02/17/16 1 2 3 4 5 1 ROUGH DRAFT; COMMENTS WELCOME What We Talk About When We Talk about Causality Jim Bogen, Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh (jbogen@pitt.edu) <<13168 words>> 6 i. Until recently, the standard views about causality were driven by the Humean dogma that 7 ignoring expectations and other psychological factors, causal relations boil down to some sort of 8 regularity among actual and possible occurrences of things like the cause and things like the 9 effect. Hume himself thought that actual occurrences of things like the cause must always be 10 followed by actual occurrences of the effect under similar circumstances.(*cite) Analytically 11 minded 20th century Humeans believed causal explanations require the derivation of canonically 12 worded descriptions of the effect or the probability of its occurrence from canonical descriptions of 13 initial conditions and universally applicable, exceptionless scientific laws whose modal status 14 makes them suitable for the derivation of counterfactual claims. .(*Hempel). The apparent scarcity 15 of real world scientific causal processes which satisfy stringent regularity conditions led many 16 latter day Humeans to retreat to a more modest view. They continue to think the things physicists 17 explain are instances of laws (general relativity field equations and Schrodinger’s equation, for 18 example) which describe exceptionless regularities. But they think biologists, psychologists, 19 sociologists, and others who work in special sciences must somehow make do with contingent, 20 second rate generalizations which hold locally rather than universally, are prone to exceptions, 21 and hold only to an approximation of the systems whose effects they explain.(*cites including 22 Beatty and *Mitchell, Phil Sci,) Latter day Humeans can’t explain how such low grade principles 23 can deliver satisfactory explanations unless they can be reduced to genuine laws. Their failure to 24 provide detailed reductions leaves them with little to say about causal explanations in the special 25 science. 26 To make matters worse, there are reasons to doubt the truth and universal applicability of 27 generalizations from physics which Humeans typically consider to be genuine laws of 28 nature.(*Cartwright, Scriven, Woodward PSA 2000, etc. and *Earman (in conversation) on how 29 hard it is to think that Relativity and Quantum Mechanics laws are both correct.) Some Humeans 30 say the problematic generalizations are true ceteris paribus. This collapses into the triviality that 31 explanatory laws are true whenever they are true unless the ceteris conditions can be specified in 32 some detail. But when they are spelled out, the things the laws are supposed to explain often 33 turn out to occur under circumstances which fail to satisfy them. When this happens, It is hard to 34 see why the truth of the ceteris paribus laws should make any difference to the goodness of an 35 explanation. Humeans tend to think we want an explanations for things which puzzle us because 36 we didn’t expect it to happen. If so, it should satisfy our desire for an explanation to show that an 37 effect is an instance of a regularity..(*Cite Hempel) But then ceteris paribus laws can’t explain 02/17/16 1 effects which occur in situation which fail to satisfy the ceteris paribus conditions.(*Cite 2 Cartwright)1 3 2 So many difficulties have plagued the Humean program that it would be perverse not to look for 4 a happier account of causal explanation The most promising alternatives to Humeanism are 5 Mechanism (as developed by various permutations of Machamer, Darden, and Craver), and 6 systematic dependence accounts of causality (SD) like Jim Woodward's.(*cite) Both reject the 7 Humean idea that causal explanations depend on laws as traditionally understood. 8 SD maintains a variant of the traditional idea that regularity is crucial to causality, but the 9 regularities it believes to be characteristic of causal processes differ from those of standard 10 Humean accounts. For one thing, they are counterfactual regularities which obtain among ideal 11 interventions on factors belonging to the system which produces the effect to be explained, and 12 the results which would ensue if the interventions occurred. Furthermore, because the required 13 regularities typically hold only for some interventions, the generalizations which describe them 14 need not qualify as genuine Humean laws. Mechanism is an even more drastic departure from 15 Humeanism. It maintains that a causal explanation must describe the system which produces the 16 effect of interest by enumerating its components and what they do to contribute to the production 17 of the effect. Mechanists acknowledge that some mechanisms operate with great regularity, but 18 they do not believe that the understanding we get from a causal explanation derives from its 19 description of actual or counterfactual regularities. 20 Our view is that the Humean program has broken down, and that Mechanism offers a better 21 account of causal explanation than SD. After sketching these two accounts in a little more detail 22 (§ii below) we look (in §iii) at some typical neuroscientific explanations. They are of interest first, 23 because they actually do appeal to some highly general principles (Nernst’s equation, Ohm’s law, 24 the Goldman, Hodgkin, Katz Constant Field equation and the Mullins and Noda Steady State 25 equation) which look, as much as anything in this area of neuroscience, like Humean laws. But 26 as we’ll see, they, and the uses to which they are put, are decidedly and illuminatingly non- 27 Humean. Secondly, the explanations we consider involve a number of somewhat more limited 28 generalizations about what goes on, or what can be expected to go on in the neuron under 29 specified conditions. SD and Mechanism can be expected to tell significantly different stories 30 about such generalizations. We use them (in § iv) to highlight some important differences 31 between these alternatives to Humeanism. Finally, we set out some of our reasons for preferring 32 Mechanism (§*) and conclude with some general remarks about activities. 33 ii. According to Machamer, Darden, and Craver (MDC), causal mechanisms consist of 1 Davidson tried to finesse the scarcity of explanatory principles which qualify as laws by suggesting that you can be right to claim that X causes Y even if you don’t know what laws cover them as long as there are laws to be found.(*cite) But as with the idea that natural laws are true because they include ceteris paribus clauses, it is hard to see the point of Davidson’s suggestion 02/17/16 1 2 3 3 …entities and activities organized such that they are productive of…changes from start or set-up to finish or termination conditions.(MDC, p.3) 2. 4 The finish or termination conditions are the effects explained by an account of the workings of the 5 mechanisms which produce them. For example, the electro-chemical mechanism by which the 6 signal is transmitted includes such entities as cell membranes, vesicles, microtubules, molecules 7 and ions. The startup conditions include ‘the relevant entities and their properties’ along with 8 ‘various enabling conditions…such as the available energy, pH, and electrical charge 9 distributions…’ including the relevant features and states of the neurons and some of the items in 10 their immediate environment. (MDC, p.8, 11) Ions repelling ions of similar charge, proteins 11 bending into configurations involved in the passage of sodium ions through channels in the cell 12 membrane, and the movements of these and other ions are among the activities by which the 13 entities which belong to the mechanism contribute to the transmission of a neuronal signal. 14 Reliable mechanisms (the neural signal transmission mechanism is an example) operate 15 uniformly under normal conditions to produce their effects with a high degree of regularity. An 16 adequate account of a reliable mechanism and the conditions under which it operates should 17 therefore enable us to understand the regularities exhibited by the workings of its parts, to predict 18 what effects the mechanism will produce or fail to produce under specified conditions, and to 19 retrodict facts about the mechanism from results it has already produced. It should also enable 20 us to predict the effects of changes in the mechanism or the conditions under which it operates. 3 21 But not all effects are produced by reliable mechanisms. Satisfactory mechanistic explanations 22 can sometimes be given for effects resulting from mechanisms whose operations are too irregular 23 to enable us to reliably predict their future performance, or to systematically explain why they 24 sometimes fail to produce the effects they produce on other occasions. For example, you can 25 explain what gets a chain saw started even if it’s an old chain saw that starts infrequently and 26 irregularly. Thus Mechanists do not believe that actual or counterfactual regularities are 27 necessary for the explanation of an effect. Even for an effect produced by a highly reliable 28 mechanism, to provide an explanation which renders the effect intelligible is to show how it is 29 produced by entities and their activities rather than to describe the regularities instanced by its 30 production, or to break them down into more elementary regularities exhibited by the operation of if explanations are supposed to show us that the effects they explain were to have been expected. 2 The original passage says the activities and entities produce regular changes from start up to finish conditions. We deleted ‘regular’ to avoid the suggestion that all mechanisms operate reliably to produce their effects with great regularity. 3 MDC claimed that the regularities exhibited by reliable mechanisms ‘support counterfactuals’.(MDC pp.7-8) This claim requires qualifications for reasons we take up in §vi below. 02/17/16 4 4 1 parts of the mechanism.