/usr/etc/faxd - facsimile server /usr/etc/faxd.recv

/usr/etc/faxd (1M)
- facsimile server
/usr/etc/faxd.recv (1M) - facsimile job submission server
4DDN (1)
- IRIS-4D Series DECnet networking software
4Dwm (1X)
- The IRIS Extended Motif Window Manager.
a2p (1)
- Awk to Perl translator
a2ps (1L)
- formats an ascii file for printing on a
postscript printer
abs (6D)
- get the absolute value of an image
accept, reject (1M)
- allow or prevent LP requests
acctcms (1M)
- command summary from per-process accounting
acctcom (1)
- search and print process accounting file(s)
acctcon1, acctcon2 (1M) - connect-time accounting
acctdisk, acctdusg, accton, acctwtmp (1M) - overview of accounting and
miscellaneous accounting commands
acctmerg (1M)
- merge or add total accounting files
acctprc1, acctprc2 (1M) - process accounting
ACE/gr (1)
- graphics for exploratory data analysis
add (6D)
- add two images together
addborder (6D)
- surround an input image with a border image
addclient (1M)
- allow remote printing clients to connect
addframe (6D)
- add a border to an image
addnoise (6D)
- add noise to an image
Add_disk (1)
- add a secondary disk to the system
admin (1)
- create and administer SCCS files
afm2tfm (1)
- convert Adobe font metrics to TeX font metrics
after (1)
- Execute a command after a time delay
agrep (l)
- search a file for a string or regular
expression, with approximate matching capabilities
aifc2aiff (1)
- convert an AIFF-C file to an AIFF file
aifccompress (1)
- compress the audio data in an AIFF-C file
aifcdecompress (1)
- decompress the audio data in an AIFF-C file
aifcinfo (1)
- describes the contents of an AIFF-C or AIFF
aifcresample (1)
- perform sampling rate conversion on an AIFF-C
aiff2aifc (1)
- convert an AIFF file to an AIFF-C file
ali (1)
- list mail aliases
amesh (6D)
- audio spectrum analyzer
analyzer (1M)
- capture and decode network traffic
anno (1)
- annotate messages
ansitape (1)
- ANSI standard tape handler
answer (1L)
- phone message transcription system
anytopnm (1)
- attempt to convert an unknown type of image
file to a portable anymap
apanel (1)
- audio control panel for input & output levels,
rates and sources
appdefpath (1)
- supplies a server-specific path for application
resource defaults
apply (1)
- apply a command to a set of arguments
applymap (1)
- Apply the color map in an RLE file to the pixel
appres (1)
- list application resource database
apropos (1)
- locate commands by keyword lookup
ar (1)
- archive and library maintainer
archie (1)
- query the Archie anonymous FTP databases using
arena (6D)
- a future sport
arp (1M)
- address resolution display and control
as (1)
- MIPS assembler
asa (1)
- interpret ASA carriage control characters
assemble (6D)
- assemble an array of smaller images
ast (6D)
- 3D asteroids game
at, batch (1)
- execute commands at a later time
atktopbm (1)
- convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to
portable bitmap
aub (1)
- assemble usenet binaries
autoconfig (1M)
- configure kernel
automount (1M)
- automatically mount NFS filesystems
autoreply (1L)
- Automatic mail reply system
avg4 (1)
- Downfilter an image by simple averaging.
awk, oawk (1)
- pattern scanning and processing language
aXe (1)
- an X editor
Backup (1)
- backup the specified file or directory
banner (1)
- make posters
basename, dirname (1)
- deliver portions of path names
bc (1)
- arbitrary-precision arithmetic language
bdftopcf (1)
- BDF to PCF font compiler for X11
bdftosnf (1)
- BDF to SNF font compiler for X11
bdiff (1)
- big diff
bfs (1)
- big file scanner
bggen (l)
- generates colored backgrounds on X11 displays
bgpaste (6D)
- paste an image onto the root window
bibtex (1)
- make a bibliography for TeX
bincheckr (GNUCHESS)
bind (1)
- Arrange for X events to invoke Tcl commands
bindkey (1)
- function key binding facility for use with
bison (1)
- GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement)
bit (1L)
- Bitmap Image Touchup for SGI Workstations
bitmap, bmtoa, atobm (1) - bitmap editor and converter utilities for X
blanktime (1G)
- set the screen blanking timeout
blend (6D)
- linearly interporlate two images
blur (6D)
- low pass filter an image
bootp (1M)
- server for Internet Bootstrap Protocol
bootparamd (1M)
- boot parameter server
brc, bcheckrc (1M)
- system initialization procedures
broadcast (1)
- send audio UDP packets to be received by radio
bru (1)
- backup and restore utility
brushtopbm (1)
- convert a doodle brush file into a portable
bsdinst.sh (1)
- install, using BSD-style arguments
bstream (1)
- many buffered filter
btree (6D)
- display an image using a binary tree ordering.
burst (1)
- explode digests into messages
button (1)
- Create and manipulate button widgets
buttonfly (6D)
- a pretty user interface for Silicon Graphics
bz (6D)
- a tank game
bzlogo (6D)
- convert SGI images to the logo format for bz
bzviewlogo (6D)
- display a bz logo file
bzwho (6D)
- show a list of all current bz games and players
cal (1)
- print calendar
calendar (1)
- reminder service
canonhost (1M)
- canonicalize hostnames
canvas (1)
- Create and manipulate canvas widgets
captoinfo (1M)
- convert a termcap description into a terminfo
cat (1)
- concatenate and print files
cb (1)
- C program beautifier
cc (1)
- C compiler
CC (1)
- C++ compiler
cccp, cpp (1)
- The GNU C-Compatible Compiler Preprocessor.
cd (1)
- change working directory
cdc (1)
- change the delta commentary of an SCCS delta
cddbcvt (1)
- convert old (cdplayer) format CD database to
new format
cdinstmgr (1)
- manage client installs from CD-ROM on server
cdman (1)
- play audio CD in CD-ROM drive through audio
hardware datman (1) - play and record audio tapes in DAT drive
cdplayer (1)
- play audio CDs on a CD-ROM drive
cdromd (1M)
- automatically mount CD-ROM discs
cdsend (1)
- read an audio CD and convert
cedit (6D)
- edit colors on the screen
cflow (1)
- generate C flowgraph
cglue (6D)
- create an rgb image out of 3 black and white
chargefee, ckpacct, dodisk, lastlogin, monacct, nulladm, prctmp, prdaily,
prtacct, runacct, shutacct, startup, turnacct (1M) - shell procedures for
check (1)
- check RCS status of a file
checkalias (1L)
- check to see if an alias is defined.
checkbutton (1)
- Create and manipulate check-button widgets
checkgame (GNUCHESS)
checkmm (1)
- checks documents formatted with the mm macros
chkconfig (1M)
- configuration state checker
chmod (1)
- change the permissions mode of a file or
chown, chgrp (1)
- change owner or group
chroot (1M)
- change root directory for a command
chrtbl (1M)
- generate character classification and
conversion tables
ci (1)
- check in RCS revisions
cjpeg (1)
- compress an image file to a JPEG file
ckbupscd (1M)
- check file system backup schedule
clear (1)
- clear terminal screen
clinst (1M)
- diskless client software installation tool
clock (6D)
- analog clock in a window
clri (1M)
- clear i-node
cl_init (1M)
- init program for diskless software installation
cmp (1)
- compare two files
cmuwmtopbm (1)
- convert a CMU window manager bitmap into a
portable bitmap
co (1)
- check out RCS revisions
col (1)
- filter reverse line-feeds
collide (1)
- look for name collisions between libraries
colorbars (6D)
- generate NTSC colorbars
colorview (1)
- display list of X11 colors and show selected
comb (1)
- combine SCCS deltas
comm (1)
- select or reject lines common to two sorted
comp (1)
- compose a message
compress, uncompress, zcat (1) - compress and expand data
configmail (1M)
- sendmail autoconfiguration script
confirm (1G)
- display a message in a window and request a
conimg (6D)
- create a constant image
convolve (6D)
- convolve an input image with a kernel
copt (1)
- C Scalar Optimizer
cord (1)
- rearranges procedures in an executable to
facilitate better cache mapping.
cp, ln, mv (1)
- copy, link or move files
cpio (1)
- copy file archives in and out
cpioArchive (1)
- an interactive transferdevice for performing
cpio within the WorkSpace.
cpp (1)
- the C language preprocessor
cron (1M)
- clock daemon
crontab (1)
- user crontab file
crop (1)
- Change the size of an RLE image
crypt (1)
- encode/decode
cscale (6D)
- scale the rgb colors of an image
csh (1)
- a shell (command interpreter) with C-like
csplit (1)
- context split
ct (1C)
- spawn getty to a remote terminal
ctags (1)
- create a tags file
ctrace (1)
- C program debugger
cu (1C)
- call another UNIX system
cube (6D)
- real-time display of famous cube puzzle
cubitorle (1)
- Convert cubicomp image to an RLE format file.
