2007-08 SCHOLARSHIPS & FELLOWSHIPS DEADLINES October, 2007. 1st: Rhodes Scholarship http://www.rhodesscholar.org/ 4: Marshall Scholarship http://www.marshallscholarship.org/ 5: Bridging Scholarship for Study in Japan (for undergraduates, Spring ’08 semester) http://www.colorado.edu/ealld/atj/Bridging/scholarships.html 5: Javits Fellowship (for graduate study in arts, humanities, social sciences; application includes GRE scores) http://www.ed.gov/programs/jacobjavits/index.html 5: Mitchell Scholarship http://www.us-irelandalliance.org/wmspage.cfm?parm1=34 9: Gilman International Scholarship (for undergraduates, Spring ’08 semester) http://www.iie.org/programs/gilman/index.html 15: Gates-Cambridge Scholarship & Application to Cambridge (for graduate study) http://www.gates.scholarships.cam.ac.uk/ 15: HSF (Hispanic Scholarship Foundation) College Scholarship Program (undergraduate and graduate study in all fields) http://www.hsf.net/scholarship/programs/college.php 15: Scoville Peace Fellowship (for Spring ’08 Fellowship) http://www.scoville.org/ 17: Freeman-ASIA (Spring ’08 semester) http://www.iie.org/programs/freeman-asia/ 19: Fulbright national deadline http://us.fulbrightonline.org/home.html 26: APSA Minority Fellows Program (political science) (application includes GRE scores) http://www.apsanet.org/section_427.cfm 31: German Chancellor Scholarship (graduate study in Germany in any field) http://www.humboldtfoundation.de/en/programme/stip_aus/buka.htm November, 2007. 1: American-Scandinavian Foundation Awards for Graduate Study/ Research in Scandanavia www.amscan.org 1: DAAD German Studies Research Grants www.daad.org/?p=germanstudies 1: DAAD Study Scholarship (German studies in music, visual arts and performing arts, for graduating seniors) (national deadline) http://www.daad.org/?p=gradstudy 1: GEM Fellowship (for minority seniors: engineering, science; for minority juniors: engineering, comp science) www.gemfellowship.org 1: Soros Fellowship (for new American graduating seniors) www.pdsoros.org 1-9: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF) (science, tech, engineering, social sciences) (deadlines vary by discipline) http://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=6201&org=NSF 2: Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship (physical sciences, engineering) (application includes GRE scores) http://www.hertzfoundation.org/dx/Fellowships/ 12: Churchill Foundation Scholarship (national deadline) (application includes GRE scores) http://winstonchurchillfoundation.org/ 15: DAAD Study Scholarship (German studies in fields other than music, visual arts and performing arts) (national deadline) http://www.daad.org/?p=gradstudy 15: Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowship (seniors in science, humanities, engineering) http://www7.nationalacademies.org/fordfellowships/index.html 16: Coro Kansas City Summer Internship in Public Affairs (sophomores, juniors and seniors) www.coro.org 17: DAAD EMGIP – Bundestag Internships (German parliament- juniors and seniors) http://www.daad.org/?p=53287 30: USA Today Academic All-American Award http://allstars.usatoday.com December, 2007. 1: Congress Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals http://www.cdsintl.org/cbyx/index.htm 1: French Government Teaching Assistantship (NOT Fulbright) (priority for age group and location) http://www.frenchculture.org/a_assistantship-program_195.cfm 1: JET (Japan Exchange and Teaching) Program http://www.us.embjapan.go.jp/JETProgram/homepage.html 3: Luce Scholarships (national deadline- 1st Mon in Dec) http://www.hluce.org/3scholfm.html 7: Elie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Essay Contest www.eliewieselfoundation.org 15: UNCF: Merck Undergraduate Science Research Fellowship (juniors) http://www.uncf.org/merck/programs/undergrd.htm 30: Blakemore Freeman Fellowship for Advanced Asian Language Study (seniors) www.blakemorefoundation.org ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2008 January, 2008. 