(MDC p.22) 2 explanations, Mechanism must provide an alternative to Humean and SD accounts of the roles 3 they play. 4 Accordingly, when generalizations do figure in SD agrees with Mechanism that causal explanations make things understandable by describing 5 the influences of causal factors, rather than by subsuming explananda under laws. But SD and 6 Mechanism have different understandings of the difference between a causally productive 7 relation between the values of two things (events, etc.) X and Y, and a correlation which is 8 coincidental, or due to a common cause rather than X’s causal influence on the value of Y. (Here 9 and throughout this paper we use the term ‘value’ broadly for qualitative as well as qualitative 10 states, features, conditions, of a thing as well as for it’s presence or absence at a given time or 11 place.) According to Woodward the difference turns on whether there is an invariant 12 counterfactual relation between changes in the value of Y and at least some ‘interventions on X 13 with respect to Y’(*cite) For example, suppose values of X are amounts of diphtheria toxin in a 14 patient’s throat, and values of Y are levels of inflammation of the lining of the throat. If the toxin is 15 causally productive of (not just accidentally related to) throat inflammation, it should be 16 counterfactually the case that if ideal manipulations were performed to introduce different 17 amounts of toxin into the throat, then (at least for quantities falling within a certain range) there 18 would be an invariant relation between levels of inflammation and amounts of toxin. An 19 intervention on X with respect to Y must change the value of X without exerting any influence on 20 anything which could change the value of Y independently of the change in the value of X. This 21 disqualifies introducing the toxin by putting it on an instrument and vigorously scraping the throat 22 lining. That’s because vigorous scraping can inflame the throat independently of the toxin. It is 23 not required that the values of Y change in a regular way under all interventions on X. Thus SD 24 can allow that after the amount of toxin reaches a critical level, the throat will be incapable of 25 further inflammation, and that toxin levels below a critical amount will not produce any observable 26 inflammation. What SD requires is that values of Y change in a regular way with interventions on 27 X within a limited range. (*Cite, e.g., (Woodward long PSA 2000 p.6.) And to distinguish X 28 exerting a causal influence on Y, from Y exerting a causal influence of X, Woodward requires 29 rather that values of X should not change in a systematic way with interventions on Y with respect 30 to X. In supposing that causal regularities don’t explain, but require explanation by appeal to the activities of individual entities and collections of entities, the mechanist account harks back to Aristotle’s idea of efficient causes which do their work by exercising their capacities to produce changes in things.(*cites) It agrees with Anscombe’s idea that rather than signifying a single productive relation which obtains between all causes and their effects, the verb, ‘cause’ is better thought of as a place holder for specific kinds of productive activities rather than the name (cite*). It agrees, in spirit at least with Cartwright's vision of causal explanation as turning on the identification and measurement of natural capacities, and her objections to traditional tales of natural laws.(cite*) 4 02/17/16 1 5 One of Woodward's own examples features the acceleration of a block sliding down an inclined 2 plane. The magnitude of the acceleration varies with a net force, F n, whose magnitude depends 3 upon N, a force perpendicular to the motion of the block due to its weight, and a frictional force, 4 Fk. At the surface of the earth, N varies in a fairly regular way with mg, the product of the block’s 5 mass (m) and the acceleration of a body in free fall at the surface of the earth (g), along with the 6 cosign of , the angle of the incline, for a limited range of values of . As long as certain features 7 of the plane and its environment stay the same (e.g., it isn’t greased or roughed up) the frictional 8 force, Fk varies in a regular way with mg cos for a limited number of values of . Thus 1.1 Fnet = mg sin - mg cos , and 9 10 1.2 the acceleration of the block (a) approximates to g sin -g cos as long as the inclined 11 plane is at the surface of the earth, and the earth maintains the same mass and radius. 12 An ideal intervention on m with respect to F net would be an operation which changes the mass of 13 the block without changing , or any of the other factors which might independently change the 14 value of the net force (e.g., without roughing up the plane, moving the inclined plane away from 15 the earth, introducing wind resistance, etc.). An ideal intervention on with respect to Fnet would 16 be an operation which changes the angle of incline without changing anything else which might 17 independently affect the value of the net force. An intervention on with respect to a would be an 18 operation which changes the angle of the incline without changing anything else which could 19 independently affect the acceleration of the block. Ignoring niceties, to perform an ideal 20 intervention on X (e.g., m or ) with respect to Y (e.g., Fnet, or a), one must change X in such a 21 way that nothing which could independently affect Y changes except as a result of the change in 22 X. As said, Woodward thinks it is characteristic of causal interactions that if X exerts a causal 23 influence on Y, the relation between them is ‘invariant’ for interventions on X within a limited 24 range of values of X. Equations 1.1 and 1.2 describe invariances in the relations between some 25 values of m and Fnet, between and a, and so on. Since these equations do not hold under all 26 background conditions or for all values of or m5 they are not Humean laws. As said, they 27 describe counterfactual regularities like those which obtain among ideal interventions which 28 change angles of incline and accelerations, masses and net forces, etc. within a certain range 29 under certain sorts of background conditions. 30 31 32 33 34 As Woodward observes, SD is meant to articulate such intuitions as that [i]f X causes Y, one can wiggle Y by wiggling X, while when one wiggles Y, X remains unchanged, and If m were increased too much, the incline would break. If is too large, the block will fall off. If the block were immersed in water, the black would float away. The inclined plane must not be too far away from the earth. And so on. 5 02/17/16 1 2 3 4 5 Woodward believes such intuitions are so central to our understanding of causality that 6 counterfactuals dealing with ideal interventions on X with respect to Y should be understood as 7 incorporated ‘into the content of causal claims’.(Woodward 2000 p.11) 6 [i] f X and Y are related only as effects of a common cause C, then neither changes when one intervenes and sets the value of the other, but both can be changed by manipulating C.( Hausman and Woodward 1999, p.533). 8 The disagreement between Mechanism and SD is made vivid by an argument of Woodward’s 9 intended to show that the difference between a non-causal interaction involving X and Y, and an 10 interaction in which X produces a change in Y, is not that ‘an interaction counts as [causally] 11 productive…as long as it involves some activity’. 6 If Alice takes birth control pills and fails to 12 become pregnant, the pills’ active ingredients engage in all sorts of activities including dissolving, 13 entering the bloodstream, forming chemical bonds, etc., regardless of whether Alice is a fertile 14 woman and the pills play a causal role in preventing her pregnancy, or Alice is Alice Cooper 7 to 15 whose non-pregnancy they are causally irrelevant. Typical birth control pills are fail safe devices 16 containing chemicals which interfere with the release of eggs from the ovary, thicken the cervical 17 mucus to hinder the movement of sperm, and render the lining of the uterus unsuitable for the 18 implantation of fertilized eggs. According to Mechanism these chemicals are causally relevant 19 when they do things which interfere with the mechanisms by which eggs are produced, sperm 20 moves through cervical mucous, and fertilized eggs are implanted in the lining of the uterus. 21 They are causally irrelevant in males because males have no egg production, uteri or cervical 22 mucous for them to interfere with. By contrast, Woodward thinks the pills are relevant to Alice’s 23 non-pregnancy if her taking the pills is an instance of the kind of intervention which is 24 counterfactually related in a regular way to the prevention of pregnancy. They are irrelevant to 25 Alice Cooper’s non-pregnancy ‘because even if…[he] had not taken them, he would have failed to 26 become pregnant.’(Woodward [2000] p.11) The Mechanist denies that the causal influence of the 27 chemicals in the pill is to be explained in terms of, or depends upon counterfactual regularities. 28 We don’t know whether Woodward believes activities are always necessary to causation, or 29 whether some things exert their causal influences by virtue of conditions, states, features, etc., 30 which are not activities. But to the extent that the activities of chemicals in the pill are causally 31 significant, Woodward thinks their significance turns on, and is to be understood by appeal to, 32 counterfactual regularities involving ideal interventions. Woodward paraphrases Robert 33 Weinberg’s account of the difference between describing and explaining a biological process to 34 illustrate the motivation for his emphasis on counterfactual invariances among ideal interventions 35 and their results.. 36 37 According to Weinberg, biology is now an explanatory [rather than a merely descriptive] science because we have discovered theories and experimental 6 7 *note on bottom out/non bottom out activities. We have changed Woodward’s example by identifying its hero. 02/17/16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 techniques that provide information about how to intervene in and manipulate biological systems. Earlier biological theories...fail to provide such information, and for that reason are merely descriptive. As Weinberg puts it, molecular biologists correctly think that “the invisible microscopic agents they study can explain at one essential level the complexity of life’ because by manipulating those agents it is now ‘possible to change critical elements of the biological blueprint at will’.(‘What is a mechanism?’ p. 10). Judging from the paraphrase, Weinberg claims (and so would we) that in order to control a real 10 system scientists need a causal theory which tells them about how to perform real world 11 manipulations on the relevant causal factors. What this suggests to Woodward is the significantly 12 different idea that philosophers need to incorporate counterfactual conditionals concerning the 13 effects of ideal interventions (recall that these are manipulations of a very special kind) into their 14 accounts of causal explanation. Mechanism grants the importance of causal knowledge to the 15 control of a real system, but it denies that counterfactuals about the results of ideal interventions 16 on X with respect to Y are part of the content of the claim that X exerts a causal influence on Y. 17 iii. We turn now to our discussion of explanations which seem to involve Humean laws and 18 descriptions of counterfactual regularities among ideal interventions and their results. Having 19 described them, we will suggest Mechanism friendly alternative construals of them. 20 The membrane potential (Vm) of a segment of neuronal membrane is the difference between 21 the electrical potential just outside and just inside of it. The membrane potential of neurons at 22 rest ranges, in different species of organisms, between –40 and –90 millivolts (mV)--the minus 23 sign indicating that the charge just inside the membrane is negative in comparison to the charge 24 just outside. Intra cellular electrical currents are generated and propagated (along an axon, for 25 example) when sites along the membrane depolarize, i.e., when Vm becomes less negative. 26 Action potentials occur when membrane depolarization reaches a critical threshold. When the 27 membrane depolarizes (when Vm becomes more negative and moves toward its resting level) 28 they cease to occur; no further action potentials are propagated until the next depolarization. 29 The facts to be explained have to do with resting state membrane potentials, and the 30 propagation of action potentials. The latter are currents which rapidly traverse the neuron without 31 modification or diminution to excite or inhibit neuronal activity on the other side of a synapse. The 32 explanations we will consider depend upon the empirically well established fact that the effects of 33 interest depend upon distributions and behaviors of charged ions, including Na+, K+ and Cl-, to be 34 found in changing concentrations just inside and just outside the cell membrane. In particular, it 35 is generally agreed that the sign and magnitude of the membrane potential depends upon the 36 cross membrane ratio of negatively to positively charged ions. The leading idea of the 37 explanations is that changes in membrane potential depend upon changes in these ratios due to 38 transmembrane and intracellular ion flows. 39 The neuronal membrane is permeable to potassium, less permeable to sodium, and still less, 40 but somewhat permeable to chlorine ions. Accordingly, these ions tend to leak at different rates 02/17/16 8 1 through the membrane down their concentration gradients; regardless of charge, they tend to 2 move from regions of higher to regions of lower concentration. They also tend to move down 3 their electrical gradients: positively charged ions tend to move from more toward less positively 4 charged locations; negative ions tend to move from more to less negatively charged locations. 5 The Nernst equation (said by one textbook to be so fundamental to our understanding of neuronal 6 signaling that ‘if you learn only one equation in your study of neurobiology, the Nernst 7 equation…is the one to learn’(Shepherd, p.91)) describes the equilibrium potential for a highly 8 idealized, imaginary cell whose membrane is permeable only to ions of a single kind. For any 9 species of ion, X, the equilibrium potential (Ex) is the membrane potential required to offset the 10 tendency of X ions to move across the membrane because of the difference between the 11 concentration of X ions just outside the membrane [X]out, and their concentration [X]in just inside. 12 The equilibrium for any ion is proportional, not to the ratio of the concentrations on either side of 13 the membrane, but to its natural log: 14 2. Nernst: EX = RT logn zF [X] out where R is the thermodynamic gas constant, T, the absolute [X] in 15 temperature, z, the valence of the ion, and F is the Faraday measure of the electrical charge in 16 one mole of ions of the same valence as X. If the membrane of a typical neuron was permeable 17 only to one species of ion, if it resembled in other significant respects the ideal cell the Nernst 18 equation faithfully describes, and if its resting potential was identical to the equilibrium potential 19 for the ion to which its membrane is permeable, then its membrane potential would be due just to 20 the factors which determine the ratio of extracellular to intracellular concentrations of the relevant 21 ion. But real neurons aren’t like that, and their membrane potentials differ from what they should 22 be according to the Nernst equation. Thus whatever the Nernst equation contributes to our 23 understanding of the membrane potential of a real neuron, it does not describe a regularity 24 actually instanced by the membranes of resting neurons, and its explanatory role cannot be that 25 of a Humean covering law. 26 So what good is the Nernst equation? The answer lies in the use to which it was put in studying 27 the facts which explanations of resting and other membrane potentials must take account of. 28 Discrepancies between the Nernst equilibrium potential for potassium and actual membrane 29 potentials were established experimentally by measuring changes in the magnitudes of resting 30 potentials as more and more potassium was added to the fluid outside of a neuron in an 31 experimental preparation. To account for the discrepancies, Goldman, Hodgkin, and Katz 32 proposed that membrane potentials varied with distribution of chlorine and sodium, as well as 33 potassium ions. Assuming that no ions traverse the membrane of a resting cell, and therefore 34 that the cross membrane voltage gradient is perfectly stable, the Nernst equation suggests that if 35 the membrane were equally permeable to all of these ions, the membrane potential should be 02/17/16 9 1 proportional to the log of ([K]out/[K]in + [Na]out/[Na]in + [Cl]in/[Cl]out.8 But because the permeabilities 2 differ, different electrical potentials are required to maintain equilibrium for different species of 3 ions. To take account of this, Goldman, Hodgkin, and Katz weighted the concentration ratios by 4 multiplying each one by a different permeability ratio (pK for potassium, PNa for sodium, etc.) to 5 obtain the equation 3. Constant Field Equation:9 Vm = 58 log 6 pK[K]out pK[K]in pNa[Na] out pCl[Cl]in 10 . pNa[Na] in pCl[Cl]out 7 This equation tells us--for an imaginary cell in which the resting potential is an equilibrium 8 potential which varies with no factors other than K, Na, and Cl concentrations and the membrane 9 permeabilities to these ions--what the cross membrane ion concentration ratios would have to be 10 to maintain Vm at close to the value calculated from measurements of real resting potentials. 11 Notice, however, that although the Constant Field Equation is more faithful to real membrane 12 potentials than the Nernst equation, it correctly describes Vm only for imaginary cells whose cross 13 membrane voltage gradients are uniform, and whose membrane potentials vary only with the 14 factors the equation mentions. Real neurons don’t work that way either-- especially because 15 potassium and sodium leak through the membrane while the cell is at rest. Thus even though it 16 describes membrane potentials more accurately than the Nernst equation, exceptions to the 17 constant field equation are the rule rather than the exception, and so it cannot be a Humean law. 18 Mullins and Noda provided a still more accurate description by dropping the assumption that V m 19 is an equilibrium potential and taking potassium and sodium leakage into consideration. They 20 suppose that at rest, the membrane potential is maintained in a steady state by a mechanism 21 which actively moves sodium and potassium across the membrane as required to compensate for 22 the leakage due to membrane permeability . Accordingly, Mullins’ and Noda’s Steady State 23 equation weights the cross membrane ion concentration ratios by a cross membrane transport, 24 as well as permeability constants. Ignoring chlorine, their equation can be written 25 4. Vm =58 log b[Na] out . Here, r is the ratio of active sodium to potassium transport r[K] in b[Na] in r[K]out 26 which corrects for leakage, and b is the ratio of sodium to potassium permeability which allows 27 leakage. 28 Solutions of the Steady State Equation approximate to real resting potential magnitudes if r is 29 written 3Na out/2 K in. So written, the Steady State equation is a contingent generalization which 30 holds only on average. It does not explain the resting potential, and would not do so even if it 31 delivered even better approximations of the real quantities. Instead, by describing relations which 8 The last term is an inner to outer rather than an outer to inner ratio because chlorine ions are negatively charged, and their electrical gradients run in a direction opposite to the electrical gradients of sodium and potassium. 9 So called because it assumes an equilibrium such that the cross membrane electrical field is perfectly uniform. 02/17/16 10 1 obtain between membrane potential, and transport, permeability, and concentration ratios, the 2 equation sets out facts to be explained, and places constraints on their explanation. For 3 example, according to 4., an adequate explanation of the resting potential must tell us what 4 factors account for sodium and potassium transport, how they do their work, and why they 5 operate in such a way that on average, two potassium ions enter the cell for every 3 sodium ions 6 which flow out. The standard explanations posit, and describe the structure and behavior of a 7 complex protein located in the membrane which pumps sodium out and potassium in through the 8 membrane. Various schemes have been suggested for the operation of this Na-K pump. All of 9 them propose that the pump has sites which bind and release sodium and potassium ions to 10 pump them in and out of the neuron. All of them describe the pump as operating in such a way 11 that that its sodium and binding sites are exposed in alternation …(presumably within a channel like structure) to the extracellular and intracellular solutions. The cyclic conformational changes are driven by phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the protein and are accompanied by changes in binding affinity for the two ions. Thus sodium is bound during intracellular exposure of the sites and subsequently released to the extracellular solution; potassium is bound during extracellular exposure and released to the cytoplasm.