TravelUOW 1 - Association of Independent Schools of NSW

Stage 5
Learning context: A trip around Germany
Topic: The start of the summer holidays
Indicative time: 5 weeks
Unit description: Learning in this unit focuses on developing students’ skills, knowledge and understanding within the context of travelling around Germany. Students acquire
vocabulary, expressions and language structures within this context. Student activities relate to the learn to and learn about statements and form the basis of the unit of work. Students
listen to, read and respond to texts and learn to experiment with linguistic structures in order to express their own ideas. This is the introductory unit to the course. It revises present tense
forms of verbs and introduces students to separable verbs, which they will require in later units of the course. Students will also become associated with possessive pronouns, which are
integral in later units. The present tense verbs of ‘sein’ and ‘haben’ are also revised here, which is useful for Unit 2 when students begin to learn ‘das Perfekt’ tense.
selects, summarises and analyses information and ideas in spoken texts and
responds appropriately
selects, summarises and analyses information and ideas in written texts and
responds appropriately
uses German by incorporating diverse structures and features to express own
Experiments with linguistic patterns and structures in German to convey
information and to express own ideas
demonstrates an understanding of the nature of languages as systems by
describing and comparing linguistic features across languages
uses linguistic resources to support the study and production of texts in
explores the interdependence of language and culture in a range of texts and
identifies and explains aspects of the culture of German-speaking
communities in texts
Language functions and structures
Talking about houses and furniture
Wir haben zwei Betten hier im Schlafzimmer.
Talking about how to get to places
Monika fährt mit der Fähre.
Saying where you would like to go on holiday
Wir wollen nach England.
Asking others where they are going on holiday
Was willst du denn in den Sommerferien machen?
Saying what you want to do
Ich will nach Cairns fahren.
Talking about your family
Der Vater von Klaus heißt Ernst.
Separable verbs
Prepositions: mit / nach + dative
Possessive pronouns
This document has been produced by the Languages Staff at Kambala with funds provided by the Australian Government through the Languages Program.
Feuerwerk 2 Hoffman et al (Kursbuch, Arbeitsbuch, Teacher’s Book) Chapter 1
Deutschland Puzzle (game)
Map of Germany
Worksheet map of Germany
Internet sites
Klipp und Klar (Ubungsgrammatik Grundstufe Deutsch) C Fandrych , U Ttallowitz
Videos and CD roms
Focus: Introduction to the unit
Content Standards Integrated teaching, learning and assessment activities
Outlines the communication tasks of the unit in English
Talk about favourite summer holiday destinations
Listen to then read representations of social exchanges in which young people discuss their plans for their
summer holidays (Cartoon Story)
Brainstorm to identify the purpose and main ideas of the exchange
Discuss what is happening in the scene and where the scene is taking place
Identify the main ideas and specific information by answering related questions in the workbook (p. 5 A, B & 6
C, D)
Focus: Presentation and consolidation of language structures – talking about travelling
Content Standards Integrated teaching, learning and assessment activities
This document has been produced by the Languages Staff at Kambala with funds provided by the Australian Government through the Languages Program.
Evidence of learning
Accurate identification of
specific details
Evidence of Learning
Class check
Presents new vocabulary, using flashcards of types of holiday transport and models pronunciation
Imitate pronunciation and participate in activities to internalise new vocabulary
Class discussion and
comments on grammatical
Correct completion will
demonstrate students’
understanding of word order, verb
T observ & oral
feedbk on ability to
describe language
structures and features
T observ & feedbk
on patterns and rules
Completion of activity will
illustrate ss understanding of
T’s oral feedbk on
identification of
specific information
Identify features of structures such as word order (separable verb), verb agreements and question forms
Practice the structures by completing written exercises in Wie Bitte (p. 7 B, 12A)
Assessment for learning activity – Reading and Responding / Writing
Read about “Sommerferiern in Deutschland”, identifying the use of the verb fahren to solve the puzzle. (T
Book p. 25)
5.UL.8 a – d
T observation &
oral feedback
Class check
Complete comprehension
5.UL.3a/b /
5.MLC.2a /
5.MBC.1d /
Correct pron of new vocab
Identify the relevant vocabulary through written exercises in Wie Bitte (p. 7 A)
Presents models of language structures via Cartoon Story
Willst du mitfahren? Ja, ich fahre gern mit. / Wer fährt mit dem Zug?/ Wer fährt zum Strand?/ Wohin fahren Karl
un Waldorfs Oma in den Ferien? / Wie fährst du lieber? Ich fahre lieber mit der Fähre
Explains the specific patterns and rules in sentence construction and provides revision for the verb fahren
Provides opportunities for students to imitate models and practise the structures by participating in oral and
written exercises in Wie Bitte (p. 12 A)
Imitate models of language structures
Correct pronunciation
T observ & feedbk
Complete a dialogue discussing holiday plans (T Book p. 21)
Completion of the dialogue
will demonstrate ss ability to
respond orally to a spoken text
Role-play in pairs the sample dialogue and then work in pairs to write and perform their own.
