
Chancery Elementary Scheduling - Recommended Timeline for Completion
To begin to prepare for next year the following should occur in the Chancery Planning
Step 1
May 23, 2016
a. Principals should provide schedulers with student class lists
b. Principals should provide schedulers with grade level changes for the
teachers, subject assignments for teachers and homeroom assignments for
c. Principals should provide schedulers with a list of new Specialty subjects to
be added to the subject framework and scheduled for next year. Principals
should provide schedulers with a list of Specialty subjects that will not be
used next year and which can be removed from the scheduling setup.
d. Schedulers should meet with lead teachers to discuss if they will be team
teaching next year and what subjects the teachers will team teach. Once
team teaching is setup it will stay setup for the school year.
Step 2
June 6-9
a. Staff list - check staff list to make sure all your staff is listed, if available.
b. Room Setup - setup or revise your buildings and rooms if any changes are
c. Subject Framework - schedule and un-schedule any subjects offered on your
campus based on lists provided by the Principal.
Step 3
June 13-16
a. Homerooms - Change the teacher to the correct homeroom name or enter
new homeroom names.
b. Subject scheduling - When setting up ancillary, Life Skills, MI, regular,
resource, Bilingual/ESL, and team teaching, make any necessary changes to
assure the correct teacher is teaching the subject. This step must be
complete before you begin assigning students to homerooms and schedules.
c. Class set up - Check to see if your subject scheduling setup is correct and
complete. Re-run the Class setup every time changes are made to the
subject scheduling screen. The scheduler must show the final Class setup
to the principal for approval. Once the principal approves the Class setup,
the scheduler can assign homeroom names to promoted students.
Step 4
June 20-29
a. Assigning Homeroom names (advisor numbers) to students who have been
promoted. Students who are in summer school will be given a homeroom
name after summer school ends and the scheduler knows who was promoted
or retained.
b. Assigning Student Schedules after you have assigned all students to their
homerooms select Scheduling from the control bar. Use step 5 “Create
Student Schedule” and select the radio button “All Students”. This step will
create schedules for all subjects that are setup for automatic scheduling.
Warning: Using the radio button “All Students” in this step should only
be done one time after all students have been assigned a homeroom.
Any student that is added after that you must use the radio button
“Students with No Auto Scheduled Classes”. This is used only if
schools have no bilingual or ESL subjects assigned to the school.
Step 5
Scheduler must manually assign selected students to the correct Life Skills,
MI, and Bilingual/ESL subjects.
Sept. 1-23
a. Resource Services - Set up your subjects for resource services. NOTE:
Step 6 is not available in the planning calendar. It becomes available in the
Active calendar in August. Setting up Resource Services is not an option, it
must be done.
b. Resource Roster – Assign students to subjects’ setup for resource services,
from class rosters provided by the Special Ed Coordinator. If you do not have
this information please contact your principal for assistance. The Special
Education Coordinator supplies the scheduler with resource student class list
and information on the student; i.e. subject being taught to students, time
students began resource, minutes student attends resource, etc.
Steps 1-4 must be complete by June 29, 2016.
Step 5 should be completed by September 23, 2016.
Important Notes:
a. Remember to always switch your role to Master Scheduler when you are
doing Elementary Scheduling work.
b. Step 2 in Scheduling: Meeting Patterns, Scheduling Groups, and Day
Patterns are to be skipped.