Triumphs Lesson Plan Format

Triumphs Lesson Plan Format
Student books
Teacher’s manual is helpful (blue words in manual are words teacher can say aloud if you want that ‘script’.)
Vocabulary word cards
Copy of comprehension graphic organizer for each student (found in practice book)
It’s important to:
1. do the decoding words activity (day 1)
2. work with story vocabulary each day
3. work on comprehension skill daily
4. read introductory story
5. read main selection (usually 2 days to complete)
6. comprehension check at end of story
Suggested lesson plan format:
Day 1: (teacher needs one copy of graphic organizer)
1. Decoding-students read aloud words on first page. Discuss what is same about the words.
2. Vocabulary-read words to students. Teacher gives simple definition (suggestions in teacher’s
manual). Try to give an example or make a connection to the students.
3. Comprehension-read about skill of the week.
4. Read introductory story: teacher read aloud then have students reread aloud together. Teacher model
how to complete the comprehension graphic organizer. (you might draw a larger one on chalkboard
to complete)
Day 2: (see manual to determine number of pages read each day)
1. Vocabulary-review words. Teacher: “This word is ____. What’s the word?” Student or teacher
gives simple definition.
2. Comprehension-teacher “Today we are going to read a story about _______. As we read, we are
going to be working on (skill of the week ie: finding the character and setting of the story)”.
3. Teacher reads aloud first paragraph or so of story. Then students read chorally (all at same time) to
end of page. See teacher’s manual for question to ask at the end of each page.
Day 3: (see manual to find pages read and questions to ask for each page)
1. Vocabulary-review words. Student reads word and give sentence or example using the word.
2. Comprehension-teacher “Today we will continue (or finish) reading the story ____”. As we read, we
will work on (skill of the week).
3. Teacher reads aloud first paragraph or so of story. Then students read chorally to end of page. See
teacher’s manual for question to ask at the end of each page.
Day 4: (students need copy of graphic organizer found in practice book. A completed example is also in
practice book for teacher to refer to if wish to do so)
1. Vocabulary-students read aloud word.
2. Comprehension-teacher reads first part of selection to students and model how to fill out one entry on
graphic organizer (teacher’s practice book has completed example). Students reread selection and
complete graphic organizer with partner. Teacher offer help as needed.
3. After completing organizer, ask students to tell what the story was about (give short oral summary)
by looking at their graphic organizer.
Day 5:
1. Review vocabulary-Student reads word and gives a definition or related word (‘it means’; or ‘it
means about the same as ___’; or ‘it means the opposite of _____’.)
2. Comprehension-read and discuss the “Think About It” questions at the end of the story.