The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Carterton District Council


The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Carterton District Council held in the Carterton Events

Centre, Holloway Street, Carterton on Wednesday 26 th August 2015 at 1.00pm

Present Mayor J Booth (Presiding)

Crs M Ashby, E Brazendale, R Carter, J Greathead, R Keys, W Knowles,

G Lang & M Palmers

In Attendance C Wright (Chief Executive)

M Sebire (Corporate Services Manager)

1. Apologies

There were no apologies.

M Hautler (Planning & Regulatory Manager)

S Hayes (Committee Secretary)

2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest

There were no conflicts of interested declared.

3. Notification of General Business/Late Items

3.1 Belvedere Hall

4. Public Forum

4.1 Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) – Greg Rzesniowiecki

G Rzesniowiecki attended the council meeting to make a further presentation on the TPP and provide an update on progress with the agreement. He asked Council to support the TPP Policy

Solution to protect the interest of the public majority.

The Mayor advised the next Combined Council meeting is to be held on 10 November and that Mr

Rzesniowiecki should contact GWRC who are hosting the meeting. He further advised that this council will further consider his request after the Combined Council meeting and discussions with

South Wairarapa District Council.

5. Chief Executive’s Report


To update elected members on matters of interest or requiring Council input/resolution.


That the information in this report be received.

Crs Knowles/Keys



That the Council does not endorse any particular proposal for enhanced flood protection from the

Waiohine River at this point.

Crs Knowles/Ashby



That the Greater Wellington Regional Council be advised that this Council considers that the ‘local’ funding for any enhancements to the Waiohine River flood protection should be along similar lines to the existing rating classification scheme.

Crs Ashby/Lang



That there be no charge for litter delivered to the Dalefield Road transfer station in Keep NZ

Beautiful marked bags.


Crs Carter/Greathead


Elected Members Reports

An Elected Member report was received from Cr Keys.

Verbal reports were given by Crs Greathead, Lang and Ashby.

7. Correspondence & Other Items

7.1 Stopping of Portion of Road


For Council to resolve to stop a portion of road reserve on Mt Holdsworth Road.


That the vesting of the portion of Mt Holdsworth Road which adjoins that parcel of land (Lot 1 DP

10247) on Plan OTS-204-03 be offered to complete the redress package to Rangitane with the Office of Treaty Settlements.

Crs Carter/Palmers



That after considering the requirements of the Wairarapa Combined District Plan, and any other

Council policy document, this portion of Mt Holdsworth Road (paper road) should now be stopped in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1974.

Crs Palmers/Greathead



That the Office of Treaty Settlements be responsible for all legal and survey aspects of the vesting process including any associated costs.

Crs Knowles/Brazendale


7.2 Joint Committee for the Wellington Region Waste Management and Minimisation



To re-establish the Joint Committee for the Wellington Region Waste Management and

Minimisation Plan (the Joint Committee), approve the Terms of Reference and delegations of the

Joint Committee, and appoint an elected member to the Joint Committee.


That Council approve the re-establishment of the Joint Committee for the Wellington Region Waste

Management and Minimisation Plan.

Crs Brazendale/Ashby



That Council approve the revised Terms of Reference of the Joint Committee.

Crs Carter/Brazendale



That Council approve the appointment of Cr Greathead to the Joint Committee to represent the


Crs Brazendale/Ashby


7.3 Budget Carry-Forward to 2015/16


To seek Council approval to carry-forward unspent budgets from 2014/15 to 2015/16.


That Council approve the carry-forward to 2015/16 budgets of the following capital expenditure.

Water supply resource consent

Kaipaitangata Fish Ladders

Wilton Swamp pipe

New playground at South End

Howard Booth carpark lighting






Millennium Park upgrade

Security camera upgrade

Kaipaitangata multi-sports park

Daleton Farm AEE

Additional shelter belt

Wetlands planting support

Car parking Gallons Road










Crs Carter/Greathead



That Council approve the carrying forward of the remaining unspent balance of $340,000 for unspecified sewage treatment and disposal development in 2015/16.