curve (6D)
- interactive cubic curve demonstration
cut (1)
- cut out selected fields of each line of a file
cvd (1)
- The WorkShop Debugger
cvdbinmp (1)
- dump out the contents of a WorkShop profiling
binmap file
cvdgraph (1)
- dump out the contents of a WorkShop profiling
graph file
cvexprnt (1)
- print out the contents of WorkShop performance
experiment records or data files
cvhang (1)
- create a process in a hung state
cvheapvu (1)
- WorkShop Performance Heap View
cvinstr (1)
- add WorkShop Performance instrumentation code
to a program
cvmeter (1)
cvprocvu (1)
cvprofvu (1)
cvspeed (1)
cvstatic (1)
cvusage (1)
cvxhang (1)
requestor's window
cv_gl_controller (1)
cxref (1)
cyclops (1G)
cycol (6D)
date (1)
dbx (1)
dbx_CC (1)
dc (1)
dd (1M)
delta (1)
demograph (6D)
deroff (1)
destroy (1)
devnm (1M)
df (1)
dgld (1M)
dglfax (1)
dgn_comp (6)
diff (1)
diff3 (1)
diffmk (1)
dig (1)
dircmp (1)
dirview (1G)
dis (1)
disks (1G)
diskusg (1M)
dist (1)
distcp (1M)
distort (6D)
djpeg (1)
dncp (1)
dnex (1)
dnlp (1)
dnls (1)
dnmv (1)
dnrm (1)
dnserver (1)
domainname (1)
examine process resource consumption data
WorkShop Performance Process View
WorkShop Performance Profiling View
The suite of WorkShop Performance Tools
static analysis tool
run a command, and print out the resources it
- create a process in a hung state and inform
- service program for gldebug
- generate C program cross-reference
- perform video adjustments for SkyWriter Cyclops
display a pallete of colors
print and set the date
a source-level debugger
a source-level debugger
desk calculator
convert and copy a file
make a delta (change) to an SCCS file
graphs demographic data in 3D over time.
remove nroff/troff, tbl, and eqn constructs
Destroy one or more windows
device name
report number of free disk blocks
Graphics Library server
electronic fax program
NetHack dungeon compiler
differential file and directory comparator
3-way differential file comparison
mark differences between files
send domain name query packets to name servers
directory comparison
an interactive interface to the contents of a
disassemble an object file
interactive local and network disk mounts tool
generate disk accounting data by user ID
redistribute a message to additional addresses
copy or compare software distributions
real time image distortion demo
decompress a JPEG file to an image file
transfer files to, from, and between remote
- execute files on a remote system
- print file(s) on remote printer
- list the contents of a directory on a remote
- moves or renames a file or a group of files
- remove specified file(s) from a remote
- 4DDN universal server.
- set or display name of current NIS domain
dotgen (6D)
dpsexec (1)
drm_admin (1M)
dscribe (1)
data conversion modules.
du (1M)
dump, rdump (1M)
duotone (6D)
white image
dvhtool (1M)
dvips (1)
dvirle (1)
to RLE images
dvitype (1)
dynadraw (6D)
ecc (1)
echo (1)
ed, red (1)
edge (1)
edit (1)
editres (1)
edquota (1M)
edt+ (1)
egrep (1)
eject (1)
elm (1L)
emacs (1)
enable, disable (1)
endsession (1)
enscript (1)
entry (1)
env, printenv (1)
eprft (1)
EPR spectra
eqn (1)
Etherhist (1)
Etherview (1)
ex (1)
Explorer (1)
exportfs (1M)
expr (1)
extcentry (1)
f2c (1)
f2p (1)
f2ps (1)
f77 (1)
factor (1)
make an image of two crossed sinusoidal wave
Display PostScript Executive
Data Replication Manager Administrative Tool
DataScribe, a tool for building IRIS Explorer
summarize disk usage
incremental file system dump
make a color duotone image from a black and
modify and obtain disk volume header
convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript
convert dvi version 2 files, produced by TeX82,
translate a dvi file for humans
caligraphic drawing program
dump memory ecc log
echo arguments
text editor
window based debugger
text editor (variant of ex for casual users)
a dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit
edit user quotas
Screen-oriented text editing utility
search a file for a pattern using full regular
eject a CD-ROM or floppy
an interactive mail system
GNU project Emacs
enable/disable LP printers
terminates a login session
convert text files to POSTSCRIPT format for
Create and manipulate entry widgets
set environment for command execution, print
Simulation and least squares fit of isotropic
format mathematical text for troff
display history of network traffic.
display network traffic in a graphical manner.
text editor
the IRIS Explorer Map Editor
export and unexport directories to NFS clients
evaluate arguments as an expression
extract FORTRAN-callable entry points from a C
Convert Fortran 77 to C or C++
translates fig output into pic language
Fig to Postscript translator
MIPS FORTRAN 77 compiler
obtain the prime factors of a number
famd (1M)
- file alteration monitor
fant (1)
- perform simple spatial transforms on an image
fastmail (1L)
- quick batch mail interface to a single address
fax2ps (1)
- convert a TIFF facsimile to compressed
fax2tiff (1)
- create a TIFF Class F fax file from raw fax
faxaddmodem (1M)
- configure a facsimile modem for use with
faxalter (1)
- alter parameters of a facsimile job queued for
faxanswer (1M)
- tell facsimile server to answer the telephone
faxcover (1)
- generate a cover page for an outgoing facsimile
faxmail (1)
- convert a mail message to PostScript for
sending as facsimile
faxquit (1M)
- tell facsimile server to terminate
faxrm (1)
- remove a facsimile job queued for transmission
faxstat (1)
- display facsimile server status
fcatcmd, fcat (1)
- copy files in the FSP database to stdout
fcdcmd, fcd (1)
- change client's current working directory in
the FSP database
Fetch (1)
- locate files (a la which) and display them in
fgetcmd, fget (1)
- download files from the FSP database
fgrep (1)
- search a file for a character string
fieldmerge (6D)
- merge two field images into one frame
file (1)
- determine file type
filter (1L)
- filter incoming messages before adding to
find (1)
- find files
finger (1)
- user information lookup program
fingerd (1M)
- remote user information server
fitimg (6D)
- force an image to be a specific size.
fitstopgm (1)
- convert a FITS file into a portable graymap
flex (1)
- fast lexical analyzer generator
flight, dog, shadow (6D) - simulate the flight of any of several aircraft
flon (1)
- show which of your friends are logged on
flscmd, fls (1)
- list the contents of a FSP database
fmkdir (1)
- create directories in the FSP database
fmt (1)
- simple text formatter
fmtosnf (1)
- FM to SNF font compiler for X11
focus (1)
- Direct keyboard events to a particular window
fold (1)
- fold long lines for finite width output device
folder, folders (1)
- set/list current folder/message
fontview (1)
- Display PostScript font viewer
fopt (1)
- Special Scalar Optimizer
forw (1)
- forward messages
fping (l)
- send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
fprocmd, fpro (1)
- get or set permissions for directories in the
FSP database
fput (1)
- upload files to the FSP database
frame (1)
- Create and manipulate frame widgets
freeze, unfreeze, melt, fcat (1) - compress and uncompress files
frm,nfrm (1L)
mailbox or folder
frmcmd, frm (1)
frmdircmd, frmdir (1)
fromalias (6D)
frombin (6D)
dump of image data
fromcmap (6D)
fromcube (6D)
fromdi (6D)
fromface (6D)
fromgif (6D)
frommac (6D)
frompic (6D)
fromppm (6D)
an IRIS image
fromrla (6D)
fromsun (6D)
fromtarga (6D)
fromxbm (6D)
fromxud (6D)
fromxwd (6D)
fromyuv (6D)
fsck, dfsck (1M)
fsdb (1M)
fsn (1)
fspd, in.fspd (1)
fsplit (1)
fsr (1M)
fsstat (1M)
fstopgm (1)
port- able graymap
fstyp (1M)
ftimer (1)
ftoc (1)
ftp (1C)
ftpd (1M)
ftr (1)
funzip (1)
fuser (1M)
fver (1)
fwtmp, wtmpfix (1M)
fx (1M)
g++ (1)
g3topbm (1)
gamcal (6D)
gamma (6D)
- list from and subject of selected messages in
remove files from the FSP database
remove directories from the FSP database
converts an Alias image to an Iris image
create an RGB Iris image file from a binary
- convert a color map into an image with one
- convert a Cubicomp/Vertigo image file to IRIS
- convert an old .di dithered image into an RGB
- convert a UNIX faceserver image into IRIS
a GIF image into an IRIS image
a MacPaint image into an IRIS image
a MOVIE BYU .PIC image to an IRIS image
an image in Jef Poskanzer's format into
converts a Wavefront image to an IRIS image
convert a sun image into an IRIS image
convert a targa image into an IRIS image
convert an X Bitmap image into an IRIS image
convert an xwd file into an IRIS image
convert an xwd file into an IRIS image
convert an Abekas yuv image into an IRIS image
check and repair file systems
file system debugger
file system navigator
server for the FSP database
split FORTRAN or RATFOR files
file system reorganizer
report file system status
convert a Usenix FaceSaver(tm) file into a
determine file system identifier
control clock and itimer resolution
interface between prof and cord
Internet file transfer program
Internet File Transfer Protocol server
IRIS WorkSpace file type rules compiler
extract from a ZIP archive file as a filter
identify processes using a file or file
- displays the version number string of the FSP
manipulate connect accounting records
disk utility
GNU project C++ Compiler (v2 preliminary)
convert a Group 3 fax file into a portable
- visually check gamma display calibration
- get or set the system gamma value
gammawarp (6D)
gated (1M)
gawk (1)
gc (l)
gcc (1)
gcc, g++ (1)
gclear (1G)
gdb (1)
gdiff (1)
gemtopbm (1)
gendit (6D)
get (1)
get4d (1)
getap (1)
getbob (1)
getfb (1)
getgmr (1)
getiris (1)
getmac (1)
getmex (1)
window manager
getopt (1)
getopts, getoptcvt (1)
getqcr (1)
cam- era
getren (1)
getsun (1)
gettaac (1)
getty (1M)
getx10 (1)
getx11 (1)
get_orion (1)
gftodvi (1)
gftopk (1)
gftype (1)
ghostview (1)
gif2tiff (1)
giftoppm (1)
giftorle (1)
glbd (1M)
gldebug (1)
glp, PrintPanel (1)
glprof (1)
gnuan (GNUCHESS)
gnubc (1)
gnuchess (6)
lighten or darken an image
gateway routing daemon
pattern scanning and processing language
Gram's Commander
GNU project C Compiler
GNU project C and C++ Compiler (v2 preliminary)
clear IRIS graphics screen
The GNU Debugger
graphical differential file comparator
convert a GEM .img file into a portable bitmap
perform general image dithering
get a version of an SCCS file
get RLE images to a Silicon Graphics Iris/4D
- get RLE images to an Apollo display
- Display RLE files on HP Bobcat screens.
