Date. e. Amount of transaction. b. Description of item purchased. f. Purpose of purchase. c. Person disbursing the petty cash. g. Person receiving PC. d. Approved by the General Manager h. Completed in ink 5. Each voucher must be supported by an invoice, sales slip or other documentation evidencing the nature of the disbursement. These documents should be stamped “PAID” to prevent their re-use. 6. The petty cash transmittal is required to be completed and submitted to HP Hotels Accounting department according to the accounting report checklist due date. 7. All voucher and supporting documents must be attached to the original petty cash report and maintained on property for seven (7) years. Procedure for Debit Card: 1. The General Manager is completely responsible for the Debit Card and funds used. 2. The Debit Card can only be used by and merchandise receipts signed off by the authorized signer (General Manager). 3. Each disbursement should be properly supported by receipts. 4. The Debit Card transmittal is required to be completed and submitted to CHA Systems, Inc. according to the report checklist due date. 5. All receipts and supporting documents must be attached to the original debit card report, stamped “PAID” and maintained on property for seven (7) years. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 2 ACCOUNTING BAD DEBT WRITE OFF Page 1 of 2 To establish procedures and guidelines for the write-off of bad debt. Accounts are submitted for write-off under the following circumstances: a. When all practical and reasonable collection efforts have failed (including legal action, if appropriate), and the account is determined uncollectible. b. Because of the amount and/or circumstances involved, it is not considered practical or cost justifiable to pursue the collection of the account. The General Manager is responsible for determining those accounts to be submitted for write-off. All Bad debt write offs must be signed for approved by Regional Director of Operations PROCEDURES: 1. A write-off summary request should be prepared of city ledger accounts to be written-off the books and the reason. The list of write-offs should minimally provide for: a. The transaction date as shown on the monthly aging report. b. The name of the account as shown on the monthly billing statement. c. The amount. d. The reason for requesting write-off (Skip – cannot locate, company out of business, bankrupt, bad check, etc.). e. The signature of the General Manager and Regional Director of Operations. 2. Each account should have an Accounts Receivable Activity sheet attached which shows all the steps that deem the account uncollectible. 3. All hotels are required to submit all requested accounts and their support to the corporate office for approval before they write off any account. 4. Bad debit Write-Off’s should be reviewed, approved and processed (booked) prior to the end of the accounting period each quarter (i.e. March15th, June 15th, September 15th, and December 15th). 5. The original, approved write-off form with attached account detail shall remain on property for future reference. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 2 ACCOUNTING BAD DEBT WRITE-OFF Page 2 of 2 6. All recoveries of bad debts previously charged off are to be credited to the allowance for doubtful accounts. Current Reserve $______________________ BAD DEBT RECONCILATION RECAP Balance at beginning of current year $____________________ Plus allocations, year-to-date $____________________ Plus recoveries, year-to-date $_____________________ Less write-off year-to-date $_____________________ Balance at close of current period $_____________________ By:____________________________ _____________________ General Manager Signature Date BAD DEBT PERFORMANCE, YEAR-TO-DATE Year-to-date net write-offs $_____________________ Plus allocations, year-to-date $_____________________ Total bad debt expense, year-to-date $_____________________ Year-to-date total revenue $_____________________ Percent loss to total revenue ____________________% By:______________________________ ______________________ General Manager Signature Date Current A/R/ Aging 30 Day 60 Day Total SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 3 ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AGING Page 1 of 1 Most PMS systems now automatically age each night during the night audit function. A month end aging report needs to be forwarded to the corporate office when the month end IJ (income journal) is sent. Items of 60+ days must be accompanied by all supporting data. Some brands may require facility to use the HP Hotels Accounts receivable aging form found below SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 4 ACCOUNTING CAPITAL EXPENDITURES Page 1 of 1 The purpose of this policy and procedure is to ensure proper accounting for fixed asset acquisitions. 1. Definition: Expenditures in excess of $500.00 to acquire land improvements, building, machinery, furniture and fixtures, office equipment, business machines and other capital items, whether by purchase or construction and for major alterations, rearrangement or repair to existing facilities. Purchase of capital items with an individual value of less than $500.00 are to be expensed except in the following circumstances: a. When the item(s) are an integral part of a capital project: b. When the aggregate cost of identical or closely related items, purchased under one purchase order exceeds $500.00 in total. 2. Determination of Cost: The capitalized cost of a fixed asset is to include all costs in connection with its acquisition, including purchase price, delivery costs, freight, installation costs, sales, excise or other taxes applicable. Also, any other cost required to prepare the asset for its intended use. 3. Capital Expenditures vs Current Expense: In distinguishing between a capital expenditure (fixed asset addition) and a current expense (repairs and maintenance), value and time are the elements of major importance. In distinguishing between a capital expenditure (fixed asset addition) and a current expense (repairs and maintenance), value and time are the elements of major importance. You must determine of the expenditure adds to the value of the building, furniture and equipment, etc or extend their useful life. According to tax authorities, examples of repairs include re-painting the outside and inside of a building, mending leaks, plastering and conditioning gutters on buildings. On the other hand the costs of a new roof, lighting improvements in a factory, and bricking up windows to strengthen a wall are capital expenditures. NOTE: Capital expenditures may only be authorized by an officer of HPH. Capital expenditures are all purchases that are capital in nature must have a Purchase Order prepared on site with proper approvals and sent to HPH Corporate Office for approval before the order of these items can be completed. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 5 ACCOUNTING TRADE-OUT AGREEMENTS Page 1 of 1 All Hotel Trade-Out agreements must have Regional Director of Operations approval. This includes but not limited to: room and tax, advertising and promotions and/or food and beverage. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 6 ACCOUNTING A/R DIRECT BILLING PROCEDURES Page 1 of 1 The procedure listed below will ensure timely distribution of all direct billing accounts. PROCEDURE: 1. Upon completion of the night audit, the auditor will print two (2) folio copies from the previous days check outs and place in the designated (GM or designate) mail box. 2. The folio’s are to be reviewed for accuracy and any adjustment required will be taken care of without delay. 3. One copy of the statement and folio to be processed and sent to the account and the second copy to be retained by the hotel and properly filed. 4. A reminder statement should be sent for unpaid balances between the 25th and 30th of the month. 5. Brand reward program billing should be forwarded and submitted according to the brand standard. 6. All direct bill statements should be mailed within 24 hours of departure – Fed-Ex if appropriate. When payment is received and before posting to the account the amount should be verified. Should you receive and overpayment or incorrect amount the check, the company must be contacted for verification prior to being posted. All checks must be secured in hotel safe until deposited. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 7 ACCOUNTING A/R COLLECTION PROCEDURE Page 1 of 2 The procedure below will provide a means for the timely processing and collection follow-up of customer statement of accounts and dunning notices. PROCEDURE: 1. Past due accounts (over 30 days), must be contacted to verify invoice/statement has been received. Notes should be taken regarding discussion and outcome of call. 2. The use of an outside collection or letter writing service should be considered the “last resort” after all the hotels reasonable collection efforts have been exhausted. The personal involvement and responsibility of the hotel General Manager cannot be over emphasized with accounts of this nature. 3. The engagement of an outside collection service is governed by HP Hotels Corporate Offices. 4. Outside collection services will be furnished (photocopies only) of account detail and not the original document. 5. Accounts in the hands of a collection service will be reported individually on the monthly aging report as usual; except “collection service” should be noted along with the date the account was turned over. 6. Accounts turned over to a collection service will normally be fully reserved, but should not be submitted for write-off until collection efforts have been discounted by the service. 7. Upon discontinuing the collection activity, the service must return the account documentation (photocopies) to the hotel. 8. Invoices and collection letters must be mailed in accordance with the following schedule (all days from the guest check out date). 9. We will not accept any future reservations or bookings from a client of 30 days past due until balance has been cleared. (Unless otherwise approved per agreed upon billing cycle) Guest Check Out (last folio transaction) 0 Day Account Transferred to A/R +1 Day First Invoice/Statement Sent +1 Day Second Invoice/Statement Sent +30 Days Third Invoice/Statement Sent +45 Days First Collection Letter +60 Days NOTE: In reference to small balances, the General Manager will determine when the account is not economical to pursue. Such accounts should be submitted to write-off. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 7 ACCOUNTING A/R COLLECTION PROCEDURE Page 2 of 2 GUIDELINES FOR COLLECTION LETTERS Delinquent Accounts: 1st Letter – A “friendly reminder”. This letter should be courteous and should not, in any way, infer that the guest does not intend to pay. It should recite our previous billings and date. 2nd Letter – Send certified mail. Reference previous invoices and the first letter. Firmly but politely insist on immediate payment and advise client that billing privileges are in jeopardy. Collection letters should be generated through the Front Office System or comparable system depending on your property using the Dunning Message” listed below and the attached sample correspondence letters. Start using this feature immediately. Dunning Message: Current: Payment is due within 30 days of the transaction date. +45 Days This amount is seriously past due, your prompt attention is appreciated. +60 days This amount remains past due. Your payment is expected. Your account may be suspended. (Sample letters #1,#2, appear on the following pages) Attach other letters HP has from transition guide here Sample Letter #1 Date ___________________ Name __________________________________ Account # ____________ Company Name __________________________ Company Address_________________________ City, State, Zip ___________________________ Dear _____________________, Thank you for choosing __________________________________for your recent stay in -----City-----. Hotel Name In today’s fact paced world, time goes by quickly. As of today your account in the amount of $_____________ is 30 days past due. Perhaps there are questions pertaining to your billing. Please contact me as soon as possible to resolve any outstanding issues. We hope that you will continue to use _________________________ for your future accommodations. Hotel Name Best Regards, General Manager 000-000-0000 Sample Letter #2 Date _________________ Name _____________________________ Account #___________________ Company Name _____________________ Company Address____________________ City,State,Zip ________________________ Dear ____________________, In our previous letter of (date) we stated that your account was past due. As of today your account in the amount of $______ is over 60 days past due. Again, if you have any questions pertaining to this past due balance, please contact me. Your billing privileges may be in jeopardy. Please give this matter your immediate attention. If payment has been remitted, please disregard this notice. Best Regards, General Manager 000-000-0000 SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 8 ACCOUNTING I NTERNAL AUDIT Page 1 of 1 Internal Audit is an independent appraisal of activity within HPH which examines and evaluates: 1. The adequacy and effectiveness of the system of internal control. 2. The adequacy of plans. 3. The quality of performance against plans, established objectives and goals. PROCEDURES 1. The “Self Audit Survey” (Exhibit 8A) will aid the internal auditor in evaluating the existing procedures at each location. A. Scope of Audits; a. Cash b. Accounts receivables c. Revenue & Expense d. Accounts Payable e. Payroll f. Food & Beverage a. purchasing d. issuing b. receiving e. controls c. storage g. Other pertinent areas h. Inventory & operating supplies 2. The principal responsibilities of the Auditor is to provide management with an independent, fast and objective appraisal of the effectiveness of the company’s financial accountability systems and operational performance in accordance with their standard operating procedures. 3. The Audit will provide management with positive recommendations designed to strengthen and improve performance results and cost effectiveness of their operations. 4. Format of Audit Report A. Observation B. Strengths C. Weaknesses D. Recommendations for Improvement 5. A written response is required by the General Manager for all audit reports within 30 days after the issuance of the report. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 9 ACCOUNTING ADVANCE DEPOSIT POLICY (SALES) Page 1 of 2 Advance deposits serve several purposes. They provides an indicator of the intention of the prospective customer, allow for an edge against possible loss and allow the Hotel recovery of costs should the account become non-collectable. As a general rule, advance deposits of up to 90% of the estimated value of the business should be obtained at least two (2) weeks before the function for the following types of business: SALES GROUPS 1. Sports teams in non-established leagues or sports 2. Social or family gatherings 3. Politically oriented groups 4. Tour groups are required to send the 1st night’s deposit upon confirmation of business or 30 days prior to arrival, whichever occurs last and the balance must be paid upon arrival. PROCEDURES When the booking of a group or function becomes definite and the contract is completed, this should include the deposit requirement necessary to hold the room and assure the facility that has been committed. Should deposit request not be honored by the prospective customers, the possibility of not being afforded the rooms required should be clearly conveyed. The details of the cancellation penalties, if any, would also be explained. This requirement is not meant as a deterrent to booking business, but as a measure to safeguard the asset of the company. When presented properly and firmly, requests for advance funds should bring affirmative responses. NOTES: 1. Do not offer direct billing to the client, but do discuss forms of payment. 