RHAB 5463: Independent Living

Program Affiliation:
Rehabilitation Education
Course Number and Title:
RHAB 5463 Independent Living
Course Description:
The course Independent Living provides an opportunity for the student to study problems
and practices involved in developing and maintaining independent living rehabilitation
programs for people with severe physical, developmental, sensory and emotional
disabilities. The course provides an overview of the history, philosophy, and legislative
background of the independent living movement and is organized around the writing of a
grant application to establish an independent living center in the Fayetteville area.
Perquisite: Graduate Standing
Daniel Cook, Ph.D.
Office: GE 153 Hours: open door
Goal: To foster knowledge of the history and philosophy of the independent living
movement, independent living services, program models and techniques for developing
and administering independent living programs.
Competencies: Upon completion of the course students will demonstrate knowledge and
applied skills in:
Understanding the philosophical underpinnings of the independent living movement.
(SP 1,2,3)
Differentiating independent living program models (SP 2,6)
Legislation related to independent living including detailed knowledge of the
American's with Disability Act. (SP 1,2,3)
Assessing program needs (SP 1,2,3,5)
Grant writing (SP 1,2,3,5)
Establishing a community based independent living center (SP 2,3,5)
Evaluating an individual's independent living needs (SP 2,3,6)
Developing independent living programs and services (SP 2,3,5,6)
Shapiro, J.P. (1994). No pity, New York: Three Rivers Press.
All readings are on reserve. See below.
40% mid-term examination
40% final examination
20% class project (instructions will be provided)
Weather Policy: Policy If the Fayetteville Public Schools are closed due to inclement
weather, class will be canceled. When the University is closed, class will
be canceled. University closing information may be obtained at 575-2000
1. The University Academic Honesty Policy as stated in the Student Handbook will
be fully adhered to in this course. Academic dishonest involves acts, which may
subvert or compromise the integrity of the educational process.
2. Students are expected to attend class on time and to participate in class discussion.
Contact the instructor prior to class for an excused absence.
3. Students are expected to take examinations when scheduled and to complete
projects on time. Contact the instructor for bona fide (sickness etc.) makeup prior
to the scheduled examination. Makeups must be completed within five business
days of the scheduled examination.
Students with disabilities requesting accommodations must first register
with the Center for Students with Disabilities. The CSD is located in the
Arkansas Union, room 104, and on the web at
http://www.uark.edu/ua/csd/applications.htm. The CSD provides
documentation to students with disabilities who must then provide this
documentation to their course instructors. Students with disabilities should
notify their course instructors of their need for reasonable accommodation
in a timely manner to ensure sufficient time to arrange reasonable
accommodation implementation. A typical time frame for arranging
reasonable accommodations is approximately one to two weeks.
AUGUST 27: Course Overview, background and philosophy of independent living,
Shapiro, Introduction & Chapter 1
McDonald & Oxford “History of Independent Living”
Rice et al., Chapters 1, 2, & 3
Nosek “Independent Living”
Goldman, Chapter 1
SEPTEMBER 3: Overview, continued, Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act,
Americans with Disability Act (Lecture)
Shapiro, Chapter 2
DeJong, "Defining and Implementing the Independent Living Concept"
Hadley & Brodwin "Language about people with disabilities"
“Handicapping Language
Lathrop, "Telethons Caught in a Collision of Images"
Batavia “ Portraying people with disabilities”
SEPTEMBER 10: Overview Continued, Current legislation, IL issues (Lecture)
Shapiro, Chapter 4
Potter, “After Independent Living”
Nosek & Fuhrer, "Independence Among People with Disabilities: I. A Heuristic
“A law that is disabling our courts”
1999 news articles on the ADA
Blackwell et al. “Impact of the ADA”
“Classification of Impairment”
SEPTEMBER 17: Program Needs Assessment (Lecture)
Cook "Systematic Needs Assessment: A primer"
McAweeny et al. “Identfying unmet IL needs.......”
SEPTEMBER 24: Empowerment
Zimmerman & Warschausky “Empowerment theory…
Emner “Empowerment”
Hahn, “Reaction to Emner”
Bolton & Brookings “Definition of Empowerment”
OCTOBER 1: IL program evaluation (Lecture)
Rice et al., Chapter 8
Budde et al, "Consumer satisfaction"
Brooks, "Using Field Research..."
OCTOBER 8: IL program evaluation continued (Lecture)
“Evaluation Standards and Indicators”
OCTOBER 15: Independent Living Service Programming (seminar)
Shapiro, Chapter 6
Rice et al., Chapters 4, 5, 6, & 7
Friden, "Understanding Alternative Program Models"
Nosek “Provision of IL Services”
OCTOBER 22: Housing and Architecture (seminar)
Goldman, Chapter 3 & 4
Lifchez, "Designing Supportive Physical Environments"
Spitznasel & Saxon “User-Friendly Design”
OCTOBER 29: Mid-Term Exam
NOVEMBER 5: Transportation (Seminar)
Goldman, Chapter 6
Phillips, "Overcoming Distance as a Barrier"
NOVEMBER 12: Personal Care Assistance/Peer Counseling (Seminar)
Shapiro, Chapter 8
Saxton, "Peer Counseling"
"Attendant Services"
Kennedy "Personal Attendant Service"
Young “PC Management”
“Beckwith Hall”
NOVEMBER 19: Technology & Community Resources (seminar)
Shapiro, Chapter 7
Sampson "Developing a Comprehensive Computer Based Community Resource
"Unlocking the Door"
"Arkansas Technology Access Program"
Gaskin, "Technology"
DECEMBER 3: Assessing an individual's independent living needs (Lecture)
Brown et al., "Rehabilitation indicator"
Crewe et al., "Vocational diagnosis"
Nosek et al. “Personal independence profile”
Livneh “Model for classifying”