- display an RLE file on a BRL libfb frame
- Restore an RLE image to a Grinnell GMR-27 frame
- display an RLE image on a Silicon Graphics Iris
- Display RLE images on a MacIntosh display.
- get RLE images to an Iris display under the
- parse command options
- parse command options
- Photograph an RLE image with the Matrix QCR-Z
- get RLE images to an HP98721 ("Renaissance")
- get RLE images to a sun window
- display an RLE image on a Sun TAAC-1.
- set terminal type, modes, speed, and line
get RLE images to an X display
get RLE images to an X11 display
get RLE images to an Orion graphics display
make proofsheets from generic font files
convert generic font files to packed font files
translate a generic font file for humans to
- View PostScript documents using ghostscript
- create a TIFF file from a GIF87 format image
convert a GIF file into a portable pixmap
Convert GIF images to RLE format
Global Location Broker Daemon
debug utility for GL programs
graphical lp printing command
profiling utility for GL programs
- An arbitrary precision calculator language
- Chess
gnufind (1L)
gnuplot (1)
gopher (1)
gouldtoppm (1)
gpshandler (1)
gpsinterface (1)
grab (1)
sub- tree
grap (1)
graytorle (1)
grelnotes (1)
grep (1)
greyscale (6D)
grid (6D)
groups (1)
growfs (1M)
gr_osview (1)
gr_top (1)
gs (1)
gzexe (1)
gzip, gunzip, zcat (1)
h2ph (1)
halftone (6D)
halt (1M)
haven (1G)
head (1)
help (1)
hffit (1)
EPR spectra
hffits (1)
EPR spectra
hinv (1M)
hipass3 (6D)
hipstopgm (1)
hist (6D)
histeq (6D)
host (1)
hostid (1)
hostname (1)
hp2xx (1)
hpgl2ps ((1L)
to PostScript
hyphen (1)
hyroute (1M)
iavg (6D)
iblend (6D)
ical (1G)
search for files in a directory hierarchy
an interactive plotting program
connect to gopher document server
convert Gould scanner file into a portable pix-
- driver for PostScript printers
- Generic PostScript model for System V spooling.
- Confine pointer and keyboard events to a window
- pic preprocessor for drawing graphs
- Merges gray scale images into an RLE format
graphical on-line release notes viewer
search a file for a pattern
make different patterns
generate a 10 by 10 grid
show group memberships
expand a filesystem
graphical system monitor
display processes having highest CPU usage in a
Ghostscript version 2.6 interpreter/previewer
compress executable files in place
compress or expand files
convert .h C header files to .ph Perl header
half-tone an image
halt the system
use a GL program as the screen saver
give first few lines
ask for help about SCCS error messages and
- Simulation and least squares fit of isotropic
- Simulation and least squares fit of isotropic
hardware inventory command
high pass filter an image
convert a HIPS file into a portable graymap
compute and display the histogram of an image
histogram equalize an image file
look up host names using domain server
set or print identifier of current host system
set or print name of current host system
A HPGL converter into some vector- and raster
- convert HPGL (Hewlett Packard Graphic Language)
find hyphenated words
set the HyperNet routing tables
average a set of images
blend two images using a mat
ico (1)
IconSmith (1)
icontopbm (1)
icut (6D)
id (1)
idbg (1M)
ideas (1D)
ident (1)
ifconfig (1M)
iflip (6D)
igif (1)
ilbmtoppm (1)
imake (1)
imean (6D)
imgcopy (1)
imged (1G)
imgexp (6D)
imginfo (1)
imgprint (1)
imgscan (1)
imgsize (6D)
imgsnap (1)
imgtoppm (1)
pix- map
imgview (1)
imgworks (1)
imgwrap (6D)
Impressario (1)
inc (1)
inetd (1M)
infocmp (1M)
inform (1G)
init, telinit (1M)
insect (6D)
insight, iiv (1)
inst (1M)
install (1)
interp (6D)
into (1)
intro (1)
and programming commands.
intro (1M)
application programs
intro (6)
invert (6D)
ipaint (6D)
ipaste (1G)
ipcrm (1)
memory id
ipcs (1)
ipfilterd (1M)
animate an icosahedron or other polyhedron
an interactive tool for editing polygon-based
convert a Sun icon into a portable bitmap
print user and group IDs and names
kernel debugger print utility
Ideas in Motion: the Movie
identify files
configure network interface parameters
flip an image
display GIF images on SGI machines
convert IFF ILBM file into a portable pixmap
Indexable linked list
C preprocessor interface to the make utility
find the average pixel value of an image
copy and convert image file
small image editor
expand the range of pixel values in an image.
obtain information about image files
Layout and printing utility for color images
tool to create images using selected scanners
print the size of an image
save all or part of the screen in an image file
convert an Img-whatnot file into a portable
displays image files
visual tool for enhancing image files
shift pixels left one bit.
visual printing environment for SGI systems
incorporate new mail
Internet ``super-server''
compare or print out terminfo descriptions
display a message in a window
process control initialization
simulates a walking, six-legged creature/robot.
The IRIS InSight Viewer
software installation tool
install files in directories
gamma-corrected color ramp generator
copy into a file without destroying it
introduction to commands, application programs,
introduction to maintenance commands and
introduction to games and demos
invert an image
Paint using bitmap images as brushes
display an image
remove a message queue, semaphore set or shared
report inter-process communication facilities
IP packet filtering daemon
iroll (6D)
iset (6D)
isSuper (1)
type rules
istat (6D)
izoom (6D)
jello (6D)
join (1)
jot (1G)
kermit (1C)
keyboards (1)
kill (1)
killall (1M)
ksh, rksh (1)
programming language
label (1)
labelit (1M)
lasergnu (l)
last (1)
latex (1)
launch (1)
lboot (1M)
lb_admin (1M)
ld (1)
less (1)
lesskey (1)
lev_comp (6)
lex (1)
line (1)
link, unlink (1M)
lint (1)
lispmtopgm (1)
listalias (1L)
listbox (1)
listres (1)
List_tape (1)
llbd (1M)
loadmap (1G)
lockd (1M)
logger (1)
login (1)
logname (1)
lorder (1)
lp, cancel (1)
lpadmin (1M)
lpc (1M)
lpd (1M)
lpq (1)
lpr (1)
lprm (1)
- roll an image in x and y directions
- set the type of an image.
