2400_zero_code Page 1 of 3 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL KAIBAB NATIONAL FOREST (REGION 3) WILLIAMS, AZ FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER – ZERO CODE Supplement No.: 2400-2004-1 Effective Date: June 29, 2004. Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: MICHAEL R. WILLIAMS Forest Supervisor Date Approved: 06/14/2004 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was 2400-20023 to FSM 2430.3. New Document 2400_zero_code 3 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 2401.28- -1 (Kaibab Supplement #71, dated November 1993) 2 Pages Digest: In order by code, summarize the main additions, revisions, or removal of direction incorporated in this supplement. 2404.28 - Updates specific delegations of Timber Sale and Disposal Authority. KAIBAB SUPPLEMENT: 2400-2004-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/29/2004 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2400_zero_code Page 2 of 3 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER - ZERO CODE 2404.28 – Specific Delegations of Timber Sale and Disposal Authority Exhibit 01 displays the Authorities delegated by the Forest Supervisor to enter into contracts and permits to sell and dispose of National Forest timber and forest products for the Kaibab National Forest. The Forest Supervisor may delegate authorities that exceed the amount authorized in exhibit 01 to named individuals for specific sales. 2404.28 - Exhibit 01 Delegated Authority To Sell and Dispose of National Forest Timber and Forest Products Type of Disposal Legal Authority Reference Delegated Officer 1/ Maximum Approved Level Volume or Value Policy Reference Commercial Sales 36 CFR 223.1 7 CFR 2.60 District Ranger 5,000 3/ CCF 2/ FSM 2431 Administrative Use Sales 36 CFR 223.2 7 CFR 2.60 District Ranger 500 CCF 2/ FSM 2463 Special Forest Product Sales 36 CFR 223.1 7 CFR 2.60 District Ranger $10,000 5/ Advertised Value FSM 2467 Free Use 36 CFR 223.5223.10 7 CFR 2.60 District Ranger $20 Appraised Value 7/ FSM 2462 Federal Free Use 36 CFR 223.11 7 CFR 2.60 District Ranger None Appraised Value 7/ FSM 2462 Administrative Free Use 36 CFR 223.2 7 CFR 2.60 District Ranger $200 8/ CCF 2/ FSM 2463 Settlement Sales 36 CFR 223.12 7 CFR 2.60 District Ranger None CCF 2/ FSM 2464 KAIBAB SUPPLEMENT: 2400-2004-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/29/2004 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2400_zero_code Page 3 of 3 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER - ZERO CODE 2404.28 - Exhibit 01--Continued Maximum Approved Level Volume or Value Policy Reference District Ranger None CCF 2/ FSM 2465 36 CFR 223.3 7 CFR 2.60 District Ranger As Delegated 9/ CCF 2/ FSM 2466 Innocent Trespass Timber Sales 36 CFR 223.1 7 CFR 2.60 District Ranger As Delegated 10/ Appraised Value FSM 2466 Cooperative and Federal Sustained Yield Unit Sales 36 CFR 223.117 7 CFR 2.60 District Ranger None 3/ CCF 2/ FSM 2468 Timber Property Sales 36 CFR 223.1 7 CFR 2.60 District Ranger None CCF 2/ FSM 2469 Environmental Analysis 36 CFR 223.1 36 CFR 223.2 District Ranger 20,000 CCF 2/ FSM 1950 Type of Disposal Legal Authority Reference Delegated Officer 1/ Exchange Timber Sales 36 CFR 223.4 7 CFR 2.60 Seized Timber Sales 1/ Refer to FSM 2404.21, paragraphs 1a through d for the four separate authorities that may be delegated to individuals. In making delegations, line officers cannot exceed the volumes and values in this exhibit. 2/ Volumes shown in hundred cubic feet (CCF) may be interpreted to mean an equivalent amount in thousands of board feet (MBF) or hundred cubic meters (CCM). 3/ The maximum amount of 5,000 CCF may be delegated to a District Contracting Officer. 4/ The maximum amount of 500 CCF may be delegated to a District Contracting Officer. 5/ The maximum amount of $10,000 may be delegated to a District Contracting Officer. 6/ Regional Forester may increase this amount to $500 in times of emergency and Regional Forester may delegate up to $5,000 for certain mining claims (36 CFR 223.9). 7/ Amounts listed are restricted by regulation (36 CFR 223.8). 8/ The maximum amount of 200 CCF may be delegated to a District Contracting Officer. 9/ Amount delegated on a case-by-case basis by the Regional Forester. 10/ The maximum amount of $500 may be delegated to a District Contracting Officer. 11/ Regional Foresters in Regions 3, 5, and 6 are delegated 100,000 CCF.