SPIRIT OF 85 JOHN BOYLE O’REILLY COUNCIL #85 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS June, 2010 State Hospital, Larry and Herman for the Golf Tournament, David Fay for the Tootsie Roll Drive, Bob Mazzalupo for coordinating the Christmas Brother Knights, Ushers, Bill LaProde for the Christmas Creche and restoring the Bingo sign after it was knocked down by a Spring storm. Thank you to Carroll The June meeting of our Council was extremely Westgate and the Bingo team for keeping that long and, in the spirit of trying to get it done as essential function going week after week in good quickly as possible, I neglected to say “Thank and bad weather. Thank you to Peter Gardner You”!! for his continued support of our printing needs. I could go on for another half page. I know I During that meeting, you elected me to a second haven't covered half of the members who work term as Grand Knight. I thank you for the honor. so hard for this organization. There were many I also neglected to and want to thank all of you brothers who participated in these and other that do so much for the council. First of all I events supporting the Chairmen and making the want to thank brother Rich MacDonald who is entire council look good. I get a lot of the public stepping down this year as recorder and as credit, but it is all of you that really make this secretary of the corporation. Rich has been very happen. Thank you. ably performing these functions for many years GRAND KNIGHT’S MESSAGE (5?) and has been part of the team that has kept this council moving forward for many years. I want to thank Joe Puciarelli, Bob Kristan, John Hegarty and Bobby Sylvester for managing and maintaining our facilities for our charitable and other uses. Without our hall and it's income, we could not do the things that we do. And without our Charitable Corporation managers, we would not have a hall. I also want to thank David Pickering, Bill LaPrade, Joe Puciarelli, Tom Shea and Bob Gilmore for stepping up to fill vacancies in our organization as Council Deputy Grand Knight, Recorder, Chancellor and Corporation Vice President and Secretary, respectively. Congratulations to them on their election and to the others who were reelected for another term. It is your faith in us that keeps us going to meet your expectations for our Council. Thanks this year, like every year, go to Herman Millet who seems to be everywhere doing everything that's needed, from supporting the Bingo operation to filing forms for our Council's well earned awards to being our primary interface to the Church. Thank you to the current officers, our Chaplin Fr. Tim for his overwhelming support, our treasurer Fred Brown for keeping our checkbook and maintaining our corporate memory, Bob Kristan our financial secretary who works tirelessly maintaining our membership records, finances and coordinating all our degrees. Thank you to our advocate Ed McTighe for helping us over all the legal hurdles an organizations like ours gets faced with. Thank you to all the committee Chairs and participants who have made our activities this year not only happen, but be very successful. In particular, Jim O'Conner for the basketball Free Throw and the Soccer Kick-off, Jorge Fernandez for the Members Children's Christmas party, Fred Brown and Herman for the Children's Party's at the Fraternally and Gratefully Yours, Guido, GK ******************************* NEXT MEETING!!! We left a number of actions on the table in June. Please come to the next meeting of the Council on Monday, July 12th at 7:30 PM. Note that the August meeting may be another Clam Bake! More info at the July meeting. ******************************* 1 SPIRIT OF 85 JOHN BOYLE O’REILLY COUNCIL #85 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS June 2010 Knights of Columbus Council 85 Council Officers 2010 -2011 Chaplin Father Tim O'Mara Grand Knight Guido Lonardo Deputy Grand Knight David Pickering Chancellor Joe Pucciarelli Financial Secretary Bob Kristan, PGK Recorder Bill LaPrade Warden Rich Reilly Treasurer Fred Brown Trustee 1st Year Herman Millet, PGK, FDD Trustee 2nd Year Carroll Westgate, PGK Trustee 3rd Year Jim O'Connor, PGK Advocate Ed McTighe Inside Guard Larry Boyd Outside Guard Henry Wettlaufer Knights of Columbus Council 85 Charitable Corporation Officers 2010-2011 President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Joe Pucciarelli Tom Shea Bob Gilmore Bob Kristan 2