- supertype checking utility for use with file
- print the header information of a list of image
magnify or shrink an image
simulates nonrigid body dynamics
relational database operator
a simple mouse-based text editor
kermit file transfer
set the keyboard layout
terminate a process
kill named processes
KornShell, a standard/restricted command and
Create and manipulate label widgets
provide labels for file systems
send gnuplot output to a printer
indicate last logins of users and terminals
intensional text formatting and typesetting
graphical utility to enter arguments and invoke
configure bootable kernel
Location Broker Administrative Tool
MIPS link editor uld (1) - ucode link editor
opposite of more
specify key bindings for less
NetHack special levels compiler
generate programs for simple lexical tasks
read one line
link and unlink files and directories
a C program checker
convert a Lisp Machine bitmap file into pgm
list user and system aliases
Create and manipulate listbox widgets
list resources in widgets
list the contents of a given backup tape
Local Location Broker Daemon
loads the colormap from a file
NFS lock daemon
make entries in the system log
sign on
get login name
find ordering relation for an object library
send/cancel requests to an LP line printer
configure the LP spooling system
BSD line printer control program
BSD line printer daemon
BSD print spool queue examination program
BSD print spooler
remove jobs from the BSD line printer spooling
lpsched, lpshut, lpmove (1M) - start/stop the LP scheduler and move
lpstat (1)
- print LP status information
lptest (1)
- generate lineprinter ripple pattern
lptops (1)
- convert any file into a PostScript file
ls (1)
- list contents of directory
ls_admin, cls_admin (1M) - Display and edit the license server database
ls_rpt (1M)
- Report on license server events
ls_stat, cls_stat (1M) - Display the status of the license server system
ls_targetid (1M)
- Prints information about the local NetLS target
ls_tv (1M)
- Verify that Network License Servers are working
lvck (1M)
- check and restore consistency of logical
lvinfo (1M)
- print information about active logical volumes
lvinit (1M)
- initialize logical volume devices
m4 (1)
- macro processor
machid: pdp11, u3b, u3b2, u3b5, u3b15, vax, m68k, m68000, mips, 4d, 4d60
(1) - get processor type truth value
macptopbm (1)
- convert a MacPaint file into a portable bitmap
macref (1)
- produce cross-reference listing of macro files
mag (6D)
- pixel replication and magnification in a window
Mail (1)
- send and receive mail
mail (1)
- send mail to users or read mail
mailagent (1)
- an automatic mail-processing tool
mailbox (1)
- mail notification
maildist, mailhelp, maillist, mailpatch (1) - mailagent's commands
make (1)
- maintain, update, and regenerate groups of
makedbm (1M)
- make an NIS dbm file
makedepend (1)
- create dependencies in makefiles
- Create device special files
makekey (1)
- generate encryption key
makemap (1G)
- store colors into the gl color map
- creates an object
makewhatis (1M)
- make manual page "whatis" database for use with
man (1)
- print entries from the on-line reference
manuals; find manual entries by keyword
manwsh (6D)
- display a man page and then prompt for input
mapimg (1G)
- translates a screen image into an RGB image
mark (1)
- mark messages
max (6D)
- get the maximum of two images
maze (1)
- an automated maze program... [ demo ][ X11 ]
mbuilder (1)
- The IRIS Explorer Module Builder
mcut (1)
- Quantize colors in an image using the median
cut algorithm
mcvert (LOCAL)
- BinHex 4.0 to MacBinary file conversion utility
menu (1)
- Create and manipulate menu widgets
menubutton (1)
- Create and manipulate menubutton widgets
merge (1)
- three-way file merge
mergechan (1)
- merge channels from several RLE files into a
single output stream
mesg (1)
- permit or deny messages
message (1)
- Create and manipulate message widgets
messages (1L)
- quick count of messages in mailbox or folder
mf, inimf (1)
- Metafont, a language for alphabet design
mft (1)
- translate Metafont code to TeX code for
mgrtopbm (1)
- convert a MGR bitmap into a portable bitmap
mh (1)
- Message Handler
mh-chart (1)
- Chart of MH Commands
mhl (1)
- produce formatted listings of MH messages
mhmail (1)
- send or read mail
mhn (1)
- multi-media MH
mhook, rcvdist, rcvpack, rcvtty (1) - MH receive-mail hooks
mhparam (1)
- print MH profile components
mhpath (1)
- print full pathnames of MH messages and folders
min (6D)
- calculate the minimum of two images
MIT X Consortium (1)
mkalias (1M)
- NIS mail alias tool
mkboottape (1M)
- make a boot tape
mkcentpr (1M)
- register a Centronics-interface printer with LP
mkdepend (1)
- compute header file dependencies
mkdir (1)
- make directories
mkdirhier (1)
- makes a directory hierarchy
mkf2c (1)
- generate FORTRAN-C interface routines
mkfile (1M)
- create a file
mkfontdir (1)
- create fonts.dir file from directory of font
mkfs (1M)
- construct a file system
mklv (1M)
- construct or extend a logical volume
mknetpr (1M)
- provide access to a remote printer
mknod (1M)
- build special file or named pipe (FIFO)
mkPS (1M)
- register a LaserWriter printer with LP
mkshlib (1)
- create a shared library
mkstr (1)
- create an error message file by massaging C
mm (1)
- prints documents formatted with the mm macros
mmt (1)
- typeset documents
more, page (1)
- file perusal filter for crt viewing
mount, umount (1M)
- mount and dismount file systems
mountall, umountall (1M) - mount, unmount multiple file systems
mountd (1M)
- NFS mount request server
mousemon (6D)
- display state of mouse buttons
mousewarp, dialwarp, keywarp (6D) - set input warping and repeat
movie (6D)
- show a series of images in a sequence
moviemaker (1)
- Basic tool for making and editing movies.
movieplayer (1)
- play movie files (picture and sound)
mpadmin (1)
- control and report processor status
mrouted (1M)
- IP multicast routing daemon
msdosd (1M)
- automatically mount floppy discs
msgchk (1)
- check for messages
msh (1)
- MH shell (and BBoard reader)
mt (1)
- magnetic tape manipulating program
mtvtoppm (1)
- convert output from the MTV or PRT ray tracers
into a portable pixmap
mult (6D)
multgrps (1)
multi (1M)
multitrack (1)
muncher (1)
mvdir (1M)
mvt (1)
mwm (1X)
named, named-xfer (1M)
nawk (1)
NcFTP (1)
ncheck (1M)
ncp (1)
ndx (1)
neqn (1)
netaccount (1M)
netcollect (1M)
netgraph (1M)
nethack (6)
netlook (1M)
netlsd (1M)
netpack (1M)
netsnoop (1M)
netstat (1)
network (1M)
newalias (1L)
newaliases (1M)
newave (1D)
newform (1)
newgrp (1)
newmail,wnewmail (1L)
news (1)
newton (6D)
next (1)
nfsd, biod (1M)
nfsstat (1M)
nice (1)
nl (1)
nm (1)
nn (1)
nnacct (1m)
nnadmin (1M)
nncheck (1)
nngoback (1)
nngrab (1)
nngrep (1)
nnpost (1)
nnstats (1M)
nntidy (1)
- multiply two images
- spawn a shell with membership in multiple
switch the system to multi-user mode
digital multi-track recorder
draw interesting patterns in an X window
move a directory
typeset view graphs and slides
The Motif Window Manager.
Internet domain name server
pattern scanning and processing language
Internet file transfer program
generate path names from i-numbers
network control program
create a subject-page index for a document
format mathematical text for nroff
generate a report from a network traffic data
collect network traffic statistics
display strip charts of network traffic
Exploring The Mazes of Menace
graphically display network traffic
The NetLS license server daemon
coalesce network traffic data files
capture and decode network traffic
show network status
network initialization and shutdown script
install new elm aliases for user and/or system
rebuild the data base for the mail aliases file
real-time simulation of an idealized surface
change the format of a text file
log in to a new group
programs to asynchronously notify of new mail
print news items
a physical modeling demo
show the next message
NFS daemons
display Network File System statistics
run a command at low priority
line numbering filter
name list dump of MIPS object files
efficient net news interface (No News is good
news accounting and access authorization (nn)
nn database administration
check for unread articles
make news articles unread on a day-by-day basis
news retrieval by keyword (nn)
grep for news group names (nn)
post news articles (nn)
display nnmaster collection and expire
- tidy your personal .newsrc file
nnusage (1M)
noblack (6D)
nohup (1)
notepad (1)
npri (1)
NQS (1)
nroff (1)
nslookup (1C)
nullimg (6D)
nvram, sgikopt (1M)
ocean (1)
graphics consoles
oclock (1)
od (1)
odump (1)
on (1C)
oneband (6D)
option (1)
options (1)
osview (1)
over (6D)
pac (1M)
pack (1)
pack, pcat, unpack (1)
packf (1)
painttorle (1)
pal2rgb (1)
color image
palette (6D)
pandora (1)
passmgmt (1M)
passthru (1)
output port
passwd (1)
paste (1)
lines of one file
patch (1)
pathconf (1)
pathto, uupath (1)
pbmlife (1)
pbmmake (1)
pbmmask (1)
pbmreduce (1)
pbmtext (1)
pbmto10x (1)
printer graphics
display nn usage statistics
remove all the black from an image
run a command immune to hangups and quits
little yellow note poster
modify the scheduling priority of a process
Network Queueing System
Network Queueing System Configuration
Getting Started with NQS
Network Queueing System Release 3.31 Release
format or typeset text
query Internet name servers interactively
make a black image file
get or set non-volatile RAM variable(s)
pleasant underwater background program for SGI
display time of day
octal dump
dumps selected parts of an object file
execute a command remotely
get a single band of an image
Add/retrieve window options to/from the option
Standard options supported by widgets
monitor operating system activity data
put one image on top of another
BSD printer accounting information
Geometry manager that packs around edges of
compress and expand files
compress an MH folder into a single file
Convert MacPaint images to RLE format.
convert a palette color TIFF image to a full
display a palette of colors in the colormap
login on the graphics console
password file management
pass audio sample data from an input port to an
- change login password and password attributes
- merge same lines of several files or subsequent
- a program for applying a diff file to an
- get configurable pathname variables (POSIX)
- calculate mail paths
- apply Conway's rules of Life to a portable
create a blank bitmap of a specified size
create a mask bitmap from a regular bitmap
read a portable bitmap and reduce it N times
render text into a bitmap
convert a portable bitmap into Gemini 10X
pbmtoascii (1)
pbmtoatk (1)
raster object
pbmtobg (1)
pbmtocmuwm (1)
manager bitmap
pbmtoepson (1)
pbmtog3 (1)
pbmtogem (1)
pbmtogo (1)
GraphOn graphics
pbmtoicon (1)
pbmtolj (1)
pbmtomacp (1)
pbmtomgr (1)
pbmtopi3 (1)
.pi3 file
pbmtoptx (1)
printer graphics
pbmtox10bm (1)
pbmtoxbm (1)
pbmtozinc (l)
pbmupc (1)
pc (1)
pcxtoppm (1)
perfly (6D)
perhist (6D)
perl (1)
pg (1)
pgmbentley (1)
pgmedge (1)
pgmenhance (1)
pgmhist (1)
pgmnorm (1)
pgmoil (1)
pgmramp (1)
pgmtexture (1)
pgmtofits (1)
pgmtofs (1)
FaceSaver(tm) format
pgmtolispm (1)
pgmtopbm (1)
pgmtoppm (1)
pix- map
pgmtorle (1)
image file.