2. If a customer desires to be billed, a credit application must be presented and filled in thoroughly and returned to the General Manager two (2) weeks prior. The General Manager must verify a minimum of three (3) references. 3. Incomplete application or those credit applications not received within two (2) weeks of arrival will not be processed. 4. Credit application for business of $5000.00 must be signed by an official of the company requesting direct billing and a copy of the business credit card must be submitted for guarantee purposes. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 9 ACCOUNTING MEETING/CATERING DEPOSIT SALES Page 2 of 2 MEETING ROOM Any time a meeting room is reserved the client should be told that $100 deposit is required to hold the room and the remainder of the amount is due upon arrival to the hotel. Posting of the deposit should be done upon confirmation of the room in the PMS system. CATERING Whenever catering is involved the $100 deposit is required to hold the function room. Thirty (30) days prior to the function the client will be contacted and the catering arrangements confirmed. At this time, 50% of the catering charge will be collected. Final payment is to be collected when the guarantee is confirmed (3 business days prior to the function). All deposit postings should be at each interval. It is also imperative that the guest understands if there is a change in the count (+ or-) will be handled on the day of the function. Please make sure when collecting deposits for a meeting room and/or catering function, cancellation policies are understood by the client in writing. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 10 ACCOUNTING BAGGAGE SERVICE CHARGES Page 1 of 1 Baggage service that is required by any groups will be paid to the designated associate(s). 1. Baggage service is part of a group bill to be paid to the associate(s) for service performed. 2. All baggage service charges must be paid through the Hotel payroll system. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 11 ACCOUNTING PRE OPENING EXPENSES Page 1 of 1 DEFINITION: Pre-opening expenses are those expenditures which are reasonable and necessary in connection with the opening of a specific new project. 1. Expenses chargeable to “Pre-Opening Expenses” are those expenditures incurred prior to an opening which would otherwise have been chargeable to an operating expense had they not been in connection with a “new” project. 2. Pre-opening expenses do not include expenditures for acquisition of capital assets which are subject to depreciation. 3. Pre-opening expenses include, but are not limited to the following: A. advertising and business promotions prior to opening B. supplies and other operating expenses such as: 1. Menus 2. Guest checks 3. Logo items 4. Napkins 5. Initial supply inventory (kitchen,bar,cleaning,guest,etc) 6. Uniforms 7. Training 8. Licenses & taxes 9. Salaries and benefits of personnel 10. Opening Party & Sales Blitz 11. Travel 4. An asset account called “Pre-Opening Expenses” should be set-up for all new projects or acquisitions. All pre-opening expenses should be moved to this account via journal entry after opening. 5. Pre-Opening Expenses for new projects or acquisitions are to be amortized on a straight line basis over five years. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 12 ACCOUNTING CREDIT APPROVAL Page 1 of 2 Some business practice dictates that we should thoroughly establish guest identity and credit worthiness prior to approving any credit privileges. Approval and investigation of company requests for direct billing of their accounts rests with the General Manager or corporate office as appropriate. The credit investigation and approval procedures presented in this S.O.P. are intended as general guidelines. PROCEDURES 1. Credit Investigation A. Companies – except where the hotel has long standing, satisfactory credit experience with a company or organization, a credit investigation must be performed and documented. The use of a Standard Credit Application (located under forms) is to be used for this purpose. All items/references on the form must be verified (by telephone or letter) prior to credit approval. Comments on any difference between information given by the applicant and that obtained by verification should be entered on the reverse side of the application form. Any other pertinent information (slow pay, problem accounts, etc) should also be noted on the form. In addition to the company’s bank and business references, local credit bureaus, business associations and the like may be available sources of credit information. NOTE: In addition to establishing the company’s credit worthiness, it is essential that a principal of the company provide the hotel with a written authorization for the individual(s) to incur charges on behalf of the company. Preferably, the authorization should be on company letterhead stationary, signed by a principal. Any limits on this authority (such as “room only”, etc) must be clearly stated in the authorization letter. B. Distressed Passengers/Tour Agents/Operators – Normally, the extension of credit to tour operators, distressed passengers and travel agents will involve the acceptance of :paper” (vouchers, coupons, M.C.O.’s etc), which is redeemable in specified room nights and/or services and is payable by the operator or selling agent when billed. When dealing with an agent/operator with whom the hotel has had no previous business experience, banking and business references should be obtained and verified as in the case of any other credit applicant. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 12 ACCOUNTING CREDIT APPROVAL Page 2 of 2 C. Individual – Under most circumstances, the extension of direct bill credit privileges to individuals is not recommended. Where the extension of credit is justified, however, banking and business references should be obtained and verified in the same manner as for a company. 2. Approval The approval of direct billing credit privileges shall be made by the General Manager. This approval authority may not be delegated. 3. Documentation The Standard Credit Application properly completed and approved, and/or other documentation supporting the credit investigation and approval shall be maintained for a minimum of one year after the account has been paid and has evidences no further activity. NOTE: The guest/client’s credit application should be updated whenever an account has been inactive for six (6) months, or more, or whenever additional or more credit information is needed to increase limits, etc. Additional Notes: 1. Do not offer direct billing, but do discuss forms of payment. 2. If a customer desires to be billed, a credit application must be presented, filled in thoroughly and returned to the General Manager at least two (2) weeks prior to arrival. 3. Incomplete application or those credit applications not received within two (2) weeks of arrival will not be processed. 4. Credit application for business of $5,000.00 must be signed by an official of the company requesting direct billing. 5. Minimum of three (3) references to be verified. 6. When possible a copy of the company credit card to guarantee the direct billing. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 13 ACCOUNTING PURCHASE ORDER SYSTEM Page 1 of 2 PURPOSE: 1. To control expenditures at point of purchase. 2. To provide confirmation of items as to quantity, price, specification, size, etc. 3. To provide an audit trail for invoice/statement from supplies. 4. To provide a basis for accrual accounting. By doing so, the profit and loss statement more accurately reflects the operating results for that period. SCOPE: Includes any and all goods/services purchased from outside suppliers, which totals $25.00 or more, except travel expenses. LEVEL OF AUTHORIZATION/APPROVAL 1. Up to $25.00 Department Head No Purchase Order Required 2. $25.00-$500.00 General Manager Department Head submits P.O. to Manager for approval to purchase and is assigned P.O. number. 3. Over $500 Corporate Office GM submits P.O. to Corporate Office for approval to purchase (includes normal operating supplies). Submit on Friday. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 13 ACCOUNTING PURCHASE ORDER Page 2 of 2 HOW TO COMPLETE A PURCHASE ORDER: Most purchases are made through the internet and therefore actual Purchase Order Forms are no longer used. However, prior to placing an order a copy of the order form should be prepared and items needing to be replenished marked off. 1. On the order form fill in quantity ordered (each,dozen,case,etc) 2. Fill in the extended item price 3. Submit to the GM for approval and P.O. number 4. Over $500, GM to submit to Corporate office for approval 5. Once approved submit order and retain order form to verify upon delivery VERIFYING DELIVERY: All deliveries will be verified prior to the driver leaving the premise by using the original order form against the packing slip. Note any back orders listed on packing slip and refuse in additional items that have been shipped. It is most important that the driver signs off on any refused item. In some case, the driver may not be permitted to take back unordered items. If this is the situation, the vendor representative will be contacted immediately to retrieve the item and sign off on the removal of the item from the property. The packing slip and original order form is then turned into the General Manager to verify against the invoice/statement. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 14 ACCOUNTING CHARGEBACKS Page 1 of 1 There are two (2) types of Chargeback’s. The customer direct dispute and the credit card chargeback. Customer Direct Dispute – is when the customer calls the hotel direct to dispute a charge. If a cardholder contacts you directly before contacting his/her bank and has a charge dispute, it is up to the GM or AGM to research the dispute and contact the customer with the support. If the dispute is valid and a credit needs to be issued, confirm with the cardholder and follow-up with a call or e-mail stating the amount credited and the date the credit was issued. Credit Card Chargeback – a chargeback is a transaction that a card issuer returns to a merchant bank as a financial liability and which in turn a merchant bank may return to a merchant. In essence, it reverses a sale transaction. Chargeback’s are not always a result of what a merchant did or did not do. Errors are also made by merchant banks, card issuers and cardholders. Any chargeback needs to be thoroughly investigated and disputed within 24 hours of receipt. NOTE: Whether the dispute is generated directly by the guest or through the cardholders bank all instances should be handled and responded to within 24 hours. Part of our guaranteed payment with our processor is No Show Billings. No Show billings need to be completed daily. Thorough training of your associates will minimize a chargeback. Listed below are items that can be done to eliminate chargeback’s: 1. Always swipe the credit card through the magnetic reader. 2. Manually imprint credit cards on the guest registration card. 3. Clean magnetic readers several times a year. 4. Keep food and beverage away from computers and readers. 5. Hold the credit card through the entire transaction process (allows time for the associate to check features & security elements). 6. Always compare signature before returning card to the cardholder. 7. Never provide cash advances. Direct guest to a local bank. 8. Any card that is presented unsigned, verify through government issued identification (state issued I.D., drivers license, passport). 9. Read, train and distribute updates to associates provided by your processor. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 15 ACCOUNTING CHECK REGISTER/LOG Page 1 of 2 PURPOSE: To provide a complete record of all incoming checks. The Mail/Check Register should be maintained by the person opening the mail each day. This register/log should contain the following information: 1. Amount of check. 2. Name of maker. 3. Folio or A/R account to which the check is applied. 4. Date check was received. 5. Signature of General Manager attesting to the register being checked to insure all items have been properly posted. 6. Log book needs to be maintained with daily register along with copies of all checks received. PROCEDURE: 1. In order to maintain proper control, it is essential that the General Manager opens all mail sent to the hotel, without exception. 2. All checks, money orders, etc, must be stamped “For Deposit Only”. All checks received will be listed in the Mail/Check Register as follows; a. City Ledger b. Credit Card Ledger c. Advance Payment d. Commission Checks e. Petty Cash 3. The following columns of the Mail/Check register should be completed before posting to the account. a. Check Number b. Amount c. Date d. Name of maker e. Account Name 4. The AGM or GM will post the payments and drop in the safe as a separate deposit. 5. The completed check register needs to be maintained in a binder with copies of each check. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 15 ACCOUNTING CHECK REGISTER/LOG Page 2 of 2 REQUIRED DISTRIBUTION OF MAIL/CHECK REGISTER: 1. Copy 1 – should be included as part of the front desk paperwork. 2. Copy 2 - should remain in a chronological permanent file at the hotel. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 16 ACCOUNTING SALVAGE SALES – FIXED ASSETS Page 1 of 1 PURPOSE: To establish procedures to be followed in accounting for fixed asset salvage sales. 1. This applies to the sale of used, obsolete and/or surplus fixed assets by Inns. 2. Where feasible, competitive bids are to be obtained when disposing of fixed assets. 3. The sale of fixed assets as mentioned above should be recorded on the hotel’s books as follows: a. Fully Depreciated Assets – Proceeds from the salvage sale of fully depreciated fixed asserts should be booked as a credit to account Salvage Sales Income in your “Other Income Department”. b. Assets not fully depreciated – proceeds from the salvage sale of fixed assets which are not fully depreciated should be record on the books of your Inns as a credit to the fixed asset account charged for the cost of the asset at the time of purchase. When computing depreciation on “additions to the fixed assets account:, the proceeds from the salvage sale should be deducted from the amount of “addition” to arrive at a net amount to depreciate. 4. All salvage sales require a sign off from the HPH VP of Accounting. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 17 ACCOUNTING A/P TRANSMITTALS Page 1 of 1 1. Each time accounts payable invoices are prepared for processing to accounting, a transmittal sheet should be prepared for all invoices ( in accordance to the HPH Systems Accounting Checklist): (attached below – procedures, Chart of Accounts and Expense Dictionary) a. Accounts Payable b. Debit Card Report c. Petty Cash d. Linen Inventory e. ATM Report f. Managers Check Register g. F&B Inventory & Recap h. Breakfast Inventory 2. Transmittal Numbers – all accounts payable sheets should be numbered according to HPH Systems policy. 3. Transmittal Sheet – copies of each transmittal sheet should be maintained at the property for General Ledger reconciliation. It is also necessary to attach invoices to the transmittal sheet. 4. Invoice Coding – all invoices to be coded prior to placing on the transmittal sheet to include vendor number and chart of accounts assignment. Place accounts in numerical order on the transmittal sheet. 5. Transmittal Sheet – should be submitted to HPH on a weekly basis dependant upon the day of week assigned to your property. SECTION I AREA S.O.P. 18 ACCOUNTING SYSTEM BACK UP Page 1 of 1 PURPOSE: To enable your hotel to have the most current data available in case of a computer hardware or software failure. All PMS systems are backed up during or after the night audit. It is mandatory that the back up procedure is completed without fail each night. General Managers will make weekly back ups of files on any additional computers assigned to them. NOTE: Consideration of off sight storage should be discussed with HPH VP Of Accounting. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 1 ADMINISTRATION GENERAL Page 1 of 1 PERSONNEL – A separate Human Resource Policy & Procedure Manual (Employee Handbook) must be issued to every associate at time of hire, with documented receipt placed in employee file. Please refer to it for any questions/forms pertaining to personnel. BUDGET – An annual operating budget will be prepared by property management and submitted to HPH Corporate Office prior to the beginning of each fiscal year. Once approved, this budget is the financial guide for each monthly accounting period for all aspects of the operation. FORECAST – 30 day forecasts are to be prepared at the property and submitted monthly to the Regional Director of Operations. WEEKLY FORECAST – Weekly forecast should be distributed to all Department Managers for preparation of their departmental scheduling and ordering. HP Hotels EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS Corporate Officer’s Home Telephone Cell Phone Joe Powers 205-879-7004 ext. 16 205-296-8564 Kerry V. Ranson 205-879-7704 ext.24 205-965-5504 Jeff Schneider 205-879-7004 ext. 10 205-356-8207 The above numbers are available to senior management in case of an emergency. Each hotel should have at the Front Desk and/or Switchboard an updated list of all Department Managers home and cellular telephone numbers (located under forms). This list should also be forwarded to the corporate office. In addition, associate telephone numbers should be available in each department. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 2 ADMINISTRATION DONATIONS Page 1 of 1 1. All charitable donations of less than $25.00 are left to the property manager’s discretion. 2. Charities – All HP Hotels properties will participate in fund raising efforts for different Charities It is suggested that Department Heads/Associates “blood, sweat and tears” be pledged to community charities in place of cash donations. This further involves property management in local community affairs, thereby building awareness in the business community. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 3 ADMINISTRATION ASSOCIATE WORK SCHEDULES Page 1 of 1 1. SCHEDULES - All Department heads must turn in Work Schedules no later than Wednesday of each week for approval before being posted for the associates. The General Manager must approve and sign off on each schedule. Schedules must be displayed in each department in a prominent and permanent location. a. Schedules should be prepared based on weekly forecasts and approved labor standard charts in accordance to sound business practice. b. Schedules must be posted by Thursday afternoon/evening preceding the scheduled workweek. c. Schedules should be prepared based on your workweek. d. Any changes must be approved by the Department Head and acknowledged by the General Manager. e. Schedules are official records and must be maintained for three (3) years. (see below for example schedules) SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 4 ADMINISTRATION NATIONAL CONTRACTS Page 1 of 1 . NATIONAL CONTRACTS – The following companies provide us with national contract pricing and service. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. Royal Cup Coffee S& D Coffee ECOLAB Guest Supply American Hotel Register Coca Cola LP Shanks – (Gift Shop Vendor) SYSCO Home Depot Office Depot First Response NetChex Kone (Elevator Maintenance) Burco (Rack Cards) Sales Pro Travel Click **Preferred Vendor for all hotels. Other contracts may be signed and you will be notified in writing of such. All vendor information can be located on web-site. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 5 ADMINISTRATION LEASE AGREEMENTS/CONTRACTS Page 1 of 1 CONTRACTS & LEASE AGREEMENTS – Any and all commercial lease agreements and contracts must be approved and signed off by an Officer of the company. This would include any and all contractual agreements. No authorization exists for legal or contractual obligations of any goods and/or services without specific written approval. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 6 ADMINISTRATION ASSOCIATE APPRECIATION Page 1 of 1 1. ASSOCIATE of the QUARTER – Each hotel will have a designated Associate of the Quarter unless hotel brand specifies a different program. An Associate of the Quarter is nominated by his/her peers and receives $50.00 restaurant gift card and a coupon for one (1) paid day off to be used in the following quarter.. 2. ASSOCIATE GIFTS/PARTIES – The HP Hotels Corporate Office must approve any gifts and/or associate holiday parties. 3. ASSOCIATE LUNCHES – From time to time a hotel may sponsor an Associate Lunch on the property for the following reasons: motivation, improved or passing quality scores, communication of new standards or procedures. 4. ASSOCIATE BIRTHDAY/ASSOCIATE ANNIVERSARY DATE – Everyone likes to be acknowledged. Why not send a birthday card/anniversary card to the associate’s home address signed off by the department managers. 5. HOSPITALIZED ASSOCIATE – Take the time to contact the associate who is hospitalized to check on his/her welfare. Go the extra step and send a card from the entire staff and/or a planter. 6. HP Hotels INCENTIVE – Make sure the incentives are being paid out in a timely manner. Associate must be currently employed at payout. 7. ASSOCIATE REFERRAL PROGRAM – Although friends and acquaintances referred for employment may not be some of our best choices make sure the ones that actually fit the job are offered and those who do not qualify the associate is still acknowledged for the referral. 8. LONGEVITY REWARD – Bonus paid for years with the company. Timely distribution is required. Associate must be currently employed at payout. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 7 ADMINISTRATION FORECAST Page 1 of 1 1. Weekly Forecast – A weekly forecast of room occupancy and sales must be prepared and distributed to all department heads for associate scheduling and supply ordering no later than Wednesday of each week. 2. Quarterly Revenue Forecast – Quarterly revenue and Expense Forecast updates would be prepared and submitted as requested. 3. 30/60/90 Day Forecast – Occupancy and Average rate forecast projections for 30/60/90 days in advance required to be submitted each month. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 8 ADMINISTRATION PAYROLL PROCEDURES Page 1 of 1 1. Time Sheets – All salaried associates may be required to fill out weekly time sheets and submit to the General Manager each week. 2. Paycheck Distribution – Paychecks may be distributed after 2:00PM on the Friday following the close of the pay period. 3. Advances – Payroll advances are not permitted. 4. Associates must pick up their own paychecks. Should an associate be incapable of picking up his/her paycheck, a letter of release signed by the associate is required. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 9 ADMINISTRATION UNIFORMS/NAME TAGS Page 1 of 1 1. Name Tags – All associates must wear an appropriate name tag while on duty that includes first name and any brand specific requirements. Department Heads, Supervisor, AGM and GM name tags should include first and last name and any brand specific requirements. 2. Uniforms – All associates must wear the approved brand uniform while on duty according to brand standards. If there is not a brand standard in place regarding uniforms the following will apply: A. Housekeeping Associate – hotel issued shirt or blouse, dark slacks (Dockers, Walmart, J.C. Penney), dark colored closed toe shoe and name tag. B. Maintenance Associate – hotel issued shirt, navy blue slacks, dark closed toe shoe and name tag. C. Front Desk Associate - hotel issued collared long sleeve shirt or blouse, Khaki slacks (Dockers, Walmart, J.C. Penney), comfortable closed toe shoes. NOTE: Grooming standards and guidelines must be followed. Blue Jeans, excessive make-up and jewelry are not acceptable. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 10 ADMINISTRATION PRE-EMPLOYMENT PROCEDURE Page 1 of 1 All candidates for any position will require an interview by the next level of supervision. Example: The Housekeeping Supervisor and the AGM as the next level of supervision would interview all Room Attendants The AGM and GM as the next level of supervision would interview all Front Desk, Auditors and Maintenance. The F&B Manager and GM as the next level of supervision would interview all F&B positions. All prospective associates will be required to pass pre-employment screening as a condition of employment. - Credit Check – cash handling positions - Background Check – managerial and cash handling positions - Reference Check – all team members SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 11 ADMINISTRATION LOSS INCIDENT REPORT Page 1 of 1 Each hotel has been given an insurance manual. All incidents that could be a loss for the hotel, associate or guest should be documented on a loss incident report. All information on an incident report should be of factual nature and referencing police reports, pictures, witnesses and witness statements, date and times, etc.. The individual completing the incident report should make no claims with regard to liability of the Hotel nor should any opinions be expressed. A copy of the incident report is forwarded to the corporate office, maintained in the property general files and the original forwarded to our insurance carrier. Though it is always preferable to forward the Loss Incident report to the appropriate level/office requested, there will be certain loss incident reports you may wish to note is being sent for “informational purpose only”. All reports are available in the insurance manual. Please utilize these documents. HP Hotels, Inc. Incident Report Hotel Name_____________________ Time of Incident: ______________________ Reported By: _________________________ Type of Incident __ Trip and Fall __ Bomb Threat __ Death __ Fire __ Hurricane __ Phone System Failure __ Robbery __ Tornado Date of Incident:________________ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 911 Call from Hotel Carbon Monoxide Event/Gas Leak Drowning Food Poisoning Illness/Injury Power Failure Suicide Other Description of Incident _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ If bodily Injury: (What medical aid was given by whom?), or If property damage, give value and how damaged. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Action Taken:_________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Manager on Duty _____________________________________________________________ Employees Involved/Witnesses / Name of Guest with address and phone number. ______________________________________________________________________ HP HOTELS Notified? _____ Were Police Summoned? ______ Fire Department Summoned? ______ Fire Medics Summoned? ______ Emergency Procedure Checklist Attached? ______ File in Incident Report File and Copy to HP HOTELS (205-879-2680) and Hotel Ins. Company. Attach Copy of Police Report SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 12 ADMINISTRATION COMP ROOM POLICY Page 1of 1 From time to time complimentary room accommodations may be approved by the General Manager for the following reasons: a. Business Promotions b. Travel Agent Fam Trip c. Convention Group Fam Tour d. Visiting GM within HP Hotels Group e. Visiting corporate member within HP Hotels Group f. Past Guest Issue (goodwill gesture) All complimentary rooms will be put in as “Occupied” status and must be registered in the Property management system. THESE REQUIREMENTS STILL APPLY IN DETERMINING ELEGIBLE STATUS. It makes good business sense to avoid granting complimentary room accommodations when the Hotel is expected to run at or near capacity. While no policy currently outlines quotas on the number of complimentary room accommodations allowed per month, a good rule of thumb is no more than 1% of the available rooms per month. Numbers higher than 1% will attract attention. A monthly recap of complimentary rooms to be forwarded to HP Hotels Corporate Office. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 13 ADMINISTRATION GIFTS/CONFLICTS Page 1 of 1 It is a policy of HP Hotels Group LLC to discourage the offering of gifts, excess discounts, gratuities,complimentary trips, meals, etc., from any purveyor or company engaged in conducting business with the Hotel. Complimentary consumable food and beverage items (liquor, hams, turkey, gift basket, etc.) and/or gifts offered during the Holiday Season should be utilized as door prizes during the annual associates Holiday party. It is the General Manager’s responsibility to discourage the use of vendors related or known to a particular staff member that might present a conflict of interest or the perception of it. Violation of this policy could result in termination. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 14 ADMINISTRATION GUEST COMMENT/SURVEY Page 1 of 1 Guest Comment Card/Guest Survey - It is the policy of all properties to remain close to the customer and recognize his/her needs and expectations as being the key to our financial success. In that regard, each guest room will have a Guest Comment Card (in accordance to brand standard). All guest comment cards or surveys requiring or indicating a response will be handled immediately and appropriate action taken by the General Manager and/or Assistant General Manager to research and respond. In the case where a refund or financial compensation is expected/deemed appropriate, that reimbursement will be provided to the guest as rapidly as possible. Any comments or complaints generated through the brand Guest Assistance program will be researched and responded to within brand guidelines. Any scores below the system average are unacceptable. All scores, goals and results need to be communicated to all associates on a monthly basis at a minimum. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 15 ADMINISTRATION HAZ COM POLICY Page 1 of 1 All HP Hotels properties will participate and abide by the Hazard Communication Policy (Haz Com Policy) set forth (under forms section). The Hazard Communication Policy is based on a simple concept that associates have both a need and right to know the hazards and identities of the chemicals they are exposed to when working. They also need to know what protective measures are available to prevent adverse effects from occurring. Knowledge acquired under the Haz Com Policy will help employers provide safe working environments for the associates. When associates have information about chemicals being used and steps can be taken to reduce exposure and establish proper work practices. These efforts will help prevent the occurrence of work related illness and injury. Compliance with this is not a “one-shot” deal. In order to have a successful program, you must take responsibility for both the initial and ongoing activities that have to be undertaken to comply with the rule. Therefore, all hotels will follow the Hazard Communication program to include reinforcement and retraining on a regular basis or more frequently if necessary. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 16 ADMINISTRATION INSPECTION REPORTS Page 1 of 1 It is the General Manager’s responsibility to notify HP Hotels office and the hotels Director of Operations by telephone following any and all inspections by: * Franchise representative * City or State Fire Department Officials * Health Department Representative * Insurance Company Representative * U.S. Department of Labor * Any and all State or Local Government Regulatory Inspections *Lending institutions *Hotel Investor A copy of the inspection must be forwarded to the HPH Corporate Office. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 17 ADMINISTRATION MASTER KEYS Page 1 of 1 All hotels have on property information manuals regarding your particular lock system. All information regarding, re-keying, duplicates, safety concerns, etc., can be found in this manual. It is the responsibility of the General Manager to provide training to the AGM, Maintenance Supervisor and/or key personnel on how to reprogram and read the lock. All staff keycards, when made, have a tracking number assigned to the specific card. All card numbers need to be recorded whenever made. This section pertains to Master Keys, Sub-Masters, Floor Keys, Utility Keys, Section Keys and hard coded keys on property. One (1) master key is issued to the General Manager and Assistant General Manager. The General Manager and Assistant Manager are the only one’s permitted to carry the Master off property including to their residence. One (1) MOD key ring should be issued to the Manager on Duty and must be signed in and out. All staff issued key cards must be signed out and in daily. These cards are to be kept in a locked box or drawer behind the front desk (office area). Staff issued keycards are not permitted to be taken off the premise. Some hotels utilize hard keys for particular areas (store rooms, utility rooms, electrical panel rooms, etc.) and are normally issued to the maintenance person. These keys are required to be signed out and in daily. At anytime a staff card is lost or misplaced or an associate whose employment has been terminated and the key card has not been surrendered a new card must be issued (not duplicated) due to safety and security concerns. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 18 ADMINISTRATION MEETINGS Page 1 of 2 The following is a list of required meetings to be held. Departmental Meeting – To be conducted by Department Head/Supervisor and are required on a monthly basis to include an agenda and meeting minutes. Items to be discussed: safety/security concerns or issues, changes in procedures (brand, operational), business levels, associate training and any outstanding items of the particular department. All meeting minutes must be archived in a binder. Staff Meetings – To be conducted by the General Manager, held weekly and attended by Department Heads/Supervisor. An agenda of topics and meeting minutes are required. Items to be discussed: safety/security issues or concerns, changes in procedures (brand, operational), upcoming events, forecast, scheduling concerns, training, personnel issues, meetings and or catering functions. All Department Heads/Supervisors are encouraged to contribute items for the agenda and actively participate. Revenue Management Meetings – To be conducted by the General Manager, held weekly and attended by Sales & AGM. Meeting minutes and action plans required. Items of concern would be upcoming forecast and rate strategies for up to 30 days out. Discussion of events in the area, impending functions/room blocks, group pick-ups and release dates, peaks and valleys available for Sales, adding or removing minimum restriction, etc. Safety Meeting – To be conducted by the designated “Safety Champion” and held monthly, attended by a representative from each department.. An agenda and meeting minutes required. Topics of concern would reflect safety/security issues that may cause a loss to the hotel, associate and/or guest. Walk through of the entire hotel to include individual departments, storerooms, utility, electrical rooms, pool, parking lot, meeting facility, etc. Each meeting should include follow-up for any items requiring action or patterns that are emerging. All safety meetings will also include information on the monthly fire drill report. Fire Drills – Although it is not considered an actual meeting, fire drills are to be conducted monthly, involves the entire staff, is done on different shifts and should be at least one “live” fire drill every six (6) months (suggested when the life safety system is scheduled and guests notified in advance of the drill). Minutes for the Safety Meeting and the monthly fire drills are required to be faxed in to the corporate office by the 30th of each month. SECTION II AREA SOP 18 ADMINISTRATION MEETINGS Page 2 of 2 Franchisor Meeting/Training – Any brand required meeting to be conducted by the General Manager or Assistant General Manager i.e. People Notice, Lighthouse, Ultimate Service. etc. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 19 ADMINISTRATION MEMBERSHIPS Page 1 of 1 Each hotel is required to be a member in good standing with your local Chamber of Commerce. Each General Manager is required to be an active participating member in a local civic organization. We highly recommend taking a leadership role in chosen organization. Any additional memberships require the approval of the corporate office. When possible try to utilize your local Chamber for networking, and business needs. Support you local Chamber by attending and/or sponsoring events to benefit your local community. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 20 ADMINISTRATION MOD PROGRAM Page 1 of 1 Each hotel will have in place a Manager On Duty Program in accordance to the times required by your brand, normally 7am-11pm, seven (7) days a week and available by phone within 15 minutes at all other times. The Night Auditor must be trained on all MOD procedures as this position will assume all duties from 11pm to 7am. There are two (2) MOD programs set up as smaller hotels may designate non salaried associates such as Supervisors and/or Auditors to fulfill this requirement. M.O.D. Position Requirements 1. Must be a salaried manager 2. Must be of legal age (as established by state liquor consumption laws). 3. Demonstrates good technique in handling guest inquiries and complaints. 4. Capable of administering and abiding by house rules and policies, company regional and district operational rules and policies. 5. Knowledge of hotel and system brand standards. 6. Knowledge of pertinent “brand” marketing programs. 7. Capable in delegating responsibility to shift leaders or assistants. 8. Must be familiar with the functioning of each department. 9. Capable of administering the responsibility of M.O.D. while maintaining their responsibility as a manager of a specific area. As a salaried Manager on Duty, 30% of your time should be spent on the M.O.D. functions and the remaining 70% for you regular work duties and assignments. Non-Salaried Position Requirements 1. Must be currently employed in that department if possible. 2. Must be recognized to perform in the job skills required for the position. 3. Capable of working well with others and training of new associates in the area. 4. Demonstrate interest and potential in supervisory position. 5. Demonstrate good techniques of handling guest inquiries and complaints. 6. Demonstrates willingness to adhere to house and policy rules. 7. Knowledge of applicable system standards, district policies and marketing programs. 8. Demonstrate support of in-house promotions and interdepartmental cooperation. As a non-salaried Manager on Duty, the majority of their time will be spent completing duties of their regular job and minimal time on M.O.D. requirements. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 21 ADMINISTRATION ORGANIZATION CHART Page 1 of 1 A current Organization Chart listing each Department Manager by name must be posted on the main associate bulletin board at the hotel and updated when a change occurs. A copy of the most current organizational chart must be on file in the HP Hotels Corporate Office. The General Manager is responsible for implementation of this policy. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 22 ADMINISTRATION PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL Page 1 of 1 The performance of each associate will be evaluated according to the following schedule: a. Department Managers/Supervisory/Associate Evaluation/Increases – All evaluations will occur on the anniversary hire date, monetary increases are only based upon successful performance and not based on length of service. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 23 ADMINISTRATION P&L STATEMENT Page 1 of 1 A monthly computerized Profit & Loss Statement is forwarded to the property within 15 working days following the close of the previous accounting period. This computerized statement is in two (3) sections: 1. The Income Statement recaps revenues, payroll and variable expenses by department and cost center. 2. General ledger itemizes and details revenues, payroll and expenditure by transaction. 3. The Balance Sheet – accounting needs definition It is the General Manager’s responsibility to reconcile the Income Statement to the General Ledger and compare with the budget to determine and notify HP Hotels of any accounting errors, miscoding of invoices, etc within 48 hours of receipt.. A HP Hotels Corporate PNL Reasoning Report Recap Sheet/Analysis is required to be completed 3 days after final PNL is produced.. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 24 ADMINISTRATION PASSWORDS/COMBINATIONS Page 1 of 1 The General Manager is responsible for keeping and updating a master list of any computer user names, passwords and telephone voicemail passwords. This information will be kept confidential and will not be shared with other associates. (These passwords should be kept on the HP Transition sheet under the Password TAB and updated accordingly) The “safe” combination for each hotel location will be written down and forwarded to the corporate office to be kept in the event of an emergency. The “safe” combination will be shared with the AGM or similar position. The safe combination will be changed following the departure of any individual with access to the combination. At any time, a change is made to the combination the updated combination will be forwarded to the corporate office. Corporate Office Procedure: Safe & Password List 1. GM writes the safe combination and password list down and seals it in a plain envelope. This envelope is placed in another envelope and is mailed to HP Hotels Corporate Office. 2. Upon receipt of the envelope at the corporate office, the office manager will place the envelope with the hotels secured file, opening only in an emergency. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 25 ADMINISTRATION VENDOR VERIFICATION Page 1 of 1 Whenever a vendor (soft drink, snack, pest control, deliveries, etc.) will be presenting themselves in an associate or guest area, it is important that a member of management or an associate in a supervisory position escort the vendor around the building until the assignment is complete. At no time, is a vendor permitted to be in associate or guest areas without an escort. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 26 ADMINISTRATION ILLEGAL ACTIVITY Page 1 of 3 Methamphetamines & the Hospitality Industry * Many people call methamphetamine the World’s Most Dangerous Drug”. Owners of hotels and motels know the dangers of Meth all too well. * It not only has long lasting, devastating effects on people who use meth, it can also be devastating to others and create hazardous, toxic wastes on private property. * Methamphetamine, also known as “meth”, “speed”, “crystal”, “crank” or “ice” is a powerful and highly addictive stimulant that affects the central nervous system. * Meth is a synthetic drug produced or sold as pills, capsules, or powder that can be smoked, snorted, injected or swallowed. * Meth is accessible in many different forms and varies in color from white to brown. * Most meth comes in a powder form resembling granulated crystals or in the rock form known as “ice”. * Meth making operations have been uncovered in all 50 states. 100,000 meth labs have been seized since 1998 and it’s estimated that only 1 in 10 is ever discovered. * Those statistics are shocking. No one is immune. * Meth labs have been found in suburban rural neighborhoods, state parks, hotels, motels and in automobiles traveling on highways. * By making small changes you can avoid big problems. At registration, be aware of individuals who… 1. Pay with cash. 2. Are local residents. 3. Have no photo identification. 4. Appear to be using drugs. 5. Don’t want maid service. 6. Request rooms next to stairwells & exits. 7. Run the a/c 24/7. 8. Loiter outside of a guest room (posing as lookouts). 9. Odd hours of check-in and check-out. What You Can Do: * Security and associate training. * Require visitors to use main entrance. * Cancel lost keys immediately. * Perform daily room checks. * Walk hallways and building perimeter. * Talk with nearby properties and law enforcement about suspicious individuals. * Know signs of drug related behavior. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 26 ADMINISTRATION ILLEGAL ACTIVITY Page 2 of 3 * Be aware of chemical odors * Be aware of guests taking unusual items into their rooms, such as glass containers, cans and hotplates or burners. * Encourage all staff to be aware of what is in and around garbage bins and dumpster. Report suspicious items to the police. Signs of Use: *Scabs and soars on face and arms *Rotting teeth *Poor grooming *Extreme thinness Personality: *Anxious, Nervous *Incessant Talking *Moodiness, Irritability *Repetitive Behavior (picking at skin, pulling out hair) *Aggressive, Violent If you discover or suspect a drug lab: * Do not touch anything. * Leave the area immediately. * Call local law enforcement. * Contact the fired department or local Haz Mat Team. * If a lab is confirmed have clean up done by trained professionals. Here are some things to look for in identifying a meth lab: * Unusual strong odors (like cat urine, ether, ammonia, acetone, or other chemicals). * Rooms with windows blacked out. * Guest who pay with cash. Most drug dealers trade exclusively in cash. * Lots of traffic – people coming and going at unusual times. There may be little traffic during the day, but at night the activity increases dramatically. * Excessive trash including large amounts of items such as: antifreeze containers, lantern fuel cans, red chemically stained coffee filters, drain cleaner and duct tape. * Unusual amounts of clear glass containers being brought into the room. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 26 ADMINISTRATION ILLEGAL ACTIVITY Page 3 of 3 * Persons exiting the structure to smoke. * Resistance to entry for cleaning service. Long Term Effects: Meth can cause long term health effects including cancer, brain damage, birth defects and miscarriages. It can also cause health problems not just for users but for anyone exposed to the chemicals. Labs are frequently abandoned and the potentially explosive and very toxic chemicals are left behind. Sometimes chemicals are dumped along the roadsides or in wooded areas. Don’t take it upon yourself to inspect a possible meth lab. Call the Police as this can be a very dangerous situation in more ways than one. Summary: Remember, your guest’s safety is your responsibility and you need to be aware of conditions that may jeopardize their health, your health and the health of everyone on the property. It’s vital that you and your asso ciates remain constantly aware of suspicious activity on your property and report them to Supervisors immediately so proper action can be taken. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 27 ADMINISTRATION EMERGENCY PROCEDURES Page 1of 1 All hotels are required to have an emergency situation manual that covers the following: 1. Structural Collapse 2. Bomb Threat 3. Suicide 4. Robbery 5. Severe Weather 6. Hurricane (guest release under forms) 7. Fire In addition to having the above manual, all associates are required to be trained in these possible situations. Manuals need to be reviewed yearly and associates trained /retrained each year and a record kept of the training. There should be a manuals in Red Binders located at the front desk. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 28 AMINISTRATION GENERAL MANAGER CHECKLIST Page 1 of 1 The following checklist has been created to assist you in some of your duties: DAILY - Prepare and/or review Income Journal - Submit to M3 (Innquire) by 9am daily - Review GM Audit Reports - Verify credit cards for outlets and hotel have processed - Review Pending report from M3-ensure all invoices have been received at Corp office. - Review/approve all adjustments/allowances and paid outs - Review Future Rooms Sold, rate variance report and update forecast - Review off market rooms - Conduct property walk, inspect 5 rooms a day – greet and motivate staff - Bank Cash Deposits – to made daily (no exception and faxed to property DO. - Review departmental payroll (punch edits) to ensure adherence to staffing guidelines. - Review emails and respond as necessary to WebGuru/Guest Assistance within brand guidelines WEEKLY - Conduct Staff meeting with Key Managers, to include group resumes and BEO’s - Conduct yield/revenue meeting: Holidex, Opera,HIRO,Lodgestat, OnQ,OnQ Rev Mgt and any other property specific reports - Review weekly payroll reports – Compare to DLR (daily labor report) In Forms - Review Easy View Report/Salt - Review A/R/ ledger and aging – Contact clients as needed - Complete Room Inspections - Review & approve purchase orders - Review F&B inventories on the 15th and EOM with F&B Manager - Review STAR Report - Review weekly Sales reports MONTHLY - Attend monthly departmental meetings – review & approve agenda - Complete all brand required reporting. - Compete all month end reports and email their corporate controller by 5 th day of new month. - Review P&L – note variances to budget, correct any miscoding - Review training requirements – review all certifications being met - Review STAR Report - Conduct Quality Evaluation walk through – note action items - Review monthly Guest View/Salt scores – create action plans with staff - Review brand and Life/Safety requirements - Conduct Safety Meeting – submit to RDO and Corporate Office Manager - Conduct Monthly Fire Drill – Submit minutes to RDO and Corporate Office Manager SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 29 ADMINISTRATION OUT OF SERVICE ROOMS Page 1 of 1 The purpose of this section is to limit the number of “out of service” rooms. Before placing rooms in out of service status it is crucial that the reason be investigated before approving the status. This will control the number of unnecessary reasons and allow you to follow up on the progress or room(s) being placed in this status. It is highly suggested that a member of management (Housekeeping Supervisor/AGM/GM) check all rooms listed as out of service to confirm status and to confirm the room(s) is not being used on a daily basis. During peak season, you should avoid over night or multiple night(s) in the out of order status. Out of service rooms should be placed to “in service” status within reasonable time (same day) when possible. If it is necessary to have a room out of service for single or multiple nights, approval is required by the AGM/GM. This information should be reported to the Corporate Office and entered in the front desk log book. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 30 ADMINISTRATION ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITMENT Page 1 of 1 All hotels will participate in a state approved environmental program aimed at protecting and conserving our natural resources. Most environmental programs created for the lodging industry consist of recycling projects, reducing and re-using. For more information on protecting our Natural Resources and becoming an EcoFriendly hotel contact HPH Corporate Office. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 31 ADMINISTRATION TRAVEL ALLOWANCES Page 1 of 1 1. When traveling to required brand conventions, meetings, training classes, the following allowances are standards to be followed for meal allowances, if and only if meals are not provided during events: Breakfast: Whenever possible lodging should be at breakfast included properties. When not available, limit is $10 per day. Lunch: $15 Dinner: $20 2. When traveling to required brand conventions, meeting, training classes, etc. the following procedure are to be followed for sleeping rooms: ï‚· ï‚· If an HP Hotel managed property is located in the area, property GM must be contacted to see if employee rate is available If employee rate cannot be granted. GM must turn HP Check Request form with detail hotel rate amount into the HP Accounting department and RDO for check release. This must be done at least 14 days in advance of meeting. SECTION II AREA S.O.P. 31 ADMINISTRATION MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT Page 1 of 1 Use HP Hotels Mileage Reimbursement form found under “Forms Tab” Mileage will be reimbursed at the current governmental per-diem with a maximum cap at .50cents per gallon. SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 1 F&B SPECIAL PROMOTIONS Page 1 of 1 Each hotel will follow a special promotion calendar as developed with VP and Senior Director of Sales & Marketing Director consisting of a minimum of one theme promotion per month (which includes Open Houses) and should be specified in the annual Sales and Marketing Plan. Cost/Benefit Recap vs. original forecast of monthly promotion is due to HP Hotels with month-end Food & Beverage Inventory Recap. (Pertains to full service hotels) SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 2 F&B MENUS Page 1 of 1 All menu items and menu price changes must be approved in writing by the General Manager of the hotel and should include: 1. Item cost-of-sales 2. Specifications 3. Cover History 4. Theoretical sales potential cost 5. Menu abstract history 6. Menu spec cards 7. Presentation pictures. SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 3 F&B RESTAURANT OPERATIONS Page 1 of 1 Table Tents – Table tents promoting lounge, restaurant and special promotions must be on all restaurant and lounge tables and in each guest room per brand specifications. Comment Cards – A guest comment Card will be provided on each restaurant Table per brand specifications.. SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 4 F&B LOUNGE ENTERTAINMENT Page 1 of 1 1. All entertainment contracts may be approved and signed by the property General Manager in accordance with monthly entertainment budget and must have RDO approval. 2. All entertainment contracts will include specific playing time and break time. 3. A Federal Identification number or Social Security number is needed on all entertainment contracts for I.R.S. reporting. 5. Hotel contract should specify any ASCAP, BMI and/or SESAC Costs are not the responsibility of the hotel. SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 5 F&B INVENTORIES Page 1 of 1 1. Liquor – An inventory of liquor shall be prepared at mid-month, as well as at the end of each month. (can be found on HP website) 2. Food – An inventory of food shall be prepared at mid-month as well as at the end of each. (can be found on HP website) 3. China, Linen, Glass and Silver – An inventory of china, restaurant linen, glass and silver shall be prepared on a quarterly basis, reconciled to established par stock to determine needed replacements. 4. Month End Food & Beverage - All mid-month and month-end food and beverage inventories shall be taken and submitted on the monthly Food & Beverage Inventory Control Form. 5. Inventory Levels – Food inventories should be kept in the range of fifteen percent (15%) to eighteen percent (18%) of total food revenues. Beverage inventories should be kept in the range of eighteen percent (18%) to twenty percent (20%) of total beverage revenues. 6. Miscellaneous – a. All inventories must be reviewed and approved by the General Manager b. Inventories should involve personnel from outside the F&B Department to establish a separation of duty. (2 people required to do inventory – 1 calling, 1 writing) c. All prices should be updated prior to conducting inventory. d. Bulk dollar values for “Food in Process” are not acceptable. SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 6 F&B BEVERAGE POLICY STATEMENT Page 1 of 1 1. All food and beverage associates will review and complete the HP Hotels Beverage Policy Statement prior to reporting for duty. 2. All food and beverage associates will receive a copy of the AH&MA Beverage Policy Manual prior to reporting for duty. 3. All food and beverage associates will view the video tape “Serving Alcohol With Care” prior to reporting for duty and each quarter thereafter. Written documentation of this re-training and re-emphasis of HP Hotels policy statement will be placed in associates personnel file. 4. All the above procedures should be reinforced and reviewed quarterly as a minimum requirement. 5. It is property management’s responsibility to strictly adhere to all State and Local laws and beverage control regulations. 6. All food and beverage associates will comply with TEFRA regulations regarding the reporting of tips. SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 7 F&B BANQUET OPERATIONS Page 1 of 1 Banquet Service Charge – The standard service charge in the Banquet Department shall be twenty percent (20%) of all Food and Beverage service and can be adjusted with approval during the budget process. SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 8 F&B BEVERAGE PRICES/HAPPY HOUR Page 1 of 1 1. Changes in beverage pricing must be approved by the General Manager and should include the following categories: 2. It is suggested that all Happy Hours/Hungry Hours include a variety of available food, complimentary, or at a price to cover cost of providing this Happy Hour food. Discountinuing of a drink price is discouraged. SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 10 F&B SECURITY F&B AREAS Page 1 of 1 It is the General Manager’s responsibility to make certain that the Food & Beverage Department Manager has in-place at all times adequate security and internal control procedures as identified in the Accounting Procedures or SelfAudit Checklist so as to provide for the security of assets. SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 11 F&B FOOD STORAGE Page 1 of 2 Food storage and handling apply to select service hotels as well. In an effort to maintain the highest quality food product possible, food storage areas will be maintained according to the following: 1. Walk-In/Reach-In Refrigerators A. All food covered or sealed. B. Shelves neatly arranged and labeled. C. All thawed raw food dated and arranged in one central area. D. All cooked food stored in a central area. E. Sheet pans, clear plastic storage bins, etc. utilized to store food items removing them from their delivery containers. F. Food should be rotated on a first-in/first-out basis to avoid spoilage. G. Cooked food items should be dated so as to easily determine their present quality. 2. Dry Goods Storeroom A. All goods should be labeled with the price per item as/when received. B. Stock should be rotated on a first-in/first-out basis. C. All dry goods should be on shelves and not on flooring. D. Rolling racks should be utilized whenever possible to aid the rotation cycle. E. All open food items should be transferred to an appropriate container, sealed and stored as necessary. F. Bulk quantities of flour, meals, sugar, etc. should be placed in sealable containers and labeled. SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 11 F&B FOOD STORAGE Page 2 of 2 3. Freezers A. All items should be date labeled to aid in determining product quality. B. Packaging (i.e.Cryovac) should not be removed until food item enters into the preparation cycle. C. Prepared food items should not re-enter the freezer unless properly wrapped and a purpose for their use in the near future is determined. SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 12 F&B ADVANCE DEPOSIT POLICY Page 1 of 1 When the booking of a group becomes tentative or definite and the contract is completed, this should include the deposit requirement necessary to hold the space and assure the facility that has been committed. Should deposit request not be honored by the perspective customer, the possibility of not being afforded the space required should be clearly conveyed. The details of the cancellation penalties, if any, would also be explained. This requirement is not meant as a deterrent to booking business, but as a measure to safeguard the assets of the company. When presented properly and firmly, requests for advance funds should bring affirmative responses. NOTES: 1.) Do not offer direct billing to the client, but do discuss forms of payment. 2.) If a customer desires to be billed, a credit application must be presented to him. 3.) All credit applications must be filled out thoroughly and returned to the hotel General Manager at least two weeks prior to arrival. 4.) Incomplete application or those credit applications not received within two weeks of arrival will not be processed. 5.) Credit applications must be signed by an official of the company requesting direct billing. SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 13 F&B PAYMENT OF SERVICE CHARGES TO EMPLOYEES Page 1 of 1 1. Banquet or Baggage Service Charges are set percentages of a group bill to be paid to the associate for service performed (food preparation/service, baggage handling). 2. All Banquet and Baggage Service Charges must be paid through the payroll system. 3. To ensure that all service charges are entered on the Payroll Transmittal, it is suggested that the attached Service Charge Report (Form #52) is used. 4. This report is used to distribute the amounts of the service charge due to all associates. It ensures that each associate received his/her portion of the service charge through the payroll system. 5. The report should be maintained in the General Manager’s office/. The applicable department heads (F&B Director & AGM) should update the report each time a service charge is earned by one or more of their associates. 6. Accounting for Service Charge, Banquet, Baggage Charges are posted on the miscellaneous key (if no preset key is available) on the front desk. 7. Before the completion of the Payroll Transmittals, the GM or AGM should verify that the service charges recorded on the Service Charge Report are equal to the Service Charge posted on the Property Management System. SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 14 F&B ACCT. FOR IN-HOUSE OUTLET CHARGES Page 1 of 2 The following procedures will outline the policies and procedures governing the consumption of Food & Beverage products for Administration and General (A&G) or Advertising and Promotion purposes (A&P). Only certain management personnel have been authorized to utilize Food & Beverage outlets and sign their tickets to these accounts. These individuals should be authorized by the General Manager through a memorandum. The authorized list must be current and maintained on the property at all times. Alcohol is prohibited at all times, with the exception of approved sponsored events. PROCEDURE: 1. Outlet cashier/bartenders should require the server to obtain the individuals signature on the guest check. 2. Authorized management personnel are required to specify on the guest check who was entertained and the name of the firm and prospective business if available. The words “A/G” or “A/P” must be indicated on all business promotion checks. 3. Night Auditor on a daily basis will breakdown the charges on the A/P and A/G folios into details of consumption by outlet on a spreadsheet (breakdown of food, liquor, wine, beer, charge tips, etc. and the week’s total should be in balance with the individual folios that are adjusted weekly). These detailed spreadsheets should be summarized monthly for the closing journal entry. 4. Month-End Accounting for A/P and A/G - A journal entry must be made each month by the accountants to adjust the revenue generated by the in house charges and grant credits to the Food & Beverage Departments for the cost of goods consumed. 