Elizabeth Dodds-Ashley, PharmD

Elizabeth S. Dodds Ashley, PharmD, MHS
Elizabeth S. Dodds Ashley, PharmD, is currently a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at the University of Rochester Medical
Center. Prior to accepting that position in April 2008, she was the Clinical Pharmacist for the Infectious Diseases
Transplant Consult Service, and Clinical Associate in the Department of Medicine at Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, North Carolina. She is a board-certified pharmacotherapy specialist.
After graduating summa cum laude with a doctor of pharmacy degree from Bouvé College of Pharmacy and Health
Sciences at Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, Dr Dodds Ashley completed her pharmacy practice
residency at Duke University Health System and a specialty residency in adult internal medicine/infectious disease with
Duke University Health System and Campbell University. In 2006 she completed her Masters in Health Science in
Clinical Research at Duke University School of Medicine.
Her teaching, research, and patient care activities focus on infectious diseases in the transplant population. Recent
areas of research include pharmacokinetics of antifungal agents, preventative strategies for invasive fungal infections
in solid-organ and bone marrow transplant recipients, and prophylactic strategies for cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease.
Dr Dodds Ashley has coauthored abstracts, book chapters, and journal articles, and she has given presentations at
seminars, grand rounds, and regional professional meetings. Among the journals her articles have appeared in are
Journal of Microbiology, Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapies, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Pharmacotherapy, and
Current Opinion in Pharmacotherapy.
A recipient of several awards and an active participant in hospital committees, Dr Dodds Ashley is Co-Chair of the
Antibiotics Therapeutics Committee at Duke University Health System, and Past President of the Triangle College of
Clinical Pharmacy, a chapter of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. Her professional affiliations include
American College of Clinical Pharmacy and Society of Infectious Disease Pharmacists.