- convert a portable bitmap into ASCII graphics
- convert portable bitmap to Andrew Toolkit
- convert a portable bitmap into BitGraph
- convert a portable bitmap into a CMU window
- convert a portable bitmap into Epson printer
- convert a portable bitmap into a Group 3 fax
- convert a portable bitmap into a GEM .img file
- convert a portable bitmap into compressed
- convert a portable bitmap into a Sun icon
- convert a portable bitmap into HP LaserJet
- convert a portable bitmap into a MacPaint file
- convert a portable bitmap into a MGR bitmap
- convert a portable bitmap into an Atari Degas
- convert a portable bitmap into Printronix
convert a portable bitmap into an X10 bitmap
convert a portable bitmap into an X11 bitmap
convert a portable bitmap into a Zinc bitmap
create a Universal Product Code bitmap
MIPS Pascal compiler
convert a PCX file into a portable pixmap
Performance in Visual Simulation
print percent histogram values for an image
Practical Extraction and Report Language
file perusal filter for CRTs
Bentleyize a portable graymap
edge-detect a portable graymap
edge-enhance a portable graymap
print a histogram of the values in a portable
normalize the contrast in a portable graymap
turn a portable graymap into an oil painting
generate a grayscale ramp
calculate textural features on a portable gray-
- convert a portable graymap into FITS format
- convert portable graymap to Usenix
- convert a portable graymap into Lisp Machine
- convert a portable graymap into a portable
- colorize a portable graymap into a portable
- convert a pbmplus/pgm image file into an RLE
pgmtoybm (1)
"face" file
phandler (1)
pi1toppm (1)
pix- map
pi3topbm (1)
portable bitmap
pic (1)
pick (1)
picttoppm (1)
pine (1)
ping (1M)
pixie (1)
pixstats (1)
pjtoppm (1)
pktogf (1)
pktype (1)
place (1)
placement |
plan (1L)
pland (1L) - daemon for
playaifc, playaiff (1)
pltotf (1)
(tfm) format
pmake, smake (1)
pnmarith (1)
pnmcat (1)
pnmconvol (1)
pnmcrop (1)
pnmcut (1)
pnmdepth (1)
pnmenlarge (1)
pnmfile (1)
pnmflip (1)
portable anymap
pnmgamma (1)
pnmindex (1)
pnminvert (1)
pnmmargin (1)
pnmnoraw (1)
pnmpaste (1)
pnmrotate (1)
pnmscale (1)
pnmshear (1)
pnmsmooth (1)
pnmtile (1)
pnmtops (1)
pnmtorast (1)
pnmtotiff (1)
- convert a portable bitmap into a Bennet Yee
- generic parallel printer driver
- convert an Atari Degas .pi1 into a portable
- convert an Atari Degas .pi3 file into a
- troff preprocessor for drawing simple pictures
- select messages by content
- convert a Macintosh PICT file into a portable
- read and send electronic mail with an easy user
send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts
add profiling code to a program
analyze program execution
convert an HP PaintJet file to a portable
- convert packed font files to generic font files
- translate a packed font file for humans to read
- Geometry manager for fixed or rubber-sheet
- interactive X/Motif calendar and day planner
plan notifier (1L) - X/Motif text displayer for
- play an AIFF-C (or AIFF) audio sample file
- convert property list files to font metric
create programs in parallel
perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps
concatenate portable anymaps
general MxN convolution on a portable anymap
crop a portable anymap
cut a rectangle out of a portable anymap
change the maxval in a portable anymap
read a portable anymap and enlarge it N times
describe a portable anymap
perform one or more flip operations on a
perform gamma correction on a portable anymap
build a visual index of a bunch of anymaps
invert a portable anymap
add a border to a portable anymap
force a portable anymap into plain format
paste a rectangle into a portable anymap
rotate a portable anymap by some angle
scale a portable anymap
shear a portable anymap by some angle
smooth out an image
replicate a portable anymap into a specified
- convert portable anymap to PostScript
- convert a portable pixmap into a Sun rasterfile
- convert a a portable anymap into a TIFF file
pnmtoxwd (1)
- convert a portable anymap into an X11 window
podd (1M)
- Printer Object Database (POD) server
portmap (1M)
- TCP,UDP port to RPC program number mapper
postcard (6D)
- make an image look like a postcard
postprint (GNUCHESS)
powerdown (1M)
- stop all processes and halt the system
powerflip (6D)
- spin 3D objects in a window
ppmdither (1)
- ordered dither for color images
ppmhist (1)
- print a histogram of a portable pixmap
ppmmake (1)
- create a pixmap of a specified size
ppmpat (1)
- make a pretty pixmap
ppmquant (1)
- quantize the colors in a portable pixmap down
to a specified number
ppmquantall (1)
- run ppmquant on a bunch of files all at once,
so they share a common colormap
ppmrelief (1)
- run a Laplacian relief filter on a portable
pix- map
ppmtogif (1)
- convert a portable pixmap into a GIF file
ppmtoicr (1)
- convert a portable pixmap into NCSA ICR format
ppmtoilbm (1)
- convert a portable pixmap into an IFF ILBM file
ppmtopcx (1)
- convert a portable pixmap into a PCX file
ppmtopgm (1)
- convert a portable pixmap into a portable
ppmtopi1 (1)
- convert a portable pixmap into an Atari Degas
.pi1 file
ppmtopict (1)
- convert a portable pixmap into a Macintosh PICT
ppmtopj (1)
- convert a portable pixmap to an HP PaintJet
ppmtopuzz (1)
- convert a portable pixmap into an X11 "puzzle"
ppmtorgb3 (1)
- separate a portable pixmap into three portable
ppmtorle (1)
- convert a PBMPLUS/ppm image file into an RLE
image file.
ppmtosixel (1)
- convert a portable pixmap into DEC sixel format
ppmtotga (1)
- convert portable pixmap into a TrueVision Targa
ppmtouil (1)
- convert a portable pixmap into a Motif UIL icon
ppmtoxpm (1)
- convert a portable pixmap into an X11 pixmap
ppmtoyuv (1)
- convert a portable pixmap into an Abekas YUV
pr (1)
- print files
preset (1M)
- reset the lp queue system to a pristine state
by deleting printers
prev (1)
- show the previous message
printmail (1L)
- format mail in a readable fashion for printing
printstatus, PrintStatus (1) - graphical printer status tool
prof (1)
- analyze profile data
profiler: prfld, prfstat, prfdc, prfsnap, prfpr (1M) - UNIX system
progname (1)
- a prog for naming
prom (1M)
- PROM monitor
prompter (1)
- prompting editor front-end for MH
protoize (1)
- convert K&R C source code to ANSI C prototype
prs (1)
- print an SCCS file
prtvtoc (1M)
- print volume header information.
ps (1)
- report process status
ps2fax (1M)
- image PostScript for facsimile transmission
ps4014 (1)
- convert a Tektronix 4014 files to POSTSCRIPT
ps630 (1)
- convert Diablo 630 print files to POSTSCRIPT
pschunky (1)
- Convert a PostScript(tm) file to CHUNKY printer
data format
pscomm, psrv, pstext, psbanner, psinterface (1M) - TRANSCRIPT spooler
filters for POSTSCRIPT printers
psdit (1)
- convert troff intermediate format to POSTSCRIPT
psfonts (1)
- POSTSCRIPT font information for TRANSCRIPT
psidtopgm (1)
- convert PostScript "image" data into a portable
psplot (1)
- convert plot files to POSTSCRIPT format
psrev (1)
- select or reverse page order of a POSTSCRIPT
psroff (1)
- troff to a POSTSCRIPT printer
psselect (1)
- select pages from a PostScript file
- List of symbols for ditroff in TRANSCRIPT
pswrap (1)
- creates C routines from pieces of PostScript
ptx (1)
- make permuted index
puzzle (1)
- 15-puzzle game for X
pwck, grpck (1M)
- password/group file checkers
pwd (1)
- print working directory name
pyrmask (1)
- Blend two images together using Gaussian
- an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented
programming language
qacct (1)
- display NQS accounting information.
qcat (1)
- display NQS request output.
qcmplx (1)
- display status of NQS complex(es)
qdel (1)
- delete or signal NQS request(s).
qdev (1)
- display status of NQS devices
qhold (1)
- hold NQS request(s).
qjob (1)
- display status of NQS queues in a networked
qlimit (1)
- show supported batch limits, and shell strategy
for the named host(s).