(Nicholls et al, pp. 82-3) 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 The energy the protein requires to transport the ions is provided by ATP hydrolysis.(p.81) 11 21 Contrary to the Humeans, this aspect of the resting potential is explained by describing the Na-K 22 pump and saying what its various parts do to help maintain the resting potential, rather than by 23 subsuming events under universally applicable, exceptionless, non-contingent laws. 24 The pump operates in a highly regular way. In addition to the fact that 5. ‘[a]n average of three sodium and two potassium ions are bound to the Na-K pump for 25 each molecule of ATP hydrolyzed’(Nicholls et al, p.82), 26 27 we are told, for example, that the pump’s binding affinity changes in a regular way with the 28 position of the binding sites in such a way that sodium is bound inside the membrane, and 29 released outside of it, while potassium is bound outside and released inside the membrane. 30 Conforming as it does to limited regularities like these the pump contributes to the maintenance of 31 the resting potential in accordance with the Steady State equation, and to lessor degrees, with 32 the Constant Field and Nernst equations. Generalizations like 5. set out details an adequate 33 explanation must account for. In so doing, they like, the Nernst, Steady State, and Field 34 equations constrain explanations and help guide investigations. Finally, the regularities they 35 describe are also significant because as long as they obtain, the Na-K pump will operate in the 36 same way, and its components will behave in the same ways to make the same contributions to 10 58 log is the value of RT/zF multiplied by 2.306 to convert the log to base 10. cp. Alberts et al, pp.209ff., 512—527,Levitan and Kaczmarek, pp 114-115, Shepherd, pp.7477, Kandel, et al, pp.86ff. 11 02/17/16 11 1 the resting potential. As long as this continues to be the case the same explanation will account 2 adequately for the facts of interest about the resting potential. 3 Without going into the details we have no space for, roughly the same thing can be said about 4 the explanation of the action potential. Recall that at rest, the charge just inside a neuron’s 5 membrane is negative relative to the change just outside the membrane. Hodgkin and Katz 6 found that when they increased the concentration of sodium outside of the membrane, enough 7 sodium flowed in to depolarize it, and that an action potential developed when the depolarization 8 reached a certain level. They found also that at the peak of the action potential, the membrane 9 potential varies with the extracellular sodium concentration. Using the Constant Field equation, 10 they calculated that the measured variation in the membrane potential is roughly what it should 11 be if the membrane becomes more permeable to sodium by a factor or roughly 500. This 12 application of the Constant Field equation does not tell us what causes the action potential, any 13 more than the bullets in a murder victim’s body tell detectives who murdered her. Instead, just as 14 the detectives can apply ballistics methods to the bullets to find out what kind of gun the murderer 15 used,, the investigators used the Constant Field equation to figure out that the action potential 16 was initiated by a causal influence which increased the membrane’s sodium permeability. And 17 the equation constrained the explanation of the action potential by indicating how great a change 18 in sodium permeability an adequate explanation would have to account for. (*Nicholls et al p.91) 19 The detectives learn they should look for a suspect who possessed a certain kind of gun, the 20 investigators learned that they should look for a sodium channel which opens with depolarization. 21 Action potentials can be initiated experimentally by artificially depolarizing a very small stretch 22 of membrane to produce a sodium influx which produces an electrical current just inside the 23 depolarized membrane. But what maintains the current at the same level as it traverses the 24 axon? Why isn’t it diminished, by sodium leakage, interference from transient local currents, and 25 so on? It was found that a bit of membrane a little further down the axon is depolarized to 26 threshold level by sodium ions moved downstream by mutual electrical repulsion from the place 27 they entered. When this happens, more sodium flows into the cell through the newly depolarized 28 membrane. When a bit of membrane downstream from there reaches threshold depolarization, a 29 new sodium influx occurs. And so on. This enables the current to travel down the neuron in the 30 form of a wave without loss of amplitude. The sodium influxes involved in this process are 31 explained as due to operation of a series of voltage gated sodium channels. The channel is 32 thought to be a protein structure with components which can shift back and forth under the 33 influence of changes in membrane potential between a configuration which decreases, and a 34 configuration which increases sodium permeability. 12 A complete explanation would include a 12 For details see Kandell et al 111-134.. 02/17/16 12 1 detailed account of the molecular structure and the operation of this gate. 13 One of the things the 2 account would have to tell us is why the channel opens with depolarization and closes with 3 hyperpolarization. Investigators have begun to describe the structure of the protein which 4 constitutes the channel, and have proposed a model for the configurations and configuration 5 shifts of the positively charged components involved in permeability changes. One of the facts 6 they must take account of is that the process is stochastic; threshold membrane depolarization 7 greatly raises the probability that a channel will open, but does not deterministically guarantee 8 that it will. (Nichols et al. p.31,93). Our final example is Ohm’s law which says that I(current flow between two points) 9 10 =V(voltage)/R(resistance). It is used to describe the electrical current in an ideal circuit used to 11 model features of the electrical activity in a neuron. The current due to the flow of ions of any 12 given species, X, (iX) varies with a driving potential equal to Vm-EK (the difference between the 13 membrane potential and the ion’s equilibrium potential) and conductance, gX. gX is the reciprocal 14 of resistance. The magnitude of gX varies with, but is not identical to membrane permeability to 15 the ion. Thus for sodium, Ohm’s law can be rewritten as iNa = gNa (Vm – ENa), and the current due 16 to the flow of ions of more than one kind can be calculated from their conductances and driving 17 potentials.(Levitan and Kaczmarek p.94) Like Nernst’s equation, the Constant Field equation, 18 and the Steady State equation, Ohm’s law is a description used to draw conclusions about causal 19 influences and derive constraints on causal explanations of neuronal electrical activity.(*cites) 20 Like the others, it is more faithful to an idealized model than a real system. Like the others, it is 21 not used (and would not be suitable for use) as a covering law in a Deductive Nomological 22 explanation of membrane potentials, or neuronal electrical currents. Thus the equations which 23 seemed to have the best chance to qualify as laws describing Humean regularities turn out to 24 have different features and to fill different roles than Humean laws. 25 26 We saw that our explanations also involved some limited, contingent generalizations. One was 5. Another was 27 6. If the negative cross membrane voltage at one point of the membrane becomes less 28 negative until it reaches a critical threshold (of *mV in a squid axon) a nearby sodium 29 channel downstream will most probably open downstream. 30 According to SD, at least some generalizations like these should be understood, on analogy to 31 1.1 and 1.2 above as describing regularities among causal factors and their effects by virtue of 32 which certain counterfactuals of the form I R are true where the I are ideal interventions and 33 the R are results. Thus if depolarization influences sodium channels as described, it should be 34 counterfactually the case (according to SD) that if membrane potentials are depolarized to the 35 required threshold by ideal interventions, then the probability that sodium channels open 13 We are of course ignoring a great deal, including the voltage gated potassium channels which open to allow potassium effluxes which hyperpolarize the membrane to terminate action 02/17/16 13 1 downstream should vary in accordance with 6. And since channel openings don’t cause 2 depolarizations upstream, it should be counterfactually the case that the voltage across one bit of 3 the membrane does not change in a regular way with ideal interventions on downstream sodium 4 channels. Similarly, 5. should describe a counterfactual regularity among ideal interventions 5 which hydrolyze ATP and bindings of sodium and potassium ions. And since the average 3/2 6 sodium to potassium binding ratio does not cause ATP hydrolysis, it should be counterfactually 7 the case that ATP hydrolysis in the pump does not result from ideal interventions (if such were 8 possible) which directly bind sodium and potassium to the pump in a ratio of 3 to 2. without doing 9 anything which could independently cause ATP hydrolysis independently of the intervention. 