Performance of the roleplay
will demonstrate sts’ ability to
establish and maintain
Written feedbk
from T on content and
Completion of info gap
activity will illustrate sts’
understanding of the dialogues
and survey
Completion of the travel
brochure and or survey will show
further manipulation of language
for effective communication
T’s oral feedbk on
identification of
specific info
Evidence of learning
Assessment for learning activity – Listening
Listen to dialogues and complete information gap activity (AB p. 1A)
Listen to a survey and complete (AB p. 1 B)
Optional Extension Activities
Students design an IT travel brochure
5.UL.8 a – d /
Students write and conduct a survey about how people get to school
Focus: Cultural Understanding - Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Content Standards Integrated teaching, learning and assessment activities
This document has been produced by the Languages Staff at Kambala with funds provided by the Australian Government through the Languages Program.
T’s oral feedbk
T’s written feedbk
of both components
Brainstorm the 16 states in Germany and their capital cities
Complete “Deutschland Puzzle”
Complete worksheet of map of Germany to identify states
German alphabet (KB p. 13) + ‘Galgenmensch’ - hangman
Identify German numberplates according to states (T Book p. 19 & 24)
The map fits together
Identification of the states
Correct identification of the
T’s oral feedbk
T’s oral feedbk
T’s oral feedbk
Identification of purpose,
main ideas and specific ideas
Correct multi-choice
Correct report to class
Completion of the quiz will
illustrate sts’ understanding
of the geography of Germany
Completion of info gap
activity will illustrate sts’
understanding of place names
in Germany
T’s oral feedback
T’s oral feedbk
Read “Trabis letzte Deutschlandreise”
Identify the purpose of the text and the main ideas and effects
5.UL.2b, c
Locate relevant details from the text via multiple choice questions (AB p. 17)
5.UL.2d /
Research on the internet some basic facts and figures about one of the Bundersländer (size, population, major
cities, emblems, slogans) and report this information to the class.
Assessment for learning activity – Writing
Complete quiz about the geography of Germany (Teacher’s Book p. 23)
Assessment for learning activity – Listening
Listen to police radio reports about recording the rego number of stolen cars and write down the numbers
(AB p. 2C)
Listen to exchange students speaking about where they live in Germany and complete gap-fill activity (AB
p. 2D)
Focus: Presentation and consolidation of language structures – possessive adjectives and the family
Content Standards Integrated teaching, learning and assessment activities
This document has been produced by the Languages Staff at Kambala with funds provided by the Australian Government through the Languages Program.
Correct numbers will
illustrate sts’ understanding
Evidence of learning
T’s observ and oral
T’s oral feedbk
T’s oral feedback
T’s written
Uses family tree to introduce the vocabulary and briefly focuses on the use of von to explain possession p. 10
Imitate pronunciation of family members
Complete written exercise to internalise the vocabulary such as word substitution (T Book p. 26) and play a
version of the game Koffer Packen – Fritz hat eine große Famile. Er hat eine Schwester… Each student in turn
repeats what has been said and adds more family members.
Provides model of language structures relating to possessive adjectives (via Cartoon Story)
Möchtest du unser Wohnmobil sehen? Euer Wohnmobil ist toll.