qmgr (1M)
- NQS queue manager program
qpr (1)
- submit a hardcopy print request to NQS
qresume (1)
- resume NQS request(s).
qrls (1)
- release NQS request(s).
qrttoppm (1)
- convert output from the QRT ray tracer into a
portable pixmap
qstat (1)
- display status of NQS queue(s)
qstatc (1)
- display status of NQS requests and queues.
qsub (1)
- submit an NQS batch request.
qsuspend (1)
- suspend NQS request(s).
quant (6D)
- quantify an image
quot (1M)
- summarize file system ownership
quota (1)
- display disk usage and limits
quotacheck (1M)
- filesystem quota consistency checker
quotaon, quotaoff (1M) - turn file system quotas on and off
radio (1)
- receive audio UDP packets transmitted by
radiobutton (1)
- Create and manipulate radio-button widgets
randimg (6D)
- generate a noise image
rarpd (1M)
- DARPA Reverse Address Resolution Protocol
ras2tiff (1)
- create a TIFF file from a Sun rasterfile
rastorle (1)
- Convert sun raster file image to an RLE format
rasttopnm (1)
- convert a Sun rasterfile into a portable anymap
ratfor (1)
- rational FORTRAN dialect
rawtopgm (1)
- convert raw grayscale bytes into a portable
gray- map
rawtoppm (1)
- convert raw RGB bytes into a portable pixmap
rawtorle (1)
- Convert raw image data to RLE.
rc0 (1M)
- run commands performed to stop the operating
rc2 (1M)
- run commands performed for multi-user
rclinst (1M)
- diskless client software auto-installation tool
rcp (1C)
- remote file copy
- an interactive transferdevice for performing
rcp within the WorkSpace.
rcs (1)
- change RCS file attributes
rcsclean (1)
- clean up working files
rcsdiff (1)
- compare RCS revisions
rcsfreeze (1)
- freeze a configuration of sources checked in
under RCS
rcsintro (1)
- introduction to RCS commands
rcsmerge (1)
- merge RCS revisions
rcvstore (1)
- incorporate new mail asynchronously
rdist (1)
- remote file distribution client program
rdist (1C)
- remote file distribution program
rdistd (1)
- remote file distribution server program
read98721 (1)
- read an image from the HP-98721 frame buffer
readmsg (1L)
- extract messages from a mail folder
reaper (1)
- manages a login session
reboot (1M)
- reboot the system
recordaifc, recordaiff (1) - record an AIFF-C (or AIFF) audio sample file
recover (6)
- recover a NetHack game interrupted by disaster
rectimg (6D)
- display a color or BW image on the iris
redirect (6D)
- run a demo with error output directed to
refile (1)
- file message in other folders
regcmp (1)
- regular expression compile
registrar (1M)
relnotes (1)
renice (1M)
repcolor (6D)
repl (1)
repos (1)
repquota (1M)
resize (1)
current window size
Restore (1)
restore, rrestore (1M)
revolve (6D)
rexd (1M)
rexecd (1M)
rgb (1)
rgb2ps (1)
rgb3toppm (1)
able pixmap
rlatorle (1)
RLE image file.
rle (6D)
rleaddcom (1)
rleaddeof (1)
rlebg (1)
rlebox (1)
rlecat (1)
rleClock (1)
rlecomp (1)
rledither (1)
rleflip (1)
rlehdr (1)
rlehisto (1)
rleldmap (1)
rlemandl (1)
rlenoise (1)
rlepatch (1)
rleprint (1)
rlequant (1)
rlescale (1)
rleselect (1)
rlesetbg (1)
rleskel (1)
rlespiff (1)
an image.
rlesplice (1)
rlesplit (1)
separate image files
rlestereo (1)
- IP address update command for NIS hosts data
on-line release notes viewer
alter priority of running processes
replace specified colors within an image
reply to a message
reposition an RLE image
summarize quotas for a local file system
utility to set TERMCAP and terminal settings to
- restore the specified file or directory from
incremental file system restore
surface of revolution demonstration
RPC-based remote execution server
remote execution server
convert a rgb spec file to ndbm files
Convert an SGI image to PostScript
combine three portable graymaps into one port-
- convert a Wavefront "rlb" image file into an
- force an image to be stored using run length
add picture comments to an RLE file.
Put an end of image marker on an RLE file.
generate simple backgrounds
print bounding box for image in an RLE file.
concatenate and repeat images.
Generate a clock face in RLE format
Digital image compositor
Floyd Steinberg dither an image to the given
Invert, reflect or rotate an image.
Prints the header of an RLE file
generate histogram of RLE image.
Load a new color map into an RLE file
Compute images of the Mandelbrot set.
Add random noise to an image
patch smaller RLE files over a larger image.
Print the values of all the pixels in the file.
variance based color quantization for RLE
produce gray scale images.
Select images from an RLE file.
Set the background value in the RLE header.
A skeleton tool.
Use simple contrast enhancement to "spiff up"
- Splice two RLE files together horizontally or
- split a file of concatenated RLE images into
- produce anaglyph from stereo pair
rleswap (1)
- swap the channels in an RLE file.
rletoabA60 (1)
- convert RLE images to Abekas yuv format
rletoabA62 (1)
- Convert from RLE Format to Abekas A62 Dump Format
rletoascii (1)
- Print an RLE image as ASCII chars.
rletogif (1)
- Convert RLE files to GIF format.
rletogray (1)
- Splits an RLE format file into gray scale
rletopaint (1)
- convert an RLE file to MacPaint format using
rletoppm (1)
- convert a Utah RLE image file into a
PBMPLUS/ppm image file.
rletops (1)
- Convert RLE images to PostScript
rletorast (1)
- Convert an RLE file to a Sun rasterfile.
rletoraw (1)
- Convert RLE file to raw RGB form.
rletorla (1)
- convert a Utah RLE image file into a Wavefront
"rlb" image file.
rletotiff (1)
- Convert 24 bit RLE image files to TIFF.
rlezoom (1)
- Magnify an RLE file by pixel replication.
rlog (1)
- print log messages and other information about
RCS files
rlogin (1C)
- remote login
rlogind (1M)
- remote login server
rm, rmdir (1)
- remove files or directories
rmail (1M)
- receive mail via UUCP
rmdel (1)
- remove a delta from an SCCS file
rmf (1)
- remove an MH folder
rmm (1)
- remove messages
rmprinter (1M)
- remove a printer from the LP spooling system
rmt (1M)
- remote magtape protocol module
rock (6D)
- play the indigo rap
route (1M)
- manually manipulate the routing tables
routed (1M)
- network routing daemon
routeprint (1)
- route file to printer or to specified filetype
rpc.passwd (1M)
- server for modifying NIS password file
rpcgen (1)
- an RPC protocol compiler
rpcinfo (1M)
- report RPC information
rquotad (1M)
- remote quota server
rsh (1C)
- remote shell
rshd (1M)
- remote shell server
rstatd (1M)
- kernel statistics server
rtnetd (1M)
- daemon to enable preemptable network packet
rtquery (1M)
- query routing daemons for their routing table
runacct (1M)
- run daily accounting
runon (1)
- run a command on a particular cpu
rup (1C)
- show host status of local machines (RPC
ruptime (1C)
- show host status of local machines
rusers (1C)
- who's logged in on local machines (RPC version)
rusersd (1M)
- network username server
rwall (1)
- write to all users over a network
rwalld (1M)
- network rwall server
rwho (1C)
- who's logged in on local machines
rwhod (1M)
- system status server
s2p (1)
- Sed to Perl translator
sact (1)
- print current SCCS file editing activity
sar (1)
- system activity reporter
sar: sa1, sa2, sadc (1M) - system activity report package
saturate (6D)
- change an image's saturation
savecore (1M)
- save a core dump of the operating system
savemap (1G)
- saves the current contents of the colormap
scale (1)
- Create and manipulate scale widgets
scan (1)
- produce a one line per message scan listing
scanner (1)
- scan color images
sccs (1)
- front end for the SCCS subsystem
sccsdiff (1)
- compare two versions of an SCCS file
scope (6D)
- explore an image of any size
scratchpad (1)
- Display PostScript text "playground"
screen (1)
- screen manager with VT100/ANSI terminal
script (1)
- make typescript of terminal session
scrollbar (1)
- Create and manipulate scrollbar widgets
scrsave (6D)
- save a part of the screen in an image file
sdiff (1)
- side-by-side difference program
Seahaven Towers (6)
- A solitaire game
sed (1)
- stream editor
selection (1)
- Manipulate the X selection
send (1)
- Execute a command in a different interpreter
send (1)
- send a message
sendfax (1)
- submit a facsimile job for transmission
sendmail, newaliases, mailq (1M) - send network mail
sethost (1)
- log on to a remote DECnet or 4DDN node.