10 5. and 6 are examples of generalizations arrived at by reasoning from the results of 11 experimental manipulations. Involving as it does the study of what happens to one item when 12 one wiggles another, the importance of this kind of research is one of the things which makes SD 13 seem plausible. But the construal of such generalizations as describing counterfactual 14 invariances involving ideal interventions is complicated by the fact that ideal interventions are not 15 always achievable in actual experimental practice. Often it is impossible or impracticable to 16 manipulate the factor of interest, and the only way to study its causal influence is by thinking 17 about what happens when experimentalists manipulate other factors they can get a handle on.14 18 Furthermore, to qualify as an ideal intervention on X with respect to Y, a manipulation must meet 19 two conditions which are often hard to satisfy. We mentioned the first requirement in connection 20 with the diphtheria toxin example. In wiggling one item to see what effect it has on another, one 21 had better not wiggle anything else that could independently produce the effect of interest. This 22 gives rise to the requirement of 23 7. Immaculate Manipulation: An intervention on X with respect to Y must change the value of 24 X in such a way that if the value of Y changes, it does so only because of the change the 25 manipulation produced in X. (Woodward *‘Explanation and Invariance in the Special 26 Sciences’ Draft 10/20/97 p.2) 27 This assumes that if X influences the values of Y, it does so as part of a system (which may 28 consist of nothing more than X and Y) which meets a modularity condition: 29 8. Modularity: The parts of the system to which X and Y belong operate independently 30 enough to allow an exogenous cause to change the values of X without producing 31 changes in other parts of the system which can influence the value of Y independently of 32 the manipulation of X.(*cite) 33 Actual experimental practice fails to satisfy these conditions in so many cases that it is more 34 natural to treat generalizations like 5. and 6. as descriptions of actual features of real world 35 systems than as counterfactual invariances involving ideal interventions. We can get an idea of potentials. 02/17/16 1 what this amounts by comparing the generalizations to a frequentative claim about a bus route: 2 ‘The #500 bus doglegs at East Liberty and returns to Highland via Penn Ave, on its way from 3 Stanton to 5th Avenue’. We can decide whether the frequentative is true by observing the bus a 4 few times, or consulting route records, and checking to make sure the route has not been 5 officially changed. We can argue for it by inferences based on regulations and practices of the 6 Pittsburgh Port Authority. We may be ingenious enough to argue for it from information about 7 what routes are available, what the road conditions are like, how fast the bus can go, and how 8 long it usually takes it to get to 5th Ave. The frequentative describes what the #500 bus typically 9 does to get from Stanton to 5th Ave. Because it is a frequentative, it can be true even if the 14 10 conditional prediction ‘If the #500 bus goes from Stanton Ave. to 5th Ave. tomorrow it will dogleg 11 at East Liberty, and return to Highland on Penn Ave.’ turns out to be false. Nor does its truth 12 depend on the truth of counterfactuals about what route the bus would have taken if it had gone 13 to 5th Ave. at times when in fact it was not running. If the frequentative is true, that is a reason to 14 expect that if the antecedent of the prediction turns out to be true, so will its consequent, but how 15 good a reason it is depends upon whether they are ever allowed to take a different route, how 16 many alternatives (if any) are available, how often emergencies make sure the standard route 17 impracticable, and so on. The frequentative also supports retrodictions about how the bus got to 18 5th Avenue in the past, but how well it supports them depends on similar factors. Unlike the 19 frequentative, the counterfactual, is not descriptive of what the bus typically does at present. 20 Unlike the prediction whose antecedent will come true if the bus goes to 5 th Ave. tomorrow, 21 nothing can happen to make its antecedent true. We discuss such counterfactuals in §n. A last 22 thing to note about the frequentative is that taken together with background knowledge that a bus 23 which crosses Penn Ave on Highland without the dogleg is likely to be jammed in traffic, it tells us 24 one thing we need to know in order to understand how the bus gets to its destination in a timely 25 fashion. 26 As the Mechanist understands them, generalizations like 5. and 6. are analogous in some 27 respects to the frequentative description of the bus route. Rather than describing counterfactual 28 regularities among ideal interventions and their results, they are partial descriptions of the modus 29 operandi of neuronal mechanisms. They support predictions and retrodictions whose truth is not 30 required for their truth. As with the description of the bus route, the reliability of predictions and 31 retrodictions based on such generalizations varies with the stability of the systems they describe 32 and the settings in which they operate. And like the description of the bus route, 5. and 6. deliver 33 information we need to understand, and to investigate further how the system they describe 34 produces effects of interest. Finally, just as the description of the bus route raises the question 35 why the route includes a dogleg, 5. and 6. set out facts which require further explanation. An 14 *examples re: 5 and 6: *(Alberts et al, p.65-6 and *cite a patch clamp depolarization experiment) 02/17/16 15 1 adequate explanation of the resting potential would have to tell us how the Na-K pump maintains 2 the transport ration which 6 describes. An adequate explanation of the action potential would 3 have to describe the causal factors and activities which open the sodium in accordance with 6. If 4 depolarization itself influences a sodium channel how does it accomplish this, and why must it 5 reach the critical threshold in order to do so? If the channel is opened by something that causes, 6 or accompanies, or is caused by depolarization, what is it, and how does it operate? 7 iv. We do not believe SD provides a satisfactory alternative to the Mechanist account of 8 causal explanation. Before setting out our main reasons for thinking this, we note that even if 9 counterfactual invariance was as important to causality as SD takes it to be, this would not 10 11 diminish the importance of activities to causal processes and our understanding of them. Humeanism thrives on superstitious fears about notions of causal influence which cannot be 12 reduced to regularities, and the suspicious belief that notions of actual and counterfactual 13 regularity are easier to understand or better grounded empirically. These superstitions make it 14 natural to think that as far as causality goes, there’s nothing special about activities. The idea is 15 that if regularities make the difference between causally productive and other relations, it 16 shouldn’t matter whether they involve activities. Since ideal interventions are causal processes, 17 SD cannot completely satisfy a Humean. But it promises the next best thing; the notion that X 18 exerts a causal influence need not figure in descriptions of the counterfactual invariances 19 between values of X and Y on which SD bases its account of causally productive relations 20 between the two. And even if there are some cases in which the relevant interventions would 21 bring X from inactivity to activity, counterfactual regularities involving activities should be no more 22 characteristic of causality than regularities which do not. Thus SD seems to downplay the 23 importance of activities as much as a Humean analysis. But activities are important. We don’t 24 think that actual or counterfactual regularities are essential to causality, or that all causes operate 25 with great regularity. But where regularities are to be found they tend to obtain among effects 26 and the activities which produce them. 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 For example ‘H. pylori causes almost all peptic ulcers, accounting for 80 percent of stomach ulcers and more than 90 percent of duodenal ulcers.’ The bug does its work by weakening …the protective mucous coating of the stomach and duodenum, which allows acid to get through to the sensitive lining beneath. Both the acid and the bacteria irritate the lining and cause a sore, or ulcer. H. pylori is able to survive in stomach acid because it secretes enzymes that neutralize the acid. This mechanism allows H. pylori to make its way to the "safe" area -- the protective mucous lining. Once there, the bacterium's spiral shape helps it burrow through the mucous lining. (http://healthlink.mcw.edu/article/956711536.html ) But Researchers recently discovered that H. pylori infection is common in the United States: about 20 percent of people under 40 and half of people over 60 are infected with it. Most infected people, however, do not develop ulcers. 02/17/16 16 1 2 3 4 Thus, although H pylori bugs cause ulcers as parts of a mechanism whose workings we can 5 expect to understand, ulcers do not regularly accompany H pylori infection. There is no actually 6 or counterfactually regular relation between the occurrence of ulcers and changes in the number, 7 the position, or any other features of the bacteria which are not activities. We have no reason to 8 accept counterfactual claims about what would happen to someone if a H. pylori bugs were 9 introduced into his system by a manipulation which did not make them engage in the activities 10 Why H. pylori doesn't cause ulcers in every infected person is unknown. Most likely, infection depends on characteristics of the infected person….(ibid) required for the production of ulcers. 