5. No food should ever be prepared from the kitchen without a POS ticket. SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 14 F&B ACCOUNTING FOR IN-HOUSE OUTLET CHARGES Page 2 of 2 6. The Food & Beverage credits granted will be based on actual year-to-date costs. SECTION III AREA S.O.P. 15 F&B SERVSAFE CERTIFICATION Page 1 of 1 ServSafe is a state approved program and requires that each food establishment have at a minimum one Food Manager Certified. ServSafe certification training is required for all hotels as follows: FULL SERVICE: 1. F&B Director/Manger is required to complete and pass the ServSafe Food Manager Certification. 2. All food handlers (prep cook, sous chef, chef, servers, etc.) are required to complete the Food Handlers Certification. This is administered by the ServSafe Food Manager on property. SELECT SERVICE: 1. The GM is required to complete and pass the ServSafe Food Manager Certification. 2. All food handlers (breakfast host/hostess) are required to complete and pass the Food Handlers Certification. All certifications are required to be displayed in the kitchen/pantry, one in the individuals file and one copy to the individual. The ServSafe Food Manager Certification is valid for 5 years and must be retaken prior to expiration. The ServSafe Food Handlers Certification is valid for 3 years and must be retaken upon expiration. SECTION IV AREA S.O.P. 1 FRONT DESK V.I.P. PROCEDURES Page 1 of 1 Each hotel will be responsible for participating in special V.I.P. Procedures for the following types of guests: VIP Guest – (specialty guest). This VIP Package would consist of: M.O.D. room inspection, upgraded room accommodations, welcome gift and letter from the General Manager, upgraded name brand amenities (other than the branded amenities). Guest of the Day – (preferably one night stay enrolled in brand reward club). This package would consist of: M.O.D. room inspection, upgraded room accommodations, welcome letter from the General Manager (under forms) and a snack. Please feel free to customize the welcome gift and/or snack if you personally know the client’s likes and dislikes. Welcome gift suggestions: branded promotional items, local items of your area, complimentary in-room movie, local restaurant gift card, gas card. Snack suggestions: premium bottled water, soda, sweet items, and salty items. Hotel Letter Head Welcome! Dear Mr. or Mrs. _______________, Welcome to (hotel name). We have been waiting your arrival. It is our goal to make your stay as close to "home" as possible. Our staff is committed to exceeding your expectations so that you will be glad you chose us. We will do all that we can to make your stay as comfortable and relaxing as possible so that you will think of (hotel name) the next time you or someone you know needs hotel accommodations. Please let us know how we can make you more comfortable. Thank you for being our guest and we look so forward to your next visit. Sincerely, Hotel Contact Name (include business card) SECTION IV AREA S.O.P. 2 FRONT DESK ADA/MOBILITY GUEST Page 1 of 1 A list of physically challenged guest should be kept at the front desk for those who may need additional assistance (crutches, elderly, physically or mentally challenged, sight and /or hearing impaired, etc) during an emergency. The Front Desk log book has a special section and is required to be used. Some brands specify use of an individual form (located under forms). As usual brand standard applies. SECTION IV AREA S.O.P. 3 FRONT DESK INNKEEPER SHELTER /CHECK IN AGE Page 1 of 1 The legal age to check into a hotel is 18. This is the age in which a legal binding contract can be signed. You need to be aware of the “Innkeeper Shelter” provision which states “necessity” is required in order to rent to a minor. Necessity would be a minor traveling and his/her car breaks down. In this case, you could rent to a minor and/or provide a safe place such as the lobby. If you choose to rent to a person who has not yet reached the age of majority you can require a “permissions statement” from a parent or legally responsible adult acknowledging acceptance of responsibility for the debts incurred by the guest. SECTION IV AREA S.O.P. 4 FRONT DESK NO SHOW POLICY Page 1 of 1 All HP Hotels properties will participate in the billing of all guaranteed no shows. The following procedures will apply: 1. After 6pm but before 7pm, all arriving guest reservations will be checked for any duplication or possibility of being in-house. 2. Any duplicate or in-house record will be investigated. 3. The night auditor, before starting the night audit will print all due in reservations and corresponding reservation record. Prior to the audit the auditor will post the no show charge, bill the credit card, attach the back up and place the record in the day’s paperwork. 4. Should the guest arrive on the wrong day considerations will be taken and the no-show charge reversed. 5. Any disputes regarding no-show billing will be directed to the GM and will be handled on a case by case basis. Note: No Show revenue, although listed in the miscellaneous category of the Income Journal is considered room revenue in the PMS system and for tax purposes. Please remember to include this in your monthly room revenue when preparing taxes. SECTION IV AREA S.O.P. 5 FRON DESK AREA PET POLICY Page 1 of 1 It is the policy of all HP Hotels to accept small pets 25 pounds or less (If the hotel accepts Pets (those hotels with a NO PET POLICY are exactly that). *********Any Guest that requires the assistance of a Service Animal Must be allowed in the hotel at any time********** If it is at all possible, pet rooms should be contained to a section of rooms for ease in handling and proper cleaning. A one time pet fee of $35, non-refundable is required unless pet fees are prohibited by the brand. All guests who check in with pets should be presented with a pet letter (under forms) and explained where the walk area is. Every hotel must have listings of kennel’s or similar pet boarding locations and veterinarians available for the guest if the hotel does not accept pets. SECTION IV AREA S.O.P. 6 FRONT DESK SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES Page 1 of 1 It is the General Managers responsibility to make certain that guest safety deposit boxes are available and that the procedure in-place conforms to the State regulations concerning guest safety deposit boxes. The following procedure is suggested: An appropriate State approved form to be used. State approved form to be filed with the registration card. Only the guest registered to the box is permitted into the safety deposit box and a signature and date is required on the form each time entry is made. This means if there are any additional user’s the registered guest must be present in order to add any additional names and signatures. There are not any duplicate keys for safety deposit boxes. The State form specifies this, the charge for a lost key and the charge for the locksmith will be billed to the guest. When a safety deposit box is closed out (returned to the desk), it is imperative that the guest sign the line that says he/she removed the contents and the date. All desk associates should receive training in the visual presentation procedures for a guest safety deposit box so that a guest may have some degree of privacy in handling the safety deposit box, while maintaining visual contact with the hotel associate. A monthly reconciliation is required to be completed by the AGM/GM of all safety deposit boxes. SECTION IV AREA S.O.P. 7 FRONT DESK CHECK CASHING/CASH ADVANCES Page 1 of 1 Cashing Personal Checks – Because much of our business is credit card related and for security purposes we keep a limited amount of cash on the property, the following criteria will be policy in cashing personal checks: 1. Cashing of personal checks should be politely referred to the nearest bank or check cashing service. 2. Traveler’s checks may be cashed for hotel guests up to $50 per day, $100 per week maximum during total of guest stay. Guest must sign and fill out the travelers check completely and traveler’s check must be in U.S. Currency. 3. No associate checks should be cashed at any time (payroll or personal). 4. Some brands may require cashing of personal checks for reward stay members. If this is the case, brand standard will prevail. Credit Card Cash Advances – We are unable to provide cash advances for credit cards. 1. Refer guest to nearest bank or ATM service. 2. Includes guest and/or associates. In addition, there are some companies that provide generic vouchers for room costs, unless you have a contract with a particular company HP Hotels does not participate in these types of programs. SECTION IV AREA S.O.P. 8 FRONT DESK PBX Page 1 of 1 Incoming calls should be answered immediately or within three (3) rings, maximum. Some brands have standards on telephone etiquette. If this is the case brand standard will prevail. Answering: 1. All PBX Operators should use the following remarks when answering the switchboard: “ Good Morning (afternoon,evening), Thank you for choosing the (Hotel name), (your name) speaking, how may I direct your call?” Closing: 1. “Thank you, have a nice day!” “My Pleasure to connect you.” In House Calls: 1. “Good Morning (afternoon, evening), Guest Name”(i.e. Mr. Smith) This is “Operator Name’ (Samantha) at the front desk, how may I assist you? Notes: When connecting incoming calls to guest rooms, transfer to a guest room can only be completed if the incoming caller can verify the last name of the guest. The room number alone is not sufficient for security purposes.. Room numbers must never be disclosed over the phone, in person or during the check-in process. Room numbers for wake-up calls should be verified by last name. If wake-up calls are done manually the wake up call must include guest name, time and current temperature. SECTION IV AREA S.O.P. 9 FRONT DESK TELEPHONE/FAX ORDER Page 1 of 1 At times, there may be instances in where a company or individual needs to pay for a guest account but will not be able to personally come to the hotel to pre-pay or swipe the credit card. Telephone or Fax Orders should only be accepted in “rare instances”. In this case, it is best to fax a Credit Card Authorization Form (located under forms) to the payee to complete. The form must be completed in it’s entirety, signed, and must include a copy of their driver’s license and front/back of Credit Card. Once the fax is returned it would be in the best interest of the hotel to contact your authorization company to verify the information and address. The authorization company will give you a code number to write down on the faxed document. This additional step may be necessary to deter a possible chargeback under the heading of “fraud”. SECTION IV AREA S.O.P. 10 FRONT DESK GROUP RATES Page 1 of 1 Group sales booking requests are to be connected to the Sales Department and at smaller hotels without a designated Sales Department to the General Manager. Front Desk associates should never be quoting group rates or meeting room rental information. In order to qualify for group rates ten (10) or more rooms are required per night. SECTION IV AREA S.O.P. 11 FRONT DESK PUBLISHED ROOM RATES Page 1 of 1 During the budgeting process each year, published room rates (rack rates/BAR rates) and dates of implementation will be approved. Any deviations from these approved rate or dates of implementation needs to be presented in writing to the corporate office. Only approved room rates are offered to guests. The only time you deviate is if the guest belongs to a marketing program or package. Any TPI participation must be done according to brand and website guarantee. In addition, a room rate exception report/rate override report needs to be checked daily for discrepancies. Any discrepancies that appear need investigated immediately. Associates who are providing lower rates without approval need to be counseled, written up and terminated for repeated offenses. Altering rates, especially on cash accounts may possibly be associate theft. SECTION IV AREA S.O.P. 12 FRONT DESK GUEST MAIL/MESSAGES/FAXES Page 1 of 1 It is the policy of all HP Hotels to recognize the legal responsibility required as an agent for guest mail, messages, and faxes. In agreement to this responsibility, the AGM/GM will periodically review the mail, message, and fax procedures currently in place making sure that the procedures provide for adequate and timely guest notification. If the hotel receives mail/messages for guest’s not currently in house, future reservation lists should be checked, an additional note added to the arrival record and noted in the log book for the day of arrival. Any fax or mail that is not picked up by the end of the day should be delivered to the guest room every evening. SECTION IV AREA S.O.P. 13 FRONT DESK REGISTRATION CARDS Page 1 of 1 The registration card is a legal document contractual in nature. All hotels are required to have complete information to include: 1. Name of registered guests and all adult occupants. 2. Number of guests (adult & children). 3. Complete mailing address (company or home). 4. Car information to include make, model and tag number. 5. Company affiliation (when on company business). 6. Credit card magnetically captured and imprinted on registration card. 7. Guest initials at rate and check out date (confirmation of both). 8. Identification for cash paying guest (logged on registration card) 9. Room deposit for cash paying guests (incidentals/damages). 10. Initials of associate who completed the check in process. A standard form of photo identification (valid license, I.D., passport) is required to be shown for verification (brand standards may eliminate this step for those enrolled in the brand reward program). AGM/GM is accountable for the accuracy of all registration cards. All shifts must perform a bucket check to ensure accuracy of registration cards. Any associate that has issues with the registration procedure will receive counseling and retraining to correct the issues at hand. SECTION V AREA S.O.P. 1 HOUSEKEEPING AMENITY PROGRAM Page 1 of 1 All guest room supplies must conform to brand standard. The only deviation from this would be in support of the V.I.P. program amenity upgrade. Additionally, the amenity container should be changed frequently unless otherwise mandated by the brand. SECTION V AREA S.O.P. 2 HOUSEKEEPING MATTRESS ROTATION/PESTS Page 1 of 2 It is the responsibility of the Executive Housekeeper/Housekeeping Supervisor to set up with the help of the Maintenance Department a quarterly rotation on all guest room mattresses and keep records on file for brand inspections. Rotating mattresses will help prolong the life of the bed set, remove contraband hidden by guest and allow us to do a thorough check for unwanted pests. Unwanted Pests – Bed Bugs Bed bugs are resurfacing in the United States and have been found in dormitories, rehab centers, hospitals, apartments, condominiums, cruise ships, used furniture, hotels and motels. Their flattened bodies allow them to fit into tiny crevices (mattresses, box springs, bed frames, headboards). Bed bugs do not have nests like ants or bees, but tend to gather together. Bed bugs do not transmit disease. Bed bugs are small, brownish, ¼ inch long with oval flattened bodies. Bed bugs are often mistaken for ticks or small roaches. The immature nymphs resemble the adults but are smaller and lighter in color. Bed bugs do not fly. Bed bugs are known as “hitchhikers” and can move quickly over floors, ceilings, walls and other surfaces. The eggs are tiny, whitish and hard to detect (size of a dust spec). Bed bugs are very resilient. Nymphs can go for months without feeding and adults for 1 year. Bed bugs feed on humans and warm blooded animals including pets. Training housekeepers to make daily checks when cleaning rooms is the best defense available. The listed items below will aid housekeepers in making daily checks for these pests while cleaning. 1. Before stripping or remaking the bed, housekeepers need to check the bed linen for small blood spots and/or small black fecal matter around the head of the bed. 2. Look around the headboard for crawling bed bugs and/or black excrement. 