setlum (6D)
- modifies the luminance on an image
setmnt (1M)
- establish mount table
setmon (1G)
- set the current and default monitor video
output format
setsym (1)
- set up a debug kernel for symbolic debugging
setup (1)
- initialize system for first user
setxkeymap (1)
- set the keyboard map using a compiled keymap
sfconvert (1)
- convert soundfiles
sfinfo (1)
- display soundfile information
sfkeywords (1)
- soundfile keywords used in sfinfo, sfplay, and
sfplay (1)
- play soundfile
sgi2fax (1)
- convert a Silicon Graphics image file for
facsimile transmission
sgi2tiff (1)
- create a TIFF file from an SGI image file
sh, rsh (1)
- shell, the standard/restricted command
programming language
shad (6D)
- A demonstration of real-time shadows
shar (1)
- create shell archives
shear (6D)
- shear an image diagonally
show (1)
- show (list) messages
showcase (1)
- Basic drawing and presentation tool
showmap (6D)
- display the contents of the color map
showmount (1M)
- show all remote NFS mounts
showpcf (1)
- display contents of an font file
showrgb (1)
- print the rgb database
shutdown (1M)
- shut down system, change system state
single (1M)
- switch the system to single-user mode
size (1)
- print the section sizes of an object file
sleep (1)
- suspend execution for an interval
slide (6D)
- zoom an image up for full screen display
slip (1M)
- Serial Line IP
slitex (1)
- make LaTeX slides
slocal (1)
- special local mail delivery
smush (1)
- defocus an RLE image.
snap (1G)
- saves part of the screen in an image file
snapshot (6D)
- save a portion of the screen in an image file
snftopcf (1)
- SNF to PCF font compiler for X11
snmpd (1M)
- Simple Network Management Protocol daemon
snoop (6D)
- magnify and report on the screen under the
mouse pointer
snoopd (1M)
- network traffic monitoring daemon
snowflake (6D)
- pretty audio spectrum analyzer
socket (1)
- create tcp socket and connect to stdin/out
soelim (1)
- eliminate .so's from nroff input
sort (1)
- sort and/or merge files
sortm (1)
- sort messages
soundeditor (1)
- digital two-track recorder
soundfiler (1)
- soundfile utilities
sox (1)
- SOund eXchange - universal sound sample
spaceballd (1M)
- Spaceball daemon
spctoppm (1)
- convert an Atari compressed Spectrum file into
a portable pixmap
spell, spellin, spellout (1) - find spelling errors
split (1)
- split a file into pieces
spray (1M)
- spray packets
sprayd (1M)
- spray server
sputoppm (1)
- convert an Atari uncompressed Spectrum file
into a portable pixmap
startconsole (1)
- provides a uniform interface for opening a
terminal emulator as the system console
startmidi, stopmidi (1) - start MIDI daemon
startx (1)
- sample front end to xinit
statd (1M)
- network status monitor daemon
statist (1)
- calculate Huffman distribution for freeze(1)
stcode (1M)
- translate a hexadecimal status code value to a
textual message
stdump (1)
- dump a file of intermediate-code symbolic
strings (1)
- find the printable strings in an object, or
other binary file
strip (1)
- remove symbols and relocation bits
stty (1)
- set the options for a terminal
su (1M)
- become super-user or another user
sub (6D)
- subtract two images
subimg (6D)
- extract a sub-region from an image
subj (1)
- generate a list of subjects from a document
sum (1)
super (1)
swap (1M)
symmon (1M)
sync (1M)
synthia (6D)
sysadm (1)
sysconf (1)
sysinfo (1)
syslogd (1M)
sysmeter (1)
systemdown (1G)
tabs (1)
tag (1)
identifying number
tail (1)
talk (1)
talkd (1M)
tangle, weave (1)
tar (1)
tarArchive (1)
tar within the WorkSpace.
targatorle (1)
tbl (1)
tc (1)
tcsh (1)
line editing
tee (1)
telnet (1C)
telnetd (1M)
test (1)
tex, initex, virtex (1) text (1)
textcolors (1G)
tftopl (1)
list format
tftp (1C)
tftpd (1M)
tgatoppm (1)
thresh (6D)
tic (1M)
tiepoint (1)
Specifying Tie Points
tiff2bw (1)
tiff2ps (1)
tiffcmp (1)
tiffcp (1)
tiffdither (1)
tiffdump (1)
tiffgt (1)
Graphics version)
print checksum and block count of a file
execute commands setuid root.
swap administrative interface
kernel symbolic debugger
update the super block
MIDI synthesizer
menu interface to do system administration
get configurable system variables (POSIX)
print system identification
log systems messages
display system performance values
interactive script for shutting the system
set tabs on a terminal
tag a MIPS executable or shell script with an
deliver the last part of a file
talk to another user
remote user communication server
translate WEB to Pascal and/or TeX
tape archiver
an interactive transferdevice for performing
Convert Targa 32 TIPS images to RLE format.
prepares tables for nroff or troff
troff output interpreter
C shell with file name completion and command
pipe fitting
User interface to the TELNET protocol
Internet TELNET protocol server
condition evaluation command
text formatting and typesetting
Create and manipulate text widgets
set the colors used by a xwsh window
convert font metric (tfm) files to property
trivial file transfer program
Internet Trivial File Transfer Protocol server
convert TrueVision Targa file into a portable
threshold one image with another
terminfo compiler
Demonstration of Warping and Registration by
convert a color TIFF image to grayscale
convert a grayscale TIFF image to PostScript
compare two TIFF files
copy (and possibly convert) a TIFF file
convert a grayscale image to bilevel using
print verbatim information about TIFF files
display an image stored in a TIFF file (Silicon
tiffinfo (1)
- print information about TIFF files
tiffmedian (1)
- apply the median cut algorithm to data in a
TIFF file
tifftopnm (1)
- convert a TIFF file into a portable anymap
tifftorle (1)
- Convert 24 bit TIFF image files to RLE.
tile (6D)
- repeats an image in two dimensions
time (1)
- time a command
timed (1M)
- time server daemon
timedc (1M)
- timed control program
timeslave (1M)
- 'slave' local clock to a better one
timex (1)
- time a command; report process data and system
tk (1)
- Manipulate Tk internal state
tkerror (1)
- Command invoked to process background errors
tkwait (1)
- Wait for variable to change or window to be
tk_listboxSingleSelect (1) - Allow only one selected element in
tk_menuBar, tk_bindForTraversal (1) - Support for menu bars
tlink (1)
- clone a file tree using symbolic links
to8 (1)
- Convert a 24 bit RLE file to eight bits using
dither- ing.
toalias (6D)
- Convert an IRIS image to an Alias image
toascii (6D)
- use text characters to represent an image
tobin (6D)
- Convert an Iris image to binary dump of pixel
tobw (1)
- Convert a 24 bit RLE file to eight bits of gray
scale value.
tobw (1G)
- convert a color image to black and white
tochunky (1)
- Convert an SGI image to CHUNKY printer data
togif (6D)
- convert an IRIS image to a Compuserve GIF image
tomac (6D)
- convert an IRIS image to MacPaint format
tonews (6D)
- convert an IRIS image into NeWS format
toolchest (1X)
- Utility menu program
top (1)
- display processes having highest CPU usage
topict (6D)
- convert an IRIS image to Macintosh PICT format
toplevel (1)
- Create and manipulate toplevel widgets
toppm (6D)
- convert an IRIS image file into Jef Poskanzer's
ppm image format
tops (6D)
- Convert an iris image to PostScript
toscitex (6D)
- Convert IRIS images into Scitex CT2T images
tosun (6D)
- convert an IRIS image to a sun raster file
totarga (6D)
- Convert from an IRIS image to a type 2 (RGB)
targa image
touch (1)
- update access and modification times of a file
toyuv (6D)
- convert an IRIS image to yuv format
to_dos, to_unix (1)
- convert text files between MSDOS and UNIX
tput (1)
- initialize a terminal or query terminfo
tr (1)
- translate characters
trace (1)
- trace system calls and signals
traceroute (1M)
- print the route packets take to a network host
transcript (1)
- Programs for accessing POSTSCRIPT printers
transfermanager (1G)
- provide a visual interface for selecting
entries in the workspace transfer menu
troff (1)
- text formatting and typesetting language
true, false (1)
- provide truth values
tset (1)
- terminal dependent initialization
tsort (1)
- topological sort
ttcp (1)
- test TCP and UDP performance
tty (1)
- get the name of the terminal
twilight (6D)
- twilight sky screen background
twm (1)
- Tab Window Manager for the X Window System
uadmin (1M)
- administrative control
uconv (1)
- convert FORTRAN unformatted file
uil (1X)
- The user interface language compiler for X
window system.
ul (1)
- do underlining
umask (1)
- set file-creation mode mask
uname (1)
- identify the current IRIX system
unexp (1)
- Convert "exponential" files into normal files.