11 If actual or counterfactual regularities obtain, they obtain between occurrences of ulcers and the 12 things the bacteria do to weaken and burrow through the protective mucous coating to the 13 sensitive lining beneath, the bacteria’s secretion of the enzymes which neutralize stomach acid, 14 and so on. Bacteria in different numbers and somewhat different positions may perform the same 15 burrowing and excreting activities. Depending on the condition of the digestive organ 16 environment, different activities may be carried out by H Pylori in the same spatial configurations, 17 concentrations, etc. In general the activities of the bacteria which correlate well with ulcer 18 production do not map systematically onto conditions other than activities (location of the 19 bacteria, their concentration in a given area, their movements, chemical makeup, physical 20 structure, size, and so on.) Thus it is to be expected that the regularities which obtain between 21 occurrences of ulcers and the activities of the parts of the mechanism which produces and 22 sustains them will not obtain between ulcers and values other than the ulcer producing activities 23 of the bacteria and the rest of the mechanism to which they belong. The same sorts of 24 disconnections between effects and values other than activities of their causes are typical of 25 systems which produce their effects in a regular way. Thus, even if counterfactual invariances 26 were essential to causality, the invariances would involve the activities of causal factors. 27 v. Humeans cannot account for explanations of the irregularly produced effects of unreliable 28 mechanisms. To the extent that its account of causality requires similar interventions to produce 29 similar results, SD fares no better. And some perfectly good causal explanations explain effects 30 by showing how they result from the workings of unreliable mechanisms or sub-mechanisms 31 which produce their effects irregularly and infrequently. Such systems do not exhibit the 32 counterfactual invariances SD requires. Chaotic effects illustrate this difficulty. A chaotic effect is 33 almost, if not completely, determined15 by the initial conditions of a system which is highly 34 sensitive to differences in initial conditions. The relevant differences are so small that it is 35 practically, if not theoretically impossible for investigators to discriminate among them either by 36 observation or by experimental manipulation. If the system which produces an effect is fully By ‘almost, if not completely’, we mean there are no significant differences between values of Y produced by the system from identical values of C. 15 02/17/16 1 chaotic, the results of its operation will be a-periodic, and observationally indistinguishable from 2 genuinely random results produced by a non-deterministic system.(*cite Lorenz) 3 17 For example, Kaplan, et al recorded trans-membrane potentials of giant squid axons to see how 4 they would change in response to periodic electrical stimulation. Each stimulus lasted 1 ms and 5 had a magnitude of .6mA. It was clear that the stimuli could (and often did) produce responses in 6 the electrical activity of the axon by raising its magnitude in comparison to a pre-established 7 threshold. Action potential spikes (AP) exceeded the threshold. Subthreshold (ST) responses 8 fell well below the threshold but were measurably above resting levels. The response patterns 9 Kaplan et al observed differed with the rate at which stimuli were administered. Regular 10 responses occurred when pulses were administered at intervals of 51ms (one AP, occurred for 11 each stimulus pulse), 26 ms (one AP occurred for every 2 pulses), 17 ms (1 AP for every three 12 pulses). Regularly occurring ST were observed for pulse intervals of 26 ms and 17 ms. 13 Presumably, the electrical pulses cause the APs. So far, this is congenial to SD. Even though 14 each of the stimulus frequencies just mentioned has its own pulse/AP ratio, it is plausible that 15 counterfactually invariant relations hold at each frequency. Regularities also obtain among 16 pulses and STs at 26ms and 17 ms frequencies. But the response patterns become irregular as 17 pulses are administered more frequently. Unevenly spaced, aperiodic APs and STs were 18 detected at intervals between 16 ms and 12. ms. And at 11.8, the STs began to occur 19 aperiodically. Kaplan et al take the irregular AP responses to be associated with ‘deterministic 20 subthreshold chaos’ which ‘can be identified as such only if the subthreshold events that occur 21 between suprathreshold activity are…analyzed.’ (Kaplan et al [1996] p. 4074 *DT Kaplan, JR 22 Clay, T Manning, L Glass, MR Guevara, A Shrier, Physical Review Letters, Vol. 76, No. 21, The 23 American Physical Society, pp.4074—4077>>. If they are right, then when stimuli are 24 administered, say every 12 ms, each AP is caused by one, or a sequence of n pulses. But it 25 need not be the case that the next pulse, or the next n pulses will produce an AP. And there will 26 be no way to evaluate counterfactual claims about what would have happened if an axon had 27 been stimulated at a slightly different time than it was. We don’t think this means the observably 28 or experimentally discriminable electrical pulses exerted no causal influence on the production of 29 APs or STs. If the system is chaotic, invariant relations might hold between APs and STs and 30 quantities which cannot be distinguished from one another by actual (non-ideal) measurements 31 or experimental manipulations. But these quantities are not to be confused with the pulses which 32 can be experimentally controlled and distinguished from one another. The latter cause ST and 33 AP responses, but do not produce them in anything like a regular way when they are 34 administered every 12 ms. 35 vi. A counterfactual conditional is true whenever things are such that if its antecedent were 36 true, had been true in the past, or will be true in the future, so would its consequent. It is false 37 whenever things are such that if the antecedent were (had been, will be) true, its consequent 02/17/16 18 1 would be (would have been, will be) false. Whenever there is no fact of the matter as to what 2 would happen (would have happened, will happen) if the antecedent were (had been, will be) 3 true, the counterfactual has no truth value. For example, suppose that now, at t1, you predict that 9. if it there is a sea battle at t2 (at some specified time after t1) then the officers’ ball 4 5 scheduled that day will be cancelled. 6 The antecedent of 9. is not true whenever things are such that that there will be no sea battle t2, 7 or things are up in the air with regard to whether there will be. We will say that 9. is unrealized at 8 every such time, and similarly for all other counterfactuals. Some conditionals which are 9 unrealized at one time become realized at another. If the sea battle occurs at t2 9. is realized at t2 10 and every subsequent time. If something happens at any time before t 2 to make the sea battle 11 inevitable, 9. is realized from that time on.16 If there is no sea battle at t2, 9. is never realized. 12 Some conditionals are not only unrealized, but unrealizable. The counterfactual conditional ‘if 2 13 were greater than 4, then 2 would be greater than 3’ is an example. Some conditionals are never 14 realized even though there are times at which they could have been. Thus even though 15 something could have happened during the 1948 election to make its antecedent true, the 16 counterfactual conditional, ‘(Harry Truman lost the 1948 election) (Harry Truman is not 17 President in 1949)’ turns out never to be realized. Some never to be realized conditionals have 18 truth values by virtue of logical, mathematical, and other principles (taken together, in some cases 19 with matters of contingent fact). ‘(pi = 3.7) (circles have bigger areas than they’ve been 20 telling you)’ is an example. 21 SD must assume that never to be realized counterfactual conditionals about interventions and 22 their results have truth values. This assumption is problematical. It counts in favor of Mechanism 23 that it need not assume it. Recall that according to Woodward, if one item, X, exerts a causal 24 influence on another, Y, then 25 10. Invariance: the values of Y vary in a regular way with at least some ideal interventions 26 consisting of manipulations of the value of X, 27 The interventions must be performed on systems which satisfy the Modularity requirement (8), 28 and must qualify as Immaculate (7.) to ensure that if the value of Y changes, the change will be 29 due exclusively to the change the intervention makes in the value of X. 30 Interventions meeting these conditions are commonly represented by assigning values to 31 variables in directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) which meet Judea Pearl’s, Peter Spirtes’, Clark 32 Glymour’s, and Richard Scheiness’ conditions for causal Bayesian networks.(*cite Causality pp 33 23—24, SGS…). Ignoring details,17 these graphs consist of nodes connected by lines and arrows 16 *Anscombe on the sea battle. One such detail, extremely important in other contexts, is that the algorithms used to construct DAGs from statistical data obtained from a real system often deliver, not a single DAG, but a class of different graphs, each of which represents a somewhat different causal set up capable of 17 02/17/16 19 1 arranged to represent probabilistic relations between factors belonging to real causal systems. 2 Each node is a variable representing a different part of the causal system of interest. The arrows 3 represent probabilistic relations among values of variables such that the variable at the tail of an 4 arrow screens off the variable at its point. The construction and use of a DAG are constrained by 5 probabilistic relations of independence and dependence between various factors exhibited by the 6 data from the system of interest. They are also constrained by various assumptions about that 7 system18. They employ algorithms which determine, among other things, what if any impact the 8 assignment of a new value to one of the variables in the graph would have on the assignments of 9 values to other variables in the graph. And there are theorems to determine the scope and limits 10 of the algorithms. If variables X and Y represent parts X and Y of a real system, an ideal 11 intervention on X with respect to Y is represented by assigning a new value to X without changing 12 the value of any variables except those at the heads of arrows leading back to X.19. When a new 13 value is assigned to X, the algorithms, etc., are used to determine .(—in conformity with the 14 probability distributions over the data) what changes (if any) to make in the assignments of values 15 to Y and any nodes connected by arrows running between them. 16 But nodes in graphs are not to be confused with the parts of the systems they represent. 