Name Date Class ______ Personal Fitness Comprehensive Test

Name __________________________________ Date ______________ Class
Personal Fitness
Comprehensive Test
Multiple Choice
______ 1. Which best describes the effect heredity has on physical fitness?
A. Heredity determines body type which can affect physical fitness.
B. Heredity has no effect on physical fitness.
C. Heredity is the main factor deciding a person’s physical fitness.
D. Obese parents will always have obese children.
______ 2. The Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q):
A. requires that students answer “no” to all 7 questions.
B. helps to ensure that all students are safe to participate in vigorous activities.
C. requires students who answer “yes” to all questions or talk with a doctor before
participating in physical activity.
D. All of the above are correct.
______ 3. Which best describes cholesterol as a health-risk factor?
A. High levels of cholesterol are of little health concern.
B. It is easy to eat healthy low cholesterol meals at fast food places.
C. Many teenagers eat a diet that is too high in fat, which can increase cholesterol
D. The metabolism of teenagers is so high that cholesterol is not a problem.
______ 4. The health-related components of physical fitness are most associated with:
A. how fast you improve.
B. how well the systems of your body operate.
C. how well you perform in sports activities.
D. your level of athletic ability.
______ 5. Body composition is best described as the:
A. amount of fat a person has.
B. amount of muscle a person has.
C. key to health-related fitness.
D. ratio of fat to muscle, bone, and other tissues in a person’s body.
______ 6. The amount of time it takes to get moving once your senses signal the need to move
is called:
A. agility.
B. coordination.
C. reaction time.
D. speed.
______ 7. Health-related fitness standards are best described as:
A. a method of comparing yourself to other people.
B. satisfactory levels of flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and
endurance, and body composition necessary for good health.
C. scoring at the 85th percentile.
D. the percentage of individuals of the same age and sex who scored at or below
your test score.
8. Which is the most important factor in setting goals?
A. analyzing where your friends are now
B. having the desire to improve yourself
C. getting advice from friends on how to reach goals
D. writing your goals down in a non-specific way
______ 9. You are better able to achieve your goals if you:
A. believe you can be successful.
B. have the desire to improve yourself.
C. understand the benefits you will receive when successful.
D. understand that all of the above are true.
______ 10. Which of the following should you implement as you plan your goal setting
A. Get advice from your friends about your program.
B. Make a list of all of the benefits you would receive.
C. If your diet is not a problem, you may skip that factor.
D. If you have desire, you do not need to monitor your progress.
______ 11. Evaluating you present fitness level prior to beginning an exercise program:
A. is only important for physically inactive people.
B. is usually not important.
C. will have nothing to do with the activities you choose for your program.
D. will help you set realistic goals and see progress.
______ 12. Which would be important to do when exercising in hot weather?
A. dressing in layers is advisable
B. taking salt tablets
C. continue to run at the same time of day so you become acclimated
D. wearing light-weight, light-colored clothing
______ 13. Which best describes the symptoms of heat stroke?
A. clammy skin, no sweat, visual disturbances
B. hot dry skin, no sweat, unsteady walking
C. no sweat, average body temperature, lack of urine
D. unsteady walking, no sweat, chills
______ 14. Warming up:
A. generates heat in the muscle and joint tissues.
B. helps to make you feel like moving vigorously.
C. increases the blood supply to your muscles.
D. involves all of the above benefits.
______ 15. Factors you should consider before starting a training program include:
A. past medical history.
B. present health.
C. previous involvement in physical activity.
D. all of the above.
16. The amount of overload needed depends on:
A. each individual.
B. if you are male or female.
C. your age.
D. current level of fitness.
______ 17. _______ is the training principle which states that improvement in personal fitness
will only occur with periodic increase in the level of exercise.
A. Frequency
B. Progression
C. Overload
D. Time
______ 18. Older people or those who are overweight may need to:
A. go at a faster progression.
B. reduce the level of intensity.
C. reduce the amount of exercise time.
D. do both B and C.
______ 19. The safest type of stretching is:
A. ballistic.
B. dynamic.
C. isotonic.
D. static.
______ 20. To achieve an increase in flexibility, the intensity of training should be sufficient
enough to stretch muscles and soft tissues:
A. just to the threshold of sensing pain in the muscle.
B. until you experience pain in the joints.
C. until you feel a burning pain in the muscle.
D. until you feel cramping in the muscle.
______ 21. The time or duration of a flexibility exercise can safely be increased by:
A. bounce stretching a muscle ten times.
B. holding the muscle in a static stretch for twenty seconds.
C. placing heavy weights on the stretched limb for one minute.
D. stretching a joint for no more than five seconds.
______ 22. The best places to take your pulse are the:
A. chest and neck.
B. chest and wrist.
C. wrist and ankle.
D. wrist and neck.
______ 23. Which set of health risk factors can a person control?
A. high blood pressure, heredity, smoking, diet
B. inactivity, obesity, age, diet
C. sex, smoking, obesity, stress
D. stress, diet, smoking, obesity
24. You can make your heart stronger because it is a:
A. gland.
B. muscle.
C. nerve.
D. organ.
______ 25. You determine maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from:
A. 150.
B. 180.
C. 220.
D. 250.
______ 26. Which is true about weight training?
A. Females do not need to worry about muscle-bulk and definition.
B. Females, like males, can build large, bulky muscles.
C. Muscle developed during weight training will turn to fat if you stop lifting.
D. Weight training will cause a person to become muscle-bound.
______ 27. Which is not true about fast-twitch muscle fibers?
A. are also called white fibers
B. are found in all skeletal muscles
C. are necessary for short-distance track events
D. used primarily for aerobic activities
______ 28. If you push against a stationary object for 10 seconds, you have performed an:
A. eccentric exercise.
B. isokinetic exercise.
C. isometric exercise.
D. isotonic exercise.
______ 29. _____ are exercises to improve a specific part of fitness using the weight and
of the body itself.
