LANGUAGE AS A MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION OF OTHER SUBJECTS LA LANGUE COMME MOYEN D’ENSEIGNEMENT DANS LES AUTRES DISCIPLINES DESCRIPTORS - DESCRIPTEURS CODE End of level ISCED 2 – End of compulsory education - Fin du niveau CITE 2 - Fin de la scolarité obligatoire 1. HISTORY – HISTOIRE 002 man and his world (history + life and earth sciences + geography) 005 Social Sciences: Geography and History 001 - create narratives about people in the past, and thus show how frameworks and values in society influence thoughts and actions - search for and select sources, assess them critically and show how different sources might present history differently - discuss and elaborate on the value of human life, and place racism and discrimination in a historical and contemporary perspective with pupils from other schools by using digital communication tools 002 - read timelines and historical maps, order the main historical periods in chronological order - describe the position of the various medieval social classes, give examples of Romanesque and Gothic culture identify the advantages and limitations of democratic systems - explain on specific examples anti-Semitism, racism and their unacceptability from the viewpoint of human rights 003 NB: Cette partie du questionnaire ne sera pas remplie en l’absence des programmes des disciplines « dites non linguistiques » adaptées à la réalité valdôtaine prévus par l’article 40 du Statut Spécial de la région Vallée d’Aoste 005 - Explain the reasons for political and economic power in European countries in the second half of the XIX century* and identify the conflicts and problems which characterise these years at both an international level and at a national level, especially those related to colonial expansion and social and political tensions. - Carry out individually and in groups, with the help of the teacher, a simple project of a descriptive nature about an event or subject using diverse sources (observation, the Press, bibliographies, the Internet, and so on). Select the pertinent information, integrate it in an outline or script and communicate the results of the corrected study using the appropriate vocabulary - Identify the causes and consequences of significant historical events and processes establishing connections between them and identifying the multiple causality which shaped social events. - Enumerate the transformation produced in Europe in the XVIII century, using the social, economic and political characteristics of the Ancient Regime as a reference, and explaining the features particular to Borbonic reformism in Spain*. 006 007 *Fouth year is devoted to XVIII – XXI century to know and understand historical facts to compare and analyse historical facts to evaluate historical events - Définir les principaux indicateurs démographiques - Interpréter des graphiques - Justifier, énoncer et expliquer, comparer etc 1 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 2. MATHEMATICS - MATHEMATIQUES carry out and give grounds for geometric designs/constructions and representations with ruler and compass and other aids - choose appropriate measurement units, explain relationships and convert between different measurement units, use and assess measuring instruments and measuring methods for practical measuring, and discuss and elaborate on precision and measuring uncertainty - explore, experiment with and formulate logic reasoning by means of geometric ideas, and elaborate on geometric relations that are particularly important in technology, art and architecture - formulate and solve real-life situations using equations and simultaneous equations - describe basic spatial figures (bodies). NB: Cette partie du questionnaire ne sera pas remplie en l’absence des programmes des disciplines « dites non linguistiques » adaptées à la réalité valdôtaine prévus par l’article 40 du Statut Spécial de la région Vallée d’Aoste - The learner must be able to explain and justify processes, ideas and mathematical results - The learner should formulate, test and prove conjectures - The learner should be able to communicate, orally and in writing, mathematical ideas, processes and procedures, using his/her own notation, symbols and vocabulary - Plan and use processes of reasoning and different, useful strategies to solve problems and express verbally and with precision, reasoning, quantitative relations and information that incorporate mathematical elements while valuing the usefulness and simplicity of the mathematical language used - Verbal expression of lines of argument, quantitative and spatial relationships and problem-solving procedures with the precision required by the situation - Use appropriate vocabulary* to describe and quantify situations related to randomness - Verbal expression of lines of argument, quantitative and spatial relationships and problem-solving procedures with the precision