17 Furthermore DAGs typically represent simplified and idealized version of the real system to 18 which X and Y actually belong. If there are non-negligible discrepancies between the real and the 19 idealized or simplified system, we can’t conclude straightway from a graph just what would 20 happen in the real system if X were actually manipulated. Thus the fact that Y must be assigned 21 a value of such and such if X is assigned a value of so and so need not be sufficient to determine 22 the truth value of a prediction about what will result from an actual manipulation. This is most 23 obvious where the real system fails to meet one or more of the conditions (see n. 18) assumed to producing data which are the same in all relevant respects.(Spirtes & Scheiness in McKim and Turner, p.166) 18 For example, the Markov Rule, requires the graph to be so constructed that if n is the variable i at the tail of an arrow, and nj is the variable at its head, ni must screen off nj from every node at the tail of an arrow leading to ni. If one or more other nodes, nk are at the tails of arrows with ni at their heads, ni must screen nj off from the nk. And so on. An important general assumption is that the system of interest produces data in such a way that the probabilistic independencies among its members follow from Markov condition applied to a DAG which represents it so that, e.g., if the graph includes an arrow with X at its head and Y at its tail, variables, X and Y, the counterparts of these variables in the data obtained from the system of interest are neither independent nor conditionally independent on one another.(Glymour in McKim p.209) A system which meets this condition is said to be faithful to a DAG which represents it. To assume that a system is faithful is to assume that ‘whatever independencies occur [in the relevant population] arise not from some incredible coincidence, but rather from [causal] structure.(Scheiness in McKim p.194). It may (but is not always) assumed that the values of the variables included in the graph do not have any common causes which are not represented in the graph.(Glymour in McKim p.217) 19 An arrow leads back to X if it has X at its tail. Or if the variable at its head is at the tail of another arrow at its head. And so on. 02/17/16 20 1 hold in constructing and using the DAG. 20 Furthermore, we will argue that if ‘I R’ is a never to 2 be realized counterfactual which claims that the value of a real item, Y, would change as 3 described by R if an ideal intervention, I, were performed on a real item ,X, it does not follow from 4 the fact that we can tell what value to assign to Y in a DAG that there is any answer to the 5 question whether ‘I R’ is true or false. 6 Some effects are caused by, and must be explained in terms of, factors which humans lack the 7 strength, the understanding, the resources or the willingness, moral courage, or moral 8 callousness to manipulate. Accordingly Woodward understands ideal interventions non- 9 anthropomorphically without essential reference to notions like human agency.(*p.6). When 10 humans cannot or will not intervene in natural systems, nature may do the job for them. But in 11 some systems, the factors involved in the production of the effect to be explained are so 12 entangled that (8) the Modularity requirement is violated and immaculate manipulations cannot be 13 accomplished. For example (attributed by Woodward and Hausman to Eliot Sober) consider 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 the claim that the gravitational force exerted by one massive body causes some effect (such as tides) on a second. It is possible that any physically possible process that would change the force exerted by the first on the second (by changing the position of the first) would require a change in the position of some third body and this would in turn exert a direct effect on the second in violation of one of the conditions for intervention. (Woodward and Hausman ([1999] n 12, p.537) 22 The nervous system is one of many biological systems which provide further examples. 21 In at 23 least some of these cases causal factors can be identified, and the results of their influences 24 ascertained even though ideal interventions cannot occur, and counterfactuals whose 25 antecedents describe them are never realized. 26 Nuel Belnap has argued that predictions about the results of non-deterministic causal 27 processes have no truth values until what they predict either happens or fails to happen.(*cite) 28 We believe that similar arguments can be applied to counterfactual conditionals to show that 29 never to be realized counterfactual conditionals about non-deterministic systems have no truth 30 values. If this is correct, only deterministic systems can satisfy the Invariance condition (10). 20 It is worth noting that Glymour, Spirtes, Scheiness emphatically do not believe that real systems meet all of the conditions they elaborate. Indeed, they conceive their project as determining what can be learned from statistical data about systems which meet all of them, what if anything can be learned when one or more of their conditions are not met, and what, if anything, can be done to decide whether a given condition is satisfied by the system which produced the data of interest.(Glymour in McKim, p.210, 217) 21 One of them is the human nigrostriatal system which regulates motor outputs through an elaborate arrangement of strongly interconnected inhibitory and excitatory feedback mechanisms.(*Cite Black pp.68ff. *Ira B Black, Information in the Brain, Cambridge, MIT, 1994). Another is the sea snail sensitization mechanism by which neurotransmitter molecules operating in a presynaptic terminal initiate postsynaptic activity in response to a stimulus, while changing the structures their influence depends upon in such a way that continued stimulation produces 02/17/16 21 1 It is to Mechanism’s credit that it does not appeal to counterfactual regularities in a way which 2 limits its application to deterministic systems. 3 Where t0, is an interval of past time just big enough for the occurrence of an immaculate 4 intervention, I, on X, t1 is a later interval just big enough for R, a specified change in the value of 5 Y, and t2 is any interval of time of any size after t1, consider the claim 6 11. It is the case at t2 that I at t0 R at t1,. 7 Whether or not the intervention could have occurred at t0, 11. if it did not occur, 11. is unrealized 8 at all times because nothing which happens after t0 to change the past as required to bring it 9 about that the intervention did occur then. To see why 11. has no truth value if X and Y belong to 10 a non-deterministic system, consider Fig 1, a diagram we adapted from Nuel Belnap’s and 11 Mitchell Green’s treatment of predictions.22 12 Fig. 1 13 14 The parallel lines in this diagram are time lines representing intervals t o, t1, t2, and so on. Let a 15 moment be everything that is actually going on at every place during any single temporal increasingly less postsynaptic activity.(Black pp.30-31) Still others are to be found in sensory processing carried out by larger neuronal structures.(*ex: and cite) 22 *cite, disclaim, etc. 02/17/16 22 1 interval.23 Each interval up to and including the present contains exactly one actual moment. For 2 the actual moment whose members are actually going on during any given interval, t i, there are 3 any number of mutually incompatible moments, each one of which includes one or more things 4 which could be, but are not going on during ti. A non-actual, possible moment may contain one or 5 more actual happenings, but at least one of its components must be merely possible; only actual 6 moments contain exclusively actual components. A history is …a maximal chain of moments, a complete possible course of [causally related] events stretching all the way back [into the past] and all the way forward [beyond the present].(Thin Red Line, p.139) 24 7 8 9 10 In our diagram, histories are represented by ascending lines. A segment of a history (actual or 11 possible) is a part consisting of one or more connected moments. Ha is a segment of the history 12 whose moments are all actual up to the present (t2). It’s components include actual moments 13 from t2, t1, t0, and before. Assuming non-determinism, we can suppose that a number of possible 14 segments (perhaps infinitely many) branch off of HA before t2 in addition to the segment whose 15 moments turned out to be actual. The non-bold lines branching from Ha before t2 indicate a very 16 few of them.. Even if one of these segments contained more highly probable happenings than 17 the others, there is not at t2 a fact of the matter as to which possible continuation will be actual. A 18 number of possible, but non actual history segments which branch off of HA at t0. A number of 19 others, like H9, extend from t0 back into the past, but do not do not share any moments with HA. 20 Some possible but non-actual history segments (e.g., H7, H8 ) include I at t0 and R at t1 relative to 21 these, 11. is true and SD can consider X to be causally productive of R. In others, (e.g., H5, H6) I 22 occurs at t0 and R does not occur at t1. Relative to these 11. is false, and according to SD, X is 23 not causally productive of R. But there is no fact of the matter at t2 whether, if I had actually 24 occurred at t1 it would have belonged to a segment in which R occurred at t1. Unless there is 25 some reason why 11. should be true by virtue of possibilities like H7 and H8, instead of false by 26 virtue of possibilities like H5 and H6, 11 has no truth value. We submit there is not, and that any 27 choice of an I at t0 with which to assign a truth value would be arbitrary. 25 , 26 28 This might not seem to be an unwelcome result for SD. Why not understand non-deterministic 29 causal influences in terms of probabilistic invariances? We suppose this would involve never to 30 be realized counterfactuals according to which the probabilities of effects involving specific 31 changes in the values of Y vary in a regular way with at least some ideal interventions on a 32 causal influence, X. As we understand it, probabilistic invariances would depend upon the truth 33 of claims of the form P(R at t1 |I at t0) =n which assign a value of n to the probability of R at t1 23 * Moments are thus the ontological counterparts of state descriptions. Whose moments, unlike ours, are vanishingly small. 