3. Check the folds and creases of the linen. 4. NEVER yank the bedding off the bed. Slowly pull it up from the corners and fold it together. 5. Report any pest activity to a supervisor. SECTION V AREA S.O.P. 2 HOUSEKEEPING MATTRESS ROTATION/PESTS Page 2 of 2 Quarterly Inspection – can be done in conjunction with the assigned mattress rotation. This is a more thorough inspection and may require two (2) people. Using a flashlight will help detect eggs, as they are clear but have a sheen. 1. After the linen has been removed check the mattress seams (cords) from the head of the bed to the foot of the bed. 2. Pull the mattress back from the head of the bed and check for bug activity, blood specs and/or fecal matter that may appear on the top of the bed skirt. 3. Remove the headboard from the wall and check for live crawling bugs, blood spots, fecal matter, eggs on the headboard, wall and the wood that secures the headboard. 4. Rotate the mattress and check the seams (cords) again from the head of the bed to the foot of the bed. 5. Keep thorough records of the quarterly check. It is extremely important to train associates (housekeepers, maintenance) on how to look, where to look, what you are looking for and what to do if you suspect a sighting. The process to rid a room of these pests is long and expensive. SECTION V AREA S.O.P. 3 HOUSEKEEPING LAUNDRY REQUIREMENTS Page 1 of 1 It is essential that all laundry departments have in place a capacity chart and/or scale to prevent laundry equipment (washer/dryer) from being overloaded. All laundry rooms need to maintain a weight system as opposed to a sight system. Another chart should be at the washer and dryer stations with the settings required to utilize the correct chemical input and correct dryer setting for the different types of linen handled. Mixing different types of linens and/or using the incorrect settings will reduce the life of the linens. Mixing of linens is prohibited. Please contact your vendor if your hotel needs any charts. Note: The person responsible for laundry of the hotel will also be responsible in assisting with maintenance of the equipment by cleaning washer lint traps once daily and dryer vents to be cleaned two (2) to three (3) times per day depending on the amount of use. SECTION V AREA S.O.P. 4 HOUSEKEEPING LOST & FOUND Page 1 of 1 Lost and found items will be the responsibility of the Executive Housekeeper/Supervisor. All items Lost or Found will be turned in directly to the supervisor to log. 1. When an item is found in a guest room or on the hotel property it will be turned in directly to the housekeeping supervisor. 2. The supervisor will log the item in the log book or PMS if system allows. To include; name of item, color and description, where it was found, date, time found and who found the item. 3. The supervisor will lock the item up. Any item of extreme value will be turned into the AGM/MOD/GM to secure in the hotel safe. When a guest contacts the hotel regarding a lost item it is the responsibility of the front desk associate to get the guest name, missing item information, dates of stay, room number occupied and a contact phone number. This information will be given directly to the housekeeping supervisor who will research and contact the guest with the outcome within 24 hours (sooner when possible). 1. If the item is in our possession, the guest will need to make arrangements for the shipping of the item (UPS,FEDEX). 2. Housekeeping will box the item up. 3. The front desk will create a shipping label and hold the item behind the front desk for pick up. 4. If a guest is sending someone in to pick up the item or they are returning to pick up the item, we will need to check the I.D. at pick up and have the person sign for the item (no one is to be given an item without signing for it). 5. Items ready for shipping that has not been picked up within a week will need to be investigated by the desk by contacting the owner of the item. Items that are not recovered by the guest within 90 days can be given to the person who turned in the item or donated to a local charity (homeless shelter, Salvation Army). SECTION V AREA S.O.P. 5 HOUSEKEEPING LINEN INVENTORY Page 1 of 1 Each hotel is responsible in conducting a linen inventory (located under forms) on a monthly basis and place orders according to the 2.5 Par level as required. The linen inventory should be conducted by the Executive Housekeeper and the AGM/GM. Note: Order as replacement is needed. SECTION V AREA S.O.P. 6 HOUSEKEEPING DEEP CLEAN SCHEDULE Page 1 of 1 A deep cleaning schedule to be maintained by the Executive Housekeeper/Supervisor and according to your brand standards. For those hotels who do not have a brand standard for deep cleaning, will need to have a procedure in place to ensure a deep cleaning is conducted on all guest rooms at a minimum of two (2) times per year. Deep cleaning does include carpet and upholstery shampooing (guestrooms, banquet rooms, and public areas) and this service is provided by Carpet Cleaning Company. Records need to be kept on deep cleaned rooms. SECTION V AREA S.O.P. 7 HOUSEKEEPING Environmental Program Page 1 of 1 Follow the hotel branded environmental program when available. SECTION VI AREA S.O.P. 1 MAINTENANCE PM PROGRAM/SAFETY PROGRAM Page 1 of 1 1. Each hotel will have a standard Guest Room Preventative Maintenance program in place in accordance to the brand standard (form located in forms section). a. each room will be serviced once per quarter b. records to be retained for periodic inspection 2. Each hotel will have a Major Equipment Preventative Maintenance program in place to include: records according to warranty information and the environmental program. Major equipment includes: ice and vending machines, boilers, commercial air system, pantry and kitchen equipment, hot water heaters, guest room units and commercial laundry equipment. 3. Each hotel must have a Safety Program in place. This program is left to the discretion of the General Manager in concert with the approved Brands. SECTION VI AREA S.O.P. 2 MAINTENANCE ELEVATOR TESTING Page 1 of 1 Documentation of monthly elevator(s) testing is required for each jurisdiction for license renewal. Many of you have a contract with an elevator company and they are responsible for testing the elevator(s). It is up to the Maintenance Department to participate in the elevator testing and make sure that logs are being kept up to date. Should your contract not include the monthly testing, have the elevator company train you on how to conduct the testing and record the outcome. SECTION VI AREA S.O.P. 3 MAINTENANCE IN ROOM UNITS/PACKAGE UNITS Page 1 of 1 To maintain the life and efficiency of guest room HVAC/PTAC systems, the Preventative Maintenance Program should include monthly maintenance of the units. It is up to the hotel on the number of rooms to be completed per day. The following is a small list of items of concern: 1. Check bearings and blower/fan 2. Check amps 3. Clean and/or change filter (can be assigned to housekeeping) 4. Clean coils 5. Check controls and thermostat 6. Check weather stripping 7. Add Freon if needed 8. Check grills/vents 9. Pulled out at a minimum once per year for a complete cleaning Maintenance of the Package Units/Commercial Units will improve the life of the equipment and support our commitment in the environmental program. The following is a list of items of concern to be checked at a minimum two (2) times per year: 1. Regular cleaning of coils 2. Cleaning or replacing filters according to filter life (30,60,90 days) 3. Check for mold, mildew, bacteria 4. Clean drip pans 5. Check for air obstructions. SECTION VI AREA S.O.P. 4 MAINTENANCE HOUSEKEEPING EQUIPMENT PM Page 1 of 1 Upkeep of the commercial laundry equipment is of extreme importance to the operation of the housekeeping department and the warranty and life of the equipment. Items to consider for the preventative maintenance program are: Washer - Check condition of all belts - Check all bearings - Check all filters - Check all hoses - Check all seals - Check drain valve - Check controls - Check for appropriate water temperature - Perform all other maintenance as suggested by manufacturer Dryer - Check belts and chains - Check drum and lint build up - If gas – check burner - If electric – check and clean coils - Check timer controls - Check filters (also done by housekeeping throughout the day) - Verify temperature controls are not set above 160 degrees - Perform all other maintenance as suggested by manufacturer Vacuum -Check belts -Clean and check rollers -Check and tighten screws -Empty vacuum cleaner bag (weekly or ½ full mark) (can be assigned to Housekeeping/utility person) SECTION VI AREA S.O.P. 5 MAINTENANCE UTILITY METER READING Page 1 of 1 The maintenance worker is responsible for the weekly reading of all utility meters (located under forms). This information should be documented and reconciled to the month-end bill as provided by the utility company. The purpose of this policy is not an accounting function but more of an effort to catch mistakes, utility line leaks, miscalculation, misreading, wrong meter billings, etc. This is also an excellent method to improve awareness in energy conservation procedures. A periodic review of lighting timers, photocells and signage is also required. SECTION VI AREA S.O.P. 6 MAINTENANCE FIRE DRILLS Page 1 of 1 Monthly fire drills are required at all properties and documentation (in the forms tab) provided to the corporate office and kept on file for brand life safety review. 1. In an effort to reasonably provide for the safety and security of our guests, associates and our physical assets it is a HP Hotels policy that a fire drill must be conducted once each month, preferably on alternating shifts to provide adequate training for associates. 2. A log indicating specific response times should be kept by the General Manager during each drill. 3. Date verification of the drill should be provided to the corporate office when safety minutes are sent. 4. At least once each year the local fire department should be asked to participate in the hotel fire drill procedures and it least one “live” drill should be conducted per year (preferably during the life safety testing). 5. On a periodic basis at the time of the monthly fire drill, it is recommended that the Chief Engineer/Maintenance Supervisor provide associate training in the use of fire extinguishers. SECTION VI AREA S.O.P. 7 MAINTENANCE SMOKE DETECTORS/EMERGENCY LIGHTING Page 1 of 1 It is the responsibility of the maintenance department to maintain all smoke detectors (located under forms tab), emergency lighting and exit signs in a current operating state at all times. Smoke Detectors: 1. Smoke detectors should be tested every quarter by Maintenance during routine room inspections. Smoke detectors found deficient must be repaired immediately. 2. The room preventative maintenance program should include a regular, documented test of smoke detector efficiency and operation. Emergency Lighting: 1. Emergency lighting should be tested monthly by maintenance. Emergency lighting that is found deficient must be repaired immediately. 2. Documentation of testing is required. Exit Signs: 1. Exit signs should be properly lit. 2. Verify directional arrows are pointing the correct way to an exit. Directional arrows that are not correct need to be repaired immediately. Property Signage and Lighting: 1. Review of exterior lighting and signage. This can be done at the time the monthly utility readings are conducted. Repair or replace any outages. SECTION VI AREA S.O.P. 8 MAINTENANCE REQUEST Page 1 of 1 1. In order to maintain each guest room and all Hotel commercial areas in appropriate state of product quality, all maintenance deficiencies should be acted upon and corrected immediately. To facilitate the process, a repair order should be utilized by all Department Heads and Front Desk to inform maintenance of issues which need to be corrected. 2. It is suggested that the maintenance workers maintain a peg board/chart in the shop to track specific duties/tasks for corrective action. Following completion of repair/maintenance order, the Maintenance Worker should return his copy to the AGM/GM indicating completion of task. By utilizing this system the General Manager can monitor the performance of the staff and assign time and material dollars to repair cost estimates. The General Manager is responsible for implementation of this system. 3. A weekly maintenance log (located under forms) to be completed and turned in to the General Manager. Note: Completed maintenance orders to be returned to the AGM/GM for tracking purposes. A maintenance items that constitutes an unsafe condition for a guest or associate will be top priority. SECTION VI AREA S.O.P. 9 MAINTENANCE ASSOCIATE AREAS Page 1 of 1 Established “associate only” and “storerooms” should be clearly marked and checked through out the day to ensure these areas are secure and only being accessed by associates. Any unauthorized individual found in these secure areas should be questioned and/or detained by management and associates until their purpose may be determined. Any suspicious person(s) found in or around the property needs to be reported to management and incident report filled out. SECTION VI AREA S.O.P. 10 MAINTENANCE KEY CONTROL Page 1 of 1 It is of utmost importance that a secure key control system be in place at all properties whether they utilize electronic locks or standard lock sets. 1. Violation of the key control system will be reported immediately. Depending upon the seriousness of the violation, the General Manager will determine whether a total hotel re-key is warranted. It is understood that the safety and security of our guests and associates will be the controlling factor in this decision. 2. A key control system may include: a. Zone b. Floor c. Section d. Utility e. Grand Master f. Master g. Emergency Override h. Standard Hard Key(s) 4. All keys will be signed out and signed in by the appropriate level of authorization (located under forms).. Note: All keys must be returned by shift end. No one is permitted to remove any keys from the premise. SECTION VI AREA S.O.P. 11 MAINTENANCE POOL MAINTENANCE Page 1 of 1 The best way to kill germs and promote a healthy pool is to maintain and routinely measure, adjust and record chlorine and pH levels. You are required to maintain a log (located under forms). The pool needs to be check at a minimum of three (3) times per day. It is suggested that the pH be maintained between 7.2-7.8 and chlorine between 1.0-3.0 ppm. SECTION VII AREA S.O.P. 1 SALES CALL QUOTA Page 1 of 1 This is not to be used in place of the HP Sales and Marketing SOP Manual. This is just basic items to be covered by property management It is the responsibility of the General Manager to meet reasonable sales call quota on a weekly basis. These weekly sales call quotas are as follows: 1. At least 3 maintenance calls per week 2. At least 3 telemarketing calls. 3. At least 3 outside calls or appointments. 4. At least 3 follow up calls . 5. At least 1 site tour. 6. At least 3 lobby ambassador leads per week. GM’s are responsible for holding the sales department accountable for adherence to the Sales and Marketing requirements per the Sales and Marketing Manual. SECTION VII AREA S.O.P. 3 SALES ADVERTISING/PRINT MEDIA Page 1 of 1 Any advertising must be approved through HP Hotels VP of Sales and Marketing and property RDO’s. This includes outdoor advertising, rack cards, guestroom directories and brand/hotel promotional materials. Outdoor Advertising 1. Reviews on outdoor advertising should be performed every 6 months and written verification should be forwarded to HP Hotels Corporate Office stating outdoor advertising compliance with franchise standards. 