required by the situation - Interpret messages which contain arguments or information of a quantitative nature or refer to elements or spatial relationships. - Nb: *This descriptor (use of the appropriate vocabulary is repeated for each field, i.e, Geometry, Numbers, Algebra, etc --- explorer, raisonner, analyser les données d'un problème, résoudre des problèmes - choisir un mode de travail approprié, combiner différentes méthodes de résolution - reproduire dans un langage mathématique correct le cheminement qui mène à une solution 3. LIFE AND EARTH SCIENCES - SCIENCES DE LA VIE ET DE LA TERRE 002 – Man And The World Of Work 001 - explain the importance of looking for relationships between cause and effect and explain why argumentation, disagreement and publication are important in natural science - provide examples of popular medicine, including Sami popular medicine, and discuss the difference between complementary medicine and academic medicine - elaborate on how the use of intoxicant substances may lead to health damage and discuss how individuals and society may prevent health damage 002 - evaluate the advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of various sources of energy from the viewpoint of their environmental impact - give examples of water and air pollution at work and at home and propose the most appropriate measures for preventing and cleaning up pollution 003 NB: Cette partie du questionnaire ne sera pas remplie en l’absence des programmes des disciplines « dites non linguistiques » adaptées à la réalité valdôtaine prévus par l’article 40 du Statut Spécial de la région Vallée d’Aoste 004 --- 2 005 - - - Understand and communicate scientific content correctly orally and in writing, interpret diagrams, graphs, charts, tables and basic mathematical expressions as well as communicate to others contentions and explanations in the field of science. Interpret information of a scientific nature and use this information to form a personal opinion, express oneself accurately and make decisions on issues related to the natural sciences. Become familiar with the basic characteristics of scientific work through posing problems, debating their importance, forming conjectures, designing experiments, and so on, in order to better understand natural phenomena and solve the problems posed Explain the basic processes that food is subject to in the course of nutrition, using diagrams to illustrate each stage. Justify the need to acquire healthy eating habits and avoid unhealthy eating behaviours 006 007 ---- Les élèves apprennent à faire le tri entre les données scientifiquement exactes et utiles (sources scientifiques de référence) et les données non utilisables (presse à sensation,…). - Ils peuvent réaliser un dossier avec des informations actuelles et complémentaires au cours 001 - 002 003 004 005 4. GEOGRAPHY - GEOGRAPHIE present the main features of the history of space travel and talk about research that determines the possibility of life on other planets - describe the apparent motion of the planets across the sky using simulations and explain how solar and lunar eclipses and seasons come about - observe and provide examples of how human activities have affected a nature area, identify the views of different interest groups on the effects and propose measures that might preserve nature for future generations - use basic geographic, topographic and cartographic terminology with comprehenension - organize and properly assess geographic information and sources of data from available cartographic products and guides, graphs, diagrams, statistics and other information sources NB: Cette partie du questionnaire ne sera pas remplie en l’absence des programmes des disciplines « dites non linguistiques » adaptées à la réalité valdôtaine prévus par l’article 40 du Statut Spécial de la région Vallée d’Aoste - To develop organization, analysis and data handing processes, effective inquiry and communication on geographical matters - To use geographical vocabulary to explain distribution patterns, their changes and interrelationships - To reflect upon individual experience and the personal perception of reality in order to understand the relativity of geographical knowledge of the real world - 006 007 Identify and explain some examples of the impact of human behaviour on the natural environment analyse the causes and effects and suggest measures and behaviour that would be necessary to limit this. Read widely from geographical and historical sources of information and communicate the information obtained in an appropriate written form. --- Les élèves apprennent à faire le tri entre les données scientifiquement exactes et utiles (sources scientifiques de référence) et les données non utilisables (presse à sensation,…). - Ils peuvent réaliser un dossier avec des informations actuelles et complémentaires au cours 5. MUSIC – MUSIQUE 003 Educazione