25 *note on Lewis and measures of closeness 26 Relative to histories which do not contain I at t , 6. will be vacuously true by virtue of the falsity 0 of its antecedent, but so will ‘I at t0 R at t1. 24 02/17/16 23 1 conditional on I at t0.27 It is hard to see how such claims can have truth values. Let S 1, S2……be 2 different segments of possible histories. Let each segment extend back from t 0 to some time 3 before t0, and let each segment include I at t0. A number of different possible continuations will 4 branch off of each of the Si at t0. Some of the continuations of any given segment will include R 5 at t1, but others will not. Neither we nor Woodward believe that the obtaining or non-obtaining of 6 causally productive relations depends upon assignments of subjective probability. Thus if X 7 exerts a causal influence on the probability of Y’s assuming some value, the probability of R at t1 8 conditional on I at t0 must be an objective probability whose values do not depend upon any real 9 or ideal agent’s betting habits, strengths of the beliefs, etc. The only way we can understand 10 values of n as measurements of objective, rather than subjective probabilities of R at t1 11 conditional on I at t0 is to think of them as functions of how many continuations of segments 12 including I at t0 do, and how many do not include R at t1. We might suppose, for example, that if 13 S1 is a segment with I at t0, and R at t1 in one third of its continuations, then P(R at t1 |I at t0 = 14 .333 relative to S1. If S2 is a segment with I at t0 and R at t1 in half of its continuations, then P(R 15 at t1 |I at t0 = .5 relative to S2. And so on. See Fig. 2 below. It may happen that different 16 segments with I at t0 branch off into continuations with different proportions of occurrences to non 17 occurrences of R at t1. Then P(R at t1 |I at t0) will have different values relative to different 18 segments of these possible histories. Thus some segments which contain I at t0 will have 19 continuations which satisfy a counterfactual claim about how the probability of R at t1 is related to 20 I at t0 and others will not. 21 counterfactuals about ideal interventions and their results have truth values faces the same 22 difficulties as the supposition that non-probabilistic counterfactuals like ‘I at t0 R at t1’ have 23 truth values. Someone might suggest that the probability of R at t1 conditional on I at t0 is a 24 function of the total number of possible histories including both the intervention and the result and 25 the total number of possible histories which include the intervention, without the result. But if this 26 assumes that all of the I at t0 histories should be equally weighted in calculating P(R at t1|I at t0), 27 we see no reason for weighting them this way. And if it assumes weighting different histories 28 differently, we know of no principled way to assign the weights 27 As long as this is possible, the supposition that unrealized In addition, if changes in the values of Y are not to exert a causal influence on ideal interventions on X, certain claims about the probabilities of the latter conditional on the former will have to be false. Although we will not discuss this, it raises the same kinds of difficulties as the claims we do discuss. 02/17/16 1 24 . 2 Fig. 2. 3 4 Suppose things have transpired in the actual history of the world at some time, t -1, before t0 to 5 make the I impossible at t0 because the system X and Y belong to did not evolve in a form which 6 satisfies the Modularity condition (8.) or because no causes available at t0 can immaculately 7 manipulate X with respect to Y. Then I can and does occur at t0 only in segments in which the 8 system to which X and Y belong, or the environment in which that system functions, differs 9 significantly from their counterparts in HA. This complicates the assignment of probabilities 10 considerably. Furthermore if we want to know whether X exerts a causal influence on the 11 probabilities of specified values of Y, what we’re interested in is what X actually did, actually 12 does, or will actually do to Y. Many of the segments of possible histories in which I occurs at t0 13 will be too exotic for us to learn much about that from how many of their continuations do, and 14 how many do not contain R at t1. 15 vii. Recall Sober’s example in which a tidal effect was explained as due to a factor which 16 could not be immaculately manipulated. Woodward and Hausman responded that despite its 17 impossibility, the laws of physics might determine what the ideal intervention could accomplish. 18 (*Cite) As this suggests, SD’s best hope for truth values for never to be realized counterfactuals 19 might be to embrace determinism and assume that for every good causal explanation, there are 20 laws available to decide what would have happened if the relevant ideal intervention had been 21 accomplished. But then SD collapses into a form of Humeanism according to which there are 22 laws to determine not just how the actual history of the world will continue into the future, as well 23 as the developments of alternative possible histories. This is not a happy option. A main reason 24 for wanting an alternative to Humeanism was that at least with regard to biology and other special 25 sciences there are good empirical reasons to doubt whether such laws are can be found in 02/17/16 1 connection with every good causal explanation. Furthermore, to the extent that it assumes the 2 existence of laws to evaluate never to be realized counterfactuals, SD burdens itself with long 3 standing, vexed questions about how we can tell which generalizations are true, exceptionless 4 and blessed with the modal status and the other virtues of genuine laws. It is to Mechanism’s 5 credit that although it raises epistemological questions, these are not among them. 6 25 DAGs can sometimes be used without invoking Humean laws to evaluate never to be realized 7 counterfactuals about the results of ideal interventions. The most favorable cases for their use 8 are those in which the distribution of observed quantities in a body of data satisfies all of the 9 conditions (see n.18) required for the construction of an optimal representation of a causal 10 system. When this happens, calculations of how the value of one variable in a DAG are to be 11 adjusted when new values are assigned to another can be sufficient to determine truth value of a 12 never to be realized counterfactual about an ideal intervention on the system the DAG 13 represents—even if the intervention requires a manipulation which neither man nor nature can 14 achieve.(But see n.17). But Glymour, Spirtes, and Scheiness and are the first to admit that many 15 bodies of data fail to meet one or more of their conditions. 28 This places limitations on how much 16 a DAG can tell us. How serious they are depends on which conditions are unsatisfied, and which 17 ideal interventions are of interest. We assume that at least some troublesome bodies of data 18 arise from systems which produce effects whose causes we nevertheless can understand quite 19 well. Thus if SD relied on the ability of DAG techniques to establish the truth values of never to 20 be realized counterfactuals about ideal interventions on real systems, it would incur the same 21 epistemological burdens which non-ideal bodies of data place upon Glymour, Spirtes, and 22 Scheiness. It is to Mechanisms advantage that these are not its burdens.29 . 23 The most pressing epistemological questions raised by Mechanism are the following. 24 a] How do we know what activities the parts of a mechanism engages in? For example, how 25 we can know that the Na-K pump transports sodium out of the neuron and potassium in, or that 26 sodium channels open and close or that H pylori weakens the mucous coating which protects the 27 stomach lining, or that it burrows into the lining, and excretes an acid neutralizing substance? 28 b] How do we find out about the manner in which the relevant activities are carried out? For 29 example, how do we know that on average the Na-K pump removes 3 Na ions for every 2 K ions 28 For example, there are limits to what their methods can accomplish in some cases where DAGs must be constructed from data generated in part by unmeasured causes, even though there are other such cases in which the counterfactuals about interventions can be evaluated (CPS pp.170ff., Glymour in McKim pp.242, Scheiness in McKim pp.197—99). 29 *Note: CPS methods may often be employed (e.g., in experimental design) to investigate questions Mechanism believes must be answered in order to find the causes of real world phenomena. Accordingly, it grants the epistemic importance of solving the problems raised for CPS by imperfect data. In saying these are not its problems, we mean that because the Mechanist account of causal relations does not assume that the truth values of never to be realized counterfactuals can be ascertained, its acceptability does not depend upon answers to questions about how much CPS can do when it is applied to non-optimal data. 02/17/16 26 1 it admits into the cell, and that it accomplishes this in part through changes in its configurations? 2 This, like a], is a special case of the question how we know whether a frequentative is true. 3 c] How do we know what contributions the activities of a part make to the production of the 4 effect of interest? For example, how do we know that the Na-K pump helps maintain the resting 5 potential by admitting and expelling positively charged ions to compensate for small 6 depolarizations due to leakage; that by opening, the sodium channel admits enough positively 7 charged ions into the cell to produce or maintain an intracellular current at a fixed magnitude; that 8 the bug’s weakening of the mucous coating contributes to the production of an ulcer by allowing 9 digestive acid to reach membrane to irritate it; and that by exuding an acid neutralizing 10 11 substance, the bug keeps the acid from destroying it before it can complete its work? Although this is not the place to try to answer these questions (and although we do not have 12 complete answers to them), we submit that they are by no means as difficult as the 13 epistemological questions about the evaluation of never to be realized counterfactuals which SD 14 raises. 15