Provides opportunities for students to imitate models and practise the structures by participating in oral and
written exercises
Complete word substitution exercises to practise the structure. (AB p. 13D, p. 14D)
Listen for specific details in short dialogues about a family (AB p. 3)
Participate in a game to find out the names of family members through strategic questioning (T Book p. 17)
Assessment for learning activity - Writing
Read and respond to questions relating to a family tree (AB p. 9)
Focus: Presentation and consolidation of language structures – describing houses and rooms
Content Standards Integrated teaching, learning and assessment activities
Uses an illustration of a display home to revise the names of the rooms in a house, and then to remind students
how to say ‘in’a room e.g im Wohnzimmer
Label rooms and furniture they can see in the house
Complete information gap exercises to practise new vocabulary (AB p. 11 – Rätsel)
Reminds students about the Accusative Case with ein/eine/einen
Complete word substitution exercise to practise the use of the Accusative Case with ein/eine/einen (AB p. 15F)
Provides models of language structures relating to describing the placement of furniture and other items in a
house (via Cartoon Story)
Wo ist der Fernseher? Er ist im Wohnzimmer./ Was gibt es im Badezimmer? Es gibt ein Klo. / Wie viele Betten gibt es
im Schlafzimmer?
This document has been produced by the Languages Staff at Kambala with funds provided by the Australian Government through the Languages Program.
Correct pron
Correct answers
T’s oral feedbk
T’s oral feedbk
Correct answers
Correct answers
T’s oral feedbk
Class check
T’s written
feedback on correct
responses to
questions and
format of sentences
The completion of the
questions in grammatically
correct German will indicate
sts’ understanding of the
questions and the grammar
Evidence of learning
Correct labelling will
illustrate understanding
Correct answers
Class check
Class check
T’s oral feedbk
Correct answers
Imitate models of language structures
Identify features of structures such as word order, gender references, verb agreements
5.UL.4a – d
5.UL8a - d
Optional Extension Activities
Students write a dialogue about showing their friends around their house
Practise and consolidate the structures by responding to questions (T Book p. 27)
Listen to descriptions of different bedrooms and identify specific information (AB p. 4G)
Listen to the descriptions again and consolidate language structures in the text
Write a description of their own bedroom, using available texts, dictionaries and resources to access vocabulary
and structures (AB p. 10G)
Focus: Presentation and consolidation of language structures – separable verbs
Content Standards Integrated teaching, learning and assessment activities
5.MLC.1a, b
5.UL.4a-d /
Read the Cartoon Story again for consolidation
Models language structures: ich fahre nicht gern weg. / Du kannst die Tür aufmachen. / Sie haben schon etwas
Provides opportunities for students to imitate models
Underline all examples of separable verbs in the text.
In pairs explore and discuss grammatical structures to identify specific characteristics of the language such as:
verb splits when conjugated (and the prefix is sent to the end of the sentence), but remains together in the infinitive
Practise the structures by participating in written exercises (AB p.l 16H)
Consolidate knowledge of structures by participating in communicative activities and exercises (KB p. 8)
Read a letter about a student inviting a penfriend to come on holiday. (TB p. 18)
Discuss the key features of the text, identifying the purpose and overall meaning
Discuss the structure of the letter and identify the roles and relationships between the participants in the text
Identify specific information regarding vocabulary and comprehension of the text
Explore and discuss the grammatical structures used in the text which have already been taught
Assessment for learning activity - Writing
Write a letter to a penfriend on MS Word, using the above model as a guide (AB. P. 11B)
This document has been produced by the Languages Staff at Kambala with funds provided by the Australian Government through the Languages Program.
Correct pronunciation
Group discussion
Participation and responses
Correct identification
The written description will
demonstrate the sts’
understanding the grammar and
sentence structure
Grammatical intricacy and
structure of the text
T’s oral feedbk
T’s observ and oral
T’s oral feedbk
T’s oral feedbk
Written feedbk
from T
T written feedbk
Evidence of learning
Correct underlining
Pair discussion will show
sts’ knowledge and undrstndng
of new structures
Correct responses
Participation in activity
T’s oral feedbk
T observ & oral
Class check
T observ & oral
T observ & oral
Pair discussion will show
sts’ knowledge
Correct responses
Pair discussion will show
sts’ knowledge
The written letter will
demonstrate sts’ knowledge
and understanding of
structures, format, roles and
IT skills
Class discussion
T observ & oral
T written feedbk