al suono e alla musica 001 - use relevant professional terms when presenting work with selected music - elaborate on copyright rules in connection with the use of music - elaborate on how music reflects features of social development and youth culture and how this may be expressed through various forms of rhythmic music, art music and Norwegian, Sami and other cultures' music 002 - Apply newly acquired singing skills and habits when singing and in verbal expression in normal life 3 003 004 005 006 007 NB: Cette partie du questionnaire ne sera pas remplie en l’absence des programmes des disciplines « dites non linguistiques » adaptées à la réalité valdôtaine prévus par l’article 40 du Statut Spécial de la région Vallée d’Aoste --- Use diverse sources of information to investigate instruments, composers, performers, concerts, and musical productions, both live and recorded - Use different sources to find information about music from different periods and cultures past and present, concerts and other live musical manifestations seen in the media - Criticism as a source of information and tool for judgment of music. Analyse musical criticism and use appropriate vocabulary for the development of oral and written critiques of music listened to in class--- showing a thorough understanding of a topic - using theoretical knowledge and subject specific words to identify clearly the complexities of the material studied - providing a reflection upon and evaluation of development and of the working process --- 6. Any other subject (please specify) 001 FOOD AND HEALTH Autre discipline éventuelle (à préciser) 001 - inform others about how eating habits might influence diseases that are connected to lifestyle and eating - develop, produce, prepare product information and advertise for a product - give examples of how kitchen utensils, methods of preparation or eating habits have changed over time or geographically and explain how this has influenced people's lives 7. Any other subject (please specify) - Autre 001 PUPIL COUNCIL WORK discipline éventuelle (à préciser) 001 - take a personal standpoint, promote and argue for a case and prepare contributions to a debate - discuss and elaborate on the duties and tasks of the pupil council, discuss the election system and participate in decision and election processes - make surveys, and carry out and assess specific measures aimed at creating an inclusive environment that promotes learning 8. Any other subject (please specify) - Autre 002 MAN AND THE WORLD OF WORK discipline éventuelle (à préciser) 002 - write a report on the objectives, course and results of his/her experimental work and formulate the conclusions reached - search the available information resources for all the bases that will help him/her to perform the given experimental work as well as possible, 9. Any other subject (please specify) Autre 002 DRAMA (Complementary Educational Fields) discipline éventuelle (à préciser) 002 make use of cultivated verbal and movement expressions, observe the basics of vocal hygiene and proper body posture 10. Any other subject (please specify) Autre 002 PHYSICAL EDUCATION discipline éventuelle (à préciser) 002 - use learnt terminology at the level of a participant, referee, spectator, newspaper and magazine reader, internet user, - process the measured data and information on movement activities and participate in presenting them 4 11. Any other subject (please specify) - Autre 002 and 005 discipline éventuelle (à préciser) INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES 002 - search for information on web portals, in libraries … - communicate by means of the internet and other common communication devices - work with text and pictures in text and graphics editors 005 - Integrate textual, numerical and graphic information to construct and express complex units of knowledge in the form of electronic presentations, applying them in situ to back up a discourse, or remotely, as a summary or script which facilitates the diffusion of units of knowledge that have been produced - Integrate textual, numerical, and graphic information obtain from any source to write up one’s own work and publish it on the Internet, using means that make interaction possible (forms, surveys, blogs, and so on) and formats which facilitate the inclusion of aspects of multimedia. Decide the way in which these are made available to other users - Design and elaborate presentations destined to support verbal discourse in the exposition of ideas and projects 11. Any other subject (please specify) - Autre 002 CIVICS discipline éventuelle (à préciser) 005 EDUCATION FOR CITIZENSHIP 002 - apply adequate forms of behaviour and communication in various real-life situations, resolve possible disputes or conflicts with others without violence - approach media information critically, express his/her attitude towards the effects of propaganda and advertising on public opinion and people’s behaviour 005 - Present opinions and personal judgements using reasoned arguments. Have the ability to accept the opinions of others - Use dialogue as a strategy to deal with conflicts in a non-violent manner - Prepare and participate in debates on relevant aspects of reality. Show a committed attitude to improving this reality. 