1: French Government Teaching Assistantship (NOT Fulbright) (priority for age group and location) www.frenchculture.org/education 5: Andover Teaching Fellowship http://www.andover.edu/personnel/TeachingFellowInfo.htm 5: Consortium for Graduate Study in Management Fellowship www.cgsm.org 5: Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs (seniors) http://www.coro.org/site/c.geJNIUOzErH/b.2086429/k.72FF/Coro_Fellows_Program.htm 7: Teach for America http://www.teachforamerica.org/index.htm 8: National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships (NDSEG) www.asee.org/ndseg 8: NIH-Cambridge Research Scholars Program (Biomedical research) http://gpp.nih.gov/Applicants/ProspectiveStudents/Cambridge 8: NIH Oxford Scholars in Biomedical Research Program http://gpp.nih.gov/applicants/ProspectiveStudents/Oxford 10: Deptartment of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship www.krellinst.org/csgf 15: Carnegie Junior Fellowships receipt of nominations at Foundation www.carnegieendowment.org 17: National Flagship Language Program (advanced graduate language study) http://www.iie.org/programs/nsep/flagship/default.htm 18: Bill Emerson National Hunger Fellowship (seniors) www.hungercenter.org 23: Dept of Homeland Security: Science and Technology Directorate Undergraduate Scholarships for Rising Juniors (physical, biological, social and behavioral sciences, engineering, math, computer science) (transcript and references due January 30) http://www.orau.gov/dhsed/Default.htm 23: Dept of Homeland Security: Science and Technology Directorate Graduate Fellowships (physical, biological, social and behavioral sciences, engineering, math, computer science) (transcript, references and GRE scores due January 30) http://www.orau.gov/dhsed/Default.htm 26: Rangel Int’l Affairs Fellowship (seniors: Foreign Service) http://www.howard.edu/rjb/rangelprogram.htm 30: NSEP-Boren Graduate Fellowship (national security) http://www.iie.org/programs/nsep/graduate/default.htm 31: DAAD Undergraduate Scholarship (sophomores and juniors, all fields of study in Germany) www.daad.org/?p=undergrad 31: DAAD University Summer Course Grant (juniors and seniors: Germany) www.daad.org/?p=summercourse 31: Killam Fellowship (undergraduate study in Canada) www.killamfellowships.com 31: NASA Undergraduate Student Research Program (sophomores and juniors) (summer session) http://www.vsgc.odu.edu/desc.htm 31: National Wildlife Federation Fellowship (all undergraduates) www.nwf.org/campusecology February, 2008. 1: DAAD RISE (Research Internship in Science and Engineering in Germany) (juniors and seniors) http://www.daad.de/rise/en/ 1: French Government Teaching Assistantship (NOT Fulbright) (final deadline) www.frenchculture.org/education 1: Goldwater nominations/ applications due http://www.act.org/goldwater/yybull.html 1: Scoville Peace Fellowship (for Fall Fellowship after graduation) http://www.clw.org/scoville/ 1: Society of Women Engineers (graduating seniors and undergraduates) www.swe.org/scholarships 2: Villers Fellowship for Health Care Justice (seniors) http://www.familiesusa.org/about/the-villersfellowship.html 2: Wellstone Fellowship for Social Justice (seniors) http://www.familiesusa.org/about/wellstonefellowship.html 5: Pickering Graduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship (Foreign Service) http://www.woodrow.org/publicpolicy/graduate.php 5: SMART (rising juniors and seniors in math, engineering, computer science, biosciences and behavioral sciences) http://www.asee.org/fellowships/smart/index.cfm 6: Truman Scholarship nominations/ applications www.truman.gov 7: Humanity in Action Summer Program (sophomores, juniors, seniors) http://www.humanityinaction.