Pros and Cons Zoos

Pros and Cons of Zoos
Today, zoos don't just cater to the recreational needs of visitors, but also indulge into research
and conservation of wild animals. However, the way animals are being forced to live in
unnatural conditions has raised concerns about their well-being in the confines of zoos. Thus,
it becomes necessary to study the pros and cons of zoos.
Quick Fact!
'Surplus animals' is a term used to refer to the excess animals in a zoo. Such animals, owing
to limited space, cannot be accommodated in zoos. Generally, surplus animals are sold to
other zoos. However, in some cases they are killed.
The word zoo, is an abbreviated form of 'zoological garden' and it was coined in the nineteenth
century. A zoo can be described as collection of animals found in nature. The reasons behind
keeping animals in captivity are associated with educational needs, research, recreation and
conservation. The 'zoo culture' can be traced back to the early period of Chinese, Egyptian and
Mesopotamian civilizations. The common types of zoos that we know are urban cage-zoos,
safaris and sanctuaries. For a long time, zoo authorities claimed to have contributed to the
conservation of endangered animal species; however with animal rights organizations
becoming vocal on the issue of abuse of zoo animals, people are beginning to understand how
zoos actually function.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Zoos
The question whether animals should be kept in captivity or not is debated on many platforms
and forums. This issue is indirectly related to environmental problems and is the source of
heated debates taking place the world over. Let's try to understand the pros and cons of zoos
through the following arguments.
Natural Habitat and Animal Rights
A Zoo Elephant
• Pros: It is argued that animals don't have rights as such. In order to protect and take care
of endangered wild animals, they need to be captured and confined to secure places. With rise
in poaching of wild animals for fur, ivory and supposed medicinal benefits, zoos appear to be
the safe havens for animals. Moreover, captive breeding can help raise the number of
endangered wild animals.
• Cons: Animals have their own, natural rights and capturing them for any reason whatsoever
is the breach of the same. For example, elephants are known to travel long distances when
they are the wild. In fact, elephants in the wild follow migratory routes and travel in herds
called 'bond groups'. Therefore, restricting their movements by keeping them in the confines
of a zoo is unnatural. Wild animals are, in a way, connected to their natural surroundings and
this bond is broken when they are put into artificial settings of a zoo.
The Good and Bad Zoos
• Pros: It is true that in the past, many zoos have subjected animals to cruel treatment.
However, there is continuous improvement observed in the manner in which zoos operate. It
won't be fair to shut down all the zoos for the sake of mistakes committed by a few in the
past. Moreover, not all zoos subject animals to cruel treatment. With reforms brought about in
this sector, animals are given a much better treatment today.
Rhinoceros in a Zoo
• Cons: No matter how good the facilities in a zoo are, animals tend to suffer in the confines
of zoos. Animals in zoos constantly live under a kind of psychological pressure because their
natural movements are limited by boundaries of the zoo. The psychological pressure tends to
get reflected in their abnormal behavior. Animals that are born in a captive environment never
get to see the world outside the confines of their cages/boundaries. Locking them up in cages
deprives them of the much-needed freedom. Such animals, if ever released in the wild, should
find it difficult to adapt to the 'foreign' environment, which is far different from that of zoos;
the example of the attention seeking orphan baby polar bear, "Knut" is fresh in the minds of
people even today. Moreover, not all the claims regarding proper care of animals made by zoo
authorities hold true.
Role of Zoos in Education
• Pros: These days, zoo authorities place a greater emphasis on education and conservation
than merely recreation. Many school children visit zoos to know more about endangered
species and the different ways to conserve them. The signboards in zoos provide useful details
about animals including their scientific name, habitat, origin, diet, etc. Students can study
about different kinds of wild animals without having to travel to far off places. Zoos are in fact,
trying to make people aware of the environmental problems.
Caged Lion
• Cons: For many of us, visiting a zoo amounts to nothing more than recreation. There are
only a few who visit zoos for educational purposes. Moreover, if people get used to watching
animals in zoos, a deep-seated thought that zoo being an ideal place for animals may take
root in their minds. It is observed that visitors tend to abuse animals by throwing objects at
them; such kind of careless and irresponsible behavior by visitors has a negative effect on
animals. In fact, such kind of abuse could also prove fatal. Generally, tigers and lions are at
the receiving end of abuse by visitors. There is one more thing to consider when we analyze
the role of zoos in educating us about wild animals. Captive animals are not able to exhibit
their natural behavioral traits. Therefore, studying a zoo animal won't reveal much about
animals living in natural settings.
Conservation of Endangered Species
• Pros: Zoo owners claim that conservation of endangered species of animals is their prime
objective. It is also argued that in today's world, where animals face a constant threat of
poaching, zoos are amongst the safest places for wild animals (How ironic!). Zoo authorities
don't claim that the functioning of zoos is flawless; they admit that captive animals have to
suffer from different kinds of problems; however, they also expect people to appreciate the
sincere efforts taken by them to protect and preserve wild animals.
Caged Monkey
• Cons: The people and activists who oppose the very idea of setting up zoos argue that even
if zoo owners take sincere efforts to conserve wild animals, success attained in protecting
them is insignificant. According to animal right activists, one doesn't need to exhibit animals
for recreational purposes if the sole objective behind setting up a zoo is of conservation.
The debate of whether zoos are good or bad is an endless one. There is no doubt whatsoever
that efforts need to be taken to study, protect and preserve animals; however, care should be
taken to see that, in the process, animals suffer the least. Also, one cannot deny the fact that
some zoo authorities violate animal rights. Creating awareness about animal rights and
devising efficient ways to control animal population is necessary. Conservation efforts should
be undertaken with a broader perspective of maintaining the ecological balance as a whole.
The study of pros and cons of zoos should provide us with a balanced view of the debate. In
the end, it is up to us to decide whether we want to see animals in zoos or in their natural
Shashank Nakate
Last Updated: May 18, 2013