Crs Brazendale/Ashby


7.4 Carterton District Council Community Grants Interim Policy


To provide Council with a suitable policy to proceed with the 2015 Community Grants round as specified in the Long Term Plan.


That Council approve the Carterton District Council Interim Annual Grants Policy.

Crs Brazendale/Greathead



That Council delegate the role of allocating funds to a committee comprising four Councillors.

Crs Greathead/Ashby



That the Community Development Manager and Cultural Services Coordinator act as advisors to the


Crs Carter/Brazendale



That advertising for the 2015 round commence on 1 September 2015, with a completion date for the round being 12 October 2015.

Crs Knowles/Ashby



That Council agree to carry out a further review of the Grants Policy after October 2015 to enable a

July 2016 grants round to take place.

Crs Palmers/Carter



That a committee comprising Crs Brazendale, Carter, Palmers and Keys be appointed to allocate

Community Grants, be approved.

Crs Greathead/Knowles


7.5 Correspondence from Aratoi

A letter was received from Aratoi seeking this council’s comment on proposed changes to the Aratoi

Regional Trust Deed to increase the number of Trustees from seven to eight to recognise the significance both Iwi have in the region.


That Council supports the proposed change to the Aratoi Regional Trust Deed.

Crs Palmers/Brazendale


7.6 Toi Wairarapa – Strategic Plan 2015

The Toi Wairarapa Strategic Plan 2015 was tabled for discussion by Elected Members.

It was agreed this item be further discussed as public excluded business.

8. General Business/Late Items

8.1 Ruamahanga Whaitua Committee Update

Cr Ashby advised community meetings have been held at Featherston and Kopuaranga with the final meeting to be held on 1 September at Te Rangimarie Marae. He further stated the consultation process has taken considerable time and effort.

8.2 Request from Wairarapa Social Sector Trial

Mayor Booth advised he has received a request from Wairarapa SST for the use of the Events Centre facility to hold the Central Regional Primary Forum at no charge.

After discussion it was agreed Mayor Booth will advise them the Events Centre facility is available at the community rate.

8.3 Mayoral Task Force for Jobs Wairarapa – Wairarapa Apprentice & Industry Trainees

Graduation Ceremony

Mayor Booth advised he has received correspondence from Masterton District Council seeking some financial support towards the graduation ceremony costs.


That Council approve $1,000 towards the Wairarapa Apprentice & Industry Trainees graduation ceremony costs.

Crs Knowles/Ashby


9. Confirmation of Minutes

9.1 Ordinary Meeting 29 th July 2015


That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on 29 th July subject to a minor correction be confirmed.

Crs Carter/Brazendale


10. Matters Arising from Minutes

There were no matters arising.

11. Public Excluded


That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting, namely,—

11.1 Minutes of the public excluded portion of the Ordinary Meeting held on 29 th July


11.2 Refund of Rates to Ratepayer

11.3 Belvedere Hall

11.4 Toi Wairarapa

The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the

Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48(1) for the passing of this resolution

Minutes of the public excluded portion of the

Ordinary Meeting held on 29

July 2015

For Council matters considered that to to consider are not be appropriately discussed in an open meeting

Refund of Rates to Ratepayer For Council to consider matters that are not

Belvedere Hall considered to be appropriately discussed in an open meeting

For Council to consider matters that are not considered to be appropriately discussed in an open meeting

To enable the carrying out of negotiations without prejudice of disadvantage and to protect the privacy of individuals

To enable the carrying out of negotiations without prejudice of disadvantage and to protect the privacy of individuals

To enable the carrying out of negotiations without prejudice of disadvantage

Toi Wairarapa For Council to consider matters that are not considered to be appropriately discussed in an open meeting

To enable the carrying out of negotiations without prejudice of disadvantage and to protect the privacy of individuals

Crs Greathead/Carter


The public portion of the meeting adjourned at 2.25pm

The public portion of the meeting resumed at 3.35pm

13. General Business

The Mayor and Councillors expressed their condolences and sympathies to Milan Hautler for the recent loss of his brother.

The public portion of the meeting concluded at 3.37pm

Minutes confirmed……………………………………….

