
Resolution of Respect
"Beautiful life is that whose span
Is spent in duty to God and man,
Beautiful calm when the course is run;
Beautiful twilight at set of sun:
Beautiful death, with a life well done."
In Memory of Sir Knight
who passed
from our sight (Date)
Once again a Sir Knight, having passed through the
experience which mortals call death, beyond which he is
continuing his progress toward the new Jerusalem, there to
receive his reward, the white stone with new name written
And Whereas, The all-wise and Merciful Master of the
universe still guides his upward steps toward His throne of
eternal glory,
And whereas, He having been a true and faithful Sir
Knight of our beloved order, therefor be it
Resolved that
Commandery No.
Knights Templar of Virginia, through respect to his fidelity
and integrity, that we tender to the family of our deceased Sir
Knight our sincere condolences in their tribulations, and that a
copy of this resolution be sent to the family.
"They're passing away these dear old friends,
Like a leaf on a current cast;
With never a break in the rapid flow,
We watch them as one by one they go
Into the beautiful past."
Em.Commander ____________________