A. Calisthenics
B. Cool-down activities
C. Isotonics
D. Isokintrics
______ 30. The primary source of amino acids is the:
A. bread-cereal group.
B. vegetable group.
C. meat-poultry-fish-bean group.
D. milk-cheese group.
______ 31. One of the values of fiber intake is the:
A. balancing of a nutritionally sound diet.
B. increasing of good cholesterol.
C. lowering bad cholesterol.
D. reducing need for fluid intake.
32. What food groups are included in the Food Pyramid?
A. fruits-vegetables-bean, bread-cereal, vegetables, milk-cheese, fat-oil-sweets
B. meat-poultry-fish-bean, fruits, milk-cheese, vegetables, bread-cereal, fat-oil,
C. milk-cheese, meat-poultry-fish-bean, fruits-vegetables, bread-cereal, fat-oil
D. vegetables-bean-cheese, bread-cereal, fruits, meat-fish-poultry, fat-oil-sweets
______ 33. Dried beans and nuts are included in which food group?
A. bread-cereal group
B. vegetable group
C. meat-poultry-fish group
D. milk-cheese group
______ 34. Which body type is characterized by a solid, muscular, and large-boned physique?
A. ectomorph
B. endomorph
C. mesomorph
D. somatotype
______ 35. Height and weight charts can be misleading because:
A. they are established for people over 20 years of age.
B. they do not tell you how much of your weight is lean body mass and how much
is body fat.
C. they are difficult to interpret by untrained individuals
D. all of the above.
______ 36. Creeping obesity is best described as:
A. developing extra fat cells.
B. gaining fat very slowly over a period of years.
C. middle-age spread.
D. all of the above.
______ 37. Which activity would contribute least to weight loss?
A. golf
B. jogging
C. soccer
D. wrestling
______ 38. A stressor is something that causes:
A. low stress.
B. negative stress.
C. positive stress.
D. all of the above
______ 39. When you refuse to identify situations, you are:
A. avoiding.
B. compensating.
C. projecting.
D. rationalizing.
40. Which would not be a good strategy in developing a stress-management program?
A. Develop positive coping strategies.
B. Improve your physical fitness.
C. Watch what you eat.
D. Worry about minor stressors so they will not become larger.
______ 41. A negative coping technique is one that:
A. could be harmful to you.
B. could be harmful to other people.
C. eases or masks stress.
D. could be all of the above.
______ 42. Which statement is most accurate?
A. Most people have never been “ripped off” on health-related products.
B. Teenagers are a very big target for advertisers.
C. Teenagers spend little money on what might be called “glamour” products.
D. Teenagers usually make smart buying decisions.
______ 43. Exercise gimmicks will usually include information about:
A. changing bad habits.
B. the “long haul” concept.
C. quick, easy fixes.
D. ideal body weight and percentage of body fat.
______ 44. Anabolic steroids may cause:
A. a reduction in breast size in women.
B. an interference with normal bone growth in teenagers.
C. the testes to shrink.
D. all of the above.
______ 45. Which exercise program is considered to be the quickest and most effective way to
develop muscular strength and muscular endurance?
A. calisthenics
B. circuit training
C. swimming
D. weight training
______ 46. Which exercise program is least effective for developing cardiovascular fitness?
A. aerobic dance
B. bicycling
C. rope jumping
D. weight training
______ 47. Which is not true regarding the cost of activities?
A. Most fitness activities require considerable amount of equipment.
B. Many communities offer free or inexpensive recreation facilities.
C. Many communities offer free or inexpensive physical activity classes.
D. The cost of equipment needed for some activities can be very expensive
48. Which should be the first step in designing your personal fitness program?
A. determine basic guidelines
B. evaluate fitness level
C. goal setting
D. selection of activities
______ 49. The reason you should monitor your heart rate during exercise is to properly apply
the overload variable of:
A. frequency.
B. intensity.
C. specificity.
D. time.
______ 50. In order to keep an exercise program going, you should avoid:
A. exercising with other people.
B. doing only what your friends do.
C. keeping records.
D. using a variety of activities
Comprehensive Test Key
1. B 11. D 21. B 31. C 41. D
2. D 12. D 22. D 32. B 42. B
3. C 13. B 23. D 33. C 43. C
4. B 14. D 24. B 34. C 44. D
5. D 15. D 25. C 35. B 45. D
6. C 16. D 26. A 36. B 46. D
7. B 17. B 27. D 37. A 47. A
8. D 18. D 28. C 38. D 48. B
9. D 19. D 29. A 39. A 49. B
10. B 20. A 30. C 40. D 50. B