Issel Lim 7.021 Results – Protein Biochemistry Experiment I-A: Lysing the bacteria and precipitating with ammonium sulfate Results The bacterial strain of His461 was frozen in July of 2001, and the 7.5mL suspension appeared opaquely beige. After thawing, it became a milky fluid, with a pungent rotting smell. Addition of the clear lysozyme caused the bacterial suspension to become more viscous, with beige chunks in the milky fluid. Cold ddH2O with 0.2% Triton X-100 made the suspension less viscous, with white chunks and a snot-like consistency. Using a pipette to add MgCl2 and DNase I caused the suspension to cling to the pipette as it became less chunky and more foamy. We experienced a severe loss of fluid because the centrifuge tube was dropped on the floor. The final volume of the suspension was approximately 1mL. The volume of the supernatant after centrifugation was approximately 1200μL. Table 1: Approximate volumes and appearances upon each addition to the His461 suspension Approximate Time of Volume addition ~7.5mL 1:45pm Opaque, beige ~7.3mL 2:00pm Milky fluid, rotting smell Addition of lysozyme ~7.5mL 2:04pm Addition of cold ddH2O w/ Triton X-100 Addition of MgCl2 and DNase I Final (after centrifugation) ~7.8mL 2:14pm ~10mL 2:26pm ~1.2mL* 3:15pm More viscous, beige chunks in milky fluid Less viscous, white chunks, snotlike appearance Sticky around pipette opening, more foamy, less chunky Beige pellet, translucent supernatant Original His461 frozen suspension After thawing *after spillage of the centrifuge tube Appearance of suspension Table 2: Appearance of the crude-lysate components (after centrifugation): Crude lysate component Crude lysate (CL) (before centrifugation) Crude lysate supernatant (CL-S) Crude lysate pellet (CL-P) Volume 1.2mL 1.1mL 0.2mL Appearance Turbid, cloudy whitish Clear Cloudy whitish Calculation: Addition of (NH4)2SO4 to the crude-lysate supernatant from 0% to 45% saturation of (NH4)2SO4: (percentage) = (amount of (NH4)2SO4) / (total amount) Exp. I-A 0.45 = [x (NH4)2SO4] / [1000μL + x] x = 818.18μL of (NH4)2SO4 to add to 1000μL of solution Experiment I-B: Quantitative Assay of β-galactosidase Activity We measured the amount of β-galactosidase activity by reacting concentrations of β-gal with ONPG and measuring the optical density at 420nm (OD420) to determine which sample contained the most β-gal. After practicing with β-galactosidase standards, we then measured the samples from the crude-lysate centrifugation. Calculation: How to make different concentrations of β-gal standards (amount needed of standard) * (concentration of standard) = (concentration needed) * (amount of solution) * (1mL/1000 μL) Exp. I-B: β-gal concentration from 100μg/mL to 25μg/mL: (x) (100μg/mL) = (25μg/mL) (20μL) (1mL/1000μL) = 0.005mL = 5μL of β-gal into 15μL of Z-buffer to get a 20μL solution β-gal concentration from 100μg/mL to 6.25μg/mL (x) (100μg/mL) = (6.25μg/mL) (20μL) (1mL/1000μL) = 0.00125mL = 1.25μL into 18.75μL of Z-buffer *note: (25 - 12.25)/2 = 6.25 = 1:4 dilution of 25μg/mL 6.25μg/mL = (5μL of 25μg/mL solution) into 15μL of Z-buffer Table 3: Spectrophotometric absorbance: OD420 readings for β-galactosidase standards A420 for 25μg/mL A420 for 6.25μg/mL Time point =500μL Na2CO3 + 100μL ONPG + =500μL Na2CO3 + 100μL ONPG + (5μL of 25μL/mL) + 500μL Z-buffer (5μL of 6.25μL/mL) + 500μL Z-buffer t = 2 minutes 0.490 (very yellow) 0.101 (pale yellow) t = 15 minutes 2.214 (inaccurate/out of range) 0.669 (more yellow) 4μL of each of the crude lysate samples were placed into 1mL of Z-buffer and reacted with 100μL of ONPG. Table 4: Spectrophotometric absorbance: OD420 readings for crude lysate samples A420 for Crude Lysate A420 for Crude Lysate A420 for Crude Lysate (CL) Pellet (CL-P) Supernatant (CL-S) Time =4μL CL + 100μL =(4μL CL-P) + 100μL =(4μL CL-S) + 100μL ONPG Point ONPG + 500μL Na2CO3 ONPG + 500μL Na2CO3 + + 500μL Na2CO3 + 500μL Z(min) + 500μL Z-buffer 500μL Z-buffer buffer t=2 t=15 0.068(inaccurate/out of range) 0.389 0.004 (inaccurate/out of range) 0.025 (inaccurate) 0.070 (inaccurate/out of range) 0.404 Calculation: Total Activity for CL Samples (absorption reading)*(dilution factor)/(#minutes in reaction mixture)* (1nmolONP/mL)/ (0.0045A420) * (#mL of reaction mixture) / (#enzyme sample analyzed) * (#mL in sample) CL-S: @ t=15 timepoint (0.404 A420*2)/15min * 1nmol ONP/mL/0.0045 A420/min * 1104μL/4μL * 1.2*10^3μL = 3171U CL: @ t=15 timepoint (0.389 A420*2)/15min * 1nmol ONP/mL/0.0045 A420/min * 1104μL/4μL * 1.2*10^3μL = 3053U Because the range of accuracy on the spectrophotometer is 0.1 to 1.00 A420, CL-P was out of range on both readings and hence no viable total activity could be calculated. The crude lysate supernatant had the highest OD420 reading, and therefore contained the most β-galactosidase.