2. The General Manager to review all outdoor advertising for its condition, painting, lighting, visibility, marketability, etc. SECTION VII AREA S.O.P. 4 SALES SERVICE MARKS Page 1 of 1 We will comply with all franchise standards regarding the use and display of Service Marks. All printed materials will include a phrase similar to “Operated by HP Hotels” in the appropriate wording as determined by specific franchise standards. SECTION VII AREA S.O.P. 5 SALES/MARKETING GROUP ROOM CONTROL Page 1of 1 All group room blocks must be entered into your brand specific PMS system. Group block protocol for release of unused block is 30 days prior to arrival. Any exceptions must have GM approval. All group room blocks must be monitored and controlled daily after cut-off date. SECTION VII AREA S.O.P. 6 SALES/MARKETING PUBLIC RELATIONS Page 1 of 1 1. Recognizing the value of free media space and air time when a newsworthy event occurs at our Hotel or involves our associates or guests, it should be immediately communicated to all local newspapers, radio and television stations either in the format of written news release or a telephone call allowing the media representatives to determine the news significance of a particular instance. 2. Copies of press releases and news articles should be forwarded to the HP Hotels Corporate Office, the properties RDO and VP of Sales and Marketing and to franchiser. SECTION VII AREA S.O.P. 7 SALES GROUP CONDUCT LETTER Page 1 of 1 A group conduct letter (located on web site in Library) is used for groups that include children, teens and young adults that will be utilizing the hotel. The group conduct letter is sent along with the contract and again presented at check-in. SECTION VII AREA S.O.P. 8 SALES HOTEL/MEETING WEBSITE Page 1 of 1 All hotels are required to carry the maximum number of pictures permitted by the brand on the branded website. All property specific web pages must be in compliance with every brand internet online opportunity enhancements that are available at no additional costs. All other online opportunities must have the approval of the VP of Sales and Marketing and RDO. The brand website and GDS content must be reviewed and/or updated every six months to ensure maximum hotel exposure. SECTION VII AREA S.O.P. 9 SALES GROUP RATE PROCEDURES Page 1 of 1 The following is the group rate procedure used for all properties: * Ten (10) or more rooms are required in order to qualify as a “group” rate. * Hotels with 100 rooms or less would provide one (1) complimentary room for every 20 paid. Hotels with over 100 rooms would provide one (1) complimentary room for every 25 paid. Complimentary rooms should not be offered unless asked or you are competing for the business with another hotel. * Based on seasonality of your hotel, a general rule to follow would be 15% discount from your “Best Available Rate/Bar” for net quotes and 10% discount on commissionable rates. Peak season/session/high demand dates/weekday vs. weekend rate quotes should be evaluated on an individual basis. * Cut-off dates for group room blocks should be 30 days prior to arrival during peak season/session/high demand periods and 14 days prior during low demand periods. SECTION VIII AREA S.O.P. 1 HUMAN RESOURCES GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Page 1 of 1 It is our belief that every associate should be a productive member of the Hotel hospitality team at all times. In order to assist with the answer of associate questions or grievances which may occur: a. All associates are urged to resolve questions regarding their specific employment with their immediate supervisor. b. If the issue is not resolved by speaking with a supervisor or the associate feels it is something that can not be discussed with the supervisor, they are urged to discuss the issue or concern with the department manager. c. Having followed this communication chain and the associate is still not satisfied with the steps taken; the associate is urged to speak to the General Manager. d. After an associate has spoken to the General Manager and still feels the issue is not resolved, the associate may talk with a grievance automated hot line of First Response at the following number (877) 773-1358 number. . This grievance procedure is commonly referred to as the ‘Resolution Ladder”. Each General Manager will maintain an open-door policy with regard to associate questions and/or problems. Formal requests or grievances should be documented and kept on file at the hotel property. Any significant grievances (i.e. discrimination, harassment, violence) of any type should be brought to the attention of the Cary Tew and First Response and also the properties RDO and the HP Hotels corporate office. HP Hotels believes in “Progressive Discipline” and all associate coach, counsel and discipline must be documented with associate signature or witness signature. All documentation must be placed in associate file. SECTION VIII AREA S.O.P. 2 HUMAN RESOURCES RECRUITMENT Page 1 of 1 Sources of Associates: Sources of associates should be constantly identified through local contacts within the community. Churches, Senior Citizen Clubs, Trade Schools, Junior Colleges, Work Training Centers, Associate Referral Program and are all example of sources that should be researched. HP Hotels has a member number for that will allow for a substantial discount. SECTION VIII AREA S.O.P. 3 HUMAN RESOURCES JOB DESCRIPTIONS Page 1 of 1 Each property will have customized set of job descriptions in place for all authorized job categories. Job descriptions need to be signed off by the associate during the new hire orientation, placed in the associates file and a copy given to the associate. Job descriptions can be located on web-site under library tab. SECTION VIII AREA S.O.P. 6 HUMAN RESOURCES ORIENTATION Page 1of 1 1. An orientation (located on web-site under library) program must be completed by each associate within 3 days by their department manager. 2. It is the General Manager’s responsibility to make certain the Associate Orientation Checklist has been completed and signed by the newly hired associate prior to entry in the payroll system. 3. The orientation should include pertinent facts about the Hotel and the brands as well as a complete tour of the facility with the objective of providing improved customer service and reduced labor turn over 4 A formal Orientation must be done at least 1 time per month by the General Manager for any new employees that have been hired in the previous 30 days. In addition to the formal orientation individual training such as: a. Required video’s, training modules and life safety training must be completed before the actual on-the-job training begins. b. Introduction and training on brand specific rewards program. SECTION VIII AREA S.O.P. 7 HUMAN RESOURCES REFERENCES Page 1 of 1 1. In the same manner in which we verify previous employment references of a potential candidate, we will request from other companies the work history of a previous associate. Having verified legitimacy of the request, we should always give honest, factual answers limited to dates of employment, position and eligibility for re-hire. 2. One important question will involve re-hire status and should be answered with regard to eligibility to re-hire as well as qualifications and capabilities to handle the position. 3. When we give less that a forthright answer, we do our company, ourselves and the future employer a disservice as well as the individual, whose references is being verified as their inability to handle a specific position or job task will most assuredly become evident at an early stage. 4. Verification of employment should be handled in writing or over the telephone by return call to the inquiring company (proof of an actual company request). Note: It is the practice of HP Hotels, to comply with all legal requirements relative to the verification of employment history. All forms pertaining to personnel issues can be found in the properties compact disc provided by First Response and located on web site under library tab. SECTION VIII AREA S.O.P. 8 HUMAN RESOURCES PRE-EMPLOYMENT SCREEN Page 1 of 1 The following pre-employment screening is required as a condition of employment before any applicant can be hired: a. Background check b. Credit Check – (cash handling associates and all managerial positions) c. Criminal Check – (cash handling associates and all managerial positions) d. Reference Check e. Random Drug Screen (urine) NOTE: Always advise the applicant that his/her employment is dependent upon the results of a background, reference and drug screen. This is known as “conditional offer of employment”. All pre-employment screening requires a signed release by the applicant. All forms located on web site under First Response tab under library. SECTION VIII AREA S.O.P. 10 HUMAN RESOURCES ATTENDANCE RECORD Page 1 of 1 The associate attendance record is available on web site under library tab and will be helpful in keeping track of attendance patterns, vacations and time off. Each department manager/supervisor is required to assist in tracking attendance. Excessive absenteeism, emerging patterns and tardiness needs to be brought to the attention of the associate and continual infractions will warrant the supervisor/department manager to follow the progressive discipline policy of HP Hotels. Each year the attendance record should be placed in the individual file. SECTION VIII AREA S.O.P. 11 HUMAN RESOURCES THE DIVERSE WORKPLACE Page 1 of 4 The following is information provided to give you an understanding and insight into the diverse workplace in regards to generations. This may be helpful in understanding your workforce. Silent “Mature” Generation – Born prior to 1942 – Grew up with Mickey Mouse, Wheaties, Jukeboxes, Flash Gordon, Charlie McCarthy, Babe Ruth, Golden Age of radio, The Lone Ranger, Tarzan, WWII and the Great Depression. The silent “mature” generation tend to: Respect authority (even when it frustrates them), place duty before pleasure, believe patience is its own reward; are willing to wait for gratification, value honor and integrity, avoid challenging the system, and maintain dedication to a job once they take it. Baby Boomers – Born between 1942 – 1962 – Approximately 78 million Americans – Make up approximately 70% of management employees in U.S. companies – 2% will financially fit enough to retire at 65. Grew up with Captain Kangaroo, Fallout shelters, “Laugh-In”, Peace sign, Romper Room, Slinky, Hula Hoops, Bell Bottoms, Ed Sullivan, Tie Dye and TV Dinners. The “baby boomers” generation tend to: Live to work, Maintain a general sense of optimism, enjoy unprecedented influence on government policy and consumer products, be willing to go into debt, betting on future income, be team and process-oriented, sometimes to detrimental results, strive for convenience and personal gratification and preserve their youth and be nostalgic about it. The “Xers” – Born between 1962 – 1980 – Approximately 48 million Americans – Make up more than 1/3 or the workforce – Have inherited serious baggage from the “Boomers” including high public debt, an overloaded social security system and the burden of financially supporting the largest generation to date. Grew up with the Brady Bunch, Izod, Cabbage Patch Kids, Pet Rocks, “Jaws”, “The Simpson’s”, Microwaves, MTV, Platforms, “Sesame Street” and VCRs. The “Xers” generation tend to : Work to live; and not live to work, view jobs within context of a contract, believe in clear, consistent expectations, remain with a job linger if employer presents opportunities to grow, view money as only part of the larger equation: contribution to the whole is important, and desire versatility. The “Generation Y” – Born between 1980 – 1994 – Approximately 68 million Americans - Next dominate generation - More afraid of being bored than of being fired - Known as the generation that is closing the generation gap - They actually have close relationships with their parents. - Grew up with Barney, POGS, X SECTION VIII AREA S.O.P. 10 HUMAN RESOURCES DIVERSE WORKPLACE Page 2 of 4 Games, Cell Phones and pagers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Virtual Pets, Jerry Springer, Pokeman, Britney Spears, Beanie Babies, Spice Girls, Mark McGwire/Sammy Sosa, Bill Gates and the Internet. The “Generation Y’ tend to: demonstrate respect only after they are treated with it, question everything; that’s how they grew up, be more diverse demographically than other generations, live in the moment, rely on immediacy of technology, demand clear and consistent expectations to ensure productivity, and believe that earning money translates into immediate consumption. “People resemble their times more than they resemble their parents.” SECTION VIII AREA S.O.P. 11 HUMAN RESOURCES DIVERSE WORPLACE Page 3 of 4 Managing Up and Down the Generation Ladder: 1. Managing down a generation enables the blazing of unique paths. 2. Mixing generations means that preconceptions and expectations are in different places. If you want to make things work, you’ll need to tear down disparate pasts and build a common base of understanding grounded in your company’s values. 3. In managing up and down the generation ladder, a level of experience that is neither too little overall nor too much in one place is what trumps age at every turn. 4. Generational issues can be mitigated by living your entrepreneurial life with values, integrity, respect for others and the gift of listening. Tips for Managing “Baby Boomers” 1. Choose face to face communication. 2. Give them your full attention. 3. Show respect – they are your elders. 4. Be friendly. 5. They are more formal and expect proper dress and process. 6. Are starting to resent being pushed aside by younger colleagues eager for advancement. Tips for Managing “Gen X” 1. Their approach to authority is casual. 2. They thrive in a casual, fun work environment. 3. Xers are pessimistic when it comes to their future. 4. They have a nontraditional approach to time. 5. Generation Xers tend to be technologically savvy. 6. Workaholism is not a trait you’ll find in many Gen Xers. 7. Family and work balance is extremely important. SECTION VIII AREA S.O.P. 11 HUMAN RESOURCES DIVERSE WORKPLACE Page 4 o 4 Tips for Managing Gen Y 1. It’s not what you say, but how you say it – miscommunications in tone or style. 2. Understand the different generational motives – managers should look for ways to support echo boomers balanced lifestyle. 3. Look beyond appearances – realize that there may be memory and wisdom behind their advice. 4. Benefit from diverse opinions – effective teams leverage generational knowledge to better understand and serve their customers and clients. 5. Choose mentors wisely – Echo-Boomers launching careers should skip a generation when seeking guidance or nurturing. 6. Keep and open mind about attitudes – just because others don’t share your work ethic, it doesn’t mean they’re lazy. 7. Adapt your style to the realities of today’s workplace – navigating the work world with a singular mindset will inevitably derail your career. Look at not only how we are different but at what unites you with your associates. Communicate open and honestly. Reinforce learning and respect for differing ideals about the workplace to get the job done better and faster. SECTION VIII AREA S.O.P. 12 HUMAN RESOURCE EEO-1 FILING Page 1 of 1 The EEO-1 Filing provides the federal government with workforce profiles by gender and defined race/ethnicity groupings in defined categories. EEO-1 Filing is due in September of each year and is handled by First Response or Payroll Processing Company SECTION VIII AREA S.O.P. 13 HUMAN RESOURCE OSHA FILING Page 1 of 1 The Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illness (Form 300) is used to classify workrelated injuries and illnesses and the extent and severity of each case. Each hotel is required by law to complete this form and post it on the main associate bulleting board or by the time clock from February 1 through April 30th of each year. Forms are not sent in and must be kept on file for five (5) years. Information, instructions and form can be found at