BSSD Performance Task Template What content areas, levels, and standards does this activity address? CA 3.2 Compares and contrasts 2 or more Native American cultures. WR 4.8 Uses resources such as computers, word processing software, dictionaries, and thesauruses to improve writing. SS 3.1 Formulates questions to be answered through research. ** Can you think of any other content areas that can be addressed with this activity? What is it that you want students to know and be able to do? 1. 2. 3. Compare and contrast 2 or more Native American cultures. Use a computer to do research of the chosen Native groups. Be able to use research done to complete the work. Essential Vocabulary: Know what compare and contrast is. Be able to differentiate between traditional and western clothing, foods, language, customs and dance. OVERVIEW OF PERFORMANCE TASK: 1. Find 3 specific examples of how these two groups are alike. 2. Find 3 specific examples of how these two groups are different. 3. Follow the rubric provided to write a paper. Closure: The finished paper shows 3 or more comparison and 3 or more contrasts for the chosen Native American groups. ASSESSMENT Developing Traits/Targets -- Emerging CA 3.2 Student gives 1 or less specific examples of how 2 cultures are alike for comparison. Student gives 1 or less specific example of how 2 cultures are different for contrast. Student gives 2 specific examples of how 2 cultures are alike for comparison. Student gives 2 specific examples of how 2 cultures are different. Paper is disorganized with no clear introduction and conclusion. Errors are numerous in grammar and punctuation. Paper has a title, an introduction and a conclusion but is not well organized. Errors are minimal in grammar and punctuation. WR 4.8 Materials and Resources: AIS 100: Introduction to American Indian Studies Handout,, Google search for chosen Native American native group. + Proficient Student gives 3 specific examples of how 2 cultures are alike. For comparison, student gives 3 specific examples of how 2 cultures are different. For contrasting, student gives 3 specific examples of how 2 cultures are different. Paper is well organized with paragraphs, a title, an introduction and a conclusion. Errors in grammar and punctuation * Advanced Student gives more than 3 specific examples of how 3 or more cultures are alike for comparison. Student gives more than 3 specific examples of how 3 or more cultures are different for contrasting. Paper meets standard for Proficient plus has no errors in grammar or punctuation. It is double spaced.