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2&Itemid=3/core.htm l 9: Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship (sophomores, Foreign Service) http://www.woodrow.org/publicpolicy/undergraduate.php 9: MfA (Math for America) Newton Fellowship (for future math teachers) (application includes scores from Praxis II: Mathematics Content and Math Proofs & Reasoning Tests) http://mathforamerica.org/htdocs/template.php?section=nf&content=overview 12: IN Governor’s Fellowship www.in.gov/gov/fellowship 13: NSEP-Boren Undergraduate Scholarship nominations due http://www.iie.org/programs/nsep/undergraduate/default.htm 15: Samuel Huntington Public Service Award (seniors) http://www.nationalgridus.com/commitment/d41_award.asp 15: English Language Teaching Assistantship in Austria (NOT Fulbright) http://www.fulbright.at/us_citizens/teaching_intro.php?PHPSESSID=7665bab43097d1331e6328fb2f827 129 15: ISI Fellowships (Weaver: future teachers; Salvatori: American Founding; Western Civilization: WCstudies) (see Michael Zuckert) http://www.isi.org/programs/fellowships/fellowships.html 15: Simon Fellowship for Noble Purpose (seniors) http://www.isi.org/programs/fellowships/simon.html 16: Ralph Bunche Summer Institute (minority juniors in political science) http://www.apsanet.org/section_397.cfm 16: Rangel Int’l Affairs Summer Enrichment Program (sophomores and juniors, Foreign Service) http://www.howard.edu/rjb/rangelprogram-old2.htm 16: CDC/AHPL Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratory Fellowship (seniors) http://www.aphl.org/training_and_fellowships/fellowships/index.cfm?FellowshipID=1#Overview 18: Teach for America http://www.teachforamerica.org/index.htm 28: California Capital Fellows Program (seniors: CA Assembly, Senate, Executive and Judicial fellowships) http://www.csus.edu/calst/programs/ 28: NASA Undergraduate Student Research Program (sophomores and juniors) (fall session) http://www.vsgc.odu.edu/desc.htm 28: NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program (freshman, sophomores, juniors: biomedical, behavioral and social sciences) http://www.ugsp.nih.gov/home.asp?m=00 March, 2008. 1: Beinecke nomination due www.beineckescholarship.org 1: James Madison Junior Fellowship (seniors: history, political science, social studies, teaching) http://www.jamesmadison.com/ 1: Public Policy & International Affairs Fellowship Program (PPIA Fellowship Program) (juniors) http://www.ppiaprogram.org/ 2: GFOA Government Accounting and Finance Scholarships (undergraduates) http://www.gfoa.org/services/scholarships.shtml#greathouse 6: Udall Scholarship nominations due http://www.udall.gov/ 7: Freeman-ASIA (for Summer program) http://www.iie.org/programs/freeman-asia/ 15: DAAD: High-Tech in Old Germany (sophomores, juniors, seniors engineering and science students) http://www.daad.org/?p=hightech 15: Jack Kent Cooke Graduate Scholarship nominations due www.jackkentcookefoundation.org 15: HCF/ Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting (ALPFA) Undergraduate Scholarship http://scholarships.hispanicfund.org/applications/subsectionID.1,pageID.112/default.asp 16: UNCF-Institute for International Public Policy Fellowship (minority sophomores interested in graduate study, internships in international affairs) http://www.uncfsp.org/iipp/content/program.cfm#top 31: Rotary World Peace Scholarship (Local deadline) (graduate study at Rotary Centers for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution) http://www.rotary.org/foundation/educational/amb_scho/centers/scholars/index.html April, 2008. 3: Gilman International Scholarship (undergraduate fall semester/ academic year) http://www.iie.org//programs/gilman/index.html 4: Freeman-ASIA (undergraduate fall semester/ academic year) http://www.iie.org/programs/freeman-asia/ 5: Bridging Scholarship for Study in Japan (undergraduate fall semester/ academic year) http://www.colorado.edu/ealld/atj/ May, 2008. 1: DAAD German Studies Research Grant (juniors and seniors) http://www.daad.org/?p=51532 14: HSF/McNamara Family Creative Arts Project Grant (undergraduates) http://www.hsf.net/scholarship/programs/mcnamara.php June, 2008. 30: HSF/General Motors Scholarship Program (business, engineering undergraduates) http://www.hsf.net/scholarship/programs/gm.php July, 2008. 1: Horizon Scholarship: Women in Defense (juniors and seniors, national security and defense) http://wid.ndia.org/horizon/ 1: Check website again for Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Graduate Fellowship Program deadline http://www.orau.gov/nrced/ If you have any questions, please come visit us at CSURF!