11. Any other subject (please specify) - Autre 002 FINE ARTS discipline éventuelle (à préciser) 007 EDUCATION ARTISTIQUE 002 - select, create and name the broadest possible range of elements of visual-representation expressions and their relations - compare on specific examples different interpretations of a visual-representation expression and explain his/her attitudes towards them while bearing in mind the personal, social and cultural conditionality of his/her value judgements - verify the communicative effects of selected, modified and independently created works of visualrepresentation expression in social relations, and find suitable forms for presenting them 007 - Connaissance des courants essentiels et des points forts du patrimoine artistique européen dans le cadre d’une culture générale, exigeant une interdisciplinarité avec les autres branches dans la mesure du possible. - Familiarisation avec les techniques de base en Arts plastiques (observation, construction, manipulation du matériel etc.). - Développement du sens critique à l’environnement socioculturel 11. Any other subject (please specify) - Autre 002 DRAMA (Complementary Educational Fields) discipline éventuelle (à préciser) 002 amake use of cultivated verbal and movement expressions, observe the basics of vocal hygiene and proper body posture 11. Any other subject (please specify) - Autre 002 PHYSICAL EDUCATION discipline éventuelle (à préciser) 002 - use learnt terminology at the level of a participant, referee, spectator, newspaper and magazine reader, internet user - process the measured data and information on movement activities and participate in presenting them 5 CODE 001 Any comments - Commentaires éventuels PUPIL COUNCIL WORK The objectives of the subject An underpinning of a democratic society is that its inhabitants endorse fundamental democratic values and that they actively participate in societal life. Each new generation must therefore learn how to keep democracy alive, and learn to participate in society in a number of ways. The subject of pupil council work shall develop pupils' understanding of democracy and their ability to participate in a democracy on their way to active citizenship. The education in the subject of student council work comprises all pupils. Through activities in pupil groups and participation in influence and decision-making processes, including work in the pupil council, the subject shall contribute towards developing the ability of pupils to express independent opinions and their ability and willingness to cooperate. The subject shall thus promote the development of an inclusive learning environment that is devoid of bullying and where pupils feel secure, confident and included. […?]ople, a place where they can experience empowerment. Participation in the pupil council and other cooperative bodies in school shall help satisfy this goal. The education in pupil council work shall therefore contribute to independence, empathy and participation while also encouraging reflection and a critic School shall be an important democratic arena for children and young pe al perspective. Main subject areas The subject has been structured into two main subject areas – 1)Independence and cooperation and 2) Empowerment - with competence aims. These main subject areas supplement each other and must be considered together. 007 Student council work has competence aims after year 10 in lower secondary school. Il n'y a aucun descripteur, ni recommandation, ni suggestion concernant la maîtrise de la langue dans aucun programme. 6 GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS/SUGGESTIONS ON COMMAND OF THE LANGUAGE AS A MEDIUM OF INSTRUCTION OF OTHER SUBJECTS, PLEASE GIVE ONE OR MORE EXAMPLES CODE 006 End of level ISCED 2 – End of compulsory education - Fin du niveau CITE 2 - Fin de la scolarité obligatoire 1. ALL SUBJECTS - TOUTES LES DISCIPLINES - 2. HISTORY - HISTOIRE to know and understand historical facts to compare and analyse historical facts and events to evaluate historical events 3. MATHEMATICS - MATHEMATIQUES 4. LIFE AND EARTH SCIENCES - SCIENCES DE LA VIE ET DE LA TERRE 5. GEOGRAPHY - GEOGRAPHIE 006 - 6. MUSIC - MUSIQUE showing thorough understanding of a topic using theoretical knowledge and subject specific words to identify clearly the complexities of the material studied providing a reflection upon and evaluation of development and of the working process 7. Any other subject (please specify) - Autre discipline éventuelle (à préciser) CODE Any comments - Commentaires éventuels 7