unget (1)
- undo a previous get of an SCCS file
unifdef (1)
- strip or reduce ifdefs in C code
uniq (1)
- report repeated lines in a file
units (1)
- conversion program
unprotoize (1)
- convert ANSI C source code to K&R C
(unprototyped) format
unshar (1)
- unpack a shar file
unslice (1)
- Quickly assemble image slices
unzip (1)
- list/test/extract from a ZIP archive file
update (1)
- Process pending events and/or when-idle
handlers |
updbootparam (1M)
- NIS bootparams database update program
uptime (1)
- show how long system has been up
urt (1)
- overview of the Utah Raster Toolkit
userenv (1)
- print user's login environment
utmp (1)
- translate between binary and textual utmp files
uucat (1L)
- concat the parts of an multipart uuencoded file
uucheck (1M)
- check the uucp directories and permissions file
uucico (1M)
- file transport program for the uucp system
uucleanup (1M)
- uucp spool directory clean-up
uucp, uulog, uuname (1C) - UNIX-to-UNIX system copy
uuencode, uudecode (1C) - encode/decode a binary file for transmission
via mail
uugetty (1M)
- set terminal type, modes, speed, and line
uuid_gen (1M)
- UUID generating program
uusched, pollhost, uudemon.hour, uudemon.poll (1M) - the scheduler for
the uucp file transport program
uustat (1C)
- uucp status inquiry and job control
uuto, uupick (1C)
- public UNIX-to-UNIX system file copy
Uutry (1M)
- try to contact remote system with debugging on
uuwho (1)
- show map entry for a site
uux (1C)
- UNIX-to-UNIX system command execution
uuxqt (1M)
- execute remote command requests
uwm (1)
- a window manager for X
vacation (1)
- return ``I am not here'' indication
vadmin (1G)
- interactive system administration tool
val (1)
- validate SCCS file
variables (1)
- Variables used or set by Tk
vc (1)
- version control
vcl (1)
- VMS shell for UNIX
verbatim (6D)
- force an image to be stored without run length
versions (1M)
- software versions tool
vftovp (1)
- convert virtual font (vf) files to virtual
property list format
vgrind (1)
- print nice-looking listings of programs
vhist (6D)
- display a 3-D volume histogram of a color image
vi, view, vedit (1)
- screen-oriented (visual) display editor based
on ex
viewres (1)
- graphical class browser for Xt
vilearn (1)
- present menu of tutorials for vi
vim (1)
- Vi IMitation, a programmers text editor
vis (6D)
- Copy the bytes of a file to the screen
vmh (1)
- visual front-end to MH
vmsprep (1)
- VMS tape preparation aid
vout (1V)
- video ``output'' control panel
vptovf (1)
- convert virtual property list files to virtual
w (1)
- who is on and what they are doing
wait (1)
- await completion of process
wait4wm (1)
- waits for the window manager
wall (1)
- write to all users
wasatchrle (1)
- Convert Wasatch Systems image files to RLE format
wc (1)
- word count
weave (6D)
- a weaving loom simulator for the IRIS.
what (1)
- identify SCCS files
whatis (1)
- describe what a command is
whatnow (1)
- prompting front-end for send
whereis (1)
- locate source, binary, and or manual for
which (1)
- locate a program file including aliases and
path (csh only)
who (1)
- who is on the system
- print effective current user id
whodo (1M)
- who is doing what
whom (1)
- report to whom a message would go
winattrd (1M)
- for internal use only
winfo (1)
- Return window-related information
winterm (1)
- provides a uniform interface to the user's
preferred terminal emulator, called from the workspace and toolchest
wherever an application needs a shell running in its own windowed
wish (1)
- Simple windowing shell
wm (1)
- Communicate with window manager
WorkSpace (1G)
- graphical interface to file system
worm (6D)
- draw wiggly worms
write (1)
- write to another user
wsh (1G)
- compatibility front end for xwsh
X (1)
- a portable, network-transparent window system
X Standards (1)
xarchie (1)
- X11 browser interface to archie, version 2.0.4
xargs (1)
- construct argument list(s) and execute command
xauth (1)
- X authority file utility
xautolock (l)
- locks X display after a period of inactivity
xball (6)
- bounce colored balls on the screen
xball (6D)
- bounce balls around in the window
xbattle (4.0)
- a multi-user battle strategy game
xbclock (1)
- a binary clock for X
xbiff (1)
- mailbox flag for X
xbmtopbm (1)
- convert an X11 or X10 bitmap into a portable
bit- map
xboard (6)
- X user interface for GNU Chess and the Internet
Chess Server
xcalc (1)
- scientific calculator for X
xcalendar (1)
- calendar with a notebook for X11
xcdplayer (1)
- X window system interface to run the sun or sgi
cdrom drive as a typical audio CD player.
xclipboard (1)
- X clipboard client
xclock (1)
- analog / digital clock for X
xconfirm (1G)
- general purpose dialog box
xcutsel (1)
- interchange between cut buffer and selection
xditview (1)
- display ditroff files
xdm (1)
- X Display Manager
xdpr (1)
- dump an X window directly to a printer
xdpyinfo (1)
- display information utility for X
xdvi (1)
- DVI Previewer for the X Window System
xedit (1)
- simple text editor for X
xev (1)
- print contents of X events
xeyes (1)
- watch over your shoulder
xf (1)
- interactive interface builder for Tcl/TK
xfappdef (1)
- interactive Tk/X Resource editor
xfd (1)
- font displayer for X
xfhardcopy (1)
- interactive Tk hardcopy program
xfhelp (1)
- interactive Tk help program
xfig (1)
- Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
under X11
xfontsel (1)
- point & click interface for selecting X11 font
xfpixmap (1)
- a small icon editor for Xpm 3 files
xftutorial (1)
- interactive Tk tutorial program
xgc (1)
- X graphics demo
xgopher (1)
- gopher client for the X window system
xgraph (1)
- Draw a graph on an X11 Display
xhost (1)
- server access control program for X
xhpgl (1)
- HPGL version 7470a Xwindow display program
ximtoppm (1)
- convert an Xim file into a portable pixmap
xinit (1)
- X Window System initializer
xkill (1)
- kill a client by its X resource
xless (1)
- File browsing program for the X Window System.
xlistscrns (1)
- prints available screens for an X server
xload (1)
- load average display for X
xlock (1)
- Locks the local X display until a password is
xlogo (1)
- X Window System logo
xlsatoms (1)
- list interned atoms defined on server
xlsclients (1)
- list client applications running on a display
xlsfonts (1)
- server font list displayer for X
xlswins (1)
- server window list displayer for X
xmag (1)
- magnify parts of the screen
xmailtool (1)
- X-Window(X11R4)- and mouse-based interface for
xman (1)
- Manual page display program for the X Window
xmh (1)
- X interface to the MH message handling system
xmj (6D)
- Mahjong game
xmkmf (1)
- simple interface to the imake utility for
generating X11 Makefiles
xmodmap (1)
- utility for modifying keymaps in X
xmol (1MSC)
- X-based molecule viewer and format converter
xmoon (1)
- display current moon phase on X-window
xnetlib (3.3)
- an X interface to netlib
xp (1)
- print a file in an X window
xpick (1)
- pick arguments via an X window
xpilot (6)
- XPilot/UX Multiplayer gravity war game handshake program
xpilots (6)
- XPilot/UX Multiplayer gravity war game server
xpmtoppm (1)
- convert an X11 pixmap into a portable pixmap
xpr (1)
- print an X window dump
xprop (1)
- property displayer for X
xpsview (1)
- Adobe Systems Display PostScript Document
Previewer, Version 1.2
xrdb (1)
- X server resource database utility
xrefresh (1)
- refresh all or part of an X screen
xrjetool (1)
- X11 Application for handling batchjobs in the
network (specially for use with cray supercomputers of the ZIB)
xscope (1)
- X Window Protocol Viewer
xset (1)
- user preference utility for X
xsetroot (1)
- root window parameter setting utility for X
Xsgi (1)
- X Window System server under Sgi IRIX.
xshowcmap (1)
- show colormap
xspringies (1)
- a mass and spring simulation system for X
xstdcmap (1)
- X standard colormap utility
xstr (1)
- extract strings from C programs to implement
shared strings
Xswarm Version 2.3 (6) - X11 animated toy
xterm (1)
- terminal emulator for X
xtmines (6)
- X11-based minefield game
xv (l)
- interactive image display for the X Window
xwatchwin (1)
- watch a window on another X server
xwd (1)
- dump an image of an X window
xwdtopnm (1)
- convert a X11 or X10 window dump file into a
portable anymap
xwininfo (1)
- window information utility for X
xwsh (1G)
xwud (1)
xzap (1)
xzoom (6D)
yacc (1)
ybmtopbm (1)
portable bitmap
ypcat (1)
ypchpass (1)
ypinit (1M)
ypmake (1M)
ypmatch (1)
yppasswd (1)
yppoll (1M)
yppush (1M)
ypserv, ypbind (1M)
ypset (1M)
ypupdated (1M)
ypwhich (1)
ypxfr (1M)
yp_bootparam (1M)
yp_host (1M)
yuvtoppm (1)
zcmp, zdiff (1)
zforce (1)
Zip (1)
zipinfo (1)
zmore (1)
compressed text
znew (1)
zsh (1)
creates and specifies a window shell
image displayer for X
Cartesian molecular model file format
X Process Zapper
magnify or minify an image in the x direction
yet another compiler-compiler
the 3D data format used by the powerflip demo
convert a Bennet Yee "face" file into a
print values in NIS databases
change selected NIS passwd fields
build and install NIS database
rebuild and distribute NIS databases
print key values in NIS map
change NIS login password
show version of NIS map on NIS server
force propagation of a changed NIS map
NIS server and binder processes
point ypbind at a particular NIS server
server for changing NIS information
print the NIS server or map master hostname
transfer an NIS map from some NIS server to
update NIS bootparams database
update NIS hosts database
convert Abekas YUV bytes into a portable pixmap
compare compressed files
force a '.gz' extension on all gzip files
package and compress (archive) files
list detailed information about a ZIP archive
- file perusal filter for crt viewing of
- recompress .Z files to .gz files
- the Z shell