Append F 5 – Intervention Quick Guide

PCBH Program Manual Appendix F5
PCBH Intervention Quick Guide
This list includes a variety of evidence-based interventions for common psychological problems.
It is intended to give PCBs ideas for intervening with problems on the Referral Checklist, but not
to include all possible interventions.
Referral Problem
1. Attn-Focus-Hyper
2. Adherence
Handout: Using
3. Alcohol / Drug
4. Anger
5. Anxiety
6. Behavior Problem
7. Chronic Pain
Possible Interventions
 With PCP, assess using Vanderbilt system
 Address social skill deficits
 Address parenting issues
 Homework plan
 Address related behavioral problems
 Teach focusing skills
 Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
 Explore beliefs, world view regarding treatment plan
 Address barriers
 Build in social support, if possible
 Motivational interviewing
 Harm reduction strategies
 Mindfulness and value-based behavior change planning
 Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
 Teach present moment skills
 Explore triggers and address
 Teach strategies for low cost / no cost expression of anger
 Explore possible deficits in assertion skills and address
 Explore cost / benefits of angry expressions
 Explore values as they relate to others impacted by angry
 Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
 Teach present moment skills
 Teach relaxation skills
 Develop exposure plan based on pursuit of valued actions
 Explore cognitions (catastrophizing)
 Behavior Modification
 Shift focus from pain avoidance to pain acceptance
 Shift focus from pain elimination to pursuit of a higher
quality of life
 Values Clarification
 Skills for pain management (for example, pacing)
 On-going support of behavior change directed by patient’s
8. Cognitive
9. Depression
10. Develop. Disability
11. Diabetes
12. Eating
13. Exercise
14. Family Health
15. Fatigue
16. Gambling
17. Gender Identity
Safety and social support planning
Health care access and support plan
Support and planning with caregiver(s)
Behavior Activation Plan
Social Plan
Exercise Plan
Active (vs. avoidant) problem solving
Planning consistent with outcome tool results (Duke or PSC)
Coordination with resources (schools, voc training, case
managers, etc.)
Health care access and support plan
Support and planning with caregivers
Assess strengths and weaknesses in regards to selfmanagement
Target area where patient has greater level of readiness for
Address psychosocial stressors
Address barriers to adherence to treatment
Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
Behavior Modification
Healthy Lifestyle Coaching
Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
Behavior Modification
Relationship strengthening plan (for example, play time,
Caring Days, parent skill training)
Behavior Modification (Star Chart)
Listening skills
Mindfulness skills
Functional Analysis (Three Ts)
Behavioral Modification
Assess sleep, relaxation skills
Values Clarification
Behavior Modification
Harm Reduction
Functional analysis (Three Ts)
Values clarification
Problem solving
Lifestyle planning
Social skill training / social support planning
Appendix F5-Page 2
18. Grief
19. Headaches
20. High Risk Behaviors
21. Hypertension
22. Occupational
23. Parenting
24. Relationship
25. Safety
26. School
27. Sleep Problem
28. Social Problem
Listening and support
Encouragement of active experience of grief
Connection with others (for example, grief group or friends
and family members)
Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
Address contributing factors (for example, hydration, high
stress, poor sleep, inadequate relaxation skills)
Follow protocols of Your Clinic
Teach relaxation skills (particularly progressive muscle
Encourage increase in playful and restorative activities
Problem solve barriers to improved diet
Support gradual support of an exercise program, as approved
by PCP
Explore barriers to medication adherence
Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
Problem solving
Skill training as indicated
Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
Teach relationship building skills
Teach stress reduction activities
Assist with creation of daily schedules
Teach behavior modification skills
Teach mindfulness skills
Teach communication skills
Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
(see Parenting Stress)
Caring Days Plan
Train on steps of effective problem solving
Follow protocols of Your Clinic
Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
Coordination with teacher (special programs)
Explore homework, tutoring, social concerns
Enhance motivation (e.g., career direction, tour of clinic)
Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
Address identified sleep hygiene problems
Stimulus control
Relaxation training
Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
Address social skill deficits (for example, effective assertion,
playful interactions, guides for productive disagreements,
optimal rate of engagement in social activities)
Appendix F5-Page 3
29. Stress-related Illness
30. Tobacco Cessation
31. Substance Misuse
32. Weight
Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
Stress reduction training
Relaxation training
Active approach to solving life problems
Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
Motivational Interviewing
Cognitive behavioral interventions one-to-one or in groups
Quit Line
Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
Motivational Interviewing
Harm reduction
Cognitive behavioral interventions
Values clarification
Functional Analysis (Three T’s)
Address identified unhealthy lifestyle habits (including diet,
exercise, and restful/restorative activities)
 Cognitive behavioral interventions one-to-one or in groups
Appendix F5-Page 4