DR - Pakistan Council for Science and Technology

Centre of Biotechnology and Microbiology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
 Personal information:
Date of birth: November 13th, 1973
Gender: Female
Citizenship: Pakistan
Permanent Postal Address: Center of Biotechnology & Microbiology, University of
Peshawar, Pakistan
Office phone: ++92-91-9216485
Cell phone: ++92-300-5886374
E-mail: shumakhan@gmail.com
 Education
Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea (2009)
Ph.D (Microbial Genomics)
 Major Subject: Microbial Genomics
 Dissertation: Microbiological and genomic studies on gibberellinproducing endophytic fungi from sand-dune plants
 Postdoctoral Experience (March 2009-September 2009)
Post-Doc was carried out in Microbial Genomics Lab., Department of Microbiology,
Kyungpook National University, Korea
 Employment
 Assistant Professor in Microbiology, at Center of Biotechnology and
Microbiology, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
 Research Interests
 Microbial genetics
 Plant-microbe interaction
 Microbial biotechnology
 Oncology
 Parasitology
 Some Important Publications
Hamayun M, SA Khan, AL Khan, M Afzal and IJ Lee.`Endophytic Cephalotheca
sulfurea AGH07 reprograms soybean to higher growth. Journal of Plant
Interactions (doi:10.1080/17429145.2011.642013) (In Press)
Khan SA, M Hamayun, AL Khan, ZK Shinwari and JG Kim. Isolation of plant
growth promoting endophytic fungi from dicots inhabiting coastal sand dunes of
Korea. Pakistan Journal of Botany (In Press)
Khan SA, M Hamayun (Co-first author), AL Khan, B Ahmad, S Ahmed and IJ
Lee (2009). Influence of pH, temperature and glucose on biodegradation of 4aminophenol by novel bacterial strain Pseudomonas sp. ST-4. African J
Biotechnology. 8(16): 3827-3831
Khan SA, M Hamayun, HY Kim, HJ Yoon, IJ Lee and JG Kim (2009)
Gibberellin Production and Plant Growth Promotion by a New Strain of
Gliomastix murorum. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 25: 829833
SA Khan, M Hamayun, HY Kim, HJ Yoon, JC Seo, YS Choo, IJ Lee, SD Kim,
IK Rhee and JG Kim (2009) A new strain of Arthrinium phaeospermum isolated
from Carex kobomugi Ohwi is capable of gibberellin production. Biotechnology
Letters 31:283–287
SA Khan, M Hamayun (Co-first author), HJ Yoon, HY Kim, SJ Suh, SK Hwang,
JM Kim, IJ Lee, YS Choo, UH Yoon, WS Kong, BM Lee and JG Kim (2008)
Plant growth promotion and Penicillium citrinum. BMC Microbiology 2008, 8:
SA Khan, M Hamayun, SO Rim, IJLee, JC Seu, YS Choo, IN Jin, SD Kim, IK
Lee and JG Kim (2008). Isolation of endophytic fungi capable of plant growth
promotion from monocots inhabited in the coastal sand dunes of Korea. Journal
of Life Science 18(10): 1355-1359
SA Khan, M Hamayun and S Ahmad (2006) Degradation of 4-aminophenol by
newly isolated Pseudomonas sp. strain ST-1. Enzyme and